Tidak mahu terlepas rebut peluang bekerja di Kuwait dua kali untuk mencuba ... dengan sebuah...

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Publication: Berita Harian, p 9 Date: 4 April 2008 Headline: Wouldn't want to miss the chance to work in Kuwait

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Tidak mahu terlepas rebut peluang bekerja

SISWAZAH Univer- siti Pengurusan Singa- pura (SMU), Encik Charles Lau, 26 tahun, tidak pernah melawat Tirnur Tengah.

Namun, apabila mendapat tahu bahawa syarikat Alghanim Indus- tries di Kuwait sedang gi- at mencari kakitangan ba- ru dari SMU, beliau tidak berfikir dua kali untuk mencuba.

Malah, Encik Lau sanggup berhenti kerja se- bagai seorang auditor dengan sebuah syarikat perakaunan di sini kera- na ingin mencuba nasib- nya di sana.

"Timur Tengah adalah rantau yang sedang pesat membangun dan ini merupakan satu peluang yang menarik.

"Di Kuwait terdapat tenaga kerja asing yang besar, jadi ia memberi pe- luang untuk berinteraksi dan bekerja bersama orang daripada berbilang negara," kata Encik Lau.

Beliau lulus daripada SMU dalam jurusan per- akaunan dan pengurusan perniagaan tahun lalu.

Tarikan Kuwait juga terlalu kuat bagi maha-

di Kuwait siswa SMU seperti Encik Kelvin Choon, 24 tahun, dan Encik Cai Keli, 25 tahun.

Encik Choon adalah penuntut tahun keempat dalam ekonomi dan ke- wangan manakala Encik Cai adalah penuntut tahun keempat dalam ke- wangan dan operasi.

Masing-masing juga tidak pernah ke Timur Tengah sehmggalah dim- dang Alghanim Indus- tries untuk ke sana bagi menjalani satu sesi wa- wancara.

Alghanim telah men- gundang lapan pelajar SMU untuk ke Kuwait.

Seramai tujuh pelajar menyahut undangan tersebut. Kos lawatan mereka dibiayai sepenuh- nya oleh syarikat terse- but.

Di sana, mereka di- bawa melawat syarikat tersebut selain tempat penginapan bagi kakitan- gan dan berpeluang berkenalan dengan kaki- tangan Alghanim Indus- tries.

Para pelajar tersebut sedang menanti tawaran muktamad daripada Al- ghanim.

Encik Choon dan En- cik Cai yakin walaupun mereka tidak pernah ber- tugas di Timur Tengah, pengalaman merekamen- jalani program pertuka- ran asing dan program ke- nal suai di luar Singapu- ra akan membantu mere- ka menyesuaikan diri di mana saja mereka ber- ada.

"Saya rasa bekerja di Kuwait adalah lebih men- cabar tetapi dengan pen- galaman saya menjalani program kenal suai di si- ni serta program pertuka- ran pelajar di Perancis, akan membantu saya menyesuaikan diri di ma- na saja," kata Encik Cai.

Naib Presiden Ekseku- tif Alghanim Industries, Encik Zafar Mornin, pula memberitahu Ekoniaga beliau tertarik dengan pelajar SMU yang di- temubualnya kerana mereka mempunyai pen- galaman program kenal suai yang luas.

"Kami selalu menda- patkan calon dengan ke- layakan sarjana dan ini adalah kali pertama ka- mi mencungkil bakat sar- jana muda sahaja," kata Encik Zafar. - Oleh SURYANI OMAR.

INGIN REBUT PELUANG BARU: (Dari kiri) Encik Cai, Encik Choon dan Encik Lau berharap mereka dapat bekerja di Kuwait kerana tertarik dengan pertumbuhan pesat ekonomi di Timur Tengah.

Source: Berita Harian O Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

Publication: Berita Harian, p 9 Date: 4 April 2008 Headline: Wouldn't want to miss the chance to work in Kuwait

SMU graduate, Mr Charles Lau, 26 years old, had never visited the Middle-East.

However, when he came to know that a Kuwaiti company, Alghanim Industries, is actively recruiting new staff from SMU, he did not think twice about trying.

In fact, Mr Lau was willing to resign from his job as an auditor with an accounting firm here, to try his luck there.

"The Middle-East is a region that is rapidly developing and this is an attractive opportunity. In Kuwait, there is a large foreign worker population, so it provides an opportunity for interaction and working with people of various nationalities," said Mr Lau.

He graduated from SMU in Accountancy and Business Management last year.

Kuwait's attractiveness is also strong for SMU undergraduates like Mr Kelvin Choon, 24 years old, and Mr Cai Keli, 25 years old.

Mr Choon is a 4th year student in Economics and Finance, while Mr Cai is a 4th year student in Finance and Operations.

Both of them had never been to the Middle-East, until they were invited there by Alghanim Industries for an interview session.

Alghanim had invited 8 SMU students to Kuwait. In all, 7 students accepted the invitation. The cost of the trip was fully paid for by the company.

There, they were brought on a tour of the company, a visit to the staff accommodation, and had the opportunity to get acquainted with the staff of Alghanim.

The students are now waiting for an offer from Alghanim.

Mr Choon and Mr Cai are confident that, although they had never worked in the Middle-East, their experience undergoing overseas exchange programme outside Singapore will help them fit into wherever they may be.

"I feel that working in Kuwait will be challenging. However, my experience in having undergone a familiarization programme here, and an overseas student exchange programme in France, will help me fit in anywhere," said Mr Cai.

Alghanim's Executive Vice-president, Mr Zafar Momin, said that he is attracted to the SMU students whom he interviewed, for they demonstrated good knowledge of working in the company.

"We usually recruit candidates with Masters degree, and this is the first time that we are trying out the talents and capabilities of Bachelor degree holders only," said Mr Zafar.

Photo caption: Keen to grab new opportunities.

(From left) Mr Cai, Mr Choon and Mr Lau hope they will get to work in Kuwait, as they are attracted to the rapid economic growth in the Middle-East.

Source: Berita Harian O Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.