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    S U P A A T

    NIM. 04701261021

    Disertasi ditulis untuk memenuhi sebagian persyaratan

    untuk mendapatkan gelar Doktor Pendidikan

    Program Studi Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan




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    SUPA'AT: Model Transformasi Madrasah Sebagai Sekolah Umum Berciri Khas

    Agama Islam. Disertasi. Yogyakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri

    Yogyakarta, 2009.

    Eksistensi madrasah sebagai lembaga pendidikan, dari sudut legal formal,

    telah mendapatkan status seperti harapan sejak awal kelahirannya yaitu kesetaraan

    dan kesederajatan. Titik awal pengakuan tersebut bermula dari keluarnya SKB

    Tiga Menteri Tahun 1975, diperkuat dengan lahirnya Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun

    1989 dan Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan

    Nasional, dimana madrasah sebagai lembaga pendidikan telah menyatu dalam

    sistem pendidikan nasional dengan predikat/status "Sekolah Umum Berciri Khas

    Agama Islam". Dengan status barunya tersebut madrasah memasuki kancah baru

    perjuangan, dari problem legitimasi ke arah tuntutan sesuai visi dan arus besarkebijakan pendidikan nasional dan ekspektasi pengguna akan pendidikan

    berkualitas. Fakta bahwa sebagian besar madrasah berstatus swasta adalah potensi,

    namun bila dikaitkan dengan realitas obyektifnya pada satu sisi dan ekpektasi

    pengguna pada sisi lain telah menghadapkan madrasah pada dilema dan pilihan

    sulit karena berbagai problem yang dihadapi.

    Berbagai problem tersebut tentu harus dicarikan solusi yang tepat agar

    transformasi madrasah tersebut memberikan hasil sesuai semangat perubahan itu

    sendiri maupun ekpektasi umat dan pengguna. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini,

    dalam implementasi ciri khas Islam tersebut (khususnya untuk Madrasah Aliyah -

    MA), teridentifikasi beberapa problem terkait dengan: (1) kapasitas manajemen; (2)

    kurikulum, (3) keterbatasan sumberdaya manusia, (4 ) orientasi akademik dan

    dikhotomi ilmu, (5) konteks Ujian Nasional, dan (6 ) konteks otonomi daerah.

    Disamping itu, secara kelembagaan juga muncul tiga tipologi utama MA, yaitu: (1)

    MA sebagai SMA plus, (2) MA Salaf Tafaqquh fiddn, (3) MA dengan

    pengayaan pengetahuan agama.

    Berangkat dari problem dan tipologi tersebut, ada tiga model yang

    ditawarkan sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu: (1)model kelembagaan - model

    penjurusan/program studi, (2) model integrasi ilmu (integrated science, (3) model

    pengelolaan terpadu (integrated management). Secara metodologis, model tersebut

    dirumuskan dari hasil penelitian kualitatif-phenomenologi dengan pendekatan

    social action, dimana peneliti melibat langsung dengan grass rootsebagai subyekpenelitian dalam berbagai aktivitas substantif kependidikan. Karena model ini

    dirumuskan dari aspirasi grass root, untuk menjamin kualitas model tersebut

    peneliti melakukan intervensi melalui sharing ide langsung mamupun melalui

    pemberian text discourses tentang konsep ideal pendidikan madrasah menurut

    peneliti. Pendekatan ini dipilih karena dengan metode ini model yang dirumuskan

    benar-benar mendapatkan justifikasi dan/atau validasi emipris. Model tersebut

    dalam implementasinya bisa bersifat alternatif dan juga akumulatif. Artinya, sesuai

    konteks dan kondisi masing-masing, suiatu MA bisa menggunakan keseluruhan

    model tersebut untuk diimplementasikan atau memilih salah satu dari model

    tersebut. Sesuai karakteristik penelitian kualitatif, maka hasil atau kesimpulan

    penelitian ini bersifat idiographik, dimana kompatibilitas model tersebuttergantung pada kesesuaian karakter, konteks dan seting suatu MA.

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    SUPAAT:The Transformational Models of the Madrassas as SchoolsCharacterized by their Islamic Teachings.Dessertation. Yogyakarta: Graduate

    School, State University of Yogyakarta, 2009.

    The existence of Madrassas as educational institutions, from their legal

    formal standpoint, have got their status as they are expected to be from the very

    beginning of their establishment, i.e., equality and equity. The recognition of the

    madrassas began when the decree of the Three Ministries was issued in 1975, and

    was reinforced by the 1989 Education System Act No. 2, and 2003 Education

    System Act No. 20, where the madrassas as educational institutions have been

    integrated into the National Education System under the name of Schools

    Characterized by the Islamic teachings. With this new status, the madrassas

    entered into a new phase of struggle, from their legal status into meeting the needsof the vision and the mainstream of national education policy and the expectations

    of quality education from their stakeholders. The fact is that some big private

    madrassas have their potential, but when they are seen from their objective

    realities, and their stakeholders expactations, they face the dilemmas dan difficult

    choices due to various difficult problems they face.

    Those problems need to be solved accurately so that the transformation of

    the madrassas would be in accordance with the spirit of change and the

    expectations of the umma and the stakeholders. Based on the findings of the study,

    in the implementation of Islamic teachings as the madrassas specific

    characteristics (particularly Madrassa Aliyah MA) the following problems are

    identified: (1) management capacity, (2) curriculum, (3) limited human resources,

    (4) academic orientation and science dichotomy (5) national examination, and (6)

    local government autonomy. In spite of these, there are three major types of MA,

    i.e. (1) MA as Senior High School - plus, (2) MA Salaf Tafaqquh fiddin, (3) MA

    enriched with religious teachings.

    Having put the problems and the types of MA into consideration, three

    models are offered as the results of the study, i.e. (1) institutional model

    streaming model, (2) integrated science model, and (3) integrated management

    model. Methodologically, the three models are formulated out of the results of the

    qualitative-phenomenological study under the social action approach, where the

    researcher directly got in touch with the grass-root as the subject of the study invarious substantive, educational activities. As these models are formulated out of

    the aspiration of the grass-root, as to assure the quality of the models, the

    researcher did an intervention by sharing ideas either directly or giving them text

    discourse on some ideal concepts of the madrassa. This approach was chosen, for

    the reason that the models formulated could get their justification and/or empirical

    validation. The implementation of these models could be seen as alternatives as

    well as accumulatives. This means that in accordance with its context and

    conditions, an MA could use either all the models or just one of them to be

    implemented. In line with the characteristics of the qualitative study, the results or

    conclusions of this study are idiographic, where the compatibilitty of the mdels is

    dependent upon the appropriateness of the characters, context and setting of anMA.

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