senarai kata majmuk.pdf

Chromosoma (Berl.) 78, 203-210 (1980) CHROMOSOMA by Springer-Verlag 1980 End Association and Segregation of the Achiasmatic X and Y Chromosomes of the Sand Rat, Psammomys obesus Terry Ashley 1 and M.J. Moses Department of Anatomy, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710, U.S.A.; 1present address: Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Box Y, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830, U.S.A. Abstract. In Psammomys obesus there is no pairing between the X and Y chromosomes and no chiasma formation (Solari and Ashley, 1977). It is demonstrated that ends of the axial elements of the X and Y chromosomes come together during pachytene, and regularly form at least one end-to-end junction. This achiasmatic physical connection between the ends of the X and Y persists until anaphase I, thus assuring the normal distribution of the sex chromosomes observed by light microscopy. In addition, there are no differentiations of the axes of the X and Y similar to those observed in other mammalian species thus far examined, a fact that could influence chromatid cohesiveness and disjunction. Introduction When Solari and Ashley (1977) first examined the behavior of the sex chromo- somes of the sand rat (Psammomys obesus), they were surprised to find no synaptonemal complex (SC) between any portion of the X and Y chromosomes at any time during pachytene. Yet the X and Y were always together on the metaphase I plate and metaphase II cells always contained either an X or Y. SC formation between some portion of the X and Y had been regularly observed by electron microscopy in other mammals. Because SC formation is generally considered a prerequisite for crossing over, the SC was thought to be the means by which chiasma formation and subsequent normal disjunction could occur (see Solari, 1974b for review). Thus, the sand rat presented an important exception to the more general rule. Without an SC and chiasma formation, some other biological mechanism must provide the XY association necessary for normal disjunction in the sand rat. It was observed that the ends of the X and Y were frequently found in association with one another in various combinations (Solari and Ashley, 1977). It was proposed that end-to-end associations of the X and Y established during pachytene could lead directly to the association of these chromosomes 0009-5915/80/0078/0203/$01.60

Transcript of senarai kata majmuk.pdf

Page 1: senarai kata majmuk.pdf

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Senarai Kata Majmuk (1)

1. air paip 自来水

2. air terjun 瀑布

3. alat tulis 文具

4. antarabangsa 国际

5. ayam goreng 炸鸡

6. balai bomba 消防局

7. balai polis 警察局

8. balai raya 民众大会堂

9. bandar raya 大都市

10. beg sekolah 书包

11. beg tangan 手提袋

12. beritahu 告诉

13. buku catatan 日记簿

14. buku latihan 练习簿

15. buku teks 课本

16. bumiputera 土著

17. bunga raya 大红花

18. gambar rajah 图表

19. guru besar 校长

20. guru disiplin 训导主任

21. Hari Guru 教师节

22. hari jadi 生日

23. Hari Kebangsaan 国庆日

24. hari raya 开斋节

25. ibu bapa 父母

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Senarai Kata Majmuk (2)

26. ibu jari 拇指

27. ibu kota 首都

28. ibu negara 首都

29. jalan raya 大路

30. jam dinding 壁钟

31. jam loceng 闹钟

32. jam tangan 手表

33. jawatankuasa 委员会

34. jiran tetangga 邻居

35. kakitangan 员工

36. kapal terbang 飞机

37. kereta api 火车

38. kereta kabel 缆车

39. kereta kebal 坦克车

40. kereta kuda 马车

41. kereta sorong 手推车

42. kerja rumah 家务

43. kerja sekolah 功课

44. kerjasama 分工合作

45. kerusi malas 安乐椅

46. kerusi rehat 长沙发

47. kerusi roda 轮椅

48. lebuh raya 高速公路

49. lompat jauh 跳远

50. lompat tinggi 跳高

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Senarai Kata majmuk (3)

51. lumba lari 赛跑

52. makan malam 吃晚餐

53. mata pelajaran 科目

54. matahari 太阳

55. nasi ayam 鸡饭

56. olahraga 运动

57. paip air 水喉

58. papan iklan 广告板

59. papan kenyataan 布告板

60. papan tanda 指路标

61. papan tulis 黑板

62. pasar malam 夜市

63. pasar raya 百货公司

64. pejabat pos 邮政局

65. pondok pengawal 守卫亭

66. pondok telefon 电话亭

67. rumah banglo 洋房

68. rumah pangsa 组屋

69. rumah tangga 成家

70. rumah teres 排屋

71. setiausaha 秘书

72. sukarela 自愿

73. surat jemputan 请柬

74. surat khabar 报纸

75. surat kiriman 书信

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Senarai Kata majmuk (4)

76. tanggungjawab 责任

77. topi keledar 头盔

78. tudung saji 饭罩

79. tunjuk ajar 指教

80. tunjuk cara 示范

81. ulang kaji 复习

82. urus niaga 交易

83. urus setia 秘书处

84. warganegara 国民

85. campur aduk 混杂

86. daun pintu 门扇

87. derma kilat 紧急捐助

88. dukacita 悲伤的

89. ganti rugi 赔偿

90. kaca mata 眼镜

91. kaca teropong 望远镜

92. kaji selidik 研究

93. pandu uji 试驾

94. reka bentuk 设计

95. reka cipta 发明

96. sari kata 字幕

97. satu padu 团结

98. segi empat 四方

99. seni kata 歌词

100. seni lukis 美术

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Senarai Kata Majmuk (5)

101. siaran langsung 现场直播

102. soal jawab 问答

103. soal selidik 问卷

104. soal siasat 调查

105. sukacita 快乐的

106. sukaneka 多样运动会

107. suruhanjaya 委员会

108. susu pekat 炼奶

109. susu tepung 奶粉

110. tabung uji 试管

111. tanda bukti 证据

112. tanda harga 价格

113. tanda kenangan 纪念品

114. tanda mata 纪念品

115. tandatangan 签名

116. tatabahasa 语法

117. temu bual 访问

118. temu duga 面试

119. temu janji 约会

120. temu ramah 访问