Spm ict-2011

SULIT LEMBAGA PEPETTIKSAAN KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN NTALAYSIA *Iafaysia SIJIL PE,LAJARAN MALAYSIA 2O7T s7 6stL INFORh,IATION Kertas 1 Nov./Dis. I l; fam AND COMNTUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Dua jam tiga puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEI{INGGA DIBERITAI{U 1. Zulis nombor kad pengenalan dctn angka giliran cmclcL pacla senTLro buht jcnrrLpcut. 2. Kertas soalctn ini adalah dalam dwibcLhascL. 3. SoalcLn clalom bcthasa Inggeris menclcLhului socLlan yctng sepaclctn clctlctm bcLhasct Melayu. 4. Calon clibenarkan rnenjawab keseluruhan atau sebahctgian socLlan sanla cLclct cJctlcLnt bahasa Inggeris cttau bcLlzasa Melayu. 5. Kertas soalan ini ntengandnngi tiga bahagian: Bahagian A. Bahagian B clctn Bahagian C. 6. Jawcrpcut ttnttrk Batragian A lte.ndaklah clittilis cli ruang ycLng tlisetlink:ntt padct Hciaian "{awapan. 1. Jctwapan untuk Bahagian B clan Bahagign C mesti ditulis paclcL buku jatvaptut ycutg dibekalkan. 8. AnclcL clibencLrkan menggLLncrkan kalkulcttor saintifik. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 30 halaman bercetak dan2 3765/t @ 201I Hak cipra Kerajaan Maiaysia halaman tidak bercetak. [Lihat halaman !ffiti+

Transcript of Spm ict-2011

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Nov./Dis.Il; fam


Dua jam tiga puluh minit


1. Zulis nombor kad pengenalan dctn angka giliran cmclcL pacla senTLro buht jcnrrLpcut.

2. Kertas soalctn ini adalah dalam dwibcLhascL.

3. SoalcLn clalom bcthasa Inggeris menclcLhului socLlan yctng sepaclctn clctlctmbcLhasct Melayu.

4. Calon clibenarkan rnenjawab keseluruhan atau sebahctgian socLlan sanla cLclct cJctlcLnt

bahasa Inggeris cttau bcLlzasa Melayu.

5. Kertas soalan ini ntengandnngi tiga bahagian: Bahagian A. Bahagian B clctnBahagian C.

6. Jawcrpcut ttnttrk Batragian A lte.ndaklah clittilis cli ruang ycLng tlisetlink:ntt padctHciaian "{awapan.

1. Jctwapan untuk Bahagian B clan Bahagign C mesti ditulis paclcL buku jatvaptutycutg dibekalkan.

8. AnclcL clibencLrkan menggLLncrkan kalkulcttor saintifik.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 30 halaman bercetak dan2

3765/t @ 201I Hak cipra Kerajaan Maiaysia

halaman tidak bercetak.

[Lihat halaman !ffiti+

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SULIT ..5Section A

Bahagian A

136 marksl

136 markahl


Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in Answer Sheet. Eachanswer carries one mark.

Javvab semu& soalan. Tulis jawapan anda di ruang yang disedicLkan padaHelaian Jawapan. Setiap jawapan diperuntukkan satu markah.

I Table 1 shows the characteristics of X and Y in computer usage guideline.

Jadual l menunjukkan ciri-ciri X clan Y clalam garis pancluanpenggunactn komputer.


. Moral guidelines for computer users.

Garis panduan moral untuk penggLrna kompttter.

. No penalty or punishment.

Tiada penalti atau hukuman.


. Rules for computer users.

P e r atur an - p e r at ar an wnt wk p e n g g una komp ut e r.

Penalties or punishments imposed.

Penalti atau htLkuman dikenakan.

Tabie I.ladual l

Based on Table 1, state:

Berdasarkan Jadual I . nyntakan:

(i) x(ii) Y

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SULIT 6 376511

2 Table 2 shorvs the steps of using anti-virus software which is not in thecorrect sequence.

Jadual2 menunjukkan langkah-lcmgkah penggunaan perisian anti-viruS yang tidctkmengikut LrutcLn yang betul.

Complete the step. Step 1 and 3 are given.

Lengkapkan langkcth itu. Langkah I dan 3 diberi.

Choose anti-virus software

P ilih p e risian anti-v irus(i) 1

Take necessary action

Ambil tindakan yang perlu(ii)

Scan the selected area

Imbas kawasan yang dipilih(iii) 3

Select area to be scanned

Pilih kawasan yang akan diimbas(ir')

Table 2Jadual 2

Figure i shows the information processing cycle.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan kitarctn pemprosesan maklumat.

Figure 1

Rajah I

Based on Figure 1, state R.

Berdasarkan RajcLh I, nyatakanR.




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4 State r,vhether the following statement is True or False.

Nyatakan s(tma ada pernyataan berikut Benar atatt palsu.

ASCII is a coding scheme used to represent characters.

ASCU aclalah skema kod yang digunakan untuk mewakili aksara.

Figure 2 shows units of data measurement.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan unit-unit ukuran data.

Megabyte(MB) | X I Terabyte(TB)


software and

Figure 2Rajah 2

Based on Figure 2, state the unit of X. . r, :-_1, e.i-rBe rdasarkan Rajah 2, nyalakan unit X. k*i*t { 1 : r:ri | 1

Cornplete the following statemenr:

Le n g kap kan p e rny at aan b e rikut :

User must install un .......(i). ..... system before insralling ...(ii)

utrlity programs.

Penggwnct tnesti memcnang sistem. ..(l)... sebelttm memasang perisian ..(ll)...dan program utiliti.

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7 Figure 3 shoi,vs the back part of

Rajah 3 menunjttkkan bcLhctgian

.8a Sirstem Unit.

belakang Unit Sistem.



Fielrre 3

RcLlah 3

Based on Figure 3, which two devices are suitable to be connected to port X?


mancLkalt clttcL peranti stong sesucti untuk cli.sambtmg pcLda


Berdasarkan RcLjah 3.port X?








it :. .,-.:I.€r'\#


376511 o 201i Hak ciptir Kerajaan Nlataysia SU{,TT

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.9 376st1SULIT

8 Which of the following is a high-speed network that connects local area network in ametropolitan arca?

AntarcL t-ang berikut yctng manakah rangkaian berkelajttanmenghtLbnngkan rangkaian s etempat clalam kaw ascLn metropolitan7








This device is installed in a computer to provide a connection between the cOmputerand the network.

PercLnti ini dipasang pacla sebuah komputer untttk menyecliakan sambungan antarctkomp ut e r de n g an ran gkaian.

A Network Interface Card

Kad Antara Mtka RcLngka.ian

B Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

C Gateway

Get Laluan

E Modem


[Lihat halarnan sebelahSULIT

ttnggr yang

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'i'' 10 Table 3 shows the characteristic of a medium.

JcLdual 3 menunjttkkan ciri sesurltu meditutt.

Table 3

Jaclual 3

Based on Table 3, name:

Berdasarkan Jadual 3. namakan:

(i) R

(ii) s



Electromagnetic waves ranging in frequencies between 3 kHz andi GHz are used for wireless transmission.

Gelontbang elektromagnetik dalamfrekuensi julatn;,-a arltore 3 kHzdan I GHz diguncLlcan untuk pemc;ncoran wayarles.


Signals frequencies between 300 GHz to 400 THz are used forshort-range communication.

FrektLensi signal antaro 300 GHz ke 400 THz digwtakan untukkomttnikas i j nlctt clekat.

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SULIT ,, t1 3765/1

11 Table 4(a) shows types of client software.

JcLducLl 4(cL) menunjukkan jenis-jenis perisian klien.

Web Browser

Peh,mgsur Web

Client E-mail

E-mel klien

File Transfer Protocol Client

Protokol Pindaltan Fail Klien

Table 4(a)Jadttal4(a)

Based on Table 4(b), match (i) and (ii) with the types of client software inTable 4(a').

Berclasarkan Jctdual4(b:),padankan (1) dan (11) dengan jerLis-jenis perisianklien dalantJadual4(ct).

Table 4(b)Jadual 4(b)

[Likrat halaman sebelahSUI,IT

Used to connect two computers over the Interret to uploador download data.

Digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua komputer melaluiInternet tntuk mttat naik dan muat turun maklumcLt.

Software application that enabies a user to ciisplay anci

interact with HTML documents.

Aplikasi perisian yang membolehkan seseorangpenggLma mtulc memaparkan dan berinteraksi dengandokunten HTML.

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SULIT tZ 3765/-i,

12 state whether the following statement is True or False.

Nltatakan samct ada pernycttaan berikut Benar crtatt palstt

Ahmad controls the navigation of non-iinear multimeclia presentation byusing hyperlinks.

Ahmacl mengcLwctl pancltt cLrah persembahctrt multirneclicL non-linectr dengcrnm e n g g LLnctkcn hip e rp aLfi an.

13 Figure 4 shows the storyboard of a murtimedia presentation.

Rajah 4 menunjukkcm papctn cerita sebttcth persembcthatt multimeclict.



NextSct'een Renrark:

Sr-rbtrtle i Slrbtttle J Sr-tbtrtie -s

no*srlcrliing. txtantt_smt'rlie .ipgnrr_Sim01ie. p111 -f

lrtelactir.itvLlser cirtr make selectitrn br,c[clturg the bnttcrns



Figure 4Rajah 4

Based on Figure 4, which two multimeclia elements are not includecl inthe storyboard.

Berdasarkan Rajah 1, apctkcLh tlua eletnen rnultintecJia ycmg ticlak climcrsttklcan clalantpapan ceritct itu.

L4 State whether the follor,ving statement is True or False.Nyatakan sama ada pernycLtctan berikr,tt Benar cttcLu parsu.

An audio editor enhances and moclify existing images ancl pictures.Penyunting auclio mencLmbcLh baik clcut mengttbah stLai irnej clan gctmbctr seclia cLclcL.

3765/1 @ 201t Hak Cipta Kerajaan N{ataysia SUI,IT

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15 Table 5 shows the information on the types of authoring tool concept.

Jadual 5 tnenunjLkkan rncLklunxat tentang jenis-jenis konsep alat pengcLrongan


Elements are presented..Ele men dip ers e mb alzken..


Time frame

KercLngkct nxasa

alcng a timeline

cli sepanjang garis wctktuFlash

(i)in a structural framework

di dalant kerangko lcerja berstrukturAuthorrvare

Card i page

Kad I hcLlaman

as pages in a book

sebagcLi halaman cli clcLlam buku(ii )

Table 5

Jadual 5

Based on Table 5, complete the table r.vith the correct r,vords.

BerdcLsnrkan JcLdrLcLl 5, lengkapkan jaclual itu clengan perkatacLn yang betttl.

16 State whether the following statement is True or False.

NycLtakan scLmct ada pernyatoan berikut Benar cLtcnt Palsu.

Figure 5 shor,vs one of the interface design of a rnuitimedia presentation.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan setLr daripacln rekcL bentuk ttntarap e r s e mb ah an mrLlt im e dia.

13 3765/L


Based on Figure 5, X shows

Berclasarkan Rajah 5,antctra ntuka.

Figure -5

Rojah 5

icon navigation foi

X menttnjukkan

interface principles.

ikon panclu arah bagi prinsip

[Lihat halarnan sebelahSULIT

Malaye I an Fe:g tivals

3765/\ o 20l l Hak Cipta Kerajaan Nlataysia

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SULIT 14 3765/1

l7 Figr,rre 6 shows the categories of programming languages.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan kcttegori bahctsa pengaturccLraan.

Computer Languages

BcLhcLsa Komputer

High Level Language

Bnhasa Aras Tinggi

Machine Language

Bahosa Me.sin

Low Level Language

Bahasa Aras Rentlalt

Figure 6Rajcth 6

Based on Figure 6, tdentify Z.

Berdctsarkan Rajah 6, kenal pasti Z.

376517 o 20i1 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Nlala,vsia SUL{T

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SULIT 15. 376s/L

18 The following statements are relatecl to the characteristics of stlrcturedprogramming except

Pernltotaan berikut aclalah berLaitan dengan ciri-ciri pengcLtLrrcctiattnberstruktur kecuali

A Main program is broken down into smaller moclules.

Piogram utamo clipecahkan kepocla ruodul-modtLl yang lebih kecil.

B Procedures in the program are reusable.

P r o s e clttr - p r o s e du r clal am p r o g r anx b o I e h d i g utt ct s e nuLl ct.

C Sub procedure inherits methods and attributes from procedure.

Sub prosedttr rnewarisi kqeclah-knedah clcLn atribut-ntribut clcLripaclcL pros,eclttr.

D Data ancl procedure are not kept together.

DcLta dan proseclur tidctk disimpon berscLmcL.

[Lihat iaalarnan setrelaliSULIT3765/tr O 20t l H;Lk Cipta I(erajaan Vlrlaysia

Page 13: Spm ict-2011


19 Figure 7 shows some

Rctjah 7 menwnjukkan


parts oi a program cocle.

s e b ah a g i arc cl cL r i p ct cl a k o c! p e n g a t r r r c (r r cL crn.


Figure 7Rajah 7

Based on Figure 7, identify:

Berdasarkan Rajah 7, kenal pasti'.

(i) integer variable

pembolehttbcth integer -

(ii) logical operator

ope rcLto r logik


Const disc = 0.8Const n = 500Dim unit as IntegerDim price as DoubleDim amt as Double


If x>5ORprice>nThenamt=price*disc*unit

Elseamt = price {. unit

End if

3765/l @ 20lt Hak Cipta Ker.ajaan Malaysia S{JI.IT

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sul-lT t7 3765/1

20 Figure 8 shows some samples of ciata.

Rajah B menunjukkan beberapa sampel clota.

I 1025

tr r0.25

NI "10.25"

Figure 8Rajah 8

Based on Figure 8, identify:

Berdasarkan Rajah 8, kenal pasti:

(i) integer


(ii) string


ILihat halaman setrelahSULIT376511 @ 201I Hak cipta Kerajaan vtalaysia

Page 15: Spm ict-2011

sul,rT 18 376s/127 which of the follor,ving nro."rr", take place in the program design phase./

Antctra proses berikwt yang nxancLkah berlaku clalamfasa reka bentuk attrr carct?I Preparing the user manual

M eny e di akcrn manual p e n g g unct

I Writing pseudocode

Menulis pseuclokod

iII Drawing flowcharts

Melukis corta alirIV Collecring dara

Mengumpul data

A landllI dan II

ts IandlVI clan IV

C II and IIIII dan III

D III and IV

III dan IV

376511 o 20l t Hak Cipra Kerajran vlataysia S{-iLIT

Page 16: Spm ict-2011


22 Which of the following is a collection of relatecl fields?

Antara yang berikut yctng manakcth koleksi rnedan ycLng sctling berkait?

A byte


B record


C file

foilD database

pctngkctlun data

23 Figure 9 shor,vs the criteria of a field in a table.

Rctiah 9 nzenttnjukkan kriteria sebucLh meclan clalctm satu jctcluctl.

Frgure 9RcLlah 9

Based on Figure 9, state the name of Y.

Berclasarlcan RajcLh 9, nyatakan nantaY.

1q 3765t1

ILihat halarnan selielatrSULIT

a primary key in one table

kekunci tttanta dalcun satu.jadual

a field in tlvo or more tables

sebucLh meclan dalcLnt ch,La

atcm lebih jadual

used to link two or more tables

cli g un a wnt uk meny arnb un gkepacla clucL cLtctn lebih jadual

376511 o 2011 Hak Ciora Kerajaan Malaysia

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SULIT zAzu 3765/1

24 Table 7 shows the definition of a database object.

JaducLl T menr,mjukkctn definisi sucttu objek pangkcLran clara.

PA request for a specific data.

Memohon bagi data khusus.

0An interface to enter information.

SebucLh antara muka trntuk mengisimaklumat.

Table lJctdual T

Based on Table 7, state the name of the database object for:Berrlasarkan Jatlual 7, nyatakan namo objek pangkalan clata rmtttk..

(i) P

(ii) a

3765/l @ 201I Hak cipra Kerajaan Maraysia SULIT

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SULIT 2t 376st7

25 The phase in information system development that involves checking, changing ancienhancing the existing system to make it more useful is

Fasa cli clcLlom pembcLnguncLn sistem maklumat yang melibatkan penyeniakan,perubahan dcLn penctmbahbaikan sistem seclicL ada untuk menjctdikannya lebihberguna adalalt

A implementation


B testing


C documentation


D maintenance

p eny eleng g (rrctan

Itihat halaman setrelahSULIT3765/L @ 2011 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Mataysia

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Section B

Bahagian B

120 marksl

[20 markah]


Answer all questrons.

JcL.uab sewura soalan.

25 Figure 10 shor,vs a digital catalogue.

Rajah l0 menunjukkan satu katalog digital.

a9 9!ii. !iell.. Hliio?

' 'a 1\-



* e €h&

Fr0d!.tContact U5

Srte f,l;p

Links Itemi KBo 0 1filavy lqechJnic l€cket:

T!vill.ti€chine u/aehablE

Item: KBO 026reen Athletic licket

L0Do/o nylon.Flachinp wash.r ,&


is*t .I'

€ff{BEcItem: K8O 04

4-in-1 Tech la.ketPlEchine wash€ble

Item: KBO 03Fur Hood lacket

il4Echine washable

Figur-e 10Rcljah I0

Based on Figure 10:

Berdasarkan Ra.jah I0:

(a) What is the medium of delivery used by Top Apparel?Apakah meclium penghantaran ycmg crigttnakan oreh Top Apparer?

Justify your answer.

Beri justifikasi jawapan ancla.

[2 marksl12 mnrkahl

(b) Give two advantages of rising the medium of delivery in (a).Beri dua kelebihan menggLmakan mecrium penghantaran di (a).

lZ merksf[2 markahl

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27 Figure 11

RajcLh 11


shows a nelwork of computers.

rnerumj ukkan s ctt u r on gkai an ko mp ut e r.


14 marksfl1 incirkalil

[Litrat lialarnan setrelahSULIT

Based on Figure 11,

Berdasctrkan Rajah

Figure 11

RcLjcLh 1l

explain the structure of the network.

I l, terangkan struktur rcLngkaian itu.






3765/1 @ 20tt Hak Cipta Kerajaan N{ataysia

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28 Figure


.24i2 shows a pop-up message to computer users.

l2 menunjukkan mesej pop-up kepaclct penggLLna-penggLtna komputer.


Figure 12Rajah 12

Based on Figure 12:

Berdasarkan Rajah 12:

(a) State two ways that causes the pop-up message tocomputer screen.

Nyatakan daa cara yang rnenyebabkan mesej pop-Ltpskrin komputer.

appeai on the

itu terpapar di

[2 marks]f2 markaiif

(b) State two kinds of serious damages if a user ignore the message.

Nyatakan dua ienis kerosakan serius .iika pengguna mengabaikan mesej itu.la,-^,.1-.1LL tiLUtt dn I

[2 markah]

lf you detect a virus, take immediate action.Early detection often allows you to remove a

virus before ii cjoes any serious damage


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29 Read the following situation.

Baca situasi berikut.

z5 376s/1

Your school computer club is having its annual general meeting nextmonth. The Club Secretary is to prepare the report on the activities ofthe year, and the Club Treasurer is to prepare the annual accounts.

Kelab kompnter sekolcLh ancla akan rutengadakan mesyLtctrctt ctgungtahunan pada bulan hadapcLn. Setiausaha Kelab dikehendakimenyediakan laporan aktiviti-ctktiviti pada tahun ittt dan BendahariKelcLb akan menyediakan akaun tahunan.

(a') (i) Suggest a type of software to be used by the Club Secretary.

Cadangkan jenis perisian trntuk digunakcLn oleh Setiausaha KelcLb.

(ii) Give one reason why you choose the software.

Beri satu sebab nxengapa anda memilih perisian itu.

12 marksl12 markalt)

(b) (i) Suggest a type of software to be used by the Club Treasurer.

CaclangkcLn jenis perisian utntuk digunakan oleh Benclcthari Kelab.

(ii) Give one reason

Beri satu sebab

why you choose the software.

mengctpo ancla memilih perisian itu.

12 marlcs)

l2 markahl

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SULIT' 26 3765/X

30 Table 8 shows two course packages offered by a fitness centre and the information ofthe packages.

JctclttcLl 8 menunjukkan dttct pakej kurstts yang dita.*arkan oleh se'bucLh puscttkecergasan dan maklumat tentang pakej ittt.

Table 8JcLdual 8

Each member will only register for either one of the packages.

T'he fitness centre wants to create a database to store personal details ofits member. The database should be designed such that the centre canview the member's information for each package.The primary key for each table has been given:

MEMBER table: member_IDPACKAGE table: package_ID

Setiap ahli hanya akan mendaftctr sctlah satu pakej.

Pttsat kecergasan itu ingin membina sebuah pangkalan data tmtukmenyimpan mctkluLmat cLhli-ahlinya. Pangkalan clata ittL perlu direka bentttksLeaya pusat ittL boleh melihat ntaklumat ahli bagi setiap pakej.I{rtnti Liiaiitit bcigi setiap jttdi,icL! telali cliberi:

- jadual AHLI: ahli_ID- jadual PAKEJ: pakej_ID

Based on Table 8 and the information of the packages, identify:

Berdasarkan Jaclual 8 dan maklurnat tentang pakej itu, kenal pasti:

(a) Three attributes for MEMBER table.

Tiga atribut untuk jctclttal AHLI.13 marksl

13 markahf

(b) One attribute for PACKAGE table.

Satu atribttt untttk jadual PAKEJ.lI markl

17 markahl

w@I eakeiA I I PakeiB



I nHar goo I i nvr r aoo_ |

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Page 24: Spm ict-2011


Section C

Bahagian C

lI4 marksl

ll4 markah)


ll-ihat halaman sebelahSUI,IT

Answer two questions only:

Jawab dua soalan sahaja:

(i) Question 31 and.

Soalan 31, dan

(ii) Either Question 32 or Question 33.

Sama ada Soalan 32 ataw Soalan 33.

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SUI,IT 3765t1

31 Figr-ire 13 shows an advertisement placed by QS Brick Sdn. Bhd. You are required todevelop a program to caiculate the total charges per order.

Rajah l3 menunjukkan iklan yang clikeluarkctn oleh QS Brick Scln.'Bhcl. AnclaclikehenclcLki membangunkan atlrr ccLro untuk mengira jttmlal.t bayaran bagisetiap tempcLhan.

Figure 13Rajah l3

Based on Figure 13:

Berclasarkan Rajoh l3:

(a) (i) Identify the inpur and output of the program.

KencLl pasti inryft clctn otttptlt bagi atttr carcL itu.

(ii) Write the folmula used for the program.

Tuliskan formula y-cutg digunakan untr,tk cttttr ccLrcL itr,t.

14 marksl14 markahl

(b) Sketch a design of the input interface for the program.

LcLkarkan reka benttLk antara rnuka inpr,ft bagi atrtr cctra ittr.13 marksl

13 markah)


-ftP*q:'ikJ ltu'


_ orogl, r\i.^

n .zo


0S Brick Sdn Bhd

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Page 26: Spm ict-2011

SULIT ?9 3765/t

32 Figr,rre 14(a) shor,vs a printscreen of- a computer ciesktop when a stlident transfers a fileinto an empty storage medium.Figure 14(b) shows the outcome of the transfer process.

Rajah 14(a) menttnjukkctrl popartrn skrin clesktop sebuohpelajar meminclahkcLn satufctil ke sebuch nrcclium storatzRcLjcth 14(b) menLLniukkan hcLsil proses pemindahan itu.

komp ul e r cLp ctb il a s e o r 0n gyang kosong.

EComlf€rr io ddta.loc.rif ind €hiJ

€ wniip



l-l Cardp'e#€,j (riprri) Folde/

, oe+bp((€.ie rhcild)

-i M, Ooclm€dt

g vleb qrbbhinq wilar,i

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Figure 14(a)Rctjct/.1 14(a)

Based on Figure l4(cl) and Figure I4(.b).

BerdasarkcLn Rajah I4(cL) clan RajcLh i4(b),

Figure 14(b)Rajcth I4(b)

(a) (i) What type of utility program is usecl by rhe srudent?

Apakah jenis progrcun utiliti ;-ang digtutakan oleh perctjctr ittL?

(ii) Give i"'vo other iises of the utilit;; pi-o_qram.

Beri dzsa kegunaon lain bagi progr(nn LLtiliti itlr.

13 ntarksl13 morkahl

(b) Explain how the student transfers that file, using the same storage medium toanother computer and open the file for ecliting.

Terangkan bagcLimona pelajar ntemindahkan fail ittt. rnenggunctkcLn tneclinptstoron )'ang scullcL kepada komputer lctin clan memlsttkct fctil untuk strntingctn.

14 marks)14 markahl


ll-ifrat halaman setrelahSUI,IT3765/1 e 2011 Hak Cipra Kerqaan Nlalaysia

Page 27: Spm ict-2011


33 Read the following statement.

B ac a p e rny ataan b e rikwt.

.30 376s/7

Fun Life Company sells and distributes health care products. Themarketing manager intends to use a multimedia presentation to introducethe company product.

Syarikat Fun Life menjual dan mengedarkan produk penjagaanke s ihat an. P e n g uru s p emas cLran b e rc adan g m e n g g unakan p e r s emb ahcLn

multime dia tmtuk memp erkenalkan p roduk s1tarikat.

(a) Sketch the screen design for the main menu page.

Lakarkan reka bentuk skriit-;tntuk halaman menu utama.13 mark.v)

13 markah)

(b) Explain two interface principles used in the design of the page. 'i

Terangkan daa prinsip antara muka yang digunakan dalam reka bentukhalaman itu.

14 marks)14 markahl



376511, o 20l1 Hak cipta Kerajaan N{ataysia SUI,IT