Preposition 5

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Transcript of Preposition 5

PREPOSITION OF PLACE (kata depan yang menunjuk tempat)

By : Zurneva Rosy

Preposisi menunjukkan hubungan antara dua benda atau lebih. Sebagai contoh: “The lamp is on the table” mengandung preposisi “on“. Kata ini menunjukkan hubungan ruang antara lampu dan meja.

Preposisi tempat yang paling umum adalah: in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind, at.

Contoh-contoh kalimatnya adalah:

- The dog is in the box- The cat is under the table- Tjhe man is next to the building

Akan tetapi at merupakan konsep yang lebih abstrak – preposisi ini digunakan untuk menunjuk pada sebuah titik dalam ruang, biasanya sebuah titik pada sebuah garis. Lihat berikut untuk penjelasan yang lebih rinci.

In, On, At

In digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang mengelilingi atau melingkupi kita.


- I sleep in my bedroom.- The desk in the room.

In juga digunakan untuk area-area geografis seperti kota dan Negara.


“I live in London” atau “I live in England”.

On digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang ada di atas sebuah permukaan.


I sleep on my bed.

The paper is on the desk.

On juga digunakan untuk nama-nama jalan,. misalnya:

“I live on Orchard Roard”.

At digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang berada pada sebuah titik tertentu, seringkali sebagai bagian dari sebuah garis.


- He is at the bus stop.

Bus stop (penghentian bus) merupakan sebuah titik dalam sebuah garis yang terdiri dari beberapa penghentian bus.

- John is at the bank.

John berada pada tempat atau titik tertentu, yakni di bank. Bank merupakan bagian dari perjalanannya dan juga bagian dari sebuah jalan, yang mana keduanya bisa dianggap sebagai garis.

At juga digunakan untuk alamat-alamat lengkap,


“I live at 22 Orchard Road, London, England.”

Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan:

1) Excuse me, where is the post office?Go straight, and it’s next to the bank.Thankyou!

2) What’s your address?I live at 34, East 39th Street, New York.And what’s your zip code?My zipcode is NY 10061-2134Thankyou.

3) Hi Sylvia, where’s the fruit juice?It’s in the refrigerator!No, it’s not. It’s not there.Oh, sorry, it’s in the cupboard next to the soda.

Thanks. And where is the cereal?Um, on the shelf, I think.Great! Let’s have some breakfast!

4) Where do you work?I work in a bank, I’m a secretary. How about you?I’m a shop assistant. I work at the local store.Where’s that?It’s the yellow building on Green Street, next to the clothes store.

Preposition of time (kata depan yang menunjukkan waktu)

By: Zurneva Rosy

Prepositions of time menunjukkan waktu terjadinya sesuatu. Contoh: “I get up at 7.00″ menunjukkan waktu dimana saya bangun.

in, on, at, from, to.

In digunakan untuk waktu pagi (morning), sore (afternoon), dan malam (evening). Contoh:

I study Japanese in the afternoon.He gets up early in the morning.

In juga digunakan untuk periode-periode waktu yang lain, termasuk bulan (month), musim (season), tahun (years), abad (centuries), dan zaman (ages). Contoh:

My birthday is in March.The Portuguese came to Japan in 1542.Flowers grow in spring.

On hampir selalu digunakan untuk beberapa jenis hari. Contoh:

My birthday is on March 29th.I go to church on Sunday.We visit my family on New Year’s Day.

Bandingkan kedua kalimat berikut:He gets up early in the morning.He gets up early on Monday morning

At digunakan untuk waktu tertentu. Misalnya:

– I study Spanish at 2.00.– He gets up at 7.30.– I come home at lunchtime.

At juga digunakan untuk waktu malam.

Bandingkan kedua kalimat berikut:I sleep in the afternoonI sleep at night

From dan to digunakan untuk menunjukkan permulaan dan akhir periode waktu yang telah ditentukan. Contoh:

I work from 9.00 to 5.00.Our vacation is from January 5th to February 1st.

Contoh penggunaan dalam percakapan

1) What are you doing at the weekend?On Saturday I’m meeting my friends at 2.00, and in the evening I’m watching a movie. On Sunday I’m not busy, so maybe we can go out together.That sounds great!

2) I’m so busy these days!How come?I get up at 6.30 in the morning, and I finish work at 8.00 in the evening. It’s a really long day.You’re so busy!I know. My boss wants our project finished in March, so we’re working really hard.I think you need a holiday.Well, in the summer I have three weeks holiday. I can’t wait!

3) Hello, this is doctor Watson’s clinic. How can I help you?Hello, this is Tyler Saunders. I’d like to make an appointment.OK, Mr. Saunders. How about on Tuesday at 3.30?I’m busy all day on Tuesday. Is Friday OK?Well, the doctor can see you in the morning at on Friday is fine.Very good, Mr Saunders. We look forward to seeing you.

Thankyou, good bye.

Grammar ExercisesPreposition of place

Add one of the following prepositions: in, on, under, in front of, behind, at

Example: He lives ______ Italy. - He lives in Italy.

1. He works……. a bank.A. onB. atC. under

2. The lamp is ……. the table.A. in B. on C. under

3. I sleep ……. my bedroom.A. atB. on C. in

4. He lives……… 26, Rosewood Street.A. in B. atC. on

5. She lives………. a farm.A. atB. on C. behind

6. The store is …… the library.A. next toB. on C. in

7. The car is …….. the house.A. onB. in front ofC. under

8. We eat breakfast……. home.A. in B. on C. at

9. They swim……. the ocean.A. in B. on C. next to

10. I live ……. Green Street.A. atB. on C. under

Unscramble these sentences.

Example: lives in he korea - He lives in Korea.

You must use proper punctuation where necessary.

1. my computer is my desk on

2. friend my is hospital in

3. books table on are the the

4. tigers in Africa live don't

5. you home at are?

6. cat the in front is of fire the

7. cookies are the plate on the

8. buy you food a supermarket in

9. next it is to the post office?

10. 32, Park Road, London, at lives he

Dialogue Exercises

Example: My name is Jeremy.

1. Excuse me, ……….. is the post office?

Go straight, and it's …………. the bank.


2. What's your ………… ?

I live 34, East 39th Street, New York.

And what's your zip code?

My zipcode is NY 10061-2134


3. Hi Sylvia, where's the fruit juice?

It's ……………. the refridgerator!

No, it's not. It's not there.

Oh, sorry, it's in the cupboard………… the soda.

Thanks. And where is the cereal?

Um,……………. the shelf, I think.

Great! Let's have breakfast!

4.Where do you work?

I work………….. a bank, I'm a secretary. How about you?

I'm a shop assistant. I work………. the local store.

Where's that?

It's the yellow building ………… Green Street, next to the clothes store.

Grammar Exercisespreposition of time

Write the correct preposition of time: in, on, at, from, to

Example: They get up at 8.00.

1. I'm working……….. Saturday.

2. We have breakfast ………… 8.30.

3. My birthday is …………… March, 29th.

4. I work…………… 9.00 ……………. 5.00, Monday Friday.

5. We go jogging early………… the morning.

6. My favorite TV program starts………….. 10.00.

7. Peter's very busy these days, so he works late ……………. night.

8. We're going to Australia …………. June.

Grammar Exercises 2

Write the correct preposition of time: in, on, at, from, to

Example: They get up at 8.00.

1. The train arrives ………. 4.00.

2. Let's go to a restaurant ………Friday.

3. There are 30 days ………… April.

4. I'm working………… Saturday morning, but I'm free ……….. the evening.

5. The library is open ……. 10.00……… 5.30.

6. Christmas Day is ………… December 25th.

7. I'm busy……… the morning, so let's meet ………. lunchtime.