Logic Universals (Al-Kulli Al-Khams)

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Logic Universals (Al-Kulli Al-Khams)

Members of group:Najihah Abdullah (0730894)Nafisah Ismail (0736014)Nik Afra‟ Nik Mohd Azam (0730184)Nor Aini Abdullah (0739018)Norhidayati Jabir (0739078)

Lecturer: Dr Suhailah Hussien

Universals (al-kulliy al-khamsah)

Introduction to Logic (EDI 2601 )


Differentia (Al-Fasl)

Common Accident (Al-‟Arad


Property (Al-Khassah)

Genus (Al-Jins)

Species (Al-Nau‟)

Genus is describe as a universal predicated

of things having different realities, in answer to the question “What is it?”

Refers to a general name that constitutes the reality and species but in different reality.

Eg: Transport.

Transport can be defined in assorted meaning and different reality.

Eg: Train and Aeroplane.

Transport is a Kulli al-Jins that have variety sort.

Eg: Aeroplane : on the sky, fly

Train : on the land.

Al-Jins is a part of the reality of lower object.

Eg: Reality of animal (Human).

Divison of Al-Jins

Al-Jins al-


Al- Jins al-


Al-Jins al-


Known as Jins Ba‟id and it is a higher level that constitute other genus under this level.

Eg: Jauhar It is a essential of .(الجوهر)something.

There have another genus under this level.

Eg: Quantity and animal.

Refers to middle level.

Eg: (الجسم ) Al-Jism

Refers to the lowest level that constitute species under this level.

Eg: Animal and it species such as man, cow, cat, and other.

Highest MiddleLower

Species is described in one or two senses:

First: as a universal predicated of things not

differing, except numerically, in answer to

the question, “What is it?”

Second: describes as a universal of which

the genus is predicated as well as of other

things, in an essential and primary manner.

Refer to general name that constitute the similarities of reality.

Eg: Liana, Mariam, Ahmad.

The reality of man is similar, refer to the ability of thinking and speaking. (haiwanan-natiq)

Divison of Al-Naw‟



Al- Naw‟




al- Safil

It is a highest level in this division. It is also can be refer as a middle level of al-Jins(Genus).

Eg: (الجسم ) Al-Jism

It is a middle of species and genus.

Eg: (الجسم الحي)

It is a lowest level of species and genus.

Eg: Human

Difference is described as a universal

predicated of a thing, in answer the question

“Which thing is it in its substance?”

Eg: Think (الناطق) . The differences between

human being and animal is rational.

Divison of Al-Fasl‟


al- Qarib



Al-Fasl al-Qarib

Refers to the species that have their own characteristic.

It can also be defined as a concept that differentiate a species with other species.

Eg: Al-Natiq refer to human, and Senses for animal.

Al-Fasl al-Ba‟id

Refers to the concept of far.

Eg: Senses for human.

Property is described as in a non essential

manner, of that which falls under one

reality only.

Eg: Laughing (الضاحك)

Common Accident is described as a universal,

state in a non essential manner of that which falls

under one reality and of others.

Eg: Breathing (Man, Animal, Plant)