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I*]KL ktXlPWt' MT-.'NIsne'X PAPER

I. I

neinr. the pi,i lblpfl.1

Nu,n. Masonic distriet.ol

u lin*¦ ie i>.«-


lu,-eh.rite;*.:/. ,1 En:'- response

«eomplltot ni

Heall-lol «n:ui.

¦lu.,1 leI j, av* I i» elf

I a

tun I, be*IBite c in-

-ni rounds au oi bc un--ri t of 90 .'uni :>

sim in -.olid Bold. Oai et in ' ..¦ fol-V s,..-. ,| |o R, NV.

[). D U. M., Klotb Dis-, January,

hun ; bj el ispsel to lillie

branch ol Ma-

xi r hall :i ponnd, and, _¦..). ly finished. This

i eveiI- bal i- known ;.-

.'l.T -

irs Bland-, of I his Iy, was (


s, nn iii ri Ive ti Hi's cityil Ni-it t the

\ j..intP

-.. -lops(.rand

fr -in Norfolk !o-: r ly*ls,


I Bj***. andhas ilium ions

mee f lc .chi.-Mn : M

I) Innd «ill heSunday In

I..,,. ,i..i_i

C\ STY.< 111- i hm 'i j 3,

fe fi: We had a snow-**! il tcs ,l, |,.|, ()f anoul

Dui hus rapidly melted

Bar-John L. Barbour,

:. :¦ f .! imi s I*, .i I, -ur. i;-.|.. nn erebe ii'- church ibis morning

inc ol nf, I by theil pi I se n.

.' nf the i-l.- iradi r ni iln- nm«tx ce* were conduct-

i -. John McGill, :.-s|si*(i i-Nsp i-i il train con¬

ti \ ¦!ly i" ii:- old family. v, bi re tbe

ried. R.

Outrace in IN ctr! ol L.II.J

..:-*. \ n F< Em-iin M.. An OUtragf-lt" --ii thc I ..tin:-

I, '-. tn'ob, if state mei.i- ni.. t -emtIn] by thc

inisi ni, ut ol' iiu

eir named ii c >lor< 'I gil I, tbe daughlcik. Ol th.s eily,

lei bc of exe mplai j char-l.I aboul ttve

..:, re turning l.eti.c inof in r -ti'! pupils.

two NN hiltm v, is iuni, il nv i'h :i

ii rudely addr. --, d thc...iu:: for helli.

t d ii:, men, wboi .,) lime

s daUK-iti r a

sn, and afterwards kickedside. Her screams, j lined to


an >>. in. happen! tl t-. be in,i

ii -l*.t bim in Ibeerio and pull ful

..t ihej bad <!"iu.

, In the upper isart ofrte**_! ia! one

t nn:.- i member ofol lbe *-itN. tte ..i--.mtk four ol th'-

and carriedroi ti for nh ntl-od lbe o

we re unknown to ber;lie, wbo w:n off

y ber ns one- of the

cul la lheeitel. 1

(ructions from the Mt.N 'Mil¬

li,lil. il ON. I' lu


lhe wound. I man fully Identified WI

pou Issued aadIssued

' told"-, who..'.i-l lo bat ccompai ted U inn.

*.i Di.Mi.ii.- Denver,"¦¦ Uri ii excitement prevail!

".¦' a discover) ol gobi near tbait* Platte, twenty mile- weal al

ut ii of lil.- *.le BBl .\- i-ltel I wo hundred

.. Ulalie.IA big story.]A', exp:,,, .,, aeenci-ed Tnaaday la Ibe

.-f lbe Knickerbocker Oas-ith itreet, x. w _©rk,

'¦"¦'linn ol Jluiie pun ci through lheJJ.*** .."' building, mid, hfte-r tWO boors'

«>( tin- departtac al h:.<i tbe lamea"i-ie.i. xii* daua ..¦ was slight. Tbe

JlK d thal a pssmsm*

<*"*. Heine s\:. "" li;.-, el l-v Messrs.Dunlap & (:.., lyiuu brtweea Amherst* '.iiiTheni.e- and river..LynchburgAcas.

llAHTic.i.t,. COBB., l-Vl.niarv 3.-Tbi- He-publican State c.mention lor Blaetlna dele-

'¦il .eal ( -u.N. i,lion i\ hi hh l-l :et law Haven on April Tu.,

THK LATEST NBffS.nt IIIHHIfl to tti r. niteratc ii.


I'l NN*X I X XN| X Dli.le.ATK.N Ai CHI*, \...-v! --I i. HBBOHI at BARDY HOOR-iiu: ROI !"N MURDER TRIAl liil'.IRlsll81 i i : RI BB; mi xii \*ru I IBTAR1! in, \i.i dy in ORTARIO; Xxxiii! PAM1LY MUBDRRED AT LUCANHX M x- KRD MEN- i IIB IRISH land i lts>i'.

Vt >i*>tllu<* ton.BB. BATABB -RB nc M ix x *-TtBBORAL.-thk

BAR -l ij!!! IixNXTl.l.K ns.roR-Boi sb xvii posn 01 ni i rai ki sn

OLOKIAL Di ctoros or x IB-CDMA X.XIJICil - mindi; ii BBS, At-.

IMl IWASHINGTON, I-'eltiTiaiy I_Jfr. ltav-ircl,

iii!:: tb! .i.'"!.',-nr si..Hld.-Du islet! ship*.

lars ibl visited il;** British mw-uir.ii-s r lad saw iii maini'ioili

Iroo-Clatl sblps ot xvhich costled iirin xvitiipainful ippre-

!t realised ti) il wc ban boI Miem from ste,min'.' into

rta oo tba coast of tbe United States,;itni ii. ease ol war would bsve to relj oboar torpedo defcue* tsiooe. Heall .alludedto the four armored ihlpi baili for tbeItalian Oove roment, e Itber ol srhieb wonk!lt.* inn.s ne ti to Hie nDi.ek of aux of enir

vessels, ind said tbii ooe <>! tiicsc*xs *-id* al' in- cost Blore than tin* four llllplour Government now proposes to floiab.In bia speech on floaoee tbe otber day beiii.-idin'alix spoke '>r tbs possibility <.* a

xx ;r on account *>f ibe Inter-ocesnic canal,ssly bas stimulated Iii* de¬

siri* to *(.. our Inefficient navy Improvedrie-lit axx.n

PERSONAL SEWS ITEMS.Mr. Bl: "- spn sbIoi * ol regret at bis

attack on M Hi win n Ibo ilatue olWilli in K was i'i--. nted lo tbe Gov¬ernment arc regarded a* i bid f< r the- roteot tl Bay SI 8< lalor Bayard i* bo»d-

to-night. Mr. William L.

Royall arrived to-nigbt. Maror ll. **. Dor-gell, ol Fredvrlcktburp- and Mr. HarrisonSouihwortb were al tbe Capitol Ibis aller-

:;:, : n IL OS Bl i RE TAB WAI.NS C0RR11(VIIson, ol Iowa, sppi sn el

lu foi. in! |leai - ' ommittee ur

day, ind both -ii!- - ndmil tbsl be mid i

i wei al rguraent In liver ol"reducingihe duty on -l el nils from Bewas fi qm nilj Inten upt< tl and qu< -Honed:¦¦. .*.!. -.! -. K< ll* y -inti t ii.;' r, bot li - re¬

plies helped his e*:in-e amazingly, aa tbeywere cb ar aud inrisive. He -aid tbal thereare now 110,000 indi* ol railway, s -.Teat

il. al ol tbi ii mi rails ol which noxv ought t'.

be repLsc* I by ste-i I rail* in ord* i- to secure

fail ami eda ap Irelifht lines lo tbe producing.:.!--(-. ninl yet, owing to tbe htgb duty on

tbe .h. i'i- mu i Le done, He Instanci d-.fe .Hie I" show bOW ll' st Si il; it

i- Hint transportation routes i" ibe iea-co ulshoiilil be Increased snd Improved becausetbe in cattle hud! be limit*d unlessthis i* done. He was opposed, be said, toIbe pd* it duty because ii preveoted com¬

petition a* to quantity ind quality in tbesteel rails made In the United States. TbeEnglish rails are guaranteed i«> la*-! ten

do lasl tl it lon;., xxliilc theAmerican rad*, be said, are guaranteed tolasl lixe yeal*, and last no longer. Mr.< nge !.. in the c mrse ol bis remarks,asked bim if when ihe lakes are frozentbe railroads 'I" n«>t Increase their nteiol freight and thus oppresi ti.e people.Mr. Wilson replied, "Tbal i*- Jual wbsli .-ur I'D 'si in tariff does by freezing up all tho

avenuea by xx iii.-ii sd el ni!* can be broughtfrom al road. You enable Ihe manufacturer!al in-ine to charge enormous profits." He

.xa* not against protection to our ironint* i' -*. bul bewas against a prohibitory rate

s.f sltiiy stn steel rails. .Mr. Conger al.lidedlo bis beina an attorney, and he said bsnever engaged In any case in:!.** it ac-

x*. .tia iii* conviction! ol riic-:' andtiuih, During tbe panie, be laid, while allotber Interests were paralyzed, the Meei*i ill establishments wenl on Increasing theirworks, and ex en then xx ere unable lo supplyi: .¦ d< in ind. 'i bia -'...xv. vi tbal tbi y wei ».

Ina Li lil.' III li x ,\ Inn e.! lu !- xxl le- toling lt.

A Pennsylvanian followed, ind advocatedst rou cly ihe continuation of tbe presentrite of duty, urging tba! ** ii wai necessaryh..xx. ifter 8 loi ni difficulties, toenable the iron-men lo reach the promisedlind." Mr. Tueke r took bim In band, andcontended Ihil from ins statementi besliuxx.ii iii the limes of grratesl dodresslon the, steel rails over$8fiper ton, when tbey sold them al .12 perten. '; ion xx iii be continued to¬ni ;: xx. It looks A! ll t In* vu lee \\ ill

repoi i m favor of redaction..xi-iioi si: AND !'"-! '¦! I K I I "ir DAN¬

VILLE.Mr. (aliell wa* un hand it the Renate to¬

day looking alter iii- bill for Ihe erec'ion ofa custom b* use and poit-ofi Ung :<t

Danville. Senator Johnston roi ii takennp nu p| lu order, .md tbe benate promptlypug*., ii i: tvltb the committee's amendmeut.Tte amendment Increases the amount to

170,000, and provides thal it shall ii"' bes rect< d xx ii iiin forty fsa t of anj othi r build-

Mr. Ci bell xvi.'! s,-(. tbere is a* littleas ;.Lble in getting tbe Hou lo

et.n.Tii* in Die Senate amendment, m. livei city ss Danville, and one tbal lia* such as

ilium ids- tobacco trad*-, li s ntltled t a cus*use and post-office.


Houseiodsy paned ibe bill sp|. f tlie leii-

resentatives of the United State* to tbe Io->iii] Fi-!, < onveutlon lo as embie M

Berlin In April. Professor Baird wltlgo¦od lake Iii* new fishing and bltcbilton vessel. Jail!t si Wilmington. Hewill carr] with bim ex] rta c inectedwiththi* department, and xviii tasks no poolstioxv iii L-omparison with tbe exhibit! s.f

Euro.. mi nitlom, I bi . eli Kates arc to lie

sppoloted ly tb* PresldeBt.tbe azroBTEDrosios ;\ west viroikia.Ail tbal t""k |fliee bars between Um

Greenbsckers ind Bepublicaoi ol WastVirginia will, I sn inf' »i nnd, be broughtout iii dtM tin..-, nnd I lit* ir that it xviii bc*

ibOWa tBBl Mr. Sturgi*- xvas leaifBBted SI

the ctir.idiD- fur Govaroor, and that thc'li.lld district in to llBVS I larg! -hare Of the

Btate officers. Those who sra surprised atxvhal h.* .dread} been nindi* |,Ti!.lie, 1 am

assured, xxiii lu- SStoaode .1 xv!n n tin* xx hole

story is mali- public. I have seen more inii.niiusciipt than I san iioxx RHIIIIOM AM) colonial luioiuis

Ol' XilieilXlA._'o-d:ii Senator Johnston olSTCd I r - -

lution lor prtatlBg UM Virginia colonialrte- ii.i* noxv In thc* library ol Congress, andlt xx as refe.ri'U to the COfB-BtttsM *»n Print-log. Ile* Bald these* BMBRSarlpt re-cords olUm flrglRla GBEBpBRJ aie more than twoUutidrcd and UH)' )ears old, nuU arc bo

I N,*l io he* the onlv copy al thc ne.,ni- elthi* Illirie Min:., period ,,- eibtfMB. 'I hi jvu ie in th,- peal tatton of tba Bari of South*aajpton, he said, an i were Burchatad fronthis exmit-irs I.y WlllhHB Byrd, ol \ .r.iiiia,fioiii wboaa eatata tbey paaaed loth. Rev.w Ultana Btlth, pr. *i*iei.i of William asdM nv College, From Mathe4] weal to Pej loaRandolph, lir*f |.re-iileiit ,,f 1 he C nt,: ii,,-iit:.|CongrciB. Mr, Jefferaoa pnrebased thea

lal Mr. Bandolpb'a stilt-, nmi they wareI bought, with other paper*, ni Mr. Jcffer-I eon, by tbe Uolted Mtatea G rernment. Cn-ile r the Virginia Compaa<-I- ti t- nun kl ,:. H.,. i;,.i , ti.:, ti. tit Eng-Ins lettlenx ni wai made on thia eontineot.i' * mblbbed i Legtslalare, nnd gave ta Ibei>t opie tin- righi to vote f -r it* members'These records, lie- added, are Ol '-'rent lii--loiical villi,*-, uml engbl lo be made acehie to blstorlana aad otbera and placed bc*yoi,d the danger ol d. struction.

BB, PAttBI El.'- Men mem-1.

Mr. Parin :i md partj to-day called ontl i'i- -uis-iit Bod Metal**. Everti aad Bbl r«man. Tbe interviewe were pleasant, To-Blgbt Hr. Parnell ii -it tbe Congregationalehureb. To-morrow tii__-.ii then la a theati I-eal i e-; formance for tbe beni tit of tbe Ii i-iiBufferers, nv inch be ha* agreed t-> attend.

Em IE M.Nvs

The House Military t-rv-dayIa: reed to report General .1 -lin I ib'i inbstl- J'_tote for the bill to commission P. P, Powellns an offlcei E. tin- Unite el State * armv. I'r.Pi well, it Nvill be remember. ',. .ci red rn

tbi '' infederatc anny.On Mond;.v. v< bruary 9tb, the iub-.TudI-

clary < ion mlttee nv iii bear ai gumenls on tbabankrupt qucstloo.Tbe Indian Training .School ;i' Carlisle is

a success. Mr. Pood's bill propo-es toestablish other (raining schools for Indianchildren. Oura; will vi-it tbe Carlisle¦cbool.

Peter Cooi r li is written Senator Beck tocontinue Iii- war; _*alnsi national banks.The testimony In the Keilogg-Si-olfbrd

ease all tn i n taken, and counsel nv.ii pulin tbeir brit fs on Mooday, Tbe raof tbe committee will be for unsealing Mr.Kellogg.Tir House Banking and Currency Com¬

mittee teported In favor if aflPwing na¬tional banks to Invi il ne qui rta r .-" theirsurplus fiiii<rl- In real estate.

rhe Southern Utes wii .arrived tbe otherc'.riv liinl a e nference with Mr. Schlira to¬

day. Ignacio i- .ti chief.Thomas M. Bl ul ¦ t . ion ol ¦¦ Gov-; j

ernor'" Blodgett, ol Ueorci., ls ehNvitii bavini" Eikeii Illegal lera as collectoral St. Man *-. i-'li.

M i ir J lin to NewVork the pap rs g iy Si nat ir .1 ibu Lon isthere.

I bear n pn >nl aboul further.'. . ird lilllie ni resolution.

ned I'r.-.- !:. |.e,. hj telegraph lo ;oatt

WASBiKGToy, February 4..Tbe HouseCommittee on Banking and Curre. cy, almeeting tin- mornin sr, au berized Repre¬sentative Davis I report b k to tbe HouseNNiUi favorable recommendation the bill In¬troduced by Representative O'Connor, oil].s-s,in ii Carolina, authorizm national bank*. ,

t m ki loam upon m rtg -. ¦. on real '

estate. i''lt is i- ported tbal Thom is S Blodgett,' ,

son ol Fi iter Blodgett, formerly Governorol Ueon* ia, is in trouble va it ii lhe Treasury1 ),-i te rt im nt about his accounts as collal St. Mary's, <' i. Il- ls charged witb j.taking 11 If. a! lees and with otbei irregulari¬ties.The <.t;i!).] Jory lo-day examined several

witnes-i s in . be .- ise ol i.u y I'.. R. Borton,charged NtiMi assault NNiili nn Btiempl tokill J ihn ll. Morgan on New-Year's day.

I bc President In* tbe papera in Hie casei-f Major Remi donn belore him, and willrici ou them al an early *l iv. 1' ^* under¬stood be tviii approve lbe Ondlng ol tbecourt-martial, wblcb sentences Ms|oi Renoto dismissal from si rt Ice.

t'.irt.v-Mixtii t*.at-aaa Maenad flaaalon.W-8UIN0T0N. Febi nary I, IPSO.

MENAT ic.Mr. Maxey, from tbe Committee on Mili¬

tary At, »l ted a I'll! aiithiT.zii.Secrelnrj ol VI ir to acquire foi tbe UnitedState*, title to tbe land on which Pori Sock-ion. Texas, i- locate d. Placed on tbe calen-1,dar.Mr. Anthony, Irom tbe Committee on L

Naval At! ui-. p .1 led n bill for lhe n-li.-r ',of Medic il-Din dor Jonn I bornleigh, Uni-ted St ates navy; also, from the same com- L

favorably, a bill regulating ihe nu.nnii * av ol certain marine officers in theUni .-.1 States si in ice. Placed on thedar.

*i!r. ,i lubmitteda res ilution lht Itbere be printed for tbe use of < ion

spic s ul transactions of the Virginia (< e.n.j-..nus s ot London. Adopted.On motion ol Mr. Maxev the >. nut<. look |

np Senate ''iii for tbe relief ol Edward!,Braden and .J. W, Angus. It directs tin4! [

rj of the Treasury to pay Bradt18 for c sctra labor and mate

ej in mc e mstruc lon of o quarter-ma ite r's tupply 'lei 61 al S in Antoni \

Texas. Mr. M ixey explain il tbe hill.Mr. Conklitig cal _ tiention <.> th

..ence ol any unil. Iii i lo ri I "r-nee ol bills of r lo commit-

lees, rbi* bill was introduced byoncsen- I

Btor from Texas, ri fern el to thc < 'omnitttee ¦¦

on Military ABairs, and reported favoiby tho otb. r ii nator from Ti x is, a mi ml er;:I

1' Ih^l :¦"!!,liiltH «'. ! '

MPP-oi'ikiinj* lb.H :!il Ihe claim of Bra- Mden A Angus Bbould li ve hi en re fei red to 1Hie ommittee on * ilma, if lo any c im- j'iniiti-e, hui be it Ik ved il should Ix r. fericd .

to tbe Court . i < '-im-, andi-l;, ,,lin,el t tO that ell Ct.

Mcsst - ( ekiT-H. McMillan,and Edmunds.iirae. A lon deb ite re-

.>ulted.Mr. c. nkiin-'s amendmenl wa* agreed ,

to.yeas, 81; nay-, ¦__; aud tbe tull a-Hms t,| v ii- passe al. The Cl flu tbua

lo Un < our! ol ch un. ; |l be-Sen ite passed thc bill authorizing th<

conveiaion ol national Bold banks into bb*lion il banks, and al P. M. weul luecu!Ive session.Adjourn) d.

n i ;: e.)- Bf PBE8EN1 M ive-.

After transae Ing omi* mUcellaneous busl-nt ss tin- iiof tbe bill reported yesterday from the Ju-jleia iy ( iu iii:.- e nm cert iln -. c-ilona ol i .-' lbe luiisdictl »nof tin1 liniii tl States Court and regulatingthe removal ol cau.*es Irom State e> Pi deral jCe -. la

Mr. Culbertson, <-f T. I thc !,provis! usaf ibe bill, and Mce-trs. Wi lb rn,or Texas, an Winn . ol Michigan, -

lupport. Tbe tn ming bour havingexpired, tbe bill .'.. ni ovei without a<

i be House Iben, In C immltti e ol tbeN1, ole, consider* d and pi --I--.I a j"it.rIntiou appropriating 120,000 t,- enable Iberuin el .-tnt'- I't-i: Commission to representtbe United States at the international Hab¬er] ibibitton il li.!i'm. (iiTTuai.y. in AprilIII xi.The debate oa the revl-iou ol tbe rub i

waa thea "resumed, and alter lbe rejectionof an amendmenl toRule ll giving IbeCom-mlttee on Pi it-Officea aad I'..-1-!.*: lads eon-n-.,i over ibe post-office appropriation hill,and al-c, au ann lulnn ;ii BUtboiizlOg thalcommittee to report sniii bill r>r referencetc tiie Appropriation*) Committee, adjourn¬ed.

l*it|tc>r "fl111 n, "Mass.. Ft'bruary 4..The

South won ii paper Bill wai destroyed bySra last night. L hm not elated, Insurance,170,000._

Kfimorcd lian... x rouble -tt

Ni.w Vohk, Fchru .ry 4..Tlieu- an- nn

innis ihat thc: ProdOM Hank, of thiscity, ls In troubh-. Matters nre qolel lhere,however, to-d.y, m.jil |bc Hank offli'ials urerctU-.ot. i

ID uim, | vu ula llrpiibllrnna.Hash ,,,,( pebraarf 4..At thc- eaaeoi

»l ibe B nne deft-gates field Issi Eight ie;."*,"les xvei-e,., i |n ih. la'cresl, iflerwbiehh.- esacui, by i rots ti UH 11 lift decidedhal Hie '.onventtOB should to-daylelegatea '.. n.t. Kittani! ObbvibUob.

Ol ni;: fln"rB (R*_-"'nDnrR*_-AT RAB¬IDsnrRO.

Habbi bi ..<;, i'A.. february t..-Tim Me*I'.ii.iie.iii slat? Cooveotton paiet "jere in tbeIpera-House t ll ''.lock to-day, and x'.a.,; ed lo order by < Imirmin Hooteo, of tbe

Commlttae. *.*. H. Miller, ofi iii.- Hon. Itns-'dl terrell i"

ppoiii!' <i lemporarv abalraMR. sad i;pnr-al Albright moved la sassed by sabstitu-in*.' ti.e ti m.,, ,,- e ;<-.nee V. Lawralee. A"'<. was i x* h ire oiled in favor ..(

Iii Iglinsl !r_-a \.e'"ix for theil-.lit pee.).le.l' \*. i- d-clded tbal a eommNteaof obsthu ...eil senatorial distrid be appoiatedn resolutions, aad eommRteei ob eontest-

ti ind p-rniain:.t ergaBlEatioB were'*" appolat* a.Af the ii-u-t! rom ine business, Senstoi

lerr offered a reaolatloB Ural tba di li Eatenleeted . the Republican Nations! Conven-oii ai < hicago bc iaatrueted to support forie presidential nomination I'. s. Graot,nd vie as .i unit on all questions thai tn ayame liefore ti.e *'ooveulfoo..Mr. Stone offered mi imendmeol reRflrm-

)_¦ Um resolatloo isiinit ,i tbird t' rmrlopted i.v Hu- Republican BtateConveo-on of 1876.After considerable debate, in whleh a

ii*.-.* number of di le. te opposed Senitorlerr's resolution ind f \ ired Biiine, Mr.; .ne move d to imend Hen'- resolution Hytr kin-: out the name f Gran! and insert-ig thal cl I'd.nne. The motion wis lostj t vote of IM to fi"..Tbe question then recurred on IP-rr's.-..11.1 nm, which was divide I, the yeas andsys being ordered on the Brsi pail to In*truct tbe delegates to supporl (iran', and j.'lalted.yeas, 183; nay-, li::. Tbeseeoodart, lostruding thc delegation to vote ss ¦nit .ji all qui -lion*, wi! ad >pti d bv ¦ viva-oce vote. The Pennsylvinis delegationill therefore supporl Grant af Chicago

June.Tbe plait .rm adopted eoogratulatrninrrv on thc resulta *-f 'ii Bepubliean

il policy, il.'i'i'i.Ti' * further financial¦-¦.-I.'...! al I'lT'-ent. favors a protectivetri O', and reaffirms tbe general principles IJf the Republican parij wltb regard lo ¦¦

dion il que -lim-. ;','I be ' onvention nomin ited Auditor-Hen-

ral and Justice ol ti.e Supreme Court, I J*nd, afrer adopdng Ihe report of the com-title " on Un- appointmetil of sh ls'.. ( bl ' id presidential cI. ctois, ad] .iii"." ¦!

.Mi rino I) j sn Mer-*.

LonoBranch, '-.¦'.. February 1..Thereanother vet ri -rn H indy Hook. Aob crfuI ',-i *. -el io be a two-

a luz '* alongside of her.'I letbre. -it isl. - ilioonei Stephen lin d-

i-'. from Cedar Ke-Vs r* r Mew Tork, xxiihmills'!-. ime lahore ol A. M. yest*in- ei .v ol four men « is sa\i d by therew of I.if. -.-':.vin_r Station No. _.

a!---o. nnd p' rh ipa tbe v< ese!, \-. iii: * ived.¦t.k. Fe '-i ii.u \ l.- .x ibree-ma-*ti .1'

.hooner, said lo be the 1". E. L itv renes, olibsecoin, \. .5.. i- ashore al New Point

I, Va. A me to her.P HST, _s\ .!-. Ki 'nu ny L. A

aa I-i...;: ii i* ,\ i-h< d ashore n*¦i ie the e" ii** of itxo Ballon xv, re loundn- morning. The name on i'-<- b >al ap-ears lo be *- -.Ilia " or -. Ennis." hbellev* d to belong lo the d'. D.

u pta I ii George Torry, xx bleh lefl Hamptonloads J Otb with o I u*-hel. ol.rn.

'roles:-*eil Irish I*re-l;if^s Igalnal I'iir-iiell's c Illirie-.

New Tobe, February I..The Mansion-[ou*e lii-ii Relief Committee bas tele-ral ii d here extracts from letters and tele-ram* ' f twenty Ure Irish bishops and arch¬

er in ali parts "f tbe countr) protestigagainsl Ibe Injustice ol Mr. Parnell'sbarge lha! ihe committee refuses relief to:-(;¦»¦-*> el Irlih tenants who have nol paid_elr r. nt. :iinl s \p-.T --in. tbe utmost c lofl-eii't' In tbe Mani »n-Ho lei mdie tm ie -* ana in pu; nury or its«1. -*»..,..,


A Te*nrfnl il.-tel til' Iileioel.XXTleU.K r xxiii.v BCBDEBI D ST BASEEB REN.

Lucan, Ontario, February I..About 12'clock last night a party of men with black-ned and masked fact i entered tbe dwi liingf the somewhal notorioui Donnelly familynd murdered Ibe la'her. mother, one son,

-ii' ce. A boy named Connor lookfuse under Ibe bed, ind i sc qi* d unhurt,

'bc party tben set Bre :.> thc boase, wbicb,.getber xxiii the bodies ol lin* murdered.mates, waa totilly consumed. Anotherin, reskling about three milaBkfroni tbeomestead, xxas called to bis door iboul Ibeime hour and sbot The township li,id xx ii ii exel nt.

LAI-EAT rennin-*. MAIS.


Lom..iv, February 4..-Righi Hon. Sirleorge Hamid m Seymour, retired dlplo.tallai, nd Henri Moule, n prominent phi-

ind cl r ni in, and -nil ni .reimineni at a sanitarian and tbe diicoven rtbe dry-earth system, are

li i Di-.illTHE LAND Ll X'.lt. February 1..-Al a meeting of,. li¦;-:. National I. tn i I. igue yest.wis resolved that Michael Davitt should

uted t wa t upein the editors ol.' i,-1, md othi r ' .ontinental news-

upi - lo enlist their support In e il', rtsi.r ibe ie.';.! ol thc t! stress in Ire land.Iii in.i\, Fe lunary i .Lord Mayor Gray,

ec ..ii. pal,,' il by th" corporation and civilHi.- rs "f Dublin, xviii prei *nl a petition ol

rjutile wotki and ii:-' amendment of themd laws al thc bar ol tbe House of Com-ions 'ii i'i idaj next.

France,\ l.iNLl.'s Bt'CCE-SOR.r x xl.

HAD i;o\i. x. ii

Paris, Februtry -1. Ir la expected Or.' Broci will be elected life- n itor by a

In place «-f mnl de Mon-

By ¦ railway collision il Argentenll, inbe II |*artin< ni . i ¦-. Ine i Dise, sevi n per-

¦.. minded.I he Arin nte nil sldent

llV, l'i-..'!-i m np ;,i- ol thc x'. ree k-d iraln v re n ell-l mi n wbo

ll uing T.i. i.i x -tit, per¬il ii .nix other!

j injin. !. Ij roo-lhere

- dittfcul. ¦ num-el Ol VlCtlfl I.


Lom I irv I..A Vienna dlspi.iit iia-tworthy ;v-<- .unti repi

I-- internal conditiona number ol of-

ei. blgb i:i comm ind have t*c eome dlsaf--.- bile b * x\bo xx- re not promoted

fie. tbe late wsr with Turkey have, withHW eXC* pt IPOS, 'oiled fie ..¦% ..lui:. .ri *'-.

sOMiLtxe i: t o :i*\Nir-:*s.

BW i.\-ru.\N' E ci-'i'H i:.


Tile IC'ler-i^I.e I. li ITll .' (Ol Tl"' * '' -I'll'"-ur th-' parua vet eoadi nina n c.I.Nt- H.xl, INr-*I"-

111 -IN! _S la ill. Cl!) t'Hie!.ui'tlli!. ni.irUt: limn.' :iul -li.. el

QOBDOR X ri.IISAHIaw- ).-iil*i i ami it ii.t-.l lim-ti"- IK .-i-.-.-no ne-ni'lpii ny Xii. I'. T. -tell, 'so- * "-"a Ul Et-BVI ** UlTIIKKT, Wll-re lilt X Hit- pTS i'"l I"

.1 iii ur nne sm ali si.!--. "i' prouerty, oo toe mos.t-ii-.iii.-ii.i.' i-i a.-. ni Hm rollowias "liau-tnuii .-nil..:ElAMRUBG-BREIH N.OF QBBNABT. CM* ss-

.-:s, 11.234,12'Jl lurptus iit-oxe iii"'''"" '

.- , .

l.v ee.NKlWCL. Ol InxNfK. < a. li assets,|8 1)77.7D1; iii'ibiirHu.-, (hSl otto.i bin e.,ni|uQlei hitxs I8B.OC0 In liiltt-smiatfi

i'.vetnii.eiit bou.l, ile, i, ii.i willi Hit- Sim, D. ,-

urer for the excltim,* piattatitn of Virginialolicg-hrdder*.Losses liberally bjJIii .le J u "' .«»'.|'r^ni|'iXXd'-LIXii'iV. PL! A* *- v, -,re 5*3* Ii. A.,


V '¦. sri ev. Fr-ii.-j-r- 4. lflHO.t*-Ut._"l.-6.0<lO pe-s-ler-. IE i',-.. g I at BJ¦poas ,it 7c;;: Ito in in emtpom m I.n««i|s-r <.,,; yr,-i,,r., .,r Tani.' lilv.-r sml h's-iwt-t* OB-aicaBspBBj .tidaa bi Hi IO-namoiMinta sd ! Cfiiirleetle Air-t.l.-tr Railroad Bl PB | ll-ure. .( Vlr-I'iltt Hr.'siel Marin- in iir.ui'-e- .. ¦-

n.V. .!,., ,t f| | SOB ni a Vlr,l.:l-i Us,ms- Bl".: 3,(iou NTr-irUa sob .-¦'¦ nt TX'.: :i lbwi'-litii ..iel :ui.l natalie K.l'nnid .Kiele st 4'.. sis*!

ino i,,1 anil Danville- i.'allr. ll 1

' BteturitttSt.I'nlfo'l si-a'e:i7- t.i-n i'm-.-i Stares it. 1041,1,1,.. ;stair Boeuritlet..Xlxwlnl* I (MO**. BB Md, 87km '- ii-auiia 1 - n , keC: Vu¦¦. n ol -v. gg 1,1,1. rfu a*s-ed; Vlrmstla .:.rred. *; bid, .» ..--.. d; \ Irshtia mt ,.--' mil

.ttl; Ni Ilma I lX-"er, tva, ian. 77 asked; North Caro'lot 4 e

1. 71 a il* it; Vuvihii !¦ 1.11 cooi 'i'i*. n; bid,20fd.

'i>s . ftliTnn anl .¦. . .1 11,1 .1.:l asked; P_ferslinr_ .-ny 8*», jr. and A..linaked; I'.i. r-inu-.'.-iiv B'l.B. atd .(! bid, lue;ked: LTocbb-ara cit) .-'-. -I. and J., 110 '':-! *ln li's. .1. .111,1,E. loo BM.

liatii-i'.o.i /;,,ni* -vn-.i 111 ira) Bailroad Bmr'-n*-.' *; ...(..uni .1 iou i.i.n Vlrali i* On ni

n mud third in,.rrj. ,e,. ,; ., .1. ;.,.| .1.. im ^j.'--''.') 1 C "Iral Ita-: 1 ..I. andiut- ii: Vlntlnla and Kallroad sec-morirave 1/ .1. and J . ol Md: Virginia and

¦.¦ Bailroad iblrtl rn..r?_-.¦_.-*. H'-. J. aod .)..1.- Railroad iir-< morrraae b's,

ih.I .).. 121 bt'l| il'-li..!. Er,'.l.r| and.tomsc Bsllroa.1 rnortit-ae _.., .1. and J- ll.",I. 117, ;.*ta, I: liirii ¦.,!,.I. )r« .! nek Imiiv 11,.1

mi- Bsllro-d i.. ri-'.i.". 7'-. .1. and .E. UlV',11. lien ked; Klcbtnou-). r"i-e*-**-rr)ckstHirs:aod Bu-

.1. nnii .E. 1 mr asked(Tm,"1..I md Danville lialiroaa coi Plated V*..uni \.. lol bid, lOBa-ked; tTeclmont Bailroad

-t .tT.rtir.- *., .\.ai :*>. 1 ni 1 IB a k d i

rrui'.a ,-tn-l < h.-irni ie N.r-l.ini. Hiilr..,,e| fir-re 7' .Eau .1 BO bid, HS asked: Richmond,.rk it r e.,.i 1 .¦ ,,..,-.,. Bail-mad ant mortcage

.!. nil .1.11- .ism,n c. *-. an,1 Bailroad-1 lmn.a.c 7's. n ¦_' ,1 1. ll 3 0 ked; c., c. indKalin .-I er 1, mort-rea 71 .«,_ ,ii. 101 ssked.Uanoi Bondi..J ime Uiver and iel a nu vt tin < anni

..,,.._¦.,_¦¦. c y,. and N.. 50 let; J,1 Ksnawlia Canal cond tn irt_ajr< (".*-, .M. aad M.,Md.

,' stuck*..Richmond -uni I' 100 pw, ii.", iii-. Richmond, Kreeie-kst-nrs. indPoi msc Railroad common. 100 par,

t,i,i Richmond. Frtrsledci b nra Pofomaeinroad onere nL _n.-ir-i-.-i e.-i. inn nar. 100bid:Ichrooml. yn-derlrksotir? and E tonse Rallroadper cenf. icu irani...1. tOO par, tOB Md; Con-

s-tis.ti Railroad noes, 7u par. 7-"i Md; Rich-ii 11 d Dui nils 1: dlr id. 100 p r, 1" . bl 1.

Richmond, fork R ("lu -a, .-ii,"ii. :.:. a ke 1; Atlanta and f harlotte

r-Ein. Railroad,23 bid,I*, askers); C.,C. and N.lll>rs '.a. - bio.f.vinfi! Stocks..dtmt* River stnd EUnawba Canal,Kl I'iir. |1.25 a I*.- I./, ,.,/. stn As.-E:r-t Nail ti.i. inn par, llfiUlenia) Hank i.t" NTr-iiiT. tOO par. Bil blked; Pk m il, 100 oar. l hld:II .> ol Vi,-., h. 1. ino ,r 'ji i.i :; Union Bank oldimond,50 par, .".»'. bid, 6H ked; Merchant*d nun', r- Sui,1/,. ia par, IB),'Md: ( i v Bink,I pir, 21 Md: (Tthr-rii* iiii.ia.-_Ti par. 21

n ii.i.,;.: !.'ire .md Ma¬le, 25 par, S2 i 11*1. 33 1 n ki tl: VUpur. 1U". Iii, Vu ian 26 pur, 2Aasked: elia, loo par. - I bid.

'i 1 iK.inlnl .,. .--, im.uip < i.i-

ny. 100 par, 00 ld, 93 a-ked.

.H.V T«l«nm|in.M. .-.

iry 4 slur.e. .¦ I. .


.'¦.rim .-, ,; 1, r 1 ii'. \,Ifl. (j .j ,i< *. and Brm new .",'-. 103 ;

J per i .">. Butei dull.t1.., I. a,

E. brun vi del



Kit imo: p. 1 . 1 - h.

fiFFERING Rt OBI Ell IO tsEI RETAH.'.-Wm v -Kt '¦ -_i

T hit 780 '-ii liDATS J l.e,-lie -.

71 lui I.- 1-.El. N- KI.'T li i'l N' ..1 1 bU

- I.'l iii- nm - Bl POR BI) TO * Ei RKTABY.

nn 11 kat. Beet, 200 bu ln-i rerj ""I Lane 1 te r

OHM ll',.'..-. e; -¦:, ¦:., i- vei > .-¦ oel ,t .,-,..: 00i-hcl* very g uki at 58c: 20 leii-lads very a.. c.; Mi Lu dels vi .: 1- \,nate ;. rm-: *iu bushels timi 00 lollr '-.

Ml. IL..14 bu

Flour.-'-! 1 .*.-. :.n s*..7.-e

1.75 iii 17.20

MOND TOBACCO MARKi; 1'.!- _DOI mv 4.--T In- i*bllot tn- ar- tbec|BOUtloni:

m\i ...

II '. I,tn;- .I IOmi.'. *.:i.-,,1 s|..".n.

I'eeeC I,-'. ..... il ill iii - ll

-odlovel ,' -inT in- ah ,v< 'in ,ta 1 lon. sie tin- loove ¦¦¦.¦-.'ii

adi .in.iin n -croi Ins -n le*.rit;/.i:i. n Nih rOBAe . '».

Lng1, < 1:1:1:1 1 to medium v- ¦" '.' f ".: ;". ¦'1 t"

ie, *. -..aOi.i sT.'u.Leaf..Common tomi Hum. 13 f-fO.SO; (rood foia .... d, -7 sn .-un ,-..min.-,, .,1 shlpi ny, -7. iO|1_ ; Eii.T' h si ins, |6 ¦. |10. 1 Toll A' el.

/,,,/,,,-c,,,,,. 10.50: -.I- |"25.

/,,.". -i ruiui ..ii n. m. .linn.. 17.50 18.50m.1 Oilers, -'.. - 17.

M Nll.l'iVN V NNTI N1M-! II-.* nu, t.i :. :: _;o good to li::''.


ron in iiie-eiiiuii. "..-., " v..-,; good to flue,

CHINN I.ll M -.'INN.

, nu,,1 ri pronne..

2(1C. I> Hi.

.- .". -.;. 7 lc. for


Or tea Fruit; fi be \. .1.12 '.inf T d, 1 .¦ ...

, I ei -

lt..: due-kit. ll !_¦.. .' I".Agin ,-i N ; lu emt* ¦.- i-j .

j :. tnrke i Lesli. 5c, p tb,; lui < -. irina, l|)r-

:-'. 1 L

:I r, 85


Pork..Dre "I. ."- .¦7

7-. 7.-.S-.

1 ims I la .. . I--


17", r

. - .



11.25..11 ; 4-4 ll

eC/ Hal .' .

.'7 7 . : '¦ T

7 I7

.: - mi, llrs

israel ." .. .*."..



7- *

1.35 r, i.... ."

.. nure, 10.-M


... I ..- sfs-is.- 53".I orr liin trills* a,.-l « ..s.e.i.

ti |3 75 sli il i.s.x: easaa,va

t,rsi.mrs, fee. . : ___f «!^1_-!3' *-3ma siii.niii.-r-. a«_i7)'v*-.. vu

.1,1* nama, ia-..ini.II K)fs-llc; su_»*i. Hw .tlc:1 ,er. Stock irl.t.

11.80 fl 7-.-SI'.'.M

*'' Mit*

Cofee- Bio.Co:-' .¦ A4>'-: IBUlie.; j ' »«'."


cuitius, liM-le.; w_r«*j

*,** wt ntuug. IB's-BlSMe. -"'i.'-3 : KosUsii rit-trr. j- ._i--.; pi_._a-.p_s, .a

.7 lg ham.Il'-riinai.N'trin i srulina No. I cn

.'¦rl'i s _ii,||n_ tri/JS, : Nortr. cIna rv, \n halt-Seen'.e. cl P>i8.A0. vi-.).. i .".*.. -.¦ -. .-..

n I. in kn..11-8. -. -. S.81-S-0.

i tem .,.':., 'i .; inn

COB!BOOH -yr os.H-vsttf-iiS,. 2_._'..: barrels. 2* ¦: io-nt):), sot- . bi

Sea '.vl--siis. prim-Litre ri ...!. n :.i .,,. . |1.:,.| .....

-ni *.tiir -.Mi *. T vt-t.'¦.'d'IDS:.: do-', rt-**. 10*;«

i' rr, .: *. itei -*. .i. i 1 .-,.-.

»___>!:._. .'.** . -


in -r*i...-*.*; Ktiin-.jstier, SI...-'{rtJ.y.iiiii-.. Ba-ataar. ire.

1 ."rv .. ed. IX'.: irv.¦e. x 9 .. act ihjM

itn lim-1. -s.

.- ui

* 1*1.80 - ».;iraa. Btarl. .-tan,, te,

le U |.". t.

...-'.-, in 200 kern '..Dre ; .m.illrr 1, froia 1 kt


1 ", ;,: mutt., 3.

t.l'J J»-tr ¦;, '.V In-,. .Vi .

otpv ls, omi t'ifcPl-jut e

12: Tri,I*. I'-'.. -I1'- "|,i.

ll. .ld. Si

ll. USO.

' I ll .. ¦¦ : '.I urkei .ure..1.Mitti/, 1. niarri., fc«,

¦' VT'.

:-!-"'''il: --.. -ii

1.7 .; *

'. . 7' . \ xi

-.'-.'; I.. .ii -

jD'-. * biiWte.Poweirr. *»boi, me.

.-. ::.-.¦-.'./ 11.28 R 100¦. "ter: *¦:<."' io -I." Atv le a _y

[ 83

Tty !Tait**_«*»tplt.¦-

N! **.' ', ¦. February I--tntn.'i -fillet; -ile*¦I bal.i-i .e. Cou:hernur 'ia!' n..i| i.rotiplni; minnon 10 ian vira.: 10. lt: uno 10 choice, 18.25 ii 17.25.

'beat h.,en.-.1 D', h, w r: c-ostd Brm, with ilf..'i : ii 1 i-f r .* I.-. 1 ul. 11.1"

1.42V Corn.Cash dull ... 1l1a.lelt.srer: lu -

..a.- -I iii :. -.,..mern yi irnvi. c. 0 - 80ats opened limier: rioted beast sad lather

!- ¦-. I! ¦. unch-n red and quiet.LT" r. ros, 13 ", .-.: |olj ki -. 1 1

17.-. Mi. ai'.|ii|. an,I -om.Iv; ia tit 1 lin- . I -.ilr rn soo 11 ii.,in:-. / prime, 7 ',¦.¦;ii i ni I.ii;- di Molasses.V. n lin

.1 .1'I: Nets firm and 1.1 Mr.., ,ln.1 ti, ni ni

'.e. L'.i .im t :.. 81.52 -i.a.i. Turpentinekt and Arm .1 10c. XX'".! riles ier» Brm, sri ..od lni|Hlrv: dome tlc Bee e, 13<_.58<-.: nulled,

ed, I* D'" Te .*." 1. "'! I Oe-.I aii'l \-l', .'i'l ii Ci.¦_'.-.'.'-!._.."ill. XDi-

iil and lower: lona clear, 87.10: iln.ri clear.7.30: ls . '-.' 20. .'¦* loin r,

',' ,.',. XVhi-kex ni |1.0r_.ifi.lils dull.

BALIiXI'.IM-'.I'. 11. . un I'¦'.ll !' vi pp! uni -.,,., ,-:, ..,.,, Hi i I. I,


'tv M' ¦..-. \.r 1. -

il: i'"i. 17.2 i.'i" bm j. -7.2;:-. 1*011.le ii vb. si .p.-ind ii. in ."iliu rn red, 11.4(1

.f.-' -e. iv. -I. r Still.led, pol, ..'i-l I 11,1 \. *!. D': xi ireh, *l. !¦.:,.-:..! ll 111,; xi it. 11.43 1. *....'!..-..

still's-.\. flotr. lite. ".I- 1 r a.,.iii.

¦v jute, md I*, un li ml 1. ik 10c\; wp t-.!. 48 17e. i'l.ivii ns .jni*

150. Hulk insnu.Ls. il outelerr. I','.: cleirI. iMl ;...: clear rib rides, p ¦!,,¦ :, -md 7!»e.

¦¦ rs. ¦".',".: els ar in -l«!i -. re.: banII Ile. I ari Kellin d, Iii ll. .¦<..¦ SH 1X0. < nlli*ni-! and .'i.-'ei': Iliu cai Sugarrm: -A" .''. '¦'',.. Whlski j*, fi.D' ls bl dall.

i*iNI"INN".\ I.''ra l\-, IT, I'l.raarv -l-Klinr il ll and ne.

. XX || -,- 11 .01 I firm ul .1.28. 1 un.nil ai -cv. si.' neady al 39 r. I'"'** d .11 ai 1111I1,ai ar 11 2.50. Lard 11 el ei ai

-la.1.-".in bid. Dnlk-io.-<!-. dull and dnoiilmr:iou I. ir ,14.12'.; 16.80: ld".80.75. asked. Itscon easier; shouldeilb-,7 e.:-'! ."'.. firerii-ineits dull mel mimi¬li, xvii.iikev quiet at 81.09 Bnear iiulei; lim -.

*_ D".e.: N. iv Orleans, 7 "*-,'.. Hom uni. t1,inn...1 - -ian: ilvl.'.'H.L'."'?(..*,.".; |, aiv-1. I 1. I.." ne ei -'. I. 1*0 4.80.

LOUISVILLE.I,*..'... V........ lui.rv t l'l<»i»r i|..|. I /!..'. nn*liam. d. xx !.. si t .!< 1 ai 11.30. dru lui .t ic1..' 40c, l'..ik .|.n. m "sDt.l*.:. a i.-.n.ard ii'ii.-i si .

1 '*-*--,¦-. litiik-in-ai- ipi.hi; .ImiuI-era, I,.-.;ni.-. *-.¦..>,<-; sides. I".7,, a ?.-. Uncoil!. lie V ie Ul.1l I'¦-. -". ¦¦ I.'. 7

UT. i I. m.-. "rl.'jfe. i*l C. \\T.l-k.x linn Bt1.00.

ST. LOI ..

''"..-. I',:,ra ii-. I, Ulnar ea Lr: Dtnev.16.12 bbl. xx beal unsettled ai *i

ov.r: N 9 re«l rall, ll.._-**.: No. 9 r.i fa!'.1.19. dwi al t:'.'; 134c. inns dull mdiwer in 35c. xxiii kej nea iy I 11.07. Pork..v. r; j 1.'.iin.'. 112.60 April. Lard dud; smsll at 17.25. Bulk,meals e»-ler: -t"ui.i-..l

in -. [s6.40 16.55; .- il.CHICAGO.

ITIIt_.XS iii a'i'1 ii .'

Vlie-tr iin-etlled and lower; N... 2 . li..- .j.-No. 9 l.ii't." sprii ". j I n.i -I."I

elect" 90s*. Corn in fair i in 1. i and lo**ir at18 ly a I In lair demand ai i

ilrdein ..ii n ul oweratl 12. IO 112.1*. .

.. i ,:. ur dem ind and lowi ral87 22 lii.i-ii- in ile mund and I. wer: liooldeii>.S4.15;mn r- an,' .| "!..¦! al |4 9iVni-kc* t. iii and iincliaiign i.

I' Wheal acive nnd lower at |1.19...rn null 11 il lower .11 36V*. '' ca-ls bul nolnota11\ low. r. I'ork unsettled and .*. nei lows r

11.. 11 - -." Lard ea


xi.xi xn tC.Pl iii.1 xnv 5,T.i I5:24 . 12: ll

v Jil! I*-! 1

r 4, 18SO.xii nix 1..

Schoouer Lnev .1" i. *, Uarlbaib, Nea Vork.I-..U.

N.w \;<rt.j p rker.

... I.,-.,- x. rv. :: .;,-. r rle ;,i, I . L.ii -.ii ite, v. .',.' r

nu i-1 ,. 1 1 xx *> kant!,1.9. Lee.

- tn.1 ".

1;. i utuic

yt nt.tBBO f'.lt ni*

From I'liii.i'l.ii.liii i'-lini i.y IIL-I Cl'.". X'.Tle ..


BBMOBAB1 1 I¦i-.. i'I.k. February 3..Arrived: Scb

1. h. Pitt.* ¦', x rote, ... 11.'... niall*, I.n.rr; r. II. Kir.. 1 . tiler; M1. I \ i- .. li '.-nt. Ir., H.!.'.,i.... >

lula.Noitfo: k. Kftirmirv 3. xn v. I: -. 1. nn r Ma-

.11 ,. [.ollie ind Xi ., ni- ¦-. ,v _nini ral 1 rbci t,«->lmaa, iud.

MIS* Bl xxx.

ID*- i il "i '¦ ono IslI'.v I'

1, .rn 011 1 Be llmad.'.. -ii r, ,. rn...

a ',rna rv I *. WlWU -ir il Ucl(mt Into «.

tiery. I la Orien! L-vi !, eli .;.'., ,I Ulin*j

Cen off, ini'l wrived il K" lu ¦¦

I'.v Te -..ruii'i.Pnii toil¦¦ toma*

Xr. I \r ji*e ..

ij«, _,e ..ii. ri,on. lidialound He nrl* Ita, t,. Bi nsi


..¦n 111. N. J ii. !'..1 letnl los

v| ' MM III'.DAB.

u - ',"''¦"''v.< ira*-.,

a '>. V tu.


i». .ts ge...,¦.!¦... ,,1 LION-BR A!

Till:! Xl) .» .0 rani, i !.> ttl' ... .Hull).ali In ""'¦...

a-ii.iui. u laslitd to call. so in


HllMM.. Ll. KUY, AND S^B-^SWsi v,.it. ..ii ni R. l. ir_»_RN_»a_aa_.

rortftaului y."'r .1" *i *.¦ ivoa aili ia suii you, as wa have tb '" "¦ "ii .-.ali¬ne, a,!,. B-L. BARRES a COj.\ j Bath I 1 »ti*CB".

-...-. .gta_audFOB 8AL__. A OOOD HOBS-C, -T**-n

XX.X..*)N.a,.!NKXX..X,:N-;i. A-^eoner ii-liteeiith and KruukHu slrt-ctt'.

le.-'-I! _.___.iel' IXTUA MULI> ^NI)*S>a1>lb >.i".:-i.:j*;^5


-****, *.- i-k*. .-.

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ij'il_!*¦ NVAHM¦;., r r* riH.t.

[Iii. ROBERT KARLY..^THEVETkllAM EVNC |.,:l .;,;.

KO. I.ABLT.f). ll.-*.

PULI MUTT K A CT..._..T-in). Va.


Tile-tl Bl'RN - sXn;, A,., y ......

BAG? KABfcl EENl-l.l lill . M-.

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rOBEHOUSTD COUGH-SYBUP, Mc.Ilntri ll )DND < e-ELlE-NT'Eu. '-'.-CENTS.IIORKHOUNI) i alT.M-:-, R| |*. JJ , | \ -.

IIOBI MOUND COI GII-SYRI I', B5CKNT8.RORI li'H M>. D! n. --V.;l r. 25 Cl N "*,E'.j: i-ii* .(¦ Mi e ni U-l-_YRt*.*>,B5CBNT8.HORI" HOI VU H| i.ll -Nit p,__( IN'.-.

I'nrHEit.ii " ol i.ii-snt:i p,_5 i.'l NIIORKnOUND < OU-fin-Sl Rill'. 25 Cl \i ..

.fold io nil dnurrtsts ami conuiry merchauU._


I ¦:: INDALUBI W BALM.ll . a : -a I I ., -t Tl,

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.is Dared n I. MRADB .t E. NM I.'.

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nil iKIT ! V I- M. NEE .'!.'

N\a,M»! I.'l-I I. RI Ml ll NI. IT.TuTtl Nt NI I Tl

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MORE Nf i I IT NI1.! ,1 'I '< 'I UK - I'lV N* ll\ ul III i: 'di.-.

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HYi'-ilTIi-ITI* tl ¦'- OsV LBIB AND -"TN.


itn-e only 50 fnti pei MM

ISS.lll THINS A I" -IEI NI ItSlrll4*.Bl* n -i..--1¦. N n K* i'n: iii I 1880.

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