Collective muhasabah

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Collective muhasabah




Surah Baqarah,2:284

Whether you show what is in your minds or conceal it Allah shall call you to account for it. He shall forgive whom He pleases and punish whom He pleases. For Allah has power over all things.

Surah Hashar,59:18

O ye who believe! Fear Allah and let every soul look to what (provision) he has sent forth for tomorrow. Fear Allah: for Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do. Hashar 59:18.

What is Muhasabah?To assess our own actions with total honesty, which requires of us genuine (and frequent) meditations and self-criticism. Verbalizing unpleasant realities about our deeds is invaluable in our muhasabah sessionsThe next step entails planning to correct these unfavorable tendencies until they are altogether eliminated. Without self-honesty, genuine desire for betterment there is no muhasabah. A famous French proverb puts it: "A fault denied is twice committed."

Significance of Muhasabah

Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab RA (May Allah be pleased with him) once said:Take account of yourselves before you are brought to account, and weigh your deeds before they are weighed before you, and prepare yourselves for the Day of Revelation.

Maymun ibn Mahran (R)

"A pious person cautiously examines and adjudges himself more than he would a tyrant ruler or a tight-fisted partner!

Al-Hasan Al-Basri (RA)"A believer polices himself [or one might say, his own soul]. He assesses and adjudges [himself] for the sake of Allah.The Final Judgment [of God] may end up mild for some simply because they were quick to adjudge themselves in this life. Or the Final Judgment on the Day of Resurrection may end up a tough ordeal for some who were unconcerned about what they did in this life, thinking they would not be called to account."

Dhu'l-Nun (RA)Dhu'l-Nun was asked: "What causes a devotee to be worthy of entrance to paradise?" He said: "One merits entrance to paradise by five things: Unwavering constancy, Unflagging effort, Meditation on God in solitude and society, Anticipating death by preparing provision for the hereafter, and Bringing oneself to account before one is brought to judgment."

Abul Ala Maududi (RA)

I regard it (Muhasabah) indispensable for the stability of the Islamic Movement.

I am sure that the day this healthy process of Muhasabah is stopped, the Movement would succumb to various ills, resulting in its destruction

Accountability (Muhasabah)-isvital for Islamic Organization Every individual is accountable in an Islamic Jamaah. Practice of giving reports helps everyone to stay on the straight path and be fully conscious and alert about their respective duties. Effective system of checks and balances remains in place to identify mistakes and correct them appropriately and in a timely manner. This brings out the best in each individual with regards to performance and furthers excellence in the work of the Jamaah.

Muhasabah for both commissions and omissions

3 Dimensions of Accountability

Etiquette's of Muhasabah

1) Muhasabah should not be made every time and everywhere.

2) Before doing Muhasabah , one must make sure, it is done out of sincerity. This can be done by examining ones own heart by taking Allah (SWT) as ones witness.

Etiquette's of Muhasabah (contd.)

3) Words and manner of Muhasabah should make everyone feel that you really want reform and betterment. Remember, this should be for the betterment of the Jamaah.

4) Be sure that your Muhasabah is based on real & hard facts. Baseless Muhasabah is a sin and creates distance in the hearts.

Etiquette's of Muhasabah (contd.)5) The person subjected to Muhasabah should listen calmly , then ponder over it without any prejudice.

He should concede to the truth plainly and counter the wrong with impassionate reasoning.

Remember, to get annoyed on Muhasibah shows arrogance & vanity.

Etiquette's of Muhasabah (contd.)6) The Muhasabah and its rebuttal should not prolong and turn into a permanent altercation. Discussion is worth till both viewpoints are duly elaborated but if the matter is not settled, postpone discussion and let both of them reconsider the whole matter separately and with calmness.



Significance of presenting Reports1- It is a way of MuhasabahReport is a way that we implement Muhasabah or accountability in an Islamic organization.

Through reports, members can realize their own shortcomings when they prepare their report

2- Correction of mistakes and moving to excellence

They are able to correct their mistakes

They move towards excellence in their work

They can compete with others in the path of excellence

3- Sense of Responsibility

Everyone in the Jamaah ( leader or the worker) is responsible to others.

Preparation and presentation of reports creates and strengthens the sense of responsibility in the members.

4- Jamaah Leadership can be updatedReports provide status of the members performance to the leadership.

Leadership comes to know the positive and negative qualities of the members.

Members can be assigned tasks according to their capabilities.

Leadership can do better planning for the organization

5- Importance of Sama and Taah

O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His Apostle if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best and most suitable for final determination. Nisa, 4:59.

Report presentation provides training for sama and taahIt is very important that strong discipline is maintained in an Islamic Jamaah.

Following the collective decisions and the decisions of the leadership is compulsory in Shariah

Presenting reports provides the training for this listening and obeying the leadership.

What makes reports ineffective?Some members do not realize the importance of personal reports and question their need.

Members do not prepare the reports in timely manner

Prepared reports are incomplete or meaningless.

Leadership does not read the report and/or does not give its evaluation and advice.

Model Report Form

Name:__________________________Unit/ Region_________________________________ Month: ___________________________ % of Salaah in Jamah : _________ % of Salaah as Qadah : ________________ % of Fajr Salaah in Jamah : See above_________ % of Fajr Salaah as Qadah

Study of Quran, Tafseer & Hadith

Quran recitation (15 min) : Hadith Study (10 min) : Tafseer Study (15 min) :

(Rarely: 1-10 days / month Often: 11-20 days / month Regularly: 21-30 days / month

Did you read one of the books from prescribed syllabus ?

If yes, which book:____________________________ Did you complete? Yes / No

Model Report FormMeetings with Muslims and non-Muslims for the purpose of Dawah:Personal (Face to face):Yes ______ Phone calls: Yes ___________ Emails : ____________Distributed Islamic literature/CDs/Audio tapes/Books & Other Dawah material_____________________________________

Monthly Contribution & SubscriptionPaid monthly contribution to the organizationAre you on monthly auto-deduction?Subscriber to Message or other Islamic magazines Y/N

Model Report FormBrotherhood (Ukhuwah)

Visited / met brothers (other than meetings) Phone Calls: Yes .If yes, how many (approximately):____________

Physical Activity (Exercise)Participated in physical activities for 20 minutes a day (at least 3-4 times a week) Organization ( Tanzeem )Attended Members Meetings:

Accomplished any assigned responsibility:

Participated in other organizational activities:


Dua ! Allahumma Hasibni Hisaban YasiraaOAllah! Take my account an easy account. Ameen

OAllah! Forgive my sins of past and future, what I did in secret or in open and my transgressions, and you know more about these than me. You are from eternity and for eternity. There is no God except you.

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