Tun Isak Berakah: The Braggadocio Who Became...

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Transcript of Tun Isak Berakah: The Braggadocio Who Became...

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia


o leh Syed ZuInida UniveuitI Malay •.

ThaI delightful work by Tun SeTi Lanang, SU/lIlalu'sSa/atin , com· mon ly kno,""n as Tht' Malay Atltlau, abounds with a host of characters both mythological and historical.

Despit e tbe fact that some characters have been enveloped in mythic gamH~ nls by the hands of Time through the machinations of human nature to glorify and sancti· fy them as representing certain quali ties wort hy of worship or hero-worship , there is no doubt that a few have their fect fixer! firmly on hislOncai ground . One of these historical figures is Tun Isak" Bcrabh, the stubborn, pretentious. indomitable, and somewhat ececn­tric Ikndahara of the old Jahore empire.

It is worthwhile to recall an event in his childhood days when Tun Isak rt"cei\'t'd his sobriquet 'Berabh ·. the Hoastful or as I wou ld prefer, the Braggadocio, an epithet phonetically akin to Hem· kah!

On o ne unusually sultry day during the reign of Sultan ~Iansur Shah of Mala cca, a great calamity be.fdl the stat e - the palace was suddenly o n fire. The Suit.lIt and the queen and ot her occupants of the palace managed to escape. le:wing all the properties in the palace. Many peop le camt· to rescue the royal belongings only to be frustrated by the melted t in from


the roof of th e palace. But the Bendahara Tun Perak, a daunt less lTlan in any adversity, ordered the removal o f the sultan's belongings at once. It \\~J.s then that young men from the nobilit )' rushed in to salvage whafe\'Cr precious things from the palace. Says th e Mala), Annals:

That w;u the time when nuny IOni o f the nobility reed\'Cd nil:k~me.: the tiru to go into the palace was Tun Ink who hUrTiedl)' led the otheTi in. 10 carry the .ultan'. vroperty o ut. but that ... ·u !he only time he .... nI!and would RO no more forhe ... .,..,c;arcd;heWllsgivcnthename Tun Ink !he B<».tful. Tun Mai would go too. bl.n he w;os afraid that hi, body·haj. would be linged bn::ause his whole body .... ;u hairy; he was nicknamed Tun Mai the Caterpillar. As for Tun I h .... hi"'. h" would h""e liked to help too but could only circ le !he palace; he w: .. c .. Ued Tun Ibn· him Who Circled !he lIea>'("n •. AI for Tun Muh .. m.n;ul he h .. d only to go iota the p"l;ace o " ce to come ou t with :u much aJ

two Of th ..... "ther men camed between them; henc e he w:u given the rume of Tun Muhammad the ~mel. As for Ibn~ In .... hik other people "'nlt in once. he went in .. nd aU ! two or th,e .. timn; that ..... , wh~' he ... as fUc lr.namcd Illng .... !Ie~jmble.

There ;ife two ,'C"ioOl in !he sptlliog of ·h",I,,'. Another is 'hap' which is found in the Shdl~bca. edition of the .\few)' A .... eu. The writer uscs 'h"k'. the Ipcl · lillj( llsed in Wirutedt's edi tion, sec Wins· tedt, "The ~Ialay Annals or s.,j ...... h ~I claru . The E .. . liclt Recenlion from MS. no. 18 o f the R.offlu CoUectio n in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Soci.,)·. Londo n", IMBRAS. 16 pt. , (1 9'8) 1 ·226.

The preferred speJliI\lt closely relemblel t he com mon ·I~ .. k· o. ·Isahak·.

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia


Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

For this urly venture of his he was given the nickname 'Bttakah'. From then on the nickname stuck to him which indirectly or psy­chological l)' became the principal mould of his character, egoistic and aggreS5ive, stubborn and un· yielding, persistent and dominant.

Tun Isak Berakah was the son of Tun KllOja Ahmad (Bendahara Po:.duka Raja II) and Data Dacal. KllOja Ahmad succeeded his father Tun Mat Paduka Tuan (Bendahara Lubuk Batu) the last Bendahara of MaJacca who died at Segamat in 1511. Tun ~tal Paduka Tuan was a son of Tun Perak Bendahara P::aduka Raja the 'king·maker'. Tun Ink Dc:rakah assumed the offiee of Bendahara after the death of his fat.her, ~rhaps ::a year after the seat of the M::alay empire was removed 10 Kampar from 8entan.

When he was yet a teenager Tun Isak enlisted himself as a squire to t.he HulubaJang Besar l

Seri Bija Diraja Tun Harnzah (popularly known as Datuk Bong· kok) who was one of the three joint-commanders (with Paduka Tuan Tun Mat and Laksarnana Bang Tuah) of a nominal fleet to drive the Ant navaJ forces out of Malaccan waters. This was around 1480 during the reign of Sultan Ala'ud·din Riayat Shah. At a sea battle ncar Pulau Arang­amng (in the vicinity of present day Pan Dickson) the Seri Bija' diraja's boat, on board of which was Tun lsak, was attacked by three or four Aru men-o'-war. After some fierce fighting, all on board took to the water except Seri -Oija'diraj:l and Tun Isak Berakah. The Malay annals descri· bed Vtith penetrating insight Tun


Isak's impetuosity ag-dinst the patio ence and calmness of Seri Bija' diraja in moments of danger:

.. , lie and the Sui Blja'dinr,ja d>d not jump ovcrboud lik.c the crew but uood futln the ship,lho\Ip. themmofHaru hAd boarded it and made thell'lKh~1 mUla-, of t..Jf the forcpan of thc vuxl. And Tun I ..... sa.id 10 the Stti Bijlo'd~, "Now then, chid, kt ... _Itack th~,e

Haru men!" But the Sc:ri Bij&'.my. rep' lied, ~Wait a whUe,~ When the IIaN men bad advanced U f.... U the mainmut. Tun hak cried, "Come, JctuJalcao::kl" But the Scri Bi,ia'dlrajlo anrwttcd, "h'l no t the momCllt yet," By thil time Ihe men of Baru had come much ~,and Ipin T'\uI 4all cried, "Come, chicf, leI u, at, uck'" Bul Sni BIja'dir'a,j& rcplkd, "Wail Iwhik, my friend, it', not yet the riJl'll moman," and he went into the cabin. Then IIId Tun ls&k. "for .tamt! 1 thou­chi thb Scri Bija'diJVa ...... I brave man and thll iI wily 1 e.me abovd hil ,hip! Had I but known be was _ coward, 1 .hould have done: better to 10 lboard the .tIip of the l.aU&mana1" And now the trim of Haru had pmeUlled &J f .... &I

the mlra.nce to the covered put of the Ihlp, whm the Scri Bi,ia'diraj& came: out and Aid to Tun bu., "Now then, Muter lu..lr., come: onl The motrlml hUIrr1ved!" Tun , ..... IlfC'cd, and the two of them fell upon Ihe enemy, The men of HaN broke and fled and jumped ovcrboud. Some of

I. Tne of ria of Hwb.bd4~ B~IQ' (Gcnenl of the Imperial CuanIJ) wu one: of Jl'ell imporune:e in the minUlerill hierarchy of M&1.II;(:I,. He wu fOtJ.rdi in imp«tance dIU the Bcnd&h&ra, the Penpulu Ben· daJuri and the Teme~. In court he wu the bearer of the Iwgtd OfUale, hil position beu. in the pllay. It ..... 1&lcr that he shared thil rnpol\libility with thc l..a.Ir.um.lJll., who was c1CVlled eqy.al in ltatU. &I the lIu1ubalan, BeAr, It II cor· rcct 10 ulWne thaI the earliest 'Onn, Baar Empll' conlilted of the,e (OW' peT'

IOtI.&fCI, The lqendaty aura and p!'owcs, of ~ H ... Tu.a.b and hi, IUC ·

ccu.on phu the achlevemenu of JoW..xa U a maritime powa IOOmewhat IJ\&de the po.tofLawlJ\&n.&pduallyediplcdthlt of tbe Hulubunl Baa •. Thll offKe, in fac::t became cJ:tift('t in IUCc«dinc Muy IUIlan.&leL Hence the prexnl mi.Jeon· ccption of the INC componcnu of the 'Oralll Baar Emplt'.

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

than torb't::lted to their own &hip. po.a'lu.cd by the Sai Bija'~a and Tun Jail wbo boarded the.nipandcaptu~d It,l

Apart from possessing the tern· per and temerity of a young Malac· can warrior, Tun Isak also showed a shrewd understanding of human nature and a practical sagacity in solving problems. particularly those involving near rdatives and royal· ty. Sometime during the early reign of SuJtan Mahmud Shah, when MaJacca was wdl administe­red by the Bendahara Tun Perak and the Temenggung Tun Mutahir, the Sultan found plenty of time for amusements especially with his favourites, among whom was the Seri Wak Raja the youngest son of Tun Perak. He was a dandy, a skill­ed horseman and a tamer of de­phants but an incorrigible procras­tinator of time. Whenever Sultan Mahmud went out for pleasure in the royal barge, he would stop on his way and send for the Seri Wak Raja to accompany him. Though he would wait at the landing­stage as long as 'it takes to cook pot after pot of rice', still the Seri Wak Raja did not appear, for it was his wont, when a (oyal summons came, to delay as long as he could.

To cure the Seri Wak Raja of this bad habit, the Sultan sent Tun Is3k Berakah to fetch him. To generate action from the Seri Wak Raja this was what Tun Isak did:

AI JOOn ... Tun I.-II. rached thor holUC:, he would .ay, "Chid. the Raja calli you." The Sai Wa.Ir. R.p would uy, "Very well" and forthwith to into the hoUIoC. But Tun laak knew the Sni Wall. Raja', wayt, and he would uk for a mat .0 that hor could lie down on the: .... nndah. Then he would about, "'leU the: Oald 1 would lilr.e 101M rice, I'm hullFY": and ri~ would bot proridcd forthwith by the Scri Wall. ~ Then when Tun hair. bad uten he would lay that he W1I thint)'


and miaht he baY\!: IOmcthirwl ADd the Sal Wat Raja woWd .. y, ''Thor bJr. hu only to IoCnd Tun lAir. bac aOO. then't no end to whu be _nul Bri..Q( __ my dothal" The Sc:rl Wat Raja. woWd theo don forthwith hit prone. jacket, bad­ckuh, Ir.ria and tca:f, leave the bolllC and mab his _y to joint SWta.o IoWuoud Shah, with whom be ...... JUC.b a fa""" rite that Sultan Mabmud Ihab would lolenle any tort of bcbavkl\.u" from him.'

The same Seri Wak Raja had a favourite white pony which he stabled in a bay of the gallery of his house. If anyone wanted to borrow this pony for a ride in the moonlight, the 8m Wak Raja would lend it, but no sooner had the borrower ridden the pony two or three courses than the pony would relurn to its stable. It wu omy Tun Isak Bernkah that could bartow that pony as he wished.

When be bonowcd It and bad bHn brou· ,bt bacll to the atable &ftutwo orthn:e counel, he would .. y to the Scri Wall R.j .. •• anendanU. "'Tell the Chief I am thinty and will he piChe pvc me .ome­thinf." The 5cri Wair. R-.la woulddo ... be a.lled When he twi twi wbat bot ......ued Tun 1u.Ir. would AY, "Can I take the pony out apin for anothu rick1" And when the Sai Wall Raja &pHd, Tun hair. would ride the pony two Of tluee couna and the pony would briot: him baclr. ap1n to the Scri Wall Raja'. bouac. WhemlPOIl Tun hat Bcnlr.ah would uy to the Sc:rl Wall Raja'i attcndantJ, "'TeD the Chkf I am bunpy and will he: pleue let me have IOIDC rice." And the Sal W .... Raja would provide rice_ After he: bad eaten TUn lP.Ir. would apin 10 out and afler he had ridden the pony two or tlvce eouna, baeIr. the pony wou.ld brine him .pin. Tun !sal acnb.h wOl'lJd then .... for IOmcth~ wbich pve the Sal Wa.Ir. Raja lOme trouble to providor, wbc:rcupon

2. C.C.Brown (ttamLI, Oxford ,~ty /"raJ. Kuala Lumpur, 1970, pp. 1IS-14.

S. Brown., SIjuGh MI-~u or M.J.y A",.."," p.l-ZO.

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Ih~ Sui W.k R..ij.a would uy. MTUII luk h .... only 10 COm~ 1Kr~ and thn~·, no rod 10 wlul he w""IS! Tdl him 10 lake Ih" pony for u long u hc .. .,.lIn and rid~ il Ih" whok nichll'· lUn luk Bcnbh would ~~~I.'tke Ih" ponr .nd ride il th~ whole

About thc ycar 1500 Sulean Mahmucl ordcred the Paduka Tuan, Tun Isak's grandfathcr. to altack Manjong in Pemk. Tun Isak was a membcr of that succcs.sful expedi· tion. After the conqucst of Man· jong, th e l'dduka Tuan stopped at Beruas, a yassal stale of M:a1acca. and had his grandson, Ihat is, Tun Isak marricd Pulcri Sita , a sister of the Raja of Beruali. It was this marriage that laid the foundation of the llendahara lIouse in Perak in 1528 or a few years later when Raja Muzaffar. the oustcd heir of Mahmud. became the first sultan of Perdk. One of Tun Isak Bemkah's sons, Tun r-.tah­mud thc Scd Agar Raja. who ruled Sclangor C\'Cnlually becamc the first Dendahara of Perak. Another son, Tun Dayazid, became Uenda­ham of Jahorc styled Bendahara Sen Mahamja II; a daughter marricd Tun Mahmud Ihe Tun Namwangsa.

After the death by execution of Ocndahara Tun I\ lutahir and close members of his famil}' in 1510. the o ld Paduka Tuan Tun Mat reluctantly accepted the post of Bcndahara on the insistencc of Sultan Mahmud who tried to revert the pOst to the Malay Ilendahara family from the hands of the Ind ian house who held thc Bendaharaship for about a decade. Tun Mat, decrepit and paralyzed, was stylcd Bendahara Paduka Tuan. His son, Kh oja Ahmad. became Tun Pikrama. a


title for the SUCCC5sor the Benda­hamship and his grandson, Tun hak Bcrakah, who possessed no title bcfon=, was e1eyated to thc position of Paduka Tuan, a t itle and status which would entitle him to the esteemed appointment latcr on. Tun hak Bcmkah might have been onc of the primc movcrs in getting back thc Bendahara· sh ip to the MaJay house. Though hc was a very junior mcmber of the great Bend:\hara Family of Tun· Pcrak. still he was the most \'ocal and sharp in judgemcnt as well as in action. In addition to ttl .. t he might have had the backing of his uncle. Tun Mai Ulat Bulu who was Tcmcnggung of l\·lalacca. his gmnd-unclc the Seri Wak Raja who was the Sultan '5 favourite and other members of the House who held important positions in court. Their oycrwc1ming numbers aJone was sufficient for Sultan Mahmud to act accordingly.

When the Portuguesc invadcd ~'laJacca in 151 I, the MaJays fought bmvc1y emulating their leaders who were members of the aristocracy. This attack, Like a bolt from the blue. must havc joltcd lhe elite of Malacca from their slumber and carefrce life. We find Sultan Ahmad himself leading his army inlO the fray and likewise other mcmbers of the nobility in· cluding Tun Isa k Berakah fought battle after baltic during !.he day and retiring during the night in the lIall of Audience to hear and be cnlj,·cn by the IJikayat Amir /Jam· zall and lIikayat Muhammad flaM­

fiah, romances of two famous Muslim heroics of old. Even at that criticaJ point in time we find

4. ibid .. p. 12'.

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Tun lsak the peninent penon that he was. Earlier Tun Indra Sagona, a courtier of Sultan Ahmad, could only acquire from the ruler the Romance of Amir I-Iamzah, saying that Sultan Ahmad would have given them the Romance of Muhammad Hanafiah but fearing that the bravery of the gentlemen of the court would fall short of the bravery of Muhammad Hana· fiah, he gave the Romance of Arnir Hamzah hoping that their bravery would be such as the bravery of Harnzah. This attitude of the Sultan was criticised by Tun Isak Berakah who remarked, ,. Represent humbly to the Ruler that he has spoken amiss. tr he will be as Muhammad Hanafiah, we will be as war-chief Baniar: if his bravery is as that of l>.luhammad Hanafiah, ours will be as that of war-chic:f Baniar." And when Tun Indra Sagara took this message from Tun lsak Berakah to Sultan Ahmad, the king smiled and gave them the Romance of Muhammad lIanafiah instead.

Malacca fell and the sultanate moved to Bentan where a new cabinet of minis ten were appoin. ted, after Sultan Ahmad had been 'put away' by his father, Sultan ~'lahmud, who assumed control after a brief sdf~xile, Tun Isak's fathe r was appointed Bendahara while Tun Mai Ulat Bulu retained his Temenggung portfolio, Tun Hamzah, the son of the murdered Tun Tahir was made Treasurer succeeding his father in the same post. Hang Nadim became the new Laksamana or Admiral of the Fleet dter the death of Khoja Hussain. At the court of Bentan, Tun Isak's position was that of a


minister, perhaps with greater pr~· tige than the other ministen of state becawe the title of Paduka Tuan was an exceptionally es· teemed positon, His domineering demeanour, perhaps, played a vital role in creating an aura of sub· Iimity to the title. On this issue we shall sec presently.

In 1521, Sultan Mahmud scnt out a two·pronged punitive expe· dition to invest Malaeea; one party led by the Paduka Tuan Tun bale. Berakah and Sultan Abdul Jalil of Inderagiri, Mahmud's son·in·law, while the naval forces were under the command of Laksamana Hang Nadim. Sultan Mahmud's war ele­phant. Didam Selia, was brought from Muar to assist in storming the Portuguese fortress of Malacca. Unfortunately the Paduka Tuan and Sultan Abdul Jalil were in disagreemen t over their schedules of action, and as a result the whole forces were recalled. The quarrel between these two commanders began prior to the attack on Malac· ca, during an incident relating to the beating of the nabat drums of Sultan Abdul Jalil in the presence of the Paduka Tuan, such action being tantamount to his admitting that the Sultan of Inderagiri was his master. not the Sultan of Bentan.5

5. The ori.pn o( the quam:1 Ii rewed In the MaUry AnnaLr:

On a pleasule aip to Pulau Sabul the Padub Tu,n and Sultan Abdul Jali! o( In<kn(iri _nl ash«e. Th'1 evenina the Incknairi men bloUChl the royal drum &Ad '"Ie

aboul 10 IOW\d it when Sultan Abdul JaW forbade them. laYinI, "[)on'1 bQl Inc cSrwn yet, the l'adub Than it "ill hac.... But the Padub Tuan rq)licd, "kat on, (or we ao 10 mcet the enemyl" Very wcu. If ynu lay 10," Kid Sultan Abdul Jalil, and fonhwilh the rlrst notQ on the royal drum

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

This strange rdationship was fur­ther aggravated by a letter to the Paduka Tuan from Sultan Mahmud, who had earlier received a report from Sultan Abdul Jalil 'highly commending Sang Setia but dis· paraging the Paduka Tuan'. The royal epistle to the Paduka Tuan did not even mention his name but merdy ran as follows:

If • m.n MY' hb vak".U' b pealer than thai ot tf.amqh ud Ali, and if h( ... y. his knowl(~ It pealer than thai of =-: ~~i':I~b ;:~fO u-~~Ig ""f( lOund(d, Tbereupon 1M Potdub Tuan ""nl back 10 bia .tUp. Tfw;n ... ld Sultan Abdul J.lil, "I haY<' be(n in.wlm by tbe: Potdu.ka Tuan. I realitfli Ibal M could 1'101 very wdl be pf'UC'nl wlKn Ih( royal drum w .. b(in, bnun in my bonOl.ll', and that I, why I Hid il wu fIOl 10 be beal(lI. Wby IMn diU uW,. \U 10

beat tM dnim dld he: fon..,.,ith n:Nm 10 hU !.hlp? W .. it not be:ca~ h( wbbed to ItIJWI trIIe?" WlI(n l1oI( Padula Tuan ~ 10 bear what Suttan Abdul Jalil had Hid, he: oiuavm, Mil it u..dy thaI I couJdwithproprlctY&1nndtbcbeat!ni of the: drum for Ihr Raja of lndrnpi1" When Sultan Abdul Jalil c:aJnr to ho::u what the hdulr.a Tuan h.ad ... id, hU C(lnl­

menl __ , "'Of C(lUflC tho:: Padul Tuan coukt nol a.a.iIt It I o::nt'mony in my honour. That w .. why I .ud tho:: drum WlU nol to be: braun, Why tbrn did he IrUWlobealic1"

The: above is an intert:sting study in Malay court customs of bygone days and an insight of the: strange: workings of the: Paduka TlJ3,n'l mind. Note: that the Paduka Tuan then was not yet the Benda· hara who usually had this spe:cial prt:rogative,

This criticism of the Paduka Tuan Tun (sak Be:rakah by Sultan Mahmud Shah is certainly are:· fert:nce to the: Paduka Tuan's roremost weakness, The Paduka Tuan, on this occasion. might havc taken some:one:'1 challenge or taken the initiative himself to prove his


worth al the Paduka Tuan, the grandson of the worthy warrior, the first Paduka Tuan, by le:ading the: Malay fotl~es against Portugue:le Malacca. All the$(: while the: task of investing the fortrt:ss and Portu­guese shipping was Idt in the: hands of the: Laksamana. The letter chiding him must have ge:nerate:d from his failure t o (ulril his boastful prumises!

This de:rogatory remark must have: hun the: Paduka Tuan to the quick for on the:ir retum to Bentan he: did not hesitate to reply with much excuses and a little: sting to the account given by Sultan AbuulJalil.

Whfn Sultan M.ahlOLld Shah .... rd Sulbon AbdulJlJU how th( fichtirc had lono::,

Sultan Abdul Jalil pvr him • tuu ac.cOUOI of Ie and Jaid, "If oNy tho:: Padub Tuan had brrn willi"" 10 acud!; on thai Thur., day nilhl whn~ .. Srtiaddivo::redhil anack, t fano::y il would have roor tw-d with Malaca." \\1\(n SuIW\ Mahlllud Shah bard Ihr ...,.d. of SulW\ Abdul Jalil he: wu very anpy wilh lhe: Padub T .... n. And Iho:: Padub Tuan kndl and did obrwno::r to Sullin Mahmud Stw., Then he lumcd and conflonl(d SulW\ Abdul JaIlI, and wd, "Now Ihm, Sultan Abdul J"m, hac: am I Como:: to pr(1C01 mynlf brfor( the Ra~ and you IrU him whal il nOI truo::. Evo::n if I did "ITer 10 altack on tla! Thuud.ay n!&hI,lhCl'( w .. a veal norm 1b.r.1 niJhl &lid wb.at wu I, an old man, 10 do? So far from brin, abk 10 fil;hl, il wu alii could do 10

pull my blanket oyer mel But OD that friday .1 did you nnl fer how Bidam Sctia bro"( a NI" when I drOYo:: him ac Malaoca fo rt? You thint. lhal brcawr you &n: Ihe Ruler'. favourilr IOn·in-law, you (:aD $.Iy anythirw you pInK. }'o. you I haV( no fU1, bo",,"a' IOLIch you may cuTie !Dr, Th( only man I fr;u i. tho::

6. Saiyid "I, lIaq rdrn 10 the t(nth crntury fUfi, tluain ihn Mansur, brtler known III AI ·UaUaJ, who WlU u«utm by Caliph Mu"cadir o f B~d&d for r(~tinl 'A~'· tlaq' (I am the Trulh). which wa. rrprdrd .. ha"C11ca1 b)' orthodo" Muslim doclon.

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Rwa. he: i.t my Uqe lord. The idcaofthe: R.;. of Indat.airi abo bdna: m, mallerl If you wanl 10 nib! t Am fftdy!" Wbc:.a Swtan Abdw Jalil bald. the _rdl of the Paduu Tul.ll he bowtd IW head l.a

=~1 and Sull&.D WaIuDvd MkI .DOl a

It is indeed strange that sucta remarks by the Paduka Tuan could have passed unchallenged. Yes, indeed, it did! For the tongue of the Paduka Tuan Tun Isak Berakah was a formidable weapon, let alone the influence and n:spect he possessed among the other war­chiefs_ Even his page-boy was a. symbol of his power and authority.'

Bentan WilS destroyed by the Portuguese in 1526, and Sultan Mahmud removed to Kampar. There the Bendahara Paduka Raja Tun Khoja Ahmad died and the seat of authority was assumed by Tun lsak Berakah who became Bendallara Paduka Tuan II. In 1528 Sultan Mahmud Shah died leaving the throne to his younger son Raja Ali the son by Tun Fati­mah, daughter of the murdered Bendahara Tun Mutahir. This cho· ice ..... -as made by Mahmud on the insistent of the prince's mother, his favourite wife. Raja Ali was proclaimed Sultan Ala 'ud-din Ria· yat Shah D. The elder Raja Muzaf­far, Mahmud's son by a Kdantan princcss, was sent to Perak where he founded the Perak royal house. He had himself installed with the full regalia of the old Malacca sultanate, .....-hich to this day are in possession of the sultanate of Peral. 9

Sultan Alauddin did not like Kampar so a massive exodus began and the fint place he went to was Pahang where he married a princeu, Kesoma Dewi. Not

long after, the royal encourage came to Hujung Tanah Oohore) where Alauddin established his new focus of the Malay sultanate. Pek.an TUil was open and forts were built at Sungai Telor. all

7. Brown. SIj~ Nd.y,. '" AWtty "nub, pp.17U.

a. An ineickn! wW darly .now tbc a.lml of powu ellaciaed by tbc Pa.dub Tuan.

Ourirll the U21 npcdilion Jed by Paduu TU&n, the iknWl Jhipl: fe:U In with. &hip of BNnei and looled it. lakin&: capti-.cl ... wd!. On the Labamana'i adviee:, hMa Tuan ordnc:d &II lnw..· tiption to be made: of th_ who have: taken c::apti¥cJ in ax tbc RWcr dlould inquil'e. The: I...akamana forthwilh took half th( nllmbe of Q,ptivea hom cw:.h thlp. All arrud to thi.t ananranml a.cc:pl S .... Selia who would nol bow down to lhe: orden of another war-dtid e:qu.&I In pm. u be WU. "N(Yer were: the: doinp of OnE -.r-chld inquired into by anD­

tha. M he: aaid. The UJr.a.m.-u rqlOnc:d lhit to the 'aduu 1U&n. wIIo thc:n or· dered hil p.cw,oy to 10 and qUClUoo Sane: Se:U&. Wbe:n he amved ~ Setia uid. "For the: Paduu Tuan', pqt:-boy to q-.tion me u but zilbt and pOpa'. But tIK ubatna.D.a · no! for be b. wu· duc:fand.oUll II"

9. ThU II IltVI(r;! If Alauddin __ the 'ricbtful' hdr the teplia would be: In hU .-,-ion. and tbc Jobon: royal b_ would be: the QUtodi&JI, But tbc Johore: royal hou.-e hu none of mac: iterzu. The royal rqaIia indudc amone other thinpthe foUowinJ:

the: rep.! dnuzll (~'" IIObII'). tbc:pipc:.(rt.efiriJ,!he:fkltea(,m",.( and b.,.,rlJ, the bctd bOll (puaa,..,. 1IIn<J, the: .-is (c4ora# _Jdini), the IWOI'd (pnb,.J...,). tbc ICeptfe (by,. p",j,J, the: jewel ( .. ~), the: '~t chiri'. the teal of Iwe (eMp 4a.lilirIJD). the kris ilq: ThAh, and the: umbtdla (,.bo,.....b~). All tbQC were ~.m in a boll alIed.a.,..:-.

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

II U my con}ec:tuR: thai Muz.alfu mUll haw apprvpri&led thc lnsicnia of royally u a mark of R:Wfn(C wilh the uUstanee of a powaful court official.. I could poInl to ooly twO peraoru: the Bcn4ahan Padub Tuan Tun lIak knbh VId/ or the I..&bamana llanc Nadim.. BOlh Tun I .. k &lid Hanc Nadim, on a numbC'f or occulonl had bun n,buud by Sultan Mahmud for d .. :it 6cfau &I the hand, of the POrtuPCK. Both, u WU Nlural, hated the Indlan lfouM: of which RaP. Ali (Sultan Alaucldin) 10 become ruler of thc Ma.br ,ullanuc without qidmate ..anctific:&tion and without poneilion of the repli&. ltanc Nadim eou ld be a Ntunr.1 accomplice bteauM: one of hiI wivct wu the youD,er sUter of the Kdantan prince .. (Muuffu' l mother) and he _I therdoR: uncle to Mu:u.ffu, ahhoUlh the l..aluamana w&I (u thc /tf.J.y AnnAb lold wi abo dittantly related 10 Tun Mut&hir. Han, Nadlm even earned Ala",d· din' l dUplcawrc and temporarily deprived him of hi.. office (Brown,p.19~). Thul, by Mime twill or ruc oc court inu~e the ancient rq:Ui& now belonp l(l the dqeendariu of the prin« who wu 'mi' posleucd'ofburiahtfulthft:lncl

under the supervision of the Ben· dahara Paduka TUM. At this time news came to Alauddin revealing th at the Seri Agar Raja Tun Mahmud W.IS made Bendahara by Sultan MuzaHar of Perak without the consent of Alaud­din's court, This angered Alauddin whose royaJ prerogative in such appointments was not sought for but was usurped by MuzaHar. Tun Pikrama was despatched in· stantly to fetch Tun Mahmud. but the latter showed his reluctance to

come by humiliating Tun Pikrama. When Bendahara Paduka Tuan heard Tun Pikrama 's story, he said to Sultan Alauddin , "Your High­ness, if any other than I is sent to PeTak, the Seri Agar Raja will not come, Let me go to Perak. Once I am there I will seize him by the hand and lead him to my ship, If he refuKs to come with me, I will


draw my kris and stab him ! If hl" falls to the left, I fall to the right!" And Sultan Alauddin replied, "Very well then, as you please. Bendah;u-a." The Bendahara Paduka Tuan tht:n set out for Perak ,

The haughtineS5 of Tun Isak is depicted clearly in this speech which at once pictured him as the powerful Bendahara who had juris­diction over all the \1alay States . In the case of Perak there was no

difficulty for the Sen Agar Raja was his own so n. It also shows that he would go to any extent even killing his son and himself (if he fails) to show his undivided loyalty to the Sultan. Such talk, and exaggeration , was of course typical of Tun Isak Rerakah.

'11\1:: Paduka Tuan \vas a self­impflTtant minister with a strict sense of adherence to customary rules and propriety. He was aJso, like the venerable Tun Perak. a calculating person and a clever diplomat. ntis instance in the Malay A,l1lals depicts all these attributes:

When h~ .e .. d.ed P .... .lk, ordcn ... ·ere pvcn by Sultan Mu.uffar,Shah fl)r hirnlo he w.-lcomcd, And when he w .. , come into the palace, the irJnR too k him iruo the innc:nrtoll IpMlmenU and the royal rice ....... Kn .. ~d. Then ... id ,Sultan ~luZc&f­far Sh.ah, "Come, let III cal." BUI th .. Bendah&n amwued, MI bf1 10 bc n,cu, .ed, yo",r Ihllhnol'n : for your Hi~nc:u ..... J

the JOn of him who ... -as m)' m.,Ulcr. rail tn, your llilhne .. ,and let IT\(' be I{"'i'n o ther food ." And Sultlln Mu.uffar Stuh I&Id, "Why do )"01,1 'pca. thul, "end"''''? Unleu I IhoUlht you entitled 10 cat with mc ..... ould I ha\'i' uknl you 10 ?" And Brndahan Padul.l Tuan rq.licd, "I am entitled (0 cal wilh )oor Ihghneu, and Ihat iJ pI" .. ciltiy .... hyldonoIWilhIO. Thole who are nOI CIllillcd 10 cat wilh princn hanku ahn' doing MI, th~t the.,. may pin pn:,liJre Ihrnb\' .• 'o r me how. t'\Cr thlTc .... ould he nOluch I t'quircd I'teltil:e, for I -.m already enlilkd to e;u

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

Hak Cipta Terpelihara © 1978 – Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia

wnll yoU! llighne". But I uked 10 be C!lCUsnl~CllulCyourliishncllislhe50n of him .. ·ho .. -al my mailer. Eu, your Highnen. and lei me fttd d~·where." BUI Sultan Muuff:o.r Shah ..ud, "Come, Bendah .... , (::II with me :0.11 the ... me, for ..... e ha"c 10"11: bun p:o.1lcd and I ha' ·( lOrcly misled you.'· And the 6cndlhva .. nowered. "Why is it th.1 your Highncs. pcn;JU in uking me to c:o.t with your lIiglmeu? I Cl.n loCe Ihat your lIigbocll IhinkJ 'if I have the Hendahan to dine with me, I shall ha"c hi. alIepancc'. But let no lUeh thous;;ht cron you. lI igh"" ... mind! AI long u Sull:o.n Alaud· din iliayat Sh.ah i. ruler in !lujung T .,,,,,h for me another masler .. nol" "What "nn~ thing> you oay,llendahlD.", s.;rjd Sull:o.n Muzaffar Shah, and laying hold of the Bcndah:o.n', hand he pUI it 10 the rree, oa~'ing, "Let UI hear roo more, Bend.h .... but <;omc, Itt us rail" The Bend:ah:o.n accordingly look lOme rice ~nd pul il on :0. .ireh leaf. Then he s.;rjd, "£:0.1, yuu. Hi~hncu." And when Sultan ~Iutaffar Sh.ah .tc, Bend.h.D. Paduka TlQn allO ale: and when he had finiu.ed

~~lr~~C ~~~h:o.cl ~':~~e~nf' he put aome

II is nol certain whcn the I'arl uka Titan died. In 1533 Ihere \Vas mentioncd a Tuan BarcaJarl I

(lkrakah ?) who slopped al Malac­ca and met the Captain, Estavao de G:lme after giving help to Sultan Muzaffar of PCr.lk. In 15% when the Portuguese came up the J ohare river and was hindered by trees felled by the ~'lalays at a placc called Rebat, Tun Isak the Paduka Tuan was still aJivc.


However, when he died, he was succeeded by his son Tun 8ayazid who was known as Bendahara Sen Maharaja.

The name of Tun Isak Berakah should go down in history as the Bendahara who helped to make Johore a sovereign state and estab­lished a sultanate and an empire, though less in glory. but still suf­ficicntly substantial to hold sway (wer other states like Pahang. Trcngganu, Kelantan, Bentan, Si· ngapore, Lingga. lnderagiri, Kam· par, Siak, Aru, Selangor, and Perak. It should be noted that the Benda· hara of Johore was recognized even by Siam as possessing jurisdiction over and above these states and their rulers, I 2

Brown, S'jlC"tJI MtLwy .. or M..u, Ann.w, p.192.

II , ilichud O. Win'ledl, A HistDry o/"talory4, Marian" Sons. Kuala Lumpur, 1968, p,78.

12. The Malay Anll4ll rn:onh: Hcre (Ldn Siam) il it ClllbU,h~d thaC the Bencbhar. of Ujunc Tanah ranb hieher than the R.ja. of fahanc. If you do not bcUC\lC me, ~ for youndf In Ihe Record o f Pnccdencc (the TOl1n'ra).