
Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Defender

  • 1. DefenderPemain pertahanan ialah pemain yang membentuk pertahanan sebahagiandaripada pasukannya. Barisan pertahanan dalam pasukan bola sepak umumnya mengandungitiga, empat atau lima pemain yang peranan utama ialah mempertahankan pasukan daripada seranganpasukan lawan untuk menjaringkan gol. Tackling dan heading ialah keperluan utama untukseorang pemain pertahanan.Block tackleCepat-cepat berada di hadapannya, jarak dekat antara diri anda dan bola itu secepatmungkin dan meletakkan kaki anda dalam satu pendirian terhuyung-hayang, satu kaki lebih jauhsedikit daripada yang lain. Lutut anda mesti bengkok sedikit,danmenghulurkan salah satu kaki dengancepat sekiranya penyerang berusaha menggelecek melepasi anda. Anda boleh mendepakan lengan sisianda untuk mendapat keseimbangan. Anda boleh menghalang bola itu dengan salah satu kaki anda.Dalam block tackle, anda harus ambil masa anda melanjutkan kaki anda ke arah bola itu dengan berhati-hati. Jika bola berada jauh daripada anda, anda akan hilang keseimbangan dan penyerang akanmenggelecek anda dengan senang.Jika anda hendak melakukan block tackle, pastikan anda menghalang bola menggunakan dalam kaki. Iapenting yang kaki anda ialah firma untukdua alasan: risiko kecederaan kaki anda sebaliknyaanda membahayakan merosakkan diri anda dan oleh simpannya tetap anda miliki satu lebih banyakpeluangmengurangkan bola itu ke arah gol lawan anda daripada kepunyaan anda.Tackle block dillakukan oleh pemain pertahanan dalam keadaan berdiri. Tackle block diperlukan untukwin possession, ia adalah mustahil bagi pemain untk win possession dan mengawal bola daripada blocktackle. tumpuan utama perlu sentiasa jadi merampaspenyerang. Berikut adalah teknik jurulatih yangboleh digunakan bila mengajar block tackling :-Kaki berdiri di sebelah bola. Ini genting, bukan sahaja untuk mendapatkan hubungan yang cukuppadat memenangi bola itu, tetapi menusuk satu kaki keluar tidak bersedia boleh membawa kepadakecederaan lutut bila (contact)sentuhan keras.-Contact bola itu dengan bertenaga menggunakan sebelah kaki dengan lutut atas bola itu, menghubungi bola itu di garis tengah. Pemain pertahanan seharusnya menumpukan pada bola itu bukanbelakang dia.-Mengikuti dan berdiri teguh, banyak kelengkapan blok berjaya boleh mengakibatkan anda memegangbola itu dan momentum penyerang-penyerang membawa dia atas dan lepas bola itu.

2. Block TackleCrucial to an effective block tackle is timing. The perfect moment to execute the tackle is when youropponent is slightly off balance or "shows you too much of the ball", which means not shielding theball properly from your view. You can then exploit these moments to win the ball from the opponent.In a block tackle, the non-tackling foot must be placed firmly forward and the knee bent slightlyforward to centre all your force down on the ball. It is also necessary to incline the upper bodyforward with the head positioned downward towards the ball - this also concentrates your centre ofgravity and hence all your force in one place.With all your weight and inertia behind the ball, you should come out winning the ball in a blocktackle. Ensure you use the inside of the foot to follow through on the ball; using the toe or upper footreduces accuracy and risks injury.The psychological element of block tackling is also vital. Always be committed and positive whenapproaching a block tackle. If you centre all your weight and force on the ball, the risk of injury is veryminimal. Injuries can occur only when players shy away from the tackle. A golden tip when blocktackling is to aim a short distance behind the ball, therefore inducing you to follow through on thetackle and concentrating the maximum force on the ball.Major Types of Tackles1. Front Block Tackle2. Side Block Tackle3. Ground Block Tackle4. Sliding TackleTo win ball possession, all players, including forwards, need to be able to correctly execute these differenttackling techniques. Players who do not tackle correctly will give away free kicks, increase their chancesof getting hurt and generally improve their opponents attacking chances.Front Block TackleWhen a defender meets an attacker head-on and with his body square to the ball, a player makes forcefulcontact with the inside of his boot, often at the same time as his opponent. The defender needs a soundbase where his weight is transferred over and through the ball. The supporting foot must be next to theball. The upper body must lean into the tackle, and the whole body works through the action. Steady andeven pressure is applied, using the tensed-up leg muscles.Coaching Tips Keep eye on ball. 3. Upper body weight forward. Coordinate body movement. Apply maximum force, aiming to block the ball, rather than kick it.Side Block TackleUse this tackle when an attacker has partially gone past a defender or when the defender tries to closedown an attempted angled pass. This technique requires good balance, due to the block being made withan outstretched leg. The outstretched leg needs to be tensed to make strong contact with the ball. Astable base is required to quickly carry out the action. Finally, the overall timing is very important.Coaching Tips Keep eye on ball. Teach athletes to not sell themselves as the attacker. Feint to shoot or pass. Try to touch shoulder to shoulder before tackling, as this can help reduce the risk of tackling toofar away and letting the ball pass by the players leg.Ground Block TackleIf the attacker is in space and the block or side tackle cannot be used, the ground tackle is a usefultechnique. The defender "throws" him/herself into the ball to stop the attacker from going past. However,the defender stays on their feet as long as possible. The player accelerates into the action by droppingtheir hips, allowing the body to go quickly to the ground. Their contact leg is slightly flexed and as tenseas possible and body weight is as far forward as possible to provide an overall firm contact. The heel ofthe contact leg can be anchored or pressed on the pitch to increase rigidity.Coaching Tips Keep eye on ball. Be patient. Use this tackle only as a last resort once the action is executed, and the defender is momentarilyout of the game. Aim to execute the tackle and get back on your feet as quickly as possible.Sliding TackleThis is probably the most exciting tackle. The defender uses this particular technique as a last resort toprevent the attacker from getting past him. To execute this action, the defender slides on the ground intothe ball and plays it, using his outside leg. This action is particularly useful if the ball is next to thetouchline where it can be played out into touch. The slide tackle can also be used as a means of winningthe ball and turning defense into attack. The defender slides in a low sideways position and brings thetackling leg backward and swings it at the ball. The player attempts to trap the ball to gain possession,however, if the situation is dangerous, they player may want to try and play the ball directly into touch.Coaching Tips Similar to Ground Block Tackle 4. To develop and improve tackling technique, the coach will have to design simple practices whichinvolve repeated one-on-one situations where a defender is encouraged to utilize a wide range oftackling techniques as mentioned above. The coach must also be prepared to personally demonstrate tackling technique where necessary.