9. Daftar Pustaka

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Transcript of 9. Daftar Pustaka

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1. Hadi, Sujono. Sirosis Hepatis dalam Gastroenterologi. Bandung: Alumni. 2002. Hlm. 637—638.

2. Nurdjanah Siti. Sirosis Hati. Buku Ajar Penyakit Dalam, Edisi ke 5, Jilid I. Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. 2009. Hlm. 668—673.

3. Riley TR, Taheri M, Schreibman IR. Does weight history affect fibrosis in the setting of chronic liver disease?. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2009. 18(3):299—302.

4. Anand, B.S. Cirrhosis of Liver. Western Journal of Medicine, Vol. 171. 2002. Hlm. 110—115. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1305772/?tool=pmcentrez (diakses 4 Mei 2015).

5. Nayak, N. C. End stage Chronic Liver Disease, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. In : Micheli, L Miranda., Ed. Hepatology Research and Clinical Development Liver Cirrhosis : Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment, New York : Nova Biomedical Books. 2011. Hlm. 59—83.

6. Kuntz, E., and Kuntz, H.D. Hepatology, Principles and Practice 2nd Edition. Chapter 35. 2006. Hlm. 716—749.

7. Price, Sylvia A., Wilson, Lorranine M. Patofisiologi: Prinsip-prinsip klinis proses penyakit. Jakarta: EGC. 2006.

8. Hernomo, Kusumobroto O. Sirosis Hati, dalam buku ajar Ilmu Penyakit Hati, edisi I, Jakarta, Jayabadi, 2007. Hlm. 335—345.

9. Biecker, Erwin. Diagnosis and Therapy of Ascites in Liver Cirrhosis. Journal PubMed Central (PMC). 2011. 17(10): 1237–1248. Available from:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068258/?tool=pmcent rez (diakses 4 Mei 2015).

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