Aktiviti Prabacaan

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  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    Aktiviti Prabacaan


    Aktiviti pra bacaan merujuk kepada aktiviti yang dijalankan untuk tujuan

    memberikan asas kepada kanak sebelum mereka boleh membaca. Walaupunkemahiran-kemahiran pra bacaan dapat dipelajari secara semulajadi di rumah atau di

    prasekolah, kemahiran ini adalah penting dalam perkembangaan kemahiran membaca


    Secara ringkasnya kemahiran-kemahiran ini dapat dibahagikan kepada tiga jenis iaitu

    1. pengamatan penglihatan

    2. pendengaran

    3. pergerakan mata & tangan.


    Kemahiran pengamatan penglihatan dapat dipupuk dalam pelbagai jenis aktiviti seperti

    aktiviti memadan dan juga arah. Aktiviti memadan adalah sebahagian daripada

    membaca kerana semasa kita membaca kita sebenarnya sedang memadan huruf atau

    perkataan dengan bunyi yang sesuai. Pada peringkat permulaan kanak-kanak boleh

    diperkenal dengan memadan bentuk, diikuti corak, huruf dan akhirnya perkataan.

    Aplikasi permainan memadan ialah jigsaw puzzle. Manakala aktiviti arah ini lebih

    merujuk kepada menyesuaikan kanak-kanak dengan membaca arah ayat dimulakan

    iaitu dari kiri ke kanan unutk tulisan rumi. Dalam situasi sebenar kanak-kanak

    sememangnya tidak tahu arah ayat dimulakan. Oleh itu semasa ibu bapa atau guru

    membacakan cerita atau ayat, mereka harus menunjuk kepada huruf yang dibaca.

    Kemudian guru harus menyoal kanak-kanak dari mana ayat mula dibacakan. Demi

    menunjukkan kepentingan membaca dari arah yang betul, guru harus mendemonstrasidengan membaca secara terbalik. Apabila dibaca terbalik ayat yang dibaca akan

    menjadi tidak bermakna.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan



    Selain itu, pendengaran juga biasa digunakan terutama bersama pengamatan

    penglihatan. Contoh aktiviti yang boleh dilakukan adalah memperkenalkan huruf-huruf

    dengan bunyinya. Ini membolehkan kanak-kanak mengenal pasti huruf sebelum

    berkembang untuk membaca perkataan dan ayat. Cara yang boleh digunakan oleh

    guru ialah memperkenalkan sebahagian perkataan yang penting kepada pelajar seperti

    huruf dalam nama pelajar. Selain itu, guru harus mengajar huruf bersama-sama dengan

    ayat. Contoh ialah a untuk ayam, b untuk bola. Pada masa yang sama elakkan

    mengunakkan huruf besar kerana ini dapat menimbulkan kekeliruan kepada pelajar.

    Bukan itu sahaja, cara yang paling langsung untuk kanak-kanak mahir dalam

    pendengaran adalah bertutur dengan kanak kanak atau membaca kepada kanak-

    kanak. Semasa bertutur dengan mereka, kanak-kanak sedang mendengar danmendapat pengalaman dalam berbahasa. Pengalaman inilah penting dalam

    perkembangan membaca.


    Kemahiran yang terakhir ialah kemahiran pergerakan mata dan tangan. Kemahiran ini

    dapat dipupuk melalui aktiviti motor tangan seperti mewarna. Perkembangan motor

    tangan adalah amat penting kerana pada peringkat awal, motor halus kanak-kanak

    belum matang lagi. Guru harus mengalakkan kanak-kanak untuk menggunakan

    kreativiti untuk melukis dan mewarna mengunakan peralatan yang berbeza. Ini

    bertujuan unutk melatih kanak-kanak memegang pensel atau objek yang seumpama

    seperti crayon atau pensel warna dengan cara yang betul dan pada masa yang sama

    melatih motor halus. Selain itu guru juga boleh memberi permainan yang mengunakkan

    objek kecil seperti set bongkah yang dapat membantu dalam perkembangan motor.

    Kalau tidak terdapat set bongkah, guru juga dapat member aktiviti seperti mengunting

    tetapi harus diingatkan untuk berhati-hati semasa mengunakkannya.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan



    Kaedah mengajar bacaan merupakan sebagian lanjutan daripada aktiviti prabacaan

    tetapi ini lebih berfokus kepada cara memperkenalkan hurf, perkataan dan ayat serta

    bunyi kepada kanak-kanak.

    Kaedah ini secara kasar dapat dibahagikan kepada tiga:

    1. Kaedah bunyi/ fonetik

    2. Kaedah huruf

    3. Kaedah pandang dan sebut


    Kaedah ini lebih mengutamakan bunyi. Terdapat dua cara mengunaan iaitu:

    1. Membunyikan suku kata dan menyambungkan dengan suku kata yang lain.

    Contohnya: ba + pa = bapa

    2. Membunyikan huruf-huruf dahulu, lepas itu menjadikannya suku kata dan akhirnya



    b (beh), a (ah) = ba

    p(peh), a (ah) = pa

    ba + pa = bapa

    Kekuatan Kelemahan

    Sesuai denagn susuk bahasa Melayu

    adalah terdiri daripada suku-suku kata

    yang hampir tetap bunyinya.

    Bacaan murid-murid tidak licin. Ini

    disebabkan perhatian murid-murid itu

    tertumpu kepada suku-suku kata, satu lepas


    Kaedah ini membolehkan kanak-kanak

    membaca perkataan-perkataan baharu

    walaupun perkataan-perkataan itu diluar

    perbendaharaan kata mereka.

    Tidak menarik hati kerana suku-suku kata

    yang diajar itu tidak mempunyaai makna

    yang nyata pada mereka.


  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    Kaedah yang tertua ini mementingkan mengenal nama-nama buruf dan bunyi-bunyi

    huruf. Biasanya kaedah ini dimulakan dengan memperkenalkan huruf-huruf dari a,b,c d

    sehingga z kepada kanak-kanak. Kemudian kanak-kanak akan mengenali huruf mana

    yang dikategri sebagai vokal dan konsonan. Pada tahap seterusnya kanak kanak

    diajar dengan gabungan vokal dan konsonan serta diftong. Bunyi-bunyi akan

    disambung menjadi suku kata seperti su + ka = suka. Seterusnya mereka akan

    mengenal rangkai kata, ayat dan seterusnya diajar membaca.

    Vokal a a i

    Konsonan s y l r


    Vokal dan


    sa ya la ri

    Perkataan saya lari

    Kekuatan Kelemahan

    Sesuai dengan susuk bahasa Malaysia

    kerana bahasa Malaysia terdiri daripada

    suku-suku kata yang hampir tetap


    Membolehkan kanak-kanak membaca

    perkataan-perkataan baharu, walaupun

    belum mempelajarinya kerana mereka

    dapat mengenal huruf-huruf dan

    membunyikan vokal dan konsonan

    dengan baik.

    Kaedah ini memberi asas dan binaan yang

    kukuh dalam membaca.

    Tercapai kecekapan dan kemahiran

    membaca serta member keyakinan

    kepada murid-murid

    Murid-murid membaca dengan lancar

    tanpa memahami apa yang dibacanya.

    Mereka hanya mementingkan sebutan dan

    kelancaran membaca.

    Murid-murid terbawa-bawa tabiat

    membaca sambil mengeja menyebabkan

    mereka membaca merangkak-rangkak.

    Kaedah ini dikatakan tidak sesuai dengan

    kehendak pendidikan dan psikologi murid-

    murid kerana pengajaran tidak secara

    keseluruhan yang bermakna.

    Boleh membosankan murid-murid

    terutama apabila mereka diberi latih tubi

    yang berlebihan.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan



    Kaedah ini juga dikenali dengan nama kaedah perkataan, kaedah rangkai kata dan

    kaedah ayat yang mementingkan dua perkara iaitu membunyikan perkataan atau

    rangkai kata berdasarkan pengalaman melalui gambar dan membunyikan ayat melalui

    gambar yang ada cerita. Kaedah ini tidak mengunakan kaedah emgeja atau membunyi

    tetapi mengecam dan membaca.


    1. Pada peringkat permulaan, perkataan-perkataan yang disampaikan mengikuti kaedah

    ini disertakan dengan gambar. Kanak kanak diminta untuk mengecam dan mengenal

    perkataan dengan memandang keseluruhannya. Setelah dicam, tidak dibunyikan, dan

    tidak juga dieja, tetapi terus disebut perkataan itu.

    2. Mempelajari ayat pula, kanak-kanak diminta tidak mengeja satu-satu perkataan yangterkandung di dalamnya tetapi mengecam terus ayat-ayat yang pendek dan mudah

    dengan. Pengulangan serta latih tubi perlu diperbanyakkan.

    Kekuatan Kelemahan

    Sesuai dengan kehendak ilmu jiwa kanak-

    kanak kerana mereka mempelajari sesuatu

    cara keseluruhan, menarik minat murid-

    murid. Bersesuaian dengan resmi semula jadi

    kanak-kanak mempelajari sesuatu iaitu

    daripada keseluruhan kepada bahagian-


    Kaedah ini dari awal mementingkan makna.

    Guru dapat melatih kanak-kanak membaca

    dengan sebutan dan rentak irama ataupun

    alunan suara yang betul dari mula.

    Bacaan kanak-kanak mungkin terhad

    kepada perkataan, rangkai kata dan ayat-

    ayat yang telah diajar sahaja

    Kaaedah ini tidak membolehkan kanak-kanak mengenal huruf-huruf secara formal.

    Lambat mengenal bunyi dan suku kata.

    Murid-murid tidak mempunyai asas yang

    kukuh yang membolehkan mereka

    membaca sendiri.

    Lambat tercapai kemahiran dan kecekapan


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  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    During three months studying Business Communication course, my learning skills as well as my business knowledge have been improved. I have learnt to organize my ideas better in reports,write right grammatical sentences, and express messages through email and presentation fluently.As a working environment, it brings me a lot of business experiences, methods to deal with

    business issues.

    Business Communication course has helped me overcome my fear of writing assignments. I usedto afraid of writing essays, reports or hesitating to ask my lecturers any questions through emails

    because I though that I have bad grammar, cannot organize my idea clearly and I used to getlower marks then my friends. However, this course helped me recognize that my terrible writingskill is caused by two factors: lack of confident and my carelessness. Surprisingly, after twoweeks of preparing for the first assig nment with lecturers devoted instruction, I got high mark for the first assignment. It woke me up and I realized that when I have a good preparation,

    practicing usually and check my work after finishing my writing, I can write well. Now, beforewriting an assignment, I read the requirements first, point out the main issues then make anoutline, write a draft and check grammar and correct mistakes at the end. Moreover, I have learnt

    to write several types of email depending on its topic, content, receiver or company position. Ihavent known that writing an email need to be cautions from the title to the writing style,otherwise the readers can misunderstand or cannot have a thorough grasp of the content. Emailassignment not only taught me how to deliver negative messages, but also raised my carefulnessand awareness of the importance of an email. An email has power in express emotions as well asthe respect of the author for receivers.

    If the first assignment made me more confident in my writing skill, the second assignment hasameliorated my knowledge about the differences between various types of business reports. Iwrote reports about new business idea, researching the current market or analyzing a currentsituation of a company but in this report, I had to find out the shortcomings and problemsexisting inside my department. At first, I might think that our marketing department did nothingwrong in the companys problem but the meeting between departments has changed my mind. Iwas aware that a problem is the collative responsibility by all people in the organization.Although, analyzing own shortcomings is more difficult than doing it to others, this assignment

    bring me an opportunity to review myself and understand my strength and weakness.Additionally, a new form of report gave me a chance to discover many methods to deal theseveral issue during the business process.

    My presentation skill seems to be better after I took the third assignment. Doing presentation hasappeared as usual since I entered in RMIT, but I have never concentrated in some skills neededin a presentation such as: body language, eyes contact, body movement, etc., rather than itscontent. Reflecting to me, almost of my presentations before this course were lack of vitality,attraction, leading to inadequate information which should be delivered to the audiences. In shorttime, I cannot complete my presentation skill, but at least, this course has helped me tounderstand the importance of body and emotional actions while express information.Presentation assignment taught me how to make good slides, good appearance in front of audiences. After this course, I plan to practice more in my vacation to be a good presenter inMarket Research course in next semester when I would present to the managers of courses

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    sponsored company. Furthermore, this skill will help me complete my task perfectly as anemployee of an organization.

    Besides improving my learning skills, this course helped me to have experiences in a realworking environment, how to communicate with others in a company, how to deal the urgent

    issue occurred during business process. In the first lesson, my lecturer set up some business rulessuch as formal dress, punctuality, polite talking, etc. and simulates the class like a smallcompany with six departments. I seem to work in a company instead of studying and it helps mefelt the working environment with the full responsibility as a real employee. Now, I am aware of how different in communication between colleagues and classmates or friends. Connecting

    between friends, I can speak freely but with my colleagues, all of words I said must be formal, politely and express my respect to them. I was also aware of the importance of thecommunication among the company. Lack of communication between departments may lead tothe wrong or incomplete decision, bad customer service and directly affect on company short andlong term benefit. Through the task and activities in class, I collected some tips and learntvarious solutions for some business issue. For example, when company has mistakes and may

    break the good relationship with potential customers, I can advise some solutions such as:discount the cost of the next orders to those customers, take a short investigation to find out theorigin of the problem, delegate the tasks to responsible candidates, etc. I recognized that acompany must be a close-knit community as a priority, a clear delegation of tasks and missionsand constant improvement in both employees knowledge and relationships.

    Business communication course has helped me to improve my learning skill, my businessknowledge and my awareness of the necessary of communication in workplace. It not onlymakes me more confident to complete other courses like: market research, customer services butalso gives me more opportunities to do a better jobs in my future careers.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    My childhood was like most other children. I received love and care from my family a lot, so my familywill have been my biggest motivation. Sometimes, I sat and remembered my childhoods memories. Myfamily was really a good attempt for me. They would certainly give me much helpful advice if I mademistakes. They also taught me self-consciousness. Besides, they tried their best to be able to create thebest environment of education to me, especially my father. He always encouraged me to study hard;

    consequently, sometimes I thought my father put a lot of pressure on me, so I felt extremely upset andbored with learning. Why should I do that? I asked myself. H owever, after moving to Hanoi, in which Icould approach with a new live-style, new education and new friends I realized seriously the benefitsfrom educational methods of my family. Thus, I now feel not only very confident when facing differentchallenges , but also energetic enough to try to achieve my goals. OConnor and McDermott (1997, p.53)states that connecting causes and effects help us to learn experiences. Based on my experiences, I feelthat they are correct, for example, in learning English, if my father had not ordered me to study five newwords and revised grammars everyday, I would not have had English skills as now. About my career inthe future, I want to become a lawyer and my grandfather who was a good lawyer effected to me verymuch. He and I often talked about political events and I felt very interested in listening to his analysisabout law and politics. In addition, his characteristics impacted on me effectively, therefore becoming agood lawyer as my grandfather seemed to be one of my goals. Although I am studying a commercecourse, I have never changed my ambition. Moreover, with knowledge about commerce and law I canuse both of them to serve my job more efficiently in the future.

    Business Communication is an exciting subject that I have ever studied. In a professionalstudying environment like RMIT, this course is very important and essential to all of RMITstudents. In fact, most of graduated students will work in business environment. Therefore, their

    success not only is based on their ability and knowledge, but those students also need to use their communication skills effectively. I used to think that my knowledge and communication skillsare good enough to be able to communicate and apply in my future career. However, I nowrealize that I must study plenty of things and train myself after last twelve studying weeks.

    In evidence, the course is organized very well and subjects structure is clear as well. Moreover,content of subjects is multiform. Some subjects focus on improving individual skills, the othersaim to develop group-working skills, so that those make students interested in the course. I wasreally exited in studying this course, too. The first impression to me is regulation of dressingformal uniform. I think that this regulation is suitable and necessary to the course. All of students

    joining the course not only focus on studying theories, but they also pay attention to their

    dressing. Some of my friends stated that dressing formal uniform made them not confident aswell as uncomfortable. In contrast, I strongly disagree with their idea. Dressing formal uniformrepresents a professional working environment as well as expresses our respect to others. In

    business environment, our dressing plays an important role beside other factors. Therefore, Itotally agree that the formal dressing must be the first essential subject that all of students shouldfollow. In terms of other subjects, the first assignment of our group is a presentation to introducemembers in my group to class. Last semesters, I was guided how to have a successful

    presentation. Based on last experience, I think that preparing slides is the most important step.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    This is the main content of first subject in the course as well. During the class, I paid attention tolisten my teachers guides. This was really a good chance for me to strengthen my experienceand aid me to study more skills. Beside real examples given from my teacher, she also stated thatthe best slide was the slide that followed six -six method. This means there should be six main

    points and each point should be summarized in six words. I applied this experience into other

    courses; as a result, I realize that my slides look more clear and professional than last ones. Iwill never forget a useful advice from my teacher. Furthermore, group-working method isanother important element contributing to general success of a group. Since I was a student of RMIT, I have worked with lots of people and collected many helpful experiences from them.However, I sometimes felt bored and stressful when working with irresponsible people, whoaffected negatively to my working process and other people. After each time working with those

    people, I had more experiences for my future work. At this course, I had an opportunity to work with good friends. Not all of members had known to each other before, but all of my memberswere kind and responsible. I have realized that good time management is really an effectivefactor to our work. Before all of group meeting, I need to know about studying time of mymembers, and then I decided an appropriate time to meet all of my members. As a result, all of

    members felt comfortable to work together. Now I am working in my brothers company. I am awarehouse management, so I must not communicate with many people. However, I always usemy communication skills flexibly in my role. In fact, the way to communicate with mycolleagues is different from with my bosses. My colleagues have personal characteristics, so Ialways want to use communication skills to understand and unite my colleagues. Sometimes, Ihave to be strict to make everyone attend to her or his work seriously. This affects positively toworking process of my company. Refer to my course; I had more knowledge and experience of nonverbal and cross-cultural communication as well. This subject is new and useful to me,

    because I maybe have to communicate with lots of foreign partners from different countries inmy work, thus verbal communication skill will not be enough. Besides, I studied how to write anegative message and persuasive people effectively. Composing a negative message was myweaknesses. I used to feel quite confused when composing a negative message due to lack of experience. I have realized that writing a negative message is not easy, but I now feel better after receiving helpful advice and good examples from my teacher.

    Now I have completed all of given subjects in my course, as a result I have gained many helpfulexperience and good advice from my teacher. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses, so Iwill use my strengths in communication skill to overcome my weaknesses. I believe in my abilityin communicating with people. I can talk with many people with different personality, so I canunderstand their characteristics easily and people often feel friendly to exchange informationwith me as well. Besides, I should improve my time management skill to be able to make

    balance between studying time and working time. I have got more experiences of composingnegative messages, but I should spend more time on training and improving this skill. In thefuture, I will work in business, so all of the subjects that I studied will be very effective to mycareer.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    he development of economy is changing significantly, as a result this effects to society obviously. When Iwas a kid I lived in Lang Son, where is a city in the North of Vietnam. Although my parents could affordto take care of me well, our living standard and facilities really were not good enough, for example, inmy primary school, there were not enough furniture and teaching equipments, which were quite old forus to use. Next, I can not forget my close friends. We often met, chatted and played many interesting

    plays happily together without discriminating with rich people and poor ones. Consequently, except fordifficulties in living, I really feel happy with good everything I had in my past. However, following thetime, I have realized the influence of economic development to society. With benefits from economicdevelopment, the government has more funds to be able to modify most infrastructures, support andget facilities better. Thus, this also impacts positively on my family. Because of growth in salaries of myparents, our living has improved obviously and this brings back comfort and convenience for us.Furthermore, the firm income of my family makes a good chance for me to study in the RMIT University.At home , I can use my knowledge and my English ability to transfer and help others, such as: myyounger brothers or sisters. In addition, the change in economy leads to the change in characteristics of people. Many my friends have changed their thoughts. Someone who receive a comfortable life and thewealth tend to neglect poorer ones. Someone else seem jealousness or complex with me. I am shockedand quite sad about this. What should I do? OConnor and McDermott (1997) states that, Effect followscause closely i n time and space. With this knowledge, I can ensure that the development of country willcertainly continue to effect and make many changes in society, so nothing can remain forever. I am veryexited and impressed with the results of economic changes. In future, I will probably work in a business,

    so if the economy can grow permanently there will be many good conditions for my job.

  • 7/27/2019 Aktiviti Prabacaan


    I am saying from the heart because I write from experience. I have proved that I can work well withpersonal experiences as my material. Words just flow naturally if I write about what have happened tome. I like writing using the first person point of view, I dont know why, I just like being very personalwhen Im writing. I want to be understood, and I want to establish a connection between me, as thewriter, with my readers. It makes me feel good to know that my writing can bring about a reaction from

    the ones who have read it, much more if they give me praises.

    Writing is difficult, creative writing is a S TRUGGLE, its different if you have to write creatively, theresmuch more pressure, you have to make use of your meager stock of words, yet they should yield acrafty piece of literature. Only a few people are able to manipulate words into becoming a beautifulpiece of art, and I am hoping that someday (in the far- flung future) I can make onebut I still have a lotto learn, Im not that confident with my writing, I still have to develop a singular and personal style inwriting and I have to perfect it. Mu ch is yet to be done

    I have yet to learn a lot of things, especially in writing technical papers; Im terrible with these kinds of papers. Fiction-wise, I think I have improved much. I have long been trying to write short stories since Iwas in third g rade; I just love to write short stories. I dont know why, perhaps its because I didnt playwith the other kids that often, and writing became my friend. It also helps that I use writing as an outletevery time I am angry or I am depressed with the status quo of my existence. Writing just needs practice.

    Recently, my friend gave me a pretty journal. At first, I was afraid to write on it because it was too pretty,I didnt want to damage it with mu ugly handwrieting, but as I read Kristine Bersola -Bab aos article onthe newspaper that she keeps four journals, aside from her electronic one, I was inspired. I need not to

    be afraid. I need to write, write, write, and WRITE

    Reading also helps a lot. When I am faced with a writers block, I turn to read ing. It inspires me andperhaps gives me ideas on what to write. You need to be a good reader for you to be a good writer.

    I personally think that I am improving as a writer. I think the constructive criticisms during our sessionsalso help because I le arn from the comments of others. I used to be afraid of criticisms; I didnt want tobe criticized, I have always thought that its too embarrassing or to demeaning and intimidating, but

    now I see the wisdom behind the opinions of others.