Blanca Lopez Barajas - Cuentos de Plastilina (Bilingue)

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Blanca Lopez Barajas - Cuentos de Plastilina (Bilingue)

  • 7/31/2019 Blanca Lopez Barajas - Cuentos de Plastilina (Bilingue)


    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 0

  • 7/31/2019 Blanca Lopez Barajas - Cuentos de Plastilina (Bilingue)


    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 1

    2009. Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-BarajasPortada diseo: Celeste Ortega (

    Difusin de la obra: ttakus

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    23004 Jan-EspaaTel.: +34 953 08 76 80
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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 2


    Introduccin/Introduction ............................................................................................... 3

    La beb Constitucin/The baby Constitution ................................................................. 4

    El cumpleaos de la Constitucin/The Constitutions birthday... 6

    Los enanitos tambin pueden/The seven dwarves can clean house too! ................. 8

    Tronchete el marranete/Dirty Daniel ........................................................................... 11

    Los dientes picados/The annoyed teeth ...................................................................... 13

    Caperucita salva al lobo/Little red riding hood saves the wolf ..................................... 16

    Tengo una idea/I have an idea .................................................................................... 18

    El semforo de colorines/The colorfol stoplight ........................................................... 20

    Carta a los Reyes Magos/The Wolfs letter to Santa Claus ......................................... 23

    Historia de Dinillo/Little Dinosaurss lesson ................................................................. 27

    El debate de las provincias/The debate of the andalusian provinces .......................... 30

    Viaje por Andaluca/Journey through Andalusia .......................................................... 33

    El Pas de los nios/Kid Country ................................................................................. 38

    La autora/The authoress ............................................................................................ 43

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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 3


    Querid@ lector@: leme, por


    Querido/a lector/a estos

    cuentos estn escritos en unas

    circunstancias concretas, pero, me

    gustara que, cuando los cuentes

    en clase o a tus hijos/as o

    sobrinos/as o a cualquier otro/a

    nio/a, les hagas las

    modificaciones que t creas

    pertinentes ya que estn hechos a

    base de plastilina (que como

    sabes adopta infinidad de formas y

    tiene mil colores) y de mucha,

    mucha imaginacin. Espero que

    disfrutes con ellos y que te saquen

    de algn apuro cuando se te

    hayan gastado, aunque sea

    momentneamente, tus ideas.


    Dear reader: Please Read me!

    Dear reader, these stories are written

    in concrete circumstances. However, I

    would like that when you read them to

    a class or to your children, nieces,

    nephews or any child you may be

    reading them to, that you make

    modifications that pertain to your

    audience. These stories are made

    with a play-dough base so that you

    can make infinite variations to them

    such as names, places, colors, etc

    thus leaving room for your

    imagination. I truly hope that you

    enjoy them and that they may lend

    you a helping hand, maybe even only

    momentarily, when you have run out

    of ideas.

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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 4


    Sabis nios qu cumpleaos

    celebramos hoy? El cumpleaos de

    la Constitucin. Os voy a explicar

    qu es la Constitucin y por qu

    celebramos hoy su cumpleaos.

    Tambin ella fue una beb y una

    nia como vosotros y vosotras.

    Ahora tiene aos.

    Hace muchos aos en .

    (nombre del municipio o lugar

    donde nos encontremos), en

    Espaa, cuando las seos eran tan

    pequeas como vosotros/as

    suceda que las normas y las leyes

    que haba no eran iguales para

    todos y todas los espaoles. Y

    esto, aunque no lo parezca, era un

    enorme problema.

    Era como si yo no os tratara a

    todos y a todas por igual y, por

    ejemplo, a unos nios les dejara ir

    al recreo y a otros no; a unos nias

    les diera los lpices y los colores

    nuevos y a otros siempre los viejos.

    Qu pensarais de m? Seguro

    que dirais que soy una seo muy


    Children, children, do any of you

    know whose birthday we celebrate

    today? No? Well, it is the birthday

    of the Constitution, of course! Let

    me explain to you what the

    Constitution is and why we celebrate

    its birthday

    A long, long time ago it was a

    little child just like you all. It is all

    grown up now and is years old

    (Insert number of years old your

    Constitution is). But many years ago

    in .(name of municipality or place

    where you are in the world), when

    the ladies and gentlemen were as

    small as you are, it occurred that the

    norms and laws they had at that

    time, were not equal for all Spanish

    people. Although it didnt seem so at

    the time, this was a very big problem.

    It would be like me not treating all of

    you kids the same, for example,

    maybe I would let some of you go

    out for play time and others not; or to

    some of you I would give out the new

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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 5

    mala. Eso es lo que pasaba

    entonces en nuestro pas.

    Como no se poda seguir as con

    leyes y normas que no eran las

    mismas para todos y todas,

    decidieron unos hombres y unas

    mujeres muy sabios y muy buenos

    hacer unas leyes que trataran por

    igual a todos y todas los espaoles.

    Estas leyes son nuestra

    Constitucin. As naci, nios, la

    Constitucin. Desde ese da, 6 de

    Diciembre de 1978, hay igualdad y

    libertad en Espaa, y, por eso,

    porque estamos muy contentos,

    celebramos cada ao su


    Y colorn colorado, este

    cuento se ha acabado.

    coloring pencils with new colors and

    only old ones to others. What would

    you think about me then? I am sure

    that you would all say that I am a

    very bad teacher. Well, that is what

    was happening in our country.

    Since they couldnt continue like

    this with unfair laws and norms,

    many smart and very good men and

    women decided to make new laws

    that would treat every Spanish

    person equally. These new laws are

    our Constitution. And just like that,

    the Constitution was born. Since

    that day of December 6, 1978 there

    is freedom and equality in Spain and

    because we are very happy, we

    celebrate the birthday of the

    Constitution every year. And with

    that, kids, this tale has come to an


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    Hola, nios, soy la

    Constitucin y vengo a explicaros

    quin soy. Soy un libro muy gordote

    que est lleno de leyes y normas

    iguales para todos los espaoles y

    espaolas. Como sois todos muy

    listos os voy a hacer unas cuantas

    preguntillas. Decidme: Qu

    normas tenis en la clase? .....

    Lavarse las manos antes de comer,

    no molestar a los dems cuando

    trabajamos, no pelearse en el

    patio..... Imaginaos por un

    momento cmo seran la clase y el

    cole sin normas: seran un

    autntico desastre: el pato estara

    lleno de basura, los nios se

    llevaran los juguetes a sus casas y

    no podramos jugar en la clase, las

    fichas estaras tiradas por los

    suelos, Qu horror! No quiero ni


    Pues eso mismo pasara en

    Espaa si no hubiera una norma

    igual para todos los que vivimos en



    Hello kids, I am the Constitution! I

    have come today to explain to you

    who I am. I am a very thick book

    that is full of laws and norms to

    provide equality for all of the

    Spanish boys and girls. I see you

    are all very smart, so Im going to

    ask you some questions. First of

    all, what norms have you got in your

    class? For example Im sure you

    have rules like washing your hands

    before eating, not bothering others

    when working, not fighting on the

    patio, etc. Imagine for a moment

    how class and school would be

    without rules: it would be a

    complete disaster. The patio would

    be full of trash, the children would

    take toys home and we wouldnt be

    able to play in class, everyone

    would throw worksheets on the floor

    and how terrible! I dont even want

    to think about it.

    Well, the exact same would happen

    in Spain if there wasnt equality for

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    ella, si no existiera yo, la

    Constitucin, que todo sera un

    desastre y un desorden total

    porque estaramos siempre

    pegndonos y molestndonos y

    todo estara muy sucio y muy feo.

    As que, unos hombres muy

    buenos y muy sabios me hicieron

    hace.. (decir los aos que cumpla

    la Constitucin) aos para que

    todos vivamos muy felices en


    Antes de despedirme os voy

    a pedir que os acordis de m, al

    menos de vez en cuando, es decir,

    el da de mi cumpleaos. Os invito

    a mi fiesta a todos y a todos, que

    se celebra hoy en el cole. Adems,

    no hace falta que me hagis ningn

    regalo, porque vosotros sois mi


    Y colorn, colorado, este

    cuento se ha acabado

    everyone living there. If I, the

    Constitution, didnt exist, everything

    would be a disaster and disordered

    because we would always be

    fighting and bothering each other

    and everything would be dirty and

    ugly. Yuck! The Spanish people

    didnt want this either, so, a group of

    good and intelligent people made

    me years (say however many

    years old the constituion is) ago so

    that we could all live happily ever

    after just like in the fairy tales.

    So, before saying goodbye I want to

    ask you all to remember me from

    time to time, at least on my birthday.

    All of you are invited to my party

    that we are celebrating today in

    school. It will be loads of fun and

    not to mention free because no one

    needs to give me a gift today on my

    birthday. Why dont I need a

    present? Because all of you are

    gifts to

    me! I dont need any more. With

    that said, this tale has come to an


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    Un da, cuando los siete

    enanitos llegaron a la casa se

    encontraron que la comida estaba

    sin hacer, las camas abiertas, el

    cuarto de bao sucio, ... Qu

    habr pasado? Se preguntaban los

    unos a los otros. De pronto, se

    encontraron que Blancanieves

    estaba superresfriada y se haba

    tenido que meter en la cama.

    Lo siento, chicos, - dijo

    Blancanieves- con voz ronca y en

    medio de un estornudo.

    No te preocupes- le contestaron los

    siete enanitos-. Nosotros podemos

    hacerlo. Y as se pusieron manos a

    la obra. Pero, ocurri, que como no

    saban hacer las tareas de la casa,

    todo fue un desastre: la tortilla se les

    quem, rompieron 18 platos al poner

    la mesa, encharcaron el cuarto de

    bao al quererlo fregar, las camas

    tenan mil arrugas. Se acostaron,

    por fin, muy tristes y preocupados.

    Nosotros no podemos hacerlo se



    One day when the seven dwarves

    arrived home they found many

    unusual things. The food wasnt

    done, the beds werent made, the

    bathroom was dirty, etc. What

    had happened? they all asked

    each other? Suddenly, they saw

    that Snow White had a terrible

    cold and had to stay in bed all day.

    Im sorry guys, said Snow white

    with a hoarse voice and in the

    middle of a sneeze. A-choo! I

    feel terrible.

    Dont worry, answered the seven


    We can do it. With that said,

    they put their hands to work.

    However, it was obvious that the

    dwarves did not know how to do

    the house chores, everything was

    a disaster: they burnt the omelets,

    broke 18 plates when trying to set

    the table, flooded the bathroom

    when all they wanted to do was

    scrub it and all the beds had

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    Sin embargo, al da

    siguiente, Blancanieves les dijo:

    Vosotros, ach, s podis hacerlo.

    Solo necesitis que yo os ensee.

    A todos les pareci una magnfica

    idea. En unas cuantas semanas los

    siete enanitos saban guisar,

    planchar, lavar, hacer las camas,

    barrer. Qu contentos estaban


    El enanito Sabio tambin

    tuvo una idea brillante:

    ensear a Blancanieves a trabajar

    en la mina.

    De esta forma todos podan

    hacer de todo y se cambiaban el

    puesto segn queran. Adems, se

    descubri que Perezoso era un

    excelente cocinero, que Mudito

    lavaba los platos como nadie y que

    Blancanieves poda hacer tneles

    ms altos que los enanitos.

    Por supuesto, cuando

    Blancanieves se cas con el

    prncipe le ense a hacer las

    faenas de la casa y, claro, cuando

    wrinkles in the sheets. Finally

    they went to bed very sad and

    worried. We cant do it, they

    sadly said.

    However, the following day, Snow

    White said to them: Hey guys, A-

    choo, you can do it. You only

    need for me to teach you. This

    seemed like a marvelous idea to

    everyone. Snow White began to

    teach the dwarves how to do the

    house chores and within a matter

    of weeks the seven dwarves knew

    how to cook, iron, wash, make the

    beds and sweep. They were so


    Then Doc, the smartest of the

    dwarves, had another idea: to

    teach Snow White how to work in

    the mines where the dwarves


    This way everyone could do

    everything and change places

    whenever they wanted. Aside

    from this, they discovered that

    Sleepy was an excellent cook,

    Bashful could wash plates better

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    saban que a Perezoso le tocaba

    guisar iban a comer con los

    enanitos, faltara ms.

    Y colorn, colorado, este

    cuento se ha acabado.

    than everyone and that Snow

    White could dig higher tunnels

    than the dwarves.

    So of course, when Snow White

    married the Prince Charming, she

    taught him how to do some of the

    housework as well, and when they

    knew it was Bashfuls turn to cook

    they knew without doubt they were

    going to eat with the dwarves.

    This is how the dwarves and Snow

    White learned to help each other

    just like we should with each other

    so everyone can live happily ever

    after. The End

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    Tronchete era un nio muy

    guapo y muy simptico que tena

    muchos amigos y amigas en su

    clase. Pero, resulta que le dio por no

    lavarse y hacer el guarro: no se

    lavaba las manos ni la cara ni el

    pelo, se tiraba pedos, eructaba, se

    coma los mocos, estornudaba sin

    ponerse la mano...... De repente se

    qued sin amigos porque ningn

    nio de la clase ni del colegio quera

    estar con l; es ms, en cuanto lo

    vean salan corriendo. Pronto

    empezaron a llamarlo Tronchete el


    Tronchete se puso muy triste

    al no poder jugar con nadie, pero, no

    se daba cuenta de que no queran ir

    con l porque estaba muy sucio.

    Lloraba por las tardes en su casa.

    Su mam y su pap se preocuparon

    y decidieron ir a hablar con la

    maestra. Ella les dijo lo que pasaba.

    Esa misma tarde su madre lo

    ba, le cort el pelo y las uas, le

    ech colonia y le ense a no ser


    Daniel was actually a very

    handsome boy and very nice who

    had many friends in his class. But

    they made fun of him and started

    calling him Dirty Daniel for having

    ugly manners such as not taking

    baths, not washing his hands, face

    or hair, passed gas, burped, wiped

    his nose with his hands, sneezed

    without covering his mouth, and

    many more. Suddenly, Daniel

    found himself without a friend in

    the world because no one wanted

    to be close to him. Even worse,

    when the other children saw him

    they ran away.

    Daniel became very sad and

    couldnt play with anyone, but, he

    didnt realize that they didnt want

    to play with him because he was

    so dirty. He cried during the

    afternoon in his house. His mom

    and dad became worried and

    decided to go and talk to Daniels

    teacher. She told them what was


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    tan maleducado. Al da siguiente sus

    compaeros no lo reconocieron al

    principio, pues se crean que era un

    nio nuevo. Pero l les dijo: Soy

    Tronchete. Enseguida todos se

    pusieron muy contentos de ver que

    haba cambiado, ya s queran ser

    sus amigos y, por supuesto, dejaron

    de llamarlo Marranete.

    Y colorn, colorado, este

    cuento se ha acabado.

    That very same afternoon,

    his mother gave him a bath, cut

    his hair and nails, put cologne on

    him and taught him not to have

    bad manners. The next day, the

    other children didnt recognize him

    at first so they thought he was a

    new kid at school. He finally had

    to tell them, Hey its me, Daniel!

    Soon afterwards the children were

    very pleased to see that he had

    changed so much. They told him

    yes, We do want to be your

    friends, and of course stopped

    calling him Dirty Daniel. After that,

    everyone lived happily ever after,

    especially Daniel.

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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 13


    Esto era una vez unos

    dientes que vivan muy felices en la

    boca de una nia. Es hora de

    trabajar, Mara va a desayunar se

    decan unos a otros.

    Es hora de trabajar, Mara va a

    almorzar se volvan a decir unos a


    Es hora de trabajar, Mara va a


    Lo que ms les gustaba a los

    dientes es que Mara sonriera o se

    riese porque entonces abra la boca

    y ellos aprovechaban para ver el

    mundo: Un da vean la cara de su

    mejor amigo, otro da contemplaban

    las olas del mar. Todo era


    Pero sucedi que a Mara le

    dio por comer chuches y por no

    lavarse los dientes.

    Qu sucios estamos! Estamos

    llenos de azcar! Vaya asquito que

    damos! Se quejaban los dientes.

    Un da vieron venir a un


    This was a time when a set of

    teeth lived very happily inside the

    mouth of a little girl named Maria.

    Its time to work, Maria is going to

    eat breakfast, they said to each

    other. Its time to work, Maria is

    going to eat lunch, they said to

    each other again. Its time to

    work, Maria is going to eat dinner,

    they said to each other for the

    third time that day. This was the

    life of the teeth.

    What the teeth liked most is when

    Maria would smile or laugh

    because she opened her mouth

    and they were able to see the

    world. One day they saw the face

    of her best friend, another day

    they saw the ocean waves.

    Everything was absolutely

    marvelous for them. But what

    began to happen is that Maria was

    harming them by eating too many

    sweets and not brushing her teeth.

    Were so dirty! Were full of

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    bicho muy feo y horrible. Quin

    ser ese? Qu querr? Se

    preguntaban los dientes entre ellos.

    Entonces el bicho se

    present: Hola, amigos, soy la

    caries y vengo a vivir entre con


    Con nosotros? No queremos!

    Gritaron los dientes.

    Me da igual, -dijo Caries-, es ms,

    todava no os he dicho lo mejor: mi

    plato favorito son los dientes. En

    unos das me comer a uno de

    vosotros y despus seguir con los


    Alarma, alarma, alarma!!!

    Pero, cuando ya los dientes se

    vean hechos bocadillos, filetes y

    tortillas para la Caries, aparecieron

    don Cepillo y Doa Pasta que

    echaron la Caries en un periquete.

    Fuera, bicho, vete de aqu que no

    te queremos ni ver y despus

    limpiaron y dejaron de nuevo

    relucientes a los dientes.

    Los dientes volvieron a estar tan

    limpios y tan contentos como antes.

    sugar! Look how ugly we have

    become! the teeth complained.

    One day the saw an ugly and

    horrible germ. Who wants to be

    that? Who would want to be

    that? they asked each other.

    Well, this germ introduced itself by

    saying: Hello new friends! Im a

    cavity and I have come to live with

    you all.

    -With us? We dont want that!

    cried the teeth.

    -Well I dont care, said the cavity.

    And I still havent told you the

    best part: My favorite dish is

    teeth! In a matter of weeks I will

    eat each and every one of you

    and one by one.

    Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!!

    So, when the teeth had seen

    enough unhealthy sandwiches,

    fillets of meat and omelets for the

    cavity, they approached Mr.

    Toothbrush and Mrs. Toothpaste

    and told them the problem. Mr.

    Toothbrush and Mrs. Toothpaste

    told Maria what was happening

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    Adems ya nunca regres Caries

    porque Mara se lavaba todos los

    das, igual que vosotros, sus

    preciosos dientes.

    Y colorn colorado este cuento se ha


    inside her mouth and she didnt

    like it at all. They went to work

    together and kicked out the cavity

    quickly. Get out germ! Get out of

    here and we dont ever want to

    see you again, they said, and

    afterwards Maria, Mr. Toothbrush

    and Mrs. Toothpaste cleaned the

    teeth good and left them sparkling

    brand new. The teeth returned to

    being as clean and happy as

    before. Aside from this, the

    cavities never came back because

    Maria brushed her teeth every

    day, just like you all should to

    keep your beautiful teeth. Now,

    Maria and her teeth could live

    happily ever after!

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    Ocurri que despus de salir

    huyendo del cazador el lobo de

    Caperucita fue apresado por unos

    hombres malos que lo encerraron en

    un zoo de la ciudad. All sufri todo

    tipo de maltratos: los cuidadores no

    le daban agua ni comida, los nios y

    las nias le tiraban piedras y del

    rabo, ... El pobre lobo, que estaba

    muy arrepentido de haberse

    intentado comer a Caperucita,

    lloraba desconsolado todas las

    noches Ay, ay, qu desgraciado

    soy! Nadie me quiere! Cmo me

    gustara volver al bosque y ser


    De repente, un da,

    Caperucita fue al zoo y le dio mucha

    lstima de que maltrataran de esta

    manera al lobo. Como era tan buena

    le dijo al lobo: No te preocupes te

    ayudar a salir de aqu! Entonces lo

    disfraz con su caperuza y as el

    lobo pudo salir de all sin que nadie

    se diera cuenta de que se iba.

    Le dio las gracias a



    It unfortunately happened that

    after escaping from a hunter, the

    wolf from Little Red Riding Hood

    was captured by some other very

    mean and nasty men and locked

    up in the city zoo. While there, he

    suffered all kinds of mistreatment:

    the caretakers didnt give him

    water or food, the boys and girls

    threw rocks at him and on top of

    all this, the poor wolf, who was

    soooo sorry for having tried to eat

    Little Red Riding Hood cried

    uncontrollably every night. Oh

    no, now look how disgraced I am!

    Nobody loves me! If only I could

    go back to the forest and be free!

    Well, one lucky day, Little Red

    Riding Hood went to the zoo and

    saw the wolf. It made her feel

    terrible to see the way the zoo was

    treating him. Since she was such

    a good little girl she said to the

    wolf, Dont worry Mr. Wolf, Im

    going to help you get out of here!

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    Caperucita y le pidi perdn por

    haber sido tan malo. A continuacin

    se fue corriendo al bosque donde

    vivi muy feliz. Y, desde aquel da,

    Caperucita y el lobo se hicieron muy

    amigos, tanto que iban juntos a

    pescar al ro.

    Y colorn, colorado este

    cuento se ha acabado.

    So, she quickly disguised the wolf

    with her hood so that the wolf

    could escape without anyone

    realizing what was going on. The

    wolf thanked Little Red Riding

    Hood a thousand and one times

    and apologized one thousand and

    two times for having been such a

    bad wolf. Afterwards, the wolf

    went running into the forest where

    it lived happy and free again. And

    from that day onwards, Little Red

    Riding Hood and the wolf became

    good friends, so good in fact that

    they go fishing together in the

    river. They lived long and happily

    ever after.

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    TENGO UNA IDEA (Celebracin

    del da de la Paz)

    Sabis nios por qu

    celebramos el da de la paz? Os voy

    a contar un cuento muy bonito para


    Hace muchos aos vivi en

    la India un seor muy bueno que se

    llamaba Mahatma Gandhi. Resulta

    que en aquel tiempo hubo una

    guerra horrible en la India y

    murieron muchas personas. El

    pobre Gandhi lloraba y lloraba al ver

    que sus vecinos se peleaban y

    guerreaban entre s. Y pensaba que

    tena que haber otro camino distinto

    al de la violencia y el odio. Y

    pensaba y pensaba y pensaba ...

    Hasta que por fin un da le vino una

    idea maravillosa: Ya lo tengo, la

    paz es el camino, la paz es el

    camino. Consigui convencer a los

    habitantes de la India para que no

    se peleasen entre ellos y cambiasen

    la guerra por la paz y as, por fin, se

    acab la terrible guerra.




    Does anyone know why we

    celebrate Peace Day? Well, Im

    going to tell a beautiful tale to

    explain it.

    Many, many years ago in the far

    away land of India, there lived a

    wonderful man named Mahatma

    Gandhi. You see children, during

    that time in India, there was a

    horrible war going on and many

    people were dying. The poor

    Gandhi cried and cried when he

    saw his own neighbors arguing

    and going to war against each

    other. He thought to himself that

    there must be a better way for

    resolving problems than fighting

    and hate. He thought and he

    thought, and then he thought

    some more. Just when he

    couldnt think anymore, a

    wonderful thought popped into his

    head. Peace is the way! Why, of

    course he thought! Peace is the

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    Desde entonces todos los

    nios del mundo nos reunimos para

    pedir paz en nuestras familias, en

    nuestras clases, en nuestros coles y

    en todo el mundo. Estamos

    convencidos de que el amor y la paz

    son mucho mejores que el odio y la

    violencia. Verdad?

    way! So, what did Gandhi do

    next? Well, he went all around

    India and convinced the people

    without fighting that if anyone is

    fighting a war, it should be for

    peace and not for hurting one

    another. After he convinced the

    people this, they stopped fighting

    and the terrible war ended for


    Since that day, we all gather

    around on Peace Day and pray for

    peace in our families, our

    classrooms, our schools and for

    everyone around the world. We

    all now know that love and peace

    are much better feelings than

    violence and hate. Dont you


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    Haba en la puerta del cole

    un semforo, que se llamaba

    Colorines, que vea pasar a los

    nios y a las nias todos los das.

    Un da el gato Chester vio que el

    semforo Colorines estaba llorando.

    Entonces le pregunt: miau, miau,

    miau o lo que es lo mismoqu te

    pasa, amigo?. Y Colorines le

    contest: Pi pi pi, pi pi pi pi o sea

    Estoy triste porque los nios y las

    nias no cruzan bien.

    Chester le contest No me

    lo puedo creer, pero, ir a la clase a

    preguntarle a los nios y a las nias

    por qu cruzan mal.

    Dicho y hecho, a la maana

    siguiente se col en una de las

    clases y cuando estaban en la

    asamblea les pregunt a los nios y

    a las nias: Miau, marramiau, Por

    qu cruzis mal?. Los nios le

    respondieron Es que no lo

    entendemos bien. No sabemos lo

    que significaban los colores del

    semforo Colorines.


    There was a stoplight in front of

    the door to the school that was

    called Colorful. It saw the little

    boys and girls crossing the street

    and going to school every day.

    One day something strange

    happened. Chester the cat saw

    that Colorful was crying. So,

    Chester asked Colorful, Meow,

    meow, meow, which is the same

    as Whats wrong friend? in our

    language. And Colorful answered,

    Beep beep beep, beep beep

    beep, or so you can understand,

    I am sad because the little boys

    and girls dont cross the street

    right. Chester replied back, I

    simply cant believe the children

    would do something like that, but

    Ill go to their class and ask them

    why they are crossing the street


    It was said and done. On the

    following morning Chester snuck

    into class and when the boys and

    girls were assembled he asked

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    Miau, miau -dijo Chester-,

    eso tiene una solucin estupenda,

    miau, miau. Yo os lo explicar:

    cuando la luz del hombrecillo se

    pone roja tenis que esperar y

    cuando el hombrecillo se ponga

    verde es cuando tenis que


    Qu fcil! -Gritaron todos los

    nios y las nias: cuando est en

    rojo el peatn nos paramos y

    cuando est en verde pasamos.

    Ya, enseguida, todos los

    nios y las nias saban cruzar

    correctamente. Ahora Colorines s

    que estaba contento. Pi, pi, pi, pi,

    pi le dijo al gato Chester, es decir,

    muchas gracias, amigo.

    Y colorn, colorado este

    cuento se ha acabado.

    them, Meow, meowww, or rather,

    Why are all of the boys and girls

    crossing the street wrong?

    The boys and girls eagerly

    responded, Its because we dont

    really understand very well. Were

    not sure what the colors of

    Colorful mean.

    Meow, meow, Chester said. Or

    in English, Ahhh, well that has a

    marvelous solution. Look children,

    let me explain it to you. Its very

    easy. When Colorfuls light shines

    red, you must stop and wait and

    when it shines green it means you

    must quickly cross the street.

    You mean its that easy? asked

    the children. Thats so simple.

    Hooray! We understand. When

    its red we stop and when its

    green, we go, they said with

    delight. Just like that all the boys

    and girls in the school learned how

    to cross the street the right way.

    Now Colorful was truly happy with

    everyone. Beep beep, beep-

    beep, said Colorful to Chester,

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    which means, Thank you very

    much my friend. And of course

    Chester replied, Meow-meow,

    which as you can guess means,

    Youre Welcome! With that

    accomplished, everyone in the

    school lived happily ever after.

    The End

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    El lobo les pidi a los Reyes

    Magos cien mil juguetes y, no se

    sabe demasiado bien por qu, pero,

    se los trajeron todos toditos. Ay,

    qu alegra! Me voy a poner a jugar

    ahora mismo, pens muy feliz.

    Pero, su alegra no le dur

    mucho porque tard cuarenta das

    en desempaquetar todos los

    juguetes. Estoy agotado, no puedo

    ms! dijo cuando por fin termin.

    Estuvo una semana sin poder jugar

    porque ya no tena fuerzas.

    Luego, tuvo otro problema: no tena

    sitio para meter tanto juguete. No

    poda ni comer ni dormir porque

    tena toda la casa llena de juguetes.

    Ay, me voy a morir de hambre

    Con tanto juguete no puedo ni abrir

    el frigorfico ni frer la carne. Las

    sartenes estn llenas de juguetes y

    no encuentro la puerta de la

    nevera. Se lamentaba el pobre


    Pero, lo peor de todo es que



    The wolf asked Santa Claus one

    Christmas for one hundred

    thousand toys and no one exactly

    knows why for sure, but he

    brought the wolf each and every

    one. Yay! What a great gift! One

    hundred thousand toys!

    Im going start playing right now,

    thought the very happy wolf.

    However, his happiness did not

    last long because it took forty days

    to unpack all of the toys. Ugh! I

    am fed up with this. I cant open

    any more gifts, said the wolf when

    he finally finished. He couldnt

    play for a whole week because he

    was so tired. On top of this, he

    had another problem: there was

    no place to put so many toys. He

    couldnt eat nor sleep because the

    entire house was fully of toys.

    Oh no, Im going to starve!

    With so many toys I cant open the

    refrigerator or cook my food. All of

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    el lobo se volvi ms malo de lo que

    era, se volvi tremendamente

    egoista, superegoista, egoista,

    egoista, egoista. No le prestaba

    ningn juguete a nadie ni siquiera a

    Caperucita, y lo nico que haca era

    guardar los juguetes para que nadie

    los tocara. Se volvi medio loco y,

    por las noches, gritaba: juguetes,

    juguetes, juguetes, juguetes!.

    Empez a ponerse malo y enferm y

    entonces Caperucita llam a la

    mdica. La mdica cuando lo vio le

    dijo: Tiene usted una enfermedad

    muy fcil de curar.

    -ah, s! -Se asombr el lobo.-

    Cul es porque yo me siento muy,

    muy mal?

    -Tiene usted juguetitis

    aguda, seor lobo. Le explic la


    -Cmo dice? Juguetitis aguda?,

    pregunt el lobo superextraado.

    La mdica le respondi: Si. Tiene

    muchos juguetes, pero, no le sirven

    para nada porque no puede jugar

    con ellos. Hubiera sido mejor tener

    the pots and pans are full of toys

    and I cant even find the

    refrigerator door, much less open

    it, cried the poor wolf. But the

    worst of all was that the wolf

    became a worse wolf than he

    already had been before getting

    the toys. He became very, very,

    very, super selfish. He didnt

    show any of his toys to anyone,

    not even to his best friend Little

    Red Riding Hood, and the only

    thing he did was hide his toys so

    that no one would touch them. He

    was going crazy spending the

    nights shouting, Toys, toys, and

    more toys! He began to be

    unhappy and sick and so when

    Little Red Riding Hood finally saw

    him, she called a nurse to take

    care of the wolf.

    When the nurse saw him

    she said, Youve got an illness

    thats very easy to cure.

    -Oh yeah? exclaimed the

    astonished wolf. What is making

    me feel so very, very bad then?

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    menos juguetes, pero poder jugar

    con ellos usted y sus amigos.

    -Y ahora qu hago para curarme,

    doctora? Pregunt el lobo

    Muy fcil, -le contest- regale usted

    todos los juguetes a sus amigos y a

    los habitantes del bosque y de la

    aldea. Comparta con los dems. Ya

    ver como se siente enseguida

    mucho mejor.

    El lobo le hizo caso a la

    mdica y en seguida estuvo curado.

    Ahora ha vuelto a ser feliz, aunque

    no tenga tantos juguetes porque ha

    aprendido a compartir con los

    dems. Ya lo dice el refrn: No es

    ms feliz el que ms tiene sino el

    que menos necesita.

    Y colorn colorado este

    cuento se ha acabado y espero que

    os haya gustado.

    -You have chronic toy fever, Mr.

    Wolf, explained the nurse.

    -What do you mean chronic toy

    fever? Ive never heard of that,

    said the confused wolf.

    The nurse responded, You have

    so many toys that they dont serve

    a purpose because no one can

    play with them. It would be better

    to have fewer toys for you, and to

    be able to play with them with your


    -So what can I do for a cure?

    asked the wolf.

    -Thats easy! Give a toy to each

    one of your friends, and one to

    every habitant of the forest and

    the village, answered the nurse.

    Then you will be able to share with

    the rest of your toys. Youll see

    how much better you feel

    immediately, continued the nurse.

    The wolf paid attention to the

    nurse, he did what she said and in

    no time at all he was cured.

    Whats more is that everyone in

    the forest and village had a new

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    toy as well. Now he had become

    happy again even though he didnt

    have as many toys. He had

    learned to share with others. Now

    lets say the refrain, The happiest

    is not who has the most, but who

    needs the least. And with that my

    children, this tale has to come to

    an end.

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    Sucedi que a Dinillo le dio

    una poca por decirles a todos sus

    amigos del cole que eran tontos por

    todo: Se pasaba el da diciendo.

    Eres tonto, eres tonta. La seo

    Dinobella le regaaba mucho y lo

    pona a pensar, pero, no serva

    para nada; en cuanto Dinillo se

    pona a jugar o a trabajar volva a

    insultar a sus compaeros y


    Su mam y su pap tambin

    le regaaban y lo castigaban sin ver

    Doraimon, sin ir al parque, sin jugar,

    sin contarle cuentos, sin embargo,

    todo esto no serva para nada pues

    l segua y segua con su mana y a

    cada instante deca: Eres tonto,

    eres tonta.

    Entonces sus amigos

    decidieron darle una leccin y

    durante todo un da cuando

    hablaron con l no le dijeron nada

    ms que tonto.


    One day something strange

    happened and Little Dinosaur

    went through a phase and he

    started calling all of his friends at

    school stupid for everything. He

    spent the whole day at school

    saying, Youre stupid, so very

    stupid, to everyone. The teacher,

    Mrs. Dinosaur, scolded him good

    and put him in the corner to think

    about his actions; but it didnt

    work. As soon as Little Dinosaur

    went back to playing or working he

    began insulting all of his Dinosaur

    boy and girl comrades.

    His Mom and Dad also scolded

    him and punished him by not

    letting him play with his new toys,

    not go to the park, not being

    allowed to play outside and not

    telling him bedtime stories.

    However, all of this didnt do a

    thing and Little Dinosaur kept on

    1 Los personajes son dinosaurios. The characters aredinosaurs.

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    Me pasas las tijeras, Dinipito?-

    le pregunt Dinillo a su amigo


    Cunto queda para el recreo?-

    le pregunt a Dinita.

    De qu color hay que pintar esta

    ficha? le dijo Dinote.

    Pero entonces la nica

    contestacin que reciba a todas

    sus preguntas era: Tonto.

    De repente, Dinillo se levant y se

    fue a la silla de pensar y se qued

    all un buen rato. Finalmente

    Dinillo dijo a todos los nios y

    nias de la clase: Os quiero pedir

    perdn a todos porque el tonto he

    sido yo todo este tiempo. Prometo

    no volver a insultar a nadie

    Enseguida los otros dinosaurios lo


    Desde entonces nadie en

    la clase le hace ni le dice nada

    malo a otro dinosaurio porque

    todos comprendieron que nadie es

    mejor que nadie y que es mucho

    mejor querer y amar que insultar y


    with his craziness and saying

    every minute, Youre stupid, so

    very stupid. So, his friends

    decided to teach him a lesson and

    for a whole day when they spoke

    with him, they didnt say anything

    else but, Stupid.

    -Can you pass me the scissors

    please? - He asked to his

    Triceratops friend.

    -Stupid, replied the Triceratops.

    How much longer till recess?

    asked Little Dinosaur to a little

    Stegosaurus girl.

    What color do I have to color this

    worksheet? he said to tall

    Brontosaurus. But the only answer

    he got for any of his questions was:

    Stupid. Suddenly, Little Dinosaur

    got up and went to the thinking chair

    and stayed there for quite a while.

    Finally, Little Dinosaur realized what

    he had been doing was wrong. So

    he said to all the dinosaur boys and

    girls in his class: Hey, I just wanted

    to ask forgiveness for the stupid

    things Ive said and done all this

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    Y colorn, colorado este cuento se

    ha acabado.

    time. I promise never to insult

    anybody again. Right after he said

    that the other dinosaurs forgave

    Little Dinosaur. Since then, no one

    in the class has said or has done

    anything bad to the other dinosaurs

    because they all understand that no

    one is better than anyone else and

    that its better to be nice to and love

    others than to insult and hurt them.

    And that is the end of the story my


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    Cultura andaluza:2

    Hace mucho tiempo las ocho

    provincias andaluzas se pusieron a

    discutir sobre cul era la mejor de


    Almera deca: la mejor soy

    yo que tengo unas playas

    estupendas y tengo unos

    invernaderos donde se cultivan las

    mejores frutas.

    De eso nada le replic Cdiz. Yo

    tambin tengo unas playas

    estupendas y en mis tierras se cran

    los mejores caballos del mundo.

    Ni hablar, intervino Crdoba, yo

    tengo la Mezquita que es la envidia

    de todos

    Que va, que va, soy yo la mejor,

    dijo Granada, donde est la

    Alhambra y Sierra Nevada que se

    quite todo lo dems.

    Y yo, -dijo Jan-, tengo olivares



    A long, long, time ago the eight

    provinces of Andalusia began to

    argue about who was the best

    province of all.

    Almeria said: I am the best since I

    have fantastic beaches and

    greenhouses where the best fruits

    and vegetables are grown.

    -Thats nothing, replied Cadiz. I

    also have beautiful beaches and on

    my lands the best horses in the world

    are raised.

    -Dont even talk, Cordoba

    intervened, I have the Mosque

    which is the envy of everyone who

    comes and sees it.

    -Whatever, whatever, I am the best,

    said Granada. The Alhambra and

    the Sierra Nevada mountain range

    are here which beat anything you all

    have to offer.

    2 Se pueden utilizar un mapa de Andaluca y los bits

    correspondientes. Tambin es posible dramatizar estos


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    que dan el mejor aceite y la Sierra

    de Cazorla

    Pero, seris credas, -dijo Huelva-,

    yo tengo unas gambas buensimas

    en mis costas y el jamn de pata


    Nada de nada, -aadi Mlaga-, yo

    soy tan estupenda que todos los

    turistas del mundo me visitan y

    vienen a veranear aqu.

    Por ltimo, Sevilla aadi, la

    mejor soy yo que tengo la Giralda y

    la catedral.

    Y as estuvieron discutiendo un

    buen rato, hasta que pas por all un

    nio que les pregunt: Seoras, y

    por qu en vez de discutir y de

    pelearse tanto no se unen para

    formar un territorio estupendo y


    Qu buena idea! Gritaron

    las ocho a la vez. Y entonces

    decidieron que ya no pelearan

    ms y que era mucho mejor formar

    todas juntas la Comunidad

    Autnoma de Andaluca a la que

    aportaran todas sus riquezas. Y

    -And me? said Jaen. I have the

    best olive trees that produce the best

    Olive Oil in the world and La Sierra

    de Cazorla.

    -Ok ok, you guys are full of

    yourselves, said Huelva. I have the

    best prawns, coastlines, and the

    famous Pata NegraHam.

    -Thats still nothing, added Malaga.

    I am so wonderful that tourists from

    around the world come to visit me

    and spend their whole summers on

    my beaches.

    -Last but not least, Sevilla added, I

    am the best because Ive got La

    Giraldaand the Cathedral.

    And in this way, the eight provinces

    argued for quite a while until finally a

    little child passed by and asked

    them: Why are you arguing and

    fighting so much instead of uniting

    and forming a beautiful territory

    made up of all the provinces?

    Well gee,I dont know, they said to


    -Oh yeah, said Malaga and Cadiz.

    -Why of course, exclaimed

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    desde ese da viven muy

    contentas, felices y guapas.

    Y colorn, colorado este

    cuento se ha acabado.

    Granada and Almeria.

    -How stupid we were, replied

    Sevilla and Huelva.

    -Why didnt we think of that?

    agreed Cordoba and Jaen.

    What a great idea, they all said at

    the same time. And so it was, that

    they decided not to quarrel and fight

    anymore and that it would be much

    better to join forces and form the

    Autonomous Community of

    Andalucia. This way they could

    contribute all of their best qualities.

    And since that day they have all lived

    happily ever after.

    The End

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    Justo le pregunt un da a la

    seo que qu era Andaluca. La

    seo le iba a contestar cuando de

    repente mir el reloj y se dio cuenta

    de que era el momento de que los

    nios se fueran a su casa. Maana

    te lo digo le prometi con su voz

    alegre y cariosa. Vaya rollo pens

    Justo y se puso en fila.

    Esa noche, como todas las

    dems, se abraz a su dinosaurio

    Dinillo y se qued dormido.

    Entonces escuch a Dinillo que le

    gritaba: Sbete en m que vamos a

    conocer Andaluca!. Y as volando

    a lomos del dinosaurio empez a

    viajar sobre Andaluca. Comenzaron

    por Almera: vio sus playas, sus

    invernaderos, su alcazaba. Qu

    bonito le gritaba a Dinillo. Despus

    siguieron por Granada: llegaron a

    las montaas ms altas y a sus

    picos Mulhacn y Veleta.

    Contemplaron absortos la belleza de

    la Alhambra y de los jardines del



    Peter, a student, asked the

    teacher one day, What is

    Andalusia? The teacher was

    going to answer him when

    suddenly they looked at the clock

    and realized it was time for the

    kids to go home. Ill tell you

    tomorrow, the teacher promised

    Peter with her happy and caring

    voice. Yeah, whatever, thought

    Peter, and got in line to leave.

    That night, just like every other

    night, he hugged his Dinosaur,

    Spike, and went to sleep. But

    then, he heard Spike announce:

    All aboard on me and were going

    to go to Andalusia! And riding on

    Spikes back, they began to fly

    over all Andalusia.

    They began in Almeria: Peter saw

    its beaches, its greenhouses and

    its famous fortress, La Al-cazaba.

    After that, they went on towards

    Granada: they arrived to the

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    Generalife, vieron tambin el castillo

    de Salobrea. Qu chulo! Despus

    se perdieron en los olivares de Jan

    y contemplaron la belleza de la

    Sierra de Cazorla, visitaron tambin

    la Mezquita de Crdoba y, como

    tenan mucha hambre, se tomaron

    un poco de pescadito frito en


    Qu viaje tan maravilloso!

    Estoy tan feliz y tan contento de ser

    andaluz. Jams me imagin que

    todo esto era Andaluca. Deca

    emocionado Justo.

    Dinillo gritaba: Pues nos queda an

    mucho por ver, agrrete fuerte

    Ms tarde vieron la baha de

    Cadiz, la sierra de Grazalema y sus

    pueblos, la Giralda y el ro

    Guadalquivir a su paso por Sevilla.

    Por ltimo fueron a Huelva a cenar

    donde tomaron un plato exquisito de

    jamn y unas gambas riqusimas.

    De repente, Justo oy la voz

    de su abuela: levntate tienes que

    ir al cole.

    Todo ha sido un sueo! Se dijo a

    tallest mountain tops of the Sierra

    Nevada, Mulhacen and Veleta.

    They stared in awe, absorbed in

    the beauty of the Alhambra and

    the Generalife. Then, they also

    saw the castle ofSalobreaon the

    coast of the Granada. How cool!

    exclaimed Peter. After that, they

    got lost in the endless olive fields

    of Jaen and admired the beauty of

    La Sierra de Cazorla. They also

    visited the Mosque in Cordoba

    and when they got hungry they

    flew to the coast of Malaga and

    ate delicious fried seafood.

    What an amazing journey! I am

    so happy and content to be

    Andalusian. I never imagined that

    all of this was Andalucia, said

    Peter, full of emotion.

    Spike then shouted back, Well,

    weve still got a lot ahead. Hold

    on tight! Later on, they arrived to

    the bay of Cadiz, the Sierra de

    Grazalema and its small villages;

    they saw the Giralda and the

    Guadalquivir River running its path

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    s mismo decepcionado Justo

    mientras se restregaba los ojos.

    Pero entonces escuch a Dinillo

    decirle: Te prometo que seguiremos

    viajando ms y ms por Andaluca,

    hay todava muchsimo por ver y


    Y colorn colorado este cuento se ha


    through Sevilla. And finally they

    went to Huelva to eat dinner

    where they ate an exquisite meal

    of ham and prawns. Suddenly,

    Peter heard the voice of his

    grandmother saying, Get up, its

    time for school.

    It was all a dream! He said to

    himself unhappily and upset as he

    rubbed his eyes. But then he

    heard Spike say, I promise you

    well keep traveling more and

    more through Andalusia, because

    there is much, much more to see.

    The End. Or is it?

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    Sara le pregunt un da a la seo que qu era Andaluca. La seo le iba a

    contestar cuando de repente mir el reloj y se dio cuenta de que era el momento de

    que los nios se fueran a su casa. Maana te lo digo le prometi con su voz alegre y

    cariosa. Vaya rollo pens Sara y se puso en fila.

    Esa noche, como todas las dems, se abraz a su ponny Lucas y se qued

    dormida. Entonces escuch a Lucas que le gritaba: Sbete en m que vamos a

    conocer Andaluca!. Y as volando a lomos del ponny empez a viajar sobre

    Andaluca. Comenzaron por Almera: vio sus playas, su alcazaba, sus invernaderos.

    Qu bonito le gritaba a Lucas. Despus siguieron por Granada: llegaron a las

    montaas ms altas y a sus picos Mulhacn y Veleta. Contemplaron absortos la

    belleza de la Alhambra y de los jardines del Generalife, vieron tambin el castillo de

    Salobrea. Qu chulo! visitaron tambin la Mezquita de Crdoba y, como tenan

    mucha hambre, se tomaron un poco de pescadito frito en Mlaga.

    Qu viaje tan maravilloso! Estoy tan feliz y tan contenta de ser andaluza. Jams me

    imagin que todo esto era Andaluca. Deca emocionada Sara.

    Lucas gritaba: Pues nos queda an mucho por ver, agrrete fuerte

    Ms tarde vieron la sierra de Grazalema en Cdiz y sus pueblos, la Giralda y el

    ro Guadalquivir a su paso por Sevilla. Fueron a Huelva a cenar donde tomaron un

    plato exquisito de jamn y unas gambas riqusimas. Por ltimo volvieron a la provincia

    de Jan. All vieron sus olivares, La iglesia de Salvador en Ubeda, El palacio de

    Jabalquinto en Baeza, las sierras de Cazorla y de Mgina. En la ciudad contemplaron

    la Catedral y el Castillo de Santa Catalina e incluso el colegio.

    3 El cuento lo he adaptado al colegio donde doy clase este

    curso. Se corresponde con la presentacin Powert Point queofrezco a modo de ejemplo

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    De repente, Sara oy la voz de su abuela: levntate tienes que ir al cole

    Todo ha sido un sueo! Se dijo a s misma decepcionada Sara mientras se

    restregaba los ojos.

    Pero entonces escuch a Lucas decirle: Te prometo que seguiremos viajando ms y

    ms por Andaluca, hay todava muchsimo por ver y conocer.

    Y colorn colorado este cuento se ha acabado.

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    Hace muchos aos haba un

    pas en el que no existan nios ni

    nias. Slo haba personas mayores

    y era tremendamente aburrido,

    triste, sombro y gris. No haba

    dulces ni juegos ni risas ni nada de


    Entonces un da aparecieron

    unos nios. Enseguida, en cuanto

    se enteraron de su llegada, los

    viejos Maltrato y Trabajo y la vieja

    Discriminacin tuvieron la siguiente


    1. No podemos permitir que

    estos nios mocosos estropeen

    nuestro mundo.

    2. Estoy de acuerdo. Los

    pondremos a trabajar sin

    descanso, los maltrataremos y

    los discriminaremos todo lo que


    3. Perfecto. Qu malos somos!

    Y se echaron a rer maliciosamente.

    Los pobres nios cayeron


    A long, long time ago there was a

    country where little boys and girls

    didnt exist. There were only adults

    and it was terribly boring, sad,

    somber and grey. There were no

    sweets, nor games, nor laughter or

    anything else of the sort.

    So, one day there appeared a group

    of children in the country of adults.

    The adults did not like this,

    especially three certain ones.

    Shortly after, as soon as the country

    heard of their arrival, the two oldest

    members of the society whose

    names were Mistreatment and

    Work, and the oldest woman whose

    name was Discrimination had the

    following conversation together:

    - We cant let this pesky kids

    destroy our world, said


    - I agree. We will put them to

    work with no break, treat them

    bad and discriminate against

    them as much as we can, added


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    bajos su poder, pero, an as,

    seguan siendo ellos mismos.

    Haban podido conservar su

    imaginacin y la esperanza de un

    mundo mejor.

    Cuando llegaba la noche

    lloraban y lloraban hasta que por fin

    sus lgrimas subieron a las estrellas

    y llegaron hasta la Estrella Lola.

    -Quines sois? Les pregunt la

    estrella Lola.

    -Somos las lgrimas de los nios

    del pas sin nios.

    -Qu? Por qu lloran los nios?

    - Maltrato, Discriminacin y Trabajo

    los tienen bajo su poder.

    - Eso no se puede consentir de

    ningn modo. Ahora mismo voy a

    enviar a mis compaeras para que

    esto se termine ya.

    Y as las estrellas Educacin,

    Familia, Atencin, y Alimentacin

    fueron a socorrer a los nios al

    instante. Lo primero que hicieron fue

    hablar con ellos.

    - Haha! Perfect. Were so bad,

    laughed Discrimination.

    And they all began to laugh,


    The poor children were now under

    their power, but even still, they

    continued being themselves. They

    were able to keep their imagination

    and dream of a better world. When

    night would arrive, they would cry

    and cry until finally their tears

    reached the stars and were heard

    by the star Pamela.

    Who are you? asked Pamela.

    We are the tears of the children

    from the country without children.

    What? Why are the children


    They are crying because

    Mistreatment, Work and

    Discrimination have them under

    their power and are being very

    mean to them.

    This cannot go on in any way,

    shape or form. At this very moment

    Im going to send my friends to end

    this now!

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    - Hola, guapos! Cmo os


    - Oh! Quines sois que sois tan

    amables y cariosas?

    - Somos vuestros Derechos. Las

    estrellas de los Derechos.

    - Nuestros Derechos?

    Preguntaron Mercedes, Esteban,

    Jero y M ngeles (pues as se

    llamaban los nios. Ocurra que

    antes de que llegaran las estrellas

    de los Derechos nadie los llamaba

    por su nombre)

    - S. Nos tenis a nosotras y nadie

    nos va a separar de vosotros.

    - Nos han dejado as

    Discriminacin, Maltrato y Trabajo.

    Explicaron los nios.

    - Nos lo hemos imaginado. Se van

    a enterar. Qu malos han sido!

    Salieron corriendo detrs de

    los tres viejos y los pillaron al acto.

    Los viejos enseguida empezaron a


    4. Por favor, nosotros no hemos

    And with that, the stars Education,

    Family, Attention, and Nourishment

    went to help the children

    immediately. The first thing they did

    was speak with them.

    -Hello, beautiful children! What are

    your names?

    -Oh! Who are you who are so nice

    and caring?

    -We are your rights. We are the

    stars of all rights.

    -Our rights? asked the three

    children Joseph, Sarah and Matt.

    Before the stars of the rights arrived,

    no one had called the children by

    their real names. How great it felt!

    -Why, yes. You all have your rights

    now and no one is going to separate

    you from us.

    -Discrimination, Mistreatment and

    Work have left us like this,

    explained the kids.

    -Thats what we thought. They are

    going to pay for this. How bad they

    have been!

    They went running after the old

    adults and caught them in their act.

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    Y antes de que terminaran la

    frase las estrellas de los Derechos

    los encerraron en una caja para

    enterrarla en lo ms profundo de la

    tierra, debajo de debajo y debajo de


    Entonces las estrellas de los

    Derechos: Educacin, Familia,

    Atencin, Alimentacin se quedaron

    a vivir con los nios y los mayores y

    entre todos formaron una sociedad

    feliz llena de risas y de alegra en la

    que los adultos cuidaban de los

    nios y los nios respetaban a los


    Dicen que algunas noches se

    oyen gritos extraos en el bosque.

    Unos creen que son los lobos y

    otros que son Discriminacin,

    Maltrato y Trabajo pidiendo perdn y

    auxilio. Pero eso ya es otra historia.

    Y colorn colorado este cuento se ha


    The old ones began to say

    -Oh please, no. We didnt do

    And before they could finish their

    sentence the stars of the rights

    locked them up in a box and put

    them in the deepest part of the

    earth down, down, deep down.

    So it happened just like this that the

    rights: Education, Family, Attention,

    and Nourishment stayed to live with

    the kids and the other nice adults

    and between them they formed a

    society full of laughter and joy where

    adults looked after kids and kids

    respected adults.

    Some still say that at night you can

    hear cries of despair echoing in the

    forest. Some say they are from

    wolves but others say they are the

    cries of Mistreatment, Discrimination

    and Work begging for help. But that

    is another story altogether.

    The End

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    A Story to Build Relationships


    Once upon a time the personal pronouns I, you, it, he, she, we, you and they

    lived in the Far East of the Planet Words. They were very sad, because they felt alone.

    The forms of the present of the verb to be: am, are and is lived in another part of the

    Words Planet in the West. They felt alone and sad too.

    One day, the personal pronouns thought it would be a good idea to travel.

    Perhaps they would meet with other words. So they packed their suitcases and drove

    across the Planet. They visited lots of cities, where words and words lived, but, they felt

    alone and sad. Finally, they arrived to the city of the verbs, in the West. Here, they met

    with the forms of the present of the verb to be: am, are, is,. They spoke for a long time

    and started to feel very happy. Then they decided to live there. They got married and

    bought eight houses:

    In the first house lived the personal pronoun I and the form am

    In the second house lived the personal pronoun you and the form are

    In the third house lived the personal pronoun it and the form is

    In the fourth house lived the personal pronoun he and the form is

    In the fifth house lived the personal pronoun she and the form is

    In the sixth house lived the personal pronoun we and the form are

    In the seventh house lived the personal pronoun you and the form are

    And In the eighth house lived the personal pronoun they and the form are

    They were so pleased with their new life that they all wanted to be together for ever.

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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 43

    La autora

    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas


    - Licenciada en Filologa Clsica

    (Latn y Griego clsico) con

    suficiencia investigadora (para

    conseguir la suficiencia ley una

    tesina preciosa sobre Retrica

    Griega). Estos estudios los realiz

    entre los aos 1991/1999 en la

    The author, Maris Jose Blancas

    Lopez-Barajas is:

    -Licensed in Classical Philology

    (Latin and Greek). These studies

    were performed between 1991-1999

    in the University of Granada in


    - Diploma in Education with a

    specialty of Primary Education from

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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 44

    Universidad de Granada (Espaa).

    - Diplomada en Magisterio con la

    especialidad de Educacin Primaria

    por la Universidad de Granada

    (Espaa). Aos 2001/2004

    Tambin ha realizado

    numerosos cursos de

    perfeccionamiento de ambas

    carreras (creo que podramos decir

    que hasta aburrir y todo)

    Tiene adems conocimientos

    aceptables de portugus (Escuela

    Oficial de Idiomas: Grado Medio de

    Portugus), ingls y alemn. En la

    actualidad la autora se encuentra

    cursando la Especialidad de

    Magisterio de Ingls y el Grado

    Medio de la Escuela Oficial de

    Idiomas de Ingls.

    Lleva trabajando en el

    mundo de la docencia desde el ao

    1997, primero como interina y

    despus como funcionaria a partir

    del ao 2005. Ha recorrido muchos

    centros educativos y espera que le

    queden muchos ms.

    the University of Granada, Spain.


    She has also taken numerous

    improvement courses for both

    degrees (lets say enough courses

    to bore just about anyone).

    Not to mention, she has an

    acceptable knowledge of

    Portuguese (Official Language

    School: Intermediate level of

    Portuguese), English and German.

    Currently the author is studying to

    become a qualified English teacher

    and be proficient at an intermediate

    level of English in the Official

    English Language School.

    Author has been working in the field

    of teaching since 1997, first as an

    interim, and afterwards as a

    permanent teacher in 2005. She

    has traveled and worked in many

    education centers in Spain and

    hopes for many more in the future.

    She truly loves her profession or

    better said the daily contact with

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    Le encanta su profesin, o lo

    que es lo mismo, el contacto diario

    con nios y nias llenos de ideas, de

    ganas, de ilusiones, de preguntas, ...

    Fruto de este encantamiento es el

    presente libro en el que ha ido

    recogiendo los cuentos inventados,

    contados y recreados en sus clases.

    Sus datos personales son los

    siguientes (por si alguien desea

    contactar con ella):

    DIRECCIN: C/Luis Braille, 5, 4D.

    18005. Granada

    TELFONOS: 626674696 //

    958285763 // 958257235

    children full of ideas, desires,

    dreams and questions. The fruit of

    this passion is seen in this story

    book as we see how the author has

    been collecting the stories,

    inventions, tales and recreations in

    her very own classes.

    Her personal contact info can be

    seen below (in case anyone wishes

    to contact her).

    DIRECCIN: C/Luis Braille, 5, 4D.

    18005. Granada

    TELFONOS: 626674696 //

    958285763 // 958257235
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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 46

    El traductor se llama Matthew

    Thomas Hinton. Es americano y ha

    venido a Espaa para ensear

    Ingls. Le gusta vivir en Espaa y

    aprender su lengua y su cultura.

    Matthew T. Hinton

    2575 Center Church Rd.

    Sanford, NC 27330


    Formacin Acadmica:

    North Carolina State University,

    Raleigh, NC USA

    Agosto 2002 Diciembre 2006

    - Licenciado en Ciencias Polticas

    The translators name is Matthew

    Hinton. He has come to Spain to

    assist in an English bilingual

    educational Institution. He enjoys

    living in Spain and learning the

    language and culture.

    Matthew T. Hinton

    2575 Center Church Rd.

    Sanford, NC 27330


    Back ground Education:

    North Carolina State University,

    Raleigh, NC USA

    August 2002 December 2006

    B.A. Degree: Political Science with
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    Mara Jos Blancas Lpez-Barajas Cuentos de plastilina 47

    con una mencin de Derecho y


    Universidad de Cantabria

    Santander, Espaa Febrero 2006

    Julio 2006

    Clases de Espaol de nivel

    avanzado y superior en gramtica y

    literatura de Lengua Espaola.

    Experiencia Profesional:


    Octubre 2008 Enero 2009

    Ingls Divertido

    Colegio Ramn y Cajal Ogjares,


    o Profesor en clases

    extracurriculares para nios

    de todos los ciclos

    o Responsable de grupos de

    10 estudiantes

    Asesor Lingstico

    Septiembre 2007 Junio


    a Law and Justice Concentration

    and Spanish

    Universidad de Cantabria

    Santander, Spain February

    2006-July 2007

    Co-author has taken advanced and

    Superior level classes in Spanish

    grammar and an overview of

    Spanish literature.

    Professional Experience:


    October 2008 January


    Ingles Divertido

    Colegio Ramon y Cajal Ogjares,

    Granada, Spain

    o Professor of extra curricular

    English classes for pupils aged 5-10

    o Responsible for groups of up to 10


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    Council on International

    Education and Exchange (CIEE)

    I.E.S. Sierra Nevada Fiana,


    - Capacitador de profesores

    en el idioma ingles para sus

    diferentes materias (biologa,

    historia, matemticas y

    fsica) y traductor al ingls

    de los diferentes planes de


    - Asistente de conversacin

    para los profesores de


    - Clases particulares de Ingls

    a nios y adultos.

    Language Assistant

    September 2007 June 2009

    Council on International Education and

    Exchange (CIEE)

    I.E.S. Sierra Nevada

    Fiana, Almera

    - Assistant to professors in

    developing their curriculums into

    English in their subjects (Biology,

    History, Mathematics and


    - Worked as a speaking partner

    with each professor to improve

    their verbal abilities in English

    - Private tutor to children and adults

    studying the English language.