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Transcript of KELAS VIII 1.pdf

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 1

A. Introduction

In this chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To order a meal at a restaurant

• To talk about weather

• To turn statements into questions

• To describe things using adjectives and adverbs

B. Story

a. Hi, will you be having lunch? b. Yes, But I’m not very hungry. It’s too hot out side a. I know what you mean. It’s a scorcher today. b. I’m not used to this kind of weather, I’m glad that everything

is air conditioned here. a. Hi, my name is Karl and I’ll e serving you today. Can I get

you something to drink? b. Just water, please, with ice. a. Of course. I’ll be back in a moment. Would you like to hear

about our house specials? b. I think I’ll just have salad, bread, and a glass of white wine. a. O.K. What kind of wine? Our house wine is quite good, b. Fine, I’ll have a glass of that, a. Would you like some dessert? We have a delicious chocolate

cheesecake. b. I don’t think so. I’m on a diet. Just bring the check, please.

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank 1. I don’t think so. I’m on a ___________ 2. I ____________ what you mean. 3. I ____________ I’ll just have a salad, bread, and a glass of white wine. 4. Our _______________ wine is quite good. 5. I’m not used to this kind of ____________.

Tema: Dining Out Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan The Future Tense, Tag Questions, Adjectives and adverbs.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 2

D. Vocabulary

How do you say 1. The hostess asks if you’ll be having lunch. You say you’re not very hungry. …………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Complain about the hot weather: …………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Tell the hostess you’re not used to this kind of weather. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The waiter asks if he can get you something to drink. He asks: …………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Politely tell the waiter you’d like some water: …………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Tell him you also a glass of white wine. You say: …………………………………………………………………………………… 7. After you meal, the waiter asks if you would like any dessert. Tell him thanks, you’re a diet. …………………………………………………………………………………… E. Grammar The Future Tense In this lesson the future tense is used in a question and a declarative sentence: QUESTION: ...will you be having lunch? STATEMENT: ...I'll just have a salad, ... . It is easy to use the future. Just add will (or shall,* which can be used after I or we) as an auxiliary and use the infinitive form of the verb: --He gets you something to drink. -->He'll (he will) get you something... --We have a salad. -->We'll (we will) have a salad. *NOTE: In American usage, shall is used less often than will

Essential Extra

Environment Restaurant

Air conditioned Hot Scorcher Weather

Hand, to Hostess Meal Menu Order, to Prepare, to

Restaurant Return, to Table Waiter Serve, to Check


Be right back, to Be serving, to Bring! Everything Fine Glad Having Hear about, to Know, to Mean, to Moment Name

Physical condition

Better Feel, to Morning Newspaper Next Read, to Television Tray Watch, to


Cool of, to Explore, to Later Seeing Sights Of course July

Food and Beverage

Bread Cheese cake Chocolate Delicious Dessert Diet Drink, to Glass House Hungry

Ice Kind Lunch Salad Specials Water White wine

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 3

F. Drill 2

Fill in the blank 1. ______________ go to bed. 2. ______________ a salad. 3. ______________ some wine 4. ______________ the telephone. 6. ______________ a meal. Tag Questions Tag questions are questions that are added at the end of a sentence. --Mary is here, isn't she? --You like beer, don't you? --They are leaving, aren't they? --She doesn't drink coffee, does she? --He has brown hair, doesn't he? The subject of the tag question should be the same as the subject of the main verb. If the first part of the sentence is in the affirmative, then the tag question will be negative, and vice versa.



affirmative negative

negative affirmative

In American English, a form of do is usually used when have is the main verb: They have change, don't they?

Fill in the blank

1. She knows the waiter, _______________? 2. They’re leaving, _______________? 3. It’s raining, _______________? 4. He’s ordering a meal, _______________?

5. We’re getting dessert, _______________? Placement of Adjectives and Adverbs Adjectives and adverbs are invariable in English. Adjectives always come in front of the noun they modify. Adverbs usually come after the verb they modify. ADJECTIVES: a good book an excellent dinner a fine wine a charming person a hot day an unreasonable person ADVERBS: --This newspaper is published frequently. --The Immigration Agent is speaking quickly.

G. Drill 3 Paragraph

You wake up the next morning and order your continental breakfast. Twenty minutes later your breakfast arrives. You watch some television, and then read the newspaper that came your breakfast tray. Finally, you decide to explore down town Atlanta. It’s July, and it’s hot outside. After seeing some of the downtown sight, you look for a restaurant where you can cool of. Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. Then you ____________ the newspaper. 2. You ____________ some television. 3. The next morning you order a continental___________________. 4. Finally, you decide to _____________ downtown Atlanta. 5. Twenty ______________ later your breakfast arrives.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 4



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 5

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To buy tickets and refreshments at a movie

• To refer to things with pronouns

• To express prices in different ways

• To talk about places and activities in Atlanta

B. strory

a. How many? b. One ticket please. a. That will be $ 6.00. a. What can I get for you? b. Popcorn, a Coke and some of those chocolates there. a. You mean Milk Duds? b. Yes, that’s right, a box of Milk Duds. a. Do you want Classic Coke, Diet Coke, or Cherry

Coke? b. Uh….Classic Coke I think. a. Would you like butter on your popcorn? b. Yes, thank you. a. Here you go. That’ll be $4.50, please.

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank 1. How many?__________ 2. What can _________for you?

3. Yes, that’s right __________ Milk Duds.

4. How about the __________?

Tema: At The Movie Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan This, That, and Pronoun, Paying for things, sense verb.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 6

5. ___________ Classic Coke,_____________ Coke? D. Vocabulary


How do you say 1. Ask the cashier how much a ticket cost. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Ask the cashier for one ticket. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Ask for a box of chocolates using “I’d like…” in your response: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Ask for a diet Coke using “I’d like…” in your response: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Tell the clerk you’d also like some popcorn. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Tell the clerk you’d like some butter on your popcorn. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Politely ask the clerk if you may have some salt. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Thank the clerk. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. E. Grammar

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

To differentiate between things in English, use either:





Any of these demonstratives can be used with a noun or by itself. This (singular) and these (plural) refer to something or

someone close at hand. That (singular) and those (plural) refer to something or someone a bit farther away.


--Do you want this box or that box?

--I'd like some of that popcorn.

--Do you want these or those?

--This apartment is nicer than that one.

F. Drill 2

Fill in the blank 1. I’d like some __________popcorn. 2. _________ Milk Duds taste good. 3. _________ One is a Diet Coke.

Essential Extra

Buying Ticket To Movies

How many? Ticket Here you go

Afternoon Free Concierge Exclusive Shopping mall Suburban A lot Fine Department store Movie theater Movie Before Go shopping, to


That will be That’ll


Box Milk Duds Coke Cherry Classic Popcorn Butter

1. (those / that) 2. (these / this) 3. (those / that) 4. (these / this) 5. (those / that)

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 7

4. _________ Apartment is nice. 5. _________ Building is in Atlanta Paying For Things

When paying for things in the U.S., you will be quoted a price in dollars ($) and cents (¢). Sometimes the words dollar

and cents are used, but more often you will hear:

--How much is it?

-- $29.95 (Twenty-nine ninety-five)

OR: (Twenty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents)

--What does it cost?


(One hundred dollars)

*NOTE: Usually, when the price is an even amount -- dollars and no cents -- the word dollars is kept. Sense Verbs (To Taste, Feel, Smell)

Verbs related to the senses (to taste, feel, and smell) are treated somewhat differently in terms of modifiers. Instead of an

adverb, use the equivalent adjective to describe how something tastes, feels, or smells:

--These flowers smell good. (not well)

--I feel bad. (not badly, although you will hear this)

--My salad tastes good. (not well)

NOTE: Adjectives are used because attention is being drawn to the quality of the noun or pronoun subject, not to the

verb. If you said She smells well instead of She smells good, you would be emphasizing her ability to smell something,

not how she smells.

G. Drill 3


Your afternoon and evening are free, so you decide to explore more of Atlanta. Your hotel concierge recommends a trip to one of the city’s exclusive shopping malls in suburban Atlanta. You take MARTA to Square where there are a lot of fine department stores, restaurants, and, movie theaters. You decide to see a movie before going shopping

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. Your_________and evening are free. 2. You decide to explore one of the city’s exclusive shopping_________ 3. There a lot of fine department _______, restaurants, and movie theaters. 4. You decide to __________ a movie before going shopping. 5. Your hotel concierge _________a trip to Lenox Square.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 8



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 9

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To buy clothes at a department store

• To point something out in relation to time and space

• To use common two-word verbs

B. Story

a. Are you being helped? b. No, I’m not. I’m looking for give for my children, possibly T-shirt. a. For a girl or a boy? b. Both. I have a son and a daughter. a. What sizes do you need? b. I guess I’ll need a large for my son and a medium for my daughter. a. How about the colors? b. I think I’ll get a light green shirt for my daughter and a navy blue one for

my son. Are they ease to take care of? a. Yes, they’re machine-washable and shouldn’t fade or shrink very much. b. Fine, I’ll take the two shirts. a. How about something for your husband? b. Not right now. I’m going to look some more. Where’s the fine jewelry

department? a. Right over there, to the left.

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank 1. Fine, I’ll __________ the two shirt. 2. I guess I’ll need a _________for my daughter. 3. Yes, __________ machine-washable. 4. How about the __________? 5. I’m looking for ___________ for my children.

Tema: Sopping at the Mall Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan Preposition, Two-Word Verbs and Object Pronouns I.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 10

D. Vocabulary

E. Grammar

Prepositions Here are some common English prepositions:


Prepositions are used in phrases and as parts of verbs

F. Dill 2

Multiple choices

1. My apartment is ____________ the street from yours. 2. These T-shirt won’t shrink _________ the washing machine. 3. I would like popcorn _________ butter. 4. The restaurant is ___________ my apartment. 5. The green T-shirt are _________ the navy blue T-shirt

Essential Extra

Shopping for Gifts Window Shopping

Are you being helped? Gift T-shirt Shirt How about? Color Navy blue Green Light

Size Large Medium Guess, to Right now Where’s? Department Jewelry Fine

Leave, to Because Refreshment Because of Refreshments Eat, to Windows shop, to Stroll, to Hope, to Find, to Family Friend Think, to Something


Children Boy Girl Son Daughter Husband Wife


Easy They’re Machine-washable Shouldn’t Fade, to Shrink, to Very much

about into

above like

across near

after of

along off

among on

around out

before over

behind since

below through

beneath throughout

beside till

between to

beyond toward

by under

despite until

down up

during upon

for with

from within

in without

1. (above / over / across) 2. (in / into / on) 3. (by / with / in) 4. (next to / among / between) 5. (until / up / under)

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 11

Two-Word Verbs The term two-word verb refers to a verb and a preposition which together have a special meaning. Two-word verbs are common in informal English. Here is a list of some of these verbs.

There are two categories of two-word verbs: 1.) Separable: --I handed my paper in. In separable two-word verbs, a noun or pronoun may come between the verb and preposition. 2.) Non separable: --She gets off the train. With this kind of verb, a noun or pronoun must follow the preposition. Fill in the blank 1. ___________ it in. 2. ___________ her up. 3. ___________ it up in the dictionary. 4. ___________ it on. 5. ___________up the phone.

bring up To rear children; to mention a topic.

call up To call on the telephone.

clean up To make clean and orderly.

do over To do again.

drop off To leave something/ someone at a place.

fill out To complete an official form.

get on To enter an airplane, car, etc.

give back

To return an item to someone.

go over To review or check carefully.

hand in To submit an assignment or report.

hang up To conclude a telephone conversation; to put clothes on a hanger or hook.

look over

To review or check carefully.

look up To look for information in a reference book.

pick up To get someone in a car (e.g., in a car); to take in one’s hand.

put away

To remove to a proper place.

put on To put clothes on one’s body.

put out To extinguish a cigarette, fire, etc.

show up To appear, come.

take off To remove clothing; to leave on a trip.

take out To take someone on a date; to remove.

think over

To consider carefully.

try on To put on clothing to see if it fits.

turn in To submit an assignment, report; to go to bed.

turn off To stop a machine, light, faucet.

turn on To activate a machine, light, faucet.

turn out To extinguish a light.

turn up To increase volume or intensity.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 12

Object Pronouns Remember, a pronoun is used in place of a noun. Subject pronouns come in front of verbs, and object pronouns follow them:

me us

you you

him, her, it


EXAMPLES: --We see our friends. -->We see them. (them takes the place of our friends) --Call the waiter. -->Call him. (i.e., the waiter) --They like coffee. -->They like it. (i.e., coffee)

How do you say 1. The salesperson asks if you’re being helped. He says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Tell him that you’re looking for gifts: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Tell a salesperson that you’re looking for a navy blue shirt: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Ask the salesperson what sizes they have: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Tell the salesperson that you’ll take a large T-shirt ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Ask if the shirts are machine-washable: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Ask the salesperson where the jewelry department is. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Ask the salesperson where the dresses are. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. G. Drill 3


After the movie, you leave the theater and go into the mall. You’re not very hungry because of the refreshments

you ate. You window-shop as you stroll through the mall. Finally, you go into a department store. You hope to find some

gifts for family and friends.

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. You’re not very hungry because of the ______________ you ate.

2. Finally, you go __________ a department store.

3. You hope to find some ________________ for family and friends.

4. You window shop as you ____________ through the mall.

5. You leave the ______________ and go into the mall.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 13



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 14

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To talk about finding a place to live

• To ask questions about the past

• To use other ways to indicate possession

B. Story

a. Hello, I’m calling about an apartment. I’d like to rent a furnished, two-bedroom place.

b. We have one furnished apartment left. It’s air-conditioned and rents for $565 per month.

a. Are the utilities included? b. The water is, but not the gas and electricity. a. That’s a little more than I want to pay. Thanks anyway. b. Hello, Breezeway Manor Apartments, how may I help you? a. Do you have a furnished, two-bedroom apartment in the $400

range? b. Why yes, you’re in luck. One just came open today. It goes for

$450 per moth, including water. a. Is it on the first or second floor? b. The first floor. It’s very close to our swimming pool. Shall I

hold it for you? I need one moth’s rent as a deposit as soon as possible.

a. Yes, please do. I’ll be right over.

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank 1. Hello, …………… about an apartment. 2. Are ………………. Included? 3. ………………… but not the gas and electricity. 4. Hello, …………………… Apartments, how may ………………..? 5. …………….. it’s very close to our …………pool ……………….for you.

Tema: Finding an Apartment Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan Simple past III, -ing Verb and Possessives.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 15

D. Vocabulary

D. Grammar

Questions in the Simple Past Tense When making a question using the simple past, you will have to use did just as you learned to use do with the simple present tense. SIMPLE PRESENT: Statement: --They accept credit cards. Question: --Do they accept credit cards? SIMPLE PAST: Statement: --They accepted credit cards last year. Question: --Did they accept credit cards last year? When using did in a question, the main verb will be in the infinitive form, not the simple past tense. NOTE: For a negative question in the past, use didn't. --Didn't you get my letter? --Didn't they come? E. Drill 2

Fill in the blank 1. When _____________ the envelope? 2. What ______________? 3. When _____________ the report? 4. What ______________for me? 5. How ______________ his meal? Formation of -Ing Verbs There are certain rules for forming -ing verbs just as there are for the -ed forms. 1. VERBS THAT END IN -E Drop the -e and add -ing: hope-->hoping date-->dating 2. VERBS THAT END IN -Y If -y is preceded by a vowel, keep the -y: buy-->buying If -y is preceded by a consonant, keep the -y: try-->trying study-->studying 3. VERBS THAT END IN -IE Change the -ie to -y: die-->dying lie-->lying 4. VERBS THAT END IN TWO CONSONANTS Just add the -ing ending:

Essential Extra

Renting an Apartment Looking for an Apartment

Rent, to Rent Deposit Than Anyway Breezeway Manor Go for, to Why! In luck

Come open, to Have left, to Hold, to Shall Soon I’ll be right over

Realize, to Have to, to Several Short-term Rental Look through, to Classified, ad Start, to Like to, to Place Per Month Floor Close

Your Apartment

Apartment Furnished Two-bedroom Swimming pool First Second Close

The Utility

Utilities Electricity Gas Included

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 16

start-->starting Verbs that end in a vowel and a consonant follow special rules. FOR ONE-SYLLABLE VERBS: 1 vowel-->2 consonants (stop--> stopping) 2 vowels-->1 consonant (dream--> dreaming) FOR TWO-SYLLABLE VERBS: 1st syllable stressed-->1 consonant (listening) 2nd syllable stressed-->2 consonants (preferring) Possessives To indicate possession in English, you will use either the preposition of or the -'s form. The latter is used much more frequently in informal English. --This is the office of the attorney. -->This is the attorney's office. --Here is the desk of Mr. Young. -->Here is Mr. Young's desk. --I know the family of Mrs. Jones. -->I know Mrs. Jones's family. Note the change in word order when the -'s form is used. The owner is listed first, followed by the thing owned. Fill in the blank 1. Yes, this is ____________________. 2. Yes, I know _______________________. 3. No, this isn’t _______________________. 4. No, this isn’t ______________________. 5. Yes, this is _______________________.

How do you say 1. Tell the manager that you’re calling about an apartment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Tell the manager that you’d like a furnished apartment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. He asks you how many bedrooms you need. He says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Tell the manager you need a two-bedroom apartment: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Ask the manager if the utilities are included: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Ask the manager if the apartment is air-conditioned: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Ask the manager if the apartment is on the first floor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Ask the manager if he can hold the apartment for you. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. F. Drill 3


Realizing that you may have to stay in the U.S. for several months, you decide to look for an apartment. You hope

to find a furnished, short-term rental. You look through the classified ads in the newspaper, then start calling.

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. You ______________ to find a short-term rental.

2. You decide to look for an __________.

3. You may have to stay in the U.S. for several ___________.

4. You look through the ____________ in the newspaper.

5. You want to rent a ______________ apartment.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 17



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 18

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To talk about the features of a house or apartment

• To indicate change with the verb “to get”

• To deal with troublesome verbs

B. Story

a. Good morning. Are you ready to see the apartment? b. Yes. Let’s go inside. a. We’ll start with the kitchen and dining room. b. Oh good, a refrigerator and stove. Is there a dishwasher, too? a. It’s right over here. next to the sink. There’s also garbage

disposal and a trash compactor. b. I’d like to take a look at the bedrooms and bath. a. Here’re the bedrooms. They’re connected by the bathroom.

There’s also a half bath of the living room. Which bedroom will you use?

b. I like the one facing the pool. I’ll use the other one for my study. Can I get a desk and chair for the study?

a. I’ll call the office and see if there are any in storage. b. I don’t have a car. Is there a grocery store nearby? a. you’re in luck. There’s a supermarket down the street. It’s

about a ten-minute walk. Let’s go back to my office and talk about your lease.

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank 1. Good, …………… Are you ready to see the apartment?. 2. It’s ………………. next to the sink. 3. ………………… They’re connected by the bathroom. 4. I don’t …………………… Is there a grocery………………..? 6. …………….. There’s a supermarket ………… It’s ……………….walk.

Tema: Moving Day Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan The Verb To Get, Forms of Other and Troublesome Verbs.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 19

D. Vocabulary

E. Grammar

The Verb To Get In American English, the verb get is used constantly. One common occurrence of get is with an adjective: --I'm getting hungry. --You shouldn't eat so much. You'll get fat. In this instance, get has the meaning of become. Get may also be followed by a past participle (-ed). The past participle functions as an adjective describing the subject: --We got worried, because they were late. --I got tired from all the work. Some of the common adjectives that follow get are angry, anxious, big, cold, dark, fat, hot, hungry, late, mad, old, rich, sleepy, tall, thirsty, warm, well, wet. F. Drill 2

Match the suitable word for the picture below! a. it’s getting warm in here b. it’s getting cold c. I’m getting sleepy d. I’m getting hungry

Essential Extra

Rooms Touring the Apartment

Bath Half Bathroom bedroom dining room kitchen living room study

Manager Complex North Side Meet, to In front of Tour premises


Chair Desk Dishwasher Garbage disposal Refrigerator Sink Stove Trash compacter

Touring the Apartment

Good morning Ready Go inside, to Start, to Good! Too Next to Take a look, to

Connected off Which Facing Pool Storage Go back, to lease

Where to buy food

Car Grocery store Nearby Supermarket Down Street walk

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 20

Forms of Other Forms of other are used as either adjectives or pronouns:

SINGULAR: another book (is) another is

PLURAL: other books (are) others (are)

SINGULAR: the other book (is) the other (is)

PLURAL: the other books (are) the others (are)

Note that a final -s is used only for a plural pronoun (others). Another means one more in addition to the one(s) already mentioned. Other/others (without the) refer to several more in addition to the one(s) already mentioned. The other(s) has a different meaning (all that remains from a given number or specific group): --I have three apartments. Two are mine. The other is yours. Drill Multiple choice 1. The __________ half bath is beside the kitchen. (another/other) 2. Did you see the __________ bedroom facing the pool? (other/another) 3. I saw __________ supermarket down to the street. (another/other) 4. Did you see the __________desk in the study? (other/another) 5. there is __________ bedroom beside the living room(another/other)

Troublesome Verbs Here are some verbs that you, like many native speakers, may find troublesome:

TRANSITIVE (followed by an object)

INTRANSITIVE (not followed by an object)

raise, raising,

raised: The farmer is raising chickens.

rise, rising, rose: The moon is rising.

set, setting, set: I will set the glass down.

sit, sitting, sat: They sit in front.

lay, laying, laid: I am laying the dress on the bed.

lie, lying, lain: I am lying on the bed.


Multiple choice 6. They ____________ by the pool yesterday. (set/sat) 7. The chicken ____________ an egg. (laid/lay) 8. Mr. young ____________ in your office. (is sitting/is setting) 9. please ____________ the window. (raise/rise) 10. the boy ____________ in the chair. (is setting/is setting)

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 21


How do you say? 1. The manager asks if you are ready to see the apartment. He says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Ask the manager if there’s a swimming pool: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Ask the manager where the bathroom is: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Tell the manager that you’d like to take a look at the bedrooms: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Ask the manager if you can get a chair for the study: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Ask him if there’s a dishwasher: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. tell the manager that you don’t have a car: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Ask him if there’s a grocery nearby: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. G. Drill 3


After speaking to the apartment manager, you decide to visit the complex. A taxi takes you to the north side of

town. You meet the apartment manager in front of one of the buildings for a tour of the premises.

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. She takes you on a ______________ of the apartment.

2. You meet the apartment manager in front of one of the __________.

3. You decide to ___________ the apartment complex.

4. You call and speak to the apartment ______________.

5. A taxi takes you to the ______________ side of town.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 22



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 23

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To shop for groceries

• To express what you were doing in the past

• To express what you will be doing in the future

B. Story

a. Good morning. Can I weigh those for you? b. Yes. And how much are the tomatoes? a. Eighty cents a pound. How many would you like? b. Three will be enough. I also want this head of lettuce. How

much do I owe you? a. Oh, you don’t pay here. You pay at the check-out counter when

you leave. b. Sorry about that. a. Can I help you? b. I’d like chicken please. a. Would you like it whole or cut up? b. A hole fryer please. I’ll cut it up my self. Thanks. a. Yes, sir? b. I’d like a loaf of bred, please. a. Do you want rye, whole wheat, or white bread? b. I’ll take the rye breed.

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank

1. Good morning, …………… those for you?.

2. Yes. And how ………………. tomatoes?

3. ………………… . I also want this head of lettuce.

4. Oh, …………………… You pay at the ……………………….

5. …………….. like it whole ………… or ……………….

Tema: Shopping for Groceries Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan Past Progressive, Future Progressive and More on the Progressive

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 24

D. Vocabulary

E Grammar

The Past Progressive Tense In a previous section, you learned about the present progressive tense. The past progressive is used when talking about something that was in progress at a particular time in the past: --They were buying groceries when we arrived. The buying of groceries probably began before and continued after the arrival of we. TENSE FORMATION (Past Progressive) Simply put the helping verb (a form of to be) into the past tense and use the -ing form of main verb: --We are playing tennis. -->We were playing tennis. F. Drill 2 1. I ___________________ the apartment. (tour) 2. I ___________________ my secretary. (call) 3. He ___________________ his wife. (call) 4. I ___________________ to my daughter. (talk) 5. I ___________________ a ticket (buy)

The Future Progressive Tense The future progressive tense refers to an action that will be underway at a particular time in the future. When used in conjunction with when + a present tense, the future progressive action will precede the present tense in time and may continue after it: --The clerk will be weighing the bananas when you return. TENSE FORMATION (Future Progressive) Simply put the helping verb (a form of to be) into the future tense and use the -ing form of the main verb: --We buy groceries. -->We will be buying groceries. Fill in the blank 1. She ___________________ her aunt. (visit)

2. He ___________________ the apartment next door. (rent) 3. I ___________________ at 7:00. (wake) 4. I ___________________ to the supermarket today. (go) 5. Mr. ___________________ the attorney. (call)

Essential Extra

Buying Produce At the Supermarket

Weigh, to Tomato Cents Pound Enough Head of lettuce Owe. To Check-out counter Sorry about that

Now New Walk, to Neighborhood Shopping list However Basics Get started, to Head for, to Fresh Fruit Vegetable Aisle Apple Banana bread

Buying Chicken

Chicken Whole Cut up Fryer Cut up, to My self

Buying bread

Ma’am Sir Loaf Rye Whole wheat Take, to

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 25

More On the Progressive Tenses Certain categories of verbs are usually not used in any of the progressive tenses. When the verbs below are used in one of the progressive tenses, they usually have a different meaning: --You will be hearing from me. (I will get in touch with you later.) --She is having trouble. (She is experiencing trouble).


hear know

taste believe

smell think

see understand




Fill the sentences with “skepticism or friendly interest”

1. Who will finish the report? (………………….) 2. Who will be introducing me? (………………….) 3. Why will you be calling John? (………………….) 4. Why will you call john? (………………….) 5. What will you be doing in Atlanta? (………………….) 6. What will you do in San Francisco? (………………….) How do you say

1. The produce clerk asks if he can weigh your tomatoes for you. He says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Ask the clerk if you can weigh them yourself: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Ask how much the tomatoes are: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Tell the clerk that you’d like a head of lettuce: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Ask the butcher you’d like a chicken: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Tell him that you’ll cut up yourself: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Ask where you pay: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Ask if you can pay with a credit card. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. G. Drill 3


Now settled in your new apartment, you walk to the large supermarket in your neighborhood. You haven’t had time to make a shopping list. However, you do know what basic you’ll need to get started. You head for the fruit and vegetable aisle. You see some apples and bananas that you like.

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. You know you ______________ to get the basics. 2. You want some fresh __________ and bananas. 3. You start in the fruit and ___________ aisle. 4. You walk to the large ____________ in your neighborhood. 5. Now you’re ______________ in your new apartment.


possess dislike

own seem

have appear

belong look

want like

prefer hate

need appreciate


SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 26



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 27

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To visit the Laundromat

• To express what you have done in the past

• To talk about things that happen to you

B. Story

a. How does this washing machine work? b. You have to put four quarters in the slot, then add the

detergent. a. I don’t have any change. Where can I get some? b. Three’s a coin machine over there. It takes dollar bills. Do you

have any detergent? a. Oh, no! I forgot to buy some at the supermarket. Can I borrow

a cup? b. Sure. Take as much as you need. I’ve finished using the dryer,

and there’s still some time left if you want to dry your clothes. a. That’s very kind. Thanks a lot. b. Don’t mention it here’s my business card if you need anything

for your self or your apartment. I manage a department store in the mall. We’re having a big sale this week. Why don’t you stop by sometime?

a. Thank you. I’ll try to

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank

1. How does, ………………………… work?.

2. You have to put four …………………………. add the detergent. 3. ………………… . the supermarket. Can I borrow a cup? 4. Oh, no! …………………… supermarket. ………………………. a cup?

5. …………….. as you need. ………… the dryer, and there’s ……………….

Tema: At the Laundry Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan Present Perfect and Reflexive Pronouns.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 28

D. Vocabulary

E. Grammar

The Present Perfect Tense The present perfect, like the other perfect tenses (future and past perfects), conveys the idea that one thing happens before another time or event. In other words, perfect tenses are always used within a context and not in isolation. To form the present perfect, use a form of have + past participle: --They've already dried their clothes. --I've just finished washing my clothes. --She's borrowed some detergent. (In the above, the actions all took place before now. The exact time is unimportant.) F. Drill 2

Match the best answer from the box.

1. I don’t have any change, where I can get some? 2. How does this washing machine work? 3. Do you have any detergent? 4. Can I borrow a cup? 5. I finish using the dryer, and there’s still sometime left if you want dryer your cloth?

Reflexive Pronouns The following are reflexive pronouns:

myself ourselves

yourself yourselves

himself, herself, itself


A reflexive pronoun usually refers to the subject of a sentence:

Essential Extra

Washing Clothes Dirty Laundry

Washing machine Work, to Have to, to Put, to Quarter Slot Add, to Detergent Change Coin machine Oh, no!

Forget, to Sale Buy, to Stop by, to Borrow, to Cup As much as you need Dryer Still Dry, to Clothes

Dirty Pile up, to Discover, to Laundromat Saturday Laundry Anything

Kind Neighbors

Kind Don’ mention it Business card Yourself Manage, to Department store Mall Big Week Try, to sure

a. That’s very kind. b. You have to put 4 quarters in the

slot. c. There’s a coin machine over there. d. Oh, no! I forgot to buy some. e. Sure

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 29

--We looked at ourselves in the mirror. (We and ourselves are the same persons.) Sometimes reflexive pronouns are used for emphasis: --I washed my clothes myself. How do you say?

1. Ask your neighbor how the machine works: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Ask your neighbor if she has any change: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Tell your neighbor that you don’t have any detergent: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Tell your neighbor that you forgot to buy detergent at the supermarket: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Ask if you can borrow a cup of detergent: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Your neighbor tells you to take as much as you need she says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Thank your neighbor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Tell your neighbor that you’ve finish using the dryer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. G. Drill 3


You’ve been in your apartment for over a week. There’s no washing machine, and your dirty clothes are piling up. You discover that your apartment complex has a Laundry in the next building. Saturday morning – as good a time as any to do your laundry.

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. You go to the Laundromat on a Saturday ______________. 2. You discover that your apartment complex has a ________________. 3. There’s no ___________ machine in your apartment. 4. You need to do your ____________. 5. Your ______________ clothes are piling up.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 30



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

Catatan :

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 31

A. Introduction

In this Chapter, you’ll learn how:

• To talk about what you want at a gas station

• To ask that certain services be performed on your car

• To talk about activities in progress

B. Story

a. Regular or super unleaded? b. Fill it up with regular, please. a. Could you also check the oil and the tires? b. O.K Would you mind cleaning the windshield, too? a. Sure. Where are you headed? b. To Washington. I’ve go to do some research there. I know

nothing about the City. a. It’s a great place—lots of good restaurants, museums, and

stores. How long will you be there? b. I’m not sure yet. Probably several days. a. Have a safe trip! And don’t miss the Smithsonian!

C. Drill 1

Fill in the blank

1. Regular or, …………………………?.

2. Could you …………………………. oil and the tires? 3. To Washington. ………………… . research there. 4. It’s a …………………… restaurants, museums,. ………………………. How long will you be there?

5. I’m not sure yet …………….. ……. days.

Tema: At the Gas Station Sub Pokok Bahasan:

A. Introduction B. Story C. Drill 1 D. Vocabulary E. Grammar F. Drill 2 G. Drill 3

Alokasi waktu:: 6 jam pelajaran (6 x 45 menit) pelaksanaan:: pertemuan ke 1 – 6 standar kompetensi: berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa yang sesuai, dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional dan atau monolog pendek terutama wacana yang berbentuk naratif, deskriptif dan recount sederhana. Indicator: Diharapkan siswa dapat:

- siswa dapat merespon dan menggunakan tindak tutur didalam meminta dan memberi informasi.

- siswa dapat merespon tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan dalam ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi.

- siswa dapat memperkaya kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan wacana.

- siswa dapat memahami penggunaan Perfect Progressive I and Perfect Progressive II.

- siswa dapat menemukan makna arti kata dalam wacana teks.

- siswa dapat melaksanakan dan mengerjakan perintah yang dimaksud dengan baik dan benar.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 32

D. Vocabulary

E. Grammar

The Perfect Progressive Tenses

In previous sections, you learned about the perfect and progressive tenses. The perfect progressive

tenses are used to indicate duration in the past. The three forms are:



Here are examples of each:


I have been reading for one hour.


We had been traveling for three days when we ran out of money.


He will have been working there for a year by the time you arrive.

F. Drill 2

Fill in the blank with the suitable structure below: Had been, Will have been, have been, Will be, or has been.

Example: John has been calling me since yester day, and I still haven’t talked to him. 1. When he arrives, he ___________________ traveling for three days. 2. When he retires, he___________________ working here for fifty years. 3. He ___________________ reading that book for two weeks and he still hasn’t finished it. 4. I ___________________ on the road for two days when I arrived in Washington. 5. She ___________________ washing clothes for an hour when Sue cam home.

Formation of the Perfect Progressive Tenses


This tense indicates duration of an activity beginning in the past and continuing into the present. It is often used with time words like for, since, all day, etc.

Begin with 'has' or 'have' + 'been' followed by -ing form of the verb.

--They have been watching television for three hours.

Essential Extra

Buying Gas The Envelope

Super unleaded Check, to Oil Tire Low Quart Clean. To Windshield Research Great Museum Miss. to Smithsonian

Become, to Curious Even though Ahead Must Mark, to Service station Attendant Approach, to Regular nothing

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 33

NOTE: When the present perfect progressive is used without reference to time, it indicates a general activity in progress recently:

--I have been thinking about renting a car. 2. PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE

This tense emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before another activity or time in the past.

Begin with 'had' + 'been' followed by -ing form of the verb.

--I had been waiting for an hour when the doctor arrived. 3. FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE

This tense indicates the duration of an activity that will be in progress before another time or event in the future.

Begin with 'will have' + 'been' followed by -ing form of the verb.

Fill in the blank with the suitable structure below: Had been, had been, Have been, or has been.


I had been cleaning the house when you arrived.

1. He. ___________________ washing clothes for an hour when I called. 2. Recently, I ___________________ thinking about renting an apartment. 3. By now they ___________________ flying for three hours. 4. When he arrives, he will ___________________ traveling for three days. 5. When he retires, he will ___________________ working here for fifty years. How do you say?

1. The attendant asks if you want regular or super. He says: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Tell him you want unleaded: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Tell the attendant to check your oil and tires. Begin with “please…..”: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. Tell the attendant to clean the windshield. Begin with “Please….”: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. The attendant asks where you are headed. He says:: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Tell him that you’re headed to Washington: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Tell him you know nothing about Washington: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Tell the attendant to have a nice day: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. G. Drill 3


As you leave Atlanta, you decide to stop for a gas. You are becoming more and more about the envelope your aunt’s attorney gave you. Even though you have a lot of diving ahead of you before you get to Washington, you must take a peek. You open the envelope market Washington and start reading the station attendant approaches.

Fill in the blank according to the paragraph

1. You must take a ______________. 2. You have a lot of ________________ahead of you before you get to Washington. 3. As you leave Atlanta, you decide to stop for ___________. 4. You are becoming more and more ____________about the envelope. 5. You open the envelope ______________ “Washington” and start reading.

SMP NESAKA MP BAHASA INGGRIS _________________________________Compiled and Edited by Jaj 34



Nama : ____________________________ Kelas/Sem: _____________________________

Penilaian Mulok Bahasa Inggris meliputi aspek kognitif, dan afektif

No Item Penilaian Nilai Keterangan Tanggal Paraf

1. Listening

2. Speaking

3. Reading

4. Writing

5. Activity

6. Pronunciation


Orang Tua/Wali Guru Mata Pelajaran

(……………………………..) JAJANG SARIPUDIN

Mengetahui Kepala


A J U, S.Pd, M.Pd. NIP. 131614452

Keterangan: A : Baik Sekali B : Baik C. : Cukup/sedang D : Kurang

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