2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans

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  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans


    1511 1


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    Kert l

    Satu Jam lima belas mlDlt


    J Kerfas soa /an inl mengandungl SO soalan2. Jawa b semua soa /a n3 Ja wab dengan menghilamkan ruangan yang belU/ pada kerlasjawapan objekJlj:4 Hilamkan satu ruangan sahqja bagl setiap jawapan50 Sekiranya anda henda k menukorkonjawapan. padamkan landa yang telah dihual .

    Kemudian hltamJca njawapan yang baruo6. Rajah yang mengiringi soa lan tldak diluklskan mengikuJ skala lcecuall dinyalalcano7. Anda dlbenarkan menggunakan lea/kula/or sainlifllc

    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 30 halaman bere tal

  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans





    Diagram 1 shows a motor neuroneRajah 1 menunjukkan neuron motor


    Diagram 1ajah

    What is X?ApakahX

    A Axon

    Akson8 Dendron

    DendronC Dendrite

    DendntD Cell body

    Badan sel

    Which activity is an example of reflex action?Activiti manakah adalah contoh t indakan reJleks?



    _. t Menan

    M 8



    / I L . Laughing Ketawa


    Heart beatDegupan jantung

  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans



    3 A has an menstrual cycle. gland isSeorang remaja perempuan mengalami kitaran haid yang tidak teratur Kelenjar yangmanakah tidak berjungsi baik?


    AdrenalC Thyroid


    4 drug will cause hallucination?

    Dadah manakah akan menyebabkan halusinasi?


    C CannabisGanja


    5 What the mitosis?Apakahfungsi mitosis?

    A CauseMenyebabkan

    B of cells. - . . - . , ' - -:L gamet

    C Replace or deadMenggantikan sel sel

    D Ensures that each u .... f ' ; .u half the n u m b e r of chromosomes of

    Memastikan setiap anak separuh bilangan kromosom daripada

  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans


    6 T ab le sh ows he r editary diseases in human.JaduaZ menunju kka n pen ya ldt keturunan pada manusia.

    Hereditary diseasesenyakft etu lruut

    eacrlptionPeneranj an

    Colour blindnessButawama

    Cannot differentiate colourTidak boleh membezakan wama


    o melanin pigment in skinTiada pigmen melanin dalam kulit

    HemophiliaHe mofilia

    Blood clotting problemDarah sulcar membeku

    TableJadual l

    Wh a t cau ses th hereditary diseases above?Apaka h ya n g menyebabkan penyaldt keturunan di atas

    A Mito s isto sis

    B Gene mu ta ti onMu t si gen

    C Domi n an t gen esen dominan

    o Ch r om os ome m u tati onMutasi kro mosom

  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans





    D iagr am 2 sh ows a grap h representing a type of variationRaj a h 2 m en u nju kk a n graf ya ng mewakili sejenis va rias i

    Fr equ encyKekerap a n

    Dis tribu tio nTaburan

    Diagram 2Rajah

    What trait is rep rese n ted by th e graph?Trait ya ng man a ka h di w aki l o leh g m f itu

    A Body we ightBerat badan

    B Blood gr oupKu mp ul a n dara h

    C Typ e s o f ear lob eJ enis cu p ing te ling a

    D Abili ty to ro ll to n gu eKebo lehan menggulung lidah

    Diagr am 3 s h ows th e arrange m ent of the particle of m at ter Rajah 3 men unjukkan su sun a n z arah satu jirim

    D iagram 3R aja h 3

    Wh at is the state of matt er?Apak a h keadaan ji r m tersebut

    A GasGas

    B AlloyAloi

    C So lidPepej al

    0 Liq uidCecair

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    hoose the correct match between the change in the state of matter and heat change .Pilih padanan yang betul tentang perubahan keadaanj i r im dan perubahan haba





    Change n the s tate of mattererubahan keadaanjir im

    Heat chang eerobahan haba

    Liquid Gasecrur Gas

    Heat releasedHaba dibebaskan

    Gas LiquidGas Cecair

    Heat absorbedHaba diserap

    Solid LiquidPepejal Cecair

    Heat releasedHaba dibebaskan

    Solid GasPepejal Gas

    Heat absorbedHaba diserap

    10 Table 2 shows the number of subatomic particles of atom X and YJaduaZ 2 menunjukkan bilangan zarah subatom bagi atom X dan Y

    tom umber of neutron Nucleon numbertom Bilang an neutron mbor nukleonX 7 3

    Y 8 4

    Tab le 2J a d u a l

    What is proton number of X and Y?

    Apakah nombor proton bagi X dan Y?



    x y6 67 7

    8 813 4

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    11 Table 3 shows the results of elec tr i cal conductivi ty of fo u r su bstances.Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan kekD n du ks ian el e ktri k b agi e mpat bahan.

    S ubstan c ebservation


    a han PepejalPepe al

    ecairI Cecair

    JBulb lights u pMentol men y a la

    Bu lb ligh ts upMe n to l m eny al a

    KBulb does not li gh t u pMentol tak meny a la

    Bu lb do es not li gh t u pMe n tol ti d a k m en l/ala

    L Bulb doesnot ligh t up

    Mentol tak me ny alaBulb li gh t s upMentol meny a la

    M Bu lb lights up

    Mentol meny a la

    Bu lb do e s not ligh t up

    Ment ol tak menyala



    Table 3Jadual 3

    Based on Table 3, which subs t anc e is al u minium ?Berdasarkan Jadual 3, bahan y an g manakah ada lah alum in i u m?

    A J

    B KC Lo M

    12 Which process produces su gar from sugar cane j u ic e ?Proses yang manakah dapa t meng hasi lkan gu la daripada jus te bu ?

    A CrystallizationPenghabluran

    B EvaporationPenyejatan

    C DistillationPenyulingan

    D Boiling


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    13 Table 4 shows the resul t of a chemical reactionJadual 4 menunjukkan keputusan tindak balas kimia

    Temperature of distilled waterSuhu air suling 29C

    Temperature of distilled water ammonium chlorideSuhu air suling ammonium klorida 25C

    Table 4J a d u a l 4

    What type of reaction is involved?Apakahjenis tindak balas yang berlaku?

    A DecompositionPenguraian

    8 NeutralisationPeneutralan

    C EndothennicEndotermik

    D ExothermicEksotermik

    14 Diagram 4 shows a simple cell.Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu sel ringkas

    v ~

    - ~ - - - t

    MetalMetal Logam

    Logam_ - _ Dilute sulphuri c acid

    sid sulfurik c ir

    Diagram 4


    Which pair of metal shows the highest voltmeter reacting?Pasangan logam manakah menunju kkan bacaan voltm e ter tertinggi?

    A Zinc and zincZink dan zink

    B Zinc and plumbumZink dan plumbum

    C Lead and leadPlumbum dan plumbum

    D Alurnmium and leadAluminium dan plumbum

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    15 Whi ch of the foll owin g i s a pho tosen siti ve ch emi cal ?Antara yang berikut yang mana kah ba ha n ki m ia p eka cahaya?

    A Bromine wa t erAir bromin

    B S odium chlorideNatrium klorida

    C Ar gentum bro mi deA rgentum bromi da

    0 Potassium iodideKalium iodida

    16 Diagram 5 shows a process .Raj ah 5 m enunju kk an su atu proses .

    utron eu t ron

    What is the process?Apakah proses tersebut?

    A Nuclear fissionPembelahan nukleus

    B Nuclear fusionPelakuran nukl eus

    C Chain reactionTindak balas be ra n tai

    D Nuclear comb in a ti onGabung an n u klear

    17 Which ra di oacti ve substance is u s ed to dete ct un der groun d pipe leakage?Bahan radioaktif yang ma na k ah d igu nak an untuk mengesan kebocoran paip di baw ahtanah?

    A Cobalt-6 0Kobalt 60Sodium- 24Natri u m 24

    C Carbon- 12Karbon 12

    D Phosf oru s- 32Fosforus 32

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    18 Which energy involved changing in a nuclear power station?Perubahan tenaga yang manakah terlibat dalam stesen jana kuasa nuklear?

    A Nuclear energy - - - heat energy - - - kinetic energy electrical energyTenaga nuklear tenaga haba tenaga kinetik tenaga elektrik

    B Nuclear energy kinetic energy - - - heat energy electrical energyTenaga nuklear tenaga Idnetik tenaga haba tenaga elektrik

    c Electrical energy heat energy kinetic energy nuclear energyTenaga elektrik tenaga haba - - - tenaga Idnetik - - tenaga nuklear

    D Kinetic energy electrical energy - - - heat energy - - - nuclear energyTenaga kinetik tenaga elektrik tenaga haba tenaga nuclear

    19 Diagram 6 shows the human eye.Rajah 6 menunjukkan mata manusia.

    PupilAnak mata


    What will happen when a person walks out of a dark room and enters a bright room?Apakah yang akan berlaku apabila seseorang itu bergerak dari bilik gelap danmemasuki bilik terang

    A The lens become thinnerKanta semaldn menipis

    B The lens become thickerKanta semakin menebal

    C The size of the pupil becomes biggerSaiz anak mata semakin membesar

    D The size of the pupil become smallerSaiz anak mata semakin mengeciZ

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    21 Diagram 8 shows white li ght pas s thro u gh two co lou red fil te r s.Rajah 8 menunjuk kan ca ha ya puti h me lalui dua penapis w am a

    Whi te s cr e enSkrinp ut i h

    Bl u e l te r Cyan fIlte rPe napi s biro Pe n apis si an

    White lightCahaya putih

    iag r amRajahB

    What colour can be seen on the scree n ?pakah wama yang da p at dili hat pada skrin

    A CyanSian

    B BlueBiru

    C GreenHijauBlackHitam

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    22 Diagram 9 shows the mixing of colour pigments .Rajah 9 menunjukkan campuran pigmen wama

    Diagram 9ajah

    What are the colours of an d S?Apakah wama R dan Sr




    R SMagenta GreenMagenta H ijauO range G re e nJin gga HijauGreen VioletHijau Un guGreen CyanHijau Sia n

    23 Which of the process will increase th e h a r dness of the me tal?r oses yang manakah akan meni ng katkan kekerasan logam

    A Alloyin gPengaloian

    B ElectrolysisElektrolisis

    C Vu canisationPemvulkanan

    D PolymerisationPempolimeran

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    4 Which of the following is correctly matched?Antara berikut yang manakah dipadankan dengan betul?





    lloy Main m e ta l Foreign atomloi Logamu tama tom asing

    Bronze .. Aluminium CarbonGangsa Aluminium Karbon

    Steel Iron CopperKeluli Besi Kuprum

    Pewter Copper TinPiuter Kuprum TimahBrass Copper Zinc

    Loyang Kuprum Zink

    25 The following word equat ion shows a chemical process .Persamaan perkataan berikut menunjukkan suatu proses kimia .

    Catalyst UMangkin

    Nitrogen hydrogen Substance WNitrogen + hidrogen Bahan W

    What is substance Wa n d catalyst U n the proce s s?Apakah bahan W dan mangkin U dalamproses itu?





    SubstanceW Cataly s tBahan W Mang kin

    Sodium hydroxide Vanadium M oxideNatrium hidroksida Vanadium V) oksida

    Ammonium sulphate Iron filingsAmmonium sulfat Serbuk besi

    Ammonium chloride ChromiumAmmonium klorida Kromium

    Ammonia Iron filingsAmmonia Serbuk besi

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    26 Diagram 10 shows grey spots formed on a piece of bread left for a few days.Rajah 1 menunjukkan tompok tompok kelabu yang terbentuk di atas sekeping ratiyang telah ditinggaZkan b eberapa hart

    Diagram 1


    What are the grey spots

    Apakah tompok tompok labu tersebut?

    A YeastYis


    C EuglenaEuglena

    D ParameciumParamesium

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    2 7 Diagram 1 1 shows an old wooden house almost ruined eaten y termites. Termites'small intestine contain protozoa s ecreted a type of enzyme which can digest woo d .Rajah 11 menunjukkan sebuah mmah kayu usang ycmg hampir roboh akibat dimakananai anai . Usus kecil anai anai mengandungi protozoa yang boleh merembeskan sejenisenzim yang boleh mencemakan kayu

    Diagram 1 1ajah

    Name the enzyme involved.Namakah enzim yang terlibat.


    B Amy laseAmilase

    C Protease

    ProteaseD CellulaseSelulase

    28 Ali 's house is surrounded y empty cans filled with stagnant water. li was in highfever with the following symptoms:Kawasan persekitaran mmah Ali dipenuhi dengan tin tin kosong yang mengandu n i aibertaicung. Ali mengalami demam yang panas disertai dengan gejala gejala berikut:

    Pain at the jointsSakit pada sendi -sendi

    Red spots on the surface of skinBintik bintik merah atas permukaan kulit

    What is the type of microorganism which causes the disease?Apakahj e nis mikrooganisma yang menyebabkan penyakit ini?

    A VirusVims

    B FungiKulat

    C BacteriaBakteria


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    29 Diagram 12 shows a mother is breastfeeding her baby .Rajah 12 menu nju kkan seorang ibu sedang menyusukan bayinya

    Diagram 12ajah 12

    Which type of immunity acquired by the babypakahjenis keimunan y ng diperoleh b yi itu?

    A Natural act ive immunityKeimunan aktif semulajadi

    B Artificial active immunityKeimunan aktif buatanNatural passive immunityKeimunan pas i f semulajadi

    o Artificial passive immunityKeimunan pasif buatan

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    30 Table 5 shows the calorific value of different types of food.Jadual 5 menunju k k a n nilai kalori bagi jenis makanan yang berbeza.

    FoodMaka nan

    Quantityuant i t i

    alorific value kJ)Nilai ka l o (kJ)

    White breadRoti putih

    Per pieceSekepmg



    One table spoonSesudu besar



    Per pieceSeketul 220

    Fried meeMigoreng

    Per cupSecawan


    Table 5Jadua lS

    A student takes 1 cup of fried mee, 2 pieces of white bread, 2 table spoons of butterand 2 pieces of chicken for his breakfast. What is the total energy consumed?Seorang murid mengambil 1 cawan mi goreng 2 keping roti putih 2 sudu mentega dan2 ketul ayam untuk sarapan. Berapakahju.mlah tenaga yang diperolehinya?

    A 1950 kJ

    B 1750 kJ

    C 1540 kJ

    D 1340 kJ

    3 1 A major part of an Eskimo's diet consists of meat n d fatty food. Why is it so?Sebahagian besar makanan orang Eskimo ialah daging dan makanan berlemak.Mengapakah perlunya makanan sedemikian?

    A Their culture favours more meaty foodBudaya kegemaran mereka lebih kepada makanan berdaging

    B The above food source is found abundantly where he livesSumber malcanan d i atas ditemui dengan banyaknya d i kawasan tempat tinggalmereka

    C To enable him to obtain more energy to conduct heavy activitieslvIembolehkan mereka mendapatkan lebih banyak tenaga untuk menjalankanaktiuiti berat

    o To replace heat lost to the surroundings so that body temperature can bemain tained at 7 CUntuk menggantikan haba yang hUang ke persekitaran supaya suhu badan dapatdikekalkan pada 37C

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    3 2 Diagram 13 shows a process tha t takes place in the nitrogen cycleRajah 13 menunjukkan proses yang terdapat dalam kitar nitrogen

    Ammonium compound ni tr i t e nitrateSebatian ammonium nitrit nitrat

    Diagram 13Rajah 3

    What is the name of this process?Apakah nama proses tersebut?

    A NitrificationPenitritan

    B DenitrificationPendenitritan

    C DecompositionPenguraian

    D Nitrogen flXationPengikatan nitrogen

    33 Diagram 14 shows an examp le of food chain.Rajah 14 menunjukkan satu contoh rantaian makanan

    Green plantTumbuhan h i jau

    Ca te rp arBelw tc S



    Diagram 14Rajah 4

    What will happeni ll

    the snake extinct?Apakah akan berlaku jika semua ular pupus?





    Frog decreasesKatak berkurangCaterpillar increasesBeluncas bertambahCaterpillar dec reasesBeluncas berkurangGreen pla f1t decreasesTumbuhan hijau berkurang

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    34 Wh ich ga s c ause s aci d rain?Gas manakah menye ba b k an hu jan asi d

    M e thaneMet ana

    B Carbon dio xid eKa rbon dioksid a

    C Nitro gen dio xideNitr og en dioksi d a

    o C ar bon mon oxi d eKa rbon mo n oksida

    35 Wh ich a ct i vity can preserve an d conserve our envir onm ent?Aktivi ti y an g ma n a kah boleh memeli h ara d a n memulihara a lam s e kitar kita

    MiningPer lomb on gan


    oggin gPembal a kan


    qu a cu lt u r eAku a kultur


    Land cl e aringP embu ka an ta n a h

  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans



    36 The following wo r d equation shows a chemical reaction.P e rsamaan perkataa n berikut menunjukkan satu t indak balas kimia

    YeastYisG lu c os e

    . . K Carbon dioxide HeatGlu kosa Karbon dioksida Haba


    What is the use s o f K?Apa ka h k egunaan K?

    A Artifi cial food a vo u ringPeris a tiru an m akan an

    B Fo od preserv a tiveP e ng awet m ak an an

    C Foo d s ta bili serPe nst abil makanan

    o BleachP eluntur

    37 Wha t is the ch aracteristic of saturated fat?Ap akah ciri le ma k tepu ?

    A Solid at ro om tem pera tu re

    P ep ej al pada suhu bilikB s s c ho l es ter o l co nten tKa n dun gan k o lesterol rendah

    C D erived f rom p lantsDip erole hi d a ripada tumbuhan

    D Low m e lt ing pointTa ka t leb ur ren dah

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    39 Diagram 16 shows an addition of solution X to latex.Rajah 16 menunjukkan penambahan larntan X ke atas lateks


    a r u t a n X ~Glass ro d

    Rod kacaD

    Latex does not coagulate~ tidak menggumpal

    Diagram 16Rajah 6

    What is solution X?Apakah larntan X?

    A LimewaterAir kapur

    8 Ethanoic acidAsid etanoik

    C Salt solutionLarntan garam

    D Ammonia solutionLarntan ammonia

    40 A car increases its velocity from 10 m s - to 50 ms - 1 in 5 seconds .Sebuah kereta bertambah keZajuannya dan 1 ms 1 ke 5 ms l dalam masa 5 saat

    Final velocity - Initial velocityHalaju akhir - halaju awaI


    ecutanTime taken

    Masa di ambil

    What is the acceleration of the car?Berapakah pecutan kereta itu?

    A 2 ms- 2

    8 4 m s- 2

    C 6 m s- 2

    D 8 ms- 2

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    2 4

    41 All the passengers in a bus experie nc e a backward jerk when a bus s tar ted to moveforward suddenly. Th is is caused bySemua penumpang dalam sebu a h bas mengalami sentakan ke belakang apabila ba sbergerak k had ap an secara tiba -tiba. I n i disebabkan oleh


    B inertiarnersza

    C pressureteka nan

    D momentummomentum

    42 Which of the following A, B , C o r D applied hydraulic principle?ntara A B, C dan D yan g ma na kah me ngap likasikan prinsip hidraulik?




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    43 Whic h food wil l spo il th e fastest?Makanan yang m an ka h akan m e njadi ros ak p aling cep at


    Pickl e d ch iliCi l i j eruk

    Canned f oodMakanan diti n 1can

    i lk



    Drie d shIk a n ke ri n g

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    44 Table 6 shows chemical substances n food and their functions.Jadual 6 menunjukkan bahan kimia dalam makanan dan fungsinya

    h e m i c a l s u b s t a n c e s

    a ha k i m f a

    F u n c t i o n

    Fu _ngsi


    Delay food from getting spoilt and prevent thegr owth of microorganismsMelambatkan makanan daripada rosak denganmence g ah pertumbuhan mikroorganisma


    Remove the natura1 colour of food,giving i t cleanan d p ure lookMe mudarka n atau menyahwamakan makanansu p q a le bih bersih dan tulen


    Em u lsify two types of liquids that do not mix

    and to prevent certain substances fromprecip itatingMembaurka n dua cecair yang tidak bercampurdan menghalang bahan tertentu daripadatermend ap

    Ta b le 6Jadua 6

    Which of the following are ch e mi c al s u bs t an ces X Y and Z?Antara berikut yang manakah bahan kimia X Y dan Z?




    x y ZPreservatives Co lou ri n g FlavouringBahan awet Pe w am a Perisa

    Preservatives Bleach StabiliserBahan awet Peluntur PenstabilFlavouring Bl ea ch Preservatives

    Perisa P eluntur Bahan awetColouring Stab ili ser BleachPewama Penstabil Peluntur

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    45 Diagram 17 shows an example of a food la b el tha t does not conform to the food Act1985.Rajah 1 7 menunjukkan contoh label m akana n yang tidak mematuhi. AktaMakanan1985

    Ramuan :GuJa , lulu, air. perlsa durian,Ietiti IIBaban ki.m.ia:Bahan awet dan e ~ myaDg dibcDarkan

    DikiL lll :

    No. 4. JalAlI Rampai. TIIIII l II AmarI47660 Sube.Dl. S e l u p .M.Il.a;yIliaNo.Td: OJ7'1SSXXXX

    Diagram 17Rajah 7

    Which of the following is not in the food la b e l?Antara yang berikut manaka h t idak te rdapa t pad a lab el m a kan an itu?

    A Nett weightBerat bersih

    B Type of foodJenis makanan

    C Food ingredientsRamuan makanan

    D Name of manufacturerNama pengilang

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    46 Wh a t is th e charact eris ti c of natural rubbe r tha t en abl es i t to be used asearthqu ak e-proof ba ses for bridges and bu ildings?Apakah in getah asli y a ng membo lehkannya digu na kan untuk me m bu at al asjambatan d a n ba n gu nan yang tahan gempa bumi?

    A Good heat insulatorPenebat haba yang baik

    B Does not b u m easily idak mudah terbakar

    C Ability to absorb vibrationKebolehan menyerap gegar an

    o Gas does not easily leak into itTidak mudah diresapi gas


    bought a 20 metres PVC water pi pe He hea ts a p art of the pipe an d b endi t into hemispheral sh ape to fix a t his ve ge table farm Which pl astic has the s am efeatures as the PVC wa ter pipe ?Aidil membeli sebatan g p aip a ir PVC sepa nj a ng 2 0 me ter Be l au me ma n askan danmembengkokkannya menjadi s ep a ruh bulat a n untuk dipas a ng di sek elil ing kebunsayumya Plastik ya ng m anakah mempunyai sifat yang s ama sepe rt pa ip air PVCtersebut?

    A BakeliteBakelit

    B PolythenePolitena

    C Melam ineMelaminaEpoxy r es inPerekat epoksi

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    . 2 9

    48 Diagram 18 shows two types of wave in a radio communication syste mRajah 18 menunjukkan dua jenis gelombang dalam sistem komunikasi radio

    Radio waveGelombang radio

    Audio waveGelombang audio

    Diagram 18Rajah 18

    Which of the following is the modulated amplitude wave formed from both wave?Antara berikut yang manakah gelombang termodulas i amplitud terhasil d arip adakedua dua gelombang tersebut?




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    3 0

    49 Diagram 19 shows a symbol of an el e c tronic component.Rajah 19 menunjukkan simhol se bu ah komponen elektronik

    Di a gr am 19Rajah 9

    What is the component?Apakah komponen itu?


    B InductorInduktor

    C TransistorTransistor

    D Tr an sformerTransformer

    50 Which of the following is t rue abou t communicat ion satell i te?Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang satelit komunikasi

    A Emit ult ra high fre q uen cy HF s h ort waveMemancarkan gelombang pendek berfrekuensi ultra tinggi UHF)

    B Wave from the satell i tes is fu n ctioning as an audio waveGelombang daripada sate lit berfungsi sebagai gelombang audio

    C Launched into space to orbit the ear th in a part icular orbitDilancarkan ke angkasa un tu k mengelilingi bumi di dalam orbit tertentu

    D Communication from the satel li t e is inte r rupted by bad weatherKomunikasi daripada satelit diga ng gu oleh cuaca buruk


  • 8/11/2019 2014 MPPT5_2 Kedah Sains1 w Ans








    1 C 26 B

    2 B 27 D

    3 D 28 A

    4 C 29 C

    5 C 30 C

    6 B 31 D

    7 A 32 A

    8 D 33 C

    9 D 34 C

    10 A 35 C

    11 A 36 D

    12 A 37 A

    13 C 38 D

    14 D 39 D15 C 40 D

    16 A 41 B

    17 B 42 B

    18 A 43 C

    19 D 44 B

    20 D 45 D

    21 B 46 C

    22 C 47 B

    23 A 48 A

    24 D 49 C

    25 D 50 C