Rujukan Pengajian Mudah Alih Di Malaysia

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Rujukan Pengajian Mudah Alih Di Malaysia

  • 7/30/2019 Rujukan Pengajian Mudah Alih Di Malaysia



    The term digital library has been applied to a wide variety of offerings from collections of

    electronic journals to software agents that support inquiry-based education to collections of

    email to electronic versions of a public library, to personal information collections, and even

    to the entire Internet. The digital library has a comprehensive search facility,It is always time

    saving, resource sharing is very easy with the help of a digital library. The digital library

    enables to adding texts sound and images and helps in building a better image of the library

    in the society. it is portable.It can deliver information very was so easy, there is no

    need to go to the library to get any information. Multiple users can access it at the same time.

    And it is a safe medium


    Electronic journals, also known as ejournals, e-journals, and electronic serials, are scholarly

    journals or intellectual magazines that can be accessed via electronic transmission. In

    practice, this means that they are usually published on the Web. They are a specialized form

    of electronic document, they have the purpose of providing material for academic research

    and study, and they are formatted approximately like journal articles in traditional printed

    journals. Being in electronic form, articles sometimes contain metadata that can be entered

    into specialized databases. Some electronic journals are online-only journals, some are online

    versions of printed journals, and some consist of the online equivalent of a printed journal,

    but with additional online-only material. The benefit of electronic journals is availability for

    readers. Patrons can view journals when the library is not open if they have access to a

    network terminal. Also, invoicing and claiming will be on-line so, therefore, librarians will be

    having more time to improve their on-line skills and train their users. It also, offers speed of

    delivery, eliminates printing, and saves money in terms of costs to go to libraries.

  • 7/30/2019 Rujukan Pengajian Mudah Alih Di Malaysia



    Forum is an online community where visitors may read and post topics of common

    interest.Forums can be a useful for anyone doing online learning, both in terms of reading the

    content and actively participating in the discussions. Reading from forum's archives can be a

    good way to obtain a basic knowledge about a topic, and it also provides a historical

    perspective on trends and opinions. Other benefits from forum discussion is the students can

    learn how to do revision when they receive comments on their writing from their peers

    besides they can refer to subject made on the forums in class to enrich discussion and to

    acknowledge thoughtful ideas.