Tugasan 4 kpt 6044( pembacaan & penilaian kendiri)

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Transcript of Tugasan 4 kpt 6044( pembacaan & penilaian kendiri)


(KPT 6044)







1. What is the key components of the framework for 21st century learning?

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has developed a vision for student success

in the new global economy.

2 1 st Century Student Outcomes

To help practitioners integrate skills into the teaching of core academic subjects, the

Partnership has developed a unified, collective vision for learning known as the

Framework for 21st Century Learning. This Framework describes the skills, knowledge

and expertise students must master to succeed in work and life; it is a blend of content

knowledge, specific skills, expertise and literacy’s. Every 21st century skills

implementation requires the development of core academic subject knowledge and

understanding among all students. Those who can think critically and communicate

effectively must build on a base of core academic subject knowledge. Within the context

of core knowledge instruction, students must also learn the essential skills for success in

today’s world, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication and

collaboration. When a school or district builds on this foundation, combining the entire

Framework with the necessary support systems—standards, assessments, curriculum and

instruction, professional development and learning environments—students are more

engaged in the learning processed graduate better prepared to thrive in today’s global


Core Subjects and 21st Century Themes

Mastery of core subjects and 21st century themes is essential to student success. Core

subjects include English, reading or language arts, world languages, arts, mathematics,

economics, science, geography, history, government and civics. In addition, schools must

promote an understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st

century interdisciplinary themes into core subjects:

• Global Awareness

• Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy

• Civic Literacy

• Health Literacy

• Environmental Literacy

Learning and Innovation Skills

Learning and innovation skills are what separate students who are prepared for

increasingly complex life and work environments in today’s world and those who are not.

They include:

• Creativity and Innovation

• Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

• Communication and Collaboration

Information, Media and Technology Skills

Today, we live in a technology and media-driven environment, marked by access to an

abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools and the ability to collaborate

and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. Effective citizens and

workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills, such as:

• Information Literacy

• Media Literacy

• ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy

Life and Career Skills

Today’s life and work environments require far more than thinking skills and content

knowledge. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the

globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to

developing adequate life and career skills, such as:

• Flexibility and Adaptability

• Initiative and Self-Direction

• Social and Cross-Cultural Skills

• Productivity and Accountability

• Leadership and Responsibility

2 1 s t Century Support Systems

Developing a comprehensive framework for 21st century learning requires more than

identifying specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies. An innovative

support system must be created to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities

that will be required of them. The Partnership has identified five critical support systems

to ensure student mastery of 21st century skills:

• 21st Century Standards

• Assessments of 21st Century Skills

• 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction

• 21st Century Professional Development

• 21st Century Learning Environments

2. What is the six basic categories of media and the key features of each?

The six basic categories of media are:-

i. Text

The most commonly used medium, is composed of alphanumeric characters that

computer screen and so on.

ii. People

People are critical to learning.

Students learn from teachers, others students and adults.

iii. Manipulatives (objects)

This is another form of media uses in teaching and learning process although

often not considered as the media. Real objects and models are examples of three-

dimensioned manipulative used to stimulate students learning process.

iv. Audio

Commonly used in learning,

Includes anything you can hear.

Examples:- a person voice, music, mechanical sound ( running car engine), noise

It may be live or recorded

v. Video

Video is a visual as well as audio audio medium that shows motion and can be

stored on DVDs, in streamed videos from the internet, as computer animation.

vi. Visuals

Regularly used in learning and include diagrams on a computer screen, drawing

on a whiteboard, photographs, graphics in book, cartoons

3. What are the primary features of the eight types of literacy needed by today’s students?

The primary features of the eight types of literacy needed by today’s students are:-

i. General literacy

Teacher need an understanding of general literacy, or the ability of a student to

comprehend or decode information and to use, transform, and create new

information. As you follow the ASSURE model to develop lesson plans, always

include opportunities for students to build general literacy knowledge and skills.

ii. Text literacy

If current growth patterns continue, the “digital universe” of information is

predicted to double in size every 18 months (Farmer,2009). Students will need

text literacy skill to use text-based resources as a means to gather, interpret and

communicate information.

iii. Computer literacy

Encompasses the knowledge and skills teachers need to select and use technology

to enhance learning opportunities for their students. This includes knowing how to

operate system and how to recognize and find to hardware and software


iv. Distance learning literacy

Distance learning literacy comprises three main components that are applicable

when teachers and students are separated by time or distance: designing and

facilitating learning experiences, modeling and promoting learning and

responsibility, and engaging in lifelong learning.

v. Cyberlearning literacy

Cyberlearning involves the use of a variety of technology tools to connect

students with people and resources beyond the boundaries of a normal classroom

setting. To maximize their learning in this environment, students need

cyberlearning literacy, or the knowledge and skills to be successful in the use of

these tools.

vi. Visual literacy

Textbooks, workbooks, digital media, newspapers, books and magazines are filled

with visual images. In order for students to learn for visual media included in your

instruction, they will need visual literacy skill, or the learned ability to interpret

and create visual messages accurately.

vii. Audio literacy

Audio has always been an important aspect for teaching, and lecturing or verbally

presenting information to students is still a key role of teachers. Students need

audio literacy skills to understand the role of hearing and listening in learning. In

addition, as technology becomes increasingly influential in classroom, they must

also have the skills to create audio.

viii. Video literacy

With its increasing accessibility in digital format such as DVD and downloadable

files, video is being integrated into teaching and learning activities with greater

frequency. To learn effectively from video, students will need video literacy skills

to understand and evaluate video messages and to create video that appropriately

achieves the intended outcomes.