Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)

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  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)





    STPM 2010



    One hour and forty-five minutes (Satu jam empat puluh lima minit)




    Instructions to candidates:


    There are fifty questions in this paper. For each question, four suggested anwers are given. Choose one correct answer and indicate it on the multiple-choice answer sheet


    Read the instructions on the multiple-choice answer sheet very carefully.

    Answerall questions. Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers .

    Arahan kepada calon:


    Ada lima puluh soalan dalam kertas ini. Bagi setiap soalan, empat cadangan jawapan

    diberikan. Pilih satu jawapan yang betul dan tandakan jawapan itu pada helaian jawapananeka pilihan yang dibekalkan.

    Baca arahan pada helaian jawapan aneka pilihan itu dengan teliti.

    Jawab semua soalan. Markah tidak akan ditolak bagi jawapan yang salah

    ________________________________________________________________________This question paper consists of 36 printed pages

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    1 Which statement correctly describes the property of water?

    A A relatively large amount of energy is needed to increase its temperature

    B At normal room temperatures, its molecules are bound together by ionic bonds

    C The highest density of water occurs below its freezing point

    D Water acts as a solvent for non-polar molecules

    2 A sequence of amino acids may end in either an amino group (-NH 2) or a carboxylgroup (-COOH). What is the theoretical number of chemically different dipeptides that

    may be assembled from 20 different amino acids?

    A 80

    B 160

    C 190

    D 400

    3 Which of the following organelles is the origin of the other membranes in the cell?

    A Vacuole

    B Nucleus

    C Lysosome

    D Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

    4 The diagram below shows a number of specialised cells from plant and animal tissues.

    Which cells provide mechanical support?

    A P, Q, R

    B P, Q, S

    C P, R, S

    D Q, R, T

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    1 Pernyataan manakah yang betul menerangkan sifat air?

    A Kuantiti tenaga yang besar diperlukan untuk meningkatkan suhu air

    B Pada suhu normal bilik, molekul terikat bersama dengan ikatan ionik

    C Ketumpatan air adalah tinggi berlaku di bawah sejuk beku

    D Air bertindak sebagai pelarut bagi molekul tidak berkutub

    2 Jujukan asid amino berakhir samada pada kumpulan amino (-NH2) atau kumpulankarboksil (-COOH). Secara teorinya, berapakah bilangan dipeptida berbeza yang

    berbeza secara kimia mungkin terbentuk daripada 20 asid amino yang berlainan?

    A 80

    B 160

    C 190

    D 400

    3 Antara organel berikut, yang manakah asal usul membran lain di dalam sel?

    A Vakuol

    B Nukleus

    C Lisosom

    D Jalinan endoplasma licin

    4 Gambarajah di bawah menunjukkan beberapa sel khusus daripada tisu-tisu tumbuhandan haiwan.

    Yang manakah sel yang menyediakan sokongan secara mekanikal?

    A P, Q, R

    B P, Q, S

    C P, R, S

    D Q, R, T

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    5 What is the advantage of DNA having two complementary strands?

    A Pairing can occur between chromatids

    B Transcription and replication can occur stimultaneously

    C Semi-conservative replication is possible

    D Diploid cells can inherit DNA from both parents

    6 The graph below shows Lineweaver-Burk plot of a reaction which is catalysed by anenzyme with and without the presence of substanceX.


    A an enzyme cofactor

    B a metabolic poison

    C a competitive inhibitor

    D a non-competitive inhibitor

    7 Which of the following about cyclic photophosphorylation and non-cyclicphotophosphorylation is correct?

    Cyclic Non-cyclic Cyclic and non-cyclic

    photophosphorylation photophosphorylation photophosphorylation

    A Oxygen is produced ATP is produced NADPH is not formed

    B NADPH is not formed Oxygen is produced ATP is produced

    C ATP is produced Oxygen is produced NADPH is not formed

    D NADPH is not formed ATP is produced Oxygen is produced

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    5 Apakah kebaikan DNA mempunyai dua bebenang pelengkap?

    A Pasangan boleh berlaku di antara kromatid

    B Transkripsi dan replikasi boleh berlaku secara serentak

    C Replikasi semi konservatif boleh berlaku

    D Sel diploid boleh mewarisi DNA daripada kedua-dua induk

    6 Graf di bawah menunjukkan plot Lineweaver-Burk bagi satu tindakbalas yangdimangkinkan oleh enzim dengan atau tanpa kehadiran bahan X.

    Bahan X merupakan

    A kofaktor enzim

    B racun metabolic

    C perencat persaingan

    D perencat bukan persaingan

    7 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah yang betul tentang pemfotofosforilan kitar dan

    pemfotofosforilan bukan kitar?

    Pemfotofosforilan Pemfotofosforilan Pemfotofosforilan

    kitar bukan kitar kitar dan bukan kitar

    A Oksigen dihasilkan ATP dihasilkan NADPH tidak terbentuk

    B NADPH tidak terbentuk Oksigen dihasilkan ATP dihasilkanC ATP dihasilkan Oksigen dihasilkan NADPH tidak terbentuk

    D NADPH tidak terbentuk ATP dihasilkan Oksigen dihasilkan

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    8 In the cytoplasm of a leaf cell for CAM plant, carbon dioxide is fixed at night to form asubstance. This substance must be stored in the cell vacuole until day time because it

    A will affect the pH of the cell cytoplasm

    B dissolves quickly and will diffuse out from the cell

    C is osmotically active and must be separated

    D must be activated by enzymes in the cell vacuole

    9 The main purpose of the Krebs cycle is to produce

    A carbon dioxide

    B oxaloasetic acid

    C reduced electron carriers

    D water from the combination of oxygen and hydrogen

    10 Which of the following statements are true about respiration?

    I The Krebs cycle involves decarboxylation and dehydrogenation

    II Glycolysis causes the removal of hydrogen from substrate

    III In the electron transport system, oxygen is reduced to water

    IV During the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, CO2 is

    released and NADH is formed

    A I and II

    B I, III and IV

    C II, III and IV

    D I, II, III and IV

    11 The maximum tidal volume during forced breathing is called

    A vital capacity

    B inspiratory capacity

    C residual volume

    D inspiratory reserve volume

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    8 Dalam sitoplasma sel daun bagi tumbuhan CAM, karbon dioksida diikat pada waktumalam menjadi suatu bahan. Bahan itu perlu disimpan di dalam vakuol sel hingga

    waktu siang kerana bahan itu

    A akan member kesan kepada pH sitoplasma sel

    B cepat larut dan meresap keluar dari sel

    C aktif secara osmosis dan mesti diasingkan

    D perlu diaktifkan oleh enzim di dalam vakuol sel

    9 Tujuan utama kitar Krebs adalah untuk menghasilkan

    A gas karbon dioksida

    B asid oksaloasetik

    C pembawa elektron terturun

    D air daripada gabungan oksigen dan hidrogen

    10 Antara penyataan berikut, yang manakah yang benar tentang respirasi?

    I Kitar Krebs melibatkan pendekarboksilan dan pendehidrogenan.

    II Glikolisis menyebabkan penyingkiran hidrogen daripada substrat

    III Dalam sistem pengangkutan elektron, oksigen diturunkan kepada air

    IV Semasa pertukaran asid piruvik kepada asetil koenzim A, CO2

    dibebaskan dan NADH dibentuk

    A I dan II

    B I, III dan IV

    C II, III dan IV

    D I, II, III dan IV

    11 Isipadu tidal yang maksimum ketika pernafasan paksaan disebut

    A muatan vital

    B muatan inspirasi

    C isipadu residu

    D isipadu inspirasi simpanan

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    12 Which of the following factors is the most effective in accelerating the rate ofbreathing in a mammal?

    A A lack of oxygen in the blood

    B A lack of oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs

    C An excess of carbon dioxide in the blood

    D An excess of carbon dioxide in the lungs

    13 The following structures are found in the heart:

    I Bundle of His

    II Purkinje tissue

    III Atrioventricular node

    IV Sinoatrial node

    Which of the following shows the correct sequence for impulse conduction in the


    A III, IV, I, II

    B III, IV, II, I

    C IV, III, I, II

    D IV, III, II, I

    14 During ventricular systole in a mammalian heart the

    A aortic pressure decreases

    B atrioventricular valves open

    C semilunar valves close

    D ventricular pressure increases

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    12 Yang manakah faktor berikut paling berkesan dalam meningkatkan kadar pernafasanpada mamalia?

    A Kekurangan oksigen di dalam darah

    B Kekurangan oksigen di dalam alveoli pada paru-paru

    C Kelebihan karbon dioksida di dalam darah

    D Kelebihan karbon dioksida di dalam paru-paru

    13 Yang berikut ialah struktur pada jantung.

    I Berkas His

    II Tisu Purkinje

    III Buku atrioventrikel

    IV Buku sinoatrium

    Antara berikut, yang manakah urutan yang betul bagi pengaliran impuls pada jantung?

    A III, IV, I, II

    B III, IV, II, I

    C IV, III, I, II

    D IV, III, II, I

    14 Semasa sistol ventrikel di dalam jantung mamalia

    A tekanan aortik menurun

    B injap atrioventrikel terbuka

    C injap semilunar tertutup

    D tekanan ventrikel meningkat

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    15 The opening and closing of a stoma is controlled by

    I the presence of light

    II the osmotic pressure of the guard cells

    III the accumulation of potassium ions in the guard cells

    IV an excess of carbon dioxide in the air space between the cells

    A I, II and III

    B I, II and IV

    C I, III and IV

    D II, III and IV

    16 The main function of a stoma is to

    A respond to the environmental stressB allow the diffusion of gas into the mesophyll cell

    C regulate the movement of water during transpiration

    D allow the diffusion of gas while regulating water loss

    17 Which of the following is the role of the Casparian strip in the endodermis cell of the


    A To carry out active transport

    B To strengthen the root structure

    C To ensure that the water loss through transpiration can be replaced

    D To ensure that water and minerals enter the vascular tissue via the symplastic


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    15 Pembukaan dan penutupan stoma dikawal oleh

    I kehadiran cahaya

    II tekanan osmosis sel pengawal

    III pengumpulan ion kalium dalam sel pengawal

    IV karbon dioksida yang berlebihan di dalam ruang udara antara sel

    A I, II dan III

    B I, II dan IV

    C I, III dan IV

    D II, III dan IV

    16 Fungsi utama stoma adalah untuk

    A bergerak balas terhadap tekanan persekitaran

    B membenarkan penyerapan gas ke dalam sel mesofil

    C mengawal atur pergerakan air semasa transpirasi

    D membenarkan penyerapan gas sambil mengawal atur kehilangan air

    17 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah peranan jalur Caspary di dalam sel endodermis


    A Melakukan pengangkutan aktif

    B Mengukuhkan struktur akar

    C Memastikan bahawa air yang hilang melalui transpirasi dapat digantikan

    D Memastikan bahawa air dan mineral memasuki tisu vaskular melalui laluan


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    18 Which of the following explain how water molecules are transported in the root?

    I Through vacuole

    II Through apoplast pathway

    III Through symplast pathway

    IV Mass flow mechanism

    V Protoplasm flow mechanism

    A I, II and III

    B I, III and V

    C I, IV and V

    D II, III and IV

    19 What is the function of deamination?

    A To obtain energy from protein

    B To produce urea

    C To remove excess amino acids

    D To synthesise amino acids

    20 Under which of the following circumstances will insulin be secreted?

    A The blood sugar level in the liver is low

    B The blood sugar level in the hepatic portal vein is low

    C The blood sugar level in the islets of Langerhans is high

    D The glycogen level in the skeletal muscle is high

    21 Victims of curare poisoning die of asphyxiation because the poison causes a synaptic

    block at junctions between nerves and muscles involved in breathing. The post-

    synaptic membranes fail to become depolarized because curare inhibit the action of

    A acetylcholine

    B adrenaline

    C cholinesterase

    D noradrenaline

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    18 Antara berikut, yang manakah menerangkan bagaimana molekul air diangkut dalam


    I Melalui vakuol

    II Melalui lintasan apoplas

    III Melalui lintasan simplas

    IV Mekanisme aliran jisim

    V Mekanisme pengaliran protoplasma

    A I, II dan III

    B I, III dan V

    C I, IV dan V

    D II, III dan IV

    19 Apakah fungsi deaminasi?

    A Untuk mendapatkan tenaga daripada protein

    B Untuk menghasilkan urea

    C Untuk menyingkirkan asid amino yang berlebihan

    D Untuk menghasilkan asid amino

    20 Di bawah keadaan manakah antara berikut insulin dirembeskan?

    A Paras gula darah di dalam hati adalah rendah

    B Paras gula di dalam vena portal hepar adalah rendah

    C Paras gula di dalam kelompok sel Langerhans adalah tinggi

    D Paras glikogen di dalam otot rangka adalah tinggi

    21 Mangsa keracunan kurare mati lemas kerana racun tersebut menyebabkan sinaps

    tersekat di persimpangan antara saraf dan otot yang terlibat dengan pernafasan.

    Membran possinaps gagal dinyahkutubkan kerana kurare menghalang tindakan

    A asetilkolina

    B adrenalina

    C kolinsterase

    D noradrenalina

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    22 Which of the following are the functions of the synapse?

    I To connect two neurones

    II To act as the impulse inhibition site

    III To increase the rate of propagation of impulse

    IV To prevent excessive stimulation through the fatigue process

    A I and II

    B I and IV

    C II and III

    D III and IV

    23 The following are several steps in the reproductive cycle of HIV.

    I The formation of a provirus

    II The transcription of viral DNA

    III The removal of capsid proteins and the release of viral genomes

    IV The formation of DNA catalysed by reverse transcriptase enzyme

    Which of the following is the correct sequence of the reproductive cycle of HIV?

    A I, III, II, IV

    B II, IV, I, III

    C III, IV, I, II

    D IV, II, III, I

    24 Which of the following is true of an oviparous animal?

    A An individual hatches from the egg outside the female parents body.

    B An individual hatches from the egg in the uterus of the female parent.

    C An individual is born before maturity and continues to develop in the sac of

    the female parent.

    D An individual develops in the uterus of the female parent and the embryo

    obtains the nutrients from the placenta.

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    22 Antara berikut, yang manakah fungsi sinaps?

    I Menghubungkan dua neuron

    II Bertindak sebagai tapak perencatan impuls

    III Meningkatkan kadar perambatan impuls

    IV Mencegah rangsangan berlebihan melalui proses kelesuan

    A I dan II

    B I dan IV

    C II dan III

    D III dan IV

    23 Berikut ialah beberapa langkah dalam kitar pembiakan HIV

    I Pembentukan provirus

    II Transkripsi DNA virus

    III Penanggalan protein kapsid dan pembebasan genom virus

    IV Pembentukan DNA dimangkinkan oleh enzim transkriptase berbalik

    Antara berikut, manakah urutan yang betul tentang kitar pembiakan HIV?

    A I, III, II, IV

    B II, IV, I, III

    C III, IV, I, II

    D IV, II, III, I

    24 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar tentang haiwan ovipari?

    A Individu yang menetas daripada telur di luar badan induk betina

    B Individu yang menetas dari telur di dalam uterus induk betina

    C Individu yang lahir sebelum matang dan dibesarkan di dalam kantung induk


    D Individu yang membesar di dalam uterus induk betina dan embrio mendapatkannutrien daripada plasenta

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    / T*Thi questi paperis C TIAL untilthe examinati n is over. CONFIDENTIAL

    The diagram below shows the cross section of a flower.

    Which structures constitute the carpel ofthe flower?

    A S,Tand Y

    B S,Uand V

    C T,

    and Y

    D U,Vand

    26 The table below shows the hormones and their roles during pregnancy.

    Which ofthe following is the correct match?





    Hormones Roles

    a) Human chorionic

    gonadotrophin (HC )

    b) Oxytocin

    c) Prolactin

    d) Relaxin

    (I) Prevents the generation of corpus


    (II) Relaxes the elastin fibre thatjoins

    the bones ofthe pelvic girdle

    (III) Stimulates rhythmic contraction

    of uterus during birth

    (IV) Stimulates mil production andsecretion

    (a) (b) (c) (d)





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    25 Gambarajah di bawah menunjukkan keratan rentas satu bunga.

    Struktur-struktur manakah yang membentuk karpel bunga?

    A S, Tdan Y

    B S, Udan V

    C T,Xdan Y

    D U, VdanX

    26 Jadual di bawah menunjukkan hormon-horman dan peranannya semasa kehamilan.

    Antara berikut, yang manakah padanan yang betul?





    Hormon Peranan

    a) Hormon perangsang korion

    Gonadotrofin manusia (HCG)

    b) Oksitosin

    c) Prolaktin

    d) Relaxin

    (I) menghalang penjanaan korpus luteum

    (II) merehatkan gentian elastin yang

    menghubungkan tulang dengan

    lengkung pelvis

    (III) merangsang pengecutan uterus secara

    beritma semasa kelahiran

    (IV) merangsang pembentukan danperembesan susu

    (a) (b) (c) (d)





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    27 Which of the following aspects can be used to differentiate between the action of thenon-steroid and steroid based hormones?

    I Presence of the cascade effect

    II Gene activation

    III cAMP production

    IV Activation of adenyl cyclase

    A I, II and III

    B I, II and IV

    C II, III and IV

    D I, II, III and IV

    28 What is the correct sequence of hormones produced during parturition?

    A Foetal corticoid prolactin oxytocin

    B Foetal corticoid oxytocin prolactin

    C Oxytocin foetal corticoid prolactin

    D Prolactin foetal corticoid oxytocin

    29 Which of the following are correctly match between the reproductive structures

    and their functions?

    Structure Function

    (a) Alantois i) Carries deoxygenated blood(b) Trophoblast ii) Outermost extra-embryonic membrane(c) Umbilical artery iii)Principal site of gas exchange in chick


    (d) Umbilical vein iv) Made up of blastomeres(e) Chorion v) Carries maternal antibodies

    A (a)-(i) (b)-(iii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(ii) (e)-(v)

    B (a)-(ii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(v) (e)-(i)

    C (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(v) (d)-(i) (e)-(ii)

    D (a)-(v) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(ii) (e)-(i)

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    27 Antara yang berikut, aspek manakah yang boleh digunakan untuk membezakan diantara tindakan hormon berasaskan steroid dan bukan steroid ?

    I kehadiran kesan kaskad

    II pengaktifan gen

    III pembentukan cAMP

    IV pengaktifan adenil siklase

    A I, II dan III

    B I, II dan IV

    C II, III dan IV

    D I, II, III dan IV

    28 Apakah urutan yang betul berkaitan penghasilan hormon semasa proses bersalin?

    A Kortikoid fetus prolaktin oksitosin

    B Kortikoid fetus oksitosin prolaktin

    C Oksitosin Kortikoid fetus prolaktin

    D Prolaktin Kortikoid fetus oksitosin

    29 Yang manakah antara berikut adalah padanan yang betul antara struktur pembiakan danfungsinya?

    Struktur Fungsi

    (a) Alantois (i) membawa darah terdeoksigen

    (b) Trofoblas (ii) membran ekstra embrionik paling luar

    (c) Arteri umbilikal (iii) Tapak utama pertukaran gas dalam

    embrio ayam

    (d) Vena umbilikal (iv) terdiri dari blastomer

    (e) Korion (v) membawa antibodi maternal

    A (a)-(i) (b)-(iii) (c)-(iv) (d)-(ii) (e)-(v)

    B (a)-(ii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(v) (e)-(i)

    C (a)-(iii) (b)-(iv) (c)-(v) (d)-(i) (e)-(ii)

    D (a)-(v) (b)-(iv) (c)-(iii) (d)-(ii) (e)-(i)

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    30 Which of the following organisms show limited growth?

    I Human

    II Locust

    III Annual plant

    IV Fungi

    A I, II and III

    B I, III and IV

    C II, III and IV

    D I, II, III and IV

    31 The graph below shows the relative growth rate of the brain, thymus, reproductive

    organ and whole human body

    Which of the following is the correct match for the graph above?

    Brain Thymus Reproductiveorgan

    Whole body

    A a b c d

    B a b d c

    C b a c d

    D d a b c

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    30 Yang manakah antara organisma berikut menunjukkan pertumbuhan terhad?

    I Manusia

    II Belalang juta

    III Tumbuhan tahunanIV Kulat

    A I, II dan III

    B I, III dan IV

    C II, III dan IV

    D I, II, III dan IV

    31 Graf di bawah menunjukkan kadar pertumbuhan relatif bagi otak, timus, organpembiakan dan keseluruhan tubuh manusia

    Yang manakah antara berikut penerangan yang betul mengenai graf di atas?

    Otak Timus Organ



    tubuh manusia

    A a b c d

    B a b d c

    C b a c

    D d a b c

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    32 Flower colour in garden pea plants exist in two forms, dominant purple colour andrecessive white colour. Which of the following crosses can be used to determine the

    genotype of a pea plant with a purple coloured flower?

    A Test cross

    B Back cross

    C Selfing cross

    D Reciprocal cross

    33 Coat colour in wild mice is controlled by dominant yellow hair (Y) and recessive grey

    hair (y). A cross between heterozygous mice produced phenotype ratio of 2 yellow micefor every 1 grey mice. Which of the following can be used to explain the result of the


    A Presence of polygene

    B Presence of lethal gene

    C Presence of multiple allele

    D Presence of codominant alleles

    34 Haemophilia is caused by a sex-linked recessive allele. A couple has a haemophilic son, anormal son and a haemophilic daughter. What are the most likely genotype of the


    Mother Father

    A XHX



    B XHX



    C XHXh XhY

    D XhX



  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    SULIT* 5 964/1


    32 Warna bunga kacang pea wujud dalam dua bentuk iaitu warna ungu dominan dan warna putih resesif. Yang manakah di antara kacukan berikut boleh digunakan untuk

    menentukan genotip bagi bunga berwarna ungu ?

    A Kacuk uji

    B Kacuk balik

    C Kacuk kendiri

    D Kacuk silang

    33 Warna bulu tikus jenis liar dikawal oleh bulu kuning dominan (Y) bulu kelabu resesif (y).

    Kacukan di antara tikus heterozigus menghasilkan nisbah fenotip 2 ekor tikus berbulukuning bagi setiap ekor tikus berbulu kelabu.

    Yang manakah antara berikut boleh digunakan untuk menerangkan keputusaneksperimen tersebut?

    A Kehadiran poligen

    B Kehadiran gen maut

    C Kehadiran alel berbilang

    D Kehadiran alel kodominan

    34 Haemofilia adalah disebabkan oleh alel terangkai seks resesif. Sepasang suami isteri

    mempunyai seorang anak lelaki penghidap haemofilia, seorang anak lelaki normal danseorang anak perempuan penghidap haemofilia. Apakah kemungkinan genotip yang

    dimiliki oleh ibubapa mereka?

    Ibu Bapa

    A XHX



    B XHXh XHY

    C XHX



    D XhX



  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    35 Colchicines act as a mutagen which

    A stimulate DNA replication

    B inhibit formation of spindle fibre

    C change the sequence of bases in DNAD cause breaking up of chromosome into fragments

    36 Which of the following are examples of diseases that can be caused by non-disjunction?

    I Turner syndrome

    II Klinefelter syndrome

    III Haemophilia

    IV Sickle-cell anaemia

    A I and II

    B III and IV

    C I, II and III

    D II, III and IV

    37 In a population of cows at genetic equilibrium, 750 cows have dominant grey coat, while

    the remaining 250 cows have recessive white coat. What is the number of cows with

    heterozygous genotype?

    A 250

    B 333

    C 500

    D 750

    38 Which of the following cannot change the frequencies of genotype in a populationaccording to Hardy-Weinberg Principle?

    A Mutation

    B Genetic Drift

    C Random mating

    D Natural selection

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    SULIT* 5 964/1


    35 Kolkisin bertindak sebagai mutagen yang

    A merangsang replikasi DNA

    B merencat pembentukan gentian gelendung

    C mengubah urutan bes dalam DNAD menyebabkan pemecahan kromosom kepada fragmen

    36 Yang manakah anatara berikut adalah contoh penyakit-penyakit yang disebabkan oleh tak


    I Sindrom Turner

    II Sindrom Klinefelter

    III Hemofilia

    IV Anemia sel sabit

    A I dan II

    B III dan IV

    C I, II dan III

    D II, III dan IV

    37 Dalam satu populasi lembu yang berada dalam keseimbangan genetik, 750 ekor lembuberwarna kelabu dan dominan, manakala baki 250 ekor lembu berwarna putih dan resesif.

    Berapakah bilangan lembu dengan genotip heterozigus?

    A 250

    B 333

    C 500

    D 750

    38 Yang manakah antara berikut tidak dapat mengubah frequensi genotip dalam populasi

    berdasarkan Prinsip Hardy-Weinberg?

    A mutasi

    B hanyutan genetik

    C pembiakan rawak

    D pemilihan semulajadi

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    39 Which of the following are required to activate the transcription of structural gene in lacoperon

    I cAMP

    II CAP

    III Glucose

    IV Lactose

    A I, II and III

    B I, II and IV

    C I, III and IV

    D II, III and IV

    40 A mutation in the lactose operon system has occured resulting in the repressor protein not

    being able to bind with the operator gene. Which of the following statements is true?

    A Transacetylase enzyme is not produced at all

    B Lactose permease enzyme is produced continuously with or without lactose

    C F- galactosidase enzyme is produced continuously in the absence of lactose only

    D F- galactosidase enzyme is produced continuously in the presence of lactose only

    41 The sticky end of a DNA molecule that has been treated with restriction enzymes aremade up of

    A single-strand DNA with unpaired bases

    B single-strand DNA with repeating base sequence

    C double-strand DNA in which the hydrogen bond between complementary bases are


    D double -strand DNA in which the bases of one strand have hybridised with a

    radioactive probe

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    SULIT* 5 964/1


    39 Yang manakah antara berikut diperlukan untuk mengaktifkan trankripsi struktur gendalam lac operon

    I cAMP

    II CAP

    III Glukosa

    IV Laktosa

    A I , II dan III

    B I ,II dan IV

    C I, III dan IV

    D II, III dan IV

    40 Mutasi dalam sistem operon laktosa telah berlaku dan menyebabkan protein repressor

    tidak dapat melekat dengan operator gen. Yang manakah penyataan berikut adalahbenar?

    A Enzim transasetilase tidak dihasilkan langsung

    B Enzim laktosa permease dihasilkan berterusan dengan atau tanpa laktosa

    C Enzim F- galaktosidase dihasilkan berterusan tanpa kehadiran laktosa sahaja

    D Enzim F- galaktosidase dihasilkan berterusan dengan kehadiran laktosa sahaja

    41 Hujung melekit satu molekul DNA yang telah dirawat enzim pembatas terdiri daripada

    A bebenang DNA tunggal dengan bes-bes tidak berpasangan

    B bebenang DNA tunggal dengan urutan bes berulang

    C bebenang DNA berganda dimana ikatan hidrogen antara bes-bes pelengkap terputus

    D bebenang DNA berganda dimana bes pada salah satu bebenang telah dihibridkan

    dengan prob radioaktif

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    42 Which of the following technique can identify a criminal that left a cell at the scene of thecrime?

    A DNA cloning

    B Southern blotting

    C DNA sequencing

    D DNA finger printing

    43 The table below shows the taxonomic groups and taxa for the housefly

    Taxonomic groups Taxon

    I Kingdom (a) Arthropoda

    II Phylum (b) Insecta

    III Class (c) DipteraIV Order (d) Animalia

    Which of the following is the correct match?


    A a d b c

    B b c a d

    C d b a c

    D d a b c

    44 Which term correctly describes the relationship between the flight organs of a bat, an

    eagle and an ostrich?

    A Analogous

    B Homologous

    C Plesiomorphic

    D Synapomorphic

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    SULIT* 5 964/1


    42 Teknik manakah yang berikut dapat menentukan seorang penjenayah yang telahmeninggalkan satu sel pada tempat kejadian?

    A Pengklonan DNA

    B Southern blotting

    C Urutan DNA

    D Pengecapjarian DNA

    43 Jadual di bawah menujukkan kumpulan taksonomi dan takson bagi lalat rumah

    Kumpulan taksonomi Takson

    I Alam (a) Arthropoda

    II Filum (b) Insecta

    III Kelas (c) DipteraIV Order (d) Animalia

    Yang manakah antara berikut merupakan padanan yang betul?


    A a d b c

    B b c a d

    C d b a c

    D d a b c

    44 Yang manakah istilah yang menerangkan dengan betul perhubungan antara organ

    penerbangan seekor kelawar, helang and burung unta?

    A Analog

    B Homolog

    C Plesiomorfik

    D Sinapomorfik

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    45 Which of the following is in situ conservation?

    I National Park

    II Zoos

    III SanctuariesIV Botanical garden

    A I only

    B I and III

    C I. III and IV

    D II, III and IV

    46 Which of the following are adaptations of parasitic life?

    I Reduced digestive system

    II Well developed nervous system

    III Hook or suckers for attachment to the host

    IV Production of eggs with tough cuticles

    A I and III

    B II and III

    C I, III and IV

    D I, II, III and IV

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    SULIT* 5 964/1


    45 Yang manakah antara berikut adalah pemuliharaan in situ?

    I Taman Negara

    II Zoo

    III SantuariIV Taman botani

    A I sahaja

    B I dan III

    C I. III dan IV

    D II, III dan IV

    46 Yang manakah antara berikut adalah adaptasi kehidupan parasit?

    I Sistem pencernaan yang ringkas

    II Sistem saraf yang maju

    III Cangkuk atau penghisap untuk melekap pada perumah

    IV Penghasilan telur yang dengan kutikel yang keras

    A I dan III

    B II dan III

    C I, III dan IV

    D I, II, III dan IV

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    47 What are the mechanisms that can cause sympatric speciation?

    I Polyploidy

    II Intrinsic isolation

    III Extrinsic isolation

    IV Geographical isolation

    A II and III

    B I and II

    C II, III and IV

    D I, II, III and IV

    48 The diagram below shows the phosphorus cycle

    W X

    Y Z

    Which of the following matches about the stages of the phosphorus cycle is correct?





    Sedimentation Decomposition Erosion Absorption &assimilation

    X Y W Z

    X W Z Y

    Y Z X W

    Z W X Y

    phosphate insoil, freshwater , ocean

    phosphate inlivingorganism

    phosphate in


  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    SULIT* 5 964/1


    47 Apakah mekanisme yang menyebabkan penspesisan simpatrik?

    I Poliploidi

    II Pemencilan intrinsik

    III Pemencilan ekstrinsikIV Pemencilan geografi

    A II dan III

    B I dan II

    C II, III dan IV

    D I, II, III dan IV

    48 Gambarajah di bawah menunjukkan kitar fosforus

    W X

    Y Z

    Yang manakah padanan yang berikut mengenai kitar fosforus adalah betul?




    Pemendapan Penguraian Hakisan Penyerapan danasimilasi

    X Y W Z

    X W Z Y

    Y Z X W

    Z W Y X

    Fosfat dalamtanah, airtawar laut

    Fosfat dalamorganismahidu

    Fosfat dalambatu

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1


    49 Which of the followings are true about niche?

    I The tropic level in a community

    II The utilisation of environment to survive

    III A group of organism in natural environment

    IV The roles in energy flow and nutrient cycle

    V The sum of relationships among organisms and between them with the


    A I and II

    B I, II and IV

    C II, III and IV

    D II, IV and V

    50 Which of the following organisms are expected to use the r strategy?

    A Toad in a pond

    B Whales in the sea

    C Deer in the forest

    D Eagles in the mangrove swamp

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    SULIT* 5 964/1


    49 Yang manakah benar mengenai nic?

    I Aras trofik dalam komuniti

    II Penggunaan persekitaran untuk kemandirian

    III Sekumpulan organisma dalam alam semulajadi

    IV Peranan dalam aliran tenaga dan aliran nutrien

    V Keseluruhan perhubungan antara organisma-organisma dan antara mereka

    dengan persekitaran

    A I dan II

    B I, II dan IV

    C II, III dan IV

    D II, IV dan V

    50 Yang manakah antara organisma-ognisma berikut dijangkakan akan menggunakan

    strategi r?

    A Kodok dalam kolam

    B Ikan paus di lautan

    C Rusa di hutan

    D Helang dalam hutan paya bakau

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 1 Kedah (STPM)


    CONFIDENTIAL* 4 964/1