Cases - children behavioural problem.docx

INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS SARAWAK PENGURUSAN TINGKAHLAKU MURID PRASEKOLAH Pada peringkat umur 4-6 tahun murid prasekolah sedang mengalami perubahan jasmani, emosi, rohani, intelek, dan sosial yang agak pesat. Mereka sedang mempelajari bagaimana menyesuaikan dengan persekitaran mereka. Oleh yang demikian seringkali murid prasekolah menghapai masalah menguruskan tingkahlaku mereka dan mereka memerlukan orang dewasa untuk membimbing mereka. Arahan : Anda diberikan lima kes murid prasekolah untuk dibincangkan dalam kumpulan. Bahagikan kepada lima kumpulan dan setiap kumpulan anda meneliti dan membincangkan satu kes sahaja berdasarkan soalan yang diberikan sebagai panduan. Selepas perbincangan setiap kumpulan dikehendaki membentangkan jawapan masing masing. Masa yang diberikan hanya 10 minit untuk pembentangan. Pembentangan hendaklah dilakukan dengan menggunakan slaid powerpoint. Soalan : 1. Kenalpasti masalah tingkahlaku yang dihadapi oleh murid prasekolah berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan. 2. Buat suatu analisis mengapa masalah tingkahlaku ini boleh berlaku. 3. Berdasarkan mana-mana satu model pengurusan tingkahlaku yang anda telah pelajari huraikan bagaimana ianya diaplikasikan untuk menangani masalah tingkahlaku di atas. KES 1 : I am seriously on the verge of tears and feel like I am failing as a mother. My son is 5yrs old and in kindergarden. Since the school year has started he has been in trouble about 5 times now. He has even gotten suspended from school for 2 days. Suspended!

Transcript of Cases - children behavioural problem.docx

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Pada peringkat umur 4-6 tahun murid prasekolah sedang mengalami perubahan jasmani, emosi, rohani, intelek, dan sosial yang agak pesat. Mereka sedang mempelajari bagaimana menyesuaikan dengan persekitaran mereka. Oleh yang demikian seringkali murid prasekolah menghapai masalah menguruskan tingkahlaku mereka dan mereka memerlukan orang dewasa untuk membimbing mereka.

Arahan :

Anda diberikan lima kes murid prasekolah untuk dibincangkan dalam kumpulan. Bahagikan kepada lima kumpulan dan setiap kumpulan anda meneliti dan membincangkan satu kes sahaja berdasarkan soalan yang diberikan sebagai panduan. Selepas perbincangan setiap kumpulan dikehendaki membentangkan jawapan masing masing. Masa yang diberikan hanya 10 minit untuk pembentangan. Pembentangan hendaklah dilakukan dengan menggunakan slaid powerpoint.

Soalan :

1. Kenalpasti masalah tingkahlaku yang dihadapi oleh murid prasekolah berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan.

2. Buat suatu analisis mengapa masalah tingkahlaku ini boleh berlaku.3. Berdasarkan mana-mana satu model pengurusan tingkahlaku yang anda telah

pelajari huraikan bagaimana ianya diaplikasikan untuk menangani masalah tingkahlaku di atas.

KES 1 :

I am seriously on the verge of tears and feel like I am failing as a mother. My son is 5yrs old and in kindergarden. Since the school year has started he has been in trouble about 5 times now. He has even gotten suspended from school for 2 days. Suspended! I’m afraid they are going to expel him. I’ve tried a few displinary actions and nothing seems to work. What should i do???? I need help. He is such an awsome kid at home for the most part.... His teacher said he is starting to get shunned by the other children and that breaks my heart...Pls anything that any of u think will help I would greatly appreciate it.

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KES 2 :

Hello my name is Jennifer and my 5 year old son started Kindergarten last week!! The first two days went great but this past week we've been have issues!! He doesn't want to listen to his teacher and saying NO to her. The school is really good school and his teacher is awesome, so I know it's not the school. Simple small things like not raising his hand to speak and not laying down and being quit when he's told to. Tyler been the only child for 5 years and he has his moments where he doesn't want to listen. I just don't want him no to like school and start off on a bad experience. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

KES 3 :

My son is six years old and is the last of three children. We are now well into the school year and my son is still getting talked to at school for not staying on task, talking moving around too much and today it was for arguing with his teacher. I am at a loss. My eldest child is a girl and she was a stellar student and still is. My middle son has autism so enough said there. My youngest and last has been tested up the yahoo for autism, ADHD etc especially since I have one on the spectrum already. I am thinking maybe this school just has way too high of expectations? Its kindergarten and he has no drive to go to school now. I feel like this is the age where kids begin to love school or hate it.

KES 4 :

My 6 yr old, Baylee is being suspended many times in kindergarten many many times. We have an IEP meeting next week. I'm shocked by her behaviour, hitting teachers and students, tripping them, rolling on floor, crying and screaming etc....horrible experience for us and herself. She has always had a bit of a temper but has not shown these behaviours a home like at school. Recently she has acted out at home, but just recently. I feel sorry for her because she has consequences for her actions and is always in some type of trouble. The home life her is stressful because of her failure at school. Everyday we start over fresh, controlled and then after she get suspended it falls apart. I have an advocate coming this Monday, and then the meeting (IEP) is the next day. A lot has happened this year and school and teachers are kind of nice but its hard to face and to me very sad that my precious child it having such a bad time of it.

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KES 5 :

I am having the same issue with my son. The good thing is he is learning everything he needs to learn, doing all of his work, but he insists on making noises either while he is working or when the teacher is instructing. Today he decided to hang out with 2 other boys at recess and they were screaming like they were scared or in danger and didn't care to listen why this was not good. Then my son laughed at both the teachers. I am at lost. I have tried all kinds of positive and negative behaviour. I don't know what else to do besides take him to the doctor to be tested.

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Gambar 1

Perhatikan Gambar 1 yang menunjukkan suasana bilik darjah prasekolah ini.

Apakah yang sedang berlaku?

Adakah anda suka sekiranya diberipeluang mengajar murid ini? Mengapa?

Gambar 2 menunjukkan tingkahlaku seorang murid prasekolah.

Huraikan tingkahlaku murid ini.

Mengapa murid ini bertingkahlaku seperti ini?

Apakah tindakan anda sebagai guru apabila berhadapan dengan murid seperti ini?

Apakah kesan tingkahlaku ini terhadap murid ini?

Gambar 2

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Gambar 3 menunjukkan tingkahlaku dua orang murid prasekolah.

Huraikan tingkahlaku murid ini.

Mengapa murid ini bertingkahlaku seperti ini?

Apakah tindakan anda sebagai guru apabila berhadapan dengan murid seperti ini?

Apakah kesan tingkahlaku tersebut ke atas kedua dua orang murid?

Gambar 3