Khutbah 11 1-2013

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This is the last khutbah I delivered in Masjid Alkaff Kg Melayu. ~ This Week's Sermon Messages - 11 January 2013 ~ A Noble Lesson from the Determination & Perseverance of Rasulullah s.a.w. This week's khutbah invites all to study how Rasulullah s.a.w. dealt with challenges, sadness and hurdles in life. Hopefully, we will continue to be strong and resilient despite the challenges that we face. Rasulullah s.a.w. placed his hopes and depended only on Allah s.w.t. and inculcated himself with the belief that everything that happened was a result of Allah's wisdom and knowledge. Rasulullah s.a.w. was always optimistic and did not have negative thoughts. By learning and eventually emulating the determination and perseverance of Rasulullah s.a.w., we can become Muslims with a positive attitude, resilient, patient and filled with taqwa, and eventually be among those who are succesful in this world and the hereafter.

Transcript of Khutbah 11 1-2013

Pengajaran Terpuji Dari Sikap Ketabahan Dan Kecekalan Rasulullah s.a.w.

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura

Khutbah Jumaat11 Januari 2013 / 28 Safar 1434

Khatib :Ustaz Yazid Muhamad Salleh

A Noble Lesson from the Determination & Perseverance of Rasulullah s.a.w.

Saudara sidang Jumaat yang dirahmati Allah sekalian,Dalam kita meniti hari-hari yang berlalu, pastinya tidak kesemuanya indah belaka.

Dear blessed Friday jemaah As we get through the days of our lives, not everything will be easy.

Kadangkala kita menerima ujian dan musibah yang terasa berat buat kita. Tidak kiralah sama ada dari sudut kewangan, hubungan kekeluargaan, pekerjaan, kesihatan dan sebagainya.

At times, we will be tested by hurdles and challenges that would feel as burden to us. These could come in numerous aspects; financial, family relations, in our worklife, health and so on.

Kesemuanya ini sebenarnya merupakan peluang daripada Allah.. Dengan ujian ini, ia memberi kita ingatan bahawa diri ini hanyalah manusia kerdil

However, all these are actually opportunities from Allah. Through these tests, He reminds us that we are just human beings,

yang memerlukan Allah s.w.t. Tuhan yang menganugerahkan segalanya kepada kita.

His creations, who are dependent on Allah s.w.t., The Almighty who has blessed us with His bounty.

Semestinya kita telah melihat bagaimana seseorang itu mungkin kaya, berkuasa atau luar biasa kebijaksanaannya.

We have definitely met those who are wealthy, powerful or those with brilliant minds.

Namun demikian, itu tidak menghalang daripada seseorang itu mungkin diuji dengan salah satu daripada cabaran kesihatan dan sebagainya.

Despite that, it does not prevent them from being tested, perhaps in the form of their health or some other matter.

Maka ujian yang datang ini bertujuan untuk menghalakan kita semula kepada Allah dan bertakwa kepada-Nya. Ia bertujuan mengingatkan kita akan perlunya mentaati-Nya dan menjauhi segala larangan-Nya.

Therefore, challenges in our lives are meant to point us back toward Allah and to increase our taqwa toward Him. It is a reminder that we need to obey Allah's commands and avoid what He has forbidden upon us.

Oleh itu saudara, ingatlah bahawa ujian dan cabaran merupakan sebahagian daripada sunnah kehidupan. Allah menerangkan di dalam surah Al-Baqarah ayat 155:

My brothers, let us remember that tests and challenges are part of the cycle of life. Allah declared in surah Al-Baqarah verse 155:

Ertinya: “Demi sesungguhnya Kami akan menguji kamu dengan sedikit perasaan takut dan kelaparan, dan kekurangan dari harta benda dan jiwa serta hasil tanaman, dan berilah khabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang bersabar.”

Which means: “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.”

Untuk itu juga saudara sekalian, Saya ingin mengajak kita untuk meninjau bagaimana Rasulullah s.a.w. berhadapan dengan ujian, kesedihan dan cabaran.

My dear brothers, Let us study how Rasulullah s.a.w. dealt with challenges, sadness and hurdles in life.

Mudah-mudahan kita akan terus kekal kukuh dan teguh, biar apa pun cabaran yang melanda kita dalam kehidupan ini.

Hopefully, we will continue to be strong and resilient despite the challenges that we face.

Antara pengajaran yang dapat kita ambil dari kisah riwayat hidup Rasulullah s.a.w. ialah keteguhan dan kecekalan semangat Baginda s.a.w.:

Among the lessons that we can learn from the story of Rasulullah s.a.w. is his determination and perseverance:

Pertama, Rasulullah s.a.w. menggantungkan pengharapan dan keredhaannya kepada Allah s.w.t. dan mendidik diri bahawa apa yang berlaku adalah atas kebijaksanaan Allah

Firstly, Rasulullah s.a.w. placed his hopes and depended only on Allah s.w.t. and inculcated himself with the belief that everything that happened was a result of Allah's wisdom and knowledge.

Saudara, perjalanan hidup Rasulullah tidak sepi daripada ujian dan masalah. Mungkin apabila dianggap sebagai kekasih Allah, ada di antara kita menyangka bahawa segala apa yang diimpikan oleh Baginda akan diperkenankan dengan mudah.

Rasulullah's life was not free of trials and tribulations. Many of us may have thought that because Rasulullah is beloved Allah's messenger, everything that he wanted would be met with much ease.

Segala-galanya mampu menjadi realiti. Segala-galanya manis dan indah belaka.

Every dream could become a reality. Everything was easy and smooth.

Namun, ianya tidak sedemikian saudara. Di saat-saat yang getir dalam berdakwah kepada kaumnya. Tulang belakang dan tonggak kekuatan Baginda s.a.w. selama saat tersebut, diambil pulang oleh Allah s.w.t.

However, it was not as such. At a crucial time when Rasulullah was spreading the message and dakwah to his people, his fervent supporters and his main pillars of strength, returned to Allah s.w.t forever.

Ia bermula dengan kematian Abu Talib yang selama ini menjadi pelindung dakwah Baginda.

It started with the death of his uncle, Abu Talib, who had always protected and supported Rasulullah's dakwah efforts.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, isterinya yang paling dicintai, Khadijah r.a. pula mengikut jejak bapa saudaranya. Lalu tahun itu, dinamakan tahun kesedihan.

Then, it was his beloved wife, Khadijah r.a. who followed in the footseps of Rasulullah's uncle. And hence that year was known as the Year of Sadness.

Baginda juga diuji dengan kematian putera-puteranya, Abdullah, Ibrahim serta Qasim yang kesemuanya meninggalkan Baginda pada usia yang cukup kecil.

Our beloved Prophet was also tested with the loss of his sons, Abdullah, Ibrahim and Qasim who passed away at a very young age.

Pernah diriwayatkan dalam Sahih Bukhari bahawa Anas bin Malik r.a. berkata yang bermaksud:

It was narrated in Sahih Bukhari, whereby Anas bin Malik r.a. said, which means:

“Kami bersama Rasulullah s.a.w. berkunjung ke rumah Abu Saif Al-Qain, keluarga yang mengasuh dan menyusui Ibrahim.

“ We went with Rasulullah s.a.w to Abu Saif Al-Qain’s house, and he was the husband of the wet-nurse of Ibrahim (the son of the Prophet).

Saat Rasulullah melihatnya, Baginda terus mendukung Ibrahim dan menciumnya berkali-kali. Sementara itu, Ibrahim sudah dalam keadaan yang lemah, dan tidak lama kemudian, Rasulullah menitiskan air mata.”

Rasulullah took Ibrahim and kissed him and smelled him and later we entered Abu Saif’s house and at that time Ibrahim was in his last breaths, and the eyes of Rasulullah s.a.w started shedding tears.

Melihat hal itu, Abdul Rahman bin Awf r.a. berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah, kenapa kamu menangis?” Baginda menjawab: “Ini adalah air mata kasih sayang.”

‘Abdul Rahman Bin ‘Auf said, “O Rasulullah, even you are weeping!” He said, “O Ibn ‘Auf, this is mercy.”

Rasulullah s.a.w. kemudian berkata: “Mataku boleh mencucurkan air mata, hatiku boleh bersedih, tetapi aku tidak akan berkata kecuali apa yang diredhai Allah. Wahai Ibrahim, kami semua berasa sedih.”

Then he wept more and said, “The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord. O Ibrahim, Indeed we all feel the sadness.”

Lihatlah saudara pada saat yang paling mencabar dan menyedihkan iaitu kematian anaknya yang masih kecil, Rasulullah s.a.w. terus mengembalikan perhatian hati nuraninya kepada Allah s.w.t.,

My brothers, we see how in the most challenging situation and at such a sad moment, which is the passing away of his young son, Rasulullah s.a.w. turned his heart to Allah s.w.t.,

dengan berkata kami tidak mengatakan kecuali yang yang diredhai Allah. Ketika hati begitu kecewa, Nabi s.a.w. mengikatkan hati kepada Tuhan yang Maha Bijaksana dan Berkuasa.

by saying that we will not say except what pleases Allah. When his heart was filled with sadness and grief, Rasulullah placed his heart and soul with Allah the Almighty and the All-Knowing.

Ini adalah tidak lain agar dapat mengembalikan harapan, kepercayaan dan kekuatan emosi dan psikologi.

This is to regain hope, confidence and emotional as well as psychological strength.

Di kala itu, ia secara tidak langsung, ia sebenarnya memberi isyarat kepada diri ini untuk dapat bangkit dengan kekuatan yang pasti daripada Allah s.w.t.

At the same time, indirectly, it is a signal to ourselves that we can rise from challenges with the strength given to us by Allah s.w.t.

Oleh itu saudara, apabila kita dilanda kesempitan mahupun ujian maka pastikanlah pertama sekali yang kita lakukan adalah memohon kekuatan dan daya ketahanan daripada Allah s.w.t.

Thus, when we are engulfed in problems, challenges and trials in this life, we should always turn to Allah first, to seek strength and resilience in dealing with the test.

Ketahuilah bahawa ujian Allah untuk kita adalah tanda Allah masih sayangkan kita. Ia adalah tanda bahawa Allah tidak ingin kita lalai sehingga menjadi sombong dengan kesenangan dan keselesaan.

Allah's test is indeed a sign of His love for us. It is a sign that Allah does not want us to neglect Him, and become arrogant with our comforts and life's pleasures.

Ini adalah seperti yang disebutkan oleh Nabi s.a.w. di dalam hadithnya yang bermaksud: “Sesungguhnya apabila Allah mengasihi sesebuah kaum maka Dia akan menguji mereka” Hadith riwayat Imam Tirmidzi.

This was explained by the Prophet s.a.w. in his hadith which means: “When Allah s.w.t. loves a people, He tests them.” Hadith reported by Imam Tirmidzi.

Kedua, Rasulullah s.a.w. selalu bersikap optimistik dan bersangka baik.

Secondly, Rasulullah s.a.w. was always optimistic and did not have negative thoughts.

Sikap ini dapat dilihat setelah dakwah Baginda s.a.w. menerima tentangan hebat dari kaum Quraisy di Mekah, Baginda bertolak ke Taif, bagi menyebarkan dakwah Islam di sana.

This trait can be seen after the the people of Quraisy Makkah strongly rejected the message and dakwah efforts by Rasulullah s.a.w. Prophet hence went to Taif, to spread the message of Islam there.

Disebutkan dalam kitab sirah Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, setibanya di Taif, bukan sahaja dakwah Baginda ditolak.

In the book of sirah ‘Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum’ it was narrated that when Rasulullah arrived in Taif, not only did the people reject his teachings.

Malah, Baginda dilontar dengan batu oleh orang-orang miskin, hamba abdi serta kanak-kanak bani Thaqif, sehingga luka kedua-dua belah kaki Baginda s.a.w.

But the poor, the slaves and the children of Bani Thaqif, also hurled stones and it caused Rasulullah's legs to bleed.

Diriwayatkan juga bahawa Allah telah mengutuskan malaikat penjaga gunung, bagi meminta izin Nabi untuk menimpakan gunung-ganang ke atas penduduk Taif.

It was also reported that Allah had sent the angels who looked over the mountains to offer help to Rasulullah, by offering to crush the people of Taif between the mountains.

Namun tawaran ini ditolak oleh Baginda, dan dengan sifat kasih sayangnya Baginda bersabda, “Walaupun mereka menolak ajaran Islam,

However, Rasulullah s.a.w declined because of his compassion. The Prophet said, “Although they have rejected Islam,

aku berharap dengan kehendak Allah, keturunan mereka pada suatu saat nanti akan menyembah Allah dan beribadah kepada-Nya.”

I pray that by Allah's will, their offsprings will worship Allah and obey Him.”

Peristiwa ini mengajar kita saudara, untuk mengekalkan sikap positif dan tidak berputus asa pada setiap apa yang kita lakukan khususnya dalam berdakwah, tidak kiralah pada kalangan saudara kita sendiri mahupun terhadap rakan taulan.

This event has taught us to always remain positive and not give up in everything that we embark on, especially when doing dakwah, whether to our family members or to our friends.

Sikap percaya bahawa seseorang itu mampu berubah, walau mereka sendiri tidak percaya yang mereka boleh berubah.

It is the attitude and belief that someone is able to change for the better, even if they themselves fail to think so.

Sikap ini dan ditambah dengan rasa kasih dan cinta kita terhadap saudara seinsan inilah yang merupakan kunci kejayaan dakwah Baginda s.a.w.

This attitude, together with loving and caring for others, is the key to the success of the dakwah of Rasulullah s.a.w.

Saudaraku yang dikasihi sekalian,Kisah yang disebutkan tadi hanyalah satu contoh daripada banyak lagi contoh suri teladan dan amalan Rasulullah s.a.w.

My dear brothers,The story that I have shared is just one instance of the numerous examples of the noble character and values embodied by

Semoga dengan kita mengenali dan seterusnya mencontohi sifat tabah serta tidak putus asa Rasulullah s.a.w. ini, kita bakal menjadi seorang Muslim yang sentiasa bersikap positif, tabah, sabar lagi bertakwa,

Rasulullah s.a.w. Hopefully, by learning and eventually emulating the determination and perseverance of Rasulullah s.a.w., we can become Muslims with a positive attitude, resilient, patient and filled with taqwa,

seterusnya tergolong di kalangan mereka yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.

and eventually be among those who are succesful in this world and the hereafter. Amin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamin.

ا ا ك�م��� ر� د�ا ك�ث�ي�� م�� ه� ح� د� ل�ل��� م�� �لح� ا�ل��ه� إ�ال� الل��ه� د� أ�ن ال� إ ه� أ�ش� ر� ، و� م��

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