Tractus Digestivus

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Tractus Digestivus


1. Menjelaskan struktur histologi tongue, pharynx, teeth

esophagus, stomach, small intestine dan large


2. Menjelaskan hubungan antara struktur histologi

dengan fungsi

• Tractus gastrointestinalis terdiri dari• Tunika mukosa• Tunika submukosa• Tunika muskularis• Tunika serosa• Tunika mukosa • Dilapisi epithelium, epithelium bersandar pada • membrana basalis• Lamina propria • Muskularis mukosa selapis tipis sel otot

polos• Submukosa : jar ikat padat

• Tunika muskularis : lap tebal otot polos tersusun


• internal: circular

• external:longitudinal

• Tunika serosa: jar ikat longgar ditutup epithelium

selapis pipih ( mesothelium )

• Pada beberapa tempat yang berhubungan dengan

organ lain serosa diganti adventitia tidak ditutup


Fungsi Tractus Digestivus

1. Memfasilitasi barier selektif permeabel

2. Memfasilitasi transport dan pencer mknan

3. Mengabsorbsi hasil digesti

4. Menghasilkan hormon yang mempengar aktivitas

sistem digesti

5. Menghasilkan mukus u/melumasi & proteksi

The digestive system

Major and layers organization of the digestive tract


Tongue and lingual papillae

Lingual papillae

Taste buds

• Sel enteroendocrin

• di stomach ........ Ghrelin.. meningkatkan nafsu makan

• G-pylorus.......... Gastrin.. Stimulasi asam lambung

• S-usus kecil....... Secretin..Secresi pancreatic

bicarbonat dan air

• Dpylorus ,duodenum....Somastatin..menghambat

sel endokrin dan sel lokal


Dentin and odontoblasts

Ultrastructure of dentinal tubule

Ameloblasts and enamel

Tooth formation



Regions of the stomach

Wall of the stomach with rugae

Gastric pits and glands

Pyloric glands

Gastric glands

Parietal cells and chief cells

Ultrastructure of parietal cells

Synthesis of HCl by parietal cells

Ultrastructure of parietal, chief, and enteroendocrine cells

Absorptive surface of the small intestine

Plicae ciculares (folds) of the jejunum

Intestinal crypts or glands

Intestinal crypts or glands

Cells covering the villi

Lipid absorption and processing by enterocytes

Paneth cells

Microvasculature, lymphatics, and muscle in villi

Duodenal (Brunner) glands

Small intestine muscularis and myenteric plexus

Small intestine muscularis and myenteric plexus

Large intestine (colon)

Wall of the large intestine

Mucosa of the large intestine (colon)


Mucosa of the recto - anal junction

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