In Stabilit As

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of In Stabilit As

INSTABILITASDr. Suhaemi, SpPD, Finasim

STABILITAS BADAN DIPERTAHANKAN OLEH: Sistem sensorik: visus,pendengaran,vestibuler

&proprioseptif Sistem saraf pusat : merupakan respon mototrik dari

sistem sensorik Kognitif : demensia - jatuh Muskuloskeletal : murni milik lansia -- gangg. Gait.

Gangg.gait terjadi krn : penurunan ROM penurunan kekuatan otot kelemahan extremitas

bwh, perpenjangan waktu

reaksi kerusakan persepsi dalam, peningkatan postural sway


Intrinsik : Kondisi fisik dan neuropsikiatrik Penurunan visus dan pendengaran Perubahan neuromuskuler, gait dan

reflek postural karena proses menua Ekstrinsik : Obat-obatan yang diminum Alat bantu jalan Lingkungan yang tidak mendukung


Intrinsik : Kondisi fisik dan neuropsikiatrik Penurunan visus dan pendengaran Perubahan neuromuskuler, gait dan

reflek postural karena proses menua Ekstrinsik : Obat-obatan yang diminum Alat bantu jalan Lingkungan yang tidak mendukung


Kecelakaan Nyeri kepala mendadak dan atau vertigo Hipotensi orthostatik : hipovolumia,disfungsi

otonom,preload menurun , obat , lama berbaring, post prandial

Obat-obatan : a.hipertensi, a.depresan, a. psikotik, OAD, allkohol

Proses penyakit yang spesifik : Kardiovask : aritmia, AMI, stenosis a

Neurologi : TIA, stroke, kejang dll

. Idiopatik

Sinkope : Drop attack, penurunan darah ke otak mendadak, terbakar



AKTIVITAS : - biasa ( berjalan, naik/turun trap, ganti posisi ,dll ) - imobil ( tidak mendapat bantuan )

LINGKUNGAN : 70 % dirumah, 10 % ditangga PENYAKIT AKUT : - dizzines/ sinkope - eksaserbasi akut



Perlukaan : - jaringan lunak ( lecet,sobek)

- patah tulang ( kolum femur )

- subdural hematom Perawatan rumah sakit : imobilisasi,

iatrogenik Disabilitas : akibat perlukaan, tak

percaya diri Risiko masuk panti jompo Mati


Pencegahan : - identifikasi dan eliminir f.risiko

-penilaian keseimbangan/gait

-mengatur/mengatasi f.situasi

Pendekatan diagnostik : assesment geriatri


Gait Abnormalities and Falls

Gait Abnormalities and Falls

Gait Abnormalities and Falls

Falling: A Geriatric Syndrome

30% of persons 65+ fall at home each year

50% of persons 80+ fall at home each year

66% of fallers will fall again in six months

If an elder is hospitalized due to a fall, only 50% will be alive in a year

Falls are common in the hospitalized, most on the night of admission

Falls result in 250,000 hip fractures per year

Geriatrics 12

Complications of Falls

Medical Fractures Subdural hematoma Sprains, bruises, hematomas,

lacerations Psychological

FFF (3F syndrome): Fear of further falling:

Decreased confidence isolation and withdrawal depression reluctance to go outdoors

Geriatrics 13

Complications of Falls (Cont’d)

Social Loss of independence Risk of nursing home placement

Increased immobilization Further loss of muscle tone and strength DVT/pulmonary embolism Hypothermia Dehydration Osteoporosis Pulmonary infections

Geriatrics 14

Medical Risk Factors for Falls

Poor vision: cataracts, glaucoma,macular degeneration

CV: postural hypotension, syncope, arrhythmias, drop attacks

Lower extremity dysfunction: arthritis, weakness, foot problems, peripheral neuropathy

Gait and Balance: CVA, Parkinson’s, myelopathy, cerebellar disorders

Geriatrics 15

Types of Falls:Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic

Intrinsic factors: Changes in postural control:

Decreased proprioception, righting reflexes, muscle tone and strength; increased postural sway

Decreased foot swing height, slower gait Decreased depth perception, clarity, dark

adaptation, color sensitivity, visual fields; Increased sensitivity to glare

Geriatrics 16

Types of Falls (Cont’d)

Extrinsic factors Poor lighting Objects on the floor

(clutter, pets, throw rugs) Unstable furniture Poor or absent railings Low beds or low toilet seats

Geriatrics 17

UCSF Division of Geriatrics Primary Care Lecture Series May 2001

Fractures with Hip Protectors 2.1% per year vs. 4.6% per year

(p<.01) 40 patients needed to be treated with

hip protector for 1 year to prevent one fracture

2.4% of falls resulted in hip fracture when not wearing protector

0.4% resulted in hip fracture when wearing protector (80% risk reduction)

But patient acceptance lowKannus. NEJM;2000;343;1506-1513

UCSF Division of Geriatrics Primary Care Lecture Series May 2001

CDC Fall Prevention Recommendations: the 4 Pearls

Regular exercise Medication review Vision exams Home safety evaluation

Common Types of Fractures

Forearm (Wrist) Fracture Spine Fracture Hip Fracture (pelvis, hip, femur) Ankle Fracture Upper arm, forearms, hand

Fragile Bone

Osteoporosis, or brittle bones Fall induced fractures

Normal Bone Normal Bone Osteoporotic BoneOsteoporotic Bone

Dempster et al., JBMR 1986

Assistant Devices

Hip pads Mobility aids

Cane Walkers Wheelchairs

Bathroom aids Raised toilet seats Grab bars