Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan

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Transcript of Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    eI feog lofC ltll& t hour3ominutesAnswer all.questions.

    I A group of students carried out an experiment to study the effect of the concentration ofalbumen suspension on the rate of reaction ofpepsin enzyme.Diagram 1.I- shows the method used by the students. The time taken for the change in thecloudiness of the albumen suspension is shown in Diagram 1.2.The whole experiment in Diagram 1.1 was repeated using different concentrations of albumensuspension..Table 1.L shows the results of the experiment.



    10 ml albumen suspension+1ml enzyme pepsin 17o

    WaterbathST "C

    Observation at the beginning of experimentDiagrarn 1.1

    SPM 2006 BIOLOGY P3

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    Percentageconcentrationof albumensuspension


    Observationfime taken / minuteseginningofexperiment End ofexperirnent

    10mlalbumensuspension+1ml pepsin17o

    LSVo 10mlalbumensuspension+1ml pepsin17o


    10 mlalbumen suspension+1 ml pepsin 17o

    e@Table 1.1

    (a) (i)

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    (ii) grrt" the inference which corresponds to the observation in (axi).1"


    [3marks](b) Using the information provided n Table1.1,completeTabler.2byrecording the time taken forthealbumensuspensiontoturnclear. - -' - vJ !vv!

    Percentage concentrationof albumen suspension fime taken / minutesLOVoISVo2OVo

    Table 1.2[3 marksl

    (c) (i) Complete Table 1.8 based on this experiment.Method of handle the variable

    Manipulated variable


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  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    (iii) Explain the relationship between the rate of reaction of pepsin and the concentration oflbumen suspensionbasedon the graph in l(e)(ii). :

    20 ml albumen suspension20%.+1 ml boiled enzyme

    P, Q, R and S areand explainyour

    [3 marks](fl .Basedon this experiment, what can you deduceabout this enzyme?

    lB marks)(g) The experiment is repeated using the apparatus set {p as in Diagram 1,8. The quantities oflbumen suspension and pepsin urrry*" used are as shown.The experiment is left for one'hour.



    four possiblechoice.l lt lWaterbath 3Z "C

    Diagram 1.8observations after one hour. choose one correct observati-_-l l l l

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    2 A housewife made fruit pickles using unripe mango. During the preparation, she placed themango slices in water and later placed them in sugar solution.When the mango slices were in the water,'ii was found that, the slices, became turgid and theirsizes increased. But when they were placed in the sugar solution, the slices becJ-e sdft andshrunken.Based on the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to determine the concentration ofsucrosewhich is isotonic to the cell sap of the mango. .The planning ofyour experiment must include the following aspects:o Problem statemento Aim of investigationo Hypothesis? Variableso List of apparatus and materialso Tbchnique usedo Experiment procedure or methodo PreBentation of data

    '\--, conclusionIL7narksr


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    Paper 31 (a) (r) 1. The higher the percentage coneentration

    of albumen suspension, the more time

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    is needed to change into colourlesssuspension.2. The lower'the percentage Concentratign'of albumen suspension, the less timeis needed to change into colourlesssuspension.(ii) 1. The rate of enzymatic reactionincreaseswith the increase in substrateconcentration.

    2. The rate of enzymatic reaction decreaseswith the decrease in substanceconcentration.LO%-7 minutes15% 10minutes2lo/o 13 minutes(r)

    The rate of enzymatic reaction increases with theiricrease in substancesconcenttation(r)

    Concentration ofalbumen suspension

    (ii;) The rate of pepsin reaction increases withthe percentage of the concentration ofalbumensuspension and it reaches a maximum value'(0 This enzyme, which is pepsin acts on albumensuspension to change it into clear solution'The rate of enzyme reaction increases with thesubstrate concentration.(g) R. The 1 ml of enzymeused s boiled enzyme,henceit is denatured/destroyed and cannot act on the. substrate.Problem statement:How is the concentration of an external solution whichis isotonic to the cell sap ofplant tissues determined?Aim of investigation:To determine the concentration of an external solutionwhich is isotonic to the cell sap of plants.Hypothesis:When plant cells are immersed in isotonic solution,there is no nett gain in mass and size.Manipulated variable:Concentration of sucrose solution.Responding variable:

    (itRate of pepsinreaction








    Variables Method to handle the variableManipulatedvariableConcentration ofalbumen suspension'

    Use differeit concentration ofalbumen suspension.

    RespondingvariableTime taken for thedigestion of albumen.

    Albumen suspension becomescolourless.

    Controlled variableEnzymeconcentrationtemperature and Ptl"f *"dt"*-


    1%pepsin, 1 ml of Pepsin,37'Cwaterbath, volume of albumensuspension= 10 ml

    (ir)Variables Apparatus Material

    Manipulated Syringe AlbumensuspensionResponding Stopwatch PepsinControlled T?rermometer Waterbath

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2006 Biology k3 Berjawapan


    Technique used:Immersed the mango slices in solutions of differentconcentration.Proeedure:1. Sevenpetri dishesare prepared and labelledA, B,C, D, E, F and G.2. Each beaker is filled with the following solutionsrespectively:Petri dishA: Distilled waterPetri dish B: 0.1M sucrosesolutionPetri dish C:0.2M sucrosesolutionPetri dish D: 0.3M sucrosesolution

    Petri dish E: 0.4M sucrosesolutionPetri dish F: 0.5M sucrosesolution .Petri dish G: 0.6M sucrosesolution3. Each mango slice is wiped dry with some tissuepapers. The mass of each slice is measured andrecorded.4. The mango slices must be covered n the solution.5. Afber soaking for an hour, each slice is removedfrom its respective petri dish and wiped dry. Themass of each slice s measuredagain and recorded.6. The results are recordedin a table.

    Presentation ofdata:Solution Petri

    dishMass of mango slice(s) Different in


    TextureappearanoeInitialmass Finalmass

    Distilled water A Firm0.1 m sucrosesolution B Firm0.2 m sucrosesolution C Firm0.3 m sucrosesolution D Firm0.4 m sucrosesolution E Firm0.5 m sucrosesolution F Soft0.6 m sucrosesolution G SoftA graph of the percentage difference in mass againstthe concentration of sucrose solution is drawn.Difference in mass(%)

    SkinTbansporting oxygenRegulating body temperatureEliminating ureaConverting excessglucose o glycogenAs a protective layer

    Paper 2SectionA1' (a) (')(it

    Concentration ofsucrosesolution

    Conclusion:Based on the graph above, the concentration ofthe cellsap of mango slice s yM.

    (b) X: Becauseskinconsists ofvarious types oftissuessuch as connective tissue; muscle tissue; combjned' together to perform specific functions.Erector muscle: Because erector muscle consists ofspecialised long cells called muscle fibres .