Kertas Bahasa Inggeris 1-2 Perak PMR 2009.

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Transcript of Kertas Bahasa Inggeris 1-2 Perak PMR 2009.

  • 8/8/2019 Kertas Bahasa Inggeris 1-2 Perak PMR 2009.


    SI]LITlalBahasaInggerisKertas 1Ogos2009I jam





    JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAIIUMaklumatuntuk calonI. Kertassoalqn ni mengandungiima bahagian:BahagianA, BahagianB, BahagianC,BahagianD dan Bahagian E dengan 40 soalan.2, Jawab sem\a soalan.

    . 3. Soalan.soqlaxdalamsemuabqhqgian mempunyaiemp t pilihqn jay,qpan.4. Ahda dinasihati upayqmengambilmarq lO minit uhtukmenjTwab oalanBahagianA,I0 minit unlukBahagianB, l0 mihit untukBahagianC, lO minit untuk BahagianD dan20 minit untukB^hegisr^E.Information or candidatesl, Thisquestion aper consists ffrve sectionst ectionA, SectionB, SectionC, SectionDahd SectionE with 40 questions.2. Ansy,er ll E)estions.3, Suestiohsn all sectionshave folur options.4, youare adrised o ryendabout 0 minutes r SectionL IO minutes 7? ectionB,10 minules l1SectionC, 70 mihutes , SectionD and 20 fiinuteson SectionE.

    [Lihat sebelahSI,'LITt2tl

    Kertassoalao ni mengaDdungi2 balamaD ercetak

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    l , From he comic strip,we know tbatA dleman's eenaged ondid not like his cookingB t}reman took a very ongtime to FeparedinnerC the man'swife scolded im for beingslowD the man cookeddirureror himselfonlyTIIE 4 Rs - To help saveth environment


    Recycles manydifferentmaterialss youcan.


    Reuseproductsagarn ndagarnwhenpractical.Reproduceproductsromrecycledmaterials,


    ReduceheamountofhazardousProducts ouDUy. (Adaptediom: http://www.cleanwaterwavs.orq/hhwnWhich of the following statementss true?

    Prcducts houldonly be usedonce.Peoplemustrecycleall qpesof matedals.The 4fu progmmme ims o helppeoplesavemoney.we shoulduse ewerproducts hat are dangerouso lheenvironment.

    Cheryl,I haveameeting.Will beback ate.Pleaseallyourdad o let him know.Remernbeto bring in the laundryand mindyourbrcther.We'lI havea Chineseakeawayfor dlhnor onight. Seeyou. Mum


    3. Frdn tlrc inessage e know &at CherylA takecare ofher brotherB telephoneer motherC took hei o\rn dirmerD do tlre aundryran

    nas c


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    SULITIPOH, Tues-A drunkenbuglar fell asleep n the househe had broken nto. The ownerwhofound him dozingonhis sofa called hepolice.Peterwas ailed for two yearsafter admittingto the break-in.Whatwould be tie most suitableheadline or the above epofi?A A Careless wglarB A SleepyBurgkrC Sleeping urglarCaughtD BurglarJailed or Years


    Cameras nd camemphonesareA allowedB acceptedC pemittedD pohibitd

    MANAGEMENT TRAINEE. Fresh raduates ith diploma,/degreer Able o converse ell in English. No experiences required s rainingwill beprovided. Computeriterate

    WALK_ININTERVIEW308, 3'd Floor, JalanBunga 57000Kuala Lwnpur

    A personwho wants o apply or this obA neednot be a gaduateB neednot havecomputer killsC musthavesomeworking experienceD mustbe able o speakEnglish luently

    [Lihat sebelahSULITt2tl

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    SULIT t2tl

    WASTENOT,WANT NOT7. The noticeaboye s a rcminder hatwater s

    A contamhatedB preciousC plertiirlD tainted

    8. Thepiechartabove howshat oadaccidentsremainlycausedA engineailuresB hwmn actorsC weather onditionsD physicatonditionsf rcads


    60EARTHHOURShow oursupportor EarthHouron March28.At 8,30p,m., witchoffyour lights br onehour.9, Theposterabove ellsus to switchoff the ligirts

    A fiom 8.30p.m.o 9.30p.mB for as ongasyou ikeC at 8.30p.m. verydayD for 60 seconds

    10. Basedon the extractabove, he pltase slate-of-the-al/meansA ancientB outdatedC the atestD the cosdiestt2t1

    Cineplexesn shoppingmallsprovidea moreexciting iewingexperience nd come equippedwilh state-of-the-4rlsoundsystems ndplushseats.


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    Adapted om the PC Magazine15 A HoweverB ThereforeC AlthoughD Moreover16 A out

    B cutsC cuttingD havecut

    Questions 1- 18Each question in the text below tefers to a numbercdblank. For each question, choosethebestanstterrom theoprionrA, B, C and D to it the nunberedblank.

    The computers an amazingool. It is said o be the 11 invntionof the 2lstcantury.Every olfice and home today 12 a computer, t is used 13 businesstransactions, s a sourceof reference nd informationand a meansof entertainmgnt,Computershave becomesuch an integral part of 14 lives that we cannot imagine aday going by without using the cornputer._[ , many parentsare concemedabout thepopularity of computergames.This is becauseheir children spend most of their wakinghours n front of the computer, hus_ll into the time spent 17 social aotivities,Plalng computer ames 18 be addictive.

    11. A greatB grealestC asgeat asD grcalerhan12, A has

    B hadC haveD hu.4ng13. A withB forcbvDh14. A, hisB ourC yourD ttFir

    18 A canB mustC wouldD should


    [Lihat sebelahSIJLIT12tl

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    Questions 9- 21Readhe con|ersotionbelowand choose he best meakingor thephrasesunderlined'Rohanamet Jayanthi n herway backhomeRohanaJalanthiRohanaJayanthiRoharEJayanthiRohana19. callon

    A Su1lrlmnB invibC visitD ask20, ebbine wav

    A disappeerraduaUyB decreasenstantlyC stopnrnedialelyD ease uickly

    21. watch verA plotectB observeC attendoD guard ver



    Hi, Jayanthi!Whal happeaed?esterdayouwent backhomeafter he frs period'I had such a tenible stomachacheo I had to call on (19) my aunt to take me to theclinic.Whatdid the doctorsay?He said t was ust a bad caseof gastritisso he gaveme somemedicationAfter taking tI could feel thepainebbineawav 20)but I was still weak.Youpoor hing!Thank Godmy auntwas there o watchover (21)me.You'reso lucky to havesucha caringaunt.

    t2tl SULIT

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    STJLIT t2/lQuestions 2 - 24Read hespeechbelow and choose he bestheaningfol the phrasesunderlined.

    Goodmoming,shrdents.oday,we bid larewell(22)to Cik Jamaliahwho is retiringnext week.She has been with us for the past 22 years. She has been a pj_llal,qf sllg4gth (23), alwaysencouragings to work hardandadvisingus not to build castlesn the air (24).We will alwaysremember er words. Cik Jamaliah,we wish you a happy retirement.22, bid farewell

    A conveyour wishesB sendour rcgardsC showgratitudeD saygoodbyepillarof strensthA fountainofjoyB figurof authorityC geat supportD shict taskmasterbuildcastlesn theairA sleepB loikrC daydreamD procrastinate


    ll-ihat sebelahSIJLIT12tl

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    Questions 5- 28 are basedon the ollowingposter.



    25. The aim of organising re bookfair is toA help the participating ookstorcs lear hehstockB allowschoolstudents o participaten manyeventsC encourageeople o rcad morc in oder to gainknowledgeD provideoppornuritiesor people o meet amousauthorsandpoets

    Tl9ad booKDateTimeVenueOrganiser

    PERAKBOOKF,{IRZOOSaday, alnKnou,led8eora llfetlmezz - z9Novemberaoog10a.m. I p.m. Monday Thursday)10a.m. 9 p.m. Friday Sunday)StadiumnderaMulia, poh,PerakMalaysianBookstoreAssociationHighlights ofthe week:

    Come and vlsit the event of the year! Great promotions and bargalns!Special rices or selected ooks:r. "TheMagician: heSecretsfthe ImmortalNicholas lamel" y MichaelScottz. "Then" y MorrisGleitzman3. "11Birthdays' y WendyMass4. "Seekers:heQuestBegins" y Edn Hunter5. "Talesrom heCourtandOtherStories" y Matthew homas6. "MouseClutchingWinter Melon"by KuanGuatChooFor urthernformation,og otr o reww,perakbookfair.209.ny

    NO EVENTS DATE TIMEI Story-tellingSession

    (Openo childrenaged - rzvears)22 November2oo9 2p.m.-5p.m.

    2 PoetrvReadins 23 November2oog 10a.m. 1D.m.BookSigningby SamLlewellyn,theauthorof"Lyonesse:heWall BetweenWorlds"z5 Novemberoog 3p.m.-5p.m.

    4 LiteraryADDreciation ession 26November 0og 2D.m, -6D,m.5 'Meetthe Authors'Session 27 November2ooq 2D.m. -6D.m,6 'TleasureHunt' or SecondarySchoolStudents 28 November oo9 11a,m. -6p .m.

    L2tl SIJLIT

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    SULIT26. Thebookfair will beheldat Stadiumnden Mulia forA sevendaysB eiglrtdaysC ninedaysD six days27. If a peNonwants o getautqgrapbsiom writers,he can attendA Story-telling essionB PoetryReadingsessionC 'Meet the Authors'sessionD LitemryAppreciation ession28. From heposter,we know that

    A six booksaregoing o be olleredat half priceB a FormThreesnrdenr anparticipa(en LheTreasure unrL tle book air s sponsoredy Malaysian ooksLoressociationu vlsltorscancall theorganiser ndrefer o therelevantwebsiteor infomation

    Questions29 - 34 qre based n the ollo\aingpassage.

    29. Theword 'artirtcial, meansA authenticB srntheticC onginalD genuine



    [Lihat sebelahSULIT

    ):l.1'l'jll:: *o :roplementsre igbusin.r,oMutu@l,ljl^,"^"1,ill ]?* ol.l.:o: *91y. 9i" of the easonsorttris ntercstn herbss thepeople,swarinessf aalttring rtilicialand 'eir highopinion f uryd,ing rg;l ; f., ;il;;#;;areconcemed.*," -ITt:y "

    lol,ol; of tlrcm s thea.loe eraptant.rrusplafl grows asityn Malaysia.he ntercstingontent f thisparticularlants itsgel, n thef.::1.-_-",i1:-d." hadusedhegetasshampooso wash heir hair,yet roday,we haveexfenslvetrampoos:l:trunq that heycontain loevera,as f l werea rarengredient,Atoeverascultivatedsanomamentallant. hisplant urvivesn ariasof lownaturali$l 9:, not n placeswhichexperiencextremelyow temperatues.t requires ell-drainedsanoy oftlng ortandbrightsro:ny ondition.ou carplant t in thepot or on *reground.oudon'tevenhave o lookafter tThis herb s consideredo beeffective n treatrnent f wounds.Somestudies,br example,:::y-9::ryT:,:" the,rare f heating.A more ecentstudyshowsevidenceharru gersupportsneaung r trst to second egree urns.Thebitteruiceextacted tom aloevera uice s oftenptepTg asflavoureddrink whichhelpswith digestive roblems^,,__-l::.""a people.haveomplainedhatconsumingoo muchaloeveraJucecancauseaooormnd r,unps nddranhoea. ometimesomepeopleshowmild skil allergyor developmshes.

    (AdaptedJiom Jus Engtish, 005/www. loeveraplant.rg)

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    SULIT30, Aloe veragelcanbe usedo


    ABcDsoothe umstat allergiesstopdianhoeaenlrancelavour

    Aloevem luiveswell nA fir[ sElightB cold cgionsC shady lacesI) swampyreasTheword it' in theseconda$graphcfers oA ingedientB slumpooC aloeveraD gelWhichof the ollowing tatementss true?A Aloevemgel s suitableshair onic.B Aloeven is onlygrown omrnercially.C Aloeverahasa lot of medicinalnefits.D Aloevera eedspecialareogrowwell.Thebestitle for thispassagesA Aloeveraand ts usesB Growing loeveraPlantsC ProducingloeveraProductsD Aloeveraasan organicood



    l2tr SULIT

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    Questions35 - 37 are basedon the followrngpoem.The DeadCrowHe saw a deadcrowin a drEinnear hepostomce.He saw an old mangaspingor airanda babybarelyable o breathein a crowdedmomingclinic.This and s sorich.Why shouldwe suffer ike this?

    I want cleanairfor my grandchildren.I wantthedamnedoolsto leave he forcstalone.I want the tees to grow,the rivers un free,and he eadhcoveredwith thepoliticians lanhowwe may ive with dignity,now andalways. A.SamadSald35. 'a babybarelyable to breathe'shows llat therc s _ pollutionin thecounrry.A airB lardC noiseD water36. All of the followingsarcdemandsmadeby thepoetexceptA gmss-covercdarth

    B more developmentsC wDolluteddversD cleanair37, Themainmessagef thepoerns tlat we must

    A set upmorcclinicsB stopkilting cmwsC fell rnore tsD cndpollution


    {Lihat rebdahSULITlz,tl

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    Questions8- 40 arebased n the extractromtheshort toryHow Dalst Got Its Name."He startedall this," they said o eachother "Galauwill be gladto hear hat Umat isdead!"But they were wong. When Galau heard hat his brother was dead,he c:!me o seewherehe lay, still unbuded.He cded ard moumed or him."He wasmy brotherandmy father'sson,"he said. He wasyotlllger han am. shouldhave ookedafrerhim. I want you to makea tall, cawedmemorialpole, ike the oneyou madefor my late ather."But the men disageed."Chief," they said,"yow kndness s too great.This manwasyour brotherandyour late fafter's son This is why he shouldneverhavegoneagainst ou theway he did. He shouldnot have broughtour enemieshere o attack and to kill many of ourfriends.You canmoumhim if you ikg butwe will not carvea polefor him.""Brother, think they are right," Lutongsaidgently. Poor Umat was our brother,buthe doesnot deserve memorialpole. t us ust moum him in our heais."

    Galau houghtabout his,hiding his facewi*r his hands."All right," he saidat last,"cover he poorman with earthand et no morebe said. Butonememorial will givehim. This wasoncea happyvillage,Now it is a placaof death,Bloodwas spilt in the villagesheet.The smell of deaths in the air Black flies arceveryrrtrere. willcall this villageDalat, lies,so nobodyshallever orget!"


    38. The villagerssaid Galauwould begladthatUmat wasdeadbcauseA Umat hadbetrayed imB Galauwasa heartlessmanC Galauwaswonied about he witrD Umat had beendisrespectii to the villageN

    39. Why did Galauhide his face n his hands'lA He wasangry.B He wasgrieved.C He was hruniliated.D He was eelingguilty.

    40. The villagewas given he name Dalaf'A becauset has he smell of deathB becauset was firll of bloodC in memoryof thewarD in memoryof Umat





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    SULITt2DBahasaInggerisKertas2Ogos2009Az jam



    Sduam igaprnuhminit


    L Kertassoalan ni mengandungi ig bahagiqn,2. Jawqb semtJa oalan.3. Anda dinasihati supaya mengambilmasa40 minit untuk men|awabsoalon Bahs9ia\ A,30 minit untuk Bahagian B dan 20 minit untuk Bs,h^gisD,C.

    Instructions.'l. Thisquestionpqper consistsof lhree sections.2. Answer ll questions.3, yo are adtised to spendabout 40 minuteso/r SectionA, 30 minutes on Seclion B and20 rninutes r SectionC.

    [Lihat sebelahSIJLITt2t2

    Kertas soalan ni melgandungi 4 halamatr bercetak

  • 8/8/2019 Kertas Bahasa Inggeris 1-2 Perak PMR 2009.


    SIJLIT t22Section I GuidedWriting

    130marlcs\TheEnglishLanguageSocietyofyou schooloBaniseda visit to the SwtshineChitdren'sHome Youhavebeenaskedo wdte an article for the schoolnewsletter n ihe activitiescarriedout dudlg thevisit


    paint hewalls f heoehanage plant rees

    clean pthecompound cleanhe ooms

    playgames prcpare meal

    Whenyriting yourarticle:. you may useall the notes. elaborateon thegivennoles o make t more ntercsting. addany other elevantnformatione makeswe t is not lss han 120words

    ll,ihat sebelahSULITt2D

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  • 8/8/2019 Kertas Bahasa Inggeris 1-2 Perak PMR 2009.


    SULIT t212SectionC r Novel

    110narkslNovels1. PotatoPeople AngelaWright2. RobinsonCrusoe - DanielDefo3. The Pbantomof The Opem Gaston rroux4. Dr. JeMl and Mr. Hyde - Robert ouis Stevenson5. The hisoner of Zenda AnthonyHop Hattins

    Basedon one novel you have ead,staiewhal you like about he story Cive rcasonso supportyouranswer.Your responsehouldbe:

    . trot less tha[ 50 wordso in conlinuougwdting (not n note orm)



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    No.Soalan Jawapan No.Soalan Jawapanl . B 21. c2. D 22. D3 . 23. c4 . c c5. D 25.6, D 26. B7. B 27. c8 . B 28. B9. 29. B10. c 30.11. B 31.12, 32. c13. B 33. ct4. B15. 35.l o . c 36. B17. 37.18. 38.19. D 39. B20. 40. c

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  • 8/8/2019 Kertas Bahasa Inggeris 1-2 Perak PMR 2009.


    SIIMMARYContent1. - neverworryalone2. - havinggoodfriends o talk to (openly)3. - doing exercise o reduceanxiety4. - exercise elpsyou to sleep etter5. - sleeps the best onic to overcomeworry6. - leam o tum negativehoughts ntopositivemindset7. - seekhelp romdoctoror counsellor

    (Any 5 contentpointswould warrant amaximum of 5 marks)

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    . Marked ability to useown words. Language s accurate: useof simple ndcompoundentences: appropriateinlersI USeOfCOaTeCtrammal. Accurate pelling ndpunctuation. First drafi slips. No liftingofsentgnces.. No irrelevanl elails


    . Ability to useown words. Languages argely ccurate: useof simple ndcompoundentences: appropriateinkers: useofconectgmmmar. Spell ingnd unctuationargely ccuratc. SomeminoreFors. Almostno iftingofsentences. No irrelevant etails

    ACHIEVEMENT. Attempts o useo\4nwords. Languages sufficiently ccuratc: useof simpleandcompoundentencesmajorityofq i m n l p . F n i p n ^ F . \

    : some seof linkers: some erious rammaticalrrors. Some erious rors in spelling ndpunctuation. Selectiveiftingofsentenccs. Some rrelevantdetails

    WEAK . No attempt o useown wolds. Frequenterious oors n grammar,pelling ndpunctuation. Wholesaleiftingoftext matedal. IrrelcvantdetailsVERYWEAKI

    High density fenors- fractuedsyntaxTotal ifr ing frexrmarerial.e. rarscriptIIrelevant etails

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    . Requittotcots f -k fulfilcd. ldc.satd detrils .sll{svElope4 c,rll-ofg,Eiscdwidlcvidsnclomfhg od.. Variad .o&DcctsuctuF sinplc.nd conpoutd). vocdulrry. AccurlF o99ofl,lc.bulqy. Accunrcncchanics fwritin&


    . Requircmcntsftask ttlfilledo kleos nd dctrils argslydcvclope4 rFniled lodsupported ittrvidencctom axt. Vei.d sc'trc drucolls (siEpL ed coopoutrd). Vooabularyid nough. lrrgcb rccurac ugcofhuurgp. krgrly accuratcm.chanics fwfiting

    ACIUEVEMENTtr. Requirmcntroftrrk firlfillodr l&rs ud dails nlficict ly dsvclopcdwith sottrcorgEnkstion. S.diq|cestuctnE lackv.ridy (sinplestucturc!doninltes). Adcqualeocabubry rcd. SumcientlyccuEtcu3 fhnguagr. Fairlyecouna ncch.anicsf witiag

    WEAK34. Rcquircnoaa fbst parlially ulfillcd. ldeasbck &velopmentnd org[izrtior with minimllGxlurlsupport mcr! narration-. Serrtmcet uc{ui6 rnoltlysimplewith no(s ha hrmparrc.ding. Vocrbutsy imiod. Langulseb budy locunrewithnorshrt hNmporcding. lncotai$q|t mcchttkr of witiDg

    VERYWEAKt-2e Requircncnsftrskhrn y fumld. Hardly nydcvclopmntfrclovalt dersortcxlual upport. Ifisl dqrsity frtqs;bluoing {id.occ, colc3ior. Vocsbularyry imitcd. Mccbdcaofwtitirrs nuroetousrotlr