portfolio praktikum.doc

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(Oleh : Nur Hayatun Syamila binti Abdul Latif)

Alhamdulillah, bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi kerana saya masih lagi diberi kesempatan untuk meneruskan pengajian pada semester ini dan mengikuti praktikum selama 1 bulan di SK Lunas Jaya, Kulim. Praktikum kali pertama ini bermula pada 12 April 2015 sehingga 7 Mei 2015. Pasangan praktikum saya pada semester ini ialah Nurul Ain binti Ismail , iaitu rakan sekelas saya sendiri.

Apakah yang diharapkan melalui praktikum ini? Pertamanya, saya berharap agar praktikum yang akan saya tempuhi ini mampu memberikan saya pengalaman sebenar sebagai seorang guru. Hal ini kerana, di dalam kelas saya mempelajari pelbagai jenis teori dan ilmu berkaitan dengan keguruan tetapi saya masih tidak dapat mengaplikasikannya di dalam dunia pendidikan sebenar. Jadi, saya berharap praktikum kali pertama ini mampu memberikan saya pengalaman yang baik dan berguna sebagai seorang bakal guru.

Selain itu, saya berharap agar pensyarah pembimbing saya dapat memberikan tunjuk ajar dan sabar dengan segala kebaikan mahupun kelemahan yang saya lakukan. Sebagai seorang guru pelatih yang baru mula mengajar, saya sedar bahawa saya akan melakukan pelbagai jenis kesilapan dan sudah pasti terdapat kelemahan dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran saya di dalam kelas. Namun saya akan cuba lakukan yang terbaik dan membuat persediaan agar semuanya berjalan lancar. Saya berharap agar Madam Aisah akan sabar dan sentiasa memberikan tunjuk ajar untuk saya memperbaiki diri dari masa ke masa.

Seterusnya, saya berharap agar guru pembimbing saya dapat menjadi sumber rujukan saya ketika di sekolah. Saya akan sentiasa merujuk kepada beliau jika menghadapi masalah dan diharap beliau juga tidak jemu dan sabar melayan segala persoalan dan kemusyhkilan yang timbul. Saya juga begitu teruja untuk mengutip segala ilmu-ilmu yang berguna dari guru pembimbing dan guru-guru lain di sekolah SK Lunas Jaya.

Pada pihak sekolah pula, harapan saya ialah saya dapat memberikan sumbangan samada dari segi tenaga, buah fikiran dan sebagainya. Saya teruja untuk mengikuti program-program di sekolah seperti sukan dan unit beruniform , dan sebagainya. Hal ini kerana, saya merasakan bahawa saya perlu menyumbangkan sesuatu kepada sekolah setelah mereka sudi menerima saya sebagai seorang guru praktikum dan memberi ruang kepada saya untuk belajar.

Saya juga berharap agar saya dapat mempelajari cara-cara yang sesuai untuk berhadapan dengan anak murid di sekolah. Hal ini kerana, saya akan berhadapan dengan pelbagai jenis perangai dan karenah kanak-kanak dan sudah semestinya kebijaksaan itu perlu ada untuk berhadapan dengan mereka. Sebagai contohnya, cara saya berhadapan atau mengajar tahap satu adalah berbeza daripada tahap dua kerana perbezaan umur dan perangai yang semakin matang. Jadi, saya berharap pada praktikum kali ini dapat menjadikan saya sebagai seorang guru yang bijak dalam mengatasi pelbagai jenis murid.

Kesimpulannya, praktikum ini merupakan satu jalan yang baik untuk melatih guru pelatih seperti saya untuk berhadapan dengan realiti kehidupan yang sebenar sebagai seorang guru. Saya berharap agar segala urusan saya semasa praktikum ini akan mendapat redha Ilahi dan akan dipermudahkan segala urusan. Saya akan terus belajar dan menuntut segala ilmu dan pengalaman yang berguna di sekolah sebagai bekalan saya di masa hadapan. Saya akan sentiasa berpegang kepada prinsip, Jadilah orang yang menyampaikan, walaupun dengan sepotong ayat .


Thank to Allah, The Almighty because I still have the opportunity to continue my studies in this semester and having a practicum at SK Jaya Lunas Jaya, Lunas for 1 month. This practicum will begin from 12 April 2015 until May 7, 2015 and my partner for this practicum is Nurul Ain Ismail.

What I expect from this practicum? Firstly, I hope that this journey can give me the actual experience as a real teacher. This is because, in class I had learnt variety of theories and knowledge related to the teaching and learning process but I still cannot apply it in real-world education. So, I hope that this first practicum can give me great experience and new knowledge as a teacher.

In addition, I hope that my supervisors can provide me guidance and patient with all the advantages or weaknesses that I will do. As a new trainee teacher who just started to teach, I realize that I will make many errors and mistakes during my teaching and learning process. However, I will try to do my best and make preparations so that everything runs smoothly. I hope that my supervisor will be patient and always gave me the guidance to improve myself from time to time.

Furthermore, I hope that my mentor can be a source of reference for me in the school. I will always refer to him if I have problems and ask him for guidance. I will try to collect all useful knowledge from the mentors and other teachers at SK Lunas Jaya.

For the school, I hope that I can contribute in terms of energy, ideas and money. I am very excited to participate in school programs such as sports and uniform unit. This is because, I feel that I have to contribute something to the school as they accept me as a practical teacher and make room for me to learn.

I also hope that I can learn the appropriate ways to deal with the pupils at the school. This is because, I will be dealing with various types of character and personality of the students and of course it should have the differences ways to deal with them. For example, the ways that I should teach the level one pupil are different from the level two because of differences in age and character that has matured. So, I hope I will be able to be a wise teacher in dealing with different types of students.

In conclusion, this practicum is a good way to trainee teacher like me to confront the reality of real life as a teacher. I hope that all my concerns during this practicum will get the pleasure of God and all things will be simplified. I will continue to learn and collect all the knowledge and experience that are useful in school for the future.



First of all, praise to Allah as I had finished this one month of practicum and without Him, I cant do nothing. All the ideas, energies, and others are from Him and to Him I should return. For this first practicum, I had learned lots of meaningful and useful knowledge for me as a future English teacher.

Firstly, I have learned on how to adapt myself with the real life of school environment. In the school, I had to work and sit with the professional teachers with different personalities and characters. I need to communicate and mingle with them in an appropriate ways so that they will be comfortable and easier for me to do works together.

Besides that, I also learnt lots of useful and beneficial knowledge for my teaching and learning process as I had been observed for 6 times by my mentor and my lecture. During the observations, I received comments and feedbacks from them regarding my teaching skills in the class. Thus, I can know my weaknesses, strengths and ways to improve the weaknesses. For me, it was not a big issue if I did mistakes in my teaching and learning process because it was my first experienced and it can be acceptable. But of course, I should learnt from the mistakes and improve myself from time to time. I always motivate my friends as some of them were so stressed and felt so down when they received the bad comments from the supervisor or lecture.

Apart from that, I realized that It was not easy to be a teacher. I need to prepare myself for the class such as lesson plan, teaching aids and others. As a trainee teacher, I only received 8 hours per week and I admitted that sometimes it was so stressful to prepare the teaching aids and lesson plan every day. It was really different in the IPG as I only did the lesson plan and teaching aid for my assignment for just for few times. But gratefully, I can overcome and go through this practicum although it was hard at first. I was grateful because I got the supervisor, mentor, and classmates that always supported and gave ideas and recommendation for me to improve myself.

Lastly, I hope that I can improve myself for the next practicum and be a good English teacher. As a future teacher, I realize that I should do something for the pupils and the society. I want to be like my teacher who tough me in the primary school that had made me loved English and enjoyed the class. I hope that Allah will bless all my works as without His blessing what I did was nothing.


KelemahanCadangan Penambahbaikan

Kebersihan kelas yang tidak memuaskan.

-sampah sarap baanyak di dalam kelasGuru memastikan murid membersihkan kelas sebelum PnP dijalankan.

Sekolah memberikan hadiah kepada kelas yang tercantik dan kemas

Murid sentiasa dididik dan diingtkan supaya menjaga kebersihan.

Masa perhimpunan pagi yang kadangkala agak lambat habis dan menyebabkan gangguan pada masa PnP di awal pagi.Guru yang bertugas perlu memberikan taklimat mengikut waktu yang telah ditetapkan.

Pengawas memanggil dan m,engarahkan murid untuk berkumpul 5 minit awal di tapak perhimpuanan sebelum loceng di bunyikan.Hal ini kerana, kadangkala masa menjadi lama kerana menuggu semua pelajar untuk dating ke tapak perhimpunan.

Terdapat murid yang sering tidak hadir ke sekolah.Pihak sekolah perlu berbincang dengan ibu bapa mengenai masalah anak-anak.

Guru perlu memberikan perhatian dan mengambil tahu masalah yang dihadapi oleh murid berkenaan.

Keadaan tandas yang kotorMurid perlu sentiasa dididik untuk menjaga kebersihan tanda.

Murid yang sengaja merosakkan harta benda di dalam tandas perlu dikenakan tindakan.

Guru mengadakan gotong royong bersama murid untuk mebersihkan persekitaran sekolah termasuk tandas.


Kelemahan Penambahbaikan

Perjumpaan unit beruniform diadakan pada hari Sabtu

Perjumpaan wajar dilaksanakan pada waktu petang pada hari persekolahan kerana Sabtu merupakan hri cuti bagi semua warga sekolah.

Murid yang tidak terlibat dengan acara saringan sukan berlegar di sekitar kawsasan sekolahGuru memastikan semua murid berada di padang semasa saringan sukan diadakan.

Guru boleh mengadakan aktiviti khas untuk murid yang tidak terlibat dengan saringan sukan daripada mereka membuang masa bermain-main di sekitar kawasan sekolah.

Sepanduk unit beruniform tidak lengkapGuru yang berkenaan perlu memastikan sepanduk dan peralatan sukan dipulangkan selepas digunakan

Guru perlu membuat catatan atau rekod pengambilan baranagan daripada stor.


The set induction was successful to attract pupils attention.

The pupils were interested to play the music box.

The dictionary skill was a good way to start the reading lesson.Weaknesses

There were less HOTS questions being asked to the pupils

Some pupils did not understand the story thus cant answers questions


Use ICT or video to show the story.

Give chance to the pupils to discuss in the group about the story so that the pupils who understand the story will tell the others who dont.Opportunities

Pupils were participating and actively involved in the class.

The classroom environment was condusive to conduct the lesson