PELUANG EKSPOR PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMEN … · Dari Kanada Ke Dunia 2.2. Potensi Pasar Ekspor ......

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Transcript of PELUANG EKSPOR PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMEN … · Dari Kanada Ke Dunia 2.2. Potensi Pasar Ekspor ......




DI PASAR KANADA (Market Brief – ITPC Vancouver 2013)


1300-1500 WEST GEORGIA ST.



Market brief ITPC Vancouver - 2013 |- HS# 160414– IKAN CAKALANG (SKIPJACK TUNA) i


Dengan mengucapkan syukur pada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, ITPC

Vancouver telah menyelesaikan Market Brief edisi Desember 2013 ini yang

berjudul “Peluang Ekspor HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women

Cotton Pyjamas) Di Pasar Kanada”. Market Brief ini merupakan pembahasan

singkat tentang potensi dan kondisi pasar produk – Kecap Kedelai (Soya Sauce)

di Kanada. Penulisan Market Brief ini mengacu pada “Outline Market Intelligence

& Market Brief”, Departemen Perdagangan, tanggal 8 Maret 2011 di Hotel

Borobudur, Jakarta.

Pembuatan Market Brief merupakan bagian dari tugas ITPC di luar negeri

yang merupakan informasi terkini tentang suatu produk di suatu negara,

mencakup peraturan negara terakreditasi, potensi dan strategi penetrasi pasar,

peluang dan hambatan, serta informasi penting yang diperlukan lainnya. Dengan

demikian Market Brief ini diharapkan dapat membantu upaya meningkatkan

pemasaran produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas) Indonesia

dalam persaingan pasar – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas) di


Semoga Market Brief ini bermanfaat bukan hanya bagi pengusaha –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas) nasional tapi juga pihak

Pemerintah yang dalam hal ini selaku pembuat kebijakan. Terima kasih kami

ucapkan atas perhatian, saran serta masukan untuk penyempurnaan Market

Brief ini.

Vancouver, Desember 2013

Indonesia Trade Promotion Center

Wakil Kepala,

Tengku Bayu Nasrul Sjah

Market brief ITPC Vancouver - 2013 |- HS# 160414– IKAN CAKALANG (SKIPJACK TUNA) ii


KATA PENGANTAR ……………………………………………… i

DAFTAR ISI …………………………………………………….. ii – iii

PETA NEGARA …………………………………………………….. iv

BAB I. PENDAHULUAN ………………………………………. 1 – 11

1.1. Pemilihan Negara

1.2. Pemilihan Produk

1.3. Profil Kanada

BAB II. POTENSI PASAR NEGARA ….………………………. 12 – 28

2.1. Ekspor Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas)

Dari Kanada Ke Dunia

2.2. Potensi Pasar Ekspor Piyama Katun Wanita

(Women Cotton Pyjamas) Di Kanada

2.3. Regulasi Produk Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton

Pyjamas) Di Kanada

2.3.1. Kebijakan Impor Piyama Katun Wanita

(Women Cotton Pyjamas) Di Kanada

2.3.2. Persyaratan Mutu, Label, dan Kemasan

Produk Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton

Pyjamas) Di Kanada

Market brief ITPC Vancouver - 2013 |- HS# 160414– IKAN CAKALANG (SKIPJACK TUNA) iii

BAB III. PELUANG DAN STRATEGI ………………………….. 29 – 33

3.1. Peluang dan Hambatan

3.2. Strategi

BAB IV. INFORMASI PENTING ….……………..………………. 34 – 37

DAFTAR IMPORTIR ………………………………………………….. 38 – 43

REFERENSI …….………….………………………………………….. 44

LAMPIRAN DAN HARGA .………………....................................... 45 – 57

Market brief ITPC Vancouver - 2013 |- HS# 160414– IKAN CAKALANG (SKIPJACK TUNA) iv


10 Provinsi:

� Nova Scotia

� New Brunswick

� Quebec

� Ontario

� Manitoba

� British Columbia

� Prince Edward Islands

� Saskatchewan

� Alberta

� Newfoundland & Labrador

3 Teritorial:

� Northwest Territories

� Yukon Territories

� Nunavut Territories

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 1


1. Pemilihan Negara

Kanada, negara dengan kemajuan ekonomi peringkat ke-11 sedunia,

dimana sesuai data Canada Census 2013, GDP negara ini adalah sebesar

USD 1,821 triliun (current US$, data Bank Dunia 2012) dan GDP per kapita

US$ 52.218 (current US$ data Bank Dunia 2012) dengan pertumbuhan

GDP sebesar 2%, serta jumlah populasinya 35,158,300.

Berdasarkan data Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM),

investasi Kanada di Indonesia tahun 2012 mencapai USD 8,5 juta pada 14

proyek, atau naik dari 2011 yang tercatat USD 2,2 juta pada 12 proyek.

Berdasarkan data BKPM pula, pada periode 2005-2011, investasi Kanada

di Indonesia mencapai USD 157 juta pada 37 proyek. Profil investasi

Kanada di Indonesia berdasarkan proyek, 60% berlokasi di Jawa;

sedangkan berdasarkan nilai investasi, 90% berada di Sulawesi. Beberapa

investasi langsung Kanada di Indonesia antara lain di bidang

pertambangan, minyak dan gas, keuangan, jasa, lingkungan dan agrifood.

Indonesia, adalah negara tujuan investasi Kanada ketiga di Asia setelah

Jepang dan Hongkong dan kedua di Asia Tenggara setelah Singapura.

Investasi tunggal Kanada di Asia berada di Indonesia yaitu perusahaan

tambang PT. INCO di Soroako, Sulawesi Selatan dengan nilai investasi

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 2

sekitar CAD 3,5 – 4 milyar (USD 2,5 – USD 2,9 milyar). Tahun 2010,

Kanada menempati peringkat ke-15 dari 39 negara-negara investor di

Indonesia dengan nilai CAD 140,9 juta pada tahun 2010 menurun dari CAD

245,3 juta pada tahun 2009.

Intensitas hubungan ekonomi negara Indonesia dan Kanada mengalami

perkembangan positif, antara lain ditandai dengan pertemuan Menteri

Perdagangan kedua negara yang dilakukan beberapa kali di sela-sela

berbagai pertemuan internasional. Peningkatan devisa asal Kanada

umumnya dari sektor perdagangan, investasi, pariwisata, serta bantuan

kerja sama pembangunan.

Produk ekspor utama Indonesia adalah: karet, paperboard, furniture,

textile, footwear, plastics, leather, cacao, coffee, prawn, dan lain-lain.

Sedangkan produk impor Indonesia dari Kanada adalah: wheat & meslin,

fertilizers, woodpulp, machinery, aircraft, nickel, salt & sulfur, optic medical

instrument, plastic, dan lain-lain.

Total nilai perdagangan Indonesia - Kanada tahun 2010 sebesar USD

1,8 milyar atau meningkat 7,91% dibanding tahun 2009 yang mencapai

USD 1,5 milyar dengan surplus pada tahun 2010 untuk Kanada sebesar

USD 376,5 juta. Statistics Canada per 18 Januari 2013, menyatakan bahwa

neraca perdagangan Indonesia terhadap Kanada mengalami kenaikan lebih

dari 61% dari USD 1,030,680,000 di tahun 2010 menjadi USD

1,662,735,000 di tahun 2011.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 3

2. Pemilihan Produk

Salah satu sub sektor yang cukup menjadi pusat perhatian adalah sub

sektor industri pakaian jadi atau garmen. Hal tersebut dikarenakan industri

pakaian jadi merupakan sub-sektor industri hilir dengan sifat padat karya.

Selain itu, sub sektor ini memiliki kontribusi yang cukup tinggi pada nilai

ekspor Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (TPT) di Indonesia.

Salah satu sub sektor pakaian jadi adalah produk HS 610831 – Piyama

Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas), yang secara statistik impornya ke

Kanada selama periode 2008-2012 cenderung mengalami peningkatan dari

tahun ke tahun dan nilainya selalu tinggi.

Impor produk HS 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton

Pyjamas) ke Kanada sebagian besar disuplai oleh negara-negara produsen

Asia termasuk Indonesia. Namun sebagaimana terlihat pada periode 2008–

2012, negara China rata-rata mensuplai hampir 40% impor Kanada akan

produk tersebut. Kemudian disusul oleh negara-negara dengan ekonomi

padat karya lainnya seperti India, Cambodia, Vietnam dan lain-lain.

Kenyataan tersebut seharusnya mempengaruhi upaya Indonesia untuk

terus memperluas pangsa pasarnya ke negara ini. Apalagi Indonesia sudah

dikenal dunia fashion internasional sebagai salah satu negara dengan

produksi garmen berkualitas baik yang produknya sudah diakui dan menjadi

salah satu produk ekspor andalan negara.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 4

Menurut data Statistics Canada, per tahun 2012 Indonesia berada di

posisi ke-9 diantara negara pengekspor produk – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Women Cotton Pyjamas) ini bagi Kanada; posisi mana masih berpeluang

untuk ditingkatkan.

Adapun dipilihnya negara Kanada sebagai sasaran pemasaran produk

ini, adalah dikarenakan negara ini selalu tinggi permintaannya terhadap

produk Soya Sauce dari seluruh dunia, sebagaimana terlihat pada Tabel-1

berikut ini:

Tabel-1: Neraca Perdagangan Kanada Terhadap Dunia, HS 610831

– Piyama Katun Wanita (Women’s Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Ekspor 1,889,292 1,434,484 2,041,874 2,441,294 2,341,451

Impor 58,137,708 49,885,523 55,106,563 53,137,685 50,582,624 Neraca Perdagangan -56,248,416 -48,451,039 -53,064,689 -50,696,391 -48,241,173

Sumber data: Statistics Canada Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Meskipun persaingan pasar produk garment sangat ketat, Indonesia

tetap berkesempatan luas untuk mempromosikan kelebihan produknya,

bukan hanya mengandalkan “harga murah” seperti kebiasaan negara lain

tetapi justru mengedepankan produk “bermutu baik”.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 5

Berbagai Piyama Katun Wanita Buatan Indonesi

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 6

3. Profil Kanada

• Ibu Kota: Ottawa, terletak di propinsi Ontario

• Kota terbesar: Toronto

• Bentuk Negara: Konfederasi, terkenal dengan “Dominion of Canada” yang terdiri dari 3 teritorial dan 10 propinsi

• Sistim Politik: Monarki Konstitusional

• Kepala Negara: Ratu Inggris yang diwakili oleh Gubernur Jenderal

• Kepala Pemerintahan: Perdana Menteri

• Area: 9,9 juta km persegi (3,8 juta mil persegi)

• Bahasa utama: Inggris, Perancis (baik resmi)

• Agama: Katolik Roma 42,6%, Protestan 23,3%, Kristen lainnya 20,7%, Islam 1,9%, agama lain 11,9%, tidak beragama 16%

• Harapan hidup: 79 tahun (pria), 83 tahun (wanita) (PBB)

a. Geografis

Kanada menempati setengah bagian utara Amerika Utara, berbatasan

dengan Amerika Serikat di selatan dan Alaska di barat laut. Terbentang

dari Samudra Atlantik dan Selat Davis di timur sampai ke Samudra

Pasifik di barat; yang menjadi moto negara ini. Sedangkan di utara

terletak Laut Beaufort dan di timur laut adalah Samudra Arktik – Tanah

Hijau (Green Land). Luas total wilayah Kanada adalah 9.984.670 km2

dengan 9.093.507 km2 merupakan daratan dan 891.163 km2 wilayah

perairan. Iklim di Kanada tidak merata, dimana di wilayah utara dingin

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 7

dan beku sepanjang tahun, sedangkan di wilayah selatan mengalami 4

musim, yaitu dingin (-20 hingga 6 Celsius), semi, panas (15 hingga 25

Celsius) dan gugur.

b. Pemerintahan

Hak istimewa sebagai kepala negara Kanada dipegang oleh seorang

Gubernur Jenderal, yang umumnya merupakan politikus senior atau

orang Kanada lainnya yang menonjol, yang diangkat oleh Ratu atas

nasihat Perdana Menteri Kanada. Ratu Inggris dan khususnya Gubernur

Jenderal, memimpin hanya atas nama saja serta sedikit sekali memiliki

kekuasaan yang sesungguhnya, karena mereka hampir selalu bertindak

sesuai nasihat dari Kepala Pemerintahan (Perdana Menteri) Kanada.

c. Demografi

Province or territory Population


of national





Prince Edward Island 140,204 0.42% 5,660

Nova Scotia 921,727 2.75% 53,338

New Brunswick 751,171 2.24% 71,450

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 8

Province or territory Population


of national





Newfoundland and Labrador 514,536 1.54% 373,872

Yukon 33,897 0.10% 474,391

Manitoba 1,208,268 3.61% 553,556

Saskatchewan 1,033,381 3.09% 591,670

Alberta 3,645,257 10.89% 642,317

British Columbia 4,479,934 13.14% 925,186

Ontario 12,851,821 38.39% 1,076,395

Northwest Territories 41,462 0.12% 1,183,085

Quebec 7,903,001 23.61% 1,365,128

Nunavut 31,906 0.09% 1,936,113

Canada 33,476,688 100% 9,252,161

Sources: Statistics Canada 2012

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 9

d. Infrastruktur

Kanada portofolio adalah Transportasi, Infrastruktur dan Komunitas

pemerintahan Kanada. Hal ini memandu Departemen federal

mempertanggung-jawabkan pengembangan dan penyampaian

kebijakan program infrastruktur. Tahun anggaran 2007, infrastruktur

Kanada meluncurkan rencana $33 miliar selama tujuh tahun menangani

kebutuhan infrastruktur lokal dan regional, skala prioritas nasional bagi

masyarakat Kanada: yaitu ekonomi yang lebih kuat, lingkungan yang

bersih dan masyarakat yang lebih baik. Rencana ini meliputi investasi

infrastruktur berkaitan dengan air bersih, air limbah, angkutan umum,

dan prioritas skala nasional lainnya yang akan tetap berjalan hingga

tahun 2014. Pada anggaran 2009, pemerintah Kanada mengumumkan

tentang pemberian program stimulus jangka pendek sebagai bagian dari

upaya mengatasi efek resesi global.

Rencana program infrastruktur ekonomi yang disampaikan oleh

Infrastructure Canada membantu komunitas di seluruh negeri melalui

pendanaan proyek-proyek yang sudah siap dan bisa segera dimulai.

Pendanaan mana diantaranya untuk perbaikan jalan dan jembatan,

pembangunan sarana masyarakat serta meningkatkan fasilitas air

minum. Pada anggaran 2011, pemerintah Kanada berkomitmen untuk

bekerja sama dengan para mitra usaha guna mengembangkan rencana

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 10

jangka panjang bagi infrastruktur jangka panjang yang akan terus

berlangsung setelah tahun 2014.

e. Ekonomi & Perbankan

GDP total: CAD $ 1.72 trilyun (Bank Dunia 2011), peringkat ke-11 dunia.

Populasi: 34.484.000 (data Canada Census 2011)

GDP per kapita: USD 51,109 (2011)

Kekayaan Alam: biji besi, nikel, uranium, tembaga, timah, emas,

berlian, perak, gas alam, garam abu (kalium karbonat), batu bara, dan

lain-lain. Produk pertanian: gandum, buah-buahan, sayuran, produk

hutan, ikan, barley dan tembakau.

Ekspor utama: Mesin dan peralatan, produk otomotif, logam dan plastik,

produk kehutanan, produk pertanian dan perikanan, produk-produk


Pelabuhan Udara (International Airport Utama):

- Toronto : LB Pearson International Airport

- Vancouver: Vancouver International Airport

- Montreal : Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

- Calgary : Calgary International Airport

- Edmonton: Edmonton International Airport

- Ottawa : Macdonald – Cartier International Airport

- Halifax : Halifax Standfield International Airport

- Winnipeg : Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson Int’l Airport

- Victoria : Victoria International Airport

- St. John : St. John’s International Airport

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 11

- Kelowna : Kelowna International Airport

- Quebec : Quebec City Jean Lesagne International Airport

- Saskatoon: Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport

- Regina : Regina International Airport

Pelabuhan Laut (Principal Port Corridors):

- Vancouver : British Columbia

- Montreal : Quebec

- Halifax : Nova Scotia

- St. John : Newfoundland & Labrador

- Fraser River : British Columbia

- St. John : New Brunswick

- Toronto : Ontario

Kota Dagang Utama: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary,

Edmonton, Halifax, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Waterloo Region and


Perbankan di Kanada didominasi oleh 5 bank utama yaitu:

• Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) - 1864

• Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank - 1955

• Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) - 1832

• Bank of Montreal (BMO) - 1817

• Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) - 1961

Semua bank-bank mendukung Program Pembiayaan Usaha Kecil

Kanada yang disponsori oleh pemerintah federal.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 12


Industri Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil disingkat industri TPT Indonesia

terdiri atas beberapa jenis industri yang membentuk sebuah rangkaian

struktur dari hulu ke hilir. Rangkaian mencakup industri serat dan benang

(fiber), pemintalan, penenunan dan perajutan, percetakan atau pengecapan

serta industri pakaian jadi (garmen).

Industri pakaian jadi mulai berkembang pertengahan tahun 70-an,

yakni sewaktu produsen tekstil dalam negeri telah mampu menyediakan

tekstil jadi untuk diolah menjadi pakaian jadi. Para pengusaha TPT mulai

mengekspor sebagian dari hasil produksinya pada awal tahun 80-an.

Menurut data Bank Indonesia, total nilai ekspor produk TPT dari Indonesia

pada tahun 1982 misalnya sebesar USD 160 juta atau lebih kurang 2% dari

total nilai ekspor barang TPT tahun 1998 yang sebesar USD 8 miliar. Sejak

pertengahan dasa warsa 1980-an Tekstil dan Produk Tekstil (TPT) bersama

karet dan kayu lapis merupakan penghasil devisa utama produk ekspor

non-migas bagi Indonesia, yang jumlahnya meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.

Ada begitu banyak jenis pakaian jadi yang diekspor, tergantung pada

bahan baku kain maupun peruntukannya. Dari jenis bahan katun saja

misalnya, terdapat puluhan jenis produk jadi yang diekspor Indonesia ke

Kanada, diantaranya seperti: kemeja pria, blus wanita, pakaian bayi, rok

anak perempuan, celana dalam, sarung tangan dan sebagainya. Fluktuasi

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 13

nilai impor produk-produk berbahan katun dari Indonesia dari tahun 2008 –

2012 cenderung meningkat, sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada Grafik-1 berikut


Grafik 1: Impor Kanada Dari Indonesia, Produk-Produk Berbahan Baku

Katun, 2008 - 2012

Sumber data: Statistics Canada

Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Lima produk berbahan katun unggulan dan terbanyak diimpor adalah,

1. HS 611020 – Sweater, Kaos dan Coat Pinggang

2. HS 620520 – Kemeja Pria

3. HS 620462 – Celana Overall dan Celana Pendek (Short) Wanita

4. HS 620630 – Blus, Kemeja dan Blus Kaos Wanita

5. HS 610910 – T-Shirts, Singlet dan Rompi

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 14

Untuk produk HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women’s Cotton

Pyjamas), permintaannyapun selalu tinggi. Saat ini Indonesia masih berada

di posisi ke-9 namun nilai ekspornya masih berpeluang untuk ditingkatkan


2.1. Analisa Ekspor Produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton

Pyjamas) Dari Kanada Ke Dunia

Negara Kanada, selama periode 2008 – 2012, cenderung

mengalami peningkatan ekspor produk HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun

Wanita (Women’s Cotton Pyjamas) sebagaimana terlihat pada Grafik-2

berikut ini.

Grafik 2: Ekspor Kanada ke Dunia (Total), HS 610831 210310 – Piyama

Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

Sumber data: Statistics Canada Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 15

Dimana pada tahun 2008 nilai ekspor Kanada ke dunia untuk –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) adalah sebesar USD

1,889,292 kemudian menurun 24.07% menjadi USD 1,434,484 di tahun

2009. Tahun berikutnya meningkat 42.34% dari tahun 2009, menjadi USD

2,041,874. Kemudian tahun 2011 kembali meningkat 19.56% dibanding

tahun sebelumnya sehingga berada di posisi nilai USD 2,441,294.

Sedangkan tahun 2012, nilai ekspornya menurun 4.09% dibanding tahun

2011, dengan nilai ekspor USD 2,341,451.

Secara rata-rata untuk periode 2008 – 2012 tersebut, Kanada

tercatat mengekspor produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas) ke dunia senilai USD 2,029,679 per tahunnya. Nilai ekspor

tertinggi terjadi di tahun 2011 senilai USD 2,441,294 dan terendah di tahun

2008 senilai USD 1,889,292.

Ekspor – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) Kanada

selama lima tahun tersebut tercatat ke 46 negara dimana rata-rata 81.33%-

nya bertujuan ke negara United States, kemudian adalah United Kingdom

dengan rata-rata 4.66%. Negara pengimpor ketiga terbanyak adalah

Lebanon dengan rata-rata 1.34%, kemudian negara keempat adalah Uni

Arab Emirate 0.69%, kelima adalah Japan 0.632%.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 16

Sebagaimana terlihat pada Grafik-3 berikut ini, terlihat jelas

persentase ekspor – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dari

Kanada ke 10 negara utama, untuk periode 2008-2012.

Grafik 3: Ekspor Kanada Ke 10 Negara Utama (Persentase), HS 610831 –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 - 2012

Sumber data: Statistics Canada Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Selama periode 2008 – 2012 tersebut, negara United States mengimpor

– Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) rata-rata USD 1,680,116

dari ekspor tahunan Kanada. Kemudian United Kingdom USD 396,258 per

tahunnya, Saudi Arabia USD 13,209, Australia USD 4,057, Uni Arab Emirates

USD 13,905, dan Lebanon dengan nilai USD 24,573. Kemudian Spain USD

6,967, Algeria USD 2,491, Japan USD 11,854, dan China USD 2,808.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 17

2.2. Potensi Pasar Ekspor Produk Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton

Pyjamas) Dari Kanada Ke Dunia

Untuk mengimbangi ekspor dan kebutuhan dalam negerinya, Kanada

mengimpor – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dari negara

produsen lain, dimana pada Grafik-4 secara jelas ditunjukkan fluktuatif maupun

trend nilai impor dan ekspornya selama 5 tahun, 2008-2012 yang cenderung


Grafik-4: Ekspor vs Impor Kanada, HS 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Women Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

Sumber data: Statistics Canada

Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 18

Sepuluh negara eksportir utama produk – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Womens Cotton Pyjamas) ke Kanada per tahun 2012 secara berturut-turut

adalah China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, South Korea, Pakistan, Vienam,

Turkey, Indonesia, dan United States. Melalui Tabel-2 berikut ini bisa dilihat

persentase impor produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas)

dari 10 negara utama. Pada tahun 2008 China menyuplai sebesar 47.07% dari

total impor Kanada atau senilai USD 27,365,213. Kemudian fluktuatif dari tahun

ke tahun hingga menjadi USD 16,134,520 atau 31.90% dari total impor Kanada

di tahun 2012. Persentase rata-rata ekspornya adalah USD 20,751,054 atau

38.68% dari keseluruhan impor Kanada selama 5 tahun tersebut.

Tabel-2: Impor Kanada Dari 10 Negara Utama (Persentase), HS 610831 –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

China 47.07% 41.36% 39.97% 33.12% 31.90%

Bangladesh 12.81% 15.98% 16.41% 19.49% 24.05% Cambodia (Kampuchea) 9.66% 12.29% 17.34% 21.88% 22.81%

India 26.08% 25.34% 18.10% 18.26% 12.90%

Korea, South 0.01% 0.52% 3.63% 2.58% 3.38%

Pakistan 0.14% 0.34% 0.67% 0.42% 1.34%

Vietnam 0.81% 1.41% 0.79% 0.84% 1.24%

Turkey 0.27% 0.17% 0.18% 0.43% 0.46%

Indonesia 0.29% 0.31% 0.42% 0.52% 0.32%

United States 0.48% 0.37% 0.30% 0.21% 0.31%

Sub-total 97.61% 98.12% 97.82% 97.75% 98.72%

Others 2.39% 1.88% 2.18% 2.25% 1.28% Total All Countries 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Sumber data: Statistics Canada Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 19

Posisi selanjutnya adalah negara Bangladesh dengan rata-rata nilai

ekspor USD 9,397,362 atau 17.75%; posisi ke-3 adalah Cambodia dengan nilai

impor USD 8,893,997 atau 16.80%; kemudian India senilai USD 10,801,165

atau 20.14%; South Korea senilai USD 1,070,141 atau 2.02%; Pakistan senilai

USD 303,780 atau 0.58%; Vietnam senilai USD 537,562 atau 1.02%;

selanjutnya Turkey dengan rata-rata nilai USD 160,757 atau 0.30%, Indonesia

di posisi ke-9 per tahun 2012 disusul United States dengan rata-rata impor

senilai USD 180,376 atau 0.33%. Terlihat posisi Indonesia masih berpeluang

untuk ditingkatkan pangsa pasarnya.

Dari 10 negara pensuplai utama tersebut, selama periode 2008 – 2012

Kanada rata-rata mengimpor 98% atau senilai USD 52,294,307 dari total impor

tahunannya. Sementara suplai dari negara lainnya rata-rata hanya 2% atau

senilai USD 1,075,713.

Indonesia berada di posisi ke-9 selama periode tersebut dengan rata-

rata nilai impor USD 198,113 atau 0.37% dari keseluruhan impor tahunan


Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 20

Grafik-5: Impor Kanada dari 10 Negara Utama (% Rata-Rata Dalam 5

Tahun), HS 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton

Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012


Sumber data: Statistics Canada Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Sebagaimana terlihat pada Tabel-2 dan Grafik-5 diatas, hanya negara-

negara Bangladesh dan Cambodia yang cenderung mengalami kenaikan nilai

impornya ke Kanada dari tahun ke tahun.

Adapun negara Indonesia, nilai impor tertinggi selama 2008 - 2012

tersebut adalah USD 276,687 di tahun 2011 dan terendah USD 153,762 di

tahun 2009.

Nilai impor Indonesia untuk produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens

Cotton Pyjamas) secara detail adalah USD 168,883 di tahun 2008. Kemudian

turun 8.95% di tahun 2009 menjadi senilai USD 153,762. Tahun 2010, nilai

impor Indonesia mengalami peningkatan 48.74% dari tahun sebelumnya,

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 21

menjadi USD 228,712. Selanjutnya meningkat kembali 20.98% atau senilai

USD 276,687 di tahun 2011. Untuk tahun 2012, nilainya merupakan penurunan

41.26% nilai tahun sebelumnya sehigga ke posisi USD 162,520.

Adapun posisi Indonesia dengan 2 negara diatas dan 2 negara

dibawahnya, dapat dilihat pada Grafik-5 berikut ini.

Grafik-5: Impor Kanada dari 5 Negara (Indonesia diantara 4 negara),

HS 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas),

2008 – 2012

Sumber data: Statistics Canada Tanggal: 2-Des-2013

Fluktuasi suplai produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas) dari Asia selama periode 2008 - 2012, yaitu 98.31% di tahun 2008,

kemudian 98.80% di tahun 2009, selanjutnya 98.91% di tahun 2010, kemudian

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 22

98.60% di tahun 2011 serta 98.55% di tahun 2012. Indonesia menempati posisi

ke-8 dari 27 negara Asia lainnya; dan diantara 20 negara penyuplai, atau

pernah penyuplai produk tersebut ke Kanada antara tahun 2008 – 2012.

Adapun di kalangan negara anggota ASEAN, posisi masing-masing negara

dapat ditunjukkan melalui Tabel-3 berikut,

Tabel-3: Impor Kanada dari Negara ASEAN (Persentase), HS 610831 –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

HS 610831 - Womens/Girls Pyjamas And Nightdresses - Knitted - Cotton

Cambodia (Kampuchea) 9.66% 12.29% 17.34% 21.88% 22.81%

Vietnam 0.81% 1.41% 0.79% 0.84% 1.24%

Indonesia 0.29% 0.31% 0.42% 0.52% 0.32%

Malaysia 0.18% 0.13% 0.17% 0.05% 0.28%

Philippines 0.50% 0.25% 0.08% 0.78% 0.03%

Thailand 0.16% 0.13% 0.09% 0.22% 0.02%

Singapore -- 0.02% -- -- --

Laos -- 0.01% 0.54% 0.03% --

Brunei Darussalam -- -- -- 0.01% --

Myanmar (Burma) -- -- -- -- --

Sub-Total 11.60% 14.57% 19.43% 24.33% 24.70%

Sub-total 11.60% 14.57% 19.43% 24.33% 24.70%

Others 88.40% 85.43% 80.57% 75.67% 75.30%

Total All Countries 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

Source of data: Statistics Canada Report Date: 2-Dec-2013

Indonesia berada di posisi ke-3 di lingkungan pengekspor – Piyama

Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) ke Kanada dari negara-negara

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 23

anggota ASEAN, yaitu setelah Cambodia dan Vietnam. Negara setelah

Indonesia adalah Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Laos dan Brunei

Darussalam. Adapun negara Myanmar terlihat tidak pernah mensuplai produk –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) ke Kanada dalam periode 5

tahun tersebut.

2.3. Regulasi produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjama) Di


Ketiadaan data lengkap mengenai produksi dan pasar produk –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) menjadi kendala

dalam pemasaran – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas)

Indonesia. Ketentuan pasar Internasional produk ini berbeda di tiap-tiap

negara pengimpor.

Ketentuan pasar pada umumnya adalah berupa penggunaan bar

code (yang memuat asal negara, jenis produk), SIUPP, Nomor Pokok

Wajib Pajak (NPWP), ijin dari Kementrian Perindustrian, sertifikat mutu

produk dari Indonesia, dan sebagainya.

2.3.1. Kebijakan impor produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas) di Kanada.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 24

Kebijakan dan peraturan perdagangan di Kanada yang terkait

dengan perdagangan produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens

Cotton Pyjamas) tersebut, antara lain sebagaimana pada lampiran-

lampiran berikut:

• Consumer Protection and Labelling Act

[Consumer Protection and Labelling Act]

- Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulation

[Consumer Packaging and Labelling Regulation]

• Customs Act

• Canada Customs Tariff 2013

[Canadian Customs Tariff 2013, Section IV Chapter 61, Tariff Items

No. 6108.31.00: Nightdresses and Pyjama Of Cotton]

2.4. Persyaratan Mutu, Label & Kemasan produk – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Womens Cotton Pyjamas). Petunjuk pelaksanaan kegiatan importasi di

Kanada, terkait dengan produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas) yang paling utama adalah:

• Guide Importing Commercial Goods into Canada;

• Guide Labelling and Advertising;

• Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 25


dan Retail









2.5. Saluran Distribusi produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Women’s Cotton

Pyjamas) di Kanada

2.6. Hambatan Lain

Faktor atau masalah yang mempengaruhi ekspor – Piyama Katun

Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dari Indonesia antara lain adalah:

• Peraturan pemerintah yang belum jelas khususnya berkaitan

dengan hak paten – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas) dari Indonesia. Hal ini secara umum menimbulkan

kekhawatiran para produsen tentang perlindungan hukum


• Ketiadaan wadah resmi atau asosiasi bagi produsen dan

pengolah – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) asli

Indonesia di Indonesia.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 26

• Cara memasarkan hasil produksi kepada pembeli di luar negeri,

yaitu kegiatan sales promotion, penetapan harga jual FOB,

kemampuan memenuhi kontrak ekspor tepat waktu dengan

kualitas produk terjamin.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa hambatan ekspor – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Womens Cotton Pyjamas) Indonesia ke Kanada:

• Masih kurangnya infomasi pasar Kanada tentang – Piyama Katun

Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) bagi dunia usaha Indonesia.

� Kanada juga produsen produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens

Cotton Pyjamas) yang juga menyuplainya ke seluruh dunia.

� Kanada juga menjadi negara sentra pemasaran produk dan hasil

olahan – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dari seluruh

dunia, karenanya persaingan pasar produk tersebut sangat ketat di

negara ini.

• Kendala jarak tempuh yang cukup jauh antara Indonesia – Kanada.

Disamping masalah jarak yang cukup jauh, masalah lain adalah belum

dikenalnya B.C. Port di Vancouver sebagai pelabuhan tujuan ekspor

ke Kanada. Hal ini menjadi keunggulan negara lainnya yang secara

geografis lebih dekat dengan Kanada.

� Kurangnya komunikasi antara dunia usaha Indonesia dengan

perwakilan perdagangan di Kanada juga menjadi salah satu kendala

yang dihadapi sehingga belum berkembangnya pasar Kanada sebagai

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 27

pasar ekspor – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas)


Selain itu terdapat beberapa kendala internal dan eksternal dilihat dari

sudut pandang produsen atau pengusaha TPT.

Kendala dan keterbatasan internalya adalah:

� Mutu produk tekstil dan pakaian jadi Indonesia umumnya belum bisa

menembus pasar bebas yang konsumennya berselera tinggi.

Kenyataan ini mengakibatkan harga per unit produk masih relatif


� Industri TPT masih tergantung pada komponen impor, terutama untuk

memproduksi produk kualitas ekspor.

� Industri pakaian jadi di Indonesia masih berperan sebagai ”tukang jahit”

bagi para pialang TPT internasional, karena desain, pemilihan warna,

potongan masih didikte oleh pialang luar negeri.

� Perusahaan TPT kecil di Indonesia belum berperan dalam industri TPT

yang masih sangat tergantung pada ”konglomerat” yang menguasai

sebagian besar dari pasar ekspor maupun segmen pasar menengah

ke atas dalam negeri.

� Pengaturan tata niaga, terutama pembagian kuota dinilai para

produsen barang TPT masih jauh dari ”baik”.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 28

Sedangkan hambatan ekternal adalah berupa sikap proteksionis

beberapa negara maju yang membatasi ekspor produk tekstil dan pakaian

jadi dari negara-negara berkembang melalui penetapan kuota dan bea

masuk. Pengaturan kuota dilakukan negara tersebut melalui Multi Fiber

Agreement (MFA) dan World Trade Organization (WTO). Pada masa

depan sistem kuota sedikit-sedikit akan diabaikan sesuai dengan

ketentuan WTO. Meskipun demikian, Indonesia harus mampu

menciptakan pasar baru untuk TPT di negara non-kuota, supaya

pertumbuhan industri TPT Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 29


3.1. Peluang

Indonesia mengekspor beragam jenis produk tekstil dalam lebih dari 15

sub-sektor pada kode HS 6-angka, sebagaimana data rata-rata ekspor tahunannya adalah sebesar USD

30-90 juta. Sebagian besar merupakan ekspor pakaian dan

garmen. Berdasarkan statistik yang dimuat dalam South East Asia Textile

Business Review 2009 (Edisi pertama), Indonesia menguasai 1,6% pasar

ekspor tekstil serta 1,7% pasar ekspor garmen dunia. Pasar ekspor tekstil

dan garmen terbesar Indonesia adalah United States, Uni Eropa dan Japan.

Sementara menurut data Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (API), produk

TPT Indonesia memiliki daya saing yang relatif baik di pasar internasional.

Hal ini disebabkan Indonesia memiliki industri pertekstilan yang lengkap dari

hulu ke hilir, yakni dari produk serat (fibers), produk benang/pemintalan

(spinning), pertenunan (weaving), rajutan (knitting), pakaian jadi (garment),

dan produk tekstil lainnya (other textile). Indonesia memiliki industri

pemintalan (spinning) yang besar di kawasan Asia dan Oceania. Demikian

pula dengan industri pertenunan yang produksinya kedua terbesar setelah

China, serta industri pakaian jadi yang dikenal di dunia internasional.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 30

Produk tekstil dan garmen juga merupakan salah satu produk andalan

ekspor Indonesia ke Kanada. Salah satu sub sektor produk tekstil dan

garmen adalah produk pakaian jadi, dan HS 610831 – Piyama Katun

Wanita (Women Cotton Pyjamas) adalah salah satu sub sektor dari

produk pakaian jadi.

Peluang pasar produk ini cukup besar di Kanada, hal mana ditunjukkan

dengan nilai impor yang rata-rata senilai USD 50 juta per tahunnya dan

selalu didominasi oleh produk China. Sebagaimana keunggulan produk

China pada umumnya adalah biaya produksi yang selalu jauh lebih rendah

dan mengakibatkan harga jual yang juga lebih murah dibanding negara lain.

Keunggulan dari produk Indonesia adalah mutu dan design yang mampu

bersaing dengan produk negara lain. Semakin banyak perancang busana

Indonesia yang diakui dunia fashion berkelas dan dengan selera disain

internasional. Jika hal ini dipadukan dengan daya saing yang baik karena

industri nasional sudah lengkap dari hulu hingga hilir, maka bukan tidak

mungkin Indonesia juga bisa mengungguli produk – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Women Cotton Pyjamas) dari negara lain, sebagaimana kelima produk

berbahan katun yang sudah menempatkan Indonesia di posisi teratas


Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 31

3.2. Strategi

Dalam meningkatkan penetrasi pasar ekspor di Kanada,

beberapa strategi yang perlu direkomendasikan untuk pengembangan

ekspor produk – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas),

diantaranya adalah:

Rekomendasi bagi Produsen dan Eksportir

1. Ekspor difokuskan pada beberapa produk yang dibutuhkan pasar


2. Pengembangan pembuatan labeling untuk produk – Piyama Katun

Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) yang disesuaikan dengan standar


3. Produsen atau eksportir Indonesia diharapkan berperan aktif

mengikuti pameran atau seminar tentang industri garment khususnya

– Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) yang berskala

internasional di Kanada

4. Peningkatan pengiriman sample dan packaging untuk produk ekspor

oleh dunia usaha ke kantor ITPC atau Atase Perdagangan.

5. Peningkatan komunikasi dari dunia usaha Indonesia ke perwakilan

perdagangan di luar negeri, Atase Perdagangan Indonesia di Ottawa

maupun ITPC Vancouver, ataupun KJRI Vancouver / KJRI Toronto

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 32

dan KBRI Ottawa dalam tukar-menukar informasi terkait dengan

perdagangan produk di Kanada.

Rekomendasi bagi Pemerintah Indonesia

1. Peningkatan networking antara perwakilan perdagangan di Kanada,

khususnya ITPC Vancouver dan Atase Perdagangan Ottawa,

dengan pelaku bisnis dan pemerintah Kanada;

2. Pengembangan fasilitas promosi dagang bagi dunia usaha Indonesia

yang akan mempromosikan produknya di Kanada;

3. Baik ITPC Vancouver ataupun Atase Perdagangan Ottawa, dapat

berperan aktif dalam menjalin komunikasi dengan dunia usaha

Indonesia untuk saling dapat bertukar informasi mengenai

perdagangan suatu produk di Kanada.

4. Kementerian Perdagangan dan Kementerian Perindustrian dapat

membantu dunia usaha Indonesia dalam pembuatan label ke

Kanada disesuaikan dengan yang ditetapkan standar pemerintah


5. Faktor-faktor penting lainnya yang mempengaruhi ekspor – Piyama

Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dari Indonesia adalah:

a) Peraturan pemerintah yaitu, deregulasi tentang tarif pajak ekspor,

dan lain-lain.

b) Sikap konsumen diluar negeri terhadap kualitas produk – Piyama

Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dari Indonesia.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 33

c) Cara memasarkan hasil produksi kepada pembeli di luar negeri,

yaitu kegiatan sales promotion, penetapan harga jual FOB,

kemampuan memenuhi kontrak ekspor tepat waktu dengan

kualitas produk terjamin.

Faktor maupun masalah yang disebut di atas adalah hal-hal yang

hanya dapat diatasi melalui kerjasama antara produsen dengan

Pemerintah RI dibantu oleh negara lain maupun oleh para

perusahaan importir di negara tersebut.

6. Selain itu mengikutsertakan produsen pada organisasi pengusaha –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) dunia, supaya

diperoleh informasi terkini berkaitan dengan perdagangan produk –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) internasional.

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 34


Beberapa informasi penting terkait dengan penulisan market brief

produk HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) untuk

pasar Kanada, antara lain:

Canadian Embassy di Jakarta

World Trade Center, Lantai 6,

Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31,

Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

Tel: (62-21) 2550-7800

Fax: (62-21) 2550-7811

Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFOC)

56 Sparks Street, Suite 300, Ottawa

Ontario, Canada, K1P5A9

Tel: (1) 613-233-3925

Fax: (1) 613-233-7860

Toronto Board of Trade (TBOT)

Downtown Center,

1st Floor, Canadian Place,

PO Box 60, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5X 1C1

Tel: (1) 416-366-6811 / Fax: (1) 416-366-8460

West End, 190 Attwell Drive, Suite 120, Toronto Ontario,

Canada M9W 1J5

Tel: (1) 416-798-6811 / Fax: (1) 416-798-2499

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 35

Vancouver Board of Trade (VBOT)

World Trade Center, Suite 400, 999

Canada Place,

Vancouver B.C, Canada V6C 3E1

Tel: (1) 604-681-2111

Fax: (1) 604-681-0437

Burnaby Board of Trade (BBOT)

#201-4555 Kingsway, Burnaby BC,

Canada V5H 4T8

Tel: (1) 604-412-0100

Fax: (1) 604-412-0102

Surrey Board of Trade (SBOT)

14439 104 Ave, Surrey BC,

Canada V3R 1M1

Tel: (1) 604-581-7130

Fax: (1) 604-588-7549

Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia


55 Parkdale Ave., Ottawa Ontario,

Canada, K1Y 1E5

Tel: (1) 613-724-1100

Fax: (1) 613-724-1105

Konsulat Jenderal Republik

Indonesia (KJRI) Vancouver

1630 Alberni Street, Vancouver BC,

Canada V6E 1A6

Tel: (1) 604-682-8855 ext. 227– 228;

Fax: (1) 604-662-8396

Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia

(KJRI) Toronto

129 Jervis Street, Toronto Ontario, Canada

M5C 2H6

Tel: (1) 416-360-4020

Fax: (1) 416-360-4029

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 36

Indonesian Trade Promotion Center


1300-1500 West Georgia Street,

Vancouver, V6G 2Z6, Canada,

Tel: (1) 604-696-6322

Fax: (1) 604-685-1520

Atase Perdagangan Ottawa

55 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa Ontario,

Canada K1Y 1E5

Tel: (1) 613-724-1100

Fax: (1) 613-724-1105

KADIN Indonesia

Menara Kadin Indonesia Lantai 29,

Jalan HR. Rasuna Said X-5 Kav. 2-3,

Jakarta 12950, Indonesia

Tel: (62-21) 527-4484

Fax: (62-21) 527-4331

Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia

(HIPMI) - Divisi Perdagangan

Jalan Raya Pasar Minggu No. 1A,

Jakarta, Indonesia


Asosiasi Produsen Garmen Indonesia

Gedung Graha Media Lantai 1, Jalan Blora No. 8 – 10

Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

Tel: (62-21) 3919231

Fax: (62-21) 3919235


Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 37

Organisasi berkaitan produk HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens

Cotton Pyjamas) ini yang perlu diketahui diantaranya adalah,

• Canadian Textile Association 13 Interlacken Drive Brampton, Ontario Canada, L6X 0Y1

T: 647-821-4649



• Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (Indonesian Textile Association)

Adhigraha Bldg. 16 th fl. Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Kav. 56 Jakarta 12950 – Indonesia Ph. 62-21 5272171, Fax. 62-21 5272166 Email:

• Kementerian Perindustrian Indonesia

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 38

DAFTAR IMPORTIRanadian Importers Database (CID)

Berikut adalah daftar importir produk HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Womens Cotton Pyjamas) di Kanada:

Product Selected: 610831 - Womens/Girls Pyjamas And Nightdresses - Knitted - Cotton

Market Concentration Summary - All Canada (2011)

Number of Importers Value of Imports ($CDN) Cumulative % of Imports

3 11,285,640 19.59

6 19,378,068 33.63

10 27,762,324 48.18

15 35,224,918 61.13

20 41,424,036 71.89

25 45,891,700 79.64

All 57,623,768 100.00

Major Canadian Importers 1 in 2011

Company Name (alphabetical order) City Province 2 Postal Code 2


710 Deslauriers, St-Laurent, QC H4N 1W5

(514) 593-1717



Quebec H4N 1W5

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 39

Major Canadian Importers 1 in 2011

Company Name (alphabetical order) City Province 2 Postal Code 2


1007 Rue du Marché Central

Montreal, QC, H4N 1J8

(514) 389-9648

3131, boulevard de la Côte-Vertu G-17

St-Laurent, QC, H4R 1Y8

(514) 331-2069

Montréal Quebec

CAROLE HOCHMAN DESIGNS Williamsport Pennsylvania


Club Road Ottawa, ON K2E 1C5

Phone: 613-221-2000. Fax: 613-221-2001.

Ottawa Ontario K2E 1C5


G.T. WHOLESALE LIMITED, 2480 Walkley Rd,

Ottawa, ON K1G 3R8

(613) 526-4200

Ottawa Ontario K1G 3RB




Lasalle Quebec H3N 1V5


Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 40

Major Canadian Importers 1 in 2011

Company Name (alphabetical order) City Province 2 Postal Code 2


Or Toll Free at 1-855-377-1848



9600 Meilleur Street

Suite 200

Montreal, Quebec

H2N 2E3


514-389-0854 Fax

888-389-1402 Toll free

Lachine Quebec H8T 3M8


562 Deslauriers Montreal, Quebec Canada H4N 1V8 Telephone: 514.337.4175 Fax: 514.337.0878 Toll Free: 1.800.829.6521



Quebec H4N 1V8

LA SENZA CORPORATION, 2305 Chemin Rockland

Montreal, QC, H3P 1Y5

(514) 341-9384

Montréal Quebec H3P 1Y5

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 41

Major Canadian Importers 1 in 2011

Company Name (alphabetical order) City Province 2 Postal Code 2

LAGO MARKETING (B.C.) LTD., 101-19652 86th Ave

Langley, B.C. Canada V2Y-1Z5 t:604.888.2772

f:604.888.7191. Toll Free: 1.800.563.5246

Langley British


V2Y 1Z5


Stinson St SAINT-LAURENT, Quebec H4N 2E1,

T: (514) 748-6475



Quebec H4N 2E1


LTD, 550 Deslauriers St SAINT-LAURENT,

Quebec H4N 1V8, (514) 337-4175



Quebec H4N 1V8

LINGERIE CLAUDEL INC., 260 Faillon O, Montreal,

QC H2R 2V7

(514) 277-3169

Montréal Quebec H2R 2V7


Rue Saint-Urbain, Montréal, QC H2S 3H6. T:

514-276-2518, F: 514-276-0806

Montréal Quebec H2S 3H6

LOBLAWS INC., 1 Presidents Choice Cir,

Brampton, ON L6V 3N2

Brampton Ontario L6V 3N2

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 42

Major Canadian Importers 1 in 2011

Company Name (alphabetical order) City Province 2 Postal Code 2

(905) 459-2500


Edmonton, AB T6N 0A8

(780) 468-6793

Edmonton Alberta T6N 0A8



Montreal, Quebec

Canada H4T-1N1

Phone: (514) 341-8330

FAX: (514) 341-9606



Quebec H4T 1N1

OLD NAVY (CANADA) INC. Albuquerque New Mexico

REITMANS INC, 250 Sauvé Street West Montreal,

QC H3L 1Z2, Telephone:(514) 384-1140

Montréal Quebec H3L 1Z2

SEARS CANADA INC, 290 Yonge St., Suite

700. Toronto, Ontario M5B 2C3, Telephone (416)


Toronto Ontario M5B 2C3


269-100 Anderson Rd SE, Calgary, AB T2J 3V1,


Calgary Alberta T2J 3V1

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 43

Major Canadian Importers 1 in 2011

Company Name (alphabetical order) City Province 2 Postal Code 2


MART DU CANADA, 1940 Argentia Rd.

Mississauga, Ontario. L5N 1P9

Mississauga Ontario L5N 1P9


LP., 444 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 2H4

(416) 598-8800

Toronto, Ontario M5B 2H4


1. The 'Major Importers' listed comprise those which collectively account for up to 80% of all imports (in terms of $ value) of the selected product for all of Canada. This list does not include individuals as well as importers whose importer numbers are unavailable. The importer is not necessarily the end-user of the product.

2. In the case of non-resident importers with addresses outside of Canada, the U.S. state is displayed if applicable and the postal code is left blank.

Source: Industry Canada, based on 2011 data collected by Canada Border

Services Agency (CBSA)

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 44


Beberapa sumber referensi untuk penulisan Market Brief HS# 610831 –

Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) ini, antara lain adalah:

• Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT);

• Canadian Border and Serviced Agency (CBSA) atau Canadian Customs;

• Canadian Statistics;

• Industry Canada;

• Biro Pusat Statistik:

• Kementerian Perindustrian

Vancouver, 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 45

Lampiran 1: Ekspor Kanada ke Dunia, HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

Judul Total Ekspor Kanada




Tujuan DUNIA (Detail)

Periode 2008 - 2012

Unit Nilai dalam U.S. Dollars


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

United States 1,511,153 971,228 1,616,389 2,236,325 2,065,484

United Kingdom 37,965 68,807 113,083 126,110 135,327

Saudi Arabia 664 363 45,443 308 19,266

Australia -- -- 192 2,639 17,454

United Arab Emirates 14,460 10,288 12,548 15,476 16,751

Lebanon 48,850 35,395 937 21,450 16,235

Spain -- -- 21,360 1,521 11,952

Algeria -- -- -- 3,342 9,112

Japan 5,931 17,329 19,500 7,419 9,091

China 5,402 -- -- -- 8,638

Jordan -- 26,900 -- -- 5,987

Kuwait 131 68,693 46,655 8,553 4,994

Korea, South -- -- 43,165 6,132 4,881

Russia 284 14 -- -- 3,893

Lithuania -- -- -- -- 2,753

Switzerland -- -- 1,191 3,268 2,529

Panama 367 1,387 1,250 1,229 1,480

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 46


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Germany 87,383 12 -- -- 1,299

Qatar -- -- 89 214 1,245

Georgia -- -- -- -- 809

Oman (formerly Muscat and


-- -- -- -- 737

Kazakhstan -- -- 6,676 584 713

Azerbaijan -- -- -- -- 473

Venezuela -- -- -- -- 233

Iran -- -- -- -- 115

Iceland 47,261 25,652 2,642 1,764 --

Denmark -- -- -- 1,576 --

Turkey -- -- 1,797 1,494 --

Israel 2,526 182 -- 1,114 --

Egypt -- -- -- 398 --

New Zealand -- -- 153 182 --

Guatemala -- -- -- 173 --

France (incl. Monaco, French


-- -- -- 22 --

Paraguay -- -- -- 1 --

Morocco 125,703 195,757 93,212 -- --

Vietnam -- 1,532 8,253 -- --

India -- -- 3,359 -- --

Austria -- -- 2,147 -- --

Portugal -- -- 831 -- --

Romania -- 4,419 625 -- --

Brazil -- -- 377 -- --

Macau (Macao) -- 5,589 -- -- --

Bermuda -- 736 -- -- --

Bahrain -- 201 -- -- --

Syria 788 -- -- -- --

Mexico 424 -- -- -- --

Total All Countries 1,889,292 1,434,484 2,041,874 2,441,294 2,341,451

Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau

Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 47

Lampiran 2: Impor Kanada Dari Dunia, HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas, 2008 – 2012

Judul Total Impor Kanada



Asal DUNIA (Detail)


Periode 2008 - 2012

Unit Nilai dalam U.S. Dollars


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

China 27,365,213 20,631,303 22,025,876 17,598,357 16,134,520

Bangladesh 7,445,551 7,972,599 9,042,996 10,358,534 12,167,131



5,616,135 6,133,363 9,557,398 11,626,385 11,536,706

India 15,160,704 12,642,527 9,974,896 9,702,830 6,524,868

Korea, South 4,544 261,393 2,002,195 1,370,602 1,711,971

Pakistan 79,140 171,226 370,997 221,865 675,672

Vietnam 472,158 705,199 436,881 445,819 627,752

Turkey 157,272 87,196 98,984 227,237 233,095

Indonesia 168,883 153,762 228,712 276,687 162,520

United States 276,465 186,872 167,607 112,254 158,681

Malaysia 106,193 67,218 91,198 26,550 142,559

Sri Lanka 87,058 105,424 321,040 173,721 77,237

Guatemala 1,156 21,149 695 43,838 58,345

Hong Kong 205,452 36,466 39,237 17,093 46,644

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 48


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Peru 6,654 37,997 86,190 85,360 45,481

Portugal 39,218 43,206 47,440 62,584 38,776

Italy (incl. Vatican City


57,260 30,506 59,140 71,136 34,886

Egypt 31,118 28,707 20,976 27,898 31,248

France (incl. Monaco,

French Antilles)

37,795 18,085 24,427 20,059 26,590

Philippines 288,076 122,507 45,218 413,976 16,183

Spain 11,045 5,257 10,347 40 15,226

Macau (Macao) 28,448 176,679 12,300 22,572 14,500

El Salvador 1,075 506 87 500 11,097

Thailand 90,290 66,531 48,875 115,294 10,447

Hungary 8,954 10,349 6,012 9,655 10,337

Romania 4,322 4,268 5,370 16,487 10,244

Belgium 9,204 9,213 8,633 4,804 9,155

Tunisia 15,189 4,470 1,242 7,162 9,140

Poland -- -- 61 1,133 5,745

Croatia 3,945 1,330 646 1,338 4,965

Ireland -- -- -- 28 4,824

Bulgaria 2,354 5,640 910 6,066 3,919

Morocco 4,315 2,327 8,113 458 3,253

Honduras 62,966 34,972 249 149 2,837

Germany 4,229 1,514 2,955 1,197 2,833

Re-Imports (Canada) 9,427 83 262 11 1,766

Lithuania 1,701 259 84 -- 1,672

United Kingdom 2,499 1,270 2,432 682 1,658

Australia -- -- -- 38 1,525

Mauritius 1,276 2,204 3,119 2,893 1,461

Israel 648 55 250 -- 1,065

Finland 4,964 13,620 3,088 1,775 929

Taiwan 39,237 25,035 7,458 56 733

Mexico 12,767 940 773 15,758 508

Bosnia-Hercegovina -- -- -- -- 419

Singapore -- 9,348 -- -- 259

Saudi Arabia 14 68 5 1,156 249

Colombia 93,097 5,491 2,258 235 240

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 49


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Netherlands 1,045 269 40 34 239

Japan -- 29 2,849 341 142

Madagascar 37 176 105 92 83

Nicaragua -- 10 294 75 82

Serbia -- -- -- -- 63

Ukraine 137 -- 31 137 52

Nepal 74 -- -- -- 31

Guinea -- -- -- -- 30

Heard and McDonald


-- -- -- -- 20

Central African


-- -- -- -- 11

Laos -- 7,156 297,952 17,802 --

Syria 10,242 4,921 13,890 13,625 --

Brunei Darussalam 89 1,031 -- 4,202 --

Switzerland -- -- 155 3,223 --

Czech Republic 7,540 15,521 17,709 2,038 --

Belarus (formerly


-- -- 3,250 1,310 --

Cameroon 4,003 -- -- 675 --

Costa Rica -- -- -- 599 --

South Africa 322 53 97 447 --

Latvia -- -- -- 308 --

United Arab Emirates 52,236 3,665 15 248 --

Denmark -- -- -- 111 --

Slovakia 13,324 8,415 -- 70 --

Albania -- -- -- 60 --

Kenya -- -- -- 10 --

Russia -- -- -- 6 --

Brazil 185 4,484 1,627 -- --

Austria 144 1,179 545 -- --

Mali -- -- 168 -- --

Vanuatu (New


-- -- 87 -- --

Estonia 588 131 51 -- --

Senegal -- -- 34 -- --

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 50


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Cayman Islands -- -- 30 -- --

Angola -- -- 2 -- --

Sweden -- 102 -- -- --

New Zealand -- 91 -- -- --

Lesotho -- 83 -- -- --

Greece 566 59 -- -- --

Dominican Republic 1,320 7 -- -- --

Macedonia -- 7 -- -- --

Saint Lucia 14,310 -- -- -- --

Oman (formerly

Muscat and Oman)

11,460 -- -- -- --

Haiti 1,840 -- -- -- --

Mauritania 156 -- -- -- --

U.S. Minor Outlying


27 -- -- -- --

Paraguay 23 -- -- -- --

Bolivia 21 -- -- -- --

Turkmenistan 8 -- -- -- --

Total All Countries 58,137,708 49,885,523 55,106,563 53,137,685 50,582,624

Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau

Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 51

Lampiran 3: Impor Kanada dari Asia, HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas, 2008 – 2012

Judul Total Impor Kanada



Asal ASIA (Detail)


Periode 2008 - 2012

Unit Nilai dalam U.S. Dollars


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

China 27,365,213 20,631,303 22,025,876 17,598,357 16,134,520

Bangladesh 7,445,551 7,972,599 9,042,996 10,358,534 12,167,131



5,616,135 6,133,363 9,557,398 11,626,385 11,536,706

India 15,160,704 12,642,527 9,974,896 9,702,830 6,524,868

Korea, South 4,544 261,393 2,002,195 1,370,602 1,711,971

Pakistan 79,140 171,226 370,997 221,865 675,672

Vietnam 472,158 705,199 436,881 445,819 627,752

Indonesia 168,883 153,762 228,712 276,687 162,520

Malaysia 106,193 67,218 91,198 26,550 142,559

Sri Lanka 87,058 105,424 321,040 173,721 77,237

Hong Kong 205,452 36,466 39,237 17,093 46,644

Philippines 288,076 122,507 45,218 413,976 16,183

Macau (Macao) 28,448 176,679 12,300 22,572 14,500

Thailand 90,290 66,531 48,875 115,294 10,447

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 52


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Taiwan 39,237 25,035 7,458 56 733

Singapore -- 9,348 -- -- 259

Japan -- 29 2,849 341 142

Nepal 74 -- -- -- 31

Laos -- 7,156 297,952 17,802 --

Brunei Darussalam 89 1,031 -- 4,202 --

East Timor -- -- -- -- --

Myanmar (Burma) -- -- -- -- --

Bhutan -- -- -- -- --

Korea, North -- -- -- -- --

Afghanistan -- -- -- -- --

Maldives -- -- -- -- --

Mongolia -- -- -- -- --

Sub-total 57,157,245 49,288,796 54,506,078 52,392,686 49,849,875

Others 980,459 596,725 600,484 745,001 732,751

Total All Countries 58,137,704 49,885,521 55,106,562 53,137,687 50,582,626

Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau

Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 53

Lampiran 4: Impor Kanada Dari Negara ASEAN, HS# 610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens

Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

Judul Total Impor Kanada





Periode 2008 - 2012

Unit Nilai dalam U.S. Dollars


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



5,616,135 6,133,363 9,557,398 11,626,385 11,536,706

Vietnam 472,158 705,199 436,881 445,819 627,752

Indonesia 168,883 153,762 228,712 276,687 162,520

Malaysia 106,193 67,218 91,198 26,550 142,559

Philippines 288,076 122,507 45,218 413,976 16,183

Thailand 90,290 66,531 48,875 115,294 10,447

Singapore -- 9,348 -- -- 259

Laos -- 7,156 297,952 17,802 --

Brunei Darussalam 89 1,031 -- 4,202 --

Myanmar (Burma) -- -- -- -- --

Sub-total 6,741,824 7,266,115 10,706,234 12,926,715 12,496,426

Others 51,395,880 42,619,406 44,400,328 40,210,972 38,086,200

Total All Countries 58,137,704 49,885,521 55,106,562 53,137,687 50,582,626

Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau

Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 54

Lampiran 5: Impor Kanada Dari Indonesia, HS#610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton

Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

Judul Total Impor Kanada





Periode 2008 - 2012

Unit Nilai dalam U.S. Dollars


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Indonesia 168,883 153,762 228,712 276,687 162,520

Others 57,968,821 49,731,759 54,877,850 52,861,000 50,420,106

Total All Countries 58,137,704 49,885,521 55,106,562 53,137,687 50,582,626

Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau

Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 55

Lampiran 6: Neraca Perdagangan Kanada - Indonesia, HS#610831 – Piyama Katun Wanita

(Womens Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012

Judul Neraca Perdagangan Kanada





Periode 2008 - 2012


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Indonesia Total


-- -- -- -- --



168,883 153,762 228,712 276,687 162,520



-168,883 -153,762 -228,712 -276,687 -162,520

Others Total


1,889,292 1,434,485 2,041,873 2,441,296 2,341,452



57,968,821 49,731,759 54,877,850 52,861,000 50,420,106













Total All




1,889,292 1,434,485 2,041,873 2,441,296 2,341,452



58,137,704 49,885,521 55,106,562 53,137,687 50,582,626








Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 56

Lampiran 7: Impor Kanada Dari 5 Negara (Indonesia Diantara 4 Negara), HS# 610831 – Piyama

Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas), 2008 – 2012







Periode 2008 - 2012

Unit Nilai dalam U.S. Dollars


2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Vietnam 472,158 705,199 436,881 445,819 627,752

Turkey 157,272 87,196 98,984 227,237 233,095

Indonesia 168,883 153,762 228,712 276,687 162,520

United States 276,465 186,872 167,607 112,254 158,681

Malaysia 106,193 67,218 91,198 26,550 142,559

Sub-total 1,180,971 1,200,247 1,023,382 1,088,547 1,324,607

Others 56,956,733 48,685,274 54,083,180 52,049,140 49,258,019

Total All Countries 58,137,704 49,885,521 55,106,562 53,137,687 50,582,626

Data Source: Statistics Canada & US Census Bureau

Date: 2 Desember 2013

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 57

DAFTAR HARGA, minggu ke-4, November 2013

Merek/Asal Toko Harga (CAD)

Jessica Sears 24 – 32

George Walmart 22 – 23

Joe Superstore 21 – 25

Victoria Secret Victoria Secret 49.50 – 60

La Senza La Senza 49.50 – 55

Market Brief ITPC Vancouver – 2013: HS# 610831 - PIYAMA KATUN WANITA (WOMENS COTTON PYJAMAS) 58

Berbagai Piyama Katun Wanita (Womens Cotton Pyjamas) Di Kanada


Issued January 1, 2013

Section XI


1. This Section does not cover:

(a) Animal brush-making bristles or hair (heading 05.02); horsehair or horsehair waste (heading 05.11);

(b) Human hair or articles of human hair (heading 05.01, 67.03 or 67.04), except straining cloth of a kind commonly used in oil presses or the like (heading 59.11);

(c) Cotton linters or other vegetable materials of Chapter 14; (d) Asbestos of heading 25.24 or articles of asbestos or other products of heading 68.12 or 68.13;

(e) Articles of heading 30.05 or 30.06; yarn used to clean between the teeth (dental floss), in individual retail packages, of

heading 33.06;

(f) Sensitized textiles of headings 37.01 to 37.04;

(g) Monofilament of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm or strip or the like (for example, artificial straw) of an apparent width exceeding 5 mm, of plastics (Chapter 39), or plaits or fabrics or other basketware or wickerwork of such monofilament or strip (Chapter 46);

(h) Woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics, felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, or

articles thereof, of Chapter 39;

(ij) Woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics, felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with rubber, or articles thereof, of Chapter 40;

(k) Hides or skins with their hair or wool on (Chapter 41 or 43) or articles of furskin, artificial fur or articles thereof, of heading

43.03 or 43.04;

(l) Articles of textile materials of heading 42.01 or 42.02; (m) Products or articles of Chapter 48 (for example, cellulose wadding); (n) Footwear or parts of footwear, gaiters or leggings or similar articles of Chapter 64; (o) Hair-nets or other headgear or parts thereof of Chapter 65; (p) Goods of Chapter 67;

(q) Abrasive-coated textile material (heading 68.05) and also carbon fibres or articles of carbon fibres of heading 68.15;

(r) Glass fibres or articles of glass fibres, other than embroidery with glass thread on a visible ground of fabric (Chapter 70); (s) Articles of Chapter 94 (for example, furniture, bedding, lamps and lighting fittings); (t) Articles of Chapter 95 (for example, toys, games, sports requisites and nets);

(u) Articles of Chapter 96 (for example, brushes, travel sets for sewing, slide fasteners, typewriter ribbons, sanitary towels

(pads) and tampons, napkins (diapers) and napkin liners for babies); or

(v) Articles of chapter 97. 2. (A) Goods classifiable in Chapters 50 to 55 or in heading 58.09 or 59.02 and of a mixture of two or more textile materials are

to be classified as if consisting wholly of that one textile material which predominates by weight over any other single textile material.

When no one textile material predominates by weight, the goods are to be classified as if consisting wholly of that one

textile material which is covered by the heading which occurs last in numerical order among those which equally merit consideration.


Issued January 1, 2013

(B) For the purpose of the above rule:

(a) Gimped horsehair yarn (heading 51.10) and metallized yarn (heading 56.05) are to be treated as a single textile

material the weight of which is to be taken as the aggregate of the weights of its components; for the classification of woven fabrics, metal thread is to be regarded as a textile material;

(b) The choice of appropriate heading shall be effected by determining first the Chapter and then the applicable heading

within that Chapter, disregarding any materials not classified in that Chapter;

(c) When both Chapters 54 and 55 are involved with any other Chapter, Chapters 54 and 55 are to be treated as a single Chapter;

(d) Where a Chapter or a heading refers to goods of different textile materials, such materials are to be treated as a

single textile material.

(C) The provisions of paragraphs (A) and (B) above apply also to the yarns referred to in Notes 3, 4, 5 or 6 below. 3. (A) For the purpose of this Section, and subject to the exceptions in paragraph (B) below, yarns (single, multiple (folded)

or cabled) of the following descriptions are to be treated as ''twine, cordage, ropes and cables'':

(a) Of silk or waste silk, measuring more than 20,000 decitex;

(b) Of man-made fibres (including yarn of two or more monofilaments of Chapter 54), measuring more than 10,000 decitex;

(c) Of true hemp or flax:

(i) Polished or glazed, measuring 1,429 decitex or more; or

(ii) Not polished or glazed, measuring more than 20,000 decitex;

(d) Of coir, consisting of three or more plies; (e) Of other vegetable fibres, measuring more than 20,000 decitex; or (f) Reinforced with metal thread.

(B) Exceptions:

(a) Yarn of wool or other animal hair and paper yarn, other than yarn reinforced with metal thread;

(b) Man-made filament tow of Chapter 55 and multifilament yarn without twist or with a twist of less than 5 turns per metre

of Chapter 54;

(c) Silk-worm gut of heading 50.06, and monofilaments of Chapter 54; (d) Metallized yarn of heading 56.05; yarn reinforced with metal thread is subject to paragraph (A) (f) above; and (e) Chenille yarn, gimped yarn and loop wale-yarn of heading 56.06.

4. (A) For the purpose of Chapters 50, 51, 52, 54 and 55, the expression ''put up for retail sale'' in relation to yarn means,

subject to the exceptions in paragraph (B) below, yarn (single, multiple (folded) or cabled) put up:

(a) On cards, reels, tubes or similar supports, of a weight (including support) not exceeding:

(i) 85 g in the case of silk, waste silk or man-made filament yarn; or

(ii) 125 g in other cases;

(b) In balls, hanks or skeins of a weight not exceeding:

(i) 85 g in the case of man-made filament yarn of less than 3,000 decitex, silk or silk waste;

(ii) 125 g in the case of all other yarns of less than 2,000 decitex; or

(iii) 500 g in other cases;


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(c) In hanks or skeins comprising several smaller hanks or skeins separated by dividing threads which render them

independent one of the other, each of uniform weight not exceeding:

(i) 85 g in the case of silk, waste silk or man-made filament yarn; or

(ii) 125 g in other cases.

(B) Exceptions:

(a) Single yarn of any textile material, except:

(i) Single yarn of wool or fine animal hair, unbleached; and

(ii) Single yarn of wool or fine animal hair, bleached, dyed or printed, measuring more than 5,000 decitex;

(b) Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, unbleached:

(i) Of silk or waste silk, however put up; or

(ii) Of other textile material except wool or fine animal hair, in hanks or skeins;

(c) Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn of silk or waste silk, bleached, dyed or printed, measuring 133 decitex or less; and (d) Single, multiple (folded) or cabled yarn of any textile material:

(i) In cross-reeled hanks or skeins; or

(ii) Put up on supports or in some other manner indicating its use in the textile industry (for example, on cops, twisting

mill tubes, pirns, conical bobbins or spindles, or reeled in the form of cocoons for embroidery looms). 5. For the purpose of headings 52.04, 54.01 and 55.08 the expression ''sewing thread'' means multiple (folded) or cabled yarn:

(a) Put up on supports (for example, reels, tubes) of a weight (including support) not exceeding 1,000 g; (b) Dressed for use as sewing thread; and (c) With a final ''Z'' twist.

6. For the purpose of this Section, the expression ''high tenacity yarn'' means yarn having a tenacity, expressed in cN/tex

(centinewtons per tex), greater than the following:

Single yarn of nylon or other polyamides, or of polyesters...........................................60 cN/tex Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn of nylon or other polyamides, or of polyesters...........53 cN/tex Single, multiple (folded) or cabled yarn of viscose rayon.............................................27 cN/tex.

7. For the purpose of this Section, the expression ''made up'' means:

(a) Cut otherwise than into squares or rectangles;

(b) Produced in the finished state, ready for use (or merely needing separation by cutting dividing threads) without sewing or other working (for example, certain dusters, towels, table cloths, scarf squares, blankets);

(c) Cut to size and with at least one heat-sealed edge with a visibly tapered or compressed border and the other edges

treated as described in any other subparagraph of this Note, but excluding fabrics the cut edges of which have been prevented from unravelling by hot cutting or by other simple means;

(d) Hemmed or with rolled edges, or with a knotted fringe at any of the edges, but excluding fabrics the cut edges of which

have been prevented from unravelling by whipping or by other simple means;

(e) Cut to size and having undergone a process of drawn thread work;

(f) Assembled by sewing, gumming or otherwise (other than piece goods consisting of two or more lengths of identical material joined end to end and piece goods composed of two or more textiles assembled in layers, whether or not padded);

(g) Knitted or crocheted to shape, whether presented as separate items or in the form of a number of items in the length.


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8. For the purposes of Chapters 50 to 60:

(a) Chapters 50 to 55 and 60 and, except where the context otherwise requires, Chapters 56 to 59 do not apply to goods made up within the meaning of Note 7 above; and

(b) Chapters 50 to 55 and 60 do not apply to goods of Chapters 56 to 59.

9. The woven fabrics of Chapters 50 to 55 include fabrics consisting of layers of parallel textile yarns superimposed on each

other at acute or right angles. These layers are bonded at the intersections of the yarns by an adhesive or by thermal bonding.

10. Elastic products consisting of textile materials combined with rubber threads are classified in this Section. 11. For the purpose of this Section, the expression ''impregnated'' includes ''dipped''. 12. For the purpose of this Section, the expression ''polyamides'' includes ''aramids''. 13. For the purposes of this Section and, where applicable, throughout the Nomenclature, the expression ''elastomeric yarn''

means filament yarn, including monofilament, of synthetic textile material, other than textured yarn, which does not break on being extended to three times its original length and which returns, after being extended to twice its original length, within a period of five minutes, to a length not greater than one and a half times its original length.

14. Unless the context otherwise requires, textile garments of different headings are to be classified in their own headings even if

put up in sets for retail sale. For the purposes of this Note, the expression "textile garments" means garments of headings 61.01 to 61.14 and headings 62.01 to 62.11.

Subheading Notes.

1. In this Section and, where applicable, throughout the Nomenclature, the following expressions have the meanings hereby

assigned to them:

(a) Unbleached yarn

Yarn which:

(i) has the natural colour of its constituent fibres and has not been bleached, dyed (whether or not in the mass) or printed; or

(ii) is of indeterminate colour (''grey yarn''), manufactured from garnetted stock.

Such yarn may have been treated with a colourless dressing or fugitive dye (which disappears after simple washing with soap) and, in the case of man-made fibres, treated in the mass with delustring agents (for example, titanium dioxide).

(b) Bleached yarn

Yarn which:

(i) has undergone a bleaching process, is made of bleached fibres or, unless the context otherwise requires, has been

dyed white (whether or not in the mass) or treated with a white dressing;

(ii) consists of a mixture of unbleached and bleached fibres; or

(iii) is multiple (folded) or cabled and consists of unbleached and bleached yarns.

(c) Coloured (dyed or printed) yarn

Yarn which:

(i) is dyed (whether or not in the mass) other than white or in a fugitive colour, or printed, or made from dyed or printed fibres;

(ii) consists of a mixture of dyed fibres of different colours or of a mixture of unbleached or bleached fibres with coloured

fibres (marl or mixture yarns), or is printed in one or more colours at intervals to give the impression of dots;


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(iii) is obtained from slivers or rovings which have been printed; or

(iv) is multiple (folded) or cabled and consists of unbleached or bleached yarn and coloured yarn.

The above definitions also apply, mutatis mutandis, to monofilament and to strip or the like of Chapter 54.

(d) Unbleached woven fabric

Woven fabric made from unbleached yarn and which has not been bleached, dyed or printed. Such fabric may have been treated with a colourless dressing or a fugitive dye.

(e) Bleached woven fabric

Woven fabric which:

(i) has been bleached or, unless the context otherwise requires, dyed white or treated with a white dressing, in the piece;

(ii) consists of bleached yarn; or

(iii) consists of unbleached and bleached yarn.

(f) Dyed woven fabric

Woven fabric which:

(i) is dyed a single uniform colour other than white (unless the context otherwise requires) or has been treated with a

coloured finish other than white (unless the context otherwise requires), in the piece; or

(ii) consists of coloured yarn of a single uniform colour.

(g) Woven fabric of yarns of different colours

Woven fabric (other than printed woven fabric) which:

(i) consists of yarns of different colours or yarns of different shades of the same colour other than the natural colour of the constituent fibres);

(ii) consists of unbleached or bleached yarn and coloured yarn; or

(iii) consists of marl or mixture yarns.

(In all cases, the yarn used in selvedges and piece ends is not taken into consideration.)

(h) Printed woven fabric

Woven fabric which has been printed in the piece, whether or not made from yarns of different colours.

(The following are also regarded as printed woven fabrics: woven fabrics bearing designs made, for example, with a brush or spray gun, by means of transfer paper, by flocking or by the batik process.)

The process of mercerization does not affect the classification of yarns or fabrics within the above categories.

The definitions at (d) to (h) above apply, mutatis mutandis, to knitted or crocheted fabrics.

(ij) Plain weave

A fabric construction in which each yarn of the weft passes alternately over and under successive yarns of the warp and each yarn of the warp passes alternately over and under successive yarns of the weft.

2. (A) Products of Chapters 56 to 63 containing two or more textile materials are to be regarded as consisting wholly

of that textile material which would be selected under Note 2 to this Section for the classification of a product of Chapters 50 to 55 or of heading 58.09 consisting of the same textile materials.

(B) For the application of this rule:

(a) where appropriate, only the part which determines the classification under Interpretative Rule 3 shall be taken into



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(b) in the case of textile products consisting of a ground fabric and a pile or looped surface no account shall be taken of

the ground fabric;

(c) in the case of embroidery of heading 58.10 and goods thereof, only the ground fabric shall be taken into account. However, embroidery without visible ground, and goods thereof, shall be classified with reference to the embroidering threads alone.

Supplementary Note.

1. For the purposes of giving effect to Appendix 6 of Annex 300-B of Chapter Three of the North American Free Trade Agreement, goods of the tariff items contained in subheadings 5112.11, 5112.19, 5509.31, 5801.35 and 5801.36 are entitled to the United States Tariff subject to the condition set out in the Order Amending the Schedule to the Customs Tariff (Conditions for Special Provisions for the Purposes of the United States Tariff (UST)).




Issued January 1, 2013

Chapter 61



1. This Chapter applies only to made up knitted or crocheted articles. 2. This Chapter does not cover:

(a) Goods of heading 62.12; (b) Worn clothing or other worn articles of heading 63.09; or (c) Orthopaedic appliances, surgical belts, trusses or the like (heading 90.21).

3. For the purpose of headings 61.03 and 61.04:

(a) The term "suit" means a set of garments composed of two or three pieces made up, in respect of their outer surface, in identical fabric and comprising:

- one suit coat or jacket the outer shell of which, exclusive of sleeves, consists of four or more panels, designed to cover

the upper part of the body, possibly with a tailored waistcoat in addition whose front is made from the same fabric as the outer surface of the other components of the set and whose back is made from the same fabric as the lining of the suit coat or jacket; and

- one garment designed to cover the lower part of the body and consisting of trousers, breeches or shorts (other than

swimwear), a skirt or a divided skirt, having neither braces nor bibs.

All of the components of a "suit" must be of the same fabric construction, colour and composition; they must also be of the same style and of corresponding or compatible size. However, these components may have piping (a strip of fabric sewn into the seam) in a different fabric.

If several separate components to cover the lower part of the body are presented together (for example, two pairs of

trousers or trousers and shorts, or a skirt or divided skirt and trousers), the constituent lower part shall be one pair of trousers or, in the case of women's or girls' suits, the skirt or divided skirt, the other garments being considered separately.

The term "suit" includes the following sets of garments, whether or not they fulfil all the above conditions:

- morning dress, comprising a plain jacket (cutaway) with rounded tails hanging well down at the back and striped


- evening dress (tailcoat), generally made of black fabric, the jacket of which is relatively short at the front, does not close and has narrow skirts cut in at the hips and hanging down behind;

- dinner jacket suits, in which the jacket is similar in style to an ordinary jacket (though perhaps revealing more of the

shirt front), but has shiny silk or imitation silk lapels.

(b) The term "ensemble" means a set of garments (other than suits and articles of heading 61.07, 61.08 or 61.09), composed of several pieces made up in identical fabric, put up for retail sale, and comprising:

- one garment designed to cover the upper part of the body, with the exception of pullovers which may form a second

upper garment in the sole context of twin sets, and of waistcoats which may also form a second upper garment, and - one or two different garments, designed to cover the lower part of the body and consisting of trousers, bib and brace

overalls, breeches, shorts (other than swimwear), a skirt or a divided skirt.



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All of the components of an ensemble must be of the same fabric construction, style, colour and composition; they also must be of corresponding or compatible size. The term "ensemble" does not apply to track suits or ski suits, of heading 61.12.

4. Headings 61.05 and 61.06 do not cover garments with pockets below the waist, with a ribbed waistband or other means of

tightening at the bottom of the garment, or garments having an average of less than 10 stitches per linear centimetre in each direction counted on an area measuring at least 10 cm x 10 cm. Heading 61.05 does not cover sleeveless garments.

5. Heading 61.09 does not cover garments with a drawstring, ribbed waistband or other means of tightening at the bottom of the

garment. 6. For the purpose of heading 61.11:

(a) The expression "babies' garments and clothing accessories" means articles for young children of a body height not exceeding 86 cm;

(b) Articles which are, prima facie, classifiable both in heading 61.11 and in other headings of this Chapter are to be classified

in heading 61.11. 7. For the purpose of heading 61.12, "ski suits" means garments or sets of garments which, by their general appearance and

texture, are identifiable as intended to be worn principally for skiing (cross-country or alpine). They consist either of:

(a) a "ski overall", that is, a one-piece garment designed to cover the upper and the lower parts of the body; in addition to sleeves and a collar the ski overall may have pockets or footstraps; or

(b) a "ski ensemble", that is, a set of garments composed of two or three pieces, put up for retail sale and comprising:

- one garment such as an anorak, wind-cheater, wind-jacket or similar article, closed by a slide fastener (zipper),

possibly with a waistcoat in addition, and - one pair of trousers whether or not extending above waist-level, one pair of breeches or one bib and brace overall.

The "ski ensemble" may also consist of an overall similar to the one mentioned in paragraph (a) above and a type of

padded, sleeveless jacket worn over the overall. All the components of a "ski ensemble" must be made up in a fabric of the same texture, style and composition

whether or not of the same colour; they also must be of corresponding or compatible size. 8. Garments which are, prima facie, classifiable both in heading 61.13 and in other headings of this Chapter, excluding heading

61.11, are to be classified in heading 61.13. 9. Garments of this Chapter designed for left over right closure at the front shall be regarded as men's or boys' garments, and

those designed for right over left closure at the front as women's or girls' garments. These provisions do not apply where the cut of the garment clearly indicates that it is designed for one or other of the sexes.

Garments which cannot be identified as either men's or boys' garments or as women's or girls' garments are to be

classified in the headings covering women's or girls' garments. 10. Articles of this Chapter may be made of metal thread.

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Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

61.01 Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading 61.03.

6101.20.00 00 -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6101.30.00 00 -Of man-made fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6101.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.02 Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks (including ski-jackets), wind-cheaters, wind-jackets and similar articles, knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading 61.04.

6102.10.00 00 -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6102.20.00 00 -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6102.30.00 00 -Of man-made fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6102.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.03 Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted.

6103.10 -Suits

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61 - 2

6103.10.10 00 - - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6103.10.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%


6103.22.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6103.23.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6103.29.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

-Jackets and blazers:

6103.31.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6103.32.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6103.33.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6103.39 - -Of other textile materials


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ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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6103.39.10 00 - - -Of artificial fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6103.39.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

-Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts:

6103.41.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6103.42.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

- - - - -Men's:11 - - - - - -Trousers, brushed or fleeced ............................................................... NMB12 - - - - - -Other trousers, bib and brace overalls and breeches .......................... NMB15 - - - - - -Shorts................................................................................................... NMB20 - - - - -Boys'....................................................................................................... NMB

6103.43.00 - -Of synthetic fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

- - - - -Men's:11 - - - - - -Trousers, brushed or fleeced ............................................................... NMB12 - - - - - -Other trousers, bib and brace overalls and breeches .......................... NMB15 - - - - - -Shorts................................................................................................... NMB20 - - - - -Boys'....................................................................................................... NMB

6103.49.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

61.04 Women's or girls' suits, ensembles, jackets and blazers, dresses, skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted.


6104.13.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.19.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free


Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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6104.22.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.23.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.29.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

-Jackets and blazers:

6104.31.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.32.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.33.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.39 - -Of other textile materials

6104.39.10 00 - - -Of artificial fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.39.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%



Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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6104.41.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6104.42.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)............................................................. NMB- - - - -Other:

91 - - - - - -Women's .............................................................................................. NMB92 - - - - - -Girls' ..................................................................................................... NMB

6104.43.00 - -Of synthetic fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Of polyesters containing spandex (elasthane) ....................................... NMB20 - - - - -Other, of polyesters ................................................................................ NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6104.44.00 00 - -Of artificial fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6104.49.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

-Skirts and divided skirts:

6104.51.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.52.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.53.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.59 - -Of other textile materials

6104.59.10 00 - - -Of artificial fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free


Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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6104.59.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

-Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts:

6104.61.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6104.62.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -Leggings:11 - - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)........................................................... NMB19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... NMB

- - - - -Other, for women:21 - - - - - -Trousers, brushed or fleeced................................................................ NMB22 - - - - - -Other trousers, bib and brace overalls and breeches .......................... NMB25 - - - - - -Shorts ................................................................................................... NMB

- - - - -Other, for girls:35 - - - - - -Trousers, bib and brace overalls and breeches ................................... NMB36 - - - - - -Shorts ................................................................................................... NMB

6104.63.00 - -Of synthetic fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -Leggings:11 - - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)........................................................... NMB19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... NMB

- - - - -Other, for women:25 - - - - - -Trousers, bib and brace overalls and breeches ................................... NMB26 - - - - - -Shorts ................................................................................................... NMB30 - - - - -Other, for girls ......................................................................................... NMB

6104.69.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.05 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted.

6105.10.00 -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -With tailored collar:11 - - - - - -Men's.................................................................................................... NMB


Tariff Item

SS Description of GoodsUnit of Meas.


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

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12 - - - - - -Boys' .................................................................................................... NMB- - - - -Other:

91 - - - - - -Men's.................................................................................................... NMB92 - - - - - -Boys' .................................................................................................... NMB

6105.20.00 -Of man-made fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -With tailored collar, of polyesters ........................................................... NMB20 - - - - -Other, of polyesters containing spandex (elasthane) ............................. NMB30 - - - - -Other, of polyesters ................................................................................ NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6105.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.06 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted.

6106.10.00 -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)............................................................. NMB- - - - -Other:

91 - - - - - -Women's .............................................................................................. NMB92 - - - - - -Girls' ..................................................................................................... NMB

6106.20.00 -Of man-made fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Of polyesters containing spandex (elasthane) ....................................... NMB20 - - - - -Other, of polyesters ................................................................................ NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6106.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.07 Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted.

-Underpants and briefs:


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6107.11.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)............................................................. NMB80 - - - - -Other, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton................................ NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6107.12.00 - -Of man-made fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Of polyesters .......................................................................................... NMB- - - - -Of nylon or other polyamides:

21 - - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)........................................................... NMB29 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6107.19.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

-Nightshirts and pyjamas:

6107.21.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Men's ...................................................................................................... NMB20 - - - - -Boys'....................................................................................................... NMB

6107.22.00 00 - -Of man-made fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6107.29.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free


6107.91.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6107.99.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%


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61.08 Women's or girls' slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses, pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, knitted or crocheted.

-Slips and petticoats:

6108.11.00 00 - -Of man-made fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6108.19.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

-Briefs and panties:

6108.21.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

10 - - - - -Women's ................................................................................................ NMB20 - - - - -Girls' ....................................................................................................... NMB

6108.22.00 - -Of man-made fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

10 - - - - -Of nylon or other polyamides ................................................................. NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6108.29.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

-Nightdresses and pyjamas:

6108.31.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Women's ................................................................................................ NMB20 - - - - -Girls' ....................................................................................................... NMB

6108.32.00 - -Of man-made fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -Of polyesters:11 - - - - - -Women's .............................................................................................. NMB12 - - - - - -Girls' ..................................................................................................... NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6108.39.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free


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6108.91.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6108.92.00 00 - -Of man-made fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6108.99.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.09 T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted.

6109.10.00 -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -Men's or boys':11 - - - - - -T-shirts, all white, short sleeves, hemmed bottoms, round neckline,

without pockets, trim or embroidery ..................................................... NMB12 - - - - - -Other T-shirts........................................................................................ NMB19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... NMB

- - - - -Women's or girls':21 - - - - - -T-shirts, all white, short sleeves, hemmed bottoms, round neckline,

without pockets, trim or embroidery ..................................................... NMB22 - - - - - -Other T-shirts........................................................................................ NMB29 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... NMB

6109.90.00 -Of other textile materials 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Of polyesters .......................................................................................... NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

61.10 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted.

-Of wool or fine animal hair:

6110.11 - -Of wool


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6110.11.10 00 - - -Women's or girls', valued at not less than $20/kg NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%GPT: 16%

6110.11.90 - - -Other 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

50 - - - - -Men's or boys' ........................................................................................ NMB60 - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................... NMB

6110.12 - -Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats

6110.12.10 00 - - -Women's or girls', valued at not less than $20/kg NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%GPT: 16%

6110.12.90 - - -Other 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

50 - - - - -Men's or boys' ........................................................................................ NMB60 - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................... NMB

6110.19 - -Other

6110.19.10 00 - - -Women's or girls', valued at not less than $20/kg NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%GPT: 16%

6110.19.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6110.20.00 -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -Brushed or fleeced:11 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB12 - - - - - -Women's or girls'.................................................................................. NMB

- - - - -Other, containing spandex (elasthane):21 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB


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22 - - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................. NMB- - - - -Other:

91 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB92 - - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................. NMB

6110.30.00 -Of man-made fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

10 - - - - -Of acrylic or modacrylic, brushed or fleeced .......................................... NMB- - - - -Other, of acrylic or modacrylic:

21 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB22 - - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................. NMB

- - - - -Other, brushed or fleeced:71 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB72 - - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................. NMB

- - - - -Other, containing spandex (elasthane):81 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB82 - - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................. NMB

- - - - -Other:91 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... NMB92 - - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................. NMB

6110.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.11 Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted.

6111.20.00 -Of cotton Free AUT, NZT, LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

10 - - - - -Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and coveralls ..................... NMB20 - - - - -Shirts, T-shirts, blouses, pullovers and cardigans .................................. NMB30 - - - - -Sleepwear and underwear ..................................................................... NMB50 - - - - -Hosiery ................................................................................................... PAR60 - - - - -Clothing accessories .............................................................................. NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6111.30.00 -Of synthetic fibres Free AUT, NZT, LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

30 - - - - -Sleepwear and underwear ..................................................................... NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB

6111.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB Free AUT, NZT, LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

61.12 Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted.


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-Track suits:

6112.11.00 00 - -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6112.12.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6112.19.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6112.20.00 00 -Ski suits NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

-Men's or boys' swimwear:

6112.31.00 00 - -Of synthetic fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6112.39.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

-Women's or girls' swimwear:

6112.41.00 - -Of synthetic fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

- - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane):11 - - - - - -Of nylon or other polyamides ............................................................... NMB12 - - - - - -Of polyesters........................................................................................ NMB19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... NMB90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... NMB


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6112.49.00 00 - -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6113.00 Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07.

6113.00.10 00 - - -Protective suits, to be employed in a noxious atmosphere NMB Free LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6113.00.20 00 - - -Diving suits NMB 10% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 6%

6113.00.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.14 Other garments, knitted or crocheted.

6114.20.00 00 -Of cotton NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6114.30.00 00 -Of man-made fibres NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6114.90.00 00 -Of other textile materials NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

61.15 Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including graduated compression hosiery (for example, stockings for varicose veins) and footwear without applied soles, knitted or crocheted.

6115.10 -Graduated compression hosiery (for example, stockings for varicose veins)

6115.10.10 00 - - -Panty hose and tights PAR 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

- - -Other:


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6115.10.91 00 - - - -Of wool or fine animal hair PAR 16% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 13%

6115.10.99 00 - - - -Other PAR 16% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 16%NZT: 16%

-Other panty hose and tights:

6115.21.00 - -Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

- - - - -Of nylon:13 - - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane) .......................................................... PAR19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... PAR90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... PAR

6115.22.00 - -Of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

10 - - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane)............................................................. PAR90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... PAR

6115.29.00 00 - -Of other textile materials PAR 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6115.30.00 00 -Other women's full-length or knee-length hosiery, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex



6115.94.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair PAR 16% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 13%

6115.95.00 - -Of cotton 16% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 16%NZT: 16%

- - - - -Containing spandex (elasthane):11 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... PAR12 - - - - - -Women's or girls'.................................................................................. PAR

- - - - -Other:91 - - - - - -Men's or boys' ...................................................................................... PAR92 - - - - - -Women's or girls'.................................................................................. PAR


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6115.96.00 - -Of synthetic fibres 16% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 16%NZT: 16%

- - - - -Men's or boys', containing spandex (elasthane):11 - - - - - -Of acrylic or modacrylic ........................................................................ PAR19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... PAR20 - - - - -Men's or boys', not containing spandex (elasthane)............................... PAR

- - - - -Women's or girls', containing spandex (elasthane):31 - - - - - -Of acrylic or modacrylic ........................................................................ PAR32 - - - - - -Of nylon or other polyamides ............................................................... PAR39 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... PAR40 - - - - -Women's or girls', not containing spandex (elasthane) .......................... PAR

6115.99.00 - -Of other textile materials 16% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 16%NZT: 16%

10 - - - - -Men's or boys'......................................................................................... PAR20 - - - - -Women's or girls' .................................................................................... PAR

61.16 Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted.

6116.10.00 -Impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 16.5%

10 - - - - -With plastics ........................................................................................... PAR20 - - - - -With rubber ............................................................................................. PAR


6116.91.00 00 - -Of wool or fine animal hair PAR 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 16.5%

6116.92.00 - -Of cotton 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 16.5%

10 - - - - -Work ....................................................................................................... PAR90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... PAR

6116.93.00 - -Of synthetic fibres 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 16.5%

10 - - - - -Work ....................................................................................................... PAR- - - - -Other, for women's or girls':

41 - - - - - -Of acrylic or modacrylic ........................................................................ PAR49 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... PAR90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... PAR


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6116.99.00 00 - -Of other textile materials PAR 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 16.5%

61.17 Other made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted; knitted or crocheted parts of garments or of clothing accessories.

6117.10 -Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like

6117.10.10 00 - - -Prayer shawls NMB Free LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6117.10.90 00 - - -Other NMB 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeAUT: 11%NZT: 11%

6117.80 -Other accessories

6117.80.10 00 - - -Badges and the like;Belts

- 12% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 10%

6117.80.90 00 - - -Other - 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: Free

6117.90 -Parts

6117.90.10 00 - - -Inserts for use in the manufacture of cycling shorts;Of protective suits, to be employed in a noxious atmosphere;Of prayer shawls;Sleeve cuffs and collars, solely of fabric of tariff item No. 6006.23.10, for use in the manufacture of golf jerseys


6117.90.20 00 - - -Of diving suits - 10% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 5%

6117.90.90 00 - - -Other - 18% LDCT, UST, MT, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT, COLT, JT, PAT: FreeGPT: 16.5%


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