Undangan Walimatussafar

Making an Asiatic Composite Bow by Markus Klek What is an Asiatic composite bow? It is the most sophisticated and technologically advanced type of bow, being made entirely of natural materials like wood, horn, sinew, and hide or fish glues. These type of bows have been developed in multiple styles all over Asia and were in use until slowly replaced by firearms. Several of these bows are still being made by professionals today. This is the first bow of this type I have made and it was more of a learning process than anything else. I was able to make a bow that shoots and did not break, but it was a far cry from a masterpiece. After having made a number of selfbows and sinew backed recurves, this king of bows was always in the back of my mind. Over the years, I collected materials and read articles and books on the subject and it seemed harder and harder to actually make one. Then suddenly, while my lovely wife was on a trip to India, the time was right. I did not replicate a certain bow or any specific style of bow, but opted to make a bow that would be on the safe side, that would not break or warp and be reliable to use. This article will be on the work process only and not on composite bows in general.



Transcript of Undangan Walimatussafar

Page 1: Undangan Walimatussafar

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” Labbaikallaahumma Labbaik......... ”

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.Dalam syukur dan puji kehadirat Illahi Robbi serta

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Hari : MingguTanggal : 20 Desember 2015 Waktu : 13.00 WIB – Selesai

Tempat : Kp. Jati RT/RW.02/10 Ds. Dangdeur Kec. Banyuresmi Garut

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kami ucapkan terima kasih.Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hormat kami,Bapak Ubed – Ibu Oneh – A.Ishak Farid

Kepada Yth,Bapak / Saudara :

“ Tasyakuran Umroh/Walimatussafar “

o Bapak. Ubed o Ibu Oneh

o A Ishak Farid