Download - BERI A f" 9 r- 10 11 12 \3 14 KELUARAN JUN 1980 Carl Hatl K H

Page 1: BERI A f" 9 r- 10 11 12 \3 14 KELUARAN JUN 1980 Carl Hatl K H


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Carl Hatl K H<:!tl

AMott r f Int r r ~tion

From g R portor to Q Government Witness


Selarah R A jensi Beri to

L~blh 10 TQhun di BERNAt-M

Bolal pak BERNAMA Hazard

DilcQv,ring POMng Usah K ma$ Sayans

Duba! Tak Seperti Yc:mS Diliangko


The Day BERNAMA Went Ting

P nuntut ITM dl BERNAMA

Cro~Word Puzzle

P ngal'Qnfil: HQlihrm HQssC:ln Plnolan; K'FQda Penggran91 Sobrey Jgofor Pl'I'lberlta aulan Inr· ZanQt'QI'I Ra~ak P ny.laras I Norrlah Mend. Noor

... a - LlnQ • LlnQ

Page 2: BERI A f" 9 r- 10 11 12 \3 14 KELUARAN JUN 1980 Carl Hatl K H

OARI HA11 ;(f ~1A TI

Minggu sudoh soyo don beberapo orang teman lama soya dad RT M telah menjonw bekes ketuo kemi, Encik Bert Read, d i suatu ma jl is makan malam, Encik Read dan isterinya adalah di dalam perjalanannya pulang ke New Zealand seloelah bercuti . sambil mengembora dari sebuah negeri kesebuah negeri selama seta hun • Encik Reod yang telch meninggclkan negeri kita tidak lama sesudah merdeka gembira dengan kemajuan yang Malaysia telah capoi. Katanya: "You people don't know how lucky you are I. II t-Aaksud. kata-katanyo itu ialah: "Awak orang Malaysia sungguh beruntung ll •

Boru-baru ini seorang teman soya yang telah berpindah secara berrrligrasi ke sebuoh negeri asing,� lebih kurang5ePJluh tahun yang lalu telah balik ke Malaysia untuk melawat kampung- .� nya di Pulau Pinang dan menziarahi kaum keluarga dan handal taulol1t1ya di Kuala� Lumpur. Dia juga berkata: IIYou in Malaysia don't know how lu<:ky you are',"�

Seorang lagi teman soya yang berasal dari luar negeri dan beKerja sebagai wartawan pernqh� bersungut dan mencela demokrasi yang d iamalkan d i Malaysia, Dia juga berpendapot� bahawa kerajaan kita tidak benar-benar memberi kebebasan peri bod i kepada orangramal.� Tidak lama selepos dia merungut-rungut dan mencela-cela itu diapun melawat beberapo� buah negara asing, Sekembalinya ke Kuala Lumpur diapun datang mei,emui soya seraya� berkata: 'We really don't know how lucky we are',"�

Tujuan soya menceritakan tiga peristiwa ini dan pandangan yang soma yang diberikan� o leh Encik Read dan duo orang teman saya itu ialah untuk menekank'Jn peri pentingnya keamanan, kesetabilan dan perdamaian yang berterusan di dalam negeri, Kalau fakta yang tiga ini tidok oda n. ka ~egaia rancangan ekonoini dan pembangunan tidak akan dapot dijalankan; rasuah akan menjodi-iadi; inflasi akan mendaki; jenayah akan merebak-rebak don anosir~nasir yang memang menunggu waktu hendak menang9uk di­air keroh pun menggunakan Keadaan yang tidok tenteram itu untuk menjalankan niot durjananya.

Oleh itu adaiah kewajipan kita sernuanya memberikan sumbangan kite baik secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung kearah menjaga, mengawal dan meneruskan keamanan, kesetabilan dan perdamaian di dalom negeri demi kepentingan ekonomi yang teguh, politik yang sihat dan rnnsa depan yang sentiasa cemerlang.

Soya pernah mclawat beberapa buah negeri yang ekonominya tidakteguh dan politiknyQ tidak sihat, Pemimpin-pemimpin dan ahli-ahli politik dan ekonominya bijak hercokap dan berteori, handal berhujiah dan membuat resolusi,pintar menyusuri rancangan dan mengeluorkan kertas pU'iih atas itu dan atas ini, tetapi rakyat dalam negeri hidup

)nenderita dan serba kekurangan. Tak usah disebut benda ...benda nikmat; benda eperluan hari-haripun sukar dibeli, Kalau adapun harganya tidak mampu marhain

·lasa membayarnya. Keperluan hari -hari sepert; sabun, ubat gig;, blade cukur ,beoong

Page 3: BERI A f" 9 r- 10 11 12 \3 14 KELUARAN JUN 1980 Carl Hatl K H

~ntuk-merrfcrhlf, jorum, butang, carbon mesi .., toi , buku exercise, toll kasut, tiub lxJsikel, bateri untuk transistor radio dan benda-benda lain yenQ kite boleh beli ell sebarang kedClI di Moloysia teloh menjadi benda-benda nikroot di negeri-neger! au ~

I'Aahukehkito 'meflhat rokydt negeri kite yang kita kasehi ini senosib dengan rakyd~ rtegeri-negerl itu? .Jawobnya tentu tidak. Oleh yang demikian adalah wojib bagl . kite semuo mengambil segala longkoh yang horus kito ombil SUP'Jya apabila Encik'Re,cttt, mls?lnyo, meldwat Malaysia sepuluh tahun dari sekarong otau anaknya 20 tahun dart· ~ekarang atcu cucunya 40 tahun dori sekarong mereka akon mosih' '"¥ou d'oMlt


~~:C .....�

(Pak Hashim Hassan)�




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-:Men a new worker shows enthusiasm he wi II be told: "Donlt get carried away". After you've been around long enough, does a reasonabl y competent job, but never exceeds the call of duty, that is accepted as a mark of seniority.

If the rookie shows initiative, beware; his immediate superior is liable to interpret that as insubordination. When "Singapura Dilanggar Todak ", the boy who suggested using batong pisong instead of men to stop the flying fishes was never heard of again.­Now If the idea had been the Laksamana's, he would have beenheord allover the land •


If your boss is not in his office, he is busy attending a meeting although golf has also become acceptable nowdays but if you are absent you had better be armed with an M!C.

If you put a suggestion/complaint in the suggestion/complaint box suggesting a little colour in the drab office, it will be kiv away until the cows corne home. A year later, the same suggestion made by an outside consu Itont Ion loan I at gredt expense enables your company tostate in i tsAnnual Report: "0ur office decor was commissioned to Smith & Jones Wall-Colour House of New York and is comparable to the best in the

. world ".

When the boss cuts across red tope, that's efficiency; but if you fail to submit your transport claims within a specified time you can kiss your taxi fares goodbye.

When the l,:,;,~s rn r,' 5 nlstakcS nE: is distr'Jcreo by more pr~ssjng mutters; when you make mistakes you are robabl y distracted by his charming secretory and you know that is going to land you at the labour exchange. His was a "genu ine mistake"; yours, sheer carelessness.

Whe 1 y"" join your boss for tea at the canteen, you are telling tales; when your boss joins his boss at a restaurant in town, they are having a working lunch.

Whelil,your boss goes abroad he is on a study tour; when you go abroad you are on a package tour.

When your boss loses his temper, if' is done in self-righteous indignation; when you lose yours, you'll find yourself at the labour exchange for the second time. If the boss likes to tell dirty jokes, he is "of the people", a sport; you, you're "that sort II ,

If your boss stands up to his boss, he is firm; you, you're stubborn and uncooperative. When he is slow he is giving the matter careful study, when you're slow, no suitable euphemism has been inverHed •


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'When covering court assignments, it i~ always interesting to sit down ot the reporters' corner r.Jnd wr.Jtch p,"=oplr; in the witness stand. Their movements, ge5ture~ and mumblings '.Jrr:: all sometimes good story material. But it becames very uninteresting and even fri ghteni ng when one is transftlred from the reporters cosy corner to the witness stand ~

I had this rare albeit heart throbbing experience last month when I was summoned by His Majesty's Government to be a prosecutIon witness in a civil case involvIng the General Secretary of the Malaysian Technical ServicesUl'lion and the Tribunal.

It all arose because of a story which I wrote wherein the ~ecretary criticised the award of the Public Service Tribunal for Technical Assistants. Under the Tribunal's act it is on offence to publicly criticise any awards.

On the day of the case, I promptly arrived at the court precisely at nine o.m. but had to wait three agonising hours before the mata-lTlC'lta called loudly •••••• So jak Hussei nnnnnnnnn • I meek Iy entered the court room, wa Iked up to the witness stand and took the oath.

Then come the question and answer part -- the part every court reporter would eargelyawait, but this time I wished there was no such part.

I did not know how long I was in the box, butalll know is I felt terribly relieved when '~he ci fence low/e: ...ala; i have no questions fer the witness, My Lord ll II •

All this apart, I must soy that it was a real good experience to switch position from a reporter to a witness. It did drive into me how it is like to be a witness. The next time I cover court I wi H surely not laugh at a witr;ess if he scratches his nose or head before answering a question --- the scratching does help cut down the nervousness.

"I will also appreciate when a witness complaints that there is no proper place for him or her to wait while being called to testify. Imagine hanging around outside the court room with no ~\roper place to sit down. I will also sympathise with a witness when he says that his bladder is bursting just because he cannot find a toilet around and cannot afford to go round looking for one lesl he may be charged for contempt of court for not appearing in time to testify ~ --- Sajad

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A married woman wonted to clarify an ancient method of contraception believe to be 'passed down fron) her great-grandmother. She asked if it was advisable to drink cold tea toavQi~ conceiving but she didn1t know if she should drink it before or dfter. The doctor ~pperentl y sensing that he could be in fhe middle of a

.controvery advised that the husband should drink the cold tea instead. --- Anantho •

.... +. * * * * * *

Alin"The� doctor said ~e'd have me on my feet in a week"

Lim: IIAnd� did he?"

Ali: IIHe� certainly did. had to sell my ccr to pay him ll ;

* * * * * * * *

Teacher:� 'Who is the Speaker of the House? II

Student:� IIMother ll • ~I ...


Artist: Ills� your wife artisti c? II

Reporter:� "Artistic: Why, she's so artistic she doesn'J·care how the soup� tas tes so. 101;l9 as it '5 a pretty colour.�

Campi Ied by Syed ImrOn •

+. * +. +. *. +. +. +.

Duo orang wartawan kanari BERNAI'v"J\ di Biro Pulau Pinang telah dilantik ofeh Pihak Berkuasa Negeri untuk menduduki Jawatankuasa Kedl Publisiti •

Endk Hoo� Ban Khee menduduki Jawatankuasa Keeil PublisHi Pesta Pertanian sementora Encik Syed Imran pula dilantik menduduki Jawatankuasa Kecil Publisiti dan BukuJCenderamata Masjid Negeri.

Sebelumini, kedua-dua wartawan tersebut pernah dilantik sebagai Ahli Jawatan­kuasa Kedl Publisiti Pesta Pulau Pinang, Perayaan Ulangtahun Keputeraan Yang DiPertvan Agung dan \"lori Kebangsaan peda tahun loll.!.

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SE)AAAH RI t¥, A', AJF.t lSI BERITA - .'1"--.-----­


Sejarah p.rkembango~ rJ i~n',i b~ri tr.J bJ'::rmu 10 dalom pert(;ngtlhon abad yong ke 19i

laltu peda tarlkh penubu,han ajensi berito yang pertama di dunlo kewartawana'n ~

Allnll barite yang pertbrro dlt\Jbuhkan ialch syorlkat ajensi berlta IlHAVAS II dl nlgerl Perancls dala,m tahun 1835.

Disamping itu terdapot iu'ga bebfrape buah akhbar di Amerika Syarikatkhasnya di New York yang telah,bergebung dele!T\ tahun 1845 dengan tujuen utama menggembelingken tenage wadawon mc~ing-ma~ing bagi memudahken tugas . membuat Iiputan peperangan yang berloku pado waktu itu ontara Amerika Syatikot , dengan Mexico. '

Perkongsian antara syarikat okhbar do lam tahun itu telah merintis j~lan ke erah penubuhan~jensi berita, dan sindikit Berita di Amerika .

Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemajuan industri serta pergolakan palitik di dunia barat yang begitu pesat telah juga mendorong beberapa bU<;:Jh negara maju di Baret menubuhkan ajensi ,berita masing-masing. ..

Tujuan utama penubuhan'ajensi berita itu blah bagl memperkukuhkan kedudukan ekonomi dan palitik hegara itu selain dari mendapatkan maklumat mengenai perdangangan dan perniagaon di negara-negar-a yang berkenaan disamping memperluaskan IIkomunikasi" di antara satu soma lain.

Sekarang terdapat limabllah badan yang benar-benar bertaraf antara­ f.

bangsa dan berpengaruh serta lime monopo Iikan" dunia kewartewanan.

Ajensi-ajensi berite itu ialah Associated Press of Americ:a (AP) dit~buhkan delam tahun 1848 yang pada aw<;i1nya dikenali sebagai Harbour News Association, Agence France Presse (Afl» yang ditubuhkan oleh Charles Havas (1835 hingga 1939), tetapi dalam tahun 19,40 pihak pemerintah Perancis telah membeli syarikat berite itu dan menukarkan nOri'\Clnya kepada AFP dalam tahun 1944 hinggaleh sekarang.

Reuter peda mulanya d'itubunkan di Perancis dalam tahun 1850 dan syarikcit berita Hu telah berpindah ke Londondalam tahun 1851 hingg,t:l hari ini.

United Press International (UPI) pula merupokan gabungon antara Scripps United Press Association (1907)dan Heart's International News Service (1909) di Amerika. UPI P'lJk:s menjalankan perkhidmatan ajensi beritanya dalam tahun 1-958.

Sebuahlagi ajensi berita :yang berteraf antarabangsa doh berpengaruh tetapi di� bawah kelolaan keraia6~ ialah TASS ydng nama penuhnyt:! Telegra-f~nie Agentsvo�

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SO,vetskovo Soiuza, ditubuhkan dalam tahun 1918 di Soviet Union. TASS lebih merupakon aiensi berita milik keraiaan Russia.

Selain dod itu usaha telahpun diio1ankan oleh pihak yang tertentu di negara­negcirO membangun bagi menubuhkan sebuah ajensl berita negara-negoro ketigq yang dikenall ramai sebagoi IPS (Inter Press Service) berpusat di Rome..:

Menjelang awol tahun lima puluhcin' tahap kewartaw~nan ajensi berita telah maningkat berikutan dengan penubuhan ajensi berita di negara-negara yang sedang membangun seperti di Cuba, MESIR, Indonesia, Iraq, Morocco, IndiCl Tanzania, Yugoslavia, Ghana dan lain-lain negora.' '

Menurut lapuran UNESCO, sekarang terdapat 52 buah negara di benua Asia" Afrika dan Latin Amerika yang telah menubuhkan alensi berita masing-mosin~,

Di rantau Asean hanya empat buah negara yang mempunyai ajensi berita ialtu Indonesia (Antora), Malaysia (Bernama), Fil ipina (P NA) dan Thailand (TNA). Singapura belum lagi menubuhkan ajerisi beriJan>·o.

BERNA~ ditubuhkan pada 20 Mei 196$ sebagai sp.buahperbadanan awam di bawah Akta Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia 1967. Penubuhannya kemudian·, disahkon oleh Kabinet dan Parlimen.

Satu Mesyuarat telahpun diadakan di Manila dalam bulan Julai tahun lalu bagi merangkakan scij'u bentuk kcrjasama antara ajens!-aiensi berita nasional nagara anggota Asean. Setakat ini Bernama telch menjal in hubungan dengan beberapa Agensi Berlta antarabangsa te,r:mosuk Pertubuhan Agensi Berita Asia (OANA), Agens; Berita Timur Tengah (MENA), ~gensi Islam Antarabangsa (II NA), Press TlVst of Indio (PTI), Tanjug(Yugoslavia), ,'Agerpres (Romanla) don AFP. -- Jamal Ali

* * * . ,

Sdrci. Jamal Ali telah dijemput untuk menyampaikan sebuah kertaskerici bertajuk Pemberitaan Ajensi Berite di Kursus Kewartawanan Asas yang dianiurkan oleh lnstitut Akhbar Malaysia,April lalu.

Rencana di atas adalah keratan dari kertoskerja yang beliau kemukakan.

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---------~----------------------~-----------------------------~---------~~ ...� Noma TarikhMasuk� Jawatan--� .. '

1. Mohd. Yusof Bador 1 Dis. 1967 Setiausaha�

2, K ~ Selvaraj 4 DIs. 1967 Utusan Barite�

3, Wan Mustapha Mohamed 1 Feb. 1968 PP&P�

4, Rokleh Juno 16 Feb, 1968 Karani�

5. Rohana Ahmad Ja 19 .Feb, 1968 PA Kepoda P • Basar

6, Kamarudd in Awang . 1 Mac, 1968 Kerani Rendah

7. Chan Kwan Hoi� 1 Apr, 1968 Pengarang

8. Othman Ahmad� 1 Apr. 1968 Wartawan

9. S. Nadarajan� 1 Apr. 1968 Pengarang Beritq,

10. Leong Koon Choy 1 Apr. 1968� Peg. Berita 11

1l. S. Sivaselvam� 1 Apr. 1968 Timb. Peng. B~rlm

12. Samia Ali� 1 Apr. 1968 Operator Telefol1

13. Mohd. Jamil Abdullah ,1 Mei. 1968� Pengarang

14. Robert Sinniah� r Mei. 1968 Wartawan

15. Abel. Aziz Zainuddin 1 Mei. ~968 Penyelia Teleprl'n

16. Abdullah Mat Piah 1 Mei. 1968� TP Operator

17. Adhem Hu"in� 14Mei.1968 Utusan Berita

18. Lim lee Eng� 16 Mei. 1968 Kerani Perpustekaan

19. Musa Scully� 20 Mei. 1968 Pengarang

20. Abdullah Ismail� 1 Jun. 1968 TP Operator

21. Abel. Majid Hamid 19 Jul. 1968� Pemandu

22.� Osman Taib lOgos. 1968 Pengawal Berite .­23. Jama luddin AIi� 1 Okt. 1968 Peg. Berita 11

24. Nik Mohamed Omar 22 Okt. 1968� Peg. Berita 11

25. K. Balasubramaniam 22 Okt. 1968� Peg. Berita 11

26. Hoc Ban Khee� 1 Nqv. 1968 Peg. Berite 11

27. Fauziah Ayub� 5,Dis.1968 Peg. Berita 11

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8. Anne Koh t'lguk lee 5 Gis. 1968 Peg. Berito 11

19. Toi Sing Chun 10 Jan. 1969 Peg. Berita 11

30. Nusi Buyong 24 Jan. 1969 Penyelia Kanan TP

31. Abd. Karlm Shukor 1 Mac. 1969 Peg' i Berita 11

32 I L,D. BaptIst 1 ·Mac I 1969 Peg. Beri tall ,

33. 001 Eu Hln 1 Ju:n I 1969 Wartawan

34. Abu Hassan Sulaitnan 1 ~un. 1969 TP Operator

35. Osman Mohd. NOor 16 Jun. ·1969 Operator Telefon

36. Nambiar 16 Jun. 1969 . PengClrang Bedta

- 37. Tan 1001 Long 16 Jun. 1969 ·u

. Peg. Bertta 11

38. Mohd. Hashim Makaruddin 16 Jun. 1969 Timb. Peng. Berita

39. K. Kancliah 24.Jun.1969 TP Operator (Penan )

40. Ilias Zaidi ' 1 Jul. 1969 Peg. Beri tall

4l. Salehuddin Abd. Latif 2 Jul. 1969 TP Operator (IP9h)

42. Sobrey Jaafar 3 Apr. 1970 Pemberita Kadet

43. Joafor Hussin lOgos. 1969 Penyunting Karian

44. Majid Harun 27 Og05. 1969 Jaga

45. Abu Bokor Hajj Wahap 13 Okt. 1969 TP Operator

46. S.M. Yusof 1.Nev.1969 Peg. Berita 11

47. Ishak Ismail ' 3'Dis. 1969 Keran; Perpustakadh

48. Effendi Ariffin 16 Dis. 1968 Peg. Beri to 11

49. Syed Jcimil Jdafar 16 Dis. 1969 Penyunting Kanan

50. Mohd • Safar Hasi m 16 Dis. 1969 Penyunting Kanan

5l. Ahmot Abd. Wahab 16. Dis. 1969 "


52. Ooi Yeow Hong . 16 Dis. 1969 Wartawan

53. AhmCid Rodzi Yaakub 16 Dis. 1969 Wartowon

54. Um Chye Khim )6 'Dis. 1969 Wartawan J

55. Bokor Yusop 9 Feb. 1970 TP Operator

56. NoOrlianHoji Muslim 1 Mei. 1970 Wartawon

57.. 1 Mei. 1970 Wartawon

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58. Amir Husoin H(JrtJn f ,~f'; i. 1(170 WfJrtow1J n

59. Abel. RahnYJn t'lordil';l Mei. 1970 Wortawan



KIte berjoyo 1091 ~ Ya, ,posukan bolosepc:lk BERNANA dapot I7lElnewoskan pcsuka K1I0ng Mldford darl Ke~amat dengon 4 - 2.

Perlawanon tersebut diadakan di padang bola Keretapi TanClh Melayu di Brickflelq' pada 17hb. Mei, 1980.' ,

W_olaupun posukan Midfor,d merupakan satu pasukan yang honda I (m'ereka mendud~~i tempat ketiga dalam pertandingan antara kilang-kilang) pemain-pemain BERNA~

bermein bersungguh-sungguh dan dengan penuh semangat. ,J

Pemain-pemein mengucapkan teri me kosih kepada pelra penyokong, terutama seka' Penolong Pengurus pasukcin dan Jurulatih Sdra. Rachmann Nordin yang suaranya ' (me.nurut seorang penyok9ng) "macam satu stadium ll •

Di sini juga para pema~n dan pegawai pasukan bolasepak BERNAMA mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucopkan terima kasih kepada Pengurus Besar BERNAMA, Encik Dol Ramli, kerana menderma, $50/= kepada Kelab Kakitcingan BERNAMA setiap koli pasukan BERNAJ'.M menang, iaitu dengan Midford dan May Bank Port Klang (8-0) tempoh har! dulu. --- (Govind, bagi pthak pernain)

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Slug - what a reporter, would Iike to do to someone who takes,the last but ~ne para of his ten-take story as intro.

Spike - what a sub-editqr would like to do to someone who bllries the intra of a ten-take story in the last but one para.

Kill - what a TP Operator would like to do to someone wh'''ln told that the ten­take P-1 story he punches during his lunch break wn I not be used.

Punches - what is coming to the creater of this masterpiece from thre~ direttion$. \

.'1t* 11 ** * * ***

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DfSCO'/ERI r !C' p Et~At IG�

!'I\ost domestic visitors from the other states would hove drown up a number of plae." to visit when they arrive in Penang. The Iist would reed the Aquarium, Penang, Hill, Botanical Gardens, Snake Temple, Kek Lok Si Temple and of course the Nasi Kender Stell. What's so special about nasi kander? lof course do not have the answer but one person to is Osman Teib who makes it a point to . ask anyone coming to Penang to buy him a pocket.

According to Penangites the best stoll is at Hutton Lune, Pitt Street, near the Immigration Department and Pulau Tikus. The stall owners knowing novelty ,of their food item charge accord ing to the vulnerabi lity of the eater. For a plate of rice some vegetables and a few juicy, spicy chunks of -;hicken or mutton it would overage $3 but there have been complaints from some people having paid $7 or $8 for their nasi kandar. .

To many Downing Street is the residence of the official home of the British P •M. but our Cbwning Street house the Bangunan Tuanku Syed Putra and The General / Post Office. I donlt know if there is a no.l0 but one can find all the State <.

Government Department there inclu'ding the C.M. Office.

To talk about the birds and the bees would surely mab~ mOst of us blush and ask the locals what happens at the polo ground at Western Road and the question would be before or after seven p.m.? The 'ground truely lives up to its name of a multi pUipose grc 'ndthC" :~, a football fie d, hockey pitch, heli pad and for '=>'v'>' ­

flying mode aeroplanes on Sunday mornings) that is before seven p.m. After the sun sets there is the silent buzzing of courting couples in each and every secluded cornerf the field. Pot parties have been also been known to be held there'. --- Ananthu.

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SAJAl< Usah Kemas Sayang

Keterlanjuran pada satu mirip Enta1-1<0 n sesenyum mana dakap,nya Terlunjur mota-mota kuyu Lembob bagaikan pasir d igudang sana Terekorlah mana satu idamdn Tak semuonya sedayu semurni itu Ombak dikaki sedu dihati Sorak soroi doh henti Namun daki sedunya masih Sampai jua likuan itu kini . Entah dan entahlah kerano ••••'.•..••• Perdu itu bukan hak mu Jua sedumu itu bukan hak ku. Ilham cipta MIHARBI�

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Soya san;ka bandar Dubal tentulah·penuh sesak dengan Tok Sye'" dan Pak SYlh tetapl saya IelclwCl leerana lee mana safa saya pergl saya dapotl yang ada leebanyaleannya bangsa Pakistan dan IndIa.

Tok Syeh dan Pak Syeh dl sana saya dapot tahu mempunyaJ banyek harta .' dult sewa yang dlpuhgut dar! barbogal sumber "makan tak hobis"; jedl opa yang nak disusahkan.

Oi bandar Oubai jalanraya teratur, para pekerja swasta atou kakitangan kerajaan masuk kerja pukul lapen pegi rehot makan dari pukul satu sampai pukul empat petang. Lepas tu sambung kerja s'ampai pukul tujuh petang.

Nak enjoy tak ada tempat dan tak ada ri'lClsa. Bila balik keria mosing-masing doh letih, sementara nok mdndi dan maken sudah pukul sembilan malam. Jadi mandluh mosanya nok keluar.

Disko boleh didapati di hotel-hatel terkemuka, tetapi yang bonyak menari ialah para pelancong. Wanita arab masih pokai purdah. Yang tak pakai purdah tu semuanya orang asing.

Bahon makanan dan minuman mohal; rokok mohoi, air sejuk atau "mineral water" empet dhirham (kira-kira $2.40) sebotol kedl. Tambong tebi mohal, nak murah dari satu tempat ke satu tempat anl"ara duo tebing teluk Dubai kenalah naik teksi air •••••• lebih tcpat, naik sampan. lboratnya, dari Chow Kit ke Puduraya $3 .•60 (6 dhirham).

Ka lau nok gaji besar, dan kalau ada peluang, bolehlah ke Dubai -- pemandu kereta gajinya antara 1,400 hingga 1,600 dhirham (kira-kira $840 hingga $960).

Beberapa perkaru lain yang menarik ~i Dubai ia lah kebersihan bondarnya. Sampah tidak dibuang merata"1"ata dan longkangnya semua bersih - ticda air bertakung untuh nyamuk membiak. '

Polis di Dubai pun strict oi ~ Kalau a.lang kepalang - jangcin memiliki kereta keranq polis sano periksa semua - tayar,lampu, signal, lesen, insuran - pendek kata· ' kalau dibuat macam itu di Kuala Lumpur, bonyak kereta yang tak dapat keluar dar' tempat si mpan kereta • '

*** ******

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Bongunan tlnggl pun oonyCJk - lebih :?(~r/rd~ dari eli sin; tetapi kedai-kedainya tok ado kaki lima. Sekarang ni M:Jjlis Perbandoron Duboi s'ibuk dengon rancongon menondm pokok dan rurnpvt 'di mana soja yang boleh don membelanjakon berjuta­juta dhir~m bag; mencantlkkon bondar ltu dengan berbage; jenis pokok dan rumput. Tentuloh dalam lima tohun lagl Duboi akan menjadi sebuah bandar yOhg moden di Emlriah Arab Bersatu. -- Nordi n Arshad •

.. .. Penyuntlng Nordin Arshod telah berodo di Dubai dar; 3 hingga 7 April sebagcif tetamu MAS yang me~ialankan penerOongan pelancaron ke SOl'lo. '

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The 8ERNAWA Photc Service launching and Feature Writer of the Year awards presentation ceremonj~s at the Dewan Tun Abdul Rozak, MCOBA Building, held. on "Acy 22, broke 0 troditi"n of' sorts.

It went, and finished, ahead of schedule.

Deputy Minister of Information, Dr. Ling Llong Slk,' the main guest, delivered his speech without a hitch. Even when coming across anArablc phrase In his prepared speech, Dr. Ling enunciated It like lie was to the manner born. '

Assisting Dr. Ling in presenting the feature awards, Pak Hashim noted Ruslina's (the only recipIent of two awards) personable looks and quipped: "There goes the Sharifah Aini of BERNAMA".

Before leaving, Dr. Ling, who could not stay for lunch toured tne tp room, newsroom and the photoroom.

looking over the tp machines, Dr. Ling raised his eyebrow in surprise and admiration when Encik Nusi, TP Senior Supervisor read a news item from the dot-holes in the ticker tope.

Dr. Ling ~'urp)erl t Fncik 001 Ramli standing beside him and in a mock aside, queried: IIYou can read the ticKer too?"" 'a, not me '; repl ied [ncik Dol pu II ing a face.

The results of the Feature of the Year Competition contain 0 few surprises in the omission but otherwise conform to pre-announcernent speculations.

Ilias Zaidi won the first prize in he Bahasa Malaysia section for his feature "Sorotan Kembeli di SekitarPembunuhan J.W.W. Birch 1875".

Yunos Salleh won the second prize, Sobrey Jaafar, third. While Ali Mamat and Ruslina Yusoff won the consolation prizes . "Tiger Aman, the Malayan Boxer Who Was Ready To Take on I'he World When Tragedy Struck II by Zaharan Razak fetched the first prize in the English Language section followed by Ahmad Fizi's and Ruslina Yusoff's who also won a consolation prize" in Bahasa Malaysia.

The two English Language section consolation prizes were won by P .Parameswaran and G .Palanivel .

Page 16: BERI A f" 9 r- 10 11 12 \3 14 KELUARAN JUN 1980 Carl Hatl K H

- The judges for fhe competition arE::

English section -- ,Elkil-: Ho Sci f<ons, fJlonoging Editor, STAR, ,Puan Hamida'h f(arFm,� ITM Head of Mou Comm~nication:s Sch'ool, Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Managing Editor New� Strait5 Tim~.

\'� Bahasa "kllaysia sectio1j'1 -- Encik Mensor Ahmad, Ketua Jabaton Perhubungan,� U~lversltl Kebangsacn;' Enelk Ncor R: am, Ketua Unlt Bnhaglan Umum, D~· Bahasa� dan PultakCl, EnclkJOsmcn Abadl, Tlmbalan Ketua Pengarcng UtusCln Melayu'l. '�

, ;'

Or. Lin; ana th Iud; 'wer a Iso pres nt d wltn prl •• "I dldn It xp ct that", laid� on, of thlm with pi Iwr, • ·�

Pak Halhlm IQokDd vttry follGved that the whollil thing h lei In conlunctlon wl·th BERNAt-M'1 12th anniversary went even better than lockwork.

't had taken months to get the occasion off th ground and on theve of the 'big day', to unwind a'blt, Pok Hash.lm played pool wIth S:~ed Jd'mll end naturally won, with two bolls In hand '. ­

P .5. A photo exhibitiol) was also held in the hall where 38 exclusives from the photo� Service were displayed.�

* * * * * * * * *


Seramai riga orang penuntut dari ITM sedang menjalani l'Jtihan amali di BERNAMA. Kehadiran mereka di sini adalah dialu-olukon. Mereka io.lah Salmy Hashim, penuntut tahun duo yang menjalani latihan amali liputan berita selama duo bulan mulai 19 Mei. Beliau perr.ah menialani latihan amaH di sini tidak 10(\10 dulu dan,merupakan pemegang biasiswa BCRNAMA. Duo orang lagi .• Fauzan Jaafar dan Mustaffa Halabi Azahori menjalonl latihan amali Senifoto di Perkhidmatan Foto BtRNAMA, selama satu bulan.

+ + * * * * * * * * *

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- 14 ­�


, 2 .f 0


1 • Reporters down notes. 4.� He has been t~ol.ollng the country even

long before Merdeka . 5.� Economists and politicians talk about

it, and children certainly love it. 8. Sighted umpteen times but remains�

a myster .� 9.� One of Bernama'~ sections. ~

10.� Machine used in printing industry. 12.� lIGod help you" if you do not know

this one. 15.� Ahead by 30 minutes. 17.� A drop of golden sun. 18.� Newsmakers, most of the time. 19.� Facts or notes. 21.� One of Berna rna·s serv ic es .

22.� Related to the cameras's eye •.

23.� Newspapers. 26.� Tip-off • 27.� Small container. 29.� Freshie reporter. 31.� Watch 32.� Port of a taie of a BeatIe's

nit. 33. Gonzales wal one of them.


1.� One of the 'wonderful' I'hl ngs typewrl ters do besides typing.

2 .� A preposition. 3.� Take the middleman In two; 4.� It comes before a storm. 5.� Assurance that one will do

or not do something. 6.� A pronoun. 7.� Expected Ti me of Arriva I. 11 .� say die. --,..--­13.� Brand name of a writing aid. 14.� l'-lew reporters have much to

16. An integral part of Bernamo's set-up.

20.� Because. 23.� To study carefully. 24.� A section' of Bernamo's staff. 25. Water below zero degree

Celsius. 28. Affirmative answer, as Hasan

Sani would say it. 29.� Company. 30.� Runner-

Solution in next issue.

Compilers: Govind & Rodzi

Dicetak dan diedarkan oleh BERNAMA Bangunan MCOSA, 42, Jolon Syed Putra, P. O. Box 24, t<;uala Lumpur 01-02, Malaysia. .