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Disfasia merupakan masalah bahasa (language disorder) yang selalu disebut sebagai ‘aphasia’ dakam dunia perubatan (banding dengan disfagia- masalah menelan-Swallowing disorder)

Disfasia merupakan masalah pertuturan (speech impairement) seperti tidak dapat bertutur, masalah menamakan objek. Ia biasanya berlaku kepada orang dewasa selepas ‘stroke’ atau kerosakkan otak yang lain. Sebilangan pesakit boleh membaca tetapi tidak dapat menulis atau sebaliknya, boleh menyanyi tetapi tidak dapat bercakap. Ada kalanya ia dikelirukan dengan pekak atau autism.

Kebanyakkan kanak-kakank dengan disfasia gagal untuk menghabiskan pendidikannya, dan mereka yang sembuh (recover) tidak dapat mengikut kembali ketinggalan dalam pembelajaran . Oleh itu ada lah amat penting untuk mengenalpasti se awal mungkin.


Tidak dapat memberi tumpuan dalam kelas Kesukaran membaca dan kefahaman (selalu dikaitkan dengan masalah tingkahlaku atau masalah memberi

tumpuan (attention disorder) Mempunyai masalah semasa bercakap, memahami, mendengar, menulis atau membuat kiraan nombor.

Walaubagaimana pun, mereka dapat berfikir secara jelas dan memahami perasaan mereka kerana disfasia menggangu komunikasi tetapi bukan aspek intelek.

‘Speech therapy’ merupakan satu pilihan yang berkesan untuk memperbaiki komunikasi. Dalam persekitaran bilik darjah, murid memerlukan persekitaran yang senyap, dan guru guru yang berkomunikasi secara perlahan, jelas dan berulang, menggunakan gerakkan dan gambar untuk membantu komunikasi. Murid-murid dapat menunjukkan pemulihan yang signifikan (significant recoveries) melalui terapi terhadap masalah pembelajaran berkaitan dengan bahasa dan pertuturan oleh guru terlatih. Seseorang murid dengan masalah disfasia selalunya ‘frustrated’, kecewa atau kadangkalanya marah terhadap kegagalannya berkomunikasi . Oleh itu guru perlu memastikan komunikasi adalah mudah , memudahkan struktur pertuturan dan mengurangkan kadar pertuturan, elakkan bercakap bagi pihak murid-murid disfasia serta menggalakkan pelbagai mod espresi (expression) seperti menulis, melukis, isyarat tangan, maklumbalas ya atau tidak (yes or no responses). Seseorang guru juga perlu menggalakkan murid disfasia menjadi berdikari dan elakkan menjadi terlalu melindungi mereka (being overprotective).


Are often described as having difficulty with - Comprehension; -Reading Comprehension; -Language Comprehension; -Abstractions (verbal); -Semantic Meaning; -Hierarchical Classification of Language; -Complex Grammatic Structure; and -Word Problems in Math (compared to skill with basic operations).

They have trouble with -Verbal Association; -Language Delay; -Receptive and Expressive Language; -Language Output; and -Meta-linguistic Function.

What is Dysphasia

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People who have trouble attaching meaning to language. Children and adults who have difficulty with understanding the meaning of language may have a problem with that meaning because of inefficiency with the intent conveyed in grammatic structure (syntax) and/or word subtleties (semantics). They may or may not perceive the sounds in the words (and therefore the words themselves) properly, but that is separate from issues of meaning.

Reading comprehension difficulties are often the first problems to become apparent for a student with language comprehension inefficiency. The reading comprehension problems that are the result of being asked to read material that's just too hard are different. They are addressed in the section on Dyslexia. This section is about those reading comprehension problems that are due to failure to understand the meaning of language, all language, and it is evident in the student's understanding of what is said as well as read. In the beginning of this student's school experience, the student may be seen as not paying attention.

Students with this pattern of confusion with the meaning of the words they hear and see are sometimes called dysphasic. Their difficulties are sometimes referred to as a dysphasic-like pattern. They miss things at the dinner table, are confused in the movies, and often seem to miss the point. This occurs in school and out of school.

A dysphasic-like pattern will impact on the individual's spoken or written language. People with problems related to word subtleties (semantics or lexical classification of language) or complex grammatic structure (syntax) have great difficulty understanding the language they hear and read. They also have great difficulty expressing themselves with finesse.

People feel dysphasics say one thing when they mean another. Their language is often less mature than other aspects of their development. Sometimes they have trouble understanding people who use complex language. They often verbalize that they like people who are direct and get to the point. They might well have had an history of developing language late.

Dysphasics are sometimes able to put forth a great deal of language (but at a very simple level). They may even do this to keep you from overloading them with your language.

People with language meaning difficulty are seen as reasoning in an unusual manner, making inappropriate conclusions and being illogical. Their thinking skills are sometimes considered undeveloped or underdeveloped. They are often quite literal.

They have difficulty with social relationships, often, but this can be offset if they are very good at reading nonverbal messages (receptive prosody) and expressing themselves nonverbally (expressive prosody). Children with this difficulty sometimes play with much younger children. There seems to be less stress for them with younger children.

Individuals with this difficulty are sometimes seen as having no sense of humor, but they might understand, appreciate and enjoy visual humor; it's verbal humor that escapes them. The social implications of missing the point are considerable at every age.

Sometimes a child or an adult who is experiencing problems with language meaning is bright enough to cope and the only clue to their stress is temper.