2014 Perak Latihan PT3 SET1 BI.docx

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  • 7/26/2019 2014 Perak Latihan PT3 SET1 BI.docx





    (Time suggested: 15

    The text below is a recount of an

    Qustion !

    Read the text below. The rst and the last lines are correct. or the remaining lines! there

    is on grammatical error in each line.

    "ndrlin th rror. Then! writ on word to corrct th rror in the s"ace

    "ro#ided. $n exam"le has been gi#en. The correct word must not chang th maning

    of the sentence. There are no s"elling and "unctuation errors in this text.

    %ne da&! ' saw an old man

    were "assing b& nonsto" but it was dicult for him to do

    so. eeling sorr& for a old man! ' o*ered to hel" him cross

    the road. The old man thank me but said he would "refer tocross the road b& herself. ' was sur"rised as ' thought he

    would welcome m& hel". +oon! the trac begin to slow

    down. The old man slowl& crossed across to the other side

    of the road. ,ooking back to the incident! ' think the

    "edestrians should take "recaution measures when the&

    were walking on the road. The& should use the bridge as it

    enable them to cross the road safel&. 'f the& will walking in

    the dark! the& should wears a lightcoloured clothing with

    re-ectors. 'f the& did not has an& re-ecti#e clothing! the&

    tr&ing to cross a bus& road.

    e.g. so












    6age ' 1

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    ( 0 marks)

    ( Time suggested : 0


    Read the following text. Then! answer 7uestions 8(9).


    anding 'sland "ro#ides excellent o""ortunities for tourists to indulge in nature.

    anding 'sland! take a 15minute boat ride from ;arina owe#er! this "lace lacks "ublic toilets.


    $ /5minute motorc&cle ride from anding

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    Questions (a) (j)

    Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.



    Name o% place:



    Name o% place:

    #ewarnis amp.

    Name o% place:








    (A popular acti*ity: A popular acti*ity:


    A popular acti*ity:

    (c) (i)

    isad*antage: isad*antage:




    Page I 3

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    Read the "oster below. Then! answer 7uestions (a) 8

    +,OTECT -

    =e should learn to conser#e wildlife as the& are im"ortant to us

    and to our ecos&stem. A#er&one must work together to "rotectthe animals and "lants. $ll these li#ing things are

    interconnected and form close relationshi"s that bring benets


    Reduce! reuse and rec&cle should be the motto for toda&Bs generation.

    To reduce means to bu& and to use less things or energ&. +a#e

    electricit& and water. ?o not throw awa& things that are still usable.

    ?onate or think o f wa&s the& can be reused. Take rec&clable materials

    such as "a"er and glass "roducts to the rec&cling centers.

    'OO1 2O, TE

    +ome natural resources cannot be renewed such as coal and oil.

    The& are fast de"let ing. Therefore! we should start using renewable

    resources such as h&dro electric "ower from the dams and solar


    A#er&one must do his or her "art to "rotect our Aarth. +ome

    "eo"le sto" eating sharksB ns because killing sharks for their nsis a cruel act. +ome choose to car"ool or c&cle to work to reduce

    "roduction of

    6age '

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    Qustions 3a4 to 3d4 :

    ased on the "oster! state whether the following statements are T,"E or

    (a) The "oster describes methods to "rotect (1 mark)

    (b) onser#ation is about working together to nd new

    to use natural (1 mark)

    (c) The "oster suggests that we use nonrenewable

    resources. (1 mark)

    (d) Csing less electricit& and water is "art of

    Rs. (1 mark)

    Qustions 3 4 to 3i4 : Read the brochure carefull& and answer the

    (e) =h& is wildlife im"ortant to the


    (f) =hat is the similarit& between h&droelectric "ower and solar

    oth are (1mark)

    (g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.

    (h) The "roduction of greenhouse gases can be reduced


    (i) =hat do &ou think will ha""en in the future if we do not use renewable resources to full

    our needs starting from nowD


    6age 15

    5aning +hras

    3i4 6to use lessB

    3ii4 Bare being used ra"idl&B

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  • 7/26/2019 2014 Perak Latihan PT3 SET1 BI.docx





    (Time suggested: 20


    Read the s"eech on how to "erform well in an

    Eood morning students of +;F +eri ;uda. Axamination is im"ortant

    and as such! &ou ha#e to be well"re"ared to "erform &our best. $s the

    examination "eriod is a""roaching! some of &ou ma& ha#e butter- ies in &our

    stomach. ut! do not worr&. Toda&! ' would like to share some ti"s on how

    &ou can "erform well in &our examination.

    irstl&! it is a bad habit to sta& u" late to catch u" on &our tele#ision.

    $nother one is to re#ise at the ele#enth hour. These bad habits should not be

    encouraged. $lwa&s re#ise consistentl&! es"eciall& after the lesson is taught.

    ?onBt be afraid to ask 7uestions in class. Talk to &our teachers as the&

    can "ro#ide &ou the necessar& guidance. esides! &ou can form a stud& grou".

    Erou" stud& enables &ou and &our friends to share ideas and o"inions. This canbe a #aluable source of information! es"eciall& in the area &ou are weak in.

    ?uring examination! listen to the instructions attenti#el& gi#en b& the

    in#igilator. >e will tell &ou the time allocated to answer the 7uestions and will

    ask &ou to check the "rinted "ages of the "a"er.

    Cse time gi#en to &ou wisel& in examination. 'f &ou are unable to answer

    a di cult 7uestion! do not waste &our time on it. Gou can come back to it later.

    ;o#e on to do the easier ones rst. %nce &ou ha#e nished! do not lea#e the

    hall. Read what &ou ha#e answered and check &our work. The& ma& be some

    ?onBt forget to bring along &our identit& card with &ou on the da& of

    the examination. Gou will need it to enter the examination hall. inall&!

    alwa&s arri#e earl&! at least half an hour before the "a"er starts. He#er arri#e

    9ust in time or la te for the examinat ion.

    These are some of the ti"s &ou can follow to "re"are &oursel#es for an

    examination. Remember! our "erformance in an examination de"ends on our

    e*orts to "re"are for it. Eood luck and thank &ou.

    6age ' 3

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    Read the s"eech carefull& and answer 8(i).

    (a) +tate one bad habit to a#oid when doing

    (1 mark)

    (b) >ow can talking to teachers hel"

    (1 mark)

    (c) =h& is grou" stud& a #aluable source of

    (1 mark)

    (d) ,ist two things that in#igilators do before an examination

    (1 mark)

    ii. (1 mark)

    (e) Fill in the table with appropriate word/phrase from the speech.

    ( marks)

    (f) =h& is it necessar& to check the "rinted "ages of the

    (1 mark)

    (g) =hat should &ou do if &ou are unable to answer a 7uestion during the

    (1 mark)

    (h) ,ist two im"ortant things to do on the da& of the

    (1 mark)

    ii. (1 mark)

    (i) +tate two reasons wh& &ou should arri#e earl& before the examination

    (1 mark)

    ii. (1 mark)

    6age ' 4

    +eaning 'ord/,hrase

    feeling ner#ous

    at the last minute

    gi#en amount

    i#. a "erson who su"er#ises

    candidates during examination

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    Question -

    Read the "oem below carefull&. Then! answer 7uestion (a) 8

    ' 'N0

    By: 1eannie 2irby

    ' wonder wh& the grass is green!

    $nd wh& the wind is ne#er

    =ho taught the birds to build a

    nest! $nd told the trees to take a

    0! when the moon is not 7uite round!

    =here can the missing bit be foundD

    =ho lights the stars! when the& blow out!

    $nd makes the lightning -ash aboutD

    =ho "aints the rainbow in the

    sk&! $nd hangs the -u*& clouds

    =h& is it now! do &ou su""ose!

    That ?ad wonBt tell me! if he

    (a) 'n the "oem! wh& is the "ersona asking

    (1 mark)

    (b) =hat does the "ersona want to know about the

    (1 mark)

    (c) >ow does the "ersona describe the

    (1 mark)

    (d) 'n the last stanIa! do &ou think ?ad knows the answerD Ei#e reason to &our

    (/ marks)

    6age '

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    J0 marksK

    JTime suggested: 5


    Gou should s"end 09 minuts on thuis

    The "icture below shows a #isit to an old folkBs home b& a grou" of

    ased on the "icture gi#en! write a re"ort of the





    =hen writing about the recount! &ou

    recount what

    ex"ress how &ou

    suggest wa&s to show a""reciation to the elderl&

    write btwn !$9 to !9 words

    6age 110

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    Page 111

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    The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in the English

    1 $round the =orld in 40 ?a&s 8ow ' ;et ;&self 8 ?a#id $. >ill

    The Rai lwa& hildren


    8Adith Hesbit (retold b&