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Negeri Sembilan

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It is originated from southern India, but was modified and made famous by the mamak (Muslim-Indian) hawkers in Malaysia and Singapore. In Malaysia, this crispy and buttery (actually made with ghee) flat bread is called _____________but across the straits in Singapore, they are commonly known as ___________.

I love ___________; it was one of my favorites when I was little. My late father would always buy me a piece or two of this flat bread for breakfast or supper, without the curry sauce. ____________is cheap and affordable so it was never something that we would make at home. Plus, why would you learn to make them when they could practically be found at every street corner in Penang?!

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_____________spicy and sour fish noodles, one of the most famous noodle dish from Malaysia |

I went to the market and assembled the long list of ingredients and made myself a small pot of _________________, or Nyonya noodles in spicy and tangy fish broth/soup.

_______________spicy and sour fish noodles, one of the most famous noodle dish from Malaysia |

A staple–and arguably the most famous–hawker food in Penang, _____________is very addictive due to the spicy and sour taste of the fish broth. Tamarind is used generously in the soup base and hence the word Assam (means tamarind in Malay). In addition to tamarind, assam keping or peeled tamarind is also commonly added to give it extra tartness. Another secret ingredient is Polygonum leaf (marketed as Vietnamese mint leaf in the United States) or daun kesom.. While the best _____________broth is infused with the aromatic ginger flower (bunga kantan), I made without it because I couldn’t find this special ingredient in the market. Of course, no ______________is complete without belacan and dollops of heh ko/prawn paste (the dark paste on the spoon).

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Universally loved across Southeast Asia. (It’s commonly believed that _______ is the region’s distant cousin to the Middle-Eastern kebabs, thanks to the spice route and the culinary influence of the early Arab traders.) However each country has their own interpretation for ______, influenced by their own unique food culture and distinct palate. For instance, Indonesian _____ tend to be sweeter because of kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) while the Thai _______ is slightly less sweet since coconut milk is used instead.

No surprise then that Malaysian ______ is made with ingredients and spices commonly found in Malaysian cooking; shallots, lemongrass, turmeric powder (kunyit), and coriander powder. The basic recipe calls for the cook’s meat of choice—be it chicken, beef, lamb, or pork—to marinate for many hours or even overnight so as to lock in the flavor. In addition to the peanut dipping sauce, it is served with ketupat, onions, and cucumber. Trust me, the taste of these side dishes complement each other exquisitely

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Apart from the basic combination of rice and curry, ______usually comes with its different components which can be combined to suit the diner's taste. From a simple serving of the steamed rice and tuna curry usually found at roadside stalls, the complete home-made version may include a sliced hard-boiled egg, fried coconut, vegetable pickle and sambal.[2]

The combination of fenugreek seeds and coconut milk gives ____its unique flavour and fragrance. The rice may first be soaked in water for several hours to soften it. It is then mixed with thick coconut milk, sliced shallots, lemon grass and fenugreek seeds. The rice is steamed until cooked. It may also be steamed twice, where more coconut milk is added when it is half-cooked. Then the rice is steamed again until cooked. This method ensures a more creamy finish to the rice.

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It is a grilled fish cake made of ground fish meat mixed with tapioca starch and spices.It is widely known across Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia,Malaysia and Singapore, where it is traditionally served fresh, wrapped inside a banana leaf, as well as in many Asian stores internationally — being sold as frozen food. It can be eaten solely as a snack or with steamed rice as part of a meal.

The dish somewhat resembles brains, being whitish grey, soft and almost squishy.Nevertheless, it was only ______from Indonesia that has whitish color, while the _______ from Malaysia and Singapore has reddish-orange or brown coloring acquired from chili, turmeric and curry powder.

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It is a Malay rice dish, a type of nasi ulam, in which blue-coloured rice is eaten with dried fish or fried chicken, crackers, pickles and other salads. The blue color of rice resulting from the petals of Clitoria ternatea (butterfly-pea) flowers (kembang telang) used in cooking it.The rice can also be cooked with plain white rice or rice cooked using turmeric. It is often eaten with solok lada and is also eaten with fried keropok.

It is very popular in the east coast states of Malaya such as Kelantan and Terengganu, and now can be found throughout Malaysia as well as in southern Thailand where it is known as khāoyam

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