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Transcript of TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2016 - ·...



2016 - 2017 15 July 2017


2.00 p.m.



11A, Jalan Kuantan, Titiwangsa

53200 Kuala Lumpur






MINUTES OF 50TH AGM 2015-2016

No. Item 50.1 Meeting commenced with Arambhakh Ardaas

50.2 Jathedar Pavandeep Singh welcomed members and briefed members on the

vision of SNSM going forward and apologised for any shortcomings in the sewa during his term.

50.3 Confirmation of Minutes of the 49th AGM 50.3.1 Queries and comments before confirmation of minutes

Sdr Sukhinderpal Singh (1801) informed the floor that some members did not receive the notice to last year’s AGM. Sdr Harpal Singh (3108) asked for the reasons for the delay in preparing the minutes. Jathedar apologised for the delay and explained that the Audited Accounts needed some time to be completed. Dr Inder Singh (2623) referred to paragraph 49.4 and suggested for SNSM to source government funding in future. Dr Inder Singh (2623) asked for clarification of notices to vacate being issued to the occupants of the hostel (item 49.5.6) and what actions have been taken for fundraising (item 49.6.3). Jathedar explained that matter about the notices to vacate is on the agenda and will be discussed in detail. Jathedar also informed members that SNSM will actively expand the Dasvand Scheme. Dr Jasbir Singh (2213) informed that SNSM has also applied for government funding for its activities for 2017 to SEDIC and is awaiting the outcome of those applications. Confirmation of Minutes of the 49th AGM Proposed to be accepted by Sdr Harpal Singh (3108) Seconded by Sdr Balwant Singh (1247)

50.4 Matters arising No matters arising

50.5 Confirmation of the Annual Report of the Central Committee for 2015/2016


Sdr Harpal Singh (3108) asked for dates of camps and mini samelans to be stated in future annual reports.


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Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) asked for the number of participants for each programme to be stated so that SNSM can track and assess progress. Dr Jasbir Singh (2213) said that the suggestions will be considered by the incoming committee. Sdr Suret Singh (748) said that SNSM should inform members if and when activities are held in their area. Sdr Harpal Singh (3108) asked for the rationale for having a bazaar at the Vaisakhi Grand Event. Jathedar informed that the bazaar is to add to the festive atmosphere. Sdr Ajeet Singh (1485) pointed out that the bazaar carries the added value of giving a platform for Sikh entrepreneurs to develop and improve their businesses. Sdr Manjeet Singh (5990) informed the members that each stall holder pays a sum of RM900 which goes towards defraying costs. Sdr Harwant Singh (2569) sought clarification on the status of the SNSM library and suggested that the collection and the library services available should be made known to members. Dr Jasbir Singh (2213) informed members that the SNSM library is a reference library and steps are being taken to improve the comfort and services. The floor also acknowledged the sewa of Sdr Harwant Singh (2569) in improving and organising the library. Sdr Autar Singh (633) sought clarification on the activities listed in item 7.1 if they are the activities of the Seremban branch as they are not identified as such. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) praised the efforts and details of the Perak branch’s contribution to the annual report and places on record the appreciation of members for the effort. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh suggested for other branches to emulate the efforts of Perak branch. Sdr Autar Singh (633) suggested that the annual report be less detailed and details can be put in the magazine. Datuk Suret Singh (748) said that the annual report should be a fair and detailed reflection of the activities as it carries historical and enables reference and information for future planning. Sdr Harbhajan Singh (2199) suggested for detailed reports to be reported online. Sdr Charanjit Singh (2125) noted that dates for the Punjabi Bhasha Mela kept changing and requested for dates of future events to be fixed in advance


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with certainty. Sdr Ajeet Singh (1485) suggested for dates for amrit sanchaar be fixed in advance to enable the sanggat to prepare. Jathedar Informed members that SNSM has a prospective tenant for the hostel. The existing occupiers have been given notices to move out. Extensions have been granted. Sdr Santokh Singh requested for the existing occupiers to be allowed to rent the hostel. Serjit Singh (2420) said that the purpose of the hostel is to serve the community. Cites poor management. 1st Floor used for storage. Jathedar explained that a lot of money spent on maintaining the hostel. The hostel is in poor condition and requires substantial refurbishment. The party seeking to rent the hostel will refurbish the hostel at their expense. Also informed that 4 separate notices to vacate have been given to the occupiers i.e. in November 2015, February 2016, just after Vaisakhi and after the Melaka Barsi. Sdr Amarjit Singh (0192) explained that SNSM does not have the resources to manage the hostel. The original purpose of renting out to students is no longer there as there is plenty of alternative accommodation due to the development of Brickfields and the poor condition of the hostel. Sdr Boghar Singh (5392) said that SNSM is too lenient. There are occupiers with 6 months rental in arrears. Sdr Amarjit Singh (0192) explained that the prospective tenant is willing to assume the cost of refurbishment and rent the hostel at RM7,000.00. If SNSM is willing to refurbish the hostel, the prospective tenant is willing to rent the premises for RM12,000.00 Sdr Balvinder Singh (2303) suggested that a committee be formed to look into this matter and proposes that Sdr Baldave Singh (0048) be appointed to lead the committee. Sdr Balvinder Singh’s proposal is accepted by the floor and Sdr Baldave Singh was given 3 months w.e.f. 14 August 2016 to complete report to be submitted to the Exco for further action. Sdr Malkith Singh (0198) said that having annual Samelan at KKB should have been done after undertaking a feasibility study and proper planning. The land committee was forced to build bathrooms which are not part of the master plan for the project. The annual samelan is supposed to generate income and excess funds. However, SNSM has defaulted on payments and still has debtors for services provided for the annual samelan. Jathedar explained that the annual samelan was held after discussion with


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senior members. The annual samelan had a surplus of RM140,000.00. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) admitted to initial scepticism but found the experience a positive one. Sdr Malkith Singh (0198) asked why did cheques issued by SNSM were dishonoured causing SNSM’s bank account to be closed by the bank if the annual samelan had indeed made a profit. Jathedar explained that lack of monitoring caused for the cheques to be dishonoured. Jathedar apologised to members. Manmohan Singh (047) said that the cost of having the annual samelan in KKB will be less in the future as a lot of the basic infrastructure is already there. Paramjeet Singh (0407) praised the outgoing committee for the courage and foresight to have the annual samelan in KKB, Many lessons were learnt and SNSM will learn from the experience and be better. Habajan Singh (2199) was hesitant when the idea of having the annual samelan in KKB was first mooted but found the results amazing. Master Piritam Singh (0012) said that there should be no thinking required on having the annual samelan at KKB. Masterji said that the Jathedar must have our support in good times and bad. Charanjit Singh (2125) suggested that massive damage was done to SNSM when Asia Samachar published a report on the financial difficulties faced by SNSM. Datuk Suret Singh (748) reminded members that the decision to have the annual samelan at KKB was made unanimously by the members present at the previous AGM. Sdr Jagdave Singh (2970) said that the annual samelan is a core activity. Congratulates the members and team for having the samelan at KKB as that was the primary reason for the purchase of the land. Members must admit that certain mistakes were made. We can then learn and improve in the future. Sdr Ajeet Singh (1485) suggested that the Holla Mohalla Games should cater for athletes beyond 21 years of age. Manmohan Singh (047) suggested that related sports bodies be informed of the Holla Mohalla Games so that they can send scouts. Jathedar informed members that scouts do attend the event. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) records members appreciation for Sdr Sarjit Singh and his wife for their tireless and passionate sewa at KKB. Guests are


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made to feel very welcome by warmth and hospitality of the sewadars. Giani Lakhbir Singh (0873) suggested that akhand paths be allowed on Sabha Land and that guidelines be drawn up. Sdr Amarjit Singh (0192) said that the rule on akhand path was put in place to reassure the local sanggat and parbandaks. Sdr Paramjeet Singh (0407) said that the akhand path should be left out as intended as we do not want a situation where facility is required for core activities but has already been committed to akhand paths. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) stated that the activity of contracted akhand paaths should not be encouraged. Sdr Serjit Singh (2420) suggested that an exception be made for akhand path conducted by youth as it would involve them in the whole activity and contribute to their development. Sdr Balvinder Singh (2303) is in favour of having akhand path as an SNSM planned activity. But opening up for the general public would lead to potential problems where SNSM is restricted from carrying out activities due to dates being blocked for akhand path. Sdr Autar Singh (633) said that akhand paths should be encouraged for gurdawaras particularly gurdawaras who have no such activities. Sdr Sarjit Singh (2086) explained that there is a lot of interest and inquiries for having akhand path at Khalsa Land. Sdr Harbinder Singh (2776) said that sadharan path is more educational. Akhand paaths have become a panacea for problems. SNSM should not commercialise and look to akhand paaths as a fundraising activity. Sdr Harpal Singh (3108) sought clarifications on what happened to the “one lady given cash” at page 31. Sdr Boghar Singh (5392) explained that her food business failed and her 6 children were placed in a Christian home. The children have since been moved to Gurpuri. Prof Dr Sarjit Singh suggested that SNSM develop a one stop centre for university applications. Sdr Serjit Singh (2420) proposes for Prof Dr Sarjit Singh to head this activity. Sdr Autar Singh (633) suggested that SNSM facilities be open to use by other organisations. Jathedar explained that SNSM facilities can be used by other organisations.


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Sdr Jagdesh Singh (3693) said that SNSM needs to enhance social media skills to engage and connect with the youth. Sdr Sangat Singh (2321) suggests that SNSM work towards greater Sikh representation in other NGOs. Sdr Autar Singh (633) suggested that SNSM not restrict itself with Khalsa Diwan and the Punjabi Education Centres in organising the Punjabi Bhasha Mela. The events should be open to any interested person. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) informed members that his children could not take part in Punjabi Bhasha Mela as they were not students in a Punjabi school. Supports the idea of opening up participation. Sdr Malkith Singh (0198) points out error of thanking the sanggat of Port Dickson and Seremban for Annual Samelan 2013 at page 36. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) suggested that the annual report be adopted. Sdr Suret Singh seconded

50.6 Confirmation of Audited Accounts for the year ended 30 April 2016 Sdr Autar Singh suggested that basic accounts be prepared every 3 months

for the auditors. Sdr Khushwant Singh (3241) said that previous treasurers were required to prepare basic accounts which were presented at every exco meeting. This practice should be adopted by the incoming exco. Also suggests that accounts should be put up on website and notice board every 3 months. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) pointed out that the notes to the accounts do not correspond to the explanation to notes. Big ticket items must be explained before someone asks. Sdr Serjit Singh (2420) suggested that SNSM look into getting government allocations as other organisations have done. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) requested clarification on why IYC 2015 expenses in reflected in the current accounts. Jathedar explained that the expenses are reflected in the accounts as payments were made within the accounting year. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) said that REITs should be reflected in the accounts. Master Daljeet Singh (0300) noted that the number of new members is very low. There is no growth. SNSM must do something drastically. Sdr Malkith Singh (0198) sought clarification on the RM136,000.00 spent on Khalsa Land Renovations.


Jathedar explained that the details are particularised in the attachment to the accounts. Sdr Baldave Singh (0048) is concerned that the SNSM accounts is in deficit of more than RM300,000.00. The incoming committee must pay attention to the figures. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) said that SNSM vans must be roadworthy and operated by a proper driver. Sdr Sukhdarshan Singh (0607) proposes for the accounts to be accepted. Sdr Jasdave Singh seconded (2431)

50.7 Consideration of any matter of which at least 7 days notice has been given to the Hon Secretary

A proposal by SNSM Perak Branch was submitted to the Hon Secretary was

not considered as neither the proposer nor seconder were present.

50.8 Election of Jathedar Outgoing Jathedar thanks all and apologises for any shortcomings in his

sewa. Appeals for support for the incoming Jathedar and his team. Sdr Jagdave Singh (2970) proposes Sdr Harbinder Singh to be the “Mauke da Pardhaan” Sdr Khushwant Singh (3241) seconded. Sdr Harbinder Singh (2776) calls for nominations. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) proposes Dr Jasbir Singh Sdr Jai Nank Singh (3545) seconded. Sdr Boghar Singh (5392) proposes for nominations to be closed. Sdr Autar Singh (633) seconded.

50.9 Announcement of the Central Committee for 2016/2017 Dr Jasbir Singh requests for some time to announce the incoming committee

50.10 Election of Internal Auditors Sdr Awtar Singh (2412) nominates Sdr Khushwant Singh (3241)

Sdr Inderjeet Singh (0050) seconded Sdr Balvinder Singh (2303) proposes Sdr Baldave Singh (0048) Sdr Sukhindarpal (1801) seconded Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) proposes for nominations to be closed Sdr Sukhdarshan Singh (0607) seconded.


50.11 Other matters Sdr Harwant Singh (2569) raises issue of security of sewadars in Sabha House.

A detailed complaint has been lodged. Dr Jasbir Singh explained that members have investigated the case and tried to facilitate an amicable solution between the parties but failed. Seeks the view of members. Sdr Sukhindarpal Singh (1801) suggests that the exco be given the mandate to investigate and steps be taken to ensure no such incident takes place in the future. Sdr Balvinder Singh (2303) said that what Sdr Harwant Singh went through was unfair and he was not informed of the outcome of his complaint. The exco should consider an appropriate response and proposes that a letter be sent. Giani Lakhbir Singh (0873) suggested that the related party should apologise. Sdr Ajeet Singh apologises on behalf on SNSM. After a brief discussion, the matter was settled and Sdr Harwant Singh confirmed the same. Incoming Jathedar’s thanks the members for the faith and support and said that it is important that the action of the organisation be aligned with the message of the Guru. Youth development programmes must be better structured. SNSM will focus on parchaar and go back to basics. Also important to get house in order and in particular the finances. SNSM will also focus on welfare. The Jathedar asks all members to work together as a family.

50.12 Semapti

Minutes prepared by,Vir Harvinder Singh

Approved by,

Amreeta Kaur Jasbir Singh

Secretary Jathedar





MAY 2016- 30TH

APRIL 2017


No Item Page

1. Central Committee 1

2. Membership 1

3. Finance 2

4. Daswand Program 2

Programs and Events

5. Mothers’ Day Celebration 2016 3

6. The 25th

Punjabi Bhaasha Mela (PBM) 2016 4

7. Education Camp 6

8 Youth Leadership Roundtable 7

9. Pre-Samelan tours 7

10. Youth Kirtan Darbar 8

11. 53rd

Annual Gurmat Parchar Samelan 8

12. 350 years of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Parkash Dihara – Sentul



13. Chardikala Run 13

14. Fellowship Camp 13

15. Har Har Nam Semagam 14

16. Holla Mahala 15

17. Sikh Youth Convention 2017 16

18. Grand Vaisakhi Event, Tatt Khalsa 16

19. Family Paath Mala (V1 and V2) 17

20. Vaisakhi Kirtan/Parchaar Tour 18

21. Amrit Sanchar Summary 19

22. Sabha Camp Site @ Khalsa Land, Kuala Kubu Bharu. 19

23. Sabha Shoppe 25

23. Branches Report 25

25 Thank you 37


The Executive Committee (Exco) for 2016/2017 presents below the Annual Report of Sikh

Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (Sabha) for the year 2016/2017.


Central Committee


Central Executive Committee for the year 2016/2017

Jathedar : Sardar Jasbir Singh

Meet Jathedar : Sardar Paramjeet Singh

Secretary : Bhen Amreeta Kaur

Asst. Secretary : Bhen Charanjit Kaur

Treasurer : Sardar Dr Jaspal Singh

Asst. Treasurer : Sardar Hardeep Singh

Committee Members :

Sardar Arwinjit Singh

Sardar Amarjit Singh

Sardar Awtar Singh

Sardar Baljit

Sardar Gurwinder Singh

Sardar Kevinjit Singh

Sardar Lakvinder Singh

Sardar Pavandeep Singh

Sardarni Ravinder Kaur

1.2 The Central Committee held 12 Exco meetings during this period, one each

month. Also convened were Principal Office Bearers Meetings when needed

and event organizing meetings.

1.3 Regrettably, SNSM saw the resignation of two of its exco members, Sardar

Manmohan Singh and Sardar Manjeet Singh.

1.4 The following are the Sewadars that served the Sabha for the year 2016/2017.

Master Pritam Singh Administration Sabha House Full Time

Sdni Mandeep Kaur Caretaker and Administration Sabha


Full Time

Sdr Sukhraj Singh Caretaker Sabha House Full Time

Sdr Sarjit Singh Manager KKB Full Time

Sdni Git Kaur Sewadar KKB Full Time

Sdr Baljinder Singh Sewadar KKB Full Time

Sdr Paramjit Singh Sewadar KKB Full Time

2. Membership

2.1 The total number of membership is 5,475. The total number of members in

benefit (Annual members and Life members) at the AGM 2017 is 1,423 and

another 4,052 members are in arrears. Steps are being taken to further update

the membership database.


2.2 The breakdown of members by state are:































2.3 There was an addition of 18 new members to SNSM in this year.

2.4 The Central Committee would like to humbly appeal to all members to update

their subscriptions annually and also to encourage family members to become

part of the Sabha family.

3. Finance

3.1 All Sabha activities are fully funded by the generous donations of the Sanggat.

Sabha whole-heartedly thanks all the donors, well-wishers and the entire Sikh

Sanggat for the constant support and contributions. The detailed financial

statements are annexed.

4. Daswand Program

4.1 The One For The Guru Daswand Program was launched in April 2016.

About 100 people have registered to contribute either on a monthly/quarterly

/yearly basis.

Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia’s has two twin purposes: Parchar (religious

enrichment) and community development.

Throughout the years, your Sabha has organized events to forward these

purposes. Your Sabha does its best to cater events for all ages to enable

maximum participation and exposure. This has not come without its challenges.

The cost of these events is borne by your Sabha through your generous

contributions. While we are blessed as a community to have amongst us

successful individuals who always, without fail, help in kind, much of the cost


is still borne by your generous donations.

As such your Sabha has launched the Daswand Scheme to help ensure there is

a steady flow of donations coming in to sustain Sabha activities

4.2 Overview__________________________________________________

One ringgit per day, RM 31 per month

Larger commitments encouraged

Comfortable for young working adults to contribute as well

Where will the sanggat’s money go?_____________________________

Parchar, youth and community development and welfare projects

SNSM annual events i.e. Samelan, Holla Mahalla, Punjabi Bhasa Mela


How can I contribute_________________________________________

Register to be part of the Daswand Scheme and make a monthly contribution.

Online Banking: Fix a recurring monthly fund transfer/E-SI

*first safe SNSM as your favourite

Standing Instruction: Fill in the Standing Instruction form

with your bank.

Cheque: Send Pertubuhan Belia Sikh Malaysia a cheque

monthly / quarterly

ATM transfer: Bank in your contribution to the account.

Bank details_________________________________________________

Bank: Maybank

Acc Number: 0141 2341 7851

Account Name: Pertubuhan Belia Sikh Malaysia

One who works for what he eats, and gives some of what he has. O Nanak, he knows the Path. - SGGS

1245 –

Programs and Events

5. Mothers’ Day Celebration 2016

5.1 Date: 29th

May 2016

Time: 3pm to 6 pm

Venue: Wisma Tatt Khalsa

No of Participants: 400

Demographic of participants: Mothers. some fathers and husbands were also



5.2 Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia gave tribute to all mothers by celebrating

Mother’s Day on the 29th May 2016. It was held at Wisma Tatt Khalsa from

3.00 to 6.00pm. A number of 400 mothers of all ages attended the celebration.

The theme of the celebration was “Hollywood meets Bollywoods”.

Variety of food from local to Indian was prepared in buffet style. Virsa Punjab

Bhangra and Gidha Diah Rania did an amazing performance for the mothers.

40 lucky draws, which were sponsored by some generous donors, were given

away. Mothers were also very excited playing the stage games arranged by the

DJ himself. All mothers went home with an exciting door gifts.

6. The 25th

Punjabi Bhaasha Mela (PBM) 2016

6.1 Date: 4th

June 2016

Time: 8.30 am to 7 pm


1. Gurdwara Sahib Butterworth (Northern Region)

2. Guru Nanak Institute Ipoh (Perak Region)

3. Gurdwara Sahib Guru Nanak Shah Alam (Central Region)

4. Gurdwara Sahib Melaka (Southern Region)

No of Participants: 264

Demographic of participants: Aged 7 to 17 years. Punjabi Education Centres


6.2 The 25th

Punjabi Bhaasha Mela (PBM) 2016 was held on Saturday, 4th

of June


The core committee comprised of 10 members namely Gurwinder Singh,

Amarjit Singh, Pritam Kaur, Ravinder Kaur, Dalvinderpal Singh, Lakvinder

Singh, Tarsem Singh, Narinder Kaur, Harjinder Singh and Autar Singh.

The committee met up every forth night to plan the entire event. Each team

member was delegated their tasks accordingly. As part of the core committee,

we recruited young team members to be groomed for future PBM. Everyone

worked diligently towards making this event a great success despite many

untoward incidences.


The competitions were held at the following 4 locations:

1. Gurdwara Sahib Butterworth (Northern Region)

2. Guru Nanak Institute Ipoh (Perak Region)

3. Gurdwara Sahib Guru Nanak Shah Alam (Central Region)

4. Gurdwara Sahib Melaka (Southern Region)



- Shudh Paath

- Kavita (Poem)

- Sakhi (Story Telling)

- Shudh Akhar Jord (Spelling)

- Prashnotri (Quiz)

- Tatkali Peshkari (Impromptu Public Speaking)

- Ajj Di Taaza Khabar (News Reading)

- Behes (Debate)


All Punjabi Education Centres (PECs) were informed of the event via email,

WhatsApp and telephone calls. However, not all PECs participated in this

event. The various reasons given were, the date was clashing with Gurdwara

Cup, the event was held very far away, lack of students, inadequate time to

prepare and last minute cancellation.

There were a total of 264 participants between the ages of 7 to 17 years old.



Nothern Region – by a well wisher

Perak Region – Ipoh organising committee

Central Region – Punjabi Education Trust Selangor

Southern Region – Gurdwara Sahib Melaka

“Asus” Tablet for Overall Champion:

Northern Region – by a well wisher

Perak Region – by a well wisher

Central Region – by a well wisher

Southern Region – Gurdwara Sahib Melaka

Guru Ka Langgar on the competition day:

Northern Region – Gurdwara Sahib Butterworth

Perak Region – Ipoh organising committee

Central Region – Gurdwara Sahib Guru Nanak Shah Alam

Southern Region – Gurdwara Sahib Melaka

Certificate of Appreciation and Certificate of Participation:

All certificates were sponsored by SNSM.

Competition Day

Core committee members were designated accordingly to their respective

regions. Both the Sanggat and participants arrived by 8am. The event started


approximately at 8.30am in all regions with Arambak Ardaas followed by an

opening speech. Subsequently the judges were briefed prior to the competition

by a respective Core Committee member. There were Sewadars in each region

that helped in the smooth running of the event. In Perak the majority of the

sewadars were ex-PBM participants. Guru ka Langgar was served throughout

the day. All competitions went on seamlessly. Approximately 5.30pm, the

prize giving ceremony commenced and the event officially ended about


Future Plans

It was discussed that the future PBM structure will be changed to accommodate

more participants.

A new database will be created to link all forms related to PBM which will

reduce data entry and improve efficiency.

7. Education Camp

7.1 Second Education Camp

7.1.1 Date: 26th

June 2016

Time: 8 am to 6 pm

Venue: Sabha House

No of Participants: 160

Demographic of participants: SPM, PT3 and UPSR students

7.1.2 The second Education Camp was held on 26th June 2016 from 8.00am

to 6.00pm. This was a collaboration with the Malaysian Sikh Union

(MSU). Around 160 participants sitting for SPM, PT3 and UPSR

attended this camp. This camp covered Bahasa Malaysia and English

for UPSR. It covered Bahasa Malaysia, English and Science for PT3.

The SPM students had Bahasa Malaysia, English, Moral and Sejarah.

It was conducted by a group of teachers who are experienced in either

marking or setting the examination papers.

*1st education camp 2016 was held on 14th February 2016 and was

reported in the last AGM report

7.2 Third Education Camp

7.2.1 Date: 17th

July 2016

Time: 8 am to 6 pm

Venue: Sabha House

No of Participants: 80

Demographic of participants: SPM, PT3 and UPSR students


7.2.2 This Education Camp was held on the 17th July 2016 from 9.00am to

5.00pm. A number of 80 students attended this camp. The emphasis of

this camp was on Mathematics and Science for UPSR students. This

seminar was carried out by teachers from Jabatan Pelajaran to ensure

our pupils get the right information on the new format of examination.

Veer Rajinder Singh carried out the Mathematics Seminar entitled

“Beauty of Problem Solving and Developing Mathematical Thinking

Skills” for the PT3 and SPM students.

8 Youth Leadership Roundtable

8.1 Date: 21st October 2016

Time: 8.00 – 10.00 pm

Venue: Sabha House

8.2 The Youth Leadership Roundtable was facilitated by Vir Harinder Singh, the

co-founder of United States based Sikh Research Institute (SikhRi) and Panjab

Digital Library. He is currently with the FreeAkalTakht Team. He shared his

views on Servant Leadership and Jewels from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The

event was graced by around 50 participants who were majority youth.

The youth roundtable discussion was focussed on issues related to Sikhs


9. Pre-Samelan tours

9.1 Overview:

Date: 4th

, 6th November & 12th November 2016.

Conducted to market Annual Gurmat Parchar Samelan. The purpose was to

share the theme shabad and activities to be carried out. Local jathas were

involved in carrying out this activity. The idea was to promote our local jathas

and to reach out to the masses. In the past this activity was favoured and

opportunity was taken to kick-start this reaching out method.

The jathas covered the following areas from 4th

, 6th November & 12th

November 2016.

9.2 Northern States

Gurdwara Sahib Kalumpang, Gurdwara Sahib Malim, Tanjung Gurdwara

Sahib Chemor, Gurdwara Sahib Taiping, Gurdwara Sahib Kampar, Gurdwara

Sahib Changkat Batu Gajah, Gurdwara Sahib Jelapang,

Eastern states

Gurdwara Sahib Kuantan


Southern States

Gurdwara Sahib Johor Bahru Gurdwara Sahib Kluang Gurdwara Sahib Batu


Jathas which took part in the tour

1. Bhai Rasvinder Singh Ji & Jatha

2. Kirtan by Gurbani Naad

3. Kirtan by Bhai Balvinder Singh Ji & Jatha

4. Yatra Kirtani Jatha

10. Youth Kirtan Darbar

10.1 An initiative started in collaboration with gurdwaras to show case local youth

jathas. The inaugural kirtan darbar was held at Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya

on 26 November 2016 followed by at Gurdwara Sahib Klang on 18 March

2017. More such activities will be hosted in the Klang Valley and outside to

attract local talent in providing them with a platform to do kirtan.

11. 53rd

Annual Gurmat Parchar Samelan

11.1 Date: 18th

to 24th

December 2016

Venue: Khalsa Land, KKB.

Theme Shabad: “Charan Chalo Marag Gobind”

11.2 Pre-Samelan Preparations:

Registration, ground preparations, and material preparations commenced

months before the event itself. Sewadars put in countless hours discussing and

preparing the materials, visiting the site and getting all approvals in place.

Worked together with Gurdwaras to set up booths to encourage registration.

11.3 Miri-Piri Program:

Lead by Jathedar Jasbir Singh, with tremendous support from all Jatha

Coordinators, and speakers and all Samelan sewadars.

The topics and modules for the Samelan were prepared and shared beforehand

with the identified speakers. As best as was possible. At the Samelan, daily tea

time meetings were held, attended by the speakers where Jathedar Jasbir Singh

briefing the speakers about the topic of the next day and having a short

discussion on the conduct of such. The meetings were reported to be very


The topics for the classroom sessions were as follows.

Day 1- Choices

Day 2- Guru

Day 3- Submission


Day 4- Sikh Way of Life

Day 5- Transformation

To ensure continuity of the message, kirtan jathas were also given the list of

topics/emphasis of their sessions with the participants. The organizing

committee did what it could to ensure such continuity.

Other programs included the daily sewa charts where participants through their

Jathas were assigned a sewa to perform everyday. They were guided by the

JC’s and the respective team in charge of the sewa. Among others, they

participants were exposed to langgar sewa, utilities sewa, darbar sahib sewa.

Also available were outdoor activities. The program took full advantage of the

location and the vast blessings of mother nature available at KKB Khalsa Land.

11.4 Mighty Khalsa Program:

The core team in itself comprised of Pardeep Kaur, Kaldip Kaur, Kashminder

Kaur, Manpreet Kaur, Sharan Kaur, Rengwir Kaur & Manjit Kaur (Spore) as

our mentor Bhenji. The team was also supported by the able young Sewadars

team of Lakhvinder Singh, Arvinjit Singh, Rakhpreet Kaur & Saheb Singh.

And the most amazing support rendered by the Mighties BhenJis and VeerJis

and the Cool Khalsa leads (JCs team), to allow us to execute the program for

the Mighties.

11.4.1 Mighties Workbooks & Sewadars Guide

The overall Mighties programme journey, the focus for the week with

daily topics - was laid out in the Mighties Sewadars Guide and also

the Mighties Workbooks – made available to the Mighties Sewadars /

Speakers and participants respectively. Both are intended to be used as

a reference for the year, beyond the Samelan. For the Bachey, there is

much to read and activities to be done; for the Sewadars, beyond

serving as a key reference in the Samelan, the content can also be re-

used for any mini samelan / satsangs.

11.4.2 Programme Layout & Speakers preparations

The Gian Ka Saagar Speakers had daily discussions – where the

team met, discussed and shared views on the topic for the day, guided

by the writeup, guide notes and Saakhis in the Sewadars Guide…. to

prepare ourselves to reach out to the Bachey. The Speakers were

rotated across the classes each day – so they could reach out to a

different audience each day and the Bachey also received a different


flavour of speakers each day.

IPS – Kirtan and parchar, catered to our younger hearts was conducted

in the shota darbar.

Cool Khalsa programme across the week covered various aspects –

station games, out into the nature – tree planting, water battle and open

air hair wash, heart-to-heart discussions, interviews style

understanding on the Amrit journey of certain individuals identified

and final self-pledge / commitment and wrap up as a Mighties team,

followed by an Ardaas for the Mighties.

Various new items introduced into the programme include :

- 3 IPS Sessions led by Mighties Jathas (well prepared

programmes – that included insights into a chosen Shabad,

Saakhi / Katha & Keertan)

- The Leadership in a Mighty Khalsa

o Jatha Leaders picked by the Jatha members (1 boy & 1

girl )

o Jatha Competition – that was announced on day 0 in


- “ What’s in my Name “

o a wonderful approach in explaining to the Bachey the

meaning to their name

o this was provided to the Bachey on the last day –

alongwith their Sikhi box (to capture momentos on their

lives as a Guru Ka Sikh)

- Mighties Night

o That included a combination of prime Drama, Bhenjis

presentation for the Bachey & opportunity for the

Bachey to showcase their talent

- Evening Programmes / Activities (optional)

o The Football Clinic for the Mighties Girls, the Gatka

Camp (with the MPA kids), the Jungle Walk were good

options introduced

- Mighties Heart-to-Heart session


- Mighties Wrap-Up & programme closure

o This session gave the opportunity for the Mighties to

reflect on the week, pause and peg down their pledge /

commitment beyond the Samelan.

o This was followed by an Ardaas as the Mighties Sangat

together – seeking GuruJi’s blessing and guidance and

followed by the Hukam Nama.

o The Bachey were also gifted with their Sikhi Box

11.5 Nikke Khalsa:

The Nikke Khalsa program was oordinated wholly by the Nikke parents

sewadars. The Nikke Khalsey held their own salami near their area where the

salami sewadars would ensure the program was customised to fit our younger

participants. They also had their own morning IPS sessions, again, suited to

their age. Having their own programs enabled our Nikke Khalsey to reap the

best benefits of the Samelan.

Other activities held were story reading, bubbles play, water play, ice cream

making, and other child friendly activities. The team of sewadars are highly

dedicated and ensured the program ran without a hitch.

With regards to participation and staying-in mothers with their Nikke Khalsey,

the program saw a increase as the dorm was filled with mothers and their

young ones.

11.6 Attendance:

About 800 participants and 300 sewadars attended the 53rd

Annual Gurmat

Parchar Samelan

11.7 Langgar:

Preparation in terms of cutting and peeling was championed by a group of

dedicated sewadars, many of which were local sewadars. Cooking went on as

per schedule and participants and sewadars were grateful for the meals. Milo

was said to be too sweet. However, at times, there weren’t enough sewadars to

help with the washing of pandey, so others stepped in, naturally. The langgar

organizational team ensured the jathas on duty performed their sewa in an

orderly fashion. Much teaching took place as jathas were guided on how to

serve and run a langgar with a large crowd.

11.8 Utilities

The cleanliness of the entire premises was championed by the ever dedicated

utilities teams. Not only were the toilets and washrooms kept clean but the

dorms and darbar was also cleaned. Participants were also responsible for the


cleanliness of their own dorms.

11.9 Secretariat

The secretariat team was in charge of the registration (before and during the

course of the Samelan), donations and daswand, dispensing of funds when

needed for purchases/payments , keeping of valuables, classroom/venue

organization, preparation and putting up of signs, walkies systems, complains

and parents dealing… and others.

To help improve the samelan, daily reports from each department are to be sent

in to the secretariat as well.

11.10 Logistics

Running any samelan requires a lot of electricity, water and general logistics.

The Samelan logistics team did their best to ensure a safe and working

environment for the participants. There were challenges with the extreme heat

or the equally extreme downpour. All in, the samelan grounds were safe,

functional and comfortable. Also worth noting the dedication of the logistics

team as work started weeks before and they were also the last to leave the site.

11.11 Darbar Sahib

The darbar sahib team took care of both the main darbar sahib and the shota

darbar. In the main darbar, the team is incharge of ensuring daily parkash, asa

ki vaar and nitnem takes place. Also, to ensure degh is prepared on time.

Cleanliness of the darbar, announcements, timeliness of programs and

timeliness of the jathas/parcharaks was also looked after. The jathas on duty

were also guided as to the sewa they did in the darbar among which was, path,

kirtan, chaur sewa, degh sewa, shoes sewa, and ensuring the general cleanliness

of darbar sahib.

In the shota darbar, while there was a sewadar assigned, much of the

management was taken on by the Mighties team of sewadars. Mighties team

has requested for more help with the darbar sahib and the committee will do its

best of ensure they get the help they need.

11.12 Medical Bay

The team of doctors, nurses and pharmacist provided the participants and

sewadars with constant care and medical services. From simple aches to blood

pressure and the need for hydration. The sanggat is lucky to have such

dedicated sewadars.

This samelan we saw not only doctor and nurses, but also a dentist with a

whole dental program for the mighties kids and also a teeth cleaning sewa. Our

physiotherapist also provided members of the sanggat with help with our aches

and pains, and conducted a talk/session on back related care.


The medical bay team not only kept us well, nursed our injuries and alleviated

our worries, they also kept us hydrated with the water stand and the “Limau

Asam” beverage available outside the medical bay.

11.13 Media

The media team was in charge of recording and sharing the events at the

Samelan with the world. This included photographs, daily videos and

livestreaming of the kirtan programs at the main darbar sahib. Mighty Khalsa

and Nikke Khalsa have requested for more media coverage of their programs

and screening of the daily videos in the mighties darbar too.

11.14 Composting

The Khalsa Land Committee championed a new program, i.e. composting. All

food waste was kept in a different container in the langgar and was sent for

composting daily. A great effort which helps us reduce our carbon footprint.

11.15 Visit from Officials

YB Gobind Singh Deo , YB Lee (KKB Assemblywoman) and YB Ganabatirau

graced our Samelan. YB Gobind Singh addressed the sanggat in the darbar

sahib, and the participants found him to be very inspiring. A simple hi-tea was

held in the langgar hall for the guest. All officials have offered their assistance

with KKB Land related matters.

11.16 Thank you

The Samelan committee and SNSM records its heartiest gratitude towards all


Government Officials , local sewadars, Sewadars and most importantly, the

Participants for making the Samelan.

12. 350 years of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Parkash Dihara – Sentul Gurdwara

12.1 Date: 7th

and 8th

January 2017

Venue: Gurdwara Sahib Sentul

In effort to commemorate and celebrate 350 years of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji

Parkash Dihara, a program was hosted by SNSM in collabiration with Sentul

Gurdwara. The program saw a large attendance of sanggat. The Langgar Hall

of Gurdwara Sahib Sentul was converted into a darbar sahib and the kirtan

programs were held there. The car park was converted into the langgar hall.

The kirtan jathas were a mixed of our local kirtan jathas and foreign jathas. An

amrit sanchar session was also held for those members of the sanggat who

heeded the call of the Guru.


Much of the work and preparation was done by the parbandakh and sanggat of

Gurdwara Sahib Sentul, and SNSM records its highest gratitude to them.

13. Chardikala Run

13.1 Date: 21st January 2017

Venue: Lake Gardens

Participation: 300

13.2 Chardikala Run 2017, ‘105 and running’.

The 105 depicts the age of Sardar Fauja Singh, our Sikh marathon runner. The

run this year was attended by about 300 participants, who ran 5km in total. The

run was held at the Lake Gardens. Participation drives were held in gurdwaras

as well as at the Annual Gurmat Parchaar Samelan. The Punjabi Society in

Brickfields Asia College also held a dance/flash mob performance to bring

awareness of the event to its students and encourage participation.

This year, prices were handed out by national athletes, among which were

national Olympic high jumper Nauraj Singh and National Olympic Diver Nur

Dhabitah Sabri.

14. Fellowship Camp

14.1 Date: 27th

, 28th

, 29th

, 30th January 2017

Venue: Gurdwara Sahib Tanah Rata

14.2 The annual Fellowship camp was held from the 28th

of January to the 30th


January 2017 during the Chinese New Year holidays at Gurdwara Sahib Tanah

Rata, Cameron Highlands. Sabha arranged a bus with a minimal charge from

Gurdwara Sahib Titiwangsa to Gurdwara Sahib Tanah Rata on 27 January

2017. Around 40 participants took the bus. There were 82 participants in total

from all over Malaysia. The participants were 18 years old and above (Post


The Fellowship organizing team comprised of sewadars with great ideas. This

year there were many new activities introduced. They were mainly focused on

the development of young minds with a strong moral compass. This was

achieved by tying the message and activities back to Sikhi teaching and

ensuring participants were well engaged in the parchar and darbar sahib

program. Participants were seen to relish the kirtan sessions held during the

evenings (Rehraas). The lively kirtan in the morning after their Japji Sahib also

helped wake up and prepare the participants for their long and fruitful day. The

morning Bhangra Aerobics led by our very famous Shavind was also an

activity that was looked forward to by all.

The camp kicked off with an ice breaking session led by Satpal Singh and

Serjit Singh (Sanjay Veer Ji). Below are some of the interesting topics


presented during the camp;

Values presented by Dr. Jasbir Singh (Jathedar)

Lifeline presented by Dr. Jasbir Singh, Jaggu Veer Ji & Sanjay Veer ji

Relationship presented by Sanjay Veer Ji

Sewa presented by Sanjay Veer Ji

Four Phases of Life presented by Sanjay Veer ji

Biji-Biji Initiative Success Story & Entrepreneurship Tips

The other focus of fellowship camp was camaraderie. It is of paramount

importance that youth are able to foster friendships and relationships with all.

Fellowship camp provides an avenue for such to take place. And what better

way to foster friendships than by way of group sports and activities. Biji Biji

team organized the best Amazing Race ever. Participants were grouped and

given clues to complete the race which were mainly focused on recycling waste

products. This made a great impact on all the participants to appreciate nature

and to come up with creative ways for recycling. The Biji Biji team also shared

their success stories and encouraged entrepreneurship among youths. The

response was remarkable.

As for lodging, the female participants stayed in the rooms on the ground floor

while the male participants were housed in the darbar sahib. Much of the

bedding was supplied by Gurdwara Sahib Tanah Rata for which we are very


All in all, it was a national holiday well spent among old friends, new friends

and with the sanggat of the Guru.

15. Har Har Nam Semagam

15.1 Date: 6th

, 7th

, 8th

, 9th

, 10th

, 11th

February 2017

This kirtan and parchaar samagam was held in several gurdwaras in the KL &

Klang Valley. The participating gurdwaras were GS Titiwangsa, GS Petaling

Jaya, GS Pulapol, and GS Ampang. It was held in conjunction with the 350th

Parkash Purab of Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Around 400 members of the

sanggat attended the programs in the gurdwaraw. The kirtan tour ended with a

rehansbhai in GS Titiwangsa which was attended by almost 1,000 members of

the sanggat.

SNSM records it sincerest gratitude to the parbandakh and sanggat of the

participating gurdwaras, without whom this event would not have been


16. Holla Mahala


16.2 The Holla Mahala Event this year was held on 3 different days, in 3 different


The futsal and badminton competition was held at KSL Sports

Centremart, Setapak on the 19th

of March 2017.

The athletics was held in MP Subang Jaya on the 25th

of March 2017

The Netball, Hockey and football, as well as tug of war and indoor

strategy games (Congkak, chess, Arm Wrestling, Carrom, Scrabblea,

Checkers) were held in Aman Club on the 26th

of March 2017.

As many as 22 gurdwaras participated in the games this year.

16.1 The champions for:

Strategy Games:



U12: Bukit Beruntung

U16: Pulapol

U21: Tatt Khalsa


U12: Pulapol

U16: Seremban

U21: Petaling Jaya


U12: High Street

U16: Pulapol

U21: Kampung Pandan



U16: Banting

U21: Pulapol


U16: Seremban

U21: Pulapol


U16: Pulapol

U21: Petaling Tin


Athletics overall Champion:

High Street and Pulapol

SNSM would like to record its gratitude to Club Aman for again hosting the

team games and strategy games.

17. Sikh Youth Convention 2017

17.1 Date: 1st April 2017

Venue: Pusat Latihan Polis (Pulapol)

Participation: Around 85 youth.

17.2 Sikh Youth Convention 2017 organised jointly by Gurdwara Sahib Pulapol and

Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia (SNSM) took place over two days on April 1

& 2 at Pusat Latihan Polis (Pulapol).

Some of the issues that were deliberated at the convention were related to,

‘What are some of the challenges faced by Sikh youth in Malaysia? What are

the opportunities that are out there for the youth? How can they reach

creatively and make the best of those opportunities?’

Themed ‘Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders to Serve the Community’, the two-day

convention was targeted to Sikh youth aged between 16 to 30.

Jathedar Dr Jasbir Singh spoke on his first 100 days in office at SNSM.

Teaching specialist Dr Gurcharan Singh spoke on the topic ‘Leadership: Are

We Different’.

Other speakers were Hargobind Singh (Are We Sikhs?), Ishvinder Singh

(There Is Opportunity For You), Rashvinpal Singh (Social Entrepreneurship),

Jaspreet Kaur (Let’s Talk, Let’s Connect), Reshminder Kaur (Creative

Thinking) and Parmeet Kaur (Career – Finding Purpose).

18. Grand Vaisakhi Event, Tatt Khalsa

18.1 Date: 6th

, 7th

, 8th

, 9th

April 2017

The annual Vaisakhi Event was held in Gurdwara Sahib Tatt Khalsa Diwan. In

keeping with the trend from 2016, the executive committee agreed that it would

be best if the annual Vaisakhi event could be hosted by a gurdwara instead of at

the regular venue, International Youth Centre. This encourages the local

sanggat of the relevant gurdwara to come together and mobilize their sanggat to

help in the organization and smooth running of the event.


Wisma Tatt Khalsa was also made available for the hosting of programs.

Among the programs held at the Wisma during this time was a showcase of

paintings related to Sikh history and our Gurus, talks for the youth by the

Jathedar of SNSM, Bhen Shameel Kaur, Vir Devinder Singh and Vir Paramjeet

Singh focusing on the challenges ahead for the youth. Besides that, a children’s

tea party was also held.

Also held, was an amrit sanchar program on Sunday, the 9th

of April.

Many members of the sanggat attended the event and enjoyed the melodious

kirtan, the bustling Bazaar, the talks at the Wisma, langgar, fellowship and

bonding in general.

Highlights of this program are as follows:-

1. Kirtan & Katha by renowned Ragis & Parcharaks such Bhai Manpreet

Singh Kanpur Wale, Bhai Gagandeep Singh Sri Ganga Nagar Wale,

Bhai Balpreet Singh Ludhiana Wale, Bhai Amandeep Singh Dehli

Wale, Bibi Paramjeet Kaur Khalsa.

2. Launching Of Parvarak Path Mala

3. Career & Education Workshop for Youths on Sunday at 9a.m. (Wisma

Tatt Khalsa)

4. Amrit Sanchaar on 9th April 2017 – Sunday at 6.00am

5. Blood Donation on 8th April 2017 - Saturday at 10.00am

6. Eye & Health Examination on 8th April 2017 - Saturday at 11.00am –


7. Exhibition of paintings of Sikh Gurus by Dr Manjit Singh Hunjin

8. Children Tea Party on 8th April 2017 - Saturday at 4.00pm

9. Balak Kirtan Darbar on 8th April 2017- Saturday at 10.00 am to 1.00


10. Honoring Excellent Students on 9th April 2017 - Sunday at 10.00am

19. Family Paath Mala (V1 and V2)

19.1 Family Paath Mala 2016 V1 (15/10/2016 – 15/11/2016)

Theme : Nanak Naam Chardikala Tere Bhanei Sarbaat Dhaa


Duration : 32 days, October 15th

2016 to November 15th


Launch venue : GS Pulapol

In effort to commemorate the birth of our beloved Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the

sanggat of Malaysia was encouraged to come together, where ever they were, at

8pm daily from the 15th of October 2016 to the 15th of November 2016 for a

few minutes of prayer and reflection on our Guru Ji's message to us. 5 times

Mool Mantar 1 to 2 minutes of Gurmantar, and Thought of the Day.


The official poster was sent out via social media and WhatsApp groups one

week before the event. Mool Mantar, Gurmantar, and Ardass for Ekta and

Chardikala of the Panth were to be recited with the family at 8pm daily which

was stated in the poster.

19.2 Family Paath Maala 2017 V2 (6/4/2017-6/5/2017)

Theme : Ek Pitaa Ekass Kay Hum Barikh, Tu Mayraa Gur Haa-


Duration : 30 days, from April 6th

2017 to May 6Th


Launch venue : Gurudwara Sahib Tatt Khalsa (April 6th

at 8pm)

Closing venue : Gurudwara Sahib Kg Pandan (6 May 2017)

V2 of the family paath Mala was launched in conjuction with Vaisakhi.

The official poster was sent out via social media and WhatsApp groups one

week before the event. Mool Mantar, Gurmantar, and Ardass for Ekta and

Chardikala of the Panth were to be recited with the family at 8pm daily which

was stated in the poster.

The Family Paath Mala 2017 was launched at Tatt Khalsa Diwan during the

Vasakhi Grand Event program on 06.04.2017. Bibi Paramjit Kaur (Bibi Kaulan

Waley) and the Jatha recited Mool Mantar and Simran at 8pm along with the


A Thought of the Day message (TOD) was adapted from Tony’s thought of the

day. The TOD was sent out daily between 12 to 2pm containing the Gurbani

verse of the day together with a story/ explanation in relation to the verse. This

was also circulated via WhatsApp groups as well as on social media sites.

The finale of the Paath Mala was held at Gurdwara Sahib Kg Pandan on

06.05.2017, where the final TOD was explained along with Kirtan by PKJ. It

was on a Saturday whereby the weekly Satsang was held.

19.3 The Family Paath mala material is available on the SNSM Facebook page.

Please feel free to use this material for the Mighty Khalsa/Miri Piri/Punjabi

school programs held in your respective gurdwaras. SNSM conveys its

gratitude to the parbandaks of Gurdwara Sahib Petaling Jaya, Pulapol and

Wada Gurdwara Sahib Kampung Pandan. For the Thought of the Day, SNSM

thanks Sardar Devinder Singh ‘Tony’.

20. Vaisakhi Kirtan/Parchaar Tour

20.1 Dates: 31 March to 1 April 2017

Conducted to bring about awareness of the celebration, key messages on why


amrit, which was to unite Sikhs. The tour was from 31 March to 1 April 2017

20.2 Southern

Gurdwara Sahib Melaka, Gurdwara Sahib Batu Pahat, Gurdwara Sahib Johor

Bahru, Gurdwara Sahib Muar, Gurdwara Sahib Port Dickson, Gurdwara Sahib

Tampin and Gurdwara Sahib Seremban


Gurdwara Sahib Bidor, Gurdwara Sahib Kampar, Gurdwara Sahib Malim

Nawar, Gurdwara Sahib Taiping, Gurdwara Sahib Polis Penang, Gurdwara

Sahib Sg Petani, Gurdwara Sahib Kulim, Gurdwara Sahib Butterworth

East Coast

Gurdwara Sahib Bentong, Gurdwara Sahib Mentakab, Gurdwara Sahib Raub,

Gurdwara Sahib Kuantan

Jathas which took part in the tour

1. Vir Sukhindarpal Singh & Jatha

2. Vir Rajvinder Singh & Jatha

3. Vir Akaaljot Singh & Jatha

4. Vir Tarlochan Singh & Jatha

21. Amrit Sanchar Summary

21.1 Several Amrit Sanchar ceremony sessions were held throughout the year where

blessed members of the sanggat heeded the call of our Guruji.

Annual Gurmat Parchaar Samelan- 26 Ablakhis

Sentul Gurdwara (7th

January 2017) – 10 Ablakhis

GS Tatt Khalsa Diwan (9th

April 2017) – 9 Ablakhis

GS Selayang (15th

April 2017) – 8 Ablakhis

22. Sabha Camp Site @ Khalsa Land, Kuala Kubu Bharu.

22.1 Development Committee Report – ISC, Khalsa Land, Kuala Kubu Bharu

1. Through the tireless & coordinated efforts of S. Jasbir Singh Klang &

liaison with the Land Office, Shah Alam (Pejabat Tanah & Galian), all

appeal documentation were presented to Exco Selangor for waiver of land

premium charges totaling RM 1.9m.

2. YB Gobind Singh Deo, Member of Parliament, lent his support & our

appeal was forwarded to the Selangor Menteri Besar who chairs state Exco

meetings. With the Grace of Waheguru, a complete waiver of the land

premium was granted in August 2016.


3. The approval was very specific – development for welfare & culture. No

element of commercial gain allowed.

4. Next step – apply for new land title for the preparation of developments

plans (previous land status was agriculture; new status “institution”). Land

surveyor engaged to apply for new land titles. In January 2017, new titles


5. After some brainstorming, it was agreed that Phase 1 buildings to comprise

the following :-

a. Main multipurpose hall

b. Two 4-storey blocks (Hostel boys and girls for 500 pax)

c. Two 2-storey blocks (14 classrooms)

d. Senior Citizens Village

e. Infrastructure -- IWK underground tanks (for waste water treatment);

TNB substation, roads and drainage

6. Estimated budget – RM 10.12m. Fund raising plan drawn up under

Chairmanship of S. Dalbir Singh.

7. Building plans – S. Satvinder Singh & S. Gurucharan Singh liaising with

Architect Sim to draw up building plans. Once ready & internal approvals

obtained, to be submitted to authorities (MDHS -- Majlis Daerah Hulu

Selangor) for approval.

8. Expected plans submission to Majlis Daerah Hulu Selangor end of July

2017. Expected approval – 3 to 4 Months.

9. A special Thank You to YB Gobind Singh Deo & a heartfelt thanks to all

who have & are continuing to contribute to make the project a reality.

Committee members & ad hoc sevadars

1. Amarjit Singh – Chairman

2. Gian Singh

3. Gurucharan Singh

4. Satvinder Singh

5. Dalbir Singh

6. Harnarinder Singh

7. Jasbir Singh Klang

8. Naginder Singh

9. Devinder Singh Sandakan

10. Mahan Singh

11. Raminder Kaur


12. Ashdeepak Singh

13. Mohinder Singh KKB

14. Sarjit Singh KKB Police

15. Sarjit Singh Naura – Manager

Apologies for any names erroneously omitted.


1. Architect Sim

2. S. Ir Inderjit Singh Purba – Electrical engineer

3. S. Baljit Singh – Civil & Structural engineer

4. S. Basant Singh – Town planner

22.2 ISC Team & Visits

2.1 The ISC Team members Meet Jathedar Sdr Amarjit Singh, Sdr Gian Singh,

Sdr Dalbir Singh, Sdr Ir. Gurcharan Singh, Sdr. Devinder Singh, Sdr Naginder

Singh, Bibi Raminder Kaur and occasionally joined by other team members

make regular visits to Khalsa Land. Their regular visits and hands-on

inspections help in the maintenance and smooth running of the Site. The Team

members not only invest their time but also help to finance and purchase

fertilizers, agricultural tools, insecticides lubricant oil for tractor/van.

2.2 The football field is looking great. Regular weeding, cutting grass and

fertilizing is done. The ISC Team members bought 20 kg of slow release

fertilizer and this was spread three times over the year.

2.3 In September, 42 musang king durians were planted. Mr Ashdeepak from

Kalumpang donated and helped to plant.

2.4 From Oct to Dec about 80 fruit trees were planted. During Annual Samelan,

the participants had hands-on experience of planting small fruit trees. In the

words of Harry, one of the ISC Team members “let us plant a large variety of

fruits at Khalsa Land so that in 3-5 years visiting Sangat can enjoy Guru Ji

Fruit Orchard”.

2.5 Benji Raminder Kaur organised a trip to an Organic Farm in Gombak. We

had a briefing by the owner followed by hands-on experience in recycling veg

waste into organic fertilizer. Compost from Kitchen waste and dry leaves/grass

was started. Sdr Gian Singh briefed the procedure to the Langgar Committee

and implemented during Samelan.

22.3 Camps & Samelans

3.1 Malaysian Pipe Band Club led by Sdr Arminder Singh held a two days


training in June and again in July. They trained hard and were preparing for

their first competition overseas.

3.2 Seremban and Klang youth Samelan was held from 6 to 9 July. This was a

4 days and 3 nights program over Hari Raya holidays. A very vibrant group

with a lot of outdoor activities and interactive classroom sessions.

3.3 Gurmat Camp led by Veer Serjit Singh (Rawang) and Dr Raswinder Singh

hold their camps regularly over 3 days on week-ends. From Sept to April

2017, they have held seven Camps. The participants are mainly youths and

each session is attended by about 20 – 25. The focus is Naam Simran and

Saadhna and they maintain strict discipline as to no phone and no talking for

the duration of the camp. It is good to note our Sikh youths getting involved in

religious and spiritual experiences.

3.4 Sikh Youths (Gurbani Naad) held a two day camp from 2 to 3 Sept. An

Inspiration Session (IPS) was held at Gurdwara Sahib Rasa with local Sangat.

3.5 Gurmat Parchaar Annual Samelan was held from Sun 18 to Sat 24

December. Preparations started months before the commencement – esp for

the raised cemented platforms for Darbaar Sahib, Dorms for girls and boys

(two each). These proved to be of great help for a smoother surface and

avoided rain-water into the dorms and Darbaar Sahib. Once again, Khalsa Land

was turned into a “Tent City” with glittering lights. Letters to the local

authorities were given (Police, Bomba, Hospital, Kementerian Kesihatan,

Syabas, Alam Flora, Adun, YB Lee).

It was a great Opening and inspiring IPS and lectures. Amrit Sanchar was held

on Friday, with 26 of them joining the Khalsa Panth and all were first timers.

Harry (Forestry) gave a briefing and thrilled the Mighties on the planting

process and they did the actual planting of fruit trees and flower-plants on

Tuesday afternoon. Sdr Gian Singh coordinated a daily activity of recycling

veg waste to make organic fertilizer. A compost site was made to make this a

continuous activity to help in organic farming at Khalsa Land. Once again the

SNSM Sevadars joined hands and rose to the occasion and made this a Great

Success and a memorable event for us all. May Waheguru Ji shower HIS

Blessings and we continue to partake in the Seva.

3.6 WWW Getaway 6.0 – A camp by Selayang Youths and Parents was held

from Fri 27 to Tues 31 Jan. This was their fourth annual camp at our site.

There were a total of 160 participants and many more came as day visitors.

Bhai Surjeet Singh UK led the Sangat daily in Amrit Vela Simran and evening

IPS. There were a lot of Sant-Sipahi activities & trainings. Bhai Surjeet Singh


Ji also planted a fruit tree (Kedondong).

As the number of participants exceeded our cabin capacity, two class rooms

were converted to dorms. Water pump was installed at the male

bathrooms/toilets (used during the Annual Samelan) and these facilities were

made available to the participants and sevadars.

The organisers are very pleased with our facilities and are looking forward to

holding a similar camp next year over the Chinese New Year holidays.

3.7 Akaal Camp was held from 3 to 5 February, 2017. There were about 65

young participants. A lot of physical activities, Gatka and archery sessions.

Bhai Rajveer Singh, Bhai Uptej Singh (UK) and Bhai Lakhwinder Singh

(USA) facilitated the activities. Planted one more Kedondong fruit tree by the


3.8 A football & Netball clinic Camp was held from 3 to 5 March. About 90

participated. The training and preparations were well timed for the Hola

Mahalla games.

3.9 The visiting Gatka Team from Punjab stayed for two days (25 & 26 April)

before their departure to Amritsar. On the first day, a Gatka training session

was held with the Selayang Youths.

3.10 There were three Family Retreats. It was free and easy for the family

members and participants and they enjoy the beautiful environment and walk to

the Kampung Orang Asli and River walk.

22.4 Akhand Paaths & Jorr-melas.

4.1 First Akhand Paath was jointly held by SNSM and the Sangat at Khalsa

Land from 3 to 5 June. Response was good from local Sangat and visitors

especially from Penang and Ipoh. The Sangat fully participated in Paath and

Seva. Good Will walk was organised by Rishi Ji on Saturday evening from

Gurdwara Sahib KKB to Khalsa Land and about 100 participated in the walk.

It was a fund-raising Akhand Paath and we have a surplus of RM20,000 after

deducting all expenses. We hope this can be an annual affair.

4.2 Akhand Paaths are given a green light to be held at Khalsa Land when there

are no Camps/Samelans. There were three Akhand Paaths held as:

- 7 to 9 Sept – A first family Akhand Paath at Khalsa Land by a family from


- 9 to 11 Dec by Superbikers. The participants also helped in the clean-up seva

for the upcoming annual samelan.

- 18 to 19 Feb An Akhand Paath by a family from PJ.


4.3 A program was held on Wed 28 Dec evening. Bhai Prithvipal Singh from

UK with Selayang Youths and parents held an evening session at Khalsa Land.

Bhai Sahib taught the art of archery to the participants and had a Kirtan session.

He was impressed of the site and facilities and wished that we can train our

youths in sports.

4.4 An evening program was held on 31 December. Bhai Sukhdev Singh

(MAS) and families from KL, KKB and Rasa had a wonderful year end

program with Rehraas, Kirtan and new year’s message.

4.5 An evening program was held on Sun 8 Jan on the occasion of Sri Guru

Gobind Singh Ji 350 years Parkash Divas. It was also the first day of Punjabi

School for 2017. Bhai Sukhdev Singh (MAS) and Jatha was in attendance for


22.5 Punjabi Education Centre (PEC) Khalsa Land, KKB.

5.1 Punjabi classes are held at Khalsa Land on Sundays from 2.30 to 6.00 pm.

We had 16 students for year 2016 and for this year we have 14 students and 3

dedicated teachers. The student classes range from Kindergarten to Secondary

3. Most of the students are from Rasa and Bukit Beruntung.

5.2 A one day Education Tour was arranged for students, teachers and parents

on 10 Sept. We visited Petroscience , KL historic places and 3 Gurdwaras.

5.3 The PEC teachers attended a two day training program in Ipoh on 16 & 17

Sept organised by Khalsa Diwan Malaysia (KDM).

5.4 On Sun 16 April, we celebrated Vasakhi Program and invited YB Lee Kee

Hiong (Adun – KKB). YB presented Certificates of Appreciation to the

teachers and students of PEC.

5.5 Sukhmani Sahib Paaths and Kirtan programs are usually held on Sunday

evenings. These are sponsored by local Sangat and parents of the PEC


22.6 Others

6.1 YB Lee Kee Hiong (ADUN –KKB) gave an allocation of RM20,000 in

2016 and we build a storage block near to our agricultural container cabin. The

building was completed in February 2017. During her Vasakhi visit this year

she has made another allocation of RM20,000 and suggested that we use it for

road repairs or any other repairs needed at Khalsa Land.

6.2 Khalsa Land Gurdwara Sahib is registered with MGC. We received an


allocation of RM10,000 from Selangor State Govt in April, 2017.

6.3 After persistent follow ups with TNB and Syabas authorities, the electricity

usage rates were reviewed and reduced. TNB, we now have a savings of 10%

and for Syabas, it is 60% (reduced from commercial to religious).

6.4 In Sept 2016, JKR carried out road works and the road leading to our site

was widened to a two lane and surfaced with tar.

6.5 On-site full time employees include Mr & Mrs Sarjit Singh and two

sevadars from India. We are blessed with Sikh families who are staying nearby

at KKB and Rasa esp. Sdr Mohinder Singh, Daldev Singh, Sarjit Singh

(Police), Ravinder Singh, Mrs Dalbara who occasionally drop by and give their

full cooperation and assistance in maintaining the site. We sincerely thank them

for the Seva.

23. Sabha Shoppe

Sabha Shoppe continues to be set up and operational at major Sikh events. For

example, Annual Gurmat Parchaar Samelan, Sentul program, Vaisakhi Programs,

Melaka Samagam. Sabha Shoppe carries a variety of books on Sikhi and the Punjabi

Language, both in Gurmukhi and English. Also, available are gutkas, amrit Kirtan

gutkas, and kakkaars. Besides that, also sold are trinkets and accessories such as key


SNSM intends to do a stock clearing sale on the books so we may make room for new


23. Branches Report

24.1 Branches Report - Kedah

24.1.1 Exco Members

Jathedar : Bhuvinder Singh (Sungai Petani)

Meet Jathedar 1 : Vir Tarsame Singh (Sungai Petani)

Meet Jathedar 2 : Bhen Kashminder Kaur (Sungai Petani)

Secretary : Vir Hardip Singh (Sungai Petani)

Asst. Secretary : Bhen Paremjit Kaur (Sungai Petani)

Treasurer : Vir Suakwinder Singh (Sungai Petani)

Asst. Treasurer : Bhen Nasip Kaur (Sungai Petani)

Committee Members:

1. Vir Gurcharan Singh (Sungai Petani)

2. Vir Akbal Singh (Sungai Petani)

3. Bhen Naginder Kaur (Kangar)

4. Bhen Balbir Kaur (Kulim)

5. Bhen Sarjit Kaur (Kulim)


6. Bhen Harjit Kaur (Sungai Petani)

7. Bhen Gurmeet Kaur (Kangar)

8. Bhen Sarabjit Kaur (Alor Setar)

9. Veer Darshan Singh (Alor Setar)

10. Bhen Jaspreet Kaur (Sungai Petani)

11. Bhen Kanvel Kaur (Sungai Petani)

12. Veer Satbir Singh (AIMST)


1. Vir Balvinder Singh (Sungai Petani)

2. Vir Ranjit Singh (Sungai Petani)

24.1.2 Activities and Programmes


2 days (30th May & 31 May ’15) camp at Kem Bukit Besar, Kulim. 30

youth from 7 years and above attended this camp.



Jointly organized a Kirtan program on 11th June 2016 at Gurdwara

Sahib Sungai Petani with Sungai Petani Naujawan and Gurdwara

Sahib Sungai Petani and Sangat. NORTHERN REGION PUNJABI

BHAASA MELA 2016 This event was held in Gurduwara Sahib

Butterworth on the 4th June 2016 and participated by PEC from

Sunagi Petani, Butterworth and Bayan Baru. This event was jointly

organized with SNSM Penang Branch, Gurdwara Sahib Butterworth

and Sangat.


Organized Sunagi Petani Mini Samelan in Gurdwara Sahib Sungai

Petani from 6th July to 8th July 2016. This samelan are jointly

organized with Sunagi Petani Naujawan, Butterworth Naujawan and

Gurdwaraa Sahib Sungai Petani Committee and Sangat.

24.2 Branches Report – Perak

24.2.1 Exco Members

Jathedar - Jaswant Singh

Meet Jathedar 1 - Premjit Kaur

Meet Jathedar 2 - Basant Singh

Secretary - Bhagwant Kaur

Treasurer - Harchand Singh


Asst.Treasurer - Jagroshan Singh


Parchaar Division

1. Daaljit Singh

2. Avtar Singh

Youth Division

1. Sandeep Singh

2. Manmohan Singh

Welfare Division

1. Rabinder Singh

Social Development Division

1. Suvaran Singh

Womens Division

1. Dr.Amarjit Kaur

2. Harjit Kaur

General Exco Members

1. Hanoj Singh

2. Kiran Kaur

3. Prithipal Singh

4. Sukhdev Singh

5. Jagbeer Singh

6. Simrendeep Singh

7. Kavitha Kaur

24.2.2 1 - SNSM Perak TURBAN BOOTH 24.4.17 at the Perak State


This is the 4th year that the Perak government has requested for this

event and this year too SNSM Perak was invited by the State’s Non

Islamic Affairs Division Head YB Keshvinder Singh, to be part of the

organisers’ team. The event is jointly participated and organised by a

large number Perak Gurdwaras & Sikh NGOs. Penji Premjit

represented SNSM Perak at the event organisers meetings and kept the

team informed of the preparation updates.

SNSM Perak decided to put up the all-favourite Turban Booth where

the team and volunteers work together and provide FREE turbans and


turban tying service to all guests from all races. The main objective of

this booth is to create awareness of the Importance of a Turban to a

Sikh, to enhance respect for a turban and the acceptance of a Sikh’s

turban in our multi-racial community.

This year the event took place at Guru Nanak Institution’s field. The

booth was colourfully decorated arranged by Veer Avtar Singh. The

booth was opened to public at 2pm and people flooded the place and

the booth had a long queue. Our sewadars were veerji Daaljit, Basant,

Sandeep Gobindraj, Harinderjit, Sukhdev, Hanoj, Penji Swaran,

Sharan and Premjit who worked together to keep the booth going well

till about 5.30pm. It was an awesome success and SNSM Perak made

their presence felt. Well done!. GURU DI KIRPA.

2 - ONE DAY SAMELAN 29.5.2016 at Gurdwara Sahib Tapah

The idea of the ONE Day samelan by SNSM Perak Parchaar division

since last year came about with the intention to substitute a 3-day mini

samelan when there were no long school holidays. The objective is to

give the similar impact of a 3 day samelan compacted in A day! This

concept was well accepted by Gurdwara parbandhaks, youths and


This time SNSM Perak travelled south to do it in Tapah and reach out

to Naujawans there. The programme kicked off with breakfast and

registration simultaneously. Veer Hanoj & Penji Kiran managed the

registration smoothly.

The participants then gathered in the DARBAR for the Arambak

Ardaas followed by Inspirational session by veer Sukhinderpal Singh

Penang. Other programmes followed for the rest of the day. There

were Group dynamics sessions in the morning and afternoon, by Veer

Sukhdev Singh & Veer Daaljit Singh for Miri Piri respectively. The

sessions for the Mighties was handled by Veer Basant Singh. Veer

Sandeep, & Pavendeep assisted with co-ordinating the participants,

games and the ice breaking session while Penji Premjit & Veer Avtar

Singh overlooked the whole programme to ensure smooth execution.

Parents session was held two times upon the sanggat’s demand.

There was a total of 49 participants from Tapah and areas in the

vicinity. There were a handful of participants who came all the way

from Ipoh plus 11 sewadars. The programme ended in the Darbar with

wonderful Keertan and Katha for the Inspirational session. There was

a special invited guest, YB Keshvinder Singh (special officer to Perak


MB) was present for the closing of the samelan. In his speech, he

mentioned that he was utterly pleased to see SNSM Perak taking such

initiative to reach out to the children down south and for organising so

many events throughout the year. He is pleased to announce that he

shall continue to give state allocations to SNSM Perak so they can

continue to carry out such activities. In return, Meet Jathedar of

SNSM Perak, Penji Premjit presented YB Keshvinder a gift, as token

of appreciation from SNSM Perak.

The programme ended at 5.30pm and the Gurdwara Parbandhak

voiced out their strong support and appreciation to the Sewadars for a

samelan well done. To enforce their words of appreciation, the

Sewadars were pleasantly surprised when the Gurdwara President

handed out hampers to each and all the Sewadars in the organising

team. Overall, the feedback was awesome and for the youths, it was a

fun and fruitful samelan.

3 – KEERTAN DARBAR 25.6.2016 at Gurdwara Sahib


The aim of this Keertan Darbar was to stage the Naujawans’ talent in

Keertan and at the same time join in Sadh sanggat to get the bliss of


It began with Rehraas and Keertan by the Giani. The Keertan Darbar

was in conjunction of Guru Arjan Dec Ji Shaheedi Dihara and in

memory of the 1984 Massacre.

Naujawan Jathas Penji Gurpreet Kaur and Sachpreet Kaur Guitarist

Jatha took part in the programme.

Invited Jatha, Bhai Balbir Singh, India jatha did melodious Keertan

and another Invited jatha, Bhai Terlochan Singh Jatha KL did Raag

keertan and other shabads to mesmerize the sanggat.

There was a special table rendition by Veer Sarab Iqbal Singh who

learns from Ustad K. Prakash. He demonstrated 3 “taals” Teen Taal,

Tukhre and Chakardar taal specially for the youth and for the sanggat

to appreciate the richness of music using the Tabla.

The programme ended by 10 pm and left the sanggat asking for more.

Thank you to Veer Avtar Singh for making arrangements for the jathas

for the programme. SNSM Perak appreciates the support and co-

operation given by the Gurdwara Parbandhak and sanggat of



4 - MINI SAMELAN 6–8th JULY 2016 at Gurdwara Sahib

Tanjung Rambutan

The excitement of samelan was in the air and all participants kept

flowing in from the time the registration started. There was a total of

83 participants and 15 sewadars. Participants we divided according to

age groups to fall into Mighty khalsa and Miri piri groups.

The activities such as Naam simran, Japji Sahib, Rehraas and keertan

is a routine on all the 3 days. Naujawans are taught to practise it there

and in their daily lives as a Sikh. For the Inspirational Sessions and

parent’s sessions there were invited speakers and knowledgeable elders

like Veer Sukhinderpal Singh Penang, veer Balvinder Singh KL and

Veer Daaljit Singh.

For the group dynamics and interactive sessions there were speakers

like Veer Daljit & Penji Sukhveer from Penang and Penji sharan &

Veer Basant for the Mighties sessions.

Not forgetting the FUN element, we had Veer Sandeep and the youths

team who organised games and tele matches for the participants in the


Overall the participants not only had a good time but gained spiritual

enlightenment and learnt self-development skills and methods of

handling challenges in life the Sikhi way.

The Gurdwara Parbandhak and sanggat gave positive feedback for a

successful event. They did, however make a request that we increase

and enforce the use of of our mother tongue during the samelan.

SNSM Perak would like to thank Persatuan Komuniti Sikh Bhgn.

Tambun for their sponsorship.

A pat on the back for the organising team/Sewadars Veer Avtar,

Hanoj, Basant, Sandeep, Jaswant, Daaljit, Prithipal, Manmohan,

Jagroshan, Arresh, Keshminder, Suvaran, Sukhdev and the penjis i.e.

Penji Premjit, kiran, bhagwan & baljit.

ALL participants and sewadars enjoyed themselves and although tired

we all took home fun memories and small gifts as a token of love.

5 - MINI SAMELAN 10–12th

SEPT 2016 AT Gurdwara Sahib


Another round of samelan, this time out of Ipoh in the Northern part,


Taiping. We have been having samelans here before and have been

invited repeatedly due to the overwhelming response SNSM Perak gets


The Parbandhak and sanggat gives full support and cooperation.

This year, Taiping gets a biggest turnout of 122 participants and 22

sewadars. It was a challenging task to get things in order with a larger

crowd in a mediocre sized premise but with the cooperation and

discipline from of all the sewadars the samelan went on smoothly

without any hitches.

The programme consists of the main elements, Naam Simran, Japji

Sahib, Rehraas and keertan. In order to further enhance the

spirituality, inspirational sessions were conducted in the morning and

evenings, where sanggat is encouraged to attend too. Invited speakers

this time were Veer Sarjit Singh KL, Veer Sukhdarshan Singh Sg.

Petani, Veer Harjinder Singh and Veer Daaljit Singh.

The participants are normally divided into 2 groups according to age so

that the activities carried out match the maturity level of the respective

age groups. This makes the sessions more effective. Veer Sarjit singh

KL and team handled the Miri Piri while Veer Basant, Penji Jaipreet &

Sheetal focused on the mighties.

The Miri Piri participants got to do interactive activities, brain

storming, drama and public speaking during these sessions and

enjoyed themselves to the max. The mighties got to listen to Sikhi

stories, play games and learn Sikhi related songs and poems.

The highlight of the fun activity was the Amazing Race in the Taiping

Lake Gardens. The participants were taken by bus to the park and got

to play some exciting games in groups like a race. They had such a

good time.

That was the final event for the 3 day samelan and everyone returned

to the Gurdwara for lunch. After the Gotong royong and pack up, the

Ipoh participants boarded the bus to leave for home. All participants

took with them gifts and loads of memories.

SNSM Perak wants to thank GS Taiping committee and sanggat for

their full support and sewa. Last but not the least, a big thank you to

all the sewadars: - Veer avtar, Hanoj, Basant, Sandeep, Jaswant,

Daaljit, Sandeep, Jagbeer, Prithipal, Keshminder, Jagroshan, Arresh,


Gurmeet, Nermesh, Sukhmesh, and penji Premjit, Kiran, Jaipreet,

Sheetal, Bhajan and Harvin for the wonderful sewa and cooperation


6 - PERAK KATHA TOUR - Sdr.Kanwaljit Singh(USA) 17-23rd

OCT 2016

This Katha tour was organised in conjunction of Sri GURU GRANTH

SAHIB JI’s GUR-GADDHI DIHARA. The speaker was a

knowledgeable fellow Sikh from USA.

SNSM Perak sewadars, Veer Pajan Singh took care of the speaker’s

transport arrangement while Veer Avtar Singh made arrangements for

all his programmes with various Gurdwaras in Perak.

Many members of the sanggat found the speaker good and were happy

with the enlisted programmes that were arranged.

7 – NAUJAWAN KEERTAN DARBAR 23.10.2016 at Gurdwara

Sahib Railway

The objective of this Keertan Darbar, was to attract the naujawans to

come to Gurdwara, to appreciate the bliss of Keertan, to watch and

listen to their peer, Naujawans doing keertan and thus giving them the

motivation to learn and do keertan in the Gurdwaras.

SNSM Perak, Veer Avtar ji invited Keshgarh Tanti Saaz Jatha from

KL for the programme. The jatha consisted of 2 young girls who used

special classic instruments to do keertan accompanied by their father

who is a classy tabalchi himself.

It was a bliss listening to the sound of the instruments and Keertan

which was sung beautifully by the Jatha. Being a naujawan

programme, the Jatha had prepared a few Quiz questions about music

instruments and history. The respondents of the correct answers were

given “angpow” by the Jatha. This was interactive and fun for the

youths as they excitedly took part answering the quiz.

The sanggat overall enjoyed the programme and the parbandhak

requested for more of such programmes. We would like to thank the

committee & sanggat of Gurdwara Sahib Railway for their

contribution and Langgar sewa.

8 – New Year Eve KEERTAN DARBAR 31.12.2016 at Wadda

Gurdwara Sahib Ipoh

This is an annual event carried out by SNSM Perak. We take the


opportunity to gather and meet all the naujawans and sanggat on this

day to be thankful for the past year and look forward to greet the new

year with similar love and blessings from Guru JI.

Veer Avtar who has been carrying out the sewa to arrange Jathas for

the programme has been doing it for the past many years and he

continued to do it this year too. Naujawan jathas were contacted and

encouraged to do Keertan on this day.

The programme starts off with Rehraas followed by non-stop Keertan

jathas, mostly consisting of naujawans. The final jatha that does the

closing just before midnight is the SNSM Perak Jatha led by Veer

Daaljit Singh.

Towards the end of the programme, SNSM Perak Jathedar, Veer

Jaswant Singh takes the the opportunity to give a Thank your speech to

all Gurdwaras and sanggat in Perak for their continued support and co-

operation given to all SNSM Perak activities and events throughout the

year 2016.

Before saying goodbye after midnight, the sanggat is served with a

light supper. It’s a moment of joy as everyone get to meet one another

and share hopes for better achievements in the coming year.

9 – SNSM PERAK BRANCH EXCO Retreat Meeting 22/1/17 at

Ritz Garden Hotel, Ipoh

The year 2016 had ended and in order to plan activities for 2017, this

retreat was organised by the Jathedar himself. He asked all EXCO to

attend this retreat to come together for a brainstorming session and

discuss ideas and plans for the coming year.

Breakfast was served and jathedar gave his Opening speech, followed

by each division tabling out their planned programmes for the year.

Everyone was given a chance to voice out their views and thoughts

about the intended activities and current issues that were on going.

There was a break for a scrumptious vegetarian lunch at the hotel’s

lounge and the session continued till about 5pm.

At the end of the session, the Exco put together a list of planned

activities for the branch to carry out for the year 2017.

10 – MINI SAMELAN 18 – 20TH

MAC 2017 at Gurdwara Sahib

Changkat, Batu Gajah


The year started off with Parchaar Division and the Youth division

working hand in hand to organise the first samelan for 2017. The

posters were out and the excitement was in the air. The youths were

eager to spend their first school holiday break 2017 at the samelan!

A bus was taken from Ipoh with 38 participants and 3 Sewadars on

board. The total turnout was 84 pax consisting of 63 participants and

21 sewadars some of whom were from Batu Gajah, Taiping, Penang

and Johor.

The main elements of the samelan which is the Simran, keertan, Japji

sahib and Rehraas was done on all the 3 days to cultivate the

participants to make it a daily practice. The inspirational sessions

were done by invited speakers like Veer Sukhinderpal Singh and

Veer Kirpal Singh both from Penang.

The group dynamics was handled by Veer Terlochan Singh and a

special session on Social Media crime by Veer Suvaran Singh (SP

PDRM Ipoh). Mighties were enlightened by Veer Basant Singh

assisted by 2 other sewadars from Penang.

The highlight of the samelan was the KAMPUNG Amazing Race,

which was organised by the youths led by Veer Sandeep Singh. The

Miri Piri participants were divided into groups and had tasks to carry

out in order to win the game. The Miri Piri had so much fun although

they were exhausted.

On the other Hand, a tele match was organised for the mighties by

penji Premjit, Bhagwant, Gurpinder, Veer Avtar & Prithipal. The kids

had an awesome time playing fun games.

The final day ended with lunch, after the games, followed by gotong

royong and participants left the grounds by about 3pm. We take this

opportunity to thank the Gurdwara committee and sanggat of Changkat

for all their support and sewa rendered for all the 3 days.

11 – SNSM Perak TURBAN BOOTH 30.4.17 at the Perak State


This time again in 2017, the state government thru YB Keshvinder

Singh invited SNSM Perak to take part in this event. SNSM Perak,

represented by Penji Premjit attended the organising team meetings

with other Perak NGOs and Gurdwaras from all over Perak.


Due to popular demand, SNSM Perak again decided to put up the

Turban Booth with same objectives as stated before for the 2016 open

house. However, the location of the open house was this time in


Once again the booth/tent was colourfully decorated with multi

colours depicting the colours of turbans. The event began at 2 pm and

people from all walks of life came to to tie turbans. Our volunteers

and sewadars Veer Avtar, Sandeep, Daaljit, Harinder, Kuldip, and

penji Swaran, Gurpinder, Premjit, Jaspreet and many more came to

help out with the sewa at the booth.

The booth was visited by the Perak MB, Dato Dr. Zambry Kadir and

he was amazed to see the various types of turbans being tied. He too

agreed that the Turban is a respectful “item” of a person may it be a

Muslim or a Sikh.

All the turbans were tied off in the 4 hours and the event ended at

around 5.30pm

We would like to thank WAHEGURU for his Kirpa for blessing us

with this SEWA.

We want to thank all the Sewadars who sacrificed their time and

committed themselves to join in the SEWA.

We want to thank all the Gurdwara Parbandhaks and sanggat for all

their support and sewa at all the events organised at their respective


24.3 Branches Report - Penang

24.3.1 Executive Committee (exco)

Jathedar : Sdr Harjinder Singh

Meet Jathedar 1 : Sdr Santok Singh

Meet Jathedar 2 : Vacant

Secretary : Sdr Hardeep Singh

Asst Secretary : Bibi Komaljeet Kaur

Treasurer : Sdr Chetvinder Singh

Asst Treasurer : Sdr Satvinder Singh

Committee Members

: Sdr Jovinder Singh

: Sdr SharadRam Singh

: Sdr Rickveen Singh

: Sdr Paramjit Singh (Pamey)

: Sdr Roshvinder Singh


: Sdr Jasvinder Singh

: Sdr Baldeep Singh

Ex-Officio : Sdr Kirpal Singh

24.3.2 Activities

1. 53rd

Annual Gurmat Parchaar Samelan 2016 (18th

Dec 2016 –


Dec 2016)

88 – 95 participants + sewadars attended the annual gurmat Parchaar

Samelan from the northern region. SNSM Penang arranged 2 busses

from the Northern Region ( Penang Island, Butterworth, Kulim, Sungai

Petani and Taiping )

2. New Year Eve Kirtan Darbar

This was a joint ventured with Wadda Gurdwara Sahib Penang.

Program took place on the 31st of December 2016 at Wadda Gurdwara

Sahib Penang

3. 26th

Penang Mini Samelan 2017 was held on 28th

- 30th


2017 (Chinese New Year Holidays )

More than 300 participants and sewadars attended this Mini Samelan

Penang 2017. Had lots of fun with IPS kirtan, Social & Gurmat classes

, Games, Langgar and etc. We had 4 busses and a van. 2 buses from

Kuala Lumpur area and one bus from Ipoh. One bus form the Northern

area (Sg. Petani, Kulim and Butterworth) and one van from Taiping.

4. Bibi Nasib Kaur

Bibi Nasib Kaur suffered a stroke on 6th

August 2016 and unable to

feed herself . she was admitted in Penang General Hospital. We

received a letter from her asking for help on 14th

August 2016. SNSM-

Penang Branch assisted her during her last days and she passed away

on 30th

August 2016.

5. Bibi Charan Kaur

Bibi Charan Kaur suffered from brain cancer and was also bedridden

since 9th

December 2016. She was unable to feed herself and cannot

walk.We received a received letter on 20th

December 2016 from her

daughter Branch asking for help. Her son, Jasvinder Singh is part of

our Exco members SNSM-Penang Branch assisted her and she passed

away on 22 February, 2017

6. Youth Kirtan Darbar

This program was held from 7pm till 8.30pm in:

-Wadda Gurduara Sahib Penang every Monday’s since November



-Butterworth Gurduara Sahib, Penang every Thursday since

November 2016.

-Gurduara Sahib Kulim every two Saturday’s since March 2017

-Gurduara Sahib Sungai Petani every two Saturday’s in May 2017

The sangat & number of local kirtanis continue to grow till date.

7. Penang Sabha Shoppe back to active since January 2017 where

by Sangat can get most of their Gurmat Items.

8. Nishkam Sewa given to SNSM (Penang Branch) on 4th


2017. We have been assisting 7 families


Held on 1st April 2017 (Saturday) at Jalan Persiaran Karpal Singh -

SNSM (Pg Branch) joined Penang State (Dewan Perpustakaan) from

2pm till 11pm . Promoting our Punjabi food (veg.) & Sikh



Held at Butterworth GS from 6am (asa di vaar) till 12noon

with kirtan. Kirtani jathas will be by choosen Local (north) & Invited

(local Malaysian) jatha’s .

11. Kirtan compilation and recording.

SNSM (Pg Branch) for the first time taking effort of DVD recording

compilation of Kirtan by choosen Local Youths. This idea & effort

will be as per motivation to youth keep moving and improve plus busy

with positive activities. Recording will be on the way by the end of

May 2017.

12. Gutkay

SNSM (Pg Branch) is making an effort getting hold of NITNEM &

Sukhmani Sahib path gutkey. These gutkay will be donated to all 13

Northern region Gurdwaras.

In the process, we will collect all old & torn Gutkey’s as well .This

sewa will take place by month of June 2017 .

Note: Meeting was held on the 25th

February 2017 with SNSM HQ

JATHEDAR , Dr Jasbir Singh & Meet Jathedar, Paramjeet Singh.To

discuss our events that we had contributed and are going to contribute

in the next upcoming events.



a) Amrit Sanchaar

b) Ekta Sports Tournament - Hockey , Football & Netball

(Under – 21 & Under – 12)

c) Kirtan / Kahta Tour - by 4 jathas to - east coast / 2 groups

Perak Satate / Northern Region

d) SNSM (Pg Branch) looking into and will assist our youth that

need guidenes and connections of future study or getting a job .

e) SNSM (Pg Branch) looking forward and planning to assist in

operating a small business (RM2,000 – RM4,000) for the talented and

needy applicants .

25 Thank you

Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia extends it heartfelt gratitude to the Sanggat, Gurdwaras

and their parbandakhs, and all organizations for their tireless assistance in making all

events a success. We especially thank the Gurdwaras for their willingness to join

SNSM in organizing many of the programs. None of our activities would exist if it was

not for the Sanggat.

Compiled and prepared by Approved by,

………………………………… ……………………………….

Amreeta Kaur Jasbir Singh

Secretary Jathedar