
Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of ainul-

  • 7/31/2019 ainul-


    TAJUK :


  • 7/31/2019 ainul-


    1 ) Pengenalan

    2 ) Pelaksanaan inovasi kurikulum KHSR

    - tujuan- cadangan inovasi P&P KHSR

    3 ) Pembangunan dan pemupukan pemikiran

    dalam inovasi kurikulum.

  • 7/31/2019 ainul-


    Kemahiran Hidup Sekolah Rendah (KHSR) adalah

    satu mata pelajaran dalam Kurikulum Bersepadu

    Sekolah Rendah yang diajar pada Tahap II. Mata

    pelajaran ini digubal

    melalui penguasaan

    dan serta pemupukan sikap

    yang positif berasaskan dan


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    KH adalah satu subjek yang dikenali sebagai

    mata pelajaran

    KH menambah dan menekankan aspek sebagai satu wadah yang harus dikuasai


    Bidang penting KH ialahdan

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  • 7/31/2019 ainul-


    Memberi penguasaan


    membolehkan pelajar mengeluarkan idea

    yang kreatif, inovatif dan inventif.

    memahami fungsi produk serta menghasilkan

    projek dengan menggunakan pelbagai bahan.

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    pelajar berupaya menyenggara serta

    membaiki kerosakan kecil pada alatan, mesinmudah dan perabot.

    memberi peluang kepada murid

    mengamalkan sikap pengguna yang bijak.

    Rujukan : Jurnal Penyelidikan Ilmiah Baharu,

    Siti Aminah bt. Sulai.

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    Guru KHSR harus memainkan peranan untuk

    mengurus bengkel dan keperluan aktiviti P&P

    yang sesuai, seronok, ceria dan selamat.

    Guru KHSR harus sentiasa sedia untuk

    melengkap dan meningkatkan pengetahuan

    serta kemahiran dari semasa ke semasa.

    Guru KHSR harus memiliki komitmen dan

    kualiti seorang guru subjek KH.

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    Berdasarkan Prince (2004) in Hayn G.E (2006),

    problem based learning menekankan pendidikan

    perlu berpusatkan murid dan mencadangkanteknik-teknik pengajaran yang perlu diinovasi

    dalam kurikulum ialah :

    1) Establishing Purpose and Process (membina

    bahan dan proses)

    2) Implementation Process(mewujudkan proses)

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    Guru harus menerangkan objektif

    pembelajaran pada awal set induksi.

    Guru harus menerangkan tajuk pembelajaran.

    Guru harus menyatakan harapan terhadap

    P&P pada hari tersebut.

  • 7/31/2019 ainul-


    Students will start gathering information neededto redefine the problems or issues, for example,issues on Boycott US Product Campaign, killing

    our local company. The students need to list outthe significant parts of the issues and at thesame time they will learn new concepts,principles, or skills. This is a trigger number one

    and students will start working together to dealwith the issue. This step will help them to achievesubject syllabus objective and promote teamspirit among them.

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    The students will discuss information and factsregarding the issues. This is a trigger numbertwo. The students start to focus on currentsituations surrounding the problem and relatethem with their knowledge from past experiences(reading from newspaper or watching news, etc).

    In this session, one person from each group isresponsible to take notes and list all relevantinformation. After that, the students should beable to adapt all the knowledge that they learned

    from past courses. For example like therelationship between political, economic, socio-cultures, legal issues, etc. and the businessdevelopment

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    Next, our students need to developstatements regarding the issues.Brainstorming process will be used to develophypothesis and solutions to solve theproblem. In this section, the students start touse all analytical and creative skills that theyhave acquired from past courses, andexperiences accumulated from lifelonglearning process. This is going to be trigger

    number three to our students as they need tolook at both sides of the arguments; thepositive and negative impacts of boycottingUS product.

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    In this session, the groups of students will

    test their hypothesis by gathering all

    information from classroom, resource

    reading, texts, library sources, video, and

    from external experts on the subject. In this

    session also, students do brainstroming and

    come out with arguments.

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    Get the general agreement regarding the

    solutions, actions, or implications and choose

    the best explanation regarding the issues or


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    Each group needs to present the findings orrecommendations to the class at the end ofthe session and get direct feedback from thelecturer and other groups of students. All the

    solution must be supported by facts and ashort report regarding the issues need to besubmitted in the next class session.

    The lecturer will monitor the process and the

    technique process can be repeated andrecycled to get new information and redefinethe problem.

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