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1. Communication Strategies as Problem-Solving Mechanisms among ESP Learners


2. “Under One Roof” Second life through Facebook 12 3. Kaedah Penilaian untuk “Pengiktirafan Pembelajaran Terdahulu”, dalam Institusi

Berorientasikan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional (PLTV) di Malaysia: Fokus Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Nilai Etika Profesionalisme


4. OBE Curriculum Implementation Process in Politeknik Kota Kinabalu: A Possible Evaluation Framework


5. Competency Standards for Polytechnic Graduates 34 6. Pembangunan Pakej Pembelajaran Multimedia Interaktif bagi Kursus Teknologi



7. Socioaffective Strategies to Reduce English Language Anxiety 50 8. Kajian Sifat Mekanikal Komposit UF dan MUF berasaskan Sisa Ketaman Kayu

Acacia Mangium


9. Tahap Pengetahuan Penulisan Rujukan dalam Kalangan Pelajar Semester Akhir, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu


10. Rekabentuk Sistem Pengurusan Kunci 72 11. Pembangunan Sistem Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Politeknik Kota Kinabalu



12. Keupayaan Menyelesaikan Ungkapan Algebra: Satu Tinjauan ke atas Pelajar Kejuruteraan Peringkat Sijil Semester Dua dan Empat di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu


13. Sistem Perolehan Bekalan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu 86 14 Tinjauan Terhadap Pengetahuan Kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu mengenai

Arah Kiblat serta Semakan Arah Kiblat Masjid dan Surau di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu serta Kawasan Sekitarnya


15. Extending Teaching & Learning of an ESP Course through an Online Discussion Board


16. Pressures Prompting Language Shift in Kadazandusun Families in Sabah 105 17. Remote Lab Generator: A Software Tool to Develop a Remote Lab 115

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah dan salam sejahtera. Syukur saya ke hadrat Allah S.W.T kerana dengan limpah kurniaNya kita dapat bertemu lagi di kesempatan kali ini. Lebih istimewa lagi hasrat kita untuk melihat munculnya Diges Edisi Pertama keluaran sulung Politeknik Kota Kinabalu berjaya direalisasikan. Sekalung tahniah saya ucapkan kepada seluruh Editorial Diges dan para penyumbang makalah yang telah bertungkus lumus untuk menjayakan hasrat murni ini. Sesungguhnya bidang penulisan ilmiah merupakan aspek penting dalam percambahan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembinaan sesebuah tamadun. Siapa tidak kenal ilmuan Islam seperti Al-Ghazali, Ibnu Khaldun, Imam As-Syafie, Dr Burhanuddin al-Helmy dan dalam Tamadun Barat seperti Shakespeare. Orang membaca tulisan Al-Ghazali misalnya sampai ke hari ini untuk mendapat panduan bagaimana mencari kedamaian dalam hidup. Begitulah peranan besar seorang penulis dan kesan hasil penulisannya kepada khalayak pembaca kerana mereka menulis tulus dari hati tanpa mengharapkan ganjaran apatah lagi pujian. Semua ini menjadi panduan bagi kita untuk terus menulis sehingga boleh menyentuh sanubari dan dapat difahami oleh masyarakat. Kehadiran para penulis ilmiah akan dapat mengembangkan lagi pengetahuan dan pemikiran baru agar masyarakat dapat membangunkan ketamadunan seseuah negara bangsa. Justeru itu Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah telah menyediakan satu landasan yang baik melalui penerbitan Diges ini untuk para pensyarah mengenengahkan hasil penulisan ilmiah yang berkualiti. Dengan harapan agar penerbitan Diges ini dapat dijadikan panduan khususnya kepada para pendidik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemahiran serta minat dalam penyelidikan. Akhir kata saya bagi pihak seluruh warga Politeknik Kota Kinabalu ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat dalam menerbitkan Diges ini. HAJI MUSTAFAR KAMAR BIN UJANG A.S.D.K

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Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Alhamdulillah. Syukur kehadrat Allah S.W.T. kerana dengan izinNya, Diges PKK Edisi 1 ini dapat dihasilkan dengan jayanya. Diges PKK Edisi 1 merupakan diges pertama yang pernah dihasilkan oleh Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah. Ianya merupakan kompilasi kertas kerja terpilih yang pernah dibentangkan oleh staf-staf Politeknik Kota Kinabalu sepanjang tahun 2008 hingga 2011 samada di peringkat Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Zon Borneo, kebangsaan sehinggalah ke peringkat antarabangsa. Diges ini mengandungi 16 set makalah yang mewakili kedua-dua bidang penyelidikan Kejuruteraan dan Sains Sosial. Diges ini dihasilkan bertujuan untuk mengumpul dan merekodkan hasil penulisan terbaik staf-staf PKK agar dapat dijadikan rujukan terutamanya kepada staf PKK yang baharu melibatkan diri dalam bidang penulisan yang berbentuk ilmiah. Di samping itu juga, kita dapat berkongsi ilmu dengan ahli akademik, penyelidik, golongan profesional, pentadbir, pemimpin pendidikan, penggubal polisi, dan wakil industri yang berminat dalam bidang pendidikan teknikal khusus dalam sistem pendidikan di Politeknik seluruh Malaysia. Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang editor, dan individu yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung sepanjang proses penghasilan Diges ini. Jelas sekali dengan melihat kepada artikel-artikel yang dihasilkan dalam Diges ini, sudah tentu Diges ini akan mampu menyumbang kepada hasrat kerajaan untuk menjadikan Politeknik sebagai salah satu saluran utama penyebaran ilmu dan penjanaan modal insan bagi melahirkan generasi muda yang berpendidikan, berkemahiran, kreatif, inovasif, bersikap progresif dan berfikiran kritis. Sekian, selamat membaca.


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EDISI 1, 2011

PENAUNG Tn. Haji Mustafar Kamar Bin Ujang A.S.D.K


Hajjah Norehan Binti Md Shariff

PENGERUSI Hajjah Zaliha Binti Mat Isa


Chow Kwai Yok

SETIAUSAHA Rukinah Bt Nanang @ Samuing


Bahril Bin Balli

EDITOR Esther Jawing Ali Bin Rashid

Merlin Binti Dunding Azira Binti Mohd Puteh Fatimahwati Bt Hamzah Zainatul Azira Bt Ismail

Muhamad Noor Bin Abu Hassan Tuan Rakiza Binti Tuan Mahmud

PEREKA GRAFIK Shalizan Bin Kadir

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 1 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Communication Strategies as Problem-Solving Mechanisms among ESP Learners

Esther Jawing Department of General Studies

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia [email protected]


In daily interactions, Communication Strategies (CS) are often used so we could function in various communication domains. Communication is not just what a message is about but what it wants to achieve. Sometimes, a breakdown could occur in the course of communication. Thus, CS is often used to attempt for a mutual communication process. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of CS among English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learners while speaking the English language (L2). The aims of this study are to find out the types of problems faced by the ESP learners in L2 communication, the types of CS used by these learners to solve their L2 communication problems and whether the communication strategies are used for problem-solving in L2 communication. This is a qualitative study of 20 ESP learners followed by 10 selected learners to participate in the pair-discussion task and individual interview. The methodologies employed are focus-group interview, pair-discussion task and individual interview. A typology of CS as proposed by Dornyei and Kormos (1998) is used in dissecting the types of strategies used. The result shows that the ESP learners are experiencing two types of major problems in L2 communication, the resource deficits and processing time-pressure. Thus, it resulted in their use of CS as the Problem-Solving Mechanism (PSM). Hence,CS are mainly used to solve L2 linguistic inadequacies instead of L2 communication enhancement. The findings are applicable to the context of this study and other contexts that are similar to the setting of this study. 1. Introduction

Communication is seen as a reciprocal process because people communicate in order to deliver messages to one another. Communication as pointed

out by Halliday (1978) refers to the “elementary fact that people talk to each other” (as cited in Riley, 1996, p. 118). Put simply, communication means ‘making common’, ‘sharing’ and it makes no more sense to talk about sharing things on your own than it does to talk about one-hand-clapping (Riley, 1996). Another school of thought views communication as “the exchange and negotiation of information between at least two individuals through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, oral and written/visuals modes, and production and comprehension processes” (Canale, 1993; as cited in Richards & Schmidt, 1993, p. 4). In this sense, communication involves the exchange and negotiation of information among individuals as long as they are able to understand one another and resume the conversation without complexity. However, the exchange and negotiation of information in conversations sometimes rely on the use of languages. Thus, the interlocutors have to resort to a language they know best as a means of communication.

Communication may be at ease between interlocutors given that they are fluent in the language that is used in their conversations. However, the complexity of communication usually surfaces when the interlocutors have to resort to using their second language (L2). Their L2 level of proficiency may not be as good as their L1. As such, many strategies are used in order to sustain conversations. For instance, “they use their hands, they imitate the sound or movement of things, they mix languages, they create new words, they describe or circumlocute something they do not know the word for” (Dornyei, 1995, p. 56). According to Kormos (2006), “conversation is one of the most frequent and fundamental means of communication and its primary and overriding function is the maintenance and establishment of social relationship” (p. 1). Thus, communication in the L2 is seen as a perennial yardstick in assessing one’s accomplishment to language mastery in terms of their competency in the L2. However, most L2 learners aim to attain a high level of fluency in the L2 but due to L2

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 2 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

learners’ lack of L2 knowledge they often lack the competence to express or negotiate their intended messages in real-life communication. The strategies employed by L2 learners should not only be restricted to resolving grammatical problems because in actual communication learners need to handle problems of a sociolinguistic and discourse nature (Canale, 1993). However, before the learners are able to handle the problems of a sociolinguistic and discourse nature they should firstly resolve the core problem in L2 communication, which is the grammatical problem.

What makes an effective L2 communication particularly among L2 learners at the beginning stages of L2 learning? An effective L2 communication is when L2 learners are given an opportunity to speak the L2 despite their L2 deficiencies as to quote Terrel (1977) “communication strategies are crucial in L2 learning” (as cited in Canale, 1993, p. 11). The potential of communication strategies to L2 learners is it could help learners who know almost no English to communicate and be understood effectively in the L2. As such, communication strategies (CS) could help to develop the learners’ strategic competence to improve their ability to engage in various communicative situations as well as dealing with their L2 inadequacies.

Research on CS has provided findings from previous studies that have been carried out on learners who were studying English as their L2. These learners were those who grew up having another language as their mother tongue, for example, the Hungarian, Chinese, Arab and Thai learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (Dornyei, 1995; Chimbganda, 1999; Wannaruk, 2003; Wongsawang, 2006; Rababah & Seedhouse, 2008). Research to date, however, has shown little emphasis on the learners of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) use of CS. The findings of the previous studies are open to be challenged and verified since all studies have certain limitations. There are a myriad of syllabus, classroom environment, language use and learning strategies, learners’ level of proficiency, teaching and learning experience in different countries. Therefore, an important area of enquiry is to identify the use of CS among ESP learners. It is vital to conduct a study on ESP learners because they need English language in order to meet the current escalating demands in human resource recruitment. Hence, the interest of the study is to investigate the nature of CS in L2 speech production, particularly among ESP learners.

In view of the large numbers of learners who learn languages in non-native speaker environments, research on how the CS are used in these environments may yield different preference patterns. Besides, an

expanded understanding on how the use of CS in such contexts would be beneficial. This study aims to explore the use of communication strategies among ESP learners. The ESP learners in this study seek to enhance competence in using the English language for more authentic use in various English-speaking domains. The ability to speak the L2 could help them to perform effectively at the work place, and work related as well as social situations. Thus, it is important for this study to find out how these ESP learners cope with variety of predicaments that they probably experience to enhance their L2 competency. Therefore, this study sought to find out the following objectives:

i. To identify the problems that are faced by the ESP learners in this institution in L2 communication.

ii. To describe the types of communication strategies used by these ESP learners to solve their L2 communication problems.

iii. To find out whether or not the communication strategies are used for problem-solving in L2 communication.

2. The problem-solving mechanisms in L2

communication: A psycholinguistic perspective

CS are used to solve communication barriers

between people with varying linguistics proficiencies. This phenomenon is usually experienced by L2 learners due to limited linguistics proficiencies. Much focus has been given to CSs in the literature (Tarone et al, 1976; Tarone, 1977, 1981; Faerch and Kasper, 1983; Paribakht, 1985; Poulisse, 1990; Bialystok, 1990; Dornyei, 1995; as cited in Dornyei and Scott; 1997) since Selinker’s pioneering study dated back in the 19th century. CS have been seen to include intralingual strategies such as over generalizing a grammar rule or vocabulary meaning from one context to another where it does not apply whereas the interlingual strategies include negative transfer, topic avoidance or abandonment, message reduction, code-switching and paraphrasing (Cohen, 1997). CS are now adapted as the existing devices that could solve L2 communication problems, especially among language learners who are learning the L2 in non-native speakers’ environment. CS as used among ESP learners in the light of this study is largely depended on the psycholinguistics problem-solving as indicated by Faerch and Kasper (1983). Faerch and Kasper concentrate on “the psychological dimension of what is going on the L2 speakers’ mind when they want to express something through the second language but encounter a hitch” (Cook, 2001, p. 108). Moreover,

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 3 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Faerch and Kasper (1984) also view CS as the solutions language learners adopt to overcome psychological problems in L2 processing. The psycholinguistic perspective defines CS as “potentially conscious plan for solving what to an individual presents itself as a problem in reaching a particular communicative goal” (Faerch & Kasper, 1983, p. 81).

The problem-solving approach views that L2 learners want to express something through the L2 but encounter problems as a result of their limited L2 knowledge. The problems, therefore, may interrupt the achievement of a communicative goal. The lack of linguistic resources may cause uncertainty about the accuracy of the second language rules and could also affect the fluency problems. In view of that, L2 speakers tend to spend “a great deal of time and effort negotiating meaning and struggling to cope with the various problems they encounter during the course of communication” (Gass & Varonis, 1991; as cited in Dornyei & Kormos, 1998, p. 351). Thus, this study needs to understand the L2 problems before analysing the use of CS as the problem-solving mechanisms based on the psycholinguistic perspectives. 2.1 Problem-orientedness in Communication


L2 speakers often have to face the problem that due to limited attentional resources they cannot process their message within the time constraints of real life communication (Kormos, 2006). In reviewing the literature on CS, Dornyei and Scott (1997) has established two defining criteria of CS, namely, problem-orientedness and consciousness. Thus, the problems are drawn out in details to better understand the communication problems before looking at the strategies that followed in L2 communication. In view of the extensive definitions on the L2 communication problems, it is therefore important to establish a detailed definition on the types of problems. However, this study is much inclined to only one defining criteria of CS, which is problem-orientedness. It is important for language teachers to understand the problems their learners have to face when learning to speak the L2. Dornyei and Kormos (1998) had outlined the four main problems sources in L2 communication (see Table 1). 2.2 A framework of problem-solving

mechanisms among the ESP learners

Table 2 depicted the problems types and the problem-solving mechanisms (PSM) that the L2 learners could employ to solve the problems related to resource deficits and processing time-pressure. The PSM related to resource deficits and processing time-

pressure have been identified as the major types of problems experienced by the ESP learners in this study. The resource deficits are associated with three types of problem solving processes in the planning and encoding of the preverbal message (Kormos, 2006).

Table 1. The four-primary problem areas

(Adapted from Dornyei & Kormos, 1998))

Table 2. The problems type and problem-solving mechanisms

roblem type Problem-solving mechanisms (PSM)

Resource Deficits

Lexical PSM Grammatical PSM Phonological PSM

Processing time-pressure Stalling mechanism

(Adapted from Kormos, 2006) 3. Method 3.1 Focus group Interview

The 20 participants were divided into 4 focus groups consisting of 5 members in each group. Questions were posed and the participants were encouraged for responses. The groups were treated as a whole rather than individual so that the participants were able to react to each other’s responses. An open and interactive discussion was encouraged. However, some controls were given to provide every participant “a fair opportunity to contribute to the issue, prevent dominance, and steer the group away from irrelevant areas” (Finch & Lewis, 2003, p. 182).

Resource Deficits





Processing time

pressure A product of L2 speakers’ deficient L2 competence. The resource deficits consist of the lexical problem, grammatical problem and phonological/ articulatory problem.

The speaker’s erroneous production and accidental slip in speech processing.

The reaction to problems encountered with regard to the interlocutor’s speech.

L2 speech processing is (at least) partially serial, and requires more attentional resources and processing time than speech production in L1.

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 4 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

3.2 Pair discussion task

The participants were then asked to perform a discussion task in pairs. The topic for discussion task was related to ESP syllabus and the participants had learned about the topic in their ESP classes. The topics for discussion were only revealed during the pair discussion phase to prevent the participants from preparing any notes or reading scripts since the study was intended to explore the CS phenomenon in an actual interaction. However, the participants were given 3 minutes to read and prepare for the discussion individually. It was rather easy to pair the participants since they were in the same course since their first year and was at the same level of proficiency. There were only 10 participants in this phase. These groups of learners were selected because they were very responsive during the focus group interview. These participants also participated in the final phase of data collection (i.e. individual interview). 3.3 Individual interview

The data obtained during the focus groups

interviews and pair discussion task were validated through individual interviews. Each participants was interviewed to substantiate the noted CS which were used during discussion tasks. However, some technical terms such as restructuring, literal transfer and code-switching were paraphrased. This step was also taken to ensure the phenomenon was studied from the participants’ perspectives so the data needed would not be overlooked. This method was useful to determine why they had behaved the way they did during the pair discussion tasks. It allowed the participants to give comments on their use of CS in retrospect. Besides, it also helped to make sense of the problems mentioned earlier (i.e. focus group interviews) in relation to the CS that were exhibited during the pair discussion tasks. Both Malay and English language were employed during the interviews. The participants had chosen the language they felt more comfortable with in expressing their thoughts and comments. The sessions were recorded using the MP3 player. The recording was stopped when the discussion ended.

The conversations were transcribed with detail appropriate to the identification of communication strategies. As code-switching is a communication strategy for the participants, the use of other languages was clearly indicated in the transcripts: Sabah Malay dialect (eg sia- Saya), mo - mahu). Repetitions were transcribed as all of the participants had used a lot of repetitions due to their L2 inadequacies. A set of interview questions for the focus group interview and a stimulus for pair discussions were prepared.

Adjustments were made by re-phrasing the questions for the focus group interviews and pair discussions. This was reviewed when the pilot study revealed that the participants merely nodded their heads and said a few words when prompted. Hence, a natural discussion did not emerge. 3.4 Participants

The participants were 20 Malaysian third-year

students aged between 20-22 years. They did not share the same L1 as they come from different ethnic groups (e.g. Kadazan, Iban, Malay and Bajau). However, they were proficient in Malay, which is the medium of education in school. All had studied English formally for about 13 years. The selection criteria for the study were a composite band score in the criterion-referenced Malaysian University English Test (MUET). They were less-proficient speakers and were assessed at MUET Band 3. This describes fairly fluent users of English who are usually able to communicate appropriately with noticeable inaccuracies. They spoke their first language and Malay most of the time. English was used occasionally when the need arose.

The CS framework and the interview questions were prepared after the completion of pair discussions phase. The researcher needed more time to transcribe the discussions as how it was said by the participants. The discussions were transcribed accurately by including all the fillers, literal transfer, message abandonment, restructuring of words, sentences and so forth. The verbatim transcriptions were crucial as it were used along with the CS framework to elicit more retrospective comments from the participants on their actual use of CS. 3.5 Data Analysis

The printed transcripts were read several times. The

participants were labeled as Participants (P) The problems in L2 communication were coded based on the four-primary problems area (see Table 1) and the communication strategies were coded using a typology of 10 strategies (see Appendix 1). The researcher and the inter-raters agreed on most of the communication strategies classifications for the data. 4. The types of problems faced by the ESP

learners in L2 communication

The problems were divided into two categories, namely, resource deficits and processing time pressure. All of the participants mentioned their main problem in L2 communication was very much inclined to their

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 5 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

lack of L2 linguistic resources. Meanwhile, they also agreed on processing time pressure simply because they needed more time to process their speech whenever they speak the L2. However, only two out of the four-primary problems were addressed corresponding to the participants’ responses. The feedbacks from the participants were grouped together in establishing the common themes before dividing them into the types of problems. Therefore, the main problems that have been identified based on the participants’ responses were resource deficits and processing time pressure. 4.1 Lexical Problems

A variety of problems have been identified such as choosing the exact words, the difficulty to recall the intended words, afraid of choosing the wrong words, limited vocabulary and to think of the word in their L1 and translate them into the L2. Those problems were categorised under a common theme called the lexical problem. It supported Kormos’ (2006) supposition in which she stated that “…the knowledge of vocabulary is essential for being able to communicate in a L2” (p. 55). Widdowson (1978) further exclaimed that “one might be able to speak using a few rules of grammar and might still be understood, but without using appropriate vocabulary, communication can hardly be successful” (as cited in Kormos, 2006, p. 55). The participants in this study also experienced a similar predicament in which their vocabulary shortage leads to their main problem in L2 communication. The incorrect use of grammar would not affect their L2 communication. The participants claimed that it was difficult to speak the L2 due to limited vocabulary. Their lack of L2 vocabulary made them speak “broken English” in ESP classrooms. However, some of the ESP learners provided contradicting views on grammar usage in L2 communication. Apart from the lexical problem, the grammatical problem has usually re-surfaced in their L2 communication. 4.2 Grammatical Problem

Grammatical encoding is a continuation of the

lexical retrieval process (Dornyei & Kormos, 1998). The grammatical problem has been identified by the learners as the obstacle in their L2 communication. The grammatical problems in this study referred to the learners’ insufficient knowledge of the grammatical form, structures and rules of the L2 (Poulisse, 1993, Dornyei & Scott, 1998; as cited in Kormos, 2006). The participants were uncertain of L2 rules, especially in sentence construction, cautious in using the correct structures and tenses since they were trained in such a

way while they were in schools. To them, having a limited L2 vocabulary was very challenging and the grammatical problem in their L2 communication was equivalent to a “death sentence”. In response to it, they admitted that they tend to prevent some intended messages from being said.

In the same vein, Dornyei and Kormos (1998) also indicated that L2 speakers are inclined to using simplified grammar hoping that the interlocutor will be able to reconstruct the grammatical meaning from context. These learners have opted for “grammatical reduction” to function in any impromptu L2 communication. The grammatical problems in this study referred to the participants’ insufficient knowledge of the grammatical form, structures and rules of the L2 (Poulisse, 1993, Dornyei & Scott, 1998; as cited in Kormos, 2006). The participants mentioned that they were uncertain of certain L2 rules, especially in structuring their sentences using the correct structures and tenses. The main problem would be they were too cautious in getting the correct structures and tenses since they were trained in such a way while they were in primary and secondary school. To them, having a limited L2 vocabulary was very challenging and the grammatical problem in their L2 communication was equivalent to a “death sentence”. 4.3 Phonological/Articulatory Problems

Apart from the lexical and grammatical problem,

the participants encountered difficulties in their L2 pronunciation. However, they were unable to clearly describe their phonological/articulatory problem as they were actually oblivious to the processes involved in their L2 speech production. A majority of them were actually experiencing these problems. They described their phonological/articulatory problem by using the laymen terms, which was “their pronunciation problem”. They also stated that they were “afraid of making pronunciation error” and “unsure of the correct pronunciation” in L2 communication. Thus, it leads to some phonology and articulatory difficulties in their L2 communication. 4.4 Problems related to Processing time-

pressure Another problem mentioned by the participants was

the processing time-pressure. In Kormos’ (2006) words, “the speech production for L2 speakers is less automatic than speech processing in L1 and this result in delayed production” (p. 150). Thus, the L2 speakers must do their best to do whatever they could to communicate in the L2. They have agreed to the consensus that they need more time in L2

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communication. They have to think of the words and constructed the sentences in L2 before producing L2 utterances. More time for words retrieval was required in any L2 speaking situations. This finding was consistent with De Bot’s (1992) assertion in which the processing time-pressure resulted in delayed production as retrieval may take more time than production system will allow. The participants also experienced a similar predicament in L2 communication as they needed time to sustain the conversation and to keep the interlocutor from deterring.

To sum it up, it has clearly shown that the resource deficits and processing time-pressure were the catalysts to ESP learners’ difficulties in L2 communication. However, they were surprisingly capable to carry out any given L2 speaking tasks despite their numerous L2

problems as described earlier. In view of that, a detailed analysis on how these learners could somehow function using the L2 was seen as beneficial for the purpose of this study. 4.5 The types of communication strategies used

by the ESP learners

The distribution of strategies as shown in Table 3 varied considerably. The CS used by the ESP learners were very much related to the problems identified earlier. The CS were employed particularly among L2 learners when resource deficits and processing time-pressure hinder the planning and encoding of the preverbal plan (Dornyei & Scott, 1997).

Table 3. Number of strategies used by ESP learners in pair discussion task

Literal transfer was widely used, followed by

restructuring and message abandonment. The grammatical reduction, self-repetition, grammatical substitution, other-repetition and code-switching were common. In addition, the use of similar sounding word and tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon were sporadically used by the ESP learners. The most frequently used communication strategies was the literal transfer, accounting for 21. 4% closely followed by restructuring (19. 3%) and message abandonment (17. 5%).

A total of 451 occurrences of lexical problem solving mechanism (PSM) were used by the ESP learners as compared to 120 occurrences for grammatical PSM, phonological/articulatory PSM accounting for 7 occurrences and 111 occurrences for PSM related to processing time-pressure. As such, the lexical PSM was the most used CS followed by PSM related to processing time-pressure, grammatical PSM and the phonological/articulatory PSM. The role of CS in L2 communications have been seen as devices used to compensate for lack of knowledge and as such being the signals of lack of competence (Bialystok &

Lexical PSM Grammatical PSM

Phonological /articulatory PSM

Processing time-












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P1 21 9 11 26 3 8 2 0 11 5 96 P2 11 1 7 28 6 7 0 2 0 4 66 P3 4 0 15 5 3 1 0 0 4 5 38 P4 6 1 14 3 1 8 0 0 0 3 36 P5 23 11 5 10 8 9 0 0 5 6 80 P6 15 4 21 8 3 12 0 0 3 4 70 P7 13 1 10 12 6 10 0 1 6 4 63 P8 10 14 20 30 12 4 0 1 14 6 111 P9 9 2 18 7 4 7 0 0 12 5 64

P10 10 3 16 20 5 3 0 0 6 8 71 N= 10 122 46 134 149 51 69 2 5 61 50 695

% 17.5 6.6 19.3 21.4 7.3 9.9 0.3 0.7 8.8 7.2

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Muka surat | 7 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Kellerman, 1987 as cited in Kormos, 2006). Hence, the ESP learners in this study have shown that their lack of L2 knowledge and competence resulted in their use of variety of CS during the pair discussion task. The ESP learners’ use of lexical PSM reflected the lexical problems which listed as the main problem faced by them in L2 communication, followed by grammatical PSM. Surprisingly, the PSM related to processing time-pressure was frequently used as compared to phonological/articulatory PSM. It showed a contradicting finding in which the ESP learners in this study stated that the phonological/articulatory problem was more prominent than the processing time-pressure during the focus group interviews. However, their actual use of CS showed that they used more PSM related to processing time-pressure with minimal use of phonological/articulatory PSM. In addition, the CS in this study was mainly employed as the problem-solving mechanisms to solve the resource deficits and processing time-pressure. Thus, each PSM in this study was comprehensively described as to how it was employed by the ESP learners during the pair discussion task. 4.6 Communication strategies as problem

solving mechanisms in L2 communication 4.6.1 Lexical PSM. In this study, the literal transfer was the most frequently used PSM. Literal transfer occurs when a speaker was translating literally a lexical item, an idiom, a compound word, or a structure from L1 or L3 to L2 in L2 communication (Dornyei & Kormos, 1998). In this study, the entire 149 occurrences of literal transfer involved the literal translation of a structure from L1 (Bahasa Malaysia) to L2 (English Language) due to the influence of L1 on L2 acquisition of language use and comprehension (Kormos, 2006). All of the participants in this study resorted to literal translation due to L1 influence. However, they were able to comprehend each other as they were used to translate the L1 in L2 utterances. In other instances when ESP learners experienced with limited lexical choices they were inclined to restructuring the utterances in solving L2 communication problem. Kormos (2006) stated that restructuring is the advantage of macroreconceptualization as it involves the modification of more than one single chunk in the preverbal message. ESP learners could seek an alternative manner of expressing the intended message by restructuring their utterances. A number of 134 restructuring occurrences were used by the ESP learners to compensate for their lexical problems

In other instances when ESP learners experienced with limited lexical choices they were inclined to

restructuring the utterances in solving L2 communication problem. Kormos (2006) stated that restructuring is the advantage of macroreconceptualization as it involves the modification of more than one single chunk in the preverbal message. ESP learners could seek an alternative manner of expressing the intended message by restructuring their utterances.

The ESP learners have employed restructuring as one of the CS, which accounting for 134 occurrences. The instances of restructuring in this study were seen as beneficial for the ESP learners as to quote Kormos (2006) “restructuring was seen as an advantage for L2 speakers because by resorting to it the speaker seeks an alternative manner of expressing the intended message” (p. 146). However, there were times during the discussion task when the ESP participants failed to restructure the chunks in their preverbal messages due to language difficulties. This situation leads to another usage of communication strategies, which is message abandonment. In message abandonment, the L2 speakers relinquish the whole intended message and leave it unfinished. The message abandonment was seen as an ineffective strategy used in promoting L2 communication. However, the message abandonment accounting for 122 out of 695 occurrences based on the transcripts analysis. Thus, the message abandonment was one of the most used strategies among the ESP learners. The ESP learners in this study tend to abandon their utterances and move on to the next points to keep the discussion going. In some instances the ESP learners fell back on their L1 to make their meanings understood. In this study, code-switching was employed when the learners were at loss for words and thus using the L1 words or phrases instead of L2. Myers-Scotton (1993) indicated that code-switching can also happen due to lack of competence or because the speaker thinks that the word in phrase or expression in their L1 matches his or her communicative intention better in the L2. The ESP learners’ retrospective comments have established two common themes, namely, L2 lexis retrieval problems and lack of L2 lexis in their mental lexicon. Hence, it leads to code-switching in their L2 utterances. Myers-Scotton (2005) also added that one language is always the more dominant mode of communication. In the case of this study, Malay function as a more dominant language since the ESP learners often resorted to their L1 because the L1 lexcial item meets the conceptual (semantic and/or lexical) specifications better than the L2 word (Kormos, 2006). This situation has somehow forced the ESP learners to code-switching to survive their L2 discussion.

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 8 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

4.6.2 Grammatical PSM. The grammatical encoding was a continuation of the lexical process. The ESP learners in this study also experienced some grammatical encoding problem in L2 communication. The insufficient knowledge of the grammatical form and the argument structure of the lemmas can prevent the message from being encoded in the way it was originally planned (Kormos, 2006), and in such cases the speaker needs to resort to grammatical PSM. In this study, the two types of grammatical PSM were identified, namely, grammatical reduction and grammatical substitution. The use of grammatical reduction in this study accounted for 69 utterances. Kormos (2006) indicated that “it happened when insufficient knowledge of the grammatical form and the argument structure of the lemmas can prevent the message from being encoded in the way it was originally planned and in such cases the speaker needs to resort to certain PSM” (p. 147). Apart from grammatical reduction, the ESP learners also resorted to the use of grammatical substitution. The grammatical substitution as used in this study was the instances of ESP learners in overgeneralising L2 rules.

Table 4. Examples of grammatical-substitution

Extract P3: But for me, I have three laptops. I have HP and the other two is Acer and Compaq. P8: She have the nails. P4: That’s the first time when he don’t think about it after that he look at the TV, he look at the war at Afghanistan.

The extract in Table 4 depicted the examples of

grammatical substitution the ESP learners resorted to as a result of their insufficient L2 knowledge. PF3, PM18 and PM4 overgeneralised L2 rules. PF3 substituted the use of is instead of are for plural subjects. Likewise, PM18 and PM4 did the same thing. Both has and have were transitive verbs used for talking possession. However, its usage largely depended on the subject of the sentence, be it singular or plural. In the case of PM18’s utterance, he substituted the use of has to have despite having a singular subject (i.e. she). PM4 also substituted the use of don’t (the negative short forms of the auxiliary verb used in conversation) for a singular subject. Since the subject in PM3’s utterance was singular, supposedly, the correct usage was doesn’t. Thus, it was perceptible that the ESP learners in this study were inclined to using grammatical substitution due to L2 rules overgeneralisation.

4.6.3 Phonological and articulatory PSM. When phonological difficulties occur in this study, the ESP learners often resorted to restructuring their utterances. However, there were some instances of phonological difficulties during the pair discussion task which resulted in 7 occurrences of phonological and articulatory problem-solving mechanisms. It was the least strategy used in this study and yet it has confirmed the pronunciation problems as mentioned by the ESP learners during the focus group interview. The phonological difficulties did resurface during the pair discussion tasks. There were two types of phononological and articulatory PSM used in this study, namely, tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon and use of similar sounding word. Kormos (2006) indicated that the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon occurred when a speaker attempt to retrieve an incomplete phonological information (e.g. some phonemes, usually the initial ones) was unavailable and thus the speaker experienced a “tip of the tongue” phenomenon and articulated several versions of the item so that by running the alternatives through to select the best version” (p. 149). The use of similar sounding word has a similar analogy as to lexical and grammatical substitution, which allowed the speaker to encode and articulate the problematic lexical item by substituting certain phonological features (Kormos, 2006).

Some participants knew the intended words however there were some erroneous pronunciation of words in their utterances, namely, regret and lake. They failed to retrieve the intended words. Therefore, they uttered regret for create and lake for length that bear some resemblance to the original items. It showed that some L2 words were substituted by an underspecified phonological representation (Levelt, 1995).

The problem-solving mechanisms used by the ESP learners in this study were mainly to compensate for their resource deficits. The lexical PSM was largely used, followed by the grammatical PSM and the phonological / articulatory PSM. It showed that though having numerous problems in L2 lexical, grammar and pronunciation, the ESP learners were able to speak the L2 during the pair discussion tasks. The use of CS as PSM has proven to be successful in helping the learners to survive the difficulties in L2 communication. The subsequent PSM was related to processing time-pressure corresponding to the “extra time needed in L2 communication” which has been elevated as one of the problems in their L2 communication. 4.6.4 PSM related to processing time-pressure. The ESP learners’ communication in L2 tends to be less automatic than speech processing in the L1. The L1

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Esther Jawing Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 9 Telah dibentangkan di 20th MELTA International Conference, English Language Education and Global Learning: Policy, Practice, Performance, pada 30 Mei – 1 Jun 2011 bertempat di Hotel Primula Beach, Terengganu, Malaysia.

speech production was more automatized in terms of lexical, grammatical and phonological encoding as compared to L2 production. Thus, it resulted in delayed production. the ESP learners have employed the stalling mechanisms to sustain their L2 communication. The stalling mechanism referred to the option the L2 learners resorted to keep the communication channel open and provide more time and attentional resources (Kormos, 2006). The stalling mechanisms employed in this study involved the learners’ repetition during the pair discussion task, namely, own-repetition and other-repetition. Learners’ own-repetition mechanism required no additional processing but was inadequate in maintaining the appearance of fluency while the other-repetition was when part of the interlocutor’s utterance was repeated (Kormos, 2006). The learners’ retrospective comments have established a common theme in which it was used as the learners attempted to recall for the exact words. Thus, they were inclined to repeating the words in their utterances simply because they needed more time to retrieve the accurate L2 words. The ESP learners’ use of own-repetition was seen as inadequate in maintaining the appearance of fluency (Kormos, 2006).

However, this study has proven a contrary finding in which the learners were able to carry out the pair discussion task as they could resort to own-repetition in seeking for more time to produce their utterance. . The other type of stalling mechanism used during the pair discussion task was the other-repetition. It has a similar analogy as to own-repetition but the focus was more on “repeating the interlocutor’s word or speech”. The other-repetition mechanism did not require much conscious encoding capacity but the ESP learners in this study depended on its use so they can speak the L2 during the pair discussion task. Repeating the interlocutors’ speech really helped them to think of what they would say next. It helped them to keep the interlocutor’s attention and to sustain the discussion. 5. Conclusion

The present study has discovered that the communication strategies used by the ESP learners were mainly employed to solve the communication problems regardless of the breakdown in message transmission. The ESP learners’ uses of CS were mainly for resolving their grammatical problems. These learners have not reached the ultimate aim in L2 learning in terms of their L2 communicative functions. However, these learners have somehow achieved their L2 communication as they could rely on CS. CS helped them to sustain and participate in L2 discussions. They could demonstrate a rather reversal finding if the grammatical problems were no longer the

major setback. Perhaps, their intention would be more on resolving the problems of a sociolinguistic and discourse nature. A majority of the ESP learners emphasised on the importance to participate and sustain a discussion using the L2 despite their resource deficits (lexical, grammatical, phonological /articulatory problems) and processing time-pressure. The ESP learners in this study were aware of their problems to encode messages using the L2 and language problem. Hence, CS have resurfaced as a reliable device for these learners to speak the L2. In Kormos’ (2006) words, its application did not actually solve the original problems but it rather helps the speaker to get over the problem situation. Thus, the communication strategies could be adapted as language devices to solve the L2 communication difficulties. Though it could never solve the original problems among L2 speakers but, at any rate, it could surface as the sole means for L2 speakers to cope with their competence and performance problems.

This study has shown the potential of communication strategies as a stable and reliable device to solve the learners’ L2 deficiencies when communicating in a second language. The study has also supported the use of communication strategies as problem-solving mechanisms among these learners. However, the assertion pertaining to the benefits of communication strategies in L2 communication may seem rather subjective given that this study was deduced from a psycholinguistic perspective. Besides, the rationale for communication strategies as used in this study was primarily construed from Dornyei and Scott (1997) and Dornyei and Kormos (1998). This could lead to the specific aforementioned findings. The findings, however, could serve as a discovery to the problems faced by L2 learners in L2 communication as well as to draw out the advantages of communication strategies among L2 learners. As such, language teachers could be more alert with the problems faced by their learners in second language classrooms.

Besides, this study could alert the language teachers on their learners’ use of communication strategies as its use could affect the way the L2 speech production. Some strategies could assist L2 learners in L2 communication as to prevent communication breakdown. Then again, some strategies could merely function as a device to compensate for their L2 inadequacies regardless of whether the communicative function and goal were achieved. It is clear from the existing literature that some L2 learners rely on the use of communication strategies more often than others and that each learners is different with its own significant problems that related to the use of communication strategies. The problems in L2 learning could hinder or decelerate a language learning process.

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However, L2 learners could somehow rely on communication strategies to solve a myriad of L2 problems in the course of learning. Hence, it can function as the problem-solving mechanism that could accelerate L2 learning process particularly in L2 communication. It is hoped that the result of this study would alert L2 language teachers, curriculum developer, and syllabus designer to be more sensitive and receptive with the problems among L2 learners as these learners have to deal with the complexity involved in L2 speech production. References Canale, M. (1993). From Communiative Competence

to Communicative language pedagogy. In Richards, J. C. & Schmidt, R. W. (1993). Language and Communication (pp. 2-28). London: Longman Group UK Limited.

Chimbganda, A. B. (1999). A Study of Communication Strategies Used In the Writing Of Answers in Biology by First Year Science Students of the University Of Botswana. Retrieved March 3, 2008 from the Web Site:

Cook, V. (2001). Second language learning and language teaching (3rd Ed). London: Arnold.

Cohen, A.D. (1997). Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language. United States of America: University of Minnesota.

DeBot, K. (1992). A Bilingual Production Model: Levelt’s “speaking” model adapted. Applied Linguistics, 13, 1-24.

Dornyei, Z. (1995). On the Teachability of Communication Strategies. TESOL Quarterly, 29(1), pp. 55 – 85.

Dornyei, Z., & Kormos, J. (1998). Problem-Solving Mechanisms in L2 Communication: A Psycholinguistic Perspective. SSLA 20, 349-385. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.

Dornyei, Z., & Scott, M.L. (1997). Communication Strategies in a Second Language: Definitions and Taxonomies. Language Learning, 47(1), 173-210.

Faerch, C., & Kasper, G. (1983). Plans and strategies in foreign language communication. In C. Faerch and G. Kasper (eds.), Strategies in interlanguage communication (pp. 20-60). London: Longman.

Faerch, C., & Kasper, G. (1984). Two ways of defining communication strategies. Language Learning, 34 (1), 45-63.

Finch, H., & Lewis, J. (2003). Focus Groups. In Ritchie, J., & Lewis, J. (Eds.). Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science

Students and Researchers (pp. 170-198). London: Sage Publication.

Kormos, J. (2006). Speech Production and Second Language Acquisition. USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Myers-Scotton, C. (1993). Duelling languages: Grammatical structure in code-switching. England: Clarendon.

Myers-Scotton, C. (2005). Supporting a differential access hypothesis: Code-switching and other contact data. IN J. Kroll & A.M.B. de Groot (Eds.), Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Perspectives (pp. 326-348). New York: Oxford University Press.

Rababah, G., & Seedhouse, P. (n.d.). Communication Strategies and Message Transmission With Arab Learners of English in Jordan. Retrieved March 3, 2008 from the Website:

Richards, J. C,. & Schmidt, R. W. (1993). Language and Communication. London: Longman Group UK Limited.

Riley, P. (1996). Developmental Sociolinguistics and the competence/performance distinction. In Brown, G., Malmkjaer, K., & Williams, J. (Eds). Performance and Competence in Second Language Acquisition (pp. 114-135). Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.

Wannaruk, A. (2003). Communicative Strategies Employed By EST Students. SLLT, Volume 12. 1-18. Retrieved March 18, 2008 from the Department of Foreign Languages Faculty of Science Mahidol UniversityWeb Site:

Wongsawang, p. (2001). Culture-Specific Notions in L2 Communication Strategies. Second Language Acquisition, 19(2), 111-135.

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Appendix 1Typology of communication strategies The task used to obtain data on communication strategies was a pair discussion. The framework used to identify the choice of

communication strategies included a typology as proposed by Dornyei and Kormos (1998) based on these problems: resource

deficits and processing time-pressure.

Lexical PSM

Class and Type of PSM Description

Message abandonment

Leaving a message unfinished because of some language difficulty.

Code-switching Including L1 with L1 pronunciation in L2 speech; this may involve stretches of discourse ranging from single words to whole chunks and even complete turns.

Literal Translation

Translating literally a lexical item, an idiom, a compound word, or a structure from L1 or L3 to L2.


Abandoning the execution of a verbal plan because of language difficulties, leaving the utterance unfinished, and communicating the intended message according to an alternative plan.

Grammatical PSM

Class and Type of PSM Description

Grammatical Substitution

Changing certain grammatical specifications of the lemma through transfer or overgeneralization.

Grammatical reduction

Using simplified grammar in the belief that the interlocutor will be able to reconstruct the grammatical meaning from the context.

Phonological and Articulatory PSM Class and Type of PSM Description

Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon In an attempt to retrieve and articulate a lexical item, saying a series of incomplete or wrong forms or structures before reaching the optimal form.

Use of similar-sounding words Compensating for a lexical item whose form the speaker is unsure of with a word (either existing or nonexisting) that sounds more or less like the target item.

PSM related to processing time pressure

Class and Type of PSM Description

Stalling mechanisms

Self-repetitions Repeating a word or a string of words immediately after they were said.

Other-repetitions Repeating something the interlocutor said to gain time.

(Adapted from Dornyei & Kormos, 1998)

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Shi Ing Ng Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 12 Telah dibentangkan di GLOCall International Conference, pada 8 – 10 Disember 2010 bertempat di Hotel Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

“Under One Roof” Second life through Facebook

Shi Ing Ng Department of General Studies, Polytechnic Kota Kinabalu Sabah

[email protected]


The proficiency of English Language in Malaysia has always been a constant discussion from academicians to politicians and parents. There are many reasons that contribute to the lack of English Language proficiency among our Malaysian learners. However, there are methods to help improve the English Language proficiency level by utilizing the technologies from Web 2.0 especially social network sites (SNS). “Under One Roof” is a project utilizing Facebook “group” feature to help 44 semester one learners to familiarize, use and practice in order to be comfortable in using the English Language. Learners participated in this project for 3 months. The instrument to collect the data is a questionnaire and analyzing attitude, interaction and language patterns in the group. Overall, Facebook has the potential to become an English language learning platform to encourage learners to be confident in using the language. 1. Introduction

Language learning is not just learning about the rules of grammar but being able to use it and learning when to use those rules of grammar in appropriate context. According to McBride (2009: 35), “self-expression, social interaction and context” (word in bold and italic is by writer) are important facets of using language as a medium of communication. The teacher in the classroom try to mimic and create that situation to encourage English Language learning among learners though usually generate minimal learning impact on learners. Learning language in a contrived manner prompts anxiety in non-native learners. The learner retreats from participating voluntarily in the lesson to minimize making mistakes by using uncertain and new phrases and words or to hide their lack of English Language proficiency (Goh

and Silver, 2004: 191). This is reflected in the behavior of Malaysian polytechnic learners where the teacher has to select the learner to participate in activities and encourage teacher-learner interaction in English Language. Not only that, the lack of language proficiency in the polytechnic learners is affected by the regular use of mother tongue in daily communication and the importance of mastering the national language for national examinations and official purposes i.e. banking, business or government correspondence.

However, the technologies from Internet has provided a route for teachers to help learners to use and practice the language in real-time and beyond the walls of the classroom. Social networking site (SNS) has the potential to provide a language learning environment as it is very similar to interacting in real-life. The learner will be in an active position and develops ownership in the language learning process, as he/she will be involved in the creative communicative process of trying to understand and to be understood by the online community. One SNS capable of providing that learning platform is Facebook. This paper aims to discuss the hidden potential of Facebook as a language learning platform. Besides that, this paper will discuss how learners react towards using Facebook as a learning platform to help familiarize, use and practice English Language and to what extent has it impacted the learners. 2. Facebook and Potential

Facebook has become the hangout area for digital natives to learn, share and contribute information (Thompson, 2007). Facebook, a Zuckerberg creation, with over 500 million active users, has turned the virtual world into a second world parallel to the current world (Zuckerberg, 2010). The initial idea of creating a virtual pin board for Harvard graduates to keep abreast of their friends has manifested into an online community made real by tapping into users’ feelings and opinions. Facebook started with a basic wall for

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1. Status upd

ind the right ss his feelingwith his netwo

glish Languageof communicathe “applicatiook. The user i

o their profile. feel connecte

e application arners to interable to analyzeven situation etence (Hyme

vignon, 2001“gifting” flowetitive in “fahs to linking wand tweets. Ay to create grom the normaasic layout ofgroup with an, photo, videto represent

e learners to uhe “group” fea

social and

national Conferat di Hotel Le M

otions and linnd added feausers networ

Facebook has involvement

t’ and the ‘oironment (Fletecially importaes the intensithis circumstlly in the EnUsers often uptwork on whuage learners for the right wey are feelinhnic student stask: -


words, fillersgs and develoork. Besides te, he finds ustion. on” feature iis allowed to inThis “applica

ed on a social mirrors ever

ract with Facee, learn and usand develop es, 1979, La). For exam

wers and foorming”, uploawith other IntAnother featuroup. The “gr

al discussion laf a Facebook

accessible tabeo and eventsa suitable lea

use and practicature providesd communic

rence, Meridien Kota

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Kinabalu, Sab

havior” (McB991) highlighighten the leaarning relevanth the outcolevant social termine “thedeavour” (Baxwriter). It is be familiar a

most authentinguage outside


“Under One cebook “grou

arners react tovironment anteracting in Eis project areectrical Depar

A Facebookrticipants. The

ach participancupation in thscuss any tooughts on thrticipate in disher learners i.rrent issues. Lextra marks wthe semester.In order to e

rticipants, a llowing pointsi. Post a mii. Commen

tenant’s pi. Reply a

the discusv. Commen

group v. Need to

text or sh

Learners areree times as ttive participatifficient and fiwer intermedquirement of lp learners bearners have they are spoken

Shi Ing Ng

bah, Malaysia.

Bride, 2009: 3hted favorablearner’s interes

nt, achieving a omes. Bax a

context is success ofx, 2003: 295) important to aand use the ic environmee of the classro

Roof” is a preup” feature to o a semi autnd to be co

English Langue 44 first semrtment. k group was e group is ent

nt becomes fihe “apartment”opic, post anhe wall. Lescussion topice. creating a nLearners are ewill be reward

encourage actiguideline w

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nt on each ima

use proper Enhort forms e.g.

e required to pthe amount aion from the live times is sdiate Englishusing proper

e aware of thehe tendency toe.g. three – “t

Diges PKK Ed


8). Crookes ae learning cost which makset target and

agrees by mea necessary

f a languag(word in bold allow polytechEnglish Lang

ent, as exposoom is minim

eliminary projgauge how sehentic languaomfortable an

uage. The partmester learner

created to “titled “Under ictitious tenan”. Learners areny opinions, earners are rcs given by thnewsletter or encouraged toded to learner

ive participatiwas prepared

times on the gm three tim

oup’s wall ree times to thy age or video p

nglish Langua b4, ttyl.

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English Lane correct spello write the wotree” or mosqu

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 13

and Schmidt ondition can kes language d be satisfied entioning a

y factor to ge learning

and italic is hnic learners guage in an sure to the al.

ject utilizing emester one

age learning nd familiar ticipants for rs from the

“house” the One Roof”.

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Page 21: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 8 –

Learnmonths frto collectpostings,

The qThe firstsecond saccess anlearners’ and secowhereas tlikert scalsection variables and positi“Under English Lthird sectproject. Tlooking fThe quesdifferent before the

The panalyzed discussedbetween aid me inquestionn 4. Resu

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entangkan di G10 Disember 2

ners participatrom July till St data are a qcomments and

questionnaire t section collsection collecnd the third sreaction towa

ond section athree items inle’ type. The cis based ontowards lang

ive attitude. AOne Roof” aLanguage? Iftion to elicit The learners’ for word patttionnaire was class and nec

ey were handepostings, com

by looking ad and languthe learners.

n understandinnaire.

ults and Dis

July to Septeritten on the ns, and plenty

and discussiaily communs and asking ings to askinyou forget somhtly altered to is from beinon to being th

learners citefiction ambiti

naires were disreturned to thee were many idiscussed due the learners’

of using Englisup. The learicating in Engertain anxiety


GLOCall Intern2010 bertempa

ted in this September 201questionnaire d discussions is divided in

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ards this groupare the “selecn the third seconstruct of thn Gardner’s guage learningAn open-endedassist you inf so, how?] wthe learners’ viewpoint wi

terns and the piloted with

cessary adjusted out.

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ember 2010, group’s wa

y of commentsion topics. Th

nication (i.e. for help) to “

ng deep-thinkimeone?). Theaccommodate

ng a fictitiouhemselves buted confusion ion. At the endstributed to the teacher. nteresting findto the lengthreaction thro

sh Language rners showedglish Languag

y i.e. embarras

national Conferat di Hotel Le M

project for 10. The instrum

and analyzinin the group.

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and difficuld of this projece learners and

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Kinabalu, Sab

Table 1. At

Learners findnglish Langupresents a saxiety level of eir friends andistakes. A searners’ anxietydicating a read

Krashen, 1985)eir own pacerrected by thedeveloping t

anguage. For eistakes – in tetrinsic pressur

Image 2. G

The second milar “group” e able to use mmunicating structions and

Table 2. Fa

Shi Ing Ng

bah, Malaysia.

ttitude of LeaLangua

d it less intimage in this

afety zone. Tthe learners as

d strangers do ecure and say level leadingdiness to acce). The learnere, allowed to eir peers and tetheir confidenexample, learnerms of grammre i.e. assessm

Grammar and

finding is feature is to rethe language in authentic small talk wit

acebook “grou

Diges PKK Ed


arners using Eage

midating to inproject as

The zone mins it is only thenot see their gafe environmg to a low aff

ept and learn trs are able to

make mistakeachers whichnce in using ners correctingmar and spell


d spelling corr

learners indieal life situatiofor a purpossituation i.e.

th friends.

up” feature -

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 14


nteract using the group

nimizes the e teacher and grammatical

ment lowers fective filter the language

improve at kes and be

h contributes the English g each other ling without


cating how on. Learners se similar to asking for


Page 22: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 8 –

The “authentic learners aallows thpractice tclassroomexpand thalmost 24feature psocial inteable to prin a semia chancelearners’ learner acontext.

Image 3

5. Conc

The pa potentiafeedback there weconnectiolearning participatpositive oother altelanguage language second lif Referen Bax, S. (2



Fletcher, 2010

Gardner, Lang

entangkan di G10 Disember 2

“group” featurcontext for

agree and strohem to intertheir English Lm. This featurhe learners En4/7 as it allowpotentially alloeraction withiractice the lani-authentic situe to use it utime and chan

asks a questi

3. Facebook “asynchr


project of usinal language le

and reactionere certain limon and compu

institution tote in the projeoutcomes fromernatives to hproficiency blearning less

fe by “faceboo


2003) The endguage teaching

G. and Schmpening the rning, Vol 41/4D. Friends w

0. R. (1985) S

guage Learni

GLOCall Intern2010 bertempa

re in Facebooklearners. 63%

ongly agree, bract with theLanguage simre shows promnglish Languaws asynchronoows them to in a given situnguage outsiduation and eacunlike in the nce is limited.ion within th

“group” featuronous talk ti

g Facebook’s earning platfon from the lmitations sucuter and bano fully enablct. Despite thom this projecthelp learners by incorporatisons. It is givok-ing”.

d of CLT: a cg. ELT Journalmidt, R. W. (

Research. A4. without borde

Social Psychoing: The Rol

national Conferat di Hotel Le M

k provides a s% and 67% obeing in the g

eir friends anmilar to being imising potentige practice timous talk time.

self-express uation. Learnerde of the classch one would

classroom w. For examplehe school ho

ure – context ime

“group” featuorm shows poearners. Howch as no Int

nned access inle all learnerose limitationt can give tea

to improve ing SNS into ving the learn

context approal, Vol 57/3. (1991) MotivaAgenda Lang

ers TIME Ma

ology and See of Attitude

rence, Meridien Kota

semi-of the group nd to in the ial to me to This in a

rs are sroom

have where e, this oliday


ure as sitive

wever, ternet n the rs to s, the

achers their daily

ners a

ach to

ation: guage

ay 31

econd e and










Kinabalu, Sab

Motivationoh, C. C. M.

AcquisitionGuide. Sing

ymes, D. (1Language Press.

rashen, S. (19University

arsen-Freemanin LanguUniversity

acIntyre, P. Emotion iRobinson, Instructed Benjamins

cBride, K. (20Language in LomickGenerationCollaboratiMarcos, Te

vignon, S. JTeaching fCelce-MurForeign La

hompson, J. (22.0 sthttp://innov&id=393&2010).

uckerberg, MFacebook http://blog.52130 (acc

Shi Ing Ng

bah, Malaysia.

n. London: Arn. and Silver, n and Devegapore: Longm1979) CommTeaching. Ox

85) Input HypPress.

n, D. (1986) Tuage TeachPress. D. (2002) Min Second L

P. (ed) IndLanguage LePublishing Co

009) Social NeClasses: Oppo

ka, L. and Ln: Social Nion in Foreignexas: CALICOJ. (2001) Cofor the Twencia, Teaching

anguage. Bosto2007) Is eductudents?


M. 2010 500

.facebook.comcessed Septem

Diges PKK Ed


nold. E. C. (2004

elopment: Aman.

municative Apxford: Oxford

pothesis. Oxf

Techniques anhing. Oxford

Motivation, ALanguage Acqdividual Diffeearning Amsteompany. etworking Siteortunities for ord, G. (eds)

Networking an Language LO. ommunicativenty-First Centg English as aon, MA.: Heincation 1.0 reaInnovate

o/index.php?ve (accessed

0 Million S

m/blog.php?pomber 09, 2010)

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 15

4) Language A Teacher’s

pproach to d University

ford: Oxford

d Principles d: Oxford

Anxiety and quisition in erences and erdam: John

e in Foreign Re-creation

) The Next and Online

Learning San

e Language tury. In M. a Second or nle. ady for Web

3 (4) view=article

July 05,

Stories The Blog


Page 23: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Bahril Balli et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 16 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

Kaedah Penilaian untuk “Pengiktirafan Pembelajaran Terdahulu”, dalam Institusi Berorientasikan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional

(PLTV) di Malaysia: Fokus Terhadap Pengetahuan dan Nilai Etika Profesionalisme

Bahril B. Balli Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

[email protected]

Wahid Razzaly Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia

[email protected]

Abstrak Kajian ini menyelidik dan menganalisis kaedah

penilaian dengan memberi fokus terhadap dua domain daripada empat domain utama iaitu Pengetahuan dan Nilai Etika Profesionalisme. Tujuannya adalah untuk menghasilkan set kaedah penilaian berkesan dalam Pengiktirafan Pembelajaran Terdahulu “Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)” di Malaysia. Reka bentuk kaedah tinjauan dan analisis dokumen telah digunakan dan pengumpulan data dilakukan secara persampelan bertujuan terhadap 73 orang pakar terpilih sebagai responden untuk menjawab borang soal selidik. Dua orang pakar dalam “pelaksanaan pembangunan kurikulum dan penilaian pembelajaran terdahulu” juga telah dipilih untuk ditemubual. Institusi yang terlibat ialah Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia, Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Open University Malaysia, dan Universiti Tun Abdul Razak. Data hasil soal selidik dianalisis menggunakan kaedah statistik deskriptif, sementara data hasil temu bual pula dianalisis secara analisis matrik. Hasil analisis mendapati kedua-dua domain dan komponen penilaian adalah diperlukan dan menjadi intipati penting untuk digunakan dalam membangunkan kerangka kaedah penilaian calon RPL. Penyelidik berharap kajian lanjutan dilaksanakan dengan menjadikan golongan profesional di industri sebagai responden bagi memantapkan lagi hasil kajian ini dalam usaha membentuk panduan piawai dalam pelaksanaan penilaian RPL di Malaysia.

1. Pengenalan Pada 27 Ogos 2007, Pelan Strategik Pengajian

Tinggi telah dilancarkan bertujuan untuk mentransformasikan sektor pengajian tinggi negara bagi menghasilkan modal insan kelas pertama serta membangunkan institusi pengajian tinggi bertaraf dunia. Mei 2008 telah menempa sejarah bagi pendokong latihan kemahiran negara melalui pelancaran Pelan Induk Latihan Kemahiran Kebangsaan yang dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Sumber Manusia. Pelan induk yang bermatlamatkan membangunkan modal insan yang berpengetahuan dan berketerampilan professional akan meletakkan kerjaya bidang kemahiran bukan lagi pilihan terakhir tetapi suatu alternatif kepada kerjaya yang berasaskan akademik.

Kerajaan dilihat begitu komited terhadap penghasilan guna tenaga berpotensi apabila telah menyediakan laluan-laluan pendidikan melalui Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia (KKM) yang menghubung kait kelayakan-kelayakan di dalamnya secara sistematik bagi membolehkan individu memajukan diri dalam pendidikan tinggi melalui pemindahan kredit dan pengiktirafan pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu (recognition of prior learning ) yang diperoleh daripada pendidikan formal, informal dan tak formal tanpa mengira masa dan tempat, dalam konteks pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Fong Chan Ong (2008) menjelaskan bahawa pekerja di negara ini perlu mempunyai sijil kemahiran dan bukannya semata-mata bergantung kepada pengalaman berikutan kehendak pasaran kerja sekarang lebih mengutamakan tenaga kerja yang bertauliah bukan saja memberikan

Page 24: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Bahril Balli et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 17 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

kelebihan kepada majikan, malah mengiktiraf kemahiran pekerja itu sendiri dengan adanya sijil tersebut.

Musa Mohamad (2002) telah menyatakan bahawa dengan input yang diperoleh daripada pakar-pakar akademik, perlu difikirkan penetapan satu sistem bagi pekerja-pekerja berpengalaman ini untuk dinilai dan diterima ke universiti sebagai inisiatif lain, jalan ataupun cara untuk mengikuti program. Kenyataan tersebut juga secara jelas menyatakan pengalaman semasa bekerja adalah bersamaan dengan pengalaman semasa melalui proses pembelajaran di universiti patut menghasilkan pekerja yang layak bukan sahaja memasuki universiti malahan memperoleh pengecualian kredit.

Pembangunan sistem pendidikan di Malaysia tidak seharusnya tersekat hanya disebabkan ketiadaan garis panduan yang boleh dirujuk bagi membolehkan seseorang itu melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi berbekalkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang dimilikinya. Persoalan yang wujud ialah apakah kaedah penilaian yang paling sesuai diaplikasikan di Malaysia untuk menilai pengalaman dan pengetahuan terdahulu yang dimiliki oleh individu ini agar mereka dapat meneruskan pengajian lanjutan khususnya dalam bidang yang melibatkan pendidikan dan latihan teknik dan vokasional. Perkara ini selaras dengan objektif utama transformasi Politeknik Malaysia yang telah dilancarkan pada awal 2010 iaitu antara lainnya melonjakkan politeknik sebagai institusi peneraju dalam bidang pendidikan dan latihan teknik dan vokasional di Malaysia.

Permasalahan kepada individu yang mempunyai pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang teknikal melebihi lima tahun yang ingin melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi adalah dari segi kaedah penilaian yang paling sesuai diguna pakai untuk mengiktiraf pengalaman tersebut seterusnya melayakkan mereka untuk mendapat kredit berdasarkan pengiktirafan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki dan layak untuk melanjutkan pengajian tanpa perlu mengambil jumlah kredit yang setara dengan pelajar baru yang mengikuti program yang sama. Penyataan masalah ini disokong oleh kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Musa Mohamad (2002) yang menyatakan bahawa pengalaman yang diperoleh semasa bekerja boleh disamakan dengan pengetahuan yang diperoleh seseorang semasa menghadiri pendidikan formal di universiti. Bagi merealisasikan pendidikan sepanjang hayat serta mewujudkan peluang pendidikan terbuka dan fleksibel tetapi menekankan kualiti, pengkaji merasakan satu kewajaran untuk membuat kajian penganalisisan terhadap kaedah penilaian yang paling sesuai

digunakan di Malaysia dalam mengiktiraf pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu.

Perkara ini sangat kritikal terutamanya dalam usaha Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia untuk mengoptimumkan prestasi setiap warganegara seperti yang telah ditetapkan dalam Hala Tuju Strategik Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh. Justeru, domain dan komponennya telah dicadangkan sebagai aspek utama yang perlu dikaji bagi membentuk kerangka kaedah penilaian untuk pengiktirafan set pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk memenuhi keperluan yang telah dihuraikan iaitu merekabentuk dan menghasilkan kerangka garis panduan kaedah penilaian untuk pengiktirafan pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu bagi program pendidikan dan latihan teknik dan vokasional.

2. Penyataan Masalah

Bagi merealisasikan pendidikan sepanjang hayat

serta mewujudkan peluang pendidikan terbuka dan fleksibel tetapi menekankan kualiti, penyelidik merasakan satu kewajaran untuk membuat kajian penganalisaan terhadap kaedah penilaian yang paling sesuai digunakan dalam mengiktiraf pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu di Malaysia.

3. Tujuan kajian

Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mereka

bentuk dan menghasilkan kerangka kaedah penilaian untuk “pengiktirafan pembelajaran terdahulu (recognition of prior learning - RPL)” dalam institusi berorientasikan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional (PLTV) yang sesuai digunakan di Malaysia. Ianya berlandaskan tiga persoalan kajian utama yang telah dijadikan panduan oleh penyelidik iaitu:

i. Apakah domain dan komponen yang perlu untuk menilai pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu di Malaysia?

ii. Apakah kriteria bagi setiap komponen yang sesuai bagi menilai set pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu di Malaysia?

iii. Bagaimanakah rekabentuk kerangka kaedah penilaian yang sesuai dan berkesan untuk mengiktiraf set pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu bagi melayakkan individu untuk mengikuti program di institusi berorientasikan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional (PLTV) yang sesuai digunakan di Malaysia?

Domain dan kriteria bagi komponen penilaian yang

paling sesuai telah dikaji dan dipaparkan dalam bentuk jadual matrik ringkas dan mudah difahami.

Page 25: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 3 – 4

4. Peng

4.1. Rek Reka

menggun(2004), kmaklumapembolehtanpa mwujud. W“Researc(6th)” telsesuai unChua Yankajian tiborang sokajian bdiingini.

Penyedaripada dijalankanmemboledan menseterusnytersebut uMarican sering kapakar (juinstrumentemu busesuatu isamping difahami kerangka penilaian (2008). 4.2. Pese


mendapatdaripada berasaskadan peniiaitu:

i. Agii. Ke

iii. Ke(K

iv. Unv. Un

vi. Unvii. Un

entangkan di S4 November 20


ka Bentuk K

bentuk kajian akan kaedah

kajian tinjauant mengenai p

h ubah yang bmenyoal meng

Wiersma (199ch Methods ilah bersetuju

ntuk menilai sin Piaw (2006ainjauan adalaoal selidik atabergantung k

elidik telah populasi be

n. Kelebihanhkan penyelindapatkan m

ya melakukanuntuk menjaw(2005) ada m

ali dikaitkan dudgemental). n utama dalamal bagi mensu yang lebih

dapat menedengan lebihteori bagi yang diada

erta Kajian

si yang diptkan data dtujuh tempat

an Pendidikanilaian pengal

gensi Kelayakementerian Suementerian

KPTM) niversiti Tun Hniversiti Teknoniversiti Terbuniversiti Tun A

Seminar Keban010 bertempat


kuantitatif initinjauan. Men

n bermatlamat pemboleh ubaberkait dengangapa pembole95) di dalam in Education:bahawa kaed

ikap, pendapaa) pula telah mah kajian yaau temu bual kepada jenis

memilih sekerdasarkan tujn pemilihan pedik menamba

maklumat darn analisis kewab persoalan

menyatakan bahdengan pensam

Soal selidik m kajian ini dandapatkan mah kompleks serangkan soh jelas. Rajapenghasilan

aptasi daripad

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utama perlakn Teknik dan laman pembe

kan Malaysia (umber Manusi

Pengajian T

Hussein Onn Mologi Malaysiuka Malaysia (Abdul Razak (

ngsaan Transft di Hotel Emer

i dilakukan denurut Mohd Muntuk mengu

ah serta mengn sesuatu fenomeh ubah terbukunya ber

: An Introdudah tinjauan sat, atau pencapmenyatakan baang menggunsebagai instru


kumpulan saujuan kajian ensampelan aah nilai maklripada respone atas makln kajian. Sahawa pensamp

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Muka surat | 19 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

yang dinyatakan. Semua sampel ini akan terlibat dalam menjawab borang soal selidik. Manakala melalui temu bual pula, seramai dua orang sampel telah digunakan. Kaedah temu bual digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk mendapatkan data tambahan daripada responden. Melihat kepada keperluan kajian, pengkaji telah memilih untuk mendapatkan data dengan kaedah temu bual semi struktur secara individu. Temu bual individu telah dijalankan bersama wakil daripada MOSQ di JPK. Beliau telah lama terlibat secara langsung dengan Program Pentauliahan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) yang dianjurkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber Manusia. Selain itu, Dekan College for Open Learning (UNITAR) yang berpengalaman luas dalam perlaksanaan Sistem Kemasukan Terbuka di IPT juga telah ditemu bual. Justifikasi temu bual ini adalah bertujuan untuk melihat secara dekat tentang penilaian RPL yang telah dilaksanakan di institusi pengajian tinggi di Malaysia bagi menyokong dapatan daripada soal selidik. 4.3. Alat Kajian

Alat Kajian yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan

data daripada responden dalam kajian ini ialah borang soal selidik. Penggunaan soal selidik adalah wajar memandangkan masa yang terhad dan responden tidak dipengaruhi oleh tingkah laku penyelidik. Menurut Mohd Majid (2004), penggunaan soal selidik boleh mendapatkan jawapan yang lebih konsisten. Cates (1990) turut menyatakan, penyediaan soal selidik yang baik dapat menghasilkan item-item yang konsisten dan boleh dipercayai. Selain itu, penyelidik juga menjalankan sesi temu bual bagi memperkayakan serta mengukuhkan lagi dapatan kajian yang diperoleh daripada soal selidik. Temu bual digunakan sebagai satu alternatif kepada responden yang terdiri daripada pakar-pakar yang terlibat dengan RPL dan PTV daripada UNITAR dan KSM yang telah dipilih. Mohd Majid (2004) menyatakan bahawa temu bual digunakan bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang tepat daripada populasi yang kecil. Maklumat kajian diperoleh secara langsung oleh pengkaji daripada responden tersebut. 4.3.1. Borang Soal Selidik. Borang soal selidik telah dibina menggunakan tiga pendekatan iaitu aneka pilihan, skala Likert, dan soalan subjektif terbuka. Item yang dibina menggunakan ayat pendek, ringkas, dan dapat mewakili dengan tepat konsep yang ingin diukur. Soal selidik dalam bahagian ini mengandungi lima bahagian. Bahagian A ialah soalan-soalan yang lebih fokus kepada latar belakang responden. Penyelidik menggunakan bentuk soalan aneka pilihan

dan mengisi tempat kosong untuk mendapatkan jawapan responden. Soalan adalah merangkumi jantina, tahap pendidikan, jabatan, institusi, dan tempoh penglibatan atau pengalaman kerja dalam bidang RPL atau PTV. Bahagian B bertujuan mengenalpasti domain yang sesuai mengikut keutamaan untuk dijadikan asas utama dalam menilai RPL. Domain-domain tersebut termasuklah pengetahuan dan nilai etika profesionalisme. Bahagian C pula merupakan soal selidik untuk mengenal pasti komponen mengikut keutamaan bagi domain-domain yang diperlukan dalam melaksanakan proses penilaian RPL. Bahagian D dan E ialah kriteria bagi setiap komponen pada bahagian C mengikut domain seperti yang telah dinyatakan. Bahagian B, C, D, dan E diberi lima pilihan jawapan yang menyatakan darjah persetujuan berbentuk skala lima mata. Mohamad Najib (1999) menyatakan bahawa penggunaan skala Likert akan menyediakan responden dengan pilihan yang menggunakan skala yang telah ditetapkan melalui satu tahap ekstrem ke tahap ekstrem yang lain. Skala Likert yang telah dipilih adalah seperti berikut:

1 = Sangat Tidak Setuju 2 = Tidak Setuju 3 = Sederhana Setuju 4 = Setuju 5 = Sangat Setuju Selain itu, kesemua bahagian B, C, D, dan E juga

diakhiri dengan soalan pertanyaan terbuka iaitu responden berpeluang untuk memberikan sebarang pendapat atau idea yang dirasakan penting selain daripada item dalam soal selidik. Format bagi borang soal selidik untuk kajian ini adalah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1.

Jadual 1. Format borang soal selidik

Bahagian Nombor Item Perkara Bil.

Soalan Bahagian

A A1 – A5 Profil responden. 5

Bahagian B B1 – B4

Domain bagi penilaian pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu


Bahagian C C1 – C3

Komponen bagi domain penilaian untuk pengiktirafan pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu


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Bahril Balli et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 20 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

Bahagian D D1-D13

Indikator bagi proses penilaian untuk pengiktirafan pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu.


Bahagian E E1–E16

Kaedah penilaian untuk pengiktirafan pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu


Sumber: Raja Norazilla (2008) 4.3.2. Soalan Temubual. Temubual digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk mendapatkan data tambahan daripada responden iaitu dengan menemu bual pakar-pakar yang terlibat dengan penilaian RPL dan pembangunan kurikulum daripada UNITAR dan KSM yang telah dipilih. Menurut Chua Yan Piaw (2006a), temu bual boleh dilaksanakan dengan kaedah bersemuka dan tidak bersemuka. Dalam kajian ini, penyelidik merasakan kaedah bersemuka adalah lebih sesuai kerana pengkaji lebih mudah berinteraksi dengan responden bagi mendapatkan maklumat lanjut. Kaedah bersemuka boleh dijalankan secara individu ataupun secara berkumpulan. Melihat kepada keperluan kajian, penyelidik telah memilih untuk mendapatkan data dengan kaedah temu bual semi-struktur secara individu. Temu bual individu telah dijalankan bersama penolong pengarah bahagian MOSQ di JPK dan Dekan College for Open Learning, UNITAR. 4.4. Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Alat


Bagi memastikan soal selidik boleh dipercayai dan ada kesahan, penyelidik telah mendapatkan pengesahan daripada empat orang pakar yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang kualiti bagi memastikan item-item yang diguna pakai memenuhi kehendak kajian. Pakar-pakar yang terlibat menilai dari segi isi kandungan, gaya persembahan bahasa dan format soal selidik yang digunakan. Kajian rintis telah dijalankan di Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA), Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia (KPTM), dan Open University Malaysia (OUM). Seramai 10 orang pakar dalam bidang PTV, RPL, dan Akreditasi telah dijadikan sampel dalam set kajian rintis ini. Pengkaji telah menetapkan nilai Alpha Cronbach pada tahap 0.60 kerana menurut Chua Yan Piaw (2006b), nilai alpha 0.65 hingga 0.95 boleh dianggap memuaskan kerana nilai yang terlalu rendah menunjukkan

keupayaan item-item instrumen kajian mengukur konsep dalam kajian adalah rendah manakala nilai alpha yang terlalu tinggi menunjukkan semua item adalah serupa atau bertindih antara satu sama lain Jadual 2 menunjukkan nilai-nilai alpha yang diperoleh mengikut setiap kriteria bagi domain penilaian RPL.

Jadual 2. Kebolehpercayaan item bagi setiap kriteria

Bil. Kriteria RPL Nilai

kebolehpercayaan (Alpha Cronbach)

1 Domain bagi penilaian RPL 0.8072

2 Komponen bagi domain RPL 0.8112

3 Indikator Pengetahuan 0.7712

4 Indikator Etika Profesionalisme 0.7467

5 Kaedah penilaian Pengetahuan 0.6645

6 Kaedah penilaian Etika Profesionalisme 0.7041

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009) 4.5. Pengumpulan Data

Kajian ini menggunakan dua jenis kaedah pengumpulan data iaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer ialah data mentah yang dikumpulkan oleh penyelidik sendiri iaitu melalui kaedah soal selidik dan temu bual. Menurut Sabitha Marican (2005), data primer juga boleh dikumpulkan dari individu, kumpulan yang dipilih ataupun panel pakar. Maka penyelidik telah memilih kaedah soal selidik dan temu bual untuk pengumpulan data. Manakala data sekunder pula diperoleh daripada pembacaan sumber rujukan yang sedia ada seperti buku, jurnal, surat khabar dan majalah. Pengyelidik menggunakannya kerana sumber rujukan ini sahih dan tidak diragui kebenarannya.

4.6. Penganalisaan Data

Data yang diperoleh melalui soal selidik dianalisis mengikut turutan soalan secara kuantitatif dan setiap item menjawab setiap persoalan kajian. Dapatan ini kemudiannya disusun, diringkaskan dan dipersembahkan dalam bentuk yang mudah difahami. Perisian Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 11.5 telah digunakan untuk mempersembahkan hasil dapatan. Lanjutan daripada itu, data yang diperoleh bagi persoalan kajian pertama dan kedua dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik

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Muka surat | 21 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

deskriptif iaitu daripada nilai skor min yang diperoleh. Setelah diubahsuai dan diadaptasi daripada Wiersma (1995), Jadual tafsiran min yang digunapakai oleh penyelidik adalah seperti dalam Jadual 3.

Jadual 3. Analisis Skala Likert (tafsiran min)

Skor Min Aras Persetujuan

Tafsiran Min

1.00 hingga 2.40 Tidak Setuju Tidak Perlu

2.41 hingga 3.80

Sederhana Setuju

Sederhana Perlu

3.81 hingga 5.00 Setuju Perlu

Sumber: Wiersma (1995)

Manakala, bagi persoalan kajian ketiga, analisis data kualitatif dilakukan dan dimantapkan dengan sintesis dapatan persoalan kajian pertama dan kedua. Analisis data kualitatif secara analisis matrik dilakukan dengan melakar atau melalui gambaran kasar tentang sesuatu perhubungan ataupun perkaitan dalam bentuk rajah yang mudah untuk diperhatikan dan dilaporkan. 4.7. Pengekodan Data Temu Bual

Dalam kajian ini, data temu bual yang telah diperoleh oleh pengkaji telah dianalisis menggunakan pengekodan. Pengekodan penting untuk membantu pengkaji melabel, menerima dan menyusun data yang diperoleh. Dalam kajian ini, penyelidik menggunakan pengekodan dalam penganalisaan data seperti Jadual 4.

Jadual 4. Pengekodan dalam data temu bual

Label Perkara T Temu bual R Responden 1 Nombor Responden S Soalan 1 Nombor Soalan Temu Bual

Sumber: Mohd Najib (2003) 5. Keputusan 5.1. Hasil Analisis Borang Soal Selidik

Analisis pada bahagian A adalah mengenai profil responden iaitu meliputi aspek jantina, tahap pendidikan, jabatan, institusi, dan pengalaman kerja. Analisis data yang diperolehi daripada bahagian B dan bahagian C telah menjawab persoalan kajian yang pertama iaitu:

“Apakah domain dan komponen yang perlu untuk menilai pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu di Malaysia?”

Penyelidik menggunakan kaedah analisis skor min

untuk mengetahui domain dan komponen yang sangat diperlukan mengikut keutamaan. Jadual 5 dan Jadual 6 menunjukkan skor min bagi domain dan komponen utama yang diperlukan dalam proses penilaian RPL.

Jadual 5. Skor min dan tahap keperluan domain


Domain Skor min

Tafsir Min Tahap

Pengetahuan 4.42 Perlu Ketiga Kemahiran 4.52 Perlu Kedua Pengalaman 4.58 Perlu Pertama Nilai Etika Profesionalisme 4.21 Perlu Keempat

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009)

Jadual 6. Skor min dan tahap keperluan komponen

Komponen RPL Skor min

Tafsir Min Tahap

Indikator bagi proses penilaian pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu

4.38 Perlu Kedua

Kaedah penilaian yang sesuai di laksanakan 4.40 Perlu Pertama

Justifikasi bagi setiap kaedah penilaian 4.25 Perlu Ketiga

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009) Jadual 5 menunjukkan bahawa domain

Pengetahuan menduduki tempat ketiga manakala domain Nilai Etika Profesionalisme pula berada di kedudukan keempat. Fokus penyelidik adalah terhadap dua domain tersebut. Nilai skor min bagi empat domain utama yang diperoleh adalah berada pada aras persetujuan setuju iaitu di antara 3.81 hingga 5.00 dan mencerminkan bahawa kesemua domain-domain ini adalah diperlukan.

Jadual 6 pula menunjukkan skor min dan sisihan piawai untuk setiap item bagi komponen yang diperlukan dalam proses penilaian untuk RPL. Merujuk kepada Jadual 6, kesemua item yang terdapat di dalam komponen utama kerangka kaedah penilaian telah mencapai aras persetujuan setuju iaitu nilai skor min berada di dalam julat 3.81 hingga 5.00. Ini bermakna item-item tersebut adalah diperlukan. Maka, didapati semua item boleh digunakan dalam proses untuk menghasilkan kerangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL. Maklum balas yang diperoleh menunjukkan responden

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Muka surat | 22 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

tidak memberi sebarang cadangan berkenaan komponen lain yang diperlukan dalam proses membuat penilaian terhadap RPL. Oleh itu, dapatan ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat penambahan dalam komponen yang telah dikenal pasti seterusnya mengesahkan bahawa ketiga-tiga komponen tersebut adalah diterima sebagai komponen utama dalam proses penilaian RPL.

Seterusnya analisis data yang diperolehi daripada bahagian D dan E pula telah menjawab persoalan kajian kedua iaitu:

“Apakah kriteria bagi setiap komponen yang sesuai

untuk menilai set pengalaman pembelajaran terdahulu di Malaysia?”

Analisis tersebut telah dijalankan dengan

mendapatkan nilai purata (skor min) bagi setiap item. Di bahagian D, penyelidik membuat analisis terhadap beberapa aspek yang telah dikenal pasti merupakan indikator yang diperlukan semasa membuat penilaian terhadap calon RPL. Indikator tersebut telah di kelaskan mengikut domain utama seperti berikut:

i. Indikator Penilaian bagi Domain Pengetahuan

Jadual 7. Skor min dan tahap keperluan indikator

penilaian (Pengetahuan)

Indikator Penilaian RPL

Skor min

Tafsir Min Tahap

Dapat menggunakan maklumat 4.33 Perlu Kedua

Menunjukkan pengetahuan dalam bidang pengajian yang berlanjut daripada tahap sekolah menengah.

4.14 Perlu Ketiga

Dapat mengguna pengetahuan untuk mengenal pasti data bagi memberi respon yang jelas kepada masalah konkrit

4.40 Perlu Pertama

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009) Merujuk kepada Jadual 7, kesemua item yang

terdapat dalam indikator penilaian bagi domain Pengetahuan calon telah mencapai aras persetujuan setuju dengan aras petunjuk skor min berada dalam julat 3.81 hingga 5.00. Ini menunjukkan bahawa kesemua item di atas perlu dalam merangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL. Nilai min tertinggi yang dicatatkan ialah 4.40 manakala yang terendah ialah 4.14.

ii. Indikator Penilaian bagi Domain Nilai Etika Profesionalisme

Jadual 8. Skor min dan tahap keperluan Indikator penilaian (Nilai Etika Profesionalisme)

Indikator Penilaian

RPL Skor min

Tafsir Min Tahap

Mengenali kesan peraturan atau undang-undang ke atas proses kerja

4.26 Perlu Ketiga

Mempunyai kemahiran interpersonal yang bersesuaian dengan pekerjaan

4.32 Perlu Pertama

Menjadi individu yang bertanggungjawab sebagai ahli masyarakat

4.29 Perlu Kedua

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009) Merujuk kepada Jadual 8, kesemua item yang

terdapat dalam indikator penilaian bagi domain Nilai Etika Profesionalisme calon telah mencapai aras persetujuan setuju iaitu dengan aras petunjuk skor min berada dalam julat 3.81 hingga 5.00. Dapat diperhatikan melalui tafsiran skor min menunjukkan kesemua item di atas adalah perlu dalam merangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL.

Di bahagian E pula, penyelidik telah membuat analisis terhadap beberapa aspek yang dikenalpasti merupakan kaedah penilaian utama untuk penilaian RPL. Kaedah-kaedah tersebut telah di kelaskan mengikut domain utama seperti berikut:

i. Kaedah Penilaian bagi Domain Pengetahuan.

Jadual 9. Skor min dan tahap keperluan kaedah

penilaian (Pengetahuan)

Kaedah Penilaian Skor min

Tafsir Min Tahap

Penilaian terhadap sebarang dokumen 4.30 Perlu Kedua

Ujian Bertulis 4.11 Perlu Ketiga Ujian Lisan 4.04 Perlu Keempat Temu bual 4.33 Perlu Pertama

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009) Merujuk kepada Jadual 9, kesemua item yang

terdapat dalam kaedah penilaian bagi domain Pengetahuan calon telah mencapai aras persetujuan setuju iaitu dengan aras petunjuk skor min berada dalam julat 3.81 hingga 5.00. Tafsiran skor min dalam

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Muka surat | 23 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

Jadual 9 telah menunjukkan kesemua item adalah perlu dalam merangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL.

ii. Kaedah Penilaian bagi Domain Nilai Etika


Jadual 10. Skor min dan tahap keperluan kaedah penilaian (Nilai Etika Profesionalisme)

Kaedah Penilaian Skor min

Tafsir Min Tahap

Penilaian terhadap sebarang dokumen 4.19 Perlu Ketiga

Pemerhatian 4.22 Perlu Kedua Temu bual 4.29 Perlu Pertama

Sumber: Hasil Kajian (2009) Merujuk pada Jadual 10, kesemua item yang

terdapat dalam kaedah penilaian bagi domain Nilai Etika Profesionalisme calon telah mencapai aras persetujuan setuju iaitu dengan aras petunjuk skor min berada dalam julat 3.81 hingga 5.00. Tafsiran skor min dalam Jadual 10 telah menunjukkan kesemua item adalah perlu dalam merangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL.

5.2. Hasil Analisis Data Temu Bual

Penyelidik telah menggunakan hasil temu bual

sebagai data sokongan kepada borang soal selidik. Setiap data dianalisis dan dimasukkan dalam bentuk jadual. Temu bual telah dijalankan bersama dekan College for Open Learning UNITAR, dan Ketua Penolong Pengarah bahagian MOSQ, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran di Kementerian Sumber Manusia secara berasingan dengan menggunakan kaedah temu bual semi-struktur secara individu. Temu bual dijalankan dengan memberi fokus kepada komponen utama dalam proses penilaian. Hasil temu bual, didapati tidak banyak perbezaan sama ada domain, mahupun kriteria di dalam setiap komponen yang telah disediakan oleh penyelidik. Kedua-dua pakar bersetuju dengan domain utama yang telah penyalidik cadangkan hasil daripada kajian literatur. Kedua-dua institusi menjalankan ujian penilaian RPL tetapi pendekatan yang digunakan sedikit berbeza. Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran di KSM lebih memberi fokus kepada kemahiran calon dan penilaian adalah lebih kepada ujian “hand on” yang lebih menggalakkan calon untuk membuktikan kemahiran melalui tugasan yang diberikan. Berlainan pula dengan apa yang telah dilaksanakan di UNITAR iaitu lebih menitikberatkan calon mengambil peperiksaan mencabar (aptitude test) iaitu lebih bercorak teori

akademik selain menilai pengalaman terdahulu calon melalui portfolio.

6. Perbincangan

Penyelidik telah menggunakan maklum balas yang

diperoleh daripada responden menerusi soal-selidik dan temu bual untuk menghasilkan kerangka penilaian. Kerangka penilaian yang dihasilkan bertujuan untuk dijadikan sebagai satu garis panduan atau standard dalam menyelaraskan penghasilan kerangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL bagi program melibatkan pendidikan dan latihan teknik dan vokasional. Penyelidik telah menggunakan beberapa standard sedia ada sebagai satu penanda aras dalam menghasilkan kerangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL. Antara standard yang digunakan adalah “Panduan Pelaksanaan Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia Melalui Kaedah Pentauliahan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT)” dan ”Panduan Pelaksanaan Sistem Penilaian” yang dibangunkan oleh Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran, Kementerian Sumber Manusia, Malaysia. Selain itu, penyelidik juga merujuk kepada standard “Panduan Pelaksanaan Pemantapan Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan” yang dibangunkan oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia sebagai panduan dalam menghasilkan kerangka kaedah penilaian RPL.

Manakala domain awalan yang terlibat dalam menghasilkan kerangka kaedah penilaian untuk RPL diadaptasi daripada panduan yang telah dibangunkan oleh Harisson (2005) dalam PLAR Handbook, Bateman (2003) dalam Australia Student Handbook, Academic Advising Centre (2005), Australia Life Saving Academy (2007), Marshall (2007), Maczeck (2003), Wilcox dan Brown (2003), Nelson Marlborough Institute Of Technology, NMIT (2007), SCQF (2005), SCQF (2007), dan Kraak, A. dan Harris, J. (2000).

Secara rumusannya, daripada analisis dapatan kajian ini, penyelidik mendapati semua item yang dinyatakan bagi setiap domain mendapat skor min yang tinggi dan kebanyakannya berada di dalam aras persetujuan setuju. Domain dan kriteria yang telah dikenal pasti disusun mengikut tahap kepentingan masing-masing seperti mana yang boleh dilihat di dalam jadual. Di samping itu penyelidik juga telah mendapat maklum balas daripada responden berhubung dengan domain dan kriteria kaedah penilaian berdasarkan soalan terbuka yang telah disediakan. Kesemua maklum balas ini telah dipertimbangkan seterusnya diambil kira dan dianalisis mengikut keperluan. Semua kriteria yang diperoleh telah digunakan dalam reka bentuk Kerangka Kaedah Penilaian untuk Pengiktirafan Pengalaman Pembelajaran Terdahulu bagi Program Berasaskan

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Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional di Malaysia seterusnya telah menjawab persoalan kajian yang ketiga.

Kajian ini telah menghasilkan jadual matrik seperti dalam Jadual 11. Perincian untuk setiap kriteria dalam matrik ini boleh dirujuk pada kerangka kaedah penilaian yang telah siap dibangunkan oleh penyelidik.

7. Cadangan dan Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan kepada hasil dapatan kajian dan

analisis yang telah dijalankan, penyelidik berpendapat sekiranya kajian-kajian lanjut dijalankan dalam usaha untuk mengumpulkan lebih banyak maklumat, maka kerangka kaedah penilaian yang telah dibina akan menjadi lebih sistematik dan terperinci. Hasil daripada kajian ini, penyelidik telah membuat kesimpulan berbentuk cadangan kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat secara langsung berkaitan dengan Penilaian untuk Pengiktirafan Pengalaman Pembelajaran Terdahulu bagi Program Berasaskan Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknik dan Vokasional di Malaysia iaitu:

i. Sistem penilaian RPL yang dilaksanakan adalah bertujuan untuk membuka laluan alternatif kepada individu yang berkelayakan. Oleh itu individu tersebut mestilah diberi peluang dan kemudahan semaksima mungkin untuk membolehkan mereka mempamerkan keterampilan yang diperolehi melalui pengalaman. Sekiranya calon gagal untuk melepasi sebarang ujian penilaian semasa sesi penilaian, calon sebaik-baiknya diberikan sesi kaunseling yang dikendalikan oleh pakar yang akan memberi nasihat dan bimbingan tentang cara untuk membangunkan atau mempamerkan kecekapan seperti yang diharapkan.

ii. Calon juga sebaik-baiknya diberi peluang untuk menghadiri sesi kursus persediaan yang disediakan khas untuk calon yang tidak menunjukkan pengalaman pembelajaran yang mencukupi semasa sesi penilaian walaupun set dokumen bukti calon menunjukkan bahawa calon tersebut adalah layak.

iii. Sesi penilaian yang dijalankan terhadap set pengalaman calon hendaklah memberi penekanan terhadap adaptasi daripada pengalaman lepas atau daripada tugas-tugas yang pernah dilaksanakan.

iv. Calon juga hendaklah diberikan bimbingan terlebih dahulu sebelum menghadiri sesi penilaian RPL yang memberi fokus kepada mekanisme-mekanisme atau kaedah penilaian dan instrumen bagi kaedah tersebut yang akan diguna pakai serta diberikan tunjuk ajar

berkenaan cara untuk mengumpulkan dokumen dan bahan-bahan bukti tersebut.

v. Calon sebaik-baiknya diberikan nasihat dan taklimat berkenaan perjalanan proses penilaian tersebut, jenis-jenis dokumen dan bahan bukti yang diperlukan untuk dipertimbangkan oleh pihak penilai semasa menilai permohonan calon. Calon juga mestilah dibekalkan dengan maklumat yang mencukupi untuk membolehkan mereka membuat persediaan terhadap dokumen dan bahan bukti agar memenuhi standard yang diperlukan untuk proses penilaian RPL.

vi. Pihak institusi yang melaksanakan penilaian RPL juga hendaklah menggunakan kepakaran untuk memberikan khidmat kredit dan bukannya kredit kursus.

vii. Pihak terbabit juga perlu sedar akan tujuan utama mewujudkan sistem RPL adalah untuk mewujudkan laluan alternatif kepada golongan dewasa dalam membangunkan kerjaya mereka dan menggalakkan pembudayaan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.

viii. Walau bagaimanapun, demi memastikan keberkesanan sistem RPL di Malaysia, pihak yang terlibat haruslah memberi fokus kepada kaedah penilaian yang digunakan kerana pelaksanaan kaedah tersebut merupakan kunci utama kepada kejayaan sistem RPL yang telus dan berkualiti.

Kesimpulannya, kajian lanjutan perlu dilaksanakan

dan memberi penekanan kepada beberapa aspek yang telah dikenalpasti oleh penyelidik seperti:

i. Menjalankan kajian Delphi untuk mendapatkan maklumat daripada pakar antarabangsa.

ii. Menumpukan kepada kaedah penilaian yang lebih memudahkan calon tetapi tetap mengekalkan kualiti.

iii. Mencadangkan supaya kajian lanjutan dijalankan dengan menjadikan dua bentuk penilaian iaitu penilaian summatif dan formatif sebagai domain utama kajian.

iv. Membuat kajian lanjutan dengan mengkaji kelayakan penilai, dan pandangan pihak industri.

8. Rumusan

Akhir sekali, semua pihak perlu bekerjasama dalam

membentuk kriteria dan instrumen penilaian yang benar-benar sesuai, diperlukan, dan efektif di dalam penilaian RPL. Pihak bertanggungjawab perlu menetapkan polisi yang bersesuaian dan menyediakan rubrik penilaian dalam memantapkan lagi proses penilaian dalam RPL. Melalui pembangunan kaedah

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penilaian RPL ini diharapkan semua pihak mendapat faedah daripadanya dalam merealisasikan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat seperti yang telah disediakan di dalam Kerangka Kelakan Malaysia.


Academic Advising Centre (2005). “Student Handbook

– Credit for Prior Learning.” University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Australia Life Saving Academy (2007).“Guidelines for Applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), For Application.” New South Wales: Surf Life Saving

Bateman, A. (2003). “Giving Credit: A Review of RPL and Credit Transfer in the Vocational Education and Training Sector, 1995 to 2001.” Australia: NCVER. 15 – 44.

Cates, W. M. Penterjemah: Syaharom Abdullah (1990). “Panduan Amali Untuk Penyelidikan Pendidikan”. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Chua, Yan Piaw (2006a). “Kaedah Penyelidikan”. Kuala Lumpur: Mc Graw Hill (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd.

Chua, Yan Piaw (2006b). “Asas Statistik Penyelidikan: kaedah dan Statistik Penyelidikan”. Kuala Lumpur: Mc Graw Hill (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd.

Fong, Chan Ong (2008). “Syarikat Besar Utama Sijil Kemahiran”. Laman Web Rasmi: Kementerian Sumber Manusia. Diperoleh dari diakses pada 20 Disember 2008.

Harrison, C. (2005). “Best Practices in Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Handbook.” Edmonton: Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT).

Kraak A. dan Harris, J. (2000). “RPL: Power, Pedagogy and Possibility. Illustrated. Pretoria: Human Science Research Council Press. 9 – 19.

Maczeck, J. (2003). “Recognition To Prior Learning and Articulation.” South Africa: Mechanical Engineering Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

Marshall, K. (2007). “The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Explained Guide”. Newcastle: WEA Hunter and Newcastle Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board.

Mohd Majid Konting (2004). “Kaedah Penyelidikan Pendidikan”. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Mohd Najib Abdul Ghafar (1999). “Penyelidikan Pendidikan” Edisi Pertama. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Mohd Najib Abdul Ghafar (2003). “Reka Bentuk Tinjauan Soal Selidik Pendidikan”, Edisi Pertama. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Musa Mohammad (2002). “Credit For Work Experience.” International Postgraduate Facilitator Management CENTRE, Malaysia.

Nelson Marlborough Institute Of Technology (NMIT) (2007). “Guidelines for Applying for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).” ITPNZ Academy Quality Standard : 9.0.

Raja Norazilla (2008). ”Kerangka Portfolio untuk Pengiktirafan Pembelajaran Terdahulu (Recognition of Prior Learning) bagi Program/Kursus PLTV dalam Membangunkan Kerangka Akreditasi di Malaysia”. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia: Tesis Sarjana UTHM.

Sabitha Marican (2005). “Kaedah Penyelidikan Sains Sosial.” Petaling Jaya, Selangor : Prentice Hall.

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework SCQF (2005). ”Recognition of Prior Informal Learning RPL: Core Priciples and Key Features.” Glasgow: Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership.

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework SCQF (2007). “Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): RPL Handbook Vol. 2.” Glasgow: Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership.

Wiersma, W. (1995). “Research Methods in Education: An Introduction.” 6th. ed. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon.

Wilcox, J. dan Brown, R. (2003). “Accreditation Of Prior And Experiential Learning”. Ver. 4. Bradford College: UK Centre for Material Education (APEL).

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Jadual 11. Matrik kerangka kaedah penilaian RPL bagi program berorientasikan PLTV (Fokus terhadap Pengetahuan dan Nilai Etika Profesionalisme)

Domain RPL

Komponen bagi Proses Penilaian Tahap Kelayakan sehingga di Peringkat Sarjana

(Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia) Kaedah Penilaian Indikator Sukatan Tahap Kelayakan


Kedalaman dan kompleksiti ilmu serta pemahamannya.

(a) Dapat mentafsir dan mengguna maklumat.

(b) Menunjukkan pengetahuan dan kefahaman dalam bidang pengajian yang berlanjut daripada tahap sekolah menengah dan lazimnya terdapat dalam buku teks lanjutan.

(c) Dapat mengguna pengetahuan dan kefahaman untuk mengenal pasti dan mengguna data bagi memberi respons yang jelas kepada masalah konkrit dan kompleks.

Penilaian Portfolio dan Temubual

Ujian Bertulis dan Ujian Lisan

Nilai Etika Profesionalisme

Keluasan dan kecanggihan amalan.

(a) Mengenali kesan peraturan, undang-undang dan kontrak ke atas proses kerja.

(b) Menguasai kemahiran berpasukan dan interpersonal yang bersesuaian dengan pekerjaan.

(c) Menjadi individu yang bertanggungjawab sebagai ahli masyarakat.


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OBE Curriculum Implementation Process in Politeknik Kota Kinabalu: A Possible Evaluation Framework

Joan Wang Yee Juen Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah

[email protected]

Vincent Pang Universiti Malaysia Sabah

[email protected]

Jason William Vitales Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah

[email protected]


The completion of development of the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Curriculum for semester 1 of polytechnic programs in year 2010 has initiated the implementation of OBE curriculum in all the polytechnics across the nation beginning January 2010. Basically, this curriculum is well-designed and has laudable aims to achieve. Nevertheless, in many curriculum reformation cases, their implementation has resulted undesirable outcomes since well-intentioned policies were never really translated into classroom reality and this led to waste of considerable resources, time, and effort. This paper reviews literature on OBE and evaluation, and proposes a framework for evaluation of the implementation of the curriculum change in Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. This resulted in the decision on the use of the Stake’s Countenance Evaluation Model to identify the antecedent of the curriculum change, to gain insight into the understanding and experience of the implementation process (transaction), and to identify the outcomes of the curriculum change. 1. Introduction

The development of technical and vocational education in Malaysia can be traced back to early 1900s with the establishment of Teacher Technical School in 1906. In 1969, the first Malaysia polytechnic, Ungku Omar Polytechnic was established

by the Malaysian Ministry of Education; with a lending hand from United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Ever since the establishment of the Ungku Omar Polytechnic in Ipoh, Perak; the technical and vocational education in Malaysia has experienced a tremendous development and improvement with respect to the system as well as the number of establishments. In 2009, there are 27 polytechnics throughout Malaysia producing more than 305.900 graduates at diploma and certificate level in engineering, technology, trade and services program.

Despite the increasing numbers of students and institution of polytechnics, the problem of polytechnics graduates employability and further study rate as shown in table 1.1 seems to bolster the vision of Polytechnics Malaysia’s “to be the number one provider of innovative human capital through transformational education and training for global workforce by 2015” (DPE, 2010). Universities claim that majority of the Polytechnics graduates are unable to perform as good as their CGPA result. This is supported by Hafizah et al. (2008) finding that shows, majority of the polytechnic’s graduates who further their studies at the degree level in public universities hardly performed in their academic. Student Performance Monitoring System developed by Department of Electronic System, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia discovered that most of the polytechnic’s graduates faced various difficulties especially related to the theoretical aspects of learning. The study concludes that learning philosophy at

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Joan Wang Yee Juen et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 29 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Transformasi Pendidikan Teknikal MyTEDT10’, pada 3 – 4 November 2010 bertempat di Hotel Emerald Puteri, Sungai Petani Kedah, Malaysia.

by distributing the total learning hours for one semester into context learning hours, students self learning hours, assessment and evaluation hours. The aim of each lesson is to achieve the intended CLO of a course in which will eventually contribute to the program learning outcomes. The most crucial part of this new curriculum is, on determining proper assessment and evaluation methods to measure students’ achievements especially in measuring the LD and GST. This will also mean lecturers need to be innovative in exploring new ways of assessing the students and in preparing teaching and learning instructions to meet the CLO, GSA and LD of each courses. The main principle of the new curriculum assessment method is; the assessment methods must be able to measure and achieve students learning outcomes.

Obviously, OBE curriculum is something new to not just the lecturers but also to the administration committees, students and others units and departments in polytechnic, therefore the challenge may be in the effectiveness of implementing the curriculum changes as it involves changing the education systems and cultures in polytechnic and also lecturers beliefs and practices in teaching and learning.

2. Problem Statement

Polytechnics’ curricula are reviewed since 2008 in order to comply with OBE principles as required by MQA. The new OBE curriculum was introduced to Polytechnics on January 2010. In the beginning, the OBE curriculum is only applicable to first semester students. While the rest of the semester two to six students are still using the old curriculum. Efforts to educate the organization staff of the new curriculum in PKK were conducted at the same semester of the implementation whereby selected leaders and lecturers were chosen to participate in the OBE workshops, and staff knowledge enhancement. Though OBE curriculum is favour by many International Professional Accreditation Organization including MQA itself, yet researcher believe the success of adopting OBE curriculum does not lie on how good is the product (OBE curriculum) but mostly on how to make the practitioners to buy in the product and make use of the new product to replace the old product (Jorgensen, 2006). The challenges for polytechnics in implementing the OBE curriculum are not just in adopting the new curriculum content but it is also an overall change of the organization working and social system and adaptation process of the traditional education process, system, belief and philosophy towards OBE principles.

With the new curriculum, lecturers are required to make great changes in preparing the lesson plan; adopt new teaching and learning instruction and approach, innovation in assessment and evaluation strategy and method, and most of all lecturers are require being competence to incorporate and promote the learning domains and generic skills in the teaching and learning process. Much of this works required extra time, energy and effort from the lecturers’ side in order for it to be materialize. The question is, are the lecturers ready for the changes? Secondly are the lecturers’ competences to teach and incorporate the learning domain and generic skill (as required in the OBE curriculum) in their lesson? Since there is a limited information base that policy makers can draw from the education reform/curriculum changes implementation process, therefore there is an urgent need for research that focus on the education reform/curriculum change implementation process in order to improve our knowledge on the actual processes of changes, the potential problems and issues that can emerge from the changes and method of addressing them (Dyer, 1999; Altinyelken, 2009).

3. Objectives of the Study

This study reviews related literature on OBE and

Curriculum Evaluation in order to arrive at a framework for the evaluation of the curriculum implementation of OBE curriculum at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. 4. Methodology

The study is conducted based on review literature

consisting of primary and secondary sources. These include literature from printed media as well as digital media from reliable and credible internet sources. 5. Findings

Based on extensive reading and synthesis of literature from sources from all categories, the important concepts are summarized in the following sub-headings: 5.1. OBE Curricula

According to Kudlas (1994, in Mokhaba, 2005)

OBE is not new but an age-old common sense of teaching of which the process is focused on what is to be learned, and that is the outcomes. Kudlas ideas are also supported by Spady and Marshall (1994, p. 18), as they defined “OBE as high quality culminating

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demonstrations of significant leaning that happens at the end of a learning experience”. This means starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do, then organising the curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure that learning ultimately happens. Therefore, outcomes are a result of learning and are actual, visible, observable demonstrations of three things, namely knowledge, orientations and motivational and relational elements (Mokhaba, 2005).

5.2. The Principles of OBE

The principles of OBE are assumed to be the guidelines on how an outcome-based instructional system should function. Spady and Schlebusch (1999; Mokhaba, 2005) call these principles “power principles”, as they believe that combined, they are powerful factors in creating conditions that enable learners to learn more, to demonstrate higher levels of skills and to get credit for their accomplishments. These principles are:

i. Clarity of focus on outcomes - Outcomes are to be clarified and be made known to everyone before learning takes place.

ii. Design back - referring to planning from the end or “backward mapping” by tracing backward from the outcome.

iii. High expectations - meaning that there should be an establishment of high, challenging standards of performance for learners, so that they are continuously challenged to improve as they grow and mature on the type of learning defined in the outcomes.

iv. Expanded opportunity - meaning that OBE educators should vary learning rates, as not all learners learn equally fast or in the same manner.

5.3. Curriculum Evaluation Models

In the effort to understand the different purpose and roles of each evaluation model, Castillo and Gento (1995; Escorza 2003) offer a classification of “methods of evaluation” within each one of the paradigms that they call conductivist-efficientist, humanistic and holistic. Table 2 to 4 summarise these classifications. 5.4. Stake Countenance Evaluation Model

Stake Countenance Evaluation Model was first introduced by Robert Stake in the year 1967 in his paper entitled ‘The Countenance of Educational Evaluation. Teachers College Record’. Stake (1967)

argues that most formal evaluation activities in education has too little effort to spell out antecedent conditions and classroom transactions and too little effort to couple them with the various outcomes. Stake (1967) also emphasises the important of measuring the match between what an educator intends to do and what he does do. For evaluation of curriculum, attention to individual differences among students should give way to attention to the contingencies among background conditions, classroom activities, and scholastic outcomes. There are three important phases of curriculum components where this model revolves: antecedent, transaction, and outcome. In the antecedent phase, the consideration is the environmental factors that might affect the curriculum outcomes. The effectiveness of the curriculum during implementation is being considered by in the transaction phase on the other hand. When the curriculum has already achieved completion, its effects are being examined in the outcome phase. The evaluation procedure must take into account both judgment and descriptions, both relying on quantitative and qualitative observations. The description may either be absolute or comparative (Snyder, Acker-Hocevar, & Snyder, 2008).

Table 2. Model behaviorist-efficientist

Method / author

Evaluative Purpose

Dominant paradigm

Content of evaluation

Role of the evaluator

Achievement objectives Tyler (1940)

Measurement of achieved objectives

Quantitative Results External technician

CIPP Stufflebeam (1967)

Information for making decisions Mixed

C (context) I (input) P (process) P (product)

External technician

Countenance Stake (1967)

Valuation of results and process

Mixed Antecedents, transactions, results

External technician

CSE Alkin (1969)

Information for determination of decisions


Cantered in achievements

of necessities

External technician

Educational planning Cronbach (1982)

Valuation of process and product


U (evaluation units)

T (treatment) O(operations)

External technician

Table 3. Humanistic model

Method / author

Evaluative purpose

Dominant Paradigm

Content of evaluation

Role of the evaluator

Customer service Scriven (1973)

Analysis of the client’s necessities

Mixed All the effects of the program

External evaluator of necessities of the client

Opposition Owens (1973), Wolf (1974)

Opinions for consensus decision

Mixed Any aspect of the program

External referee of the debate

Artistic criticism Eisner (1981)

Critical interpretation of educational actions

Qualitative . Context . Emergent processes . Relations of processes . Impact on context

External stimulator of interpretations

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Table 4. Holistic model Method / author

Evaluative purpose

Dominant paradigm

Content of evaluation

Role of the evaluator

Responsive Evaluation Stake (1976)

Valuation of answer to necessities of participants


Result of total debate on program

External stimulator of the interpretation for individuals involved

Holistic evaluation MacDonald (1976)

Educational interpretation for improvement


Elements that configure educational action

External stimulator of the interpretation for individuals implied

Evaluation as Illumination Parlett and Hamilton (1977)

Illumination and understanding of the program’s components


System of teaching and means of learning

External stimulator of the interpretation for individuals involved

a. Data Matrices

Stake (1967) built his evaluation model based on two matrices (See Figure 1). The first matrix was a description matrix which included (a) the intentions of the program and (b) the observations. In order to evaluate, an educator will gather together certain data. The data are likely to be from several quite different sources, gathered in several quite different ways. Whether the immediate purpose is description or judgment, it should tap three bodies of information; they are the (a) antecedent, (b) transaction and (c) outcome data. The second matrix of stake evaluation model was Judgment Matrix, which is comprised of (a) a standards and (b) judgement. The standards, as referred to on model schematic, constituted the guideline against which the quality or value of the teacher education program and its outcomes are measured. Whereas judgements are statement made of effectiveness of a program and its component upon completion of the evaluation process (Nelli & Nutter 1984; Pepper & Hare, 1999).

To fill in these matrices the evaluator need to collect judgments as well as descriptions. In Figure 1 it is also indicated that judgmental statements are classified either as general standards of quality or as judgments specific to the given program. Descriptive data are classified as intents and observations. The evaluator is to prepare a record of what educators intend, of what observers perceive, of what patrons generally expect, and of what judge’s value the immediate program to be. The record may treat antecedents, transactions, and outcomes separately within the four classes identified as Intents, Observation, Standards, and Judgments, as in Figure 1.

Program Rationale

Intents sources

Observation Sources

Standards Sources

Judgessment Sources

Antecedents Students Characteristics Teachers Characteristics Curriculum Content Curriculum Context Instructional Materials Physical Plant School Organization Community context

Transactions Community Flow Time Allocation Sequence of Event Reinforcement Schedule Social climate

Outcomes Students Achievement Students Attitude Students Motor skills Effects on Teachers Institutional Effects

Example A: Manufacturer specification of an Instructional Material Kit Example B: Teacher Description of Students Understanding Example C: Expert Opinion on Cognitive Skill Needed for a Class of Problems Example D: Administrator Judgement of Feasibility of a field Trip Arrangement

Figure 1. Illustration of Data Representative of the Contents of Four Cells of Matrices for a Given

Educational Program Adapted from: Stake “The Countenance of Educational Evaluation.” Teachers College Record (7): 529; 1967. b. Contingency and Congruence

Stake (1967) further described contingencies and congruencies as aspect of the context of the program. Stake explained that to process descriptive evaluation data, there are two principal ways of processing it, they are: finding the contingencies among antecedents, transactions, and outcomes and finding the congruence between Intents and Observations.

To find the congruence between the intent and the observation sources, the descriptive data of the first two columns in Figure 1, will be processed as shown in Figure 2. The data in Figure 1 is congruent if what was intended actually happened in the observation. Working horizontally in the data matrix, the evaluator will be able to compare the cells containing Intents and Observations. The evaluator will then note the discrepancies, and describe the amount of congruence for that row. Congruence does not indicate that outcomes are reliable or valid, but that what was intended did occur.




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Descriptive Data
























Figure 2. A Representation of the Processing of Descriptive Data

Adapted from: Stake “The Countenance of Educational Evaluation.” Teachers College Record (7): 529; 1967

Contingency is defined as the relationships among the variable (Stake, 1969). It is also called the ‘why of the outcomes’ (Hastings 1966; Stake, 1969) or knowledge of what causes what obviously facilitate the improvement of instruction. To analyze the contingency of the data in the intended and observation matrix, the evaluator will work vertically. Whenever Intents are evaluated the contingency criterion is one of logic. To test the logic of an educational contingency the evaluators rely on previous experience, perhaps on research experience, with similar observables. No immediate observation of these variables, however, is necessary to test the strength of the contingencies among intents. Evaluation of Observation contingencies depends on empirical evidence.

6. Conclusion and discussion

The study and review of literature has enlightened the researchers in understanding more deeply the concepts of OBE curriculum and curriculum evaluation. It has also helped them in planning the curriculum evaluation at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu using Stake’s Countenance Model. It is suggested that the study is to be followed up with an actual implementation of the curriculum evaluation based on the following research questions:

a. Antecedent i. What is the goal of OBE curriculum?

ii. What are the contents and standard of the OBE curriculum?

iii. What are the organization level of knowledge, understanding, attitude and perception to the curriculum change?

b. Transactions

i. How did the administrator implement the OBE curriculum in the organization?

ii. What is the degree of receptivity/resistance of the implementation of the curriculum changes?

iii. How did the lecturers adapt and incorporate the OBE curriculum to his/her teaching & learning?

iv. Are the lecturers able to translate the OBE curriculum in their classrooms?

v. What are the issues, obstacles and limitation faced by the organization in order to adapt the curriculum changes?

c. Outcomes

i. Does the OBE curriculum successfully produced the desired outcomes in the classroom reality?

ii. Does the OBE manage to improve lecturers teaching and learning quality?

iii. What are the unintended outcomes of the implementation of OBE curriculum?

References Altinyelken, H. K. (2004). Curriculum Change in

Uganda: Teachers Perspectives on the New Thematic Curriculum. International Journal of Educational Development. 30, 151-161.

Bahagian Perhubungan Industri, Pengesanan Graduan dan Alumni (Jun 2009), Maklumat Mengenai Pengesanan Graduan Politeknik dan Kolej komuniti 2008. Jabatan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti.

Department of Polytechnics Education (DPE), 2010Dialogue between DPCCE and Deans from various public university hosted by Bahagian Pengurusan Kemasukan Pelajar, KPTM (UPU) 28 November 2007. Putrajaya.

Escorza, T. E. (2003). From Test to Current Evaluative Research. One Century, The 20th, of Intense Development of Evaluation in Education. RELIEVE, 9 (1).

Hafizah Husain, Norbahinan Misran, Salina Abdul Samad, Aini Hussain & Siti Salasiah Mokri. (2008). Sistem Pemantauan Prestasi Pelajar JKEES, UKM, 4.

Hala tuju, Transformasi Politeknik, 2010. Department of Polytechnic Education, MOHE.

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Jorgensen, O. (2006). Why Curriculum Change is difficult-and Necesarry. National Association of Independent School. Retrieved July 25, 2010, from ismagazinearticles sPrint.cfm?print=Y&ItemNumber=148786.

Mokhaba, M. B.(2005). Outcomes-based education in South Africa since 1994: policy objectives and implementation complexities. University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Pepper,K. & Hare, D. (1999). Development of an Evaluation Model to Established Research-Based Knowledge About Teacher Education. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 25, 353-377.

Siti Jariah & Noor Aidi,(2010). Towards Enculturation of Systematic Quality Assurance Practices.National. Seminar on: Quality Assurance in Technical Vocational Education Training.

Spady, W. (1994). Choosing Outcomes of Significance. Educational Leadership 51, (5), 18–23.

Stake, R. E (1969). Language, Rationality and Assessment. Reprinted from Improving Educational Assessment and Inventory of Measures of Effective Behavior. Washington, D. C: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA.

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Competency Standards for Polytechnic Graduates

Norehan Bt Md. Shariff Curriculum Development and Evaluation Division

Department of Polytechnic Education Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia

E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Mohd Rashahidi Bin Mohamood Industry Liaison, Graduate Tracking and Alumni Division

Department of Polytechnic Education Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia Email: [email protected]



The paper discusses one of the transformational initiatives undertaken by the Department of Polytechnic of the Ministry of Higher Education towards developing a highly productive and competent workforce, especially the middle level manpower and executives. This initiative, namely the development of the Competency Standards for Polytechnic Graduates, is aimed at assuring the quality of programmes in order to boost polytechnics’ national and international standing and increase graduates’ market access. Competency standards are statements of attainment in specific abilities in the workplace that graduates have to accomplish upon completing their studies in their respective programmes in polytechnics. Competency standards enable comparisons of performance that may be taken as the basis for evaluation and assessment of competencies. The paper highlights on the process of four stages of developing competencies (i.e. development, crystallisation, naturalisation and demonstration of learning), guiding principles or related philosophical rationales for the development of competency standards and the process of developing competency standards. This paper also describes the Body of Knowledge Framework and its relevant components namely Personal Development, Mathematics, Sciences, Technical and Workplace Competencies. The paper briefly discusses the integration of competency standards in the curriculum development process and the implication of development of competency standards and the

implementation of the standard integrated curricula in the polytechnic education system.

1. Introduction

The main role of polytechnics is to develop human

capital at the middle level in the technical, commercial and services sectors. Human capital can be understood as an individual’s productive capabilities that can be used to produce goods and services (Thurow, 1970). In other words, productive capabilities are knowledge, skills, talents and potentials possessed by individuals that can be harnessed in the labour market. In view of the importance for Malaysia to fully develop its quality and competent workforce and in light of the era of new economies that the country will face in the 21st century, it is timely for the Department of Polytechnic Education (DPE), Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), to embark on several transformational initiatives in improving the quality of polytechnic programmes and graduates. One of these initiatives is the development of the national competency standards for programmes of study in polytechnics.

These standards, namely Competency Standards for Polytechnic Graduates, are compilations of statements of attainment to measure accomplishments in specific abilities, particularly in the form of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the workplace. The statement of competency standards is the summary of curriculum learning outcome statements as described by the Course Learning Outcome in the curriculum document and forms an integral part of and is embedded into the curriculum and enables comparisons of performance that may be taken as the basis for evaluation and

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Figure 3. The body of knowledge framework.

The component of Sciences deals with the domain of systematised knowledge of nature and the physical world. The elements of the Sciences component consist of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The Mathematics component refers to a specific collection of available knowledge dealing with quantities, magnitudes and forms through the use of numbers and symbols. Accordingly, the sub-divisions of the Mathematics component are Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Geometry, Discrete Mathematics and Trigonometry. The component of Workplace Competencies deals with the domain of systematized knowledge of specific abilities, particularly in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities required in the workplace. Occupational Safety and Health, Industrial Training and Work-Based Learning are the elements of the component of Workplace Competencies.

2.6. The Curriculum Development Process

The overall curriculum design and development of a programme comprises inputs from both industries and the professionals, apart from the identified competency standards. These inputs are integrated to develop Programme Aims (PAI), Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO), Course Learning Outcomes (CLO), General Outcomes (GO) and Specific Outcomes (SO) for the curriculum (Refer to Figure 4).

The development starts with examining feedback from industries, researching for government planning documents and interpreting Needs Analysis results. Results from the Needs Analysis will assist developers in understanding the profile of the future graduates, thus contributing to the development of Programme Aims (PAI). In developing PLO, or skills sets expected of students to accomplish upon completing a programme of study, curriculum developers must adhere to eight domains prescribed by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). Once statements of PAI and the PLO are approved, the next step is to develop a programme structure for the curriculum (Department of Polytechnic Education (DPE), 2010). Learning outcomes for courses, or Course Learning Outcomes (CLO), may be identified and developed after the programme structure is approved. In the case of the polytechnic curriculum, the statement of competency standards for a particular course of study is described by the CLO in the curriculum document. Also, to ensure that domains of learning outcomes are captured in the main elements or objectives of programme, a matrix of PLO versus CLO is analyzed. After analyzing the PLO-CLO matrix, the next process is to develop and write the General Outcome (GO) for the course, followed by the GO-CLO matrix analysis. The last step is to develop and write the Specific Outcome (SO) for each course.

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Muka surat | 40 Telah dibentangkan di Pertandingan Inovasi Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Berbentuk Multimedia, Peringkat Kebangsaan Politeknik KPT 2010, pada 12 – 14 Oktober 2010 bertempat di Hotel Goldcourse Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. 

Pembangunan Pakej Pembelajaran Multimedia Interaktif bagi Kursus Teknologi Elektrik

Haidie Bin Inun Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Email: [email protected]

Shamsiah Binti Salamat

Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah E-mail: [email protected]

Nor Farahwahida Binti Mohd Noor

Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah E-mail: [email protected]


Kursus Teknologi Elektrik merupakan kursus yang wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar Semester 1 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di Politeknik Malaysia. Pembangunan Koswer kursus Teknologi Elektrik adalah satu inovasi dalam penambahbaikan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran khususnya bagi topik Penjanaan Elektrik. Topik Penjanaan Elektrik adalah salah satu topik yang agak sukar untuk diterangkan tanpa bantuan multimedia. Koswer ini dibangunkan menggunakan perisian multimedia iaitu Adobe Flash CS4, Ulead Media Studio Pro 8.0 dan Adobe Photoshop CS 2 bagi memudahkan para pensyarah menyampaikan bahan kurikulum dalam bentuk yang mudah difahami oleh para pelajar, sesuai dengan peranan pensyarah sebagai pemudahcara kepada pelajar. Pelajar lebih mudah memahami jika kurikulum dipersembahkan dalam bentuk grafik dan video. Turut dipaparkan dalam koswer ini ialah rakaman petikan dari “How It Works” yang berkaitan dengan topik Penjanaan Elektrik supaya pelajar dapat melihat dan mengaitkan sendiri apa yang dipelajari dari kurikulum dengan aplikasi sebenar dalam teknologi semasa. Koswer dimulakan dengan montaj set induksi tentang elektrik yang dianimasikan untuk menarik perhatian pelajar. Koswer ini dibahagikan

kepada beberapa bahagian iaitu bahagian objektif, topik, kuiz, dan latihan. Setiap penerangan berkaitan topik dibantu oleh gambarajah interaktif. Setiap konsep berkenaan dijelaskan dengan animasi yang membantu pelajar menterjemahkan setiap perkataan yang terdapat dalam penerangan yang diberikan ke bentuk visual. Oleh itu, pelajar-pelajar yang terdiri dari pelbagai kecerdasan dapat memanfaatkan koswer ini secara optimum. Dengan adanya koswer ini, diharapkan semua pihak sama ada pensyarah dan pelajar dapat menjadikan topik Penjanaan Elektrik sebagai satu topik yang mudah difahami dan menarik untuk dipelajari. 1. Pengenalan

Pakej pembelajaran interaktif adalah satu bidang yang agak baru tetapi cara ini mampu menarik perhatian pelajar kerana ia mempunyai unsur-unsur teks, grafik, audio, video dan animasi. Pakej ini adalah untuk membangunkan satu bentuk cara pendidikan baru atau moden dalam kursus teknologi elektrik bagi melahirkan pelajar cemerlang.

Di dalam sistem pendidikan kita, kerajaan menggalakkan penggunaan sistem elektronik di dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pengenalan kepada sistem pembelajaran elektronik khususnya koswer atau e-modul telah sedikit sebanyak membantu pendidik dan pelajar dalam memperolehi ilmu dengan

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Muka surat | 41 Telah dibentangkan di Pertandingan Inovasi Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Berbentuk Multimedia, Peringkat Kebangsaan Politeknik KPT 2010, pada 12 – 14 Oktober 2010 bertempat di Hotel Goldcourse Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. 

cara yang cepat dan mudah tanpa mengetepikan cara tradisional yang sedia ada. Penggunaan sistem multimedia dan grafik memberikan satu dimensi baru dalam sistem pembelajaran di Malaysia. Selain ianya dapat menarik minat pengguna khususnya pelajar, ia juga dapat membantu meningkatkan sistem pendidikan negara agar setanding dengan negara-negara maju.

Penyajian koswer ini dianggap wajar untuk memaparkan proses yang terlibat dalam penjanaan kuasa yang selama ini hanya diterangkan secara teori dan teks semata-mata. Koswer ini dapat membolehkan pengguna melihat dan mengawal sesuatu aplikasi multimedia yang merupakan salah satu aspek pembelajaran secara sendiri. Sebagai contoh, pengguna boleh memilih untuk ke hadapan, ke belakang, ke menu utama, main (play) dan sebagainya. Oleh kerana itulah pakej ini diharap mampu membawa perubahan kepada bidang pendidikan.

1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah

Penggunaan ABBM sering ditekankan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran agar pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik, Rosni Adom et al. (2001). Oleh itu, memandangkan kaedah pendidikan menggunakan komputer dan internet telah menjadi satu keperluan dalam sistem pendidikan pada masa kini, maka satu strategi pembangunan bahan P&P berasaskan elektronik yang berkesan perlu dilaksanakan. Perkara ini adalah kerana kaedah ini banyak disokong oleh penggunaan animasi yamg pelbagai dalam pembelajaran melalui komputer. Dengan kebolehan untuk menyampaikan permainan, animasi yang menarik dan kepelbagaian mesej, maka komputer dapat menggalakkan pengajaran yang kondusif kerana unsur-unsur tersebut dianggap dapat meningkatkan motivasi pembelajaran, Taylor R. (1980).

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa ramai pensyarah berjaya dalam kerjaya mereka sebagai penyebar ilmu pengetahuan berpandukan kaedah pengajaran tradisional. Walau bagaimanapun, menurut Yusup Hashim (2000), perkembangan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) telah mengubah cara pensyarah mengajar dan pelajar belajar. Revolusi teknologi maklumat jelas mempengaruhi gaya persekitaran pendidikan masa kini. Beberapa kajian kes melaporkan bahawa persekitaran pembelajaran maya ini adalah lebih berkesan sebagai kaedah pembelajaran berbanding kuliah secara tradisional, Koskela M. et al. (2005). Kini kebanyakan institusi pengajian sama ada awam ataupun swasta giat mengorak langkah menuju ke arah penggunaan sepenuhnya teknologi maklumat. Ia merupakan satu cabaran besar yang menuntut komitmen semua pihak terutama Kementerian Pelajaran

Malaysia dan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia, institusi pengajian tinggi awam dan swasta yang menjadi teras kepada pembentukan masyarakat bermaklumat serta pembangunan teknologi, Abu Haris et al. (1998).

Proses penjanaan elektrik secara teorinya susah untuk difahami. Terdapat kemungkinan para pelajar tidak dapat atau mengalami kesukaran untuk membayangkan proses yang berlaku dalam sistem penjanaan kuasa elektrik. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, maka pembelajaran yang berbentuk visual diperlukan agar pelajar dapat memahami proses penjanaan elektrik secara simulasi. Oleh itu, demi membantu pembelajaran pelajar dalam memahami sistem penjanaan kuasa elektrik, satu koswer akan dibangunkan sebagai salah satu kaedah yang boleh digunakan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. 1.2. Pernyataan Masalah

Sistem pembelajaran yang diamalkan di politeknik pada masa kini merupakan sistem pembelajaran berasaskan teks. Satu masalah dalam pembelajaran berasaskan teks menurut Kanuka H. (2005) ialah ketidakmampuan untuk menangani maklumat yang berlebihan ataupun mentafsirkan maksud elemen-elemen yang signifikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Manakala menurut Vrasidas C. et al. (2000) keburukan utama komunikasi berasaskan teks ialah kekurangan visual dan bunyi semasa berkomunikasi.

Sehubungan itu, menurut Baharuddin Aris et al. (2000) penggunaan ABBM dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) dengan melibatkan penggunaan pancaindera pelajar seperti penglihatan (75%), pendengaran (13%), sentuhan (6%), rasa (3%) dan bau (3%). Dalam [9] juga menerangkan berkenaan Edgar Dale Cone of Learning yang menyatakan bahawa selepas dua minggu kita hanya dapat mengingat 10% apa yang baca dan 20% apa yang kita dengar berbanding 50% apa yang kita dengar dan lihat. Ini menunjukkan penggunaan teks sahaja kurang berkesan kerana tidak merangsang pancaindera pelajar secara optimum berbanding dengan video yang menggabungkan penglihatan dan pendengaran.

Oleh yang demikian, penggunaan teknologi animasi, bunyi dan video merupakan satu kaedah untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan P&P kerana ia mengoptimumkan penggunaan pancaindera pelajar iaitu gabungan penglihatan dan pendengaran. 1.3. Kumpulan Sasaran

Koswer ini dibangunkan untuk faedah 3 kumpulan iaitu pelajar, pensyarah dan juga pihak pembangun

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Muka surat | 42 Telah dibentangkan di Pertandingan Inovasi Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Berbentuk Multimedia, Peringkat Kebangsaan Politeknik KPT 2010, pada 12 – 14 Oktober 2010 bertempat di Hotel Goldcourse Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. 

kurikulum. Bagi kumpulan pelajar, koswer ini disasarkan untuk pelajar diploma dan sijil kursus kejuruteraan elektrik di politeknik yang mengambil kursus Teknologi Elektrik. Manakala untuk kumpulan pensyarah, koswer ini boleh digunakan sebagai mempelbagaikan mood dalam kaedah pengajaran mereka. Pembangunan koswer ini juga mensasarkan pihak pembangun kurikulum iaitu sebagai garis panduan dalam membentuk kurikulum yang berasaskan multimedia. 1.4. Objektif Koswer Dibangunkan

Objekif pembangunan koswer ini ialah diharapkan agar di akhir pembelajaran dengan menggunakan koswer ini, pelajar dapat:

i. Menyenaraikan sumber tenaga elektrik seperti minyak, arang batu, diesel, gas dan nuklear.

ii. Menerangkan prinsip umum penjanaan hidroelektrik.

iii. Menerangkan secara ringkas bentuk asas dan rajah skematik empangan dan steseen hidroelektrik.

2. Sorotan Literatur 2.1. Elemen-elemen Multimedia

Multimedia terdiri dari dua kata, multi yang bererti lebih dari satu dan media yang bererti bentuk komunikasi. Pakej perisian multimedia yang baik mestilah lengkap mempunyai kelima-lima elemen media. Media yang mesti dimasukkan ke dalam aplikasi multimedia ialah animasi, grafik, video, audio dan teks. 2.2. Ciri-ciri Yang Perlu Ada Dalam Perisian

Multimedia Dalam Pendidikan

Perisian dibina dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan persekitaran kaya maklumat bagi memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk browse dan menjelajahinya. Terdapat banyak tajuk-tajuk CD-ROM di pasaran yang boleh digunakan untuk memperkayakan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Ciri-ciri yang perlu ada dalam perisian kursus Multimedia dalam Pendidikan adalah seperti berikut:

i. Carian menggunakan kata kunci, indeks atau senarai kandungan hendaklah mudah dilaksanakan • Apabila hendak mencari sesuatu, pengguna

boleh menggunakan katakunci supaya terus ke bahagian yang dikehendaki. Ciri ini perlu dilaksanakan dengan mudah.

ii. Mudah untuk install

• Sebarang perisian multimedia perlu mudah diinstall ke komputer yang akan digunakan oleh pengguna.

iii. Mudah diguna dan senang untuk faham • Perisian multimedia perlu mudah diguna dan

senang untuk difahami. Ini kerana perisian yang mesra pengguna adalah sebuah perisian yang terbaik.

iv. Dapat menggunakan perisian mengikut rentaknya sendiri (flexible) • Pengguna boleh merujuk kembali ke

bahagian tertentu berulang kali jika pengguna tidak memahami sesuatu yang dipelajari.

v. Bersepadu dan berinteraktif • Pengguna diajar dengan berinteraktif dengan

perisian. Ini penting untuk mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang harmoni.

vi. Persekitaran yang kooperatif • Sesuatu perisian multimedia perlu

mempunyai persekitaran yang kooperatif. Pengguna boleh membuat sesuatu dan perisian itu dapat memberi maklumbalas yang cepat.

vii. Kit pembelajaran kendiri • Perisian kursus multimedia hendaklah

merupakan satu kit pembelajaran kendiri supaya sesiapa sahaja dapat belajarnya tanpa bantuan daripada orang lain.

3. Metodologi Kajian

Pembangunan koswer untuk topik Penjanaan Elektrik ini telah melalui beberapa fasa yang termasuk dalam kitar hayat perisian berdasarkan model air terjun. Rajah 1 menunjukkan prosedur pembangunan koswer yang merangkumi lima (5) fasa penting iaitu perancangan, analisis penentuan spesifikasi keperluan, reka bentuk koswer, pengujian koswer dan seterusnya pengoperasian dan penyenggaraan. 3.1. Fasa I: Penyiasatan Awal

Fasa ini merangkumi penyiasatan awal secara umum terhadap sistem yang akan dibangunkan. Fasa ini adalah penting bagi mengenalpasti masalah-masalah yang timbul melalui penggunaan sistem sedia ada. Elemen-elemen yang diambil kira adalah menyenaraikan objektif pembangunan sistem, mengenalpasti skop kajian yang terlibat dan seterusnya mengkaji sumber atau maklumat yang diperolehi.

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Telah dibePeringkat Selangor,


3.2. Fasa

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an PembelajarOktober 2010

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Bagi memuteraktif ini, saenunjukkan petaramuka peribungan di antrisian ini. Rambelajaran ya

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uka surat | 44

ourse Klang,

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Page 52: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang


Telah dibePeringkat Selangor,

Rajahlaman weantaramu

i. Obme

ii. Toda

iii. Kupe

iv. Lasis

v. Keterme

4.2. Pap

Rajahmengenaibagi kosw

entangkan di P Kebangsaan Malaysia. 

Rajah 6. An

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Pertandingan IPoliteknik KP

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an PembelajarOktober 2010


3. Paparan T

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Muk Multimedia, Hotel Goldco

muka objektif

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Page 53: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang


Telah dibePeringkat Selangor,


Rajah 1

4.3.2. PaDalam tomemapardan nota-di click Pengetahunuklear blanjutan d12.

Rajah 1

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0. Antaramuhid

aparan Topikopik stesen jarkan nota yang-nota ringkas.

pada butauan lanjutan

boleh didapati dan lanjutan n

11. Antaramu

Pertandingan IPoliteknik KP

amuka stesendroelektrik

uka lanjutan sdroelektrik

k Stesen Janana kuasa nukg berbentuk ga Terdapat ena

ang seperti mengenai s

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Inovasi BahanPT 2010, pad

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na kuasa nukl

n Pengajaran dda 12 – 14 O


klear er ini gerak boleh

11. kuasa utang Rajah







an PembelajarOktober 2010

Rajah 12. Anta

3.3. Paparanas. Bagi topiki memaparkanrgerak dan emudahkan pagi setiap jeniam nota dan b

ajah 13. Pengeasa turbin gastang lanjutan

ajah 14.

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ran Berbentukbertempat di

aramuka lanjnuklea

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Diges PKK Ed

Muk Multimedia, Hotel Goldco

jutan stesen jar

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memahami denjanaan elektripada butang

tan mengenai ti semua dengnota adalah se

en jana kuasa

jutan stesen jgas

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 46

ourse Klang,

jana kuasa

asa Turbin gas, koswer

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gan menekan eperti dalam

a turbin gas

jana kuasa

Page 54: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang


Telah dibePeringkat Selangor,

4.3.4. PaBatu. Ukoswer gambarajbagi memmudah bTerdapat seperti pastesen jadengan madalah sep


Rajah 1

4.4. Pap

Paparmengenaiutama yelektrik. Psoalan mApa yangjumlah mpelajar dasoalan be

entangkan di P Kebangsaan Malaysia. 

aparan Topikntuk topik sini memapa

ah bergerak dmudahkan pa

bagi setiap jeenam nota d

ada Rajah 15. ana kuasa aramenekan butaperti dalam Ra

15. Antaram

6. Antaramua

paran Kuiz.

an kuiz akani keempat-empyang mengujPelbagai bentemadansuai gg menarik dalmarkah dan jaalam kuiz ini

erasingan. Terd

Pertandingan IPoliteknik KP

k Stesen Janstesen jana karkan nota dan nota-notaara pelajar menis sistem pdan boleh di

Pengetahuan ang batu boleang lanjutan ajah 16.

muka stesen jabatu

uka lanjutan sarang batu

n menguji pempat topik ini.

ji berkaitan tuk kuiz yang gambarajah daam aktiviti kuawapan bagi . Untuk kuiz dapat juga mu

Inovasi BahanPT 2010, pad

na Kuasa Akuasa arang

yang berbea ringkas jugamemahami depenjanaan eleclick pada bulanjutan men

eh didapati sdan lanjutan

ana kuasa ara

stesen jana ku

emahaman peTerdapat tigatopik penja

disediakan sean soalan subjuiz ini, ia memsetiap penglib3, terdapat p

uzik iringan se

n Pengajaran dda 12 – 14 O

Arang batu,

entuk a. Ini engan ktrik. utang genai emua nota



elajar a kuiz anaan eperti ektif. mberi batan ula 6




an PembelajarOktober 2010

enjawab soalan tiga ditunjuk




di Inun et al.

ran Berbentukbertempat di

an ini. Segalakkan seperti R

jah 17. Antar

ah 18. Antara

ah 19. Antara

Diges PKK Ed

Muk Multimedia, Hotel Goldco

a paparan kuiRajah 17 hingg

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iz satu, dua ga Rajah 20.


Page 55: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang


Telah dibePeringkat Selangor,

4.5. Pap

PaparpemahamTerdapat dengan jaditunjukk

4.6. Pap

Paparmemilih ssepert bpilihan japenggunasenarai nseperti R“NO”, msemula. Dmengiring

entangkan di P Kebangsaan Malaysia. 

Rajah 20. A

paran Latiha

an latihan man pelajar me

tiga latihan awapan selepakan seperti Raj

Rajah 21. A

paran Keluar

an keluar msamada ingin ertanyakan “awapan adalaha menekan bnama pembanRajah 23. Jikmaka menu mDalam paparangi paparan ini.

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membolehkanterus atau kelu

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n Pengajaran dda 12 – 14 O

dan ik ini. rtakan atihan

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uar?” . Jika paran

keluar utang arkan yang







an PembelajarOktober 2010

Rajah 2

ajah 23. Anta


Koswer ini elalui pendekndekatan multu cara yang ba hala antara plah satu teknpatan yang brana, penglinglihatan, bunikus dan papaSecara kesel

ah mencapai mempunyai empta bagi topikga kuiz dan tuk para pelajaDengan terh

ru dalam sis

di Inun et al.

ran Berbentukbertempat di

22. Antaramu

ramuka senakoswe

an dan Cad

merupakan skatan multimltimedia interaberkesan dalampelajar dan pe

nik yang berkbaik diperolibatan pengnyi, suara dan

an kekunci. luruhannya, pmatlamat dan pat topik utam

k-topik ini diplatihan berse

ar menguji pehasilnya koswstem pembel

Diges PKK Ed

Muk Multimedia, Hotel Goldco

uka menu kel

arai nama pemer


atu perisian ymedia secara aktif dilihat sem mewujudkaerisian. Ia jugakesan untuk lehi oleh pen

gguna adalan juga sentuh

pembangunan objektifnya.

ma di mana kespersembahkanerta jawapan mahaman mer

wer ini, wujudlajaran yang

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uka surat | 48

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yang dibina a interaktif. ebagai salah an hubungan a merupakan memastikan ngguna. Ini

ah melalui han daripada

koswer ini Koswer ini semua nota-

n. Selain itu disediakan

reka. d satu cara


Page 56: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Haidi Inun et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011


Muka surat | 49 Telah dibentangkan di Pertandingan Inovasi Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Berbentuk Multimedia, Peringkat Kebangsaan Politeknik KPT 2010, pada 12 – 14 Oktober 2010 bertempat di Hotel Goldcourse Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. 

elektronik. Pengguna khususnya pelajar dapat memanfaatkannya sebagai bahan ilmiah dan boleh didapati bila-bila masa sahaja tidak kira sama ada di luar kampus mahupun di dalam kampus.

Perisian ini dibina untuk memudahkan pengguna khasnya golongan sasar pelajar-pelajar yang mengambil kursus Teknologi Elektrik. Pakej ini amat diharapkan menjadi satu alternatif baru ke arah mempelbagaikan media pengajaran di institusi-institusi pendidikan khususnyadi Politeknik, sebagai alat bantu mengajar pensyarah dan menambahkan bahan rujukan bagi pelajar-pelajar melalui pendekatan multimedia yang menarik. Koswer ini juga diharap dapat menarik minat pelajar terhadap kursus Teknologi Elektrik yang selama ini dianggap membosankan dan terlalu teknikal.

Namun demikian, pakej ini hanyalah sebagai satu alat bantuan sahaja seperti juga internet, buku teks, nota dan rujukan. Perlu ditekankan bahawa ia bukan sebagai pengganti pensyarah, tetapi sekadar menambahkan media pengajaran di institusi pendidikan. 5.1. Kebaikan Koswer Ini

Di antara kebaikan projek yang dihasilkan adalah: i. Menghasilkan pembelajaran secara elektronik

kepada pelajar khasnya yang mengambil subjek teknologi elektrik dengan mudah dan efektif.

ii. Mesra pengguna dan mudah difahami. iii. Menjimatkan masa

5.2. Cadangan

Koswer ini merupakan satu sumbangan dalam memenuhi tuntutan keadaan kini yang banyak bergantung kepada penggunaan komputer. Setelah menghasilkan projek ini, terdapat beberapa kekurangan yang dikenalpasti dalam perisian ini.

Beberapa perubahan boleh dibuat di masa akan datang agar pakej ini lebih efektif. Antara perubahan-perubahan tersebut adalah :

i. Menambahkan interaktiviti pakej agar lebih menarik dan menyeronokkan.

ii. Melengkapkan kesemua topik dalam kursus teknologi elektrik.

iii. Menyediakan video sendiri dengan merakamkannya dari loji yang berkaitan.

iv. Kandungannya hendaklah selalu diperbaharui mengikut perubahan silibus kursus.

v. Menambah topik-topik dalam koswer ini seperti contoh lain sistem penjanaan elektrik.

Rujukan Rosni Adom & Nor Aishah Buang (2001). Aplikasi

model pembelajaran penceritaan dalam reka bentuk instruksi perisian pendidikan multimedia subjek Ekonomi Asas Tingkatan 4. dlm. Razmah Man dan Yusup Hashim (Editor). Potensi dan cabaran dalam pembelajaran maya elektronik. Konvension Teknologi Pendidikan Ke-13. Ipoh: Persatuan Teknologi Pendidikan. 79-99.

Taylor, R. (1980). The Computer in the school: Tutor, tool, tutee. New York: Teachers College Press.

Yusup Hashim (2000). Gaya dan amalan pembelajaran elektronik di institusi pengajian tinggi: Satu cadangan. dlm Razman dan Yusup Hashim(Editor). Potensi dan cabaran dalam pembelajaran maya dan elektronik. Konvension Teknologi Pendidikan Ke-13. Ipoh: Persatuan Teknologi Pendidikan. 61-68.

Koskela, M., Kiltti,P.,Vilpola, I. & Tervonen,J. (2005). Suitability of a virtual learning environment for higher education. Electronic Journal on e-Learning. 3 (1).21-30. Retrieved from

Abu Haris Abu Hassan dan Shaharimah Ibrahim (1998). Kecemerlangan akademik melalui teknologi maklumat dan multimedia: Pengenalan unitele. Seminar Pendidikan Kebangsaan.

Kanuka, H. (2005). An exploration into facilitating higher levels of learning in a text-based internet learning environment using diverse instructional strategies. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(3), article 8. Retrieved from

Vrasidas, C. dan McIsaac, M.S. (2000). ”Principles Of Pedagogy And Evaluation Of Webbased Learning.” Educational Media International. 37(2). 105-111.

Baharuddin Aris, Noraffandy Harun, Jamaluddin Yahya dan Zaidatun Tasir (2000). “Teknologi Pendidikan: Modul Pembelajaran.” UTM: Modul. Tidak diterbitkan.

Bell, M., Martin, G. dan Clarke, T. (2004). “Engaging in the future of e-learning: a scenarios-based approach”. Education and Training Journal. 46 (6/7). 296–307.

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Chow Kwai Yok Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 50 Telah dibentangkan di 2nd World Congress On Teacher Education For TVET, pada 5 – 6 Oktober 2010 bertempat di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia.

Socioaffective Strategies to Reduce English Language Anxiety

Chow Kwai Yok Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]


This research employed a mixed method design to find out the reasons why students in a polytechnic do not like to speak in English even in the English class. The Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) questionnaires were administered to 181 first semester polytechnic students and a sample of students was interviewed. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data revealed that they had built up emotional and social barriers that caused them to suffer from language anxiety. These barriers had its root cause in their lack of competency in the English language. In view of this, socioaffective strategies were employed to help dismantle the emotional and social barriers. The FLCAS questionnaire was administered a second time after the implementation of the socioaffective strategies. A Pearson correlation of 0.651 was obtained indicating a moderately high positive correlation between the pre-test and post-test. A paired sample t-test of the pretest-posttest scores yielded a significant score of t=2.926, df=180 indicating that there was a significant difference between the pretest-posttest scores of the sample. The affective strategies like lowering their anxiety, encouraging themselves and getting in touch with their feelings have helped the students. Through the social strategies students learnt to ask for clarification and correction, cooperating with others and having empathy towards others in their English Language class. 1. Introduction

There is a common complaint among teachers or lecturers in universities that the students’ performance and abilities have been deteriorating in terms of communication skills, level of confidence, thinking and problem solving skills, and motivation and participation in classes’ activities. All these have affected their readiness for employment (Koo, et al. 2008) and as a result, the marketability and

employability of the fresh graduate decreases. This is a cause for great concern and alarm especially to policy makers and educationists when the students’ inability to communicate in English appropriately.

It is crucial that these students acquire adequate speaking and writing competency before entering the marketplace. This inability to communicate fluently and effectively in English should be tackled when these students are still undergoing their formal education. Hence, this study is aimed to find out the causes of students’ reluctance to speak English in the classroom. Its second purpose is to employ language learning strategies to encourage students to use the target language (English) and hopefully build their competency in speaking English.

Lee (2009:62-64) mentioned about many recent studies that investigated the relationship between language learning strategies and success in language learning of English as second language or English as foreign language learners. Lee discovered that higher level students frequently used more learning strategies of all kinds than lower level students. Thus, the researcher hopes that by exposing and training her students with socioaffective strategies, it would help them to improve in their interaction with others while at the same time able to lower their anxiety and to encourage them to speak more in English during English class. Self-encouragement and anxiety-reducing strategies help students to cope with ambiguity in language learning. According to Oxford (1990:143) these strategies are useful for the vast majority of language learners who have ordinary hang-ups and difficulties.

Anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness and apprehension or fear caused by the anticipation of something. When students have to speak in front of the class it makes them more anxious. Once they are anxious they will encounter difficulties in discriminating sounds and structures or in catching their meaning. This will result in further cause errors in speaking or in tests (Scovel & Horwitz et al in Koba, Ogawa & Wilkenson, 2000). Macintyre and Gardner in Bekleyen, (2009) suggested that anxiety can interfere

Page 58: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 5 – 6

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Page 59: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Chow Kwai Yok Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 52 Telah dibentangkan di 2nd World Congress On Teacher Education For TVET, pada 5 – 6 Oktober 2010 bertempat di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia.

and self-talk. The researcher wrote her observation notes after her class. Using the mixed method helped her to learn more from the students through their view point and hopefully gain a deeper understanding of the students’ process of learning and what she could do to facilitate their learning in the English language class, especially in the area of speaking English. 2.4 Participants

The participants for this study were the first and second semester students taking English For Commercial Purposes in Politeknik Kota Kinabalu (PKK). They are doing either certificate and diploma in the commerce field or diploma in Hospitality and Catering. They formed a convenient sample as they were in the researcher’s classes. A total of 219 students, age ranging from 19-23 years old took part in answering the questionnaires. They were told that there were no correct answers and therefore they need not have to think too deeply before responding. 2.5. Instruments

In this research two set of questionnaires were

used. In phase one, the FLCAs questionnaires on the anxiety of students in language class was used. This questionnaire were adapted and modified from Williams & Andrade (2008), Zhao Na (2007), Ming Wei (2007), Goshi (2005) and Burden (2004) which they in turn had adapted it from Horwitz. The FLCAS was translated into Bahasa Melayu, our national language in Malaysia. The Bahasa Melayu version was proof read by a head of department of Malay Studies in a teacher’s education institute. A pilot test was carried out on 50 students and the reliability coefficient (Alpha Cronbach) was shown was .782 for the 33 items. The quantitative results of the study obtained by the administration of the FLCAS were evaluated by the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This questionnaire was to find out the level of anxiety in the PKK students in their learning of English. It also uncovered the factors affecting PKK students’ reluctance to speak in English with their classmates during English Language class. Open-ended questions were used on focus-group interview. The students were asked questions about their foreign language classroom anxiety.

Students’ reflections, teacher’s observation notes and field notes were used for triangulation purposes. In Lee’s writing on Language Learning Strategies in English Language Teaching (2002: chapter 13), students’ reflections and teacher’s reflection are quoted as avenues to find out if the strategies introduced were useful or not to students.

3.0 Results and findings 3.1 Research question 1: What is the anxiety

level of PKK students in learning of English? After eliminating the incomplete questionnaires

from the pool of 219, 208 remained for analysis. The overall findings yielded a high Cronbach – Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.884. A high score would mean high anxiety. The theoretical range of this scale in this study was the lowest score of 33 to the maximum possible score of 132. After the quantitative data were analyzed, the participants of this study had anxiety scores ranged between 54 and 118.

Table 1: The levels of anxiety

Levels Scores Low Anxiety 33-66

Middle Anxiety 67-99 High Anxiety 100-132

Table 2: The overall average (mean) anxiety

level of the participants.

N Min. Max. Mean Std. Deviation

Total 208 54.00 118.00 90.365 10.609 Valid N (listwise)

From the quantitative data analysed, the anxiety

scores of the participants of this study ranged between 54 and 118. The mean is 90.365 and standard deviation is 10.609. Based on the scores it can be said that the anxiety level of the majority of participants are on the middle range and leaning towards the high anxiety range. The break down of the FLCA into the three categories: communication apprehension, test anxiety and general feeling of anxiety are shown in Table 3

Table 3: The overall situation of anxiety in the English classroom

Anxiety Variable Mean Standard Deviation

Communication Apprehension 2.903 .501

Fear of negative evaluation 2.740 .390

General feeling of anxiety 2.573 .250

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Anxiety due to problems related to communication apprehension is for example having difficulty in understanding what the teacher/lecturer is saying. It was found that students had communication apprehension or speaking anxiety, as indicated by the highest mean of 2.903. Fear of correction and fear of making mistakes are related to fear of negative evaluation and it has a mean of 2.740. General feeling of anxiety for instance the fear of failing in the class has a mean of 2.573. All these readings of mean reflect that the anxiety level of the students are above the normal which is 2.5. 3.2 Research question 2: Why are PKK

students reluctant to speak in English? The findings through interviews about the problems

faced by students in speaking English showed that there were various reasons why students were reluctant to speak in English in the researcher’s class. Table 4 shows some of the reasons gleaned from their sharing during interviews include having difficulty in finding the right words in English, limited vocabulary, fear of being laughed at or shy, afraid of making mistakes, difficulties in understanding what has been said by the lecturers, afraid to speak, dislike towards English subject and failing in the target language.

Table 4: The reasons behind the fear of speaking in

English Reasons Focus interview (INT)

1.Difficulty in finding the right words

Participant A: ...very hard to speak- I also very hard – what words to speak, Participant Aq: very hard in my grammar part, in my writing very hard to remember – how words– what word be used when writing composition. Participant N :Becos- I scared if I pronounce something wrong. I also scared I speak something which I don’t know the words.(INT/26/8/09/SPP1)

2.Afraid to make mistakes

RT:’Takut salah’. [Afraid I am wrong](INT/28/8/09/DAT1) Ju: I ashamed to speak english because I afraid wrong.

3.Afraid of being laughed at

M: If I say again, I will make bad thing – like a bad thinglah- like‘tambah teruk punya cakapan’-‘tambahlah lagi kasi ketawa’. What she meant was that if she spoke more she would make more

mistakes and other people would laugh at her more and this was a bad thing which she did not want to happen to her. Participant RT (INT/28/8/09/DAT1) faced the same problem too: RT: ‘Malu diketawakan oleh kawan-kawan’.[shy when friends laugh at me] Participant A in INT/28/8/09/DPM1 A little bit – I speak a bit only but for some part –we just called words – power words cannot be used therelah because...some...some...some my friends, they asked how to speak, and then they are so weak , they laughed at me when I speak in English. N: When they are laughing it make my spirit go down. S: Stop... bcos’ if I speak to them in English – my friends will think like- I – action. So I stopped .They say: “Stoplah” if I speak. M : Like when I say in English- they say ‘Ha? – apa kau cakap tu?’[what are you saying?] M: I don’t know–when I said to them in English- they like really don’t understand what I am talking. M: So I must translate in Malay.

4. Not able to speak properly in English, have problem in vocabulary

C: ‘Terbalik – tongkang balik adalah’ [upside down- reversed manner of speaking](INT/26/8/09/SPK1) S: I can’t speak English properly- I speak broken English.. Just speak like – translate from Malay to English.My grammar is very bad and I have problem with vocab. Which is the best vocab? So: I don’t have vocabulary.And some time I don’t understand what madam talk. My pronunciation is so weak. Low vocabulary and I am weak in primary school. His: Many of words that i don’t understand.(INT/28/8/09/DPM1)

5.Difficulties in understand what has been said by the lecturer/

So: I don’t have vocabulary.And some time I don’t understand what madam talk… M : Like when I say in English-

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others. they say ‘Ha? – apa kau cakap tu?’[what are you saying?] M: I don’t know–when I said to them in English- they like really don’t understand what I am talking. Mh: And then when madam speak in English - Many of the words I hear I don’t understand. I also shy to speak in English. (INT/28/8/09/DAT1) Sd: Yes, ah...I don’t understand – sometimes I not understand what I listen.

6.Afraid to speak

N:I understand what the teacher says but I couldn’t speak English correctly when asked by lecturer. I cannot speak more correctly. I...I want to say but I afraid.(INT/28/8/09/DPM1)

7.Dislike the target language.

Participant His (INT/28/8/09/DAT1) confessed that: Hmm...m. My problem is I dare not speak in English. Aaa...l don’t like English... I don’t understand question- erm...m -I don’t know more about English. Emm...I very weak about English-Okay and I very weak in English since I was primary school. Many of the words I don’t understand... I always fail.

8.Failing in the target language

(INT/26/8/09/SPK1) I don’t like English I always fail... I don’t understand... boring... Emm...I very weak about English-Okay and I very weak in English since I was primary school. Many of the words I don’t understand... I always fail.(INT/28/8/09/DAT1)

3.3 Research question 3: To what extent are

socioaffective strategies effective in enabling PKK students to be more willing to speak in English?

FLCAs were administered to the students for the

second time. A t-test was carried out to the same sample and it showed that the socio affective strategies do make a difference in the students’ willingness to speak in English in the class.

Table 5: Paired samples statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

Pair 1 Pretotal 87.453 181 10.548 .784

posttotal 85.503 181 10.909 .811

As shown in Table 5, Total pretest mean score was 87.4530 (N=181; S.D. = 10.548) and Total posttest mean score is 85.5028 (N=181; S.D.= 10.909). The standard deviation (S.D.) is perhaps of interest here – this shows that the posttest deviates slightly more than the prestest, i.e. 10.909 against 10.548 for pretest. A higher deviation means that the scores are more dispersed.

In Table 6 the Pearson correlation (r) between the pretest and posttest is .651 (N=181). This means that the two tests are moderately high and posititvely correlated with a p-value of less than .000 (p< .05). This means that those students who score high on the pretest tend to also score high in the posttest. This further shows that pretest and posttest is significantly correlated.

Table 6: Paired samples correlations

N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 pretotal &

posttotal 181 .651 .000

The paired samples test (Table 7) indicates that the difference in the pretest and posttest is significant (p<0.05; t=2.926; df=180). The hypothesis null proposed in the beginning of the research, that is, there is no significant difference between the willingness of the students to speak in English before and after applying socioaffective strategies, is thus rejected.

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Table 7: Paired samples t-test

Paired Differences

t df Sig. (2-tailed)Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error


95% Confidence Interval of the


Lower Upper

Pair 1 pretotal - posttotal 1.95028 8.96740 .66654 .63504 3.26552 2.926 180 .004

3.4 The qualitative data reveals factors that help to encourage speaking in the class.

Based on the data from the interviews and students’

reflection and the researcher’s observation notes, there seemed to be a few factors that helped to encourage the students to speak more in class. It is quite interesting to note that the patterns identified in the data fell into the categories of the socio affectives strategies implemented in the class. The affective categories were lowering one’s anxiety, encouraging oneself, and taking one’s emotional temperature. The social strategies were asking questions, cooperating with others and empathizing with others. The role of the lecturer was to give students more responsibility, providing more opportunities to use the language naturally in the class and teaching them to use affective and social strategies besides providing them with larger quantities of ‘input’ in the English (Oxford;1990: 141-146).

It was good to note that among the students there was a sense of wanting to help others who had difficulty in finding the word in English while speaking. The weaker ones too were willing to learn from their peers. That kind of cooperation reflected a certain level of empathy among the students whereby the other proficient students were seen helping the others as noted in the lecturer’s and students’ reflection:

Their classmates were very helpful-giving them the help they need by the side-translating for them – good team spirit. (TON/21/1/10/DPR2) Trying to get them to use polite phrases: Excuse me. I beg your pardon,etc. They seem to be using it now and reminding their classmates to do so. They have the tendency to say: what?, ah? Just want to instill in them the common courtesy since they will be relating with people in the front desk in future. (TON/25/1/10/DHK2B) Then, I will ask my friend when I don’t know the meaning of the word. (SJ/SPK2/23/3/2010/F1042) When Madam Chow teaching I can’t understand what teach madam in class. But I ask to my frend

what madam Chow discuss the class. (SJ/SPP2/23/2/10/F1041) Im happy to Irnah because she’s try to give the best in speaking in English. I know she’s nervous but with all of our support she do it very best. (SJ/DPR2/8/4/10/F1019) Asking for clarification and correction is another

specific set of strategy in the social strategies whereby students are advised to use. It is good to note that the students are positive about it as reflected on their writing:

Today I feel verry happy because many mistake that madam correct on. (SJ/SPK2/23/2/10/F1037) I also hope, somebody can correct me when I am mistaken. Then I learn from mistake. I try to be a positive when somebody sound to me. (SJ/SPK2/23/3/10/F1042) In the participants journal writing, several of the

students commented positively on fun learning in the class:

I like English class, because madam Chow will do any activities, so we do not felt borink. In the end class, we felt so happy. (SJ/DPR2/4/3/10/F1029) I have learn to louder speak, happy and like madam chow learning english is so fun ... (SJ/DHK2B/8/3/10/F1030) After a few month with MaDaM Chow in English class, I feel my englisH impRove. Madam Chow has teach so many things that I did’t no. I feel so enjoy went enter this class. (SJ/DHK2B/8/3/10/F1023) I feel so happy because Madam Chow is so fun person. She still like semester 1 during she teach us together very energetic person. (SJ/SPK2/20/4/10/F1004) Such observation was noted by a fellow lecturer: The lecturer was very dedicated, loving, and full of energy. These personality could be the reason why the students were very attentive towards the learning process... I truly admired at the liveliness of the class throughout the teaching-learning (LON/8/3/10/569). In the students’ journal, some participants were

grateful that opportunities were given to them to speak

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in English in class and expressed their hope to improve themselves in the learning of English especially in the skill of speaking.

Thank you to my lecturer because give we all oppurtinity to speak in english and I hope my english more improve. (SJ/DPR2/7/4/2010/F1010) Honestly, I feel like I’m become more bold to speak English in Madam Chow’s class. Thank’s for encourage us to speak in English. (SJ/DHK2B/22/2/10/F1028) The researcher needed to give students more

opportunity to speak English as a way of preparing them to face the real world when they seek for job. She was trying to explain to them the importance of speaking English in the class and hoped that they would see the need to do so. This was noted in:

Class is alert and alive even though it is in the afternoon. They are willing to try to speak in English after much coaxing and explaining the rational of using the language since they are in the hospitality line. (TON/25/1/10/DHK2B) In the class, there were times songs were taught and

sung and jokes were made. Dance like ‘Poco-poco’ was demonstrated by students as an avenue for the dance leaders to use English in class when demonstrating the steps. These brought in the element of fun to the class which helped lower the anxiety they faced in learning the language. Furthermore, it also broke the monotony of learning and teaching of English in the class. Some of the students enjoyed such recreational activities very much as it also helped them to learn new words. The positive effect of songs in bringing happiness and fun was reflected in their journal writing:

We also had a good experience today which is singing a Do-ray-me song and is is fun. All of the girls were laughing at us because of our bad voices. But we are happy to see all of them are happy. (SJ/DPM2/8/3/10/F1005) The students expressed that through the songs, they

also learnt new words: Before we start the class, we sing 1 song. I do not know what are tittle of the song, but when we sing the song, we felt so happy. Though the song, I have learns a few of the new words of today. (SJ/DPR2/4/3/10/F1029) Participants Nu and No do not think that the songs are childish when they shared, “kami belajar juga dari senikata itu.” [ we also learn from the wordings of the song] Saya suka ikut kelas madam.’[I like to attend madam’s class] (INT/6/4/10/DPR2) The researcher noted the students’ behaviour in the

class and was glad that they were able to be themselves

and trying to make fun of their friends. That in itself was fun to them.

Some were cheeky – trying to tease each other by volunteering others to answer the questions. At least they showed signs of trying to speak to each other in English. (TON/9/2/10/SPK2) Quite amazing to hear K saying, ‘Louder please!’ to his friend who was answering his question so softly. The joke was when he asked L to give him a piece of paper – L answered sheepishly, “Go to Giant!” [ supermarket]. We all had a good laugh when she repeated it loudly to K. (TON/9/3/10/SPK2) Several students shared that they used the technique

of positive self-talk to encourage themselves: But nevermind, I have learn the mistake and make sure the mistake will not be repeat next time. (SJ/DPM/1/3/10/F1003) The conclusion is, I learn more by my mistake and I will try to avoid it to happen again. (SJ/DAT2/11/02/10/F1034) Before this, I feel scared to talk in front of my classmates, but now, I have a bolder to speaker to them. I’m not afraid when my English went wrong, because that just the way to improve my self. It’s better have than never. (SJ/DHK2B/1/3/10/F1028) In this class, I always say the wrong word, but never mind I’ve learned from the mistakes. (SJ/DHK2B/25/1/10/F1039) Breakthrough in students: And today I very happy because I can speak in english. HaHaHa. But my english very broken speak. Hehehe. So I must try to speak in english next time with more good english. (SJ/DPR2/1/4/10/F1009) Today I’ve learned many new vocabularies (again). I felt learning English is very excited cause I’ve started speaking English with my friends, Vvy and Olga... I’ve also learned new phrases. (SJ/DPR2/4/2/10/F1022) I feel I am more confident to speak in english with all my friend and Madam Chow (SJ/DHK2B/8/3/10/F1036). My experience for today is, I have learned to start speaking in english because previously I’m so rare to speak in english. (SJ/DHK2B/25/1/10/F1039) Observations by fellow students in the class

concerning their classmates/coursemates’ progress were found in three students’ journal:

I observed that Hisham had started to talk a lot in English. (SJ/DAT2/28 /3/2010/F1026) The oral presentation finished today. Everyone had done the best and I observe there is an improvement in every person the class. I’m so happy for that. I hope that everyone improve from

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time to time and do our best for our MUET on our semester 5. (SJ/DAT2/4-4-10/F1028) I’ve observed that my team members of English classes have improved their english languages. They are trying to talk in english even its broken english. So funny.. Hehe.. (SJ/SPP2/6/04/10/F1004) In an interview, when participants were asked what

made them speak more compared to last time, some of them felt that the lecturer wanted them to do so and also the lecturer was talking to them in English in the class. Another reason was the awareness that they needed to use it in future.

Participants Ma and La answered, “In class maam want us to speak in English and we have to – future.” (INT/11/3/10/DHK2B) Participant Mz felt that “madam talk to us in English. Madam always teaching in English. (INT/11/3/10/SPK2) What the participants shared in the interview was in

line with the researcher’s observation note: By this time, they know that I am serious about them using the English Language in the class since we have only short time together in a week. Hopefully they will get used to it and keep trying for that’s the way to go to improve their English speaking ability... (TON/21/1/10/DPR2)

4.0 Discussion and conclusion

The anxiety scores of the participants in the usage of English from the FLCAS questionnaire in this study which ranged between 54 and 118 with a mean of 90.365 and a standard deviation of 10.609 indicated that the anxiety level of the majority of participants of this research are on the middle range and leaning towards the high anxiety range. This explained the reluctance of the students to use English even in the English class. The emotional barrier that had been erected through the years of educational experience in school while learning the English language was clearly still intact and weaved a strong influence on the behaviour of the students when they reached the researcher’s class in Polytechnic. This concurs with the other research findings carried out in similar settings (Bekleyen, 2009; Williams & Andrade, 2008; Finch, 2008, Ardi Marwan, 2007; Zhao Na, 2007; Burden, 2004; Chan & Wu, 2004; Casado & Dereshiwsky, 2001).

The two barriers, emotional and social, were however grounded in a deeper root cause: a distinct lack in competency and proficiency in the English language. In Muhammad Tanveer (2007), his findings suggested that language anxiety can originate from learners’s own sense of ‘self’, their self-related cognitions, language learning difficulties, differences

in learners’ and target language cultures, differences in social status of the speakers and interlocutours, and from the fear of losing self-identity. During the interviews the students expressed that difficulty in finding the right words, not being able to speak properly in English and having problems in vocabulary and not able to understand what the lecturer or others are saying in English were some of the reasons they were reluctant to speak in English. This constituted the competency barrier to using English in class. This could simply be visualised in Figure 2

Figure 2: The three barriers

The pathway to using English in the classroom for

these students was an uphill climb strewn with all kinds of entrapments that impeded them from achieving that seemingly elusive goal. The researcher needed a strategy to remove these barriers which cannot be done overnight. Nor will it happen without a fitting strategy to break down the barriers. The goal of this research was thus appropriately set to remove the first two barriers, namely the emotional barrier and the social barriers. Therefore it is the researcher’s duty as an educator to make her students aware of the learning strategies like socioaffective strategies and how and when to use them. The whole point of sharing the socioaffective strategies with the students was to encourage a collaborative spirit between students and the researcher.

Both quantitative and qualitative data indicated that anxiety was lowered through the use of socioaffective strategies. Strategies like the use of songs, jokes and other fun activities that were loaded to one end of the “see-saw of emotions” helped to equalise and even overcome the once heavily laden end of language anxiety. Apart from this, the application of positive self-talk by the students themselves, have a positive impact on enhancing self-esteem and personal acceptance, especially in the area of speaking English. This self-removal of emotional barriers is a powerful tool to help overcome this emotional barrier. Encouraging oneself, speaking positively to oneself, and rewarding oneself were self-talk that the students shared had helped them build positive vibes towards reducing anxiety and dismantling emotional barriers.

Emotional Barrier

Social Barrier

Competency Barrier

Using English in the Classroom

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The power of social learning if harnessed properly can play a significant role in dismantling social barriers. A safe atmosphere of learning that is created make conducive for even adult learners to make mistakes and being open to be corrected by friends in public, that is, in the classroom while the lesson is going on. This willingness that was evident when the students sharing that helping and encouraging one another to speak in English helped them break down the social barriers.

The teacher through acceptance and friendly relation provides ample safe opportunities in the class to speak English. He or she is the engineer of a conducive atmosphere that encourages the speaking of English in the class. The teacher plays the vital role of managing students’ response towards mistakes made by their friends, facilitating the correction of mistakes made in a constructive manner both by teachers and peers, and prodding gently the students to try again. Protecting students who are self-conscious and providing the scaffolding for learning are key roles that teachers can play in the process of using socioaffective strategies. A few researchers ascribed to this important role of a teacher to be aware of anxiety-provoking situation and help reduce students’ learning anxiety (Koba et al., 2000, Williams & Andrade, 2008, Bekleyen, 2009)

This research could now be expanded to find out how the competency barriers could be dismantled once the emotional and social barriers have been removed. Suffice to say, though, that it is wise to remove these two barriers, that is, the emotional and the social barriers first before the more fundamental competency barrier is tackled. Without doing so, it is doubtful if efforts to rebuild the foundation of the students in the area of English language competency and proficiency could progress to any significant level. The use of socioaffective strategies however had been found in this research to be one of the successful instruments in this endeavour of dismantling emotional and social barriers before the attempt to remove competency barriers.

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Imelda Bugis

Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu


Kajian sifat mekanikal komposit UF dan MUF berasaskan sisa ketaman kayu acacia mangium spp telah dikaji bagi mengetahui sifat mekanikal papan komposit termoset yang dihasilkan. Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan dua jenis perekat iaitu urea formaldehid (UF) dan melamin urea formaldehid (MUF) untuk penghasilan papan komposit pada ketumpatan 700 kg/m3. Nisbah peratusan kandungan pengisi (halus:kasar) yang digunakan adalah 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 dan 0:100. Secara umumnya, keputusan yang diperolehi memperlihatkan bahawa penghasilan papan komposit dengan menggunakan perekat MUF pada nisbah pengisi 40% halus dan 60% kasar menghasilkan sifat mekanikal yang lebih tinggi bagi ujian internal bonding dan ujian lenturan. Manakala bagi ujian kekuatan tensil dan ujian screw holding pula, keputusan menunjukkan bahawa penggunakan komposit menggunakan perekat MUF pada nisbah pengisi 20% halus dan 80% kasar menghasilkan sifat mekanikal yang lebih tinggi. Melalui keputusan juga, penggunaan perekat MUF secara umumnya, menunjukkan kekuatan mekanikal yang lebih tinggi berbanding perekat UF pada kesemua nisbah peratusan pengisi yang digunakan untuk penghasilan papan komposit.

1. Pendahuluan 1.1. Penyataan Masalah

Sektor perhutanan merupakan salah satu sektor

komoditi negara yang penting. Penebangan kayu balak secara berleluasa dalam industri berasaskan kayu telah menggangu keseimbangan alam sekitar. Demi memastikan industri perkayuan mempunyai bekalan kayu balak yang mencukupi untuk diproses secara berkekalan, Kerajaan Malaysia telah menyusun beberapa strategi dalam pengurusan hutan dengan menubuhkan kawasan-kawasan ladang hutan. Penubuhan ladang hutan ini berupaya menghasilkan lebih banyak kayu seunit kawasan dalam jangka masa yang singkat (M. Dahlan dan Ashaari, 1993).

Melalui pemerhatian, penggunaan kayu ladang hutan secara efektif adalah penting bagi menjamin tidak berlakunya pembaziran sumber kayu. Ini merupakan langkah yang terbaik bagi mengurangkan bahan buangan sisa industri di negara ini. Di samping itu, kadar pencemaran terhadap alam sekitar juga dapat dikurangkan dengan pengurangan kawasan sisa-sisa buangan industri berasaskan kayu dan indusrti berasaskan pertanian. Selain itu, pencemaran udara dan pemanasan global dapat dikurangkan akibat daripada pembakaran sisa-sisa kayu (Abdul Khalil dan Rozman, 2004).

Page 68: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 20 –

1.2. Pers

i. Admekememe

ii. Adpepesif

1.3. Obj

i. M


ii. Mkekeka

iii. Mter

iv. MpeUr

1.4. Bata

Kajianberasaskaadalah temerangkubonding, tanpa mekajian iniacacia mkomposit kandunga40:60, 20 2. Meto

Bahankayu acakilang KKinabalujulat (haluShaker. J2.36mm-3adalah digunakanUrea FSepanggaManakala

entangkan di S– 21 Julai 2010

soalan Kajia

dakah terdapekanikal pap

etaman kayu enggunakan elamin urea fodakah terdapenggunaan nengisi (halus:kfat-sifat mekan

ektif Kajian

enggunakan angium spp enghasilan papenghasilkan p

etaman kayu etumpatan 700asar). engkaji sifat-srmoset yang dembuat perba

erekat Urea Frea Formeldeh

asan Kajian

n sifat mekaan sisa ketamerbatas kepadumi ujian kujian screw h

elibatkan ujiai tertumpu han

mangium spp. t yang dihasilkan pengisi (ha0:80 dan 0:100

odologi Kaj

n pengisi yangacia mangiumKoshi Acacia. Bahan pengius : kasar) deJulat pengisi 3.35mm. Man5.0mm-10.0mn adalah urea ormaldehid

ar Chemical Ina, bahan ta

Seminar Penye0 bertempat di


pat perbezaanpan kompos

acacia mangresin urea

ormaldehid? pat perbezaannisbah peratkasar) yang dnikal komposi


sisa ketamasebagai pen

pan komposit tpapan kompo

Acacia ma0 kg/m3 pad

sifat mekanikdihasilkan. andingan sifatFormaldehid (Uhid (MUF).


anikal komposman kayu acada kajian sifaekuatan tens

holding dan ujan sifat fizikanya kepada sis

Selain itu, kkan ialah 700 alus:kasar) 100.


g digunakan adm spp yang da Industries isi ini akan dia

engan mengguhalus yang

nakala julat pmm. Perekat

Formaldehid (MUF) dip

ndustri Sdn. Bmbah yang

elidikan dan Ini Politeknik Ko

n sifat kekuit daripada gium spp deformaldehid

n ketara detusan kandu

digunakan terhit yang dihasil

an kayu Angisi utama dtermoset. osit termoset

angium spp da nisbah (ha

kal papan kom

t mekanikal aUF) dan Mel

sit UF dan acia mangiumat mekanikal sil, ujian intian lenturan sal. Disampingsa ketaman spketumpatan pkg/m3 pada n

00:0, 80:20, 6

dalah sisa ketdiperolehi dar

Sdn. Bhd. asingkan men

unakan mesin digunakan a

pengisi kasar termoset

(UF) dan Melperolehi darBhd Kota Kina


novasi Peringkota Kinabalu S

uatan sisa

engan dan

engan ungan hadap kan ?

cacia dalam

sisa pada

alus :


antara lamin

MUF m spp

yang ternal sahaja g itu, pesies papan nisbah 60:40,

aman ipada Kota

ngikut Sieve dalah pula yang

lamin ripada abalu. ialah



3. 3.1



Hazlan Ab

kat Zon Borneoabah, Malaysi

mmonium klorngeras bagi rekat. Kaedah-kaed

ripada proses oses pencamposes penekanoses penyediaagi proses pengujian, piawdustrial Stand

Rajah 1: Car

Dapatan K

1 Ujian Kek Rajah 2 men

lus:kasar sisang berbeza mposit UF erujuk kepadaemutuskan kom

Secara umummposit yang % halus dan 2sar menunjukrbanding deng0% kasar bagUF. Penggunaenunjukkan nsebabkan, ikarsama perekatnggunaan sisan mewujudknggunaan sisa

dullah et al.

o, ia.

rida (NH4Cl) mempercepat

dah perlaksanpenyediaan b

puran, proses nan sejuk, pran sampel ujienyediaan sam

waian yang didard Particlebo

rta Alir ProseKomposit T


kuatan Tensi

nunjukkan pera ketaman kay

ke atas sifadan MUF.

a daya tegangamposit yang dmnya, keputusmengandungi20% kasar hin

kkan kekuatangan peratusangi kedua-dua saan nisbah 100nilai yang

atan antara sat tidak dapat sa ketaman kkan rongga-roa ketaman kay

Diges PKK Ed


yang berfuntkan proses

naan kajian bahan, prosespembentukan

roses penekaan dan kaedahmpel ujian digunakan ialaoard (JIS A59

es PenghasilaTermoset


ratusan nisbahyu acacia maat kekuatan Kekuatan ten

an yang diperdiuji. san menunjuki peratusan ningga 20% haln tensil yang n nisbah 100%sampel kompo0% halus dan lebih rendah

aiz halus dandisebarkan se

kayu bersaiz ongga kosongyu bersaiz lebih

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 61

ngsi sebagai pematangan

ini terdiri s penapisan, n hamparan, anan panas, h pengujian. dan kaedah ah Japanese 908 – 1994).

an Papan

h antara saiz angium spp tensil bagi nsil adalah

rlukan untuk

kkan bahawa isbah antara us dan 80% lebih tinggi

% halus dan osit UF dan 100% kasar

h. Hal ini n saiz kasar ecara sekata.

lebih kasar g. Manakala h halus pula

Page 69: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 20 –

akan mbergumpabagi samp

3.2 . Ujia Kesan

ketaman atas sifat dan MUF

Secaraperatusanhingga 40Internal B100% halkedua-duBonding lekatan an

entangkan di S– 21 Julai 2010

menyebabkan al antara satu pel komposit y

Rajah 2:

an Internal B

n peratusan nikayu acacia kekuatan inte

F dapat dilihat a umumnya, k

n nisbah anta0% halus dan Bonding yanglus dan 100% a perekat jeniini dilakukan

ntara partikel-

Seminar Penye0 bertempat di

partikel-partsama lain. Mayang dihasilka

Ujian kekuat


sbah antara samangium spp

ernal bonding pada Rajah 3.

komposit yangara 80% halu60% kasar me

g lebih tinggi bkasar. Keada

is UF dan MUn bagi mengkpartikel kayu.

elidikan dan Ini Politeknik Ko

tikel kayu aka ikatan dalan adalah lema

tan tensil

aiz halus:kasap yang berbezbagi kompos

. g dihasilkan deus dan 20% empunyai kekuberbanding dean ini berlakuUF. Ujian Intkaji kekuatan .

novasi Peringkota Kinabalu S

akan aman ah.

ar sisa za ke it UF

engan kasar uatan engan u bagi ternal daya



Hazlan Ab

kat Zon Borneoabah, Malaysi


3. Ujian Scre Rajah 4 m

tara saiz halangium spp yaru bagi kompo

dullah et al.

o, ia.

h 3: Ujian int

ew Holding/P

menunjukkan lus:kasar sisaang berbeza kosit UF dan M

Diges PKK Ed


ternal bonding


kesan peratua ketaman kke atas sifat p


disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 62


n Skru

usan nisbah kayu acacia pemegangan

Page 70: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 20 –

Secaracampuranyang leb100% halnisbah 2berlaku piaitu UF menunjukmenghasiketahananini juga byang di gtermoset.

3.4 Ujia


antara samangium modulus (UF) dan

entangkan di S– 21 Julai 2010

Rajah 4: U

a umumnya, kn nisbah halubih tinggi belus dan 100%20% halus danpada kedua-du

dan MUF. Kkkan bahawailkan kekuatan penggunaanberlaku pada

gunakan untuk

n Kekuatan

h 5 menunjuaiz halus:kasa spp yang blenturan bagMelamin Ure

Seminar Penye0 bertempat di

Ujian screw h

keputusan menus dan kasar merbanding de

% kasar terutamn 80% kasar.

ua jenis perekaKeputusan pa penggunaaan yang lebihn skru berband

semua nisbak penghasilkan

n Modulus L

ukkan kesan ar sisa ketam

berbeza ke atgi komposit Uea Formaldehid

elidikan dan Ini Politeknik Ko


nunjukkan bamenunjukkan

engan pengguma pada pera. Keadaan iniat yang di gunpada Rajah 4an perekat Mh tinggi terhding UF. Kea

ah halus dan n sampel kom

Lenturan (M

peratusan nman kayu atas sifat kekuUrea Formaldd (MUF).

novasi Peringkota Kinabalu S

ahawa nilai

unaan atusan juga

nakan juga

MUF hadap adaan kasar



nisbah cacia uatan dehid





Hazlan Ab

kat Zon Borneoabah, Malaysi


Secara umummpuran peratungga 20% hkuatan modrbanding nisbningkatan kegi kedua-dua n MUF. Kenggunaan penturan yang lebng dihasilkanda campuran ngga 20% halnturan dikaji ng terhasil. Beelenturkan samgal.

5 Ujian K


Rajah 6 msar:halus sisang berbeza umposit yang d

rea Formaldormaldehid (M

Secara umu% halus dankuatan modurbanding densar. Keputusaimbang pengglus dan kasasilkan. Keadarekat yang di gri-ciri saiz par

dullah et al.

o, ia.

5: Ujian keku

mnya, keputususan nisbah 8halus dan 80dulus lenturabah 100% hkuatan modujenis perekat

eputusan jugaerekat MUF bih tinggi berbn menggunaka

nisbah 40%lus dan 80% kbagi menget

eban secara mmpel komposi

Kekuatan M

menunjukkan a ketaman kayuntuk ujian mdi hasilkan de

dehid (UF) MUF). umnya, di dan 60% kasar ulus kepecahngan sampel an juga mengunaan pencamar, semakin aan ini berlakgunakan iaitu rtikel kayu ac

Diges PKK Ed


uatan modulu

san menunjuk0% halus dan0% kasar man yang lehalus dan 10ulus lenturan

yang digunaka menunjukk

menghasilkanbanding dengaan perekat UF

% halus dan kasar. Kekuattahui kekuata

maksimum dikit hingga sam

Modulus K

kesan nisbyu acacia mamodulus kepeengan menggu

dan Mela

apati penggunkasar menca

han yang le100% halus

ndapati bahawmpuran peratukuat kompos

ku pada keduUF dan MUF

cacia mangium

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 63

us lenturan

kkan bahawa n 20% kasar

menunjukkan ebih tinggi 00% kasar. ini berlaku

kan iaitu UF kan bahawa n kekuatan an komposit F. Terutama 60% kasar

tan modulus an komposit kenakan bagi mpel tersebut


bah antara angium spp ecahan bagi unakan resin amin Urea

naan nisbah atatkan nilai ebih tinggi

dan 100% wa semakin usan nisbah sit yang di ua-dua jenis F. Ini kerana, m spp yang

Page 71: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 20 –

bersaiz leyang di h


4. Perbi

Secarakomposit acacia myang dihyang tinmenunjukketaman bagi penketaman mempunyberbandinKhalil dan

Daripujian kekscrew houjian ini

entangkan di S– 21 Julai 2010

ebih sekata mhasilkan.

h 6: Ujian kek


a keseluruht termoset bangium spp dasilkan memp

nggi terhadapkkan penggunkayu acacia nghasilan kokayu mempun

yai pengikang dengan pan Rokiah, 200ada kajian inkuatan tensil,olding dan ujii dilakukan b

Seminar Penye0 bertempat di


kuatan modu

an, kajian erasaskan sis

dikaji bagi mepunyai kekuatp ujian mekanaan bahan pe

mangium sppomposit. Ini nyai hujung

atan dalamaartikel kayu 04). ni, ujian meka

ujian internian lenturan. bagi menguji

elidikan dan Ini Politeknik Ko

kekuatan kom

ulus kepecaha

sifat mekasa ketaman engetahui komtan dan ketahanikal. Kepungisi daripada

p ini sangat sdisebabkan

yang berbuluan yang tyang lain (A

anikal merangnal bonding,

Secara umumi papan kom

novasi Peringkota Kinabalu S



anikal kayu

mposit hanan utusan a sisa sesuai

sisa u dan tinggi Abdul

gkumi ujian

mnya, mposit




jugRascrlenkepmeberjeladameMUlemlebyan 5.


Hazlan Ab

kat Zon Borneoabah, Malaysi

ampu menangmpel komposi

Dari segi enunjukkan basbah halus dang lebih tingg

erutamanya pa% kasar bag

nturan. Manak% kasar pulagi ujian kekuapat dilihat melHal ini keran

sar menghasilang-ruang kossar akan diisteraksi antarampat mengikatik dan membeh itu, interakembenarkan tengisi berlaku dSelain itu, d

ga didapati paajah 3 bagi ujiarew holding, nturan dan Rpecahan menempunyai nilarbanding dengas menunjukkalah lebih sesuempunyai kekuUF mempunmbapan dan mbih kukuh serng lebih kuat d

Kesimpula Kajian sifa

nggunaan 40%sar adalah nggunaan 100i didapati panakan iaitu pe

rea Formaldrekat Melamenunjukkan snggunaan petumpatan pap/m3 adalah


dullah et al.

o, ia.

ggung beban dit tersebut.

kekuatan ahawa campuran kasar mengi bagi kesemada campurangi ujian interkala pencampua menghasilkaatan tensil danlalui Rajah 2 h

na penggunaanlkan komposisong terdapat si oleh partimuka di antart partikel-partolehkan kompksi antaramukegasan dipindadengan lebih b

dari segi kekuaada Rajah 2 ban internal boRajah 5 bagi

Rajah 6 bagi nunjukkan penai kekuatan megan penggunakan bahawa puai untuk menuatan yang lebnyai kekuata

mampu memegrta mempunydan sukar untu


at mekanikal % halus 60% k

lebih ting0% halus danda kedua-duaerekat Urea F

dehid. Bagaimin Urea sifat yang

perekat Ureapan komposit ysesuai untuk

Diges PKK Ed


dan mengetah

mekanikal, ran penggunaanunjukkan nil

mua ujian sifatn nisbah 40%rnal bondinguran nibah 20%an kekuatan n ujian screw hingga Rajah 6n campuran sait yang seimb pada saiz paikel-partikel yra pengisi dentikel kayu deposit menjadika yang banyahkan daripadbaik. atan mekanikagi ujian keku

onding, Rajah ujian kekuat

ujian kekuatanggunaan peekanikal yang aan perekat U

penggunaan penghasilkan kombih tinggi. Ini an terhadap

gang partikel kyai ikatan antuk dileraikan.

pada perakasar dan 60%gi berbandi

n 100% kasar.a jenis perekormaldehid daimanapun,,

Formaldehilebih baik a Formaldeyang digunak

k penghasilan

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 64

hui kekuatan

keputusan an peratusan ai kekuatan t mekanikal.

% halus dan g dan ujian % halus dan lebih tinggi holding. Ini 6.

aiz halus dan bang kerana artikel yang yang halus.

ngan perekat engan lebih i lebih kuat. yak ini akan da perekat ke

kal komposit uatan tensil, 4 bagi ujian

tan modulus an modulus rekat MUF lebih tinggi

UF. Hal ini erekat MUF mposit yang kerana sifat

pengaruh kayu dengan tara partikel

atus nisbah % halus 40%

ng nisbah . Keputusan kat yang di an Melamin penggunaan id (MUF)

berbanding ehid (UF). kan iaitu 700 n komposit

Page 72: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Hazlan Abdullah et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 65 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Zon Borneo, pada 20 – 21 Julai 2010 bertempat di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Rujukan Abdul Khalil Shawkataly dan Rokiah Hashim. (2004).

Komposit Panel Berasaskan Sumber Kayu. Pulau Pinang: Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Abdul Khalil Shawkataly dan Rozman Hj. Din. (2004). Gentian dan Komposit Lignoselulosik. Pulau Pinang: Universiti Sains Malaysia

Anonymous (1994). Japanese Industrial Standard Particleboard (JIS A5908-1994). Japan: Japanese Standard Association.

Forest Product Laboratory. (1999). Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material. Wisconsin: USDA Forest Service, Madison

Hazlan Abdullah. (2004). Komposit Polister Hibrid Berasaskan Sekam Padi dengan Gentian Kaca. Master Dissertation. Universiti Sains Malaysia

Mohamad Dahlan Jantan dan Ashaari Haji Amin. (1993). Industri Kayu-Kayuan. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Page 73: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Noriza et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 66 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Politeknik Kota Kinabalu 2010, pada 20 – 21 Julai 2010 bertempat di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Tahap Pengetahuan Penulisan Rujukan dalam Kalangan Pelajar Semester Akhir, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

Noriza Mat Hashim Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Syarifah Adawiah Syed Ahmad Politeknik Kota Kinabalu [email protected]

Halina Hamid

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu [email protected]


Kajian ini telah dilaksanakan untuk mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan penulisan rujukan menggunakan gaya penulisan yang betul serta mengenalpasti kepentingan penulisan rujukan dalam kalangan pelajar semester akhir Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu dan mengenalpasti langkah-langkah bagi meningkatkan mutu penulisan rujukan. Pengedaran borang kaji selidik iaitu seramai 127 responden telah digunakan dalam instrumen kajian ini. Hasilnya, 99.6% responden tidak dapat menjawab soalan pemahaman. Ini menunjukkan pengetahuan responden dalam penulisan rujukan adalah lemah. Namun begitu, pelajar mengetahui tentang kepentingan penulisan rujukan yang betul terutama dalam penghasilan laporan projek akhir. Keputusan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa sebagai langkah bagi mengatasi masalah ini, pihak Politeknik Kota Kinabalu perlu menyelaraskan buku panduan penulisan rujukan untuk kegunaan pelajar. Hasil kajian memberi implikasi bahawa tindakan segera perlu diambil untuk mengatasi kelemahan pelajar dalam penulisan rujukan dari terus berulang. 1. Pengenalan

Pelajar semester akhir Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam (JKA) diwajibkan untuk menyiapkan laporan projek akhir sebagai syarat penganugerahan diploma. Dalam menyiapkan laporan projek tersebut pelajar perlu

memperolehi data sekunder daripada sumber-sumber rujukan seperi buku, jurnal, artikel, surat khabar, majalah, buku panduan, manual, ensiklopedia dan sumber-sumber daripada internet. Sumber-sumber rujukan ini penting terutamanya dalam menyokong penyataan masalah, kajian literatur dan perbincangan pelajar. Sumber-sumber yang dicatatkan dalam laporan ini perlu direkodkan dengan betul dalam bahagian rujukan.

Penulisan sumber harus disenaraikan untuk memberi pengiktirafan kepada penulis, membuktikan laporan disokong oleh fakta yang sah, mengelakkan tuduhan plagiarisma serta sebagai panduan kepada penyelidikan yang lain (Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya, 2008). Menurut Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (2007), sumber rujukan adalah sebarang terbitan yang dijadikan rujukan atau panduan dalam tujuan pembelajaran, pengkajian dan sebagainya yang menganalogikan rujukan tersebut dalam penulisan. Oleh itu, penulisan rujukan mesti mengikut format dan susunan yang betul.

Format rujukan yang biasanya digunakan oleh pengkaji ialah format APA (American Psychological Association). Format-format lain seperti Turabian, CBE (Council of Biology Editors), MLA (Modern Language Association) dan ACS (American Chemistry Society) juga boleh digunakan. Walau bagaimanapun, penulisan rujukan haruslah selaras, iaitu hanya menggunakan satu jenis format sahaja dalam satu laporan kajian (Chua, Y.K., 2006).

Page 74: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Noriza et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 67 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Politeknik Kota Kinabalu 2010, pada 20 – 21 Julai 2010 bertempat di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

2. Latar belakang masalah Masalah penulisan rujukan berlaku dalam kalangan

pelajar terutamanya bagi pelajar semester akhir yang perlu menyiapkan laporan projek penyelidikan. Walaupun pelajar telah diberi pendedahan dengan memberi taklimat dan contoh format penulisan rujukan yang betul, tetapi pelajar masih keliru dan membuat kesilapan. Ini dibuktikan melalui penulisan laporan projek semester akhir yang lepas (Julai 2009) menunjukkan bahawa pelajar masih kurang mahir dalam menulis rujukan. Sebanyak 15 kumpulan pelajar diambil sebagai sampel dan didapati 100% menunjukkan pelajar membuat kesilapan dalam penulisan rujukan.

Keadaan ini amatlah menyedihkan kerana laporan akhir ini menjadi rujukan kepada pelajar lain untuk menjalankan penyelidikan. Ini menggambarkan bahawa pelajar Politeknik Kota Kinabalu (PKK) tidak mencari sumber rujukan dengan betul. Hal ini juga menggambarkan kelemahan pensyarah dan sistem pembelajaran yang tidak mementingkan penulisan rujukan. Selain itu ia mendedahkan pelajar kepada aktiviti plagiatrisme. Isu plagiatrisme merupakan nanah dalam penghasilan harta intelek. Jika keadaan ini dibiarkan ia boleh mencemarkan imej politeknik dalam mengejar status universiti pada tahun 2015.

Selaras dengan transformasi politeknik maka wajarlah masalah penulisan rujukan dalam kalangan pelajar Kejuruteraan Awam ini diatasi segera. Pelajar tidak sepatutnya terlalu bergantung kepada pensyarah dalam menulis dan menyemak rujukan. Pelajar ini seharusnya mempunyai pengetahuan untuk menulis rujukan tanpa mengharapkan bantuan pensyarah. Disebabkan penekanan tidak diberi pada peringkat awal pengajian, maka kesilapan dan kekeliruan dalam menulis rujukan berlanjutan sehingga semester akhir. Perlaksanaan projek secara berkumpulan menyebabkan keprihatinan pelajar terhadap penulisan rujukan semakin berkurangan. Jika masalah penulisan rujukan dalam kalangan pelajar dapat diatasi maka ia akan meningkatkan nilai tambah pelajar dan memberi imej yang baik kepada politeknik apabila pelajar tersebut melanjutkan pengajian.

Oleh itu, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahap pengetahuan pelajar, untuk mengenal pasti kepentingan penulisan rujukan dan mengenal pasti langkah-langkah bagi meningkatkan mutu penulisan rujukan dalam kalangan pelajar. Ini bertujuan agar kajian tindakan dapat dilaksanakan pada masa akan datang.

3. Objektif kajian Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengenal pasti tahap

pengetahuan pelajar dalam menulis rujukan, mengenal pasti kepentingan rujukan dalam kalangan pelajar semester akhir menurut perspektif pelajar dan mengenal pasti langkah-langkah meningkatkan mutu penulisan rujukan menurut perspektif pelajar.

4. Rekabentuk kajian

Kajian tinjauan ini merupakan kajian deskriptif

yang menggunakan data-data kuantitatif dan kualitatif di mana data dipungut melalui soal selidik.

4.1 Subjek Kajian

Populasi kajian ini terdiri daripada seramai 181 orang pelajar diploma semester akhir sesi Januari 2010 di JKA, PKK. Berdasarkan Jadual Krejcie dan Morgan, (Chua, Y.K., 2006), sampel kajian sebanyak 127 orang telah diambil yang terdiri daripada 3 program iaitu Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam (DKA), Diploma Teknologi Berdasarkan Kayu (DBK) dan Diploma Ukur Bahan (DUB)

4.2 Instrumen Kajian

Instrumen yang digunakan dalam kajian ini

berbentuk pengedaran borang soal selidik yang mengandungi 5 bahagian iaitu Bahagian A: Demografi Responden, Bahagian B: Kefahaman Pelajar, Bahagian C: Kepentingan Penulisan Rujukan, Bahagian D: Langkah-langkah Peningkatan Mutu Penulisan Rujukan dan pendapat serta cadangan dari subjek kajian. Soal selidik ini menggunakan kaedah ujian kefahaman dan menggunakan skala likert.

4.3 Prosedur Kajian

Subjek kajian menjawab soalan-soalan dalam borang kaji selidik di dalam kelas secara individu di bawah pengawasan pensyarah yang mengajar kelas-kelas yang berkenaan. Masa yang diperuntukan untuk menjawab ialah 45 minit.

5. Analisis data

Kajian rintis telah dijalankan sebelum kajian

sebenar dilakukan terhadap 10 orang responden. Analisis tersebut berdasarkan prosedur analisis ‘Alpha Crombach’ bagi mendapatkan nilai pekali kebolehpercayaan. Hasilnya telah memperolehi nilai alpha sebanyak 0.85. Nilai ‘Alpha Crombach’ yang

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melebihi daripada 0.6 membolehkan borang soal selidik itu digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian dalam mendapatkan maklum balas yang sebenar (Mohd Majid Konting, 1990). Sekiranya nilai kebolehpercayaan yang diperolehi rendah daripada 0.6, maka instrumen tersebut dianggap mempunyai kebolehpercayaan yang rendah. Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan nilai yang diperolehi, maka tiada item yang perlu dibuang atau diperbaiki dan ianya boleh digunakan dalam mendapatkan data yang sebenar.

Bagi kajian sebenar, data-data yang dikumpul telah dianalisis mengikut urutan soalan secara kuantitatif. Analisis ini adalah bergantung kepada bentuk soalan yang dikemukakan kepada responden. Data-data yang diperolehi telah dianalisis menggunakan pakej perisian komputer Statistical Packages for Sosial Sciences Series (SPSS) versi 16.0. Bagi data latar belakang responden dan ujian kefahaman, data dihuraikan secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan kaedah kekerapan dan peratus serta merujuk kepada pemeringkatan tahap pengetahuan penulisan rujukan seperti dalam Jadual 1a. Manakala bagi kepentingan penulisan rujukan dan langkah-langkah peningkatan mutu penulisan rujukan, data di analisis berdasarkan skor min seperti Jadual 1b dan Jadual 1c.

Jadual 1a. Pemeringkatan tahap pengetahuan penulisan rujukan

Peratus jawapan

salah Pengetahuan

0 - 49 Baik 50 - 69 Sederhana 70 - 100 Lemah

Jadual 1b. Pemeringkatan tahap kepentingan

penulisan rujukan

Skor Min Kepentingan 3.91 – 4.246 Kecil 4.247 – 4.414 Biasa 4.415 – 4.75 Utama

Jadual 1c. Langkah-langkah peningkatan mutu

penulisan rujukan

Skor Min Langkah-langkah 4.03 – 4.23 Kecil 4.24 – 4.33 Biasa 4.34 – 4.53 Utama

5.1 Demografi Responden

Maklumat mengenai latar belakang responden adalah seperti di dalam Jadual 2. Responden adalah

seramai 127 orang terdiri daripada 51.2% lelaki dan 48.8% perempuan. Iaitu program DKA (18.9%), DUB (35.4%), DBK (21.3%), PKA (4.7%), PUB (18.1%) dan PBK (1.6%).

Jadual 2. Taburan responden mengikut pembolehubah latar belakang

Pembolehubah Kekerapan Peratus

JANTINA Lelaki 65 51.2

Perempuan 62 48.8 Jumlah 127 100.0

PROGRAM DKA 24 18.9 DUB 45 35.4 DBK 27 21.3 PKA 6 4.7 PUB 23 18.1 PBK 2 1.6

Jumlah 127 100.0

Berdasarkan kepada Rajah 1a, didapati seramai 117 responden menggunakan internet sebagai jenis rujukan yang sering digunakan untuk memperoleh maklumat. Jenis rujukan yang lain ialah buku (83), tesis (48), jurnal (39), surat khabar (32), majalah (14) dan lain-lain (8). Manakala Rajah 1b menunjukkan jumlah responden bagi kaedah memperolehi maklumat untuk menulis rujukan. Jumlah tertinggi ialah internet (98) diikuti pula oleh pensyarah (77), perpustakaan (73), buku panduan (58), rakan (54) dan manual rujukan (36).

Rajah 1a. Jenis Rujukan





















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Rajah 1b. Kaedah memperolehi maklumat untuk menulis rujukan

5.2 Ujian Kefahaman

Berdasarkan Jadual 3, didapati seramai 60

responden (47.2%) tidak merujuk apa-apa gaya dalam penulisan rujukan. Manakala 39 (30.7%) responden mengetahui tentang gaya APA dan 28 (22.0%) responden mengetahui gaya MLA.

Jadual 3. Taburan pengetahuan pelajar tentang

penulisan rujukan

Bil Item Bilangan Peratusan 1. Gaya APA 39 30.7 2. Gaya MLA 28 22.0

3. Tidak merujuk apa-apa gaya 60 47.2

127 100

Seterusnya berdasarkan Jadual 4, didapati peratusan pelajar yang menulis rujukan dengan jawapan yang salah dan tidak mampu menjawab iaitu 100% bagi item 1 (Rujukan yang ada satu pengarang), item 3 (Rujukan kepada buku yang pengarangnya Badan Korporat), item 5 (Rujukan kepada artikel dalam surat khabar) dan item 6 (Rujukan kepada sumber elektronik). Item 2 menunjukkan peratusan tertinggi jawapan yang betul iaitu 1.6%.

Jadual 4. Kefahaman pelajar tentang penulisan


Bil. Item Jawapan

Betul Jawapan

Salah Tidak

Menjawab Bil % Bil. % Bil. %

1. Rujukan yang ada satu pengarang

0 0 121 95.3 6 4.7

2. Rujukan yang ada lebih satu pengarang

2 1.6 118 92.9 7 5.5


Rujukan kepada buku yang pengarangnya Badan Korporat

0 0 118 92.9 9 7.1

4. Rujukan kepada artikel dalam jurnal

1 0.8 118 92.9 8 6.3


Rujukan kepada artikel dalam surat khabar

0 0 114 89.8 13 10.2


Rujukan kepada sumber elektronik

0 0 114 89.3 13 10.2

5.3 Kepentingan Penulisan Rujukan

Jadual 5 menunjukkan kepentingan penulisan

rujukan mengikut perspektif pelajar. Berdasarkan jadual tersebut didapati bahawa kepentingan yang utama yang tertinggi ialah item 1 (min skor 4.75) iaitu penulisan rujukan amat penting kepada saya terutama penghasilan laporan projek. Manakala item 3 dengan min skor terendah (3.91) ialah penggunaan gaya MLA dalam penulisan rujukan amat penting kepada saya. Jadual 5. Kepentingan penulisan rujukan menurut

perspektif pelajar

Bil Item Min S.Piawai Kepentingan


Penulisan rujukan amat penting kepada saya terutama penghasilan laporan projek

4.75 0.471 Utama


Penggunaan gaya APA dalam penulisan rujukan amat penting kepada saya

3.96 0.83 Kecil


Penggunaan gaya MLA dalam penulisan rujukan amat penting kepada saya

3.91 0.791 Kecil


Penulisan laporan tugasan memerlukan penulisan rujukan yang betul

4.57 0.585 Utama


Penulisan rujukan dengan betul dapat mengelakkan unsur peniruan (plagiat)

4.52 0.635 Utama


Saya dapat menghasilkan penulisan laporan yang berkualiti jika mempunyai pengetahuan dalam penulisan rujukan

4.47 0.640 Utama

7. Penulisan rujukan dengan betul dapat 4.50 0.616 Utama


58 54

77 73










Buku p












ual R






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menghargai harta intelek penulis yang lain


Penulisan rujukan dengan betul adalah merupakan kriteria permarkahan dalam tugasan

4.43 0.685 Utama


Penulisan rujukan dengan betul dapat memudahkan pembaca untuk membuat rujukan lanjutan berkaitan maklumat yang telah dinyatakan oleh penulis

4.59 0.671 Utama

5.4. Langkah Peningkatan Mutu Penulisan

Rujukan Jadual 6 menunjukkan langkah-langkah

peningkatkan mutu penulisan rujukan mengikut perspektif pelajar. Berdasarkan jadual tersebut didapati bahawa langkah utama ialah item 1 (min skor 4.47) buku panduan penulisan rujukan perlu diselaraskan di PKK dan item 3 (min skor 4.53) Perpustakaan Politeknik perlu menyediakan Buku Panduan Penulisan Rujukan. Min skor terendah ialah item 6 (4.03) iaitu bengkel mengenai penulisan rujukan perlu diadakan kepada pelajar.

Jadual 6. Langkah-langkah peningkatan mutu penulisan rujukan

Bil Item Min S.Piawai Langkah-



Buku panduan penulisan rujukan perlu diselaraskan di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu.

4.47 0.805 Utama


Seminar mengenai penulisan rujukan perlu diadakan kepada pelajar semester pertama.

4.34 0.819 Biasa


Perpustakaan Politeknik perlu menyediakan Buku Panduan Penulisan Rujukan.

4.53 0.665 Utama


Pensyarah perlu lebih menitikberatkan penulisan

4.38 0.755 Biasa

rujukan dalam penulisan laporan tugasan/makmal pelajar


Penulisan rujukan perlu diwujudkan di dalam sukatan kursus pelajar.

4.09 0.909 Kecil


Bengkel mengenai penulisan rujukan perlu diadakan kepada pelajar

4.03 0.951 Kecil


Latihan dan kumpulan (LDK) mampu meningkatkan kefahaman pelajar tentang penulisan rujukan

4.28 0.897 Biasa


Mewujudkan hari ’Penulisan Rujukan’ di Jabatan

4.07 0.956 Kecil

6. Perbincangan dan kesimpulan

Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap pengetahuan pelajar dalam penulisan rujukan adalah lemah iaitu berdasarkan item ujian kefahaman, 4 daripada 6 jenis bahan rujukan ditulis dengan 100% cara penulisan yang salah. Hanya item rujukan yang ada lebih satu pengarang (1.6%) dan rujukan kepada artikel dalam jurnal (0.8%) dijawab dengan betul. Secara keseluruhan 99.6% responden tidak dapat menjawab soalan dengan betul. Ini dapat dikaitkan dengan dapatan kajian yang menunjukkan 47.2% pelajar tidak merujuk apa-apa gaya dalam penulisan rujukan. Seterusnya membuktikan bahawa pelajar tidak mengetahui tentang jenis format penulisan rujukan sedia ada. Antara kesalahan penulisan rujukan yang dikenalpasti adalah seperti susunan kedudukan tidak tepat, penggunaan tanda noktah, koma dan kurungan yang salah, tidak mencatat nama pengarang, tahun & tempat diterbitkan, tiada nama penerbit dan tidak tahu bagaimana untuk menulis rujukan.

Dapatan kajian seterusnya mendapati bahawa pelajar mengetahui kepentingan penulisan rujukan dalam penghasilan laporan projek dan laporan tugasan yang berkualiti. Pelajar juga berpendapat bahawa penulisan rujukan dengan betul dapat memudahkan pembaca lain untuk membuat rujukan lanjutan. Pelajar juga tahu penulisan rujukan yang betul dapat

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mengelakkan unsur plagiat dan dapat menghargai harta intelek penulis yang lain.

Manakala bagi hasil kajian untuk langkah-langkah peningkatan mutu penulisan rujukan, kajian mendapati bahawa pelajar amat memerlukan buku panduan penulisan rujukan. Buku panduan tersebut perlulah di selaraskan di PKK. Selain itu, pensyarah perlu lebih menitikberatkan tentang penulisan rujukan dalam penulisan laporan tugasan dan makmal pelajar. Seminar mengenai penulisan rujukan juga perlu diadakan kepada pelajar semester pertama dan Latihan Dalam Kumpulan (LDK) mampu meningkatkan kefahaman pelajar tentang penulisan rujukan.

Implikasi dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa tindakan segera perlu diambil untuk mengatasi kelemahan pelajar dalam penulisan rujukan bagi meningkatkan mutu laporan penyelidikan pelajar. Peranan perpustakaan dalam menyediakan panduan sumber-sumber rujukan perlu dipertingkatkan. Pensyarah juga diminta memainkan peranan lebih aktif untuk memastikan pelajar dapat menulis rujukan dengan betul. Pendedahan tentang penulisan rujukan juga perlu diberikan kepada pelajar bermula dari semester satu lagi. Oleh itu, dicadangkan satu kajian tindakan dijalankan terhadap pelajar semester akhir untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Rujukan Chua, Y.K. (2006). Kaedah dan Statistik Penyelidikan:

Kaedah Penyelidikan. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw-Hill.

Kamus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. (2007). Kamus Dewan (4th Ed). Dalam Dicapai pada Jun 29, 2010

Mohd Majid Konting. (1990). Kaedah Penyelidikan Pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya. (2008). Buku Panduan GXEX 1401 Kursus Kemahiran Maklumat. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya.

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Ahmad Razimi et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 72 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Rekabentuk Sistem Pengurusan Kunci

Ahmad Razimi Bin Mat Lazim Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

[email protected]

Muhamad Noor Bin Abu Hassan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

[email protected]

Aliudin Bin Aziz Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

[email protected]

Norashady Bin Mohd Noor Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

[email protected]


Kajian Rekabentuk Sistem Pengurusan Kunci ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk membina satu sistem pengurusan kunci yang lebih cekap daripada yang sedia ada untuk mengawal pergerakan kunci pintu-pintu utama bilik kuliah, makmal dan bengkel dan juga untuk melindungi harta milik Politeknik Kota Kinabalu daripada sebarang kes-kes kecurian, salah guna, vandalisma dan ketidakcekapan pengurusan kunci. Dengan mengambilkira kaedah dan sistem yang digunakan di setiap jabatan dan mengenalpasti permasalahan yang sering berlaku serta perbandingan di antara kaedah yang digunakan, satu kaedah yang baharu telah direkabentuk iaitu sistem pengurusan kunci yang dinamakan sebagai Mechanical Key Management System. Kaedah ini berfungsi apabila kunci utama yang ingin digunakan perlulah dikeluarkan menggunakan Access Peg Mechanical Key yang dibekalkan kepada setiap pensyarah bersama-sama tag nama masing-masing. Rekabentuk kaedah ini

telah direka menggunakan perisian Autodesk Autocad dan Autodesk Inventor oleh beberapa orang pensyarah mekanikal. Walaupun model bagi rekabentuk kajian ini belum dibangunkan, namun prinsip operasinya adalah sebagai cadangan penambahbaikan kepada kaedah yang sedia ada. 1. Pengenalan

Kawalan Pengurusan kunci adalah sistem pengurusan sistem kawalan yang teratur yang perlu ada pada setiap organisasi. Tanpa sistem kawalan yang teratur keselamatan kunci akan menjadi kurang berkesan dan akan membenarkan sesiapa sahaja bebas memasuki sesebuah kawasan tanpa pengawasan. Sistem kawalan kunci yang berjaya memerlukan kerjasama daripada semua orang dalam organisasi tersebut. Menurut (Bemelen dan Heaton, 1995) daripada University of Denver kejayaan pengawalan pengurusan kunci merangkumi kawalan daripada:

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i. Kemudahan Pengurusan; iaitu yang mengawal dan merekabentuk integriti sistem tersebut.

ii. Jabatan; yang mengawal selia kemudahan pengurusan kunci dan sistem keselamatan serta bertangungjawab terhadap setiap kos penyediaan kunci, ciri-ciri kawalan dan penggunaan.

iii. Staf dan pelajar; yang mengawal selia dan bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga perjalanan kunci daripada dicuri, dan melaporkan sebarang permasalahan yang berlaku.

Dengan wujudnya sistem kawalan pengurusan

kunci akan membolehkan proses keluar masuk segala dokumen, peralatan dan barang-barang berharga dari makmal dan bengkel dapat dikawal dengan sistematik. Kebiasaanya setiap makmal, bengkel dan bilik kuliah akan dibekalkan dengan kunci pada setiap pintu yang disimpan di dalam sesebuah peti simpanan kunci yang diletakkan di pejabat induk organisasi tersebut. Proses penggunaanya adalah bergantung kepada organisasi tersebut, samada dengan cara merekodkan penggunaan ataupun mewakilkan kepada setiap penyelia dan ketua bagi bilik kuliah, makmal dan bengkel tersebut.

Walaubagaimanapun sering wujud permasalahan hasil daripada sistem yang digunakan ini, samada kunci lupa dipulangkan atau pun tidak diketahui individu yang menggunakannya sehingga menyebabkan masalah kepada individu berikutnya yang ingin menggunakan kunci tersebut.

Antara masalah-masalah yang sering berlaku dalam pengawalan kunci ialah;

i. Mengenalpasti setiap kunci pada setiap bilik, makmal dan bengkel.

ii. Mengenalpasti kunci yang betul untuk setiap ‘key holder’.

iii. Menguruskan setiap kunci yang ada termasuklah identiti kunci, nombor kunci, lokasi, pemilik, di mana dan ke mana kunci itu berada.

2. Masalah Pengawalan dan Pengurusan


Menurut (Blaze, 2003), masalah yang sering berlaku dalam pengurusan kunci di kebanyakan institusi adalah seperti berikut:

i. Tiada perancangan menyeluruh dalam sistem pengawalan dan penyimpanan kunci.

ii. Sistem yang dibentuk kurang sesuai dengan persekitaran kerja.

iii. Tiada pendekatan yang berkesan dalam pengurusan kunci.

iv. Tiada sokongan dari pihak pentadbiran dalam sistem pengurusan kunci.

v. Prosedur rekod penyimpanan yang kurang sempurna.

vi. Dokumentasi yang kurang cekap apabila berlakunya kes-kes kecurian atau kehilangan kunci.

vii. Terlalu banyak kunci utama pada satu-satu pintu.

viii. Polisi atau sistem pemulangan kunci yang kurang efektif.

ix. Kunci yang digunakan tidak dipulangkan mengikut jadual yang sepatutnya.

x. Pembuatan kunci pendua tanpa kebenaran. xi. Terdapat pintu-pintu yang tidak dikunci selepas

digunakan dan terdedah kepada kecurian serta kehilangan.

xii. Kunci utama yang tidak seragam dan dari pelbagai syarikat yang berlainan digunakan.

xiii. Kawalan keselamatan yang longgar. xiv. Tidak mengamalkan atau menggunakan sistem

pengurusan kunci sebelum ini.

3. Kajian Literature 3.1. Latar Belakang Kunci

Kunci ditakrifkan sebagai peralatan daripada besi yang digunakan untuk membuka kunci (lock). Kunci terbahagi kepada dua bahagian bilah (blade), yang menghubungkan laluan kunci dan membezakan di antara pelbagai jenis kunci, dan hujungnya yang membonjol untuk membolehkan pengguna memutarkanya. Bilah ini direkabentuk untuk membuka kunci-kunci yang tertentu, walaupun terdapat kunci utama (master) yang digunakan untuk membuka beberapa kunci yang sama. Kunci merupakan satu alat yang murah, walaupun kurang sempurna konsepnya tetapi membolehkan individu memasuki bangunan atau pun kenderaan. Oleh yang demikian, kunci telah menjadi satu alat yang penting dalam dunia hari ini. Kepentingannya boleh dilihat kepada kebanyakan individu kerana ia merupakan salah satu alat yang menjadi keperluan utama dalam kehidupan seharian (Bemelen dan Heaton, 1995). Jenis-jenis kunci boleh di kategorikan kepada House keys, Car key, Master key , Control key, Transponder key, Double-sided key, Four-sided key, Paracentric key, Skeleton key, Tubular key, Zeiss key, Do Not Duplicate key, Restricted key, dan Keycard.

Page 81: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 5 No

3.2. KajPen


pengawaldalam orsistem domerekodkdigunakansistem kditempat tersebut menggundengan m(menerusmekanika 3.3. Kaw

Merujdigunakankajian-kajSchool DUniversitykunci terbiaitu, KaControl), System), Merekod

3.3.1. KaJari, PapKeyless menggunmenggunmembenabengkel yang dipidentiti petersebut. akan memdata (ceinternet apesanan r(Locksmi

entangkan di Sovember 2009

ian-Kajian Bngurusan Ku

nyakan inslan yang terserganisasi meokumentasi iakan proses kn, ada juga

kad warna iakunci itu di

sedang digunakan sistem

menggunakan si internet), s

al (Blaze, 2003

walan Kunci

juk kepada sn oleh beberajian yang dil

District Southety, telah menbahagi kepadawalan Lalua

Sistem KuncKotak Kunci(Record Syste

awalan Laluapan Kekunci Access, andakan sisteakan kad

arkan kemasukdengan hanyaasang denganengguna dan sManakala sis

mberikan makentral databaatau rangkaian ringkas (SMSith, 2009).

Seminar Penye bertempat di H

Berkaitan Sunci

stitusi memendiri dalam mereka ada yaaitu sistem y

keluar dan ma sesetengahnaitu meninggiambil sebaga

nakan, tidak yang lebih

sistem perisiansistem kad, 3).


sistem pengawapa institusi dlakukan antar

est Technical Ingkategorikana 4 bahagian

an Sistem Kci Mekanikal i (Lockbox Syem).

an Sistem Ka(Card Access

d Software em kawal

berkomputekan ke bilik, a memaparkan peranti yangsecara automastem perisian klumat kepadase) yang b

(network) teruS) mahupun ko

elidikan dan InHotel Novotel,


mpunyai smenguruskan kang menggunyang lebih kemasuk kunci nya menggungalkan kad wai petunjuk kkurang juga

h sistematik n, sistem rangkdan sistem k

walan kunci di luar negararanya Sioux Institut, Wisc

n Sistem Kaw(Keytracer, 2

Kad (Card A (Mechanicalystem) dan S

ad, Perisian, s Control, ThSystem). Op

lan kemaser. Sistem

makmal atauan kad pada g boleh meng

atik membuka (software sys

da pusat pengkberoperasi meus ke email, somputer di pe

novasi Peringk Kota Kinabalu

istem kunci nakan epada yang

nakan warna kunci yang iaitu

kaian kunci

yang a dan Falls onsin walan 2008) ccess l Key istem

Cap humb, perasi sukan

ini u pun pintu gesan pintu stem) kalan elalui istem ejabat



Ahmad R

kat Negeri Sabau Sabah, Malay

Rajah 1. Ra

3.2. Sistem Kstem). Sistembanyakan instn bengkel mrana lebih sensaran serta penyak memberi


3.3. Kotak Kerupakan kawau peti simpang boleh dipann pegawai y06). Sistem karang di marta termasuk kmpanan kunci

Razimi et al.

ah 2009, ysia.

angkuman sis

Kunci Meka

m yang palintitusi. Kebany

menggunakan nang digunakaenyelenggaraai masalah (Ab

h 2. Sistem ku

Kunci (Lockbalan sistem k

anan kunci yantau oleh Ketuyang dipertaini banyak d

ana kunci bilikunci penduaini.

Diges PKK Ed


stem kawalan

anikal (Mechng popular diyakan pintu bi

sistem kuncian dan banyakan yang mudahbloy, 2006).

unci mekanika

box System). kunci menggunang diletakkanua Jabatan, ke

angungjawabkdigunakan diik, makmal da disimpan di

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 74

n kunci.

hanical Key igunakan di lik, makmal i mekanikal k terdapat di h, dan tidak


Sistem ini nakan kotak n di tempat etua bengkel an (Abloy, i Politeknik dan bengkel

dalam peti

Page 82: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 5 No

3.3.4. Sismemerlukdengan tarikh, wtempat disistem wbagi setiawarna btersebut ( 4. Kaed

Keju Kaeda

pada makotak penjabatan dkunci dilawarna tmakmal,

Setiapmasing-mpengecammenggundilengkapdapat diksebarang

Masalyang mpenggunapengawasPensyarahmemulaksebarang

Masalsekiranyamenggunditetapkanpada bukdalam budijadikan

entangkan di Sovember 2009


stem Merekokan penggunamencatatkan

waktu, nomboigunakan. Ter

warna iaitu meap pintu bengkbagi penggun(Abloy, 2006).

dah yang diuruteraan M

ah penyimpanasa sekarang nyimpanan kudi Politeknik abelkan dengaersebut mewtandas dan seb

p kunci juga tmasing untman oleh pakan kunci-k

pi dengan cirkunci agar dkecurian. lah ini timbul

menggunakan aan kerana tsan penggunh yang lew

kan kelas mubutiran pada blah kehilangaa para penakan kunci n iaitu mereku rekod. Seguku rekod t rujukan atau

Seminar Penye bertempat di H

h 3. Kotak ku

od (Record Sya merekodkan

maklumat-mor yang bolerdapat juga sisenggunakan kkel, makmal, dna yang me.

igunakan dMekanikal

an kunci yangadalah deng

unci. Ia telah dKota Kinaba

an warna-warnwakili bilik bagainya. telah ditanda tuk memupara pensya

kunci tersebutri-ciri keselamdapat mengel

l kerana tidakkunci me

terdapat kelenaan buku wat dan teungkin terlupbuku rekod teran kunci tidnsyarah ataumematuhi ar

ekodkan sebagala malumattersebut telahu bahan bukti

elidikan dan InHotel Novotel,


System). Sistempenggunaan k

maklumat seeh dihubungistem menggunkod warna terdan bilik serta

enggunakan k

di Jabatan (JKM)

g sedang diamgan menggundigunakan di salu (PKK). Sna tertentu. W

kuliah, ben

dengan nama udahkan parah yang t. Kotak kuncmatan di manlakkan berlak

k semua pensyencatatkan remahan dari

rekod tersergesa-gesa upa untuk mersebut. dak akan tiu sesiapa rahan yang arang penggut yang terkanh memadai u

sekiranya be

novasi Peringk Kota Kinabalu

m ini kunci eperti dan nakan rtentu a kod kunci

malkan nakan setiap Setiap


bilik proses

ingin ci ini na ia kunya

yarah rekod

segi sebut. untuk engisi

imbul yang telah

unaan ndung untuk erlaku



5. 5.1





Ahmad R

kat Negeri Sabau Sabah, Malay

barang kehilaamun sikap cuhingga memengatasi masal

Rajah 4. Buku

Rajah 5. Ka


1. Membina

Sistem kawawalan. Menurng perlu ada lam sesebuah i. Mengkaji

sistem kai. Membina

mengumpi. Merekabe


Razimi et al.

ah 2009, ysia.

angan atau uai dan lalai

merlukan satulah ini.

u rekod keluar

aedah sedia adkunci di J

gi Kajian

Sistem Kaw

alan kunci berut (Blaze, 200dalam membiinstitusi iaitu:i kemudahan y

awalan kunci. a dan mengurpul maklumat.entuk dan al kawalan kun

Diges PKK Ed


kelewatan pini sukar unt

u alternatif

r masuk kunc

da kotak penJKM.

walan Kunci

ermula dengan03), terdapat 3ina sistem kaw: yang ada untu ruskan dokum. membina ponci.

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 75

pemulangan. tuk dikawal lain untuk

ci di JKM.



n rancangan 3 cara utama walan kunci

uk membina

mentasi dan

olisi dalam

Page 83: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Telah dibepada 5 No

5.2. Cad Setela

sedia adadiamalkansama dedicadangkmungkin telah dinySystem tAutodesk

Sistemmenganduslot untubengkel, (release mengelua(key peg)(key peg)diletakkanslot akamenganduApabila atau memenggunmengelua(key peg) di dalam pekerja y

Prosesdigunakankerana pdapat diksama rele2008).

Rajah 6

entangkan di Sovember 2009

dangan Siste

ah mengkaji da di JKM dann di jabatan-j

engan permaskan satu sisteboleh menye

yatakan di atatelah direkab

k Inventor dan m ini mengungi sepasanguk kunci utamakmal dan

slot) yanarkan kunci ut di dalam kota

g) untuk slot n di bawah koan disertakaungi nama bagada dikalanga

enggunakan akan slot p

arkan kunci uuntuk slot pelkotak kunci b

ang menggunas pengawalan oleh pengg

pengguna yanketahui melaluease slot di

6. Lakaran 2DManag

Seminar Penye bertempat di H

em Kawalan

dan mengambn sistem pengu-jabatan lain salahan yangem yang lebielesaikan masas. Mechanicalbentuk mengAutoCad 200

ggunakan kog slot masukaama (Master

bilik serta sng akan dama menggunak kunci tersepelepasan (r

otak kunci di man bersama-gi setiap staf dan staf yang kunci utamaelepasan (relutama tersebulepasan (releabersama-samaakan kunci utaan penggunaguna dapat ding menggunaui tag nama yakotak kunci

D mekanismegement System

elidikan dan InHotel Novotel,

Kunci di JK

bikira sistem urusan kunci di PKK bers

g sering berih sistematik alah-masalahl Key Manageggunakan per09. otak kunci an kunci iaitu

Key Peg) katu slot pelepdigunakan unakan tombol kebut. Tombol krelease slot) mana setiap resama tag di jabatan ters

ingin mengaa, mereka lease slot) uut. Tombol k

ase slot) akan ka dengan tag nama tersebut. aan kunci kawal sepenu

akan kunci uang kekal berstersebut (KEY

e Mechanical Km.

novasi Peringk Kota Kinabalu


yang yang

sama-rlaku, yang yang

emant risian

yang u satu kunci pasan untuk kunci kunci akan

elease yang

sebut. ambil perlu untuk kunci kekal nama

yang uhnya utama sama-Yper,




Ahmad R

kat Negeri Sabau Sabah, Malay

Rajah 7. LaMechan

Rajah 8. KaeMechan

Razimi et al.

ah 2009, ysia.

akaran wirefr

nical Key Man

dah pengend

nical Key Man

Diges PKK Ed


frame 3D meknagement Syst

alian serta funagement Syst

disi 1, 2011

uka surat | 76

kanisme tem.

ungsi bagi tem.

Page 84: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Ahmad Razimi et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 77 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

6. Perbincangan

Kajian rekabentuk sistem pengurusan kunci dijalankan adalah hasil daripada permasalahan yang sering berlaku di JKM. Beberapa langkah telah diambil untuk mengatasi masalah ini samada melalui perbincangan dalam mesyuarat mingguan jabatan ataupun mengetatkan lagi peraturan namun hasil yang diperolehi kurang memberangsangkan. Oleh itu, dengan mengambil ikhtibar daripada permasalahan yang berlaku ini pengkaji cuba memikirkan cara lain yang mungkin boleh digunakan untuk mengatasinya.

Hasil daripada perbincangan kumpulan, tinjauan terhadap sistem yang digunakan di Politeknik serta tinjauan ke beberapa syarikat yang membekalkan dan membuat kunci serta kajian melalui pembacaan terhadap jurnal-jurnal yang sebelum ini, pengkaji telah mendapat idea untuk merekabentuk satu sistem Access Peg Mechanical Key yang menggunakan kaedah slot pelepasan (release slot). Hasil daripada tinjauan yang dijalankan kaedah ini masih lagi belum digunakan di mana-mana tempat di negara ini.

7. Kesimpulan

Secara kesimpulannya, rekabentuk hasil daripada

kajian ini telah dihasilkan melalui perbincangan di dalam kumpulan dengan menggunakan perisian Autodesk Autocad dan Autodesk Inventor. Namun prototaip bagi rekabentuk yang dihasikan ini tidak dapat dibangunkan disebabkan ketiadaan peruntukan disediakan. Walau bagaimanapun diharap agar rekabentuk bagi kajian ini boleh diketengahkan sebagai cadangan kepada penambahbaikan sistem pengurusan kunci di seluruh jabatan di PKK mahu pun mana-mana institusi luar. Rujukan Abloy, S. (2006) Key Control. Abloy Security, Inc. Bemelen, J. dan Heaton, K. (1995) Lock and Key

Control Facilities. Management Department, Colorado, USA.

Blaze, M. (2003) Cryptology and Physical Security: Rights Amplification Master-Keyed Mechanical Locks. IEEE Security & Privacy. CA USA.

KEYper®, S. (2008) The KEYper® Mechanical Key Control System. KEYper® Systems 5679 Harrisburg Industrial Park, Harrisburg, USA.

Keytracer (2008) Key Control, Key Tracking, Key Security, Key Storage, Key Cabinets, Key Rings, Retrieved from [email protected] 501 – 20170

Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge. Locksmith, M. (2009) LOCK, Metropolitan Locksmith

165 Seventh Ave., South New York City, NY. USA.

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Julkifli et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011


Muka surat | 78 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia. 

Pembangunan Sistem Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Politeknik Kota Kinabalu POLIHRM

Julkifli Bin Awang Besar Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Email: [email protected]

Shamsiah Binti Salamat

Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah E-mail: [email protected]

Donna Patrick Apan

Unit Teknologi Maklumat Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah E-mail: [email protected]


Pembangunan Sistem Pengurusan Sumber Manusia

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu yang dikenali sebagai POLIHRM merupakan suatu inovasi yang bertujuan untuk menguruskan sumber manusia di jabatan ini secara online dengan lebih berkesan. Sehingga Oktober 2009, seramai lebih kurang 400 orang kakitangan awam termasuk pensyarah, pegawai dan kumpulan sokongan yang bertugas di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu dan dijangka jumlah ini akan bertambah setiap tahun. Oleh itu, pembangunan sistem POLIHRM adalah sangat diperlukan bagi memastikan pengurusan sumber manusia di jabatan ini dilaksanakan dengan lebih komprehensif. Pembangunan sistem POLIHRM adalah berdasarkan kepada tiga (3) faktor keperluan yang utama iaitu menguruskan maklumat peribadi kakitangan, menguruskan maklumat cuti dan menguruskan maklumat kehadiran kakitangan. POLIHRM merupakan suatu sistem dan pusat data utama yang boleh dimanfaatkan bukan sahaja kepada pihak pengurusan malah kepada kakitangan di semua peringkat jabatan di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. 1. Pengenalan

Sistem Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Politeknik Kota Kinabalu POLIHRM dibangunkan untuk memudahkan urusan sumber manusia di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Ianya dibangunkan berasaskan teknologi Open Source OrangeHRM yang

ditambahbaik mengikut keperluan pengguna di politeknik ini. Inovasi yang dihasilkan ini membolehkan semua maklumat peribadi, maklumat cuti dan maklumat kehadiran diuruskan secara online dengan lebih berkesan. 1.1. Pernyataan Masalah

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu menguruskan semua

maklumat kakitangan secara manual. Pengurusan maklumat yang tidak berpusat menyebabkan kerja-kerja pengemaskinian dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dan terdapat kemungkinan di mana perubahan kepada maklumat kakitangan lambat dikemaskini. Oleh itu, suatu sistem online berpusat amat diperlukan untuk membolehkan pengurusan sumber manusia dilakukan dengan lebih berkesan. 1.2. Objektif Kajian

Pembangunan Sistem Pengurusan Sumber Manusia

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu POLIHRM adalah untuk mencapai objektif-objektif seperti berikut:

i. Memantau aktiviti keluar masuk kakitangan di setiap jabatan dan unit di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu;

ii. Menguruskan cuti kakitangan di setiap jabatan dan unit di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu; dan

Page 86: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Julkifli et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011


Muka surat | 79 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia. 

iii. Menguruskan maklumat peribadi kakitangan di setiap jabatan dan unit di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu.

1.3. Skop Kajian

Pembangunan Sistem POLIHRM adalah terbatas

kepada kajian keperluan pengguna di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu sahaja. Oleh itu, tidak ada sebarang kajian dibuat ke atas keperluan pengguna di cawangan Politeknik yang lain. Sistem ini adalah untuk memenuhi tiga (3) faktor keperluan yang utama iaitu pengurusan maklumat peribadi kakitangan, pengurusan maklumat cuti kakitangan dan pengurusan maklumat kehadiran kakitangan. 2. Metodologi Kajian

Pembangunan Sistem Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Politeknik Kota Kinabalu POLIHRM adalah mengikut fasa penting dalam Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) iaitu fasa analisis keperluan, rekabentuk, pembangunan, implementasi dan penyelengaraan. 2.1. Analisis Keperluan

Aktiviti pertama yang dijalankan dalam fasa analisis ialah pengumpulan fakta. Ini dilakukan melalui temubual yang dijalankan ke atas pengguna serta sorotan dokumen sediada yang berkaitan. Seterusnya, mengenalpasti keperluan sistem, menyusun keutamaan keperluan, penjanaan dan penilaian alternatif yang seterusnya dibentangkan kepada pihak pengurusan untuk kelulusan. Pada akhir fasa analisis ini, semua maklumat keperluan didokumenkan dan dijadikan asas dalam fasa rekabentuk dan pembangunan sistem yang seterusnya. 2.2. Rekabentuk Sistem

Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam fasa rekabentuk sistem adalah secara prototyping. Ini penting untuk memastikan sistem dibangunkan memenuhi keperluan penguna. Fasa rekabentuk ini merangkumi rekabentuk antaramuka dan pangkalan data. 2.3. Pembangunan Sistem

Fasa pembangunan sistem melibatkan pembangunan tiga (3) modul yang utama iaitu modul maklumat peribadi, modul cuti dan modul maklumat kehadiran. Pengujian sistem juga dijalankan bagi menguji komponen-komponen sistem yang

dibangunkan berfungsi dengan baik dan integrasi dengan sistem sediada berjalan dengan lancar.

2.4. Implementasi Sistem

Dalam fasa implementasi, sistem POLIHRM akan beroperasi dalam keadaan persekitaran yang sebenar. Ia juga melibatkan pemasangan pangkalan data iaitu pengisian data sebenar ke dalam pangkalan data. Seterusnya, latihan yang berkaitan akan diberikan kepada semua pengguna dan operator sistem. 2.5. Penyelenggaraan

Fasa penyelengaraan melibatkan penambahbaikan yang dilakukan dari masa ke semasa mengikut keperluan serta kemaskini sebarang perubahan atau penambahan maklumat yang dalam pangkalan data. 3. Keperluan Pembangunan Sistem

Sistem pengurusan Sumber Manusia Politeknik Kota Kinabalu POLIHRM dibangunkan menggunakan teknologi Open Source iaitu OrangeHRM. Ianya dibangunkan menggunakan PHP 5.0 dan pangkalan data MySQL 5.0. Manakala, pelayan web yang digunakan adalah Apache. Jadual 1 menunjukkan development environment pembangunan sistem ini.

Jadual 1. Development environment POLIHRM

Operating System Windows XP

Programming Languages PHP 5.0

Application Server Windows Server


Database MySQL 5.0

4. System Architecture

Sistem ini dapat diakses melalui rangkaian intranet Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Rajah 1 menunjukkan system architecture POLIHRM yang merangkumi pangkalan data POLIHRM, sistem aplikasi POLIHRM termasuk modul cuti, modul kehadiran dan modul maklumat peribadi serta capaian secara online melalui browser pengguna.

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Telah dibepada 5 No

Ra 5. Kom

PembPoliteknikkomponeaplikasi. 5.1. Pan


Rajah 2

5.2 . Siste

PembPoliteknik(3) modumodul cu

entangkan di Sovember 2009

ajah 1. System

ponen Siste

angunan Sistek Kota Kinabn utama iait

ngkalan Data

kalan data an data periban. Walau bhi hasil daripn sediada iaitukkan antadmin 5.0 yang

2. Antaramuk

em Aplikasi

angunan Sistek Kota Kinabul utama iai

uti dan modul k

Seminar Penye bertempat di H

m architecture


em Pengurusanbalu POLIHRMtu pangkalan


yang dibadi kakitangan

bagaimanapun pada integrasu sistem Thumaramuka pg dibangunkan

ka phpMyAd


em Pengurusabalu POLIHRMitu modul mkehadiran.

elidikan dan InHotel Novotel,


n Sumber MaM melibatkan

data dan s

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Nazlein et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 82 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Keupayaan Menyelesaikan Ungkapan Algebra: Satu Tinjauan ke Atas Pelajar Kejuruteraan Peringkat Sijil Semester Dua dan Empat

di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

Nazlein Bt Mohd Nawawi Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Noorhayani Bt Yahya Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Rose Sharijan Bt Frey Khan Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]


Kertas kerja ini mempersembahkan hasil kajian yang bertajuk "Keupayaan Menyelesaikan Ungkapan Algebra : Satu Tinjauan Ke Atas Pelajar Kejuruteraan Peringkat Sijil Semester Dua Dan Empat Di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu". Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau sejauhmana keupayaan pelajar untuk menjawab soalan yang berkaitan tajuk Ungkapan Algebra melalui instrumen kajian iaitu Ujian Diagnostik Ungkapan Algebara (UDUA). Sampel kajian adalah seramai 120 orang responden. Kesemua data dianalisis dan dikemukakan dalam bentuk analisis statistik secara deskriptif. Taburan skor min dan peratus digunakan untuk pengukuran tahap keupayaan responden menyelesaikan ungkapan algebra. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap keupayaan responden untuk menyelesaikan tajuk Ungkapan Algebra adalah pada tahap lemah. Kesilapan terbanyak yang dilakukan oleh pelajar ialah mereka tidak dapat memfaktorkan ungkapan algebra dan kesilapan tanda positif dan negatif dalam proses pengembangan algebra. Di akhir kajian ini, pengkaji telah memberi beberapa cadangan untuk mempertingkatkan tahap keupayaan pelajar terhadap tajuk Ungkapan Algebra dan untuk pengkaji akan datang.

1. Pendahuluan 1.1. Pernyataan Masalah

Statistik keputusan pencapaian pelajar sijil di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu menunjukkan bahawa pelajar yang gagal kursus Matematik Kejuruteraan 1 mempunyai perkaitan terhadap kegagalan kursus-kursus lain di bidang kejuruteraan yang melibatkan pengiraan. Kajian ini ingin melihat sejauh mana keupayaan pelajar sijil menyelesaikan topik asas ungkapan algebra yang merupakan elemen utama dalam bidang Matematik. 1.2. Persoalan Kajian

Apakah tahap keupayaan pelajar menyelesaikan Ungkapan Algebra ?

1.3. Objektif Kajian

i. Mengenalpasti keupayaan pelajar dalam

• menentukan kembangan ungkapan algebra bagi hasil darab suatu ungkapan dengan suatu sebutan.

• menentukan kembangan ungkapan algebra bagi hasil darab dua ungkapan.

• menukarkan ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab satu sebutan dengan satu ungkapan.

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Muka surat | 83 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

• menukarkan ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab dua ungkapan.

• menukarkan ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi tiga sebutan kepada hasil darab dua ungkapan.

ii. Memberi cadangan-cadangan kepada Politeknik Kota Kinabalu berdasarkan kepada hasil dapatan kajian

1.4. Batasan Kajian

i. Pelajar sijil kejuruteraan semester dua dan semester empat sahaja.

ii. Tumpuan kajian hanya melibatkan ungkapan algebra sahaja.

iii. Data kajian dikumpul melalui Ujian Diagnostik Ungkapan Algebra (UDUA).

2. Sorotan Kajian 2.1. Pengenalan Algebra

Algebra membawa maksud gabungan, sambungan atau pelengkap. Ia merupakan salah satu cabang Matematik yang bekaitan dengan kajian struktur, hubungan dan kuantiti. Asas algebra sering digunakan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti pemasaran, kewangan, kejuruteraan, pendidikan dan sebagainya. 2.2. Konsep Asas Matematik

Salah satu sebab Matematik itu susah kerana kurangnya kefahaman dan mempunyai asas matematik yang lemah di mana pelajar tidak menguasai konsep asas Ungkapan Algebra dengan baik dan ini menyebabkan berlakunya salah konsep dalam operasi asas algebra. Pelajar yang mempunyai pencapaian yang baik dalam algebra berkeupayaan untuk mengaplikasikan algebra ke dalam kehidupan sebenar serta menyokong lain-lain disiplin. 3. Metodologi Kajian 3.1. Instrumen Kajian

Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah Ujian Diagnostik Ungkapan Algebra (UDUA) di mana seramai 120 orang sampel kajian telah dipilih daripada keseluruhan populasi iaitu 311 orang.

3.2. Kaedah Analisis Data

Pengkaji menggunakan perisian SPSS 11.0 for Windows (Statistical Packages for The Social Sciences) bagi persembahan data dalam bentuk jadual dan laporan. Data dianalisis mengikut pembolehubah kajian. Setiap responden diberikan nombor rujukan bagi tujuan analisis data.

Seterusnya analisis data dijalankan dengan menyemak jawapan yang diberikan oleh responden. Jawapan yang betul bergantung kepada markah yang diberikan pada setiap item. Peratus jawapan yang betul diambilkira untuk tujuan analisis data bagi menentukan tahap keupayaan pelajar terhadap tajuk Ungkapan Algebra. 3.3. Kajian Rintis

Seramai 4 orang pensyarah dari Jabatan Matematik, Sains dan Komputer (JMSK) bagi menguji kesahan item/soalan.

Manakala seramai 10 orang responden yang terdiri daripada 10 orang pelajar sijil bagi melihat kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian. Selepas kajian rintis ini dijalankan, tahap kebolehpercayaan instrumen ialah 0.8367. (Mohd, 2000) 4. Dapatan & Analisis Kajian 4.1. Pembolehubah kajian 1 “Adakah pelajar dapat menyelesaikan kembangan ungkapan algebra bagi hasil darab suatu ungkapan dengan suatu sebutan ?”

Keseluruhan daripada skor min jawapan betul yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa semua responden berada pada tahap keupayaan yang sangat cemerlang iaitu 77.16%. Jadual 1. Perincian persoalan item pembolehubah

kajian 1

Item Soalan Peratus Tahap Keupayaan

A1 p (q – 3r) 91.7 Sangat cemerlangA2 m (p -1) 88.3 Sangat cemerlang A3 –x (x -6) 65.8 Cemerlang A4 mn (p -1) 84.2 Sangat cemerlang A5 p2 (p -1) 55.8 Sederhana

Kebanyakan responden mampu menjawab dengan

baik kesemua soalan kerana ia sering digunakan dalam operasi pengiraan dalam kursus Matematik. Namun

Page 91: ISSN 2231 - 9816 PKK EDISI 1...Justeru, saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ribuan terima kasih kepada staf-staf yang telah menyumbang artikel penyelidikan, sidang

Nazlein et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 84 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

apabila melibatkan pembolehubah yang melibatkan kuasa, responden tidak dapat menyelesaikan dengan betul. Ini kerana mereka memerlukan pengetahuan mengenai hukum indeks. (Soalan A5 : 55.8%) 4.2. Pembolehubah kajian 2 “Adakah pelajar dapat menyelesaikan kembangan ungkapan algebra bagi hasil darab dua ungkapan ?”

Keseluruhan daripada skor min jawapan betul yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa semua responden berada pada tahap keupayaan yang sederhana iaitu 50.0%.

Jadual 2. Perincian persoalan item pembolehubah

kajian 2

Item Soalan Peratus Tahap Keupayaan

B1 (x + y) (x – y) 61.7 Cemerlang B2 (5 – k) (2 + k) 45.0 Lemah B3 (2p + 3) (2p – 3) 52.5 Sederhana B4 (3r + s) (r – 4s) 40.8 Lemah

B5 (3w + 4k) (3w + 4k) 50.0 Sederhana

Kebanyakan responden keliru dan silap apabila

melibatkan pembolehubah yang bernilai negatif terutamanya bagi soalan B2 (45%) dan B4 (40.8%). Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan keputusan yang sama dengan dapatan kajian Azrul (2007) yang mengatakan bahawa kesilapan dalam menambah dua sebutan yang serupa yang merupakan sebutan dua pembolehubah dan kesilapan pelajar dalam operasi darab nombor negatif yang melibatkan tanda kurungan. 4.3. Pembolehubah kajian 3 “Adakah pelajar dapat menyelesaikan penukaran ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab satu sebutan dengan satu ungkapan?”

Keseluruhan daripada skor min jawapan betul yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa semua responden berada pada tahap keupayaan yang lemah iaitu 37.08%. Jadual 3. Perincian persoalan item pembolehubah

kajian 3

Item Soalan Peratus Tahap Keupayaan

C1 2x2 + 6xy 38.3 Lemah

C2 18m2 – 2m 29.2 Sangat lemah C3 9p – p2 43.3 Lemah C4 5x2 – 15x 37.5 Lemah

Daripada Jadual 3 menunjukkan, 1 item yang

berada pada tahap sangat lemah iaitu soalan C2 (29.2%). Ini mungkin kerana para pelajar kurang memahami untuk membuat proses penukaran ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab satu sebutan dengan satu ungkapan. Kebanyakan kesilapan yang berlaku ialah proses pemfaktoran ungkapan algebra yang melibatkan proses mencari faktor sepunya bagi sebutan dalam ungkapan algebra. Dapatan ini juga disokong oleh kajian Azrul (2007). 4.4. Pembolehubah kajian 4 "Adakah pelajar dapat menyelesaikan penukaran ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi dua sebutan kepada hasil darab dua ungkapan ?"

Keseluruhan daripada skor min jawapan betul yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa semua responden berada pada tahap keupayaan yang sangat lemah iaitu 29.17%. Jadual 4. Perincian persoalan item pembolehubah

kajian 4

Item Soalan Peratus Tahap Keupayaan

D1 x2 – 25 37.5 Lemah D2 4x2 – 16 27.5 Sangat lemah D3 9x2 – 100 22.5 Sangat lemah

Item D2 (27.5%) dan D3 (22.5%) berada pada

tahap keupayaan sangat lemah di mana responden mempunyai masalah untuk mengenal pasti pekali bagi setiap pembolehubah dan responden tidak pasti akan dua ungkapan yang boleh dikembangkan. Dapatan ini juga disokong oleh kajian oleh Azrul (2007) yang mengatakan bahawa kesilapan yang sering dilakukan apabila melibatkan subtopik ini ialah mereka sering menggunakan identiti yang salah. 4.5. Pembolehubah kajian 5 “Adakah pelajar dapat menyelesaikan penukaran ungkapan algebra yang mengandungi tiga sebutan kepada hasil darab dua ungkapan?”

Keseluruhan daripada skor min jawapan betul yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa semua responden

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Muka surat | 85 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

berada pada tahap keupayaan yang sangat lemah iaitu 25.83%. Jadual 5. Perincian persoalan item pembolehubah

kajian 5

Item Soalan Peratus Tahap Keupayaan

E1 x2 + x – 12 = 0 32.5 Lemah

E2 4p2 – 12p + 9 = 0 20.0 Sangat


E3 r (2r - 3) = 5 - 6r 25.0 Sangat


Item E2 (20.0%) dan E3 (25.0%) berada pada tahap sangat lemah. Responden tidak dapat mengenalpasti pasangan faktor yang sesuai dan melakukan kesilapan dalam meletakkan nilai positif atau negatif pada pasangan faktor yang dipilih walaupun pasangan faktor tersebut adalah betul. Dapatan ini menunjukkan keputusan yang sama dengan dapatan kajian Azrul (2007) dan Rosli (2000). 5. Cadangan dan Perbincangan 5.1. Cadangan Kajian kepada JMSK, PKK

i. Keperluan kepada latihan/kelas tambahan ii. Penganjuran aktiviti

iii. Memperbanyakkan Siri Kursus Asas Matematik secara konsisten

iv. Mempelbagaikan sumber, prasarana dan kemudahan

v. Mempelbagaikan Kaedah Dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (P&P)

vi. Mewujudkan Sistem Mentor 5.2. Cadangan untuk Kajian Lanjutan

i. Pengkaji akan datang dapat mengkaji aspek-aspek tambahan sebagai bahan kajian lanjutan iaitu adakah aplikasi pengetahuan ini dikaitkan dengan beberapa faktor seperti proses penghafalan dan sikap pelajar yang tidak bersungguh-sungguh menjawab ujian diagnostik yang diberikan.

ii. Meningkatkan kualiti instrumen kajian (UDUA) kajian ini agar mampu mewakili keseluruhan program di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu,

iii. Menambah bilangan sampel kajian dengan mendapatkan sampel daripada semua kursus kejuruteraan di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu;

iv. Dapatan data hendaklah diperolehi dengan lebih berhati-hati bagi memastikan dapatan kajian yang lebih jitu.

Rujukan Azrul Fahmi, Ismail and Marlina, Ali (2007) Analisis

kesilapan dalam tajuk ungkapan algebra di kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat. Buletin Persatuan Pendidikan Sains dan Matematik Johor, 17 (1). pp. 20-30. ISSN 0128-4290. [online]. Dicapai pada 20 Februari 2009 di laman World Wide Web:

Mohd. Majid Konting (2000). Kaedah Penyelidikan Pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Rosli Dahlan (2000). Analisis Kesilapan Yang Dilakukan Oleh Pelajar Tingkatan Empat Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Berkaitan Ungkapan Algebra. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Sarjana Muda.

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Zaharudin et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 86 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Sistem Perolehan Bekalan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

Zaharudin Md Dawam Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Nor Farahwahida Mohd Noor Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Donna Patrik Apan Unit Teknologi Maklumat & Komunikasi, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Abdul Razak Sadri Unit Pentadbiran, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]


Pembangunan Sistem Perolehan BekalanPoliteknik Kota Kinabalu adalah bertujuan untuk mewujudkan sebuah pangkalan data berpusat bagi urusan perolehan bekalan di semua peringkat jabatan dalam Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. Sistem ini terdiri daripada tiga (3) modul utama iaitu modul pengurusan pembelian/pesanan bekalan, modul kemaskini dan modul laporan. Pengguna sistem dikelaskan kepada tiga mengikut modul yang dibangunkan iaitu pengguna modul pengurusan pembelian/ pesanan bekalan, pengguna modul kemaskini dan pengguna modul laporan. Pembangunan sistem ini merupakan suatu inovasi yang telah direalisasikan menerusi kepakaran kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu sendiri dan mengambil masa tiga bulan untuk prototaip pertama disiapkan. Sistem ini bukan sahaja memudahkan pengurusan perolehan bekalan secara online, malah berfungsi dalam membantu pihak pengurusan dalam membuat keputusan (decision making). Dengan adanya sistem ini, urusan perolehan bekalan dapat diselaraskan dan dipantau dengan lebih berkesan. 1. Pengenalan

Prosedur perolehan bekalan yang dilaksanakan di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu adalah berdasarkan Arahan

Perbendaharaan dan Pekeliling Perbendaharaan yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia dari masa ke semasa. Melalui prosedur Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bilangan 5 Tahun 2004, satu kajian telah dijalankan ke atas sistem perolehan sedia ada di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu dan didapati terdapat kekurangan dari segi fungsi pemantauan dan pengawalan yang amat diperlukan oleh pihak pengurusan politeknik.

Oleh itu, telah dicadangkan agar satu sistem dibangunkan bagi memudahkan urusan perolehan bekalan secara online yang dilengkapi dengan fungsi pemantauan dan pengawalan untuk membantu pihak pengurusan dalam membuat keputusan. 2. Latar Belakang Kajian

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu menguruskan semua proses perolehan bekalan secara manual. Setiap jabatan atau unit akan mengemukakan permohonan perolehan bekalan masing-masing secara berasingan. Keadaan ini menyebabkan urusan perolehan bekalan menjadi rumit dan kerja-kerja penyelarasan secara manual perlu dilakukan oleh Pegawai Perolehan Jabatan.

Sistem sedia ada ini kurang berkesan dalam membantu pihak pengurusan memantau aktiviti perolehan bekalan. Oleh itu, satu sistem berpusat yang dapat membantu pemantauan dan pengawalan

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Muka surat | 90 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Tinjauan Terhadap Pengetahuan Kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu mengenai Arah Kiblat serta semakan Arah Kiblat Masjid dan Surau di

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu serta Kawasan Sekitarnya

Mohd Fikri Bin Ismail Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

[email protected]

Hazlan Bin Abdullah [email protected]

Saiful Hazman Bin Mokhtar

[email protected]

Pitus @ Pitus Bagu [email protected]

Rusdi Bin Rusli

[email protected]


Dalam ajaran Islam, mengadap kearah Kiblat (Ka’abah/Masjidil Haram) adalah suatu tuntutan syariah didalam melaksanakan ibadah tertentu. Walaubagaimana pun ramai dikalangan umat Islam secara teknikalnya kurang jelas dengan kaedah atau cara untuk menentukan arah kiblat. Mereka dengan mudah menerima arah kiblat yang ditunjukkan di hotel-hotel dan tempat-tempat ibadah seperti surau atau bilik sembahyang (musola) tanpa meneliti akan ketepatannya. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk meninjau sejauhmana pengetahuan umum dan pengetahuan teknikal kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah kiblat. Ia juga bertujuan untuk menyemak arah kiblat masjid, surau dan tempat sembahyang (musola) di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu (PKK) serta kawasan sekitarnya. Tinjauan ini dibuat dengan kaedah soal selidik kepada kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu yang beragama Islam melibatkan semua jabatan dan unit. Sampel kajian adalah seramai 130 orang responden. Kesemua data dianalisis menggunakan peratusan dan deskriptif min bagi mengukur tahap pengetahuan umum dan pengetahuan teknikal responden terhadap arah kiblat.

Hasil tinjauan dan analisis didapati min keseluruhan berkaitan tahap pengetahuan umum pensyarah PKK tentang arah kiblat adalah tinggi manakala pengetahuan teknikal adalah rendah. Dari data arah kiblat masjid dan surau di PKK serta sekitarnya didapati 35% masjid dan surau disekitar PKK dan 62% surau (musola) di PKK tidak menunjukkan arah kiblat dengan betul. Beberapa cadangan telah dibuat bagi mempertingkatkan pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah kiblat. 1. Pendahuluan 1.1 Pernyataan Masalah

Masjid dan surau merupakan tempat ibadat bagi umat Islam. Disekitar Politeknik Kota Kinabalu (PKK) terdapat beberapa buah masjid dan surau yang menjadi tumpuan setiap kali tibanya waktu solat. Di PKK sendiri boleh dikatakan setiap jabatan akademik dan unit mempunyai surau untuk kegunaan kakitangan bagi menunaikan solat. Walaubagaimana pun berdasarkan kepada tinjauan yang dibuat, kebanyakan surau tersebut tidak ditanda arah kiblat dan jika pun ada tidak diketahui pihak yang menyediakannya dan diragui akan ketepatannya. Di PKK, kebiasaannya kakitangan

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Mohd Fikri et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 91 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

yang baru yang ingin menunaikan solat akan menghadap kiblat mengikut tanda arah yang terdapat didalam surau atau bertanya kepada rakan-rakan. Oleh itu tinjauan ini dibuat untuk mengetahui sejauhmana tahap pengetahuan kakitangan PKK tentang arah kiblat dan mengenalpasti ketepatan arah kiblat surau-surau di PKK dan sekitarnya. 1.2 Persoalan Kajian

i. Apakah tahap pengetahuan umum kakitangan PKK tentang arah kiblat?

ii. Apakah tahap pengetahuan teknikal kakitangan PKK tentang arah kiblat?

iii. Adakah surau-surau di PKK dan sekitarnya menunjukkan arah kiblat dengan tepat?

1.3 Objektif Kajian

i. Mengenalpasti tahap pengetahuan kakitangan PKK tentang arah kiblat.

ii. Mengenalpasti ketepatan arah kiblat surau-surau di PKK dan sekitarnya.

iii. Memberi cadangan-cadangan kepada pihak pengurusan PKK dan pihak yang berkenaan berdasarkan kepada hasil dapatan kajian.

1.4 Batasan Kajian

i. Responden terdiri daripada kakitangan PKK yang beragama Islam.

ii. Tumpuan kajian hanya melibatkan masjid dan surau di PKK dan disekitarnya sahaja.

iii. Data kajian dikumpul melalui soal selidik dan analisa dibuat menggunakan peratusan dan diskriptif min.

iv. Data arah kiblat masjid dan surau diukur menggunakan prismatik kompas.

2. Sorotan Kajian 2.1 Keperluan Mengadap Kiblat

Pengetahuan mengenai arah kiblat diperlukan

apabila melaksanakan perlakuan ibadat dan aktiviti harian tertentu. Bagi sesetengah ibadat, mengadap kiblat adalah wajib bagi umat Islam, manakala yang lain ianya adalah sunat. Ada juga aktiviti harian tertentu yang hukumnya makruh jika mengadap atau membelakangi kiblat. Antaranya termasuklah: 1)Mendirikan solat (wajib mengadap Kiblat). 2)Sebelum memulakan tawaf (mengadap kearah Hajarul Aswad). 3)Melakukan tawaf keliling Kaabah (bahu kiri menjurus ke Kaabah). 4)Meletak jenazah

(arah kaki jenazah menghala ke Kiblat). 5)Kedudukan jenazah dalam kubur (mengiring sebelah kanan dan mengadap Kiblat). 6)Mengambil wuduk (sunat mengadap Kiblat). 7)Mendiri Masjid, surau dan tempat solat (musolla). 8)Menyembelih binatang (penyembelih mengadap dan binatang mengiring kearah Kiblat). 9)Berdoa (sunat dan afdal mengadap kiblat). 10)Membaca Al-Quran (sunat mengadap Kiblat). 11)Tidur (sunat kepala menghala ke Kiblat atau dalam kedudukan jenazah dalam kubur). 12)Melaungkan azan. 13)Melakukan sujud syukur. 14)Melakukan sujud sajdah atau tilawah. 15)Memulakan pemakaian kain ihram (sunat mengadap Kiblat). 16)Menunaikan qadh’ hajat (makruh mengadap atau membelakangkan Kiblat). 17)Berlunjur kaki (makruh menghala ke Kiblat). 18)Berludah (makruh menghala ke Kiblat). Menghala kearah kiblat yang betul haruslah dibuat dengan yakin untuk kesempurnaan sesuatu ibadat. 2.2 Teknik Penentuan Arah Kiblat

Menurut Baharrudin Zainal (2004) terdapat pelbagai teknik yang boleh digunakan untuk menentukan arah kiblat, dari kaedah tradisional hinggalah kepada kaedah moden. Ada juga kesempatan yang boleh diambil keatas kedudukan jasad-jasad samawi. Ini termasuklah penggunaan bintang al-Qutbi (Polaris), fasa-fasa bulan, matahari terbenam, lintasan matahari dan juga penjajaran tiga bintang iaitu Al-Nitak, Al-Nilam dan Mintaka di dalam buruj al-Babadur (Orion). Perkembangan pesat yang berlaku didalam bidang astronomi, geografi dan matematik telah menjadikan urusan penentuan arah kiblat sekarang sebagai satu perhitungan trigonometri yang mudah. Terkini, peralatan moden seperti kompas prismatik, tiodolit, gyroscope dan GPS telah semakin mengambil tempat dalam penentuan arah kiblat.

Baharrudin Zainal (2004) menjelaskan bahawa antara kaedah dan teknik yang boleh digunakan bagi penentuan arah kiblat ialah: 1)Matahari Istiwa Atas Kaabah. 2)Kaedah Buruj Bintang. 3)Kaedah Matahari Terbenam. 4)Kaedah Lintasan Matahari Atas Garisan Kiblat. 5)Pengiraan Arah Kiblat Dan Penentuan Menggunakan Teknik Tongkat Istiwa. 6)Pengiraan Arah Kiblat Dan Penentuan Menggunakan Peralatan Moden seperti Kompas Prismatik dan Teodolit. 3. Metodologi 3.1 Rekabentuk Kajian

Kajian ini adalah bersifat kuantitatif kerana ianya melibatkan kuantiti seperti menggunakan angka, skor, kekerapan dan min serta hasil kajian akan

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Muka surat | 92 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

dipersembahkan dalam bentuk jadual dan perkiraan statistik. 3.2 Populasi dan Sampel Kajian

Populasi yang terlibat dalam kajian ini adalah kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu dan penduduk yang beragama Islam. Sampel kajian yang dipilih adalah pensyarah beragama Islam daripada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Jabatan Perdagangan, Jabatan Pengajian Am, Jabatan Hospitaliti dan Jabatan Matematik & Sains Komputer Politeknik Kota Kinabalu Sabah. Jumlah sampel adalah terdiri daripada 130 orang. 3.3 Instrumen Kajian

Instrumen kajian adalah terdiri daripada borang soal selidik bagi mendapatkan data-data yang berkaitan dengan kajian. Borang soal selidik tersebut diedarkan kepada semua pensyarah yang beragama Islam dari Jabatan yang telah dipilih. Soal selidik yang digunakan untuk mengumpul maklumat telah dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian iaitu Bahagian A yang mewakili demografi responden dan Bahagiab B yang mewakilki tahap pengetahuan tentang arah kiblat dan teknik menentukan arah kiblat. Untuk bahagian B, pengkaji telah memilih skala likert untuk mengukur pandangan responden terhadap pernyataan yang dikemukakan. Skala likert yang telah digunakan telah diadaptasi daripada Beggs, 2000 dimana skala ini telah diberi kepada lima bahagian. 3.4 Penganalisaan Data

Melalui analisis secara deskriptif, data-data telah dipersembahkan dalam bentuk skor min, frekuansi dan peratusan. Pengkaji telah menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 for Windows untuk menganalisis segala data deskriptif yang telah diperolehi. Skor min yang diperolehi daripada borang soal selidik akan merujuk kepada tahap yang telah dikodkan sama ada sangat rendah,rendah, tinggi ataupun sangat tinggi. 4. Dapatan Kajian 4.1 Demografi Responden

Merujuk Jadual 4.1 didapati sebanyak 3.8% sahaja kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu yang pernah mengikuti kursus berkaitan ilmu falak. Selebihnya iaitu 96.2% lagi tidak pernah mengikuti kursus berkenaan.

Ini menunjukkan bahawa tiada pendedahan secara khusus berkenaan ilmu falak terhadap kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu. 4.2 Tinjauan berkaitan tahap pengetahuan

Kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah kiblat

Merujuk Jadual 4.2 didapati tahap pengetahuan

sangat tinggi adalah pada item keempat dengam min sebanyak 4.68. Item berkenaan adalah berkaitan kepentingan pengetahuan tentang arah kiblat. Manakala item ketujuh dan keenam menunjukkan min terendah iaitu 2.81 dan 2.83. Secara keseluruhannya, tahap pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah kiblat adalah tinggi dengan min 3.85. Jadual 4.2: Item-item berkaitan tahap pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah


Bil Item berkaitan tahap pengetahuan Min Tahap


1 Saya memahami apa yang dimaksudkan dengan Ilmu Falak.

3.49 Tinggi

2 Saya memahami apa yang dimaksudkan dengan arah kiblat.

4.42 Sangat Tinggi


Saya mengetahui ibadah-ibadah dalam Islam yang ada kaitan dengan arah kiblat

4.25 Sangat Tinggi

4 Saya mengetahui bahawa pengetahuan tentang arah kiblat penting bagi saya

4.68 Sangat Tinggi

5 Saya amat berminat untuk mengikuti Kursus yang berkaitan ilmu falak Falak.

4.41 Sangat Tinggi

6 Saya mengetahui nilai bearing arah kiblat dari Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu sejak saya mula bertugas di sini

2.83 Rendah

7 Saya tahu tentang tarikh-tarikh dan waktu-waktu tertentu untuk menyemak arah kiblat

2.81 Rendah

8 Saya sangat yakin dengan arah kiblat di surau dan masjid di sekitar tempat saya.

3.95 Tinggi

Min keseluruhan berkaitan tahap pengetahuan Pensyarah PKK tentang arah kiblat

3.85 Tinggi

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Mohd Fikri et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 93 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Jadual 4.1. Bilangan dan peratusan responden mengikut jantina,umur, kelayakan akademik, jabatan, tempoh perkhidmatan dan tempat tinggal.

Bilangan Responden Peratusan (%)

Jantina Perempuan 73 56.2 Lelaki 57 43.8 Jumlah 130 100 Umur Kurang daripada 30 tahun 76 58.5 31- 40 tahun 48 36.9 41- 50 tahun 5 3.8 51 tahun ke atas 1 0.8 Jumlah 130 100 Kelayakan Akademik Sarjana 44 33.8 Ijazah Sarjana Muda 62 47.7 Diploma 10 7.7 Sijil 8 6.2 Lain-lain 6 4.6 Jumlah 130 100 Jabatan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam 25 19.2 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik 25 19.2 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal 24 18.5 Jabatan Hospitaliti 6 4.6 Jabatan Matematik & Sains 10 7.7 Jabatan Perdagangan 11 8.5 Jabatan Pengajian 10 7.7 Lain-lain 19 14.6 Jumlah 130 100 Bilangan Responden Peratusan (%)

Tempoh berkhidmat < 5 tahun 68 52.3 5 – 10 tahun 53 40.8 11 – 15 tahun 4 3.1 > 16 tahun 5 3.8 Jumlah 130 100 Tempat tinggal Kuarters 107 82.3 Luar 23 17.7 Pernahkan anda mengikuti kursus berkaitan Ilmu Falak? Tidak 125 96.2 Ya 5 3.8

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Muka surat | 94 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Negeri Sabah 2009, pada 5 November 2009 bertempat di Hotel Novotel, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

4.3 Tinjauan berkaitan tahap pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang teknik untuk menentukan arah kiblat.

Min tertinggi merujuk kepada item 9(iii) dengan

min 3.6. Responden mempunyai tahap pengetahuan yang tinggi dalam menentukan arah kiblat menggunakan kaedah matahari terbenam. Item 10(i) pula adalah yang kedua tertinggi dengan min 3.26. Didapati responden berpengetahuan tinggi dalam menggunakan kompas prismatik dalam penentuan arah kiblat. Min terendah pula dalam teknik penentuan arah kiblat merujuk item 10(ii) dengan min 2.30. Tahap pengetahuan responden berkaitan menentukan arah kiblat menggunakan teodolite adalah rendah. Secara keseluruhan tahap pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu berkaitan teknik-teknik untuk menentukan arah kiblat samada menggunakan kaedah tradisional maupun peralatan moden berada pada tahap pengetahuan rendah dengam min 2.92. Jadual 4.3. Item-item berkaitan tahap pengetahuan

kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang teknik-teknik untuk menentukan arah kiblat.

Bil Item berkaitan penentuan arah kiblat (Teknikal)

Min Tahap Pengetahuan

9. Saya mengetahui cara-cara untuk menentukan arah kiblat menggunakan kaedah tradisional berikut:

9(i) • Matahari istiwa atas Kaabah. 2.95 Rendah

9(ii) • Kaedah buruj bintang. 2.51 Rendah

9(iii) • Kaedah matahari terbenam. 3.60 Tinggi

10. Saya mengetahui cara-cara untuk menentukan arah kiblat dengan pengiraan dan menggunakan peralatan berikut:

10(i) • Menggunakan

kompas prismatik.

3.26 Tinggi

10(ii) • Menggunakan teodolite. 2.30 Rendah

Min keseluruhan berkaitan teknik-teknik untuk menentukan arah kiblat

2.92 Rendah

4.4. Tinjauan terhadap tahap pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah kiblat berdasarkan jabatan.

Merujuk Jadual 4.4 didapati lain-lain iaitu

kakitangan sokongan menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan tentang arah kiblat adalah tinggi dengan min 3.97. Seterusnya min kedua tertinggi adalah dari Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektik dengan min 3.94. Min terendah pula merujuk kepada Jabatan Hospitaliti dengan min 3.67.

Jadual 4.4. Tahap pengetahuan kakitanan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu tentang arah kiblat

mengikut jabatan.

Bil Jabatan Min Tahap Pengetahuan

1 Kejuruteraan Awam

3.82 Tinggi

2 Kejuruteraan Elektrik

3.94 Tinggi

3 Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

3.84 Tinggi

4 Jabatan Hospitaliti

3.67 Tinggi

5 Jabatan Matematik & Sains

3.71 Tinggi

6 Jabatan Perdagangan

3.82 Tinggi

7 Jabatan Pengajian Am

3.84 Tinggi

8 Lain-lain 3.97 Tinggi 4.5 Tinjauan berkaitan tahap pengetahuan

kakitangan Politeknik Kota kinabalu tentang teknik penentuan arah kiblat berdasarkan jabatan

Merujuk kepada Jadual 4.5 didapati lain-lain iaitu

kakitangan sokongan berada pada tahap pengetahuan tertinggi dengan min 3.55. Tahap pengetahuan kedua tinggi pula merujuk kepada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dengan min 3.03. Manakala kakitangan daripada Jabatan Pengajian Am pula berada pada tahap pengetahuan terendah dengan min 2.50.

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Jadual 4.5. Tahap pengetahuan kakitangan Politeknik Kota kinabalu tentang teknik penentuan

arah kiblat berdasarkan jabatan

Bil Jabatan Min Tahap Pengetahuan

1 Kejuruteraan Awam

2.74 Rendah

2 Kejuruteraan Elektrik

2.87 Rendah

3 Kejuruteraan Mekanikal

3.03 Tinggi

4 Jabatan Hospitaliti 2.73 Rendah 5 Jabatan Matematik

& Sains 2.78 Rendah

6 Jabatan Perdagangan

2.78 Rendah

7 Jabatan Pengajian Am

2.50 Rendah

8 Lain-lain 3.55 Tinggi 4.6. Data semakan arah kiblat surau dan

masjid sekitar Politeknik Kota Kinabalu yang diukur menggunakan kompas prismatik.

Arah kiblat di sekitar Kota Kinabalu adalah pada

kedudukan 290° 37’ 00”. Merujuk kepada Jadual 4.6 sebanyak 6 daripada 17 buah surau atau masjid yang telah diukur menggunakan kompas prismatik didapati perbezaan had melebihi tiga darjah (3°). Surau Raudah di kampung Bandulan didapati mempunyai perbezaan yang terbesar iaitu sebanyak -30° 37’, diikuti Surau Taman Sepangar yang mempunyai perbezaan sebanyak +20° 38’. Manakala Masjid Unggun Jaya pula menunjukkan perbezaan sebanyak 13° 07’. Secara keseluruhannya sebanyak 35% buah surau atau masjid yang telah disemak di sekitar Politeknik Kota Kinabalu melebihi perbezaan had tiga darjah (3°) daripada arah sebenar kiblat.

Merujuk Jadual 4.7 iaitu data semakan arah kiblat surau-surau di jabatan– jabatan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu didapati surau Jabatan Perdagangan aras 2 mempunyai perbezaan terbesar iaitu sebanyak -44° 37’ daripada arah asal dimana ia melebihi had tiga darjah (3°). Surau Jabatan Perdagangan lelaki aras 3 pula mempunyai perbezaan had sebanyak -33° 07’, manakala Surau Jabatan Perdagangan aras 3 perempuan mempunyai perbezaan selisih sebanyak -18° 37’. Sebanyak 8 daripada 13 atau 62% surau-surau di Jabatan Politeknik Kota Kinabalu didapati mempunyai perbezaan melebihi tiga darjah (3°) daripada arah sebenar.

Jadual 4.6. Data semakan arah kiblat bagi masjid dan surau di sekitar Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

Arah Kiblat Sekitar Kota

Kinabalu 290° 37’ 00” (Rujuk

LAMPIRAN A) Masjid/Surau Sekitar PKK

Bil Nama Masjid/Surau Bering Beza

1 Surau Raudah, Kg. Bandulan. (Sejadah sudah dibetulkan)

260° 00’ -30° 37’

2 Surau Taman Sepangar (Sejadah sudah dibetulkan) 311° 15’ +20°


3 Masjid Unggun Jaya, Dekat PRL. 277° 30’ -13° 07’

4 Masjid An Nur, Taman Putra Jaya 284° 00’ -6° 37’

5 Surau Kg. Gudon 284° 00’ -6° 37’

6 Surau Al Ikhwan, Taman Kuala Menggatal. 287° 30’ -3° 07’

7 Pusat Islam, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu 288° 30’ -2° 07’

8 Surau Al Hidayah, SJ Melawa. 290° 30’ -0° 07’

9 Surau Kg. Salut 289° 00’ -1° 37’

10 Surau Pekan Telipok, Berhampiran Pejabat Lembaga Koko.

289° 45’ -0° 52’

11 Masjid TM, Kg. Tebobon 293° 00’ 2° 23’

12 Masjid Al Falah, Kg. Tebobon. 289° 30’ -1° 07’

13 Surau SMK Tebobon, Kg. Tebobon. 290° 00’ -0° 37’

14 Surau Al Abid, Kuaters Kastam DiRaja Malaysia. 289° 00’ -1° 37’

15 Masjid UiTM, 290° 00’ -0° 37’

16 Masjid Al Falah, Institut Latihan Perindustrian. 290° 00’ -0° 37’

17 Surau IKM, Institut Kemahiran Mara, K. Kinabalu.

290° 00’ -0° 37’

Jadual 4.7. Data semakan arah kiblat surau-surau

di Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

Arah Kiblat Sekitar Kota Kinabalu

290° 37’ 00” (Rujuk LAMPIRAN A)

Surau-surau Di PKK Bil Nama Masjid/Surau Bering Selisih

1 Surau JP Aras 2 (L&P) (Sejadah Sudah Dibetulkan)

246° 00’ (sejadah

asal) -44° 37’

2 Surau JP Aras 3 (L) (Tanda Kiblat Baru Disediakan)

257° 30’ (Tanda asal)

-33° 07’

3 Surau JP Aras 3 (P) (Tanda Kiblat Baru Disediakan)

272° 00’ (Tanda asal)

-18° 37’

4 Surau JH (L&P) (Sejadah 255° 00’ -35° 37’

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Sudah Dibetulkan)

5 Surau Pentadbiran (L) (Sejadah sudah dibetulkan) 281° 00’ -9° 37’

6 Surau ULPL (L) (Sejadah Sudah Dibetulkan)

265° 00’ (Tanda asal)

-25° 37’

7 Surau ULPL (P) 265° 00’ (Tanda asal)

-25° 37’

8 Surau Unit Pembangunan (L&P) (Sejadah Sudah Dibetulkan)

296° 30’ (sejadah

asal) 5° 53’

9 Surau JKA (L) 290° 30’ -0° 07’ 10 Surau JKA (P) 290° 30’ -0° 07’ 11 Surau JKM (L) 290° 30’ -0° 07’ 12 Surau JKM (P) 290° 30’ -0° 07’

13 Surau JKE (L&P) 290° 30’ (sejadah

asal) -0° 07’

5. Cadangan dan Perbincangan

Pada umumnya kita, umat Islam kurang begitu peduli, apakah arah kiblat dalam solat kita sudah betul atau benar? Kita lebih cenderung menggunakan kiblat masjid mengikut tradisi lama iaitu dari generasi ke generasi dan tidak pernah diulang ukur ketepatannya. Mungkin dalam hati kita terselit keyakinan bahawa masalah ini sudah dibincangkan oleh pakar berkenaannya, sebelum sebuah masjid dibangun. Kita menjadi merasa tidak perlu mempertanyakan kesahihan kiblat suatu masjid. Bahkan mungkin Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid sendiri mempunyai sikap yang sama, tidak peduli.

Usaha untuk menetukan arah kiblat setepat mungkin seharusnya menjadi keutamaan kita. Walau apa pun persoalan dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan arah kiblat yang tepat, kita haruslah memikirkan kesan selisih yang berlaku disebabkan ketepatan kaedah, masalah peralatan dan keupayaan teknologi manusia. Dengan keadaan saiz Kaabah yang dinyatakan sebelum ini dan Kota Mekah yang seluas 26 km persegi, apakah kejituan sebenar yang diperlukan dalam penentuan arah kiblat? Jika dibandingkan jarak Malaysia ke Mekah yang jauhnya hampir 7100 km, sebarang selisih sudut sebesar 1 minit akan menyebabkan sasaran kiblat tersisih sejauh 2 km. Manakala selisih sebesar 3º akan menyebabkan arah kiblat tersisih sejauh 378 km.

Sebenarnya dengan peralatan secanggih mana pun, selisih arah kiblat tidak mungkin dapat dielakkan. Walau bagaimanapun, sesuai dengan langkah ijtihad semasa menentukan arah kiblat, setiap kaedah yang dipraktikkan mestilah diusahakan secara bersungguh-sungguh bagi mencapai ketepatan maksimum. Jesteru itu, setiap individu muslim hendaklah mengetahui

hukum berkaitan dengan penentuan arah kiblat dan kaedah-kaedah yang boleh dipraktikkan. Individu muslim boleh memilih kaedah yang bersesuaian dengan masa (tarikh), waktu dan kemudahan yang ada.

Penentuan arah kiblat sesebuah masjid dan surau hendaklah dibuat mengikut prosedur yang ketat, bermula dari kerja penandaan garisan asasnya. Sesuatu yang merugikan sekiranya masjid dibina dengan harga berjuta ringgit tetapi arah kiblatnya tidak tepat. Ini akan menimbulkan keraguan dan mencetuskan rasa kurang senang dikalangan jemaah sesuatu kawasan yang terbabit. Manakala bagi individu pula, mereka hendaklah berusaha mendapatkan arah kiblat yang betul bagi tempat sembahyang (musola) samada di kediaman atau tempat kerja masing-masing. Arah kiblat sesuatu premis yang didapati tidak tepat perlulah dibetulkan pada arah yang lebih diyakini.

Hasil dari tinjauan yang dibuat didapati kebanyakan kakitangan PKK kurang mengetahui kaedah penentuan arah kiblat dan berminat untuk mengikuti kursus berkenaan dengannya. Oleh itu dicadangkan kepada Unit Latihan dan Pendidikan Lanjutan PKK atau pihak lain yang berminat supaya menganjurkan kursus tersebut. Begitu juga dengan tempat sembahyang (musola) yang terdapat di PKK hendaklah diusahakan supaya arah kiblatnya ditanda setepat mungkin. Usaha ini mudah dilaksanakan kerana di Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, PKK sendiri terdapat kompas prismatik yang boleh digunakan untuk menetukan arah kiblat. Berkenaan dengan data-data arah kiblat masjid dan surau sekitar PKK yang dikumpulkan, ianya hendaklah dihantar dan diserahkan ke Pejabat Mufti Sabah untuk tindakan selanjutnya oleh pihak yang berkenaan. Rujukan Baharrudin Zainal (2002). ”Pengenalan Ilmu Falak”.

Kuala Lumpur. Penerbitan Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka.

Baharrudin Zainal (2004). ”Ilmu Falak Edisi Kedua”. Kuala Lumpur. Penerbitan Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka.

Ishak Baharom (2008). ”Solat dan Keajaibannya”. Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Penerbitan Anbakri Publika Sdn. Bhd.

Abdul Basit Bin Abdul Rahman (2002). “Madinah Munawwarah Kelebihan dan Sejarah Madinah”. Penerbitan Dar Al-Maathir For Pub. & Dist.

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Muka surat | 97 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Penyelidikan Kebitaraan Bahasa, pada 20 – 22 Oktober 2009 bertempat di Hotel Beverly, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

Extending Teaching & Learning of an ESP Course through an Online Discussion Board

Teh Phaik Sim Department of General Studies, Politeknik Kota Kinabalu

[email protected]

Lee Kean Wah (PhD) School of Education & Social Development, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

[email protected]


College students have often complained of the lack of opportunities to have more contact hours with their lecturers to learn and/or discuss their academic problems or to seek consultation on matters pertaining to their course of study. Lecturers, on the other hand, are equally busy with their overwhelming numbers of students, research work, administrative work, etc. to be able to counsel and assist their students. How can this problem be resolved? Is there a better way where both parties, the students and their teachers, can learn, and interact without the constraint of space, time and availability? This paper presents the preliminary findings of a qualitative study on the use of an Online Discussion Board (Nicenet) to generate more discussion time on an ESP course. The study involved two groups of 73 Diploma in Business Management and Accounting students at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu who participated in online conferencing on various topics related to the course of English for Commercial Purposes. Findings showed that the participants generally enjoyed the learning experience and were greatly encouraged by the ease of use, flexibility and practical opportunity to learn and discuss via online discussion. Discussion on the opportunities afforded and challenges faced using this medium were also discussed. 1. Introduction

Why is there a need to introduce online tutorial strategies in campus-based courses? The impetus to use online discussion board as an alternative tutorial mode stems from our experience as lecturers who are usually overwhelmed with a large numbers of students,

research and administrative work. Traditional solutions such as holding tutorials across a broader spectrum of the day or having extended tutorial hours seemed burdensome to both the students and lecturers. Students need flexibility not just in teaching delivery but also in learning; teaching staff do not need additional contact hours in already busy schedules. Is there a better way where both parties, the students and their teachers, can learn and interact without the constraint of space, time and availability?

Online tutorial appears to offer a broader range of flexible learning strategies, particularly in terms of student interaction with both the teaching materials and with each other. According to Raleigh (2000), online discussions are the asynchronous posting of electronic messages by participants of a class or group in a continued conversation on topically organised questions and issues designated by the course lecturer. Research has shown that online learning benefits teachers and students. For example, Warschauer, cited in Thang and Bidmeshki (2004), argues that technology is an important medium of literacy and that online learning provides the potential for purposeful, powerful use of online communication in second language learning and teaching. A pertinent question worth asking is whether it is possible to strengthen the intellectual community of the topic by extending tutorials from the classroom to cyberspace.

To seek answers to aforementioned puzzle, a study was thus carried out to investigate the use of an Online Discussion Board (ODB) available freely through the Internet Classroom Assistant (Nicenet), and the circumstances of its implementation in a campus based course.

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Teh Phaik Sim et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 98 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Penyelidikan Kebitaraan Bahasa, pada 20 – 22 Oktober 2009 bertempat di Hotel Beverly, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

2. Objective of Study Specifically this study aims (1) to investigate the

effectiveness of the online discussion board in facilitating discussion between course lecturer and students and students and students; (2) to find out the opportunities and hindrances in implementing online tutorial strategies via an online discussion board in an academic course. Questions this study sought to answer are:

i. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Online Discussion Board in managing and facilitating discussion between course lecturer and students, and students and students?

ii. What are the opportunities afforded and challenges faced in implementing online tutorial strategies via an online discussion board in an academic course?

The next section outlines a brief review of the

literature on e-learning in higher education institution (HEI), and in particular the use of online discussion board to extend teaching and learning.

3. Literature Review

In the Information and Communicative Technology

(ICT) era, e-learning has become one of the most important modes of learning. This can be seen in a growing number of classes across the country and abroad where lecturers are using electronic communications to augment in-class discussion with an ongoing, online dialogue between students about class-related topics. Thus for instance, studies such as Pang et al., (2005); Harlina Yunus (2005); Doring, (1996); Gamas & Nordquist, (1997); Hansen & Gladfelter, (1996) have been conducted on the use of e-mail and discussion boards as a supplement to the teaching of a college course. In other cases, the electronic discussions have been part of a distance education effort and constituted the primary means of communication between instructors and students (Thang and Bidmeshki, 2004; Lewis, Treves, & Shaindlin, 1997; Muffoletto, 1997). Some authors have proposed specific models for effectively designing and conducting online discussion experiences (Martin & Taylor, 1997; Schrum, 1995). The findings of these types of studies generally have shown that students have favorable reactions to their experiences with electronic discussions.

Thus for example, Pang et al., (2005) conducted a study of online learning at the School of Education and Social Development, University Malaysia Sabah involving 324 undergraduate students across all levels of study in the school. Employing a questionnaire as

the main tool for data collection, the study focused on the context of implementation and student perception on online learning in the school. Results obtained showed that students found online learning to be enjoyable, exciting as well as helpful. Online learning was also perceived to be a better learning experience compared to face-to-face learning and it also helped students to be more responsible in their learning and development compared to the conventional classes. Zhu (1996) documented successful patterns of knowledge construction stemming from electronic discussion, held as part of college coursework taught at a distance. Powers and Mitchell (1997) conducted a qualitative study of an Internet-based graduate course. One of their conclusions was that online communications enhanced levels of rapport between students. Thang and Bidmeshki (2004) conducted a study about an online English Programme for undergraduates of Science and Technology in University Kebangsaan Malaysia. The course was designed with the use of ‘Hotpotatoes’ and ‘Moodle’ as the learning management system. Findings revealed that students generally react positively towards the online course.

The fun of learning via online is that students learn without time and place constraints and without the fear of gender, racial, age, or disability bias (Caverly and MacDonald, 1999). Effective online distance education requires students to collaborate effectively online among the lecturers and students and among students and students (peer learning). How can instructions be strategised effectively to achieve effective and meaningful online discussion? According to MacDonald & Caverly (2001), there are generally three types of online courses. In type 1 discussions, students participate by answering questions by the lecturer or turning in homework but no interaction is provided between students. In type 2 discussions, discussion is controlled and led by the lecturer without further addressing any new questions from students whereas in type 3 discussions, all online discussions are student-led and student-centred.

In view to the three types of online discussions, there is a need for the course lecturer to examine and evaluate its instructional objectives and strategies. The need to achieve student-led and student-centred type of discussion is of top priority because it enhances peer learning as well as under the observation and guidance of the lecturer. Another reason that supports student-centred learning is the encouragement of forming learning teams (Klemm, 1998). When students engage and discuss in a cooperative or collaborative manner, the quality of the input (discussions) on the online board will improve. Klemm (1998) also argues that forming learning groups allow students to acquire team

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Teh Phaik Sim et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 100 Telah dibentangkan di Seminar Kebangsaan Penyelidikan Kebitaraan Bahasa, pada 20 – 22 Oktober 2009 bertempat di Hotel Beverly, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.

creating situations simulating authentic use of the language in work and social situations and exposing to natural and spontaneous communication situations.

Taking cognizance the aforementioned objectives of the syllabus, it is felt that the ODB can be usefully exploited to meet the demands of the syllabus. The ability to establish interaction with and between students by means of e-mail, bulletin boards, and forums is one of the strengths of online teaching. The discourse of learning, made possible through these media, enables students to affirm their own ideas on a topic or a concept by putting their thoughts into words in an environment where peers can react and contribute to the developmental process.

Collaborative learning - social learning for activities, assignments, and problem-solving - is now possible, providing both motivation and interpersonal skill-building.

Online discussions by means of e-mail and forums, which involve asynchronous interactions aid in developing students' critical thinking skills and communication skills. The interactions made possible by the technologies discussed here have great potential for deep and lasting learning. Asynchronous forum discussions have particular advantages in contributing to the reflective and interactive learning processes. Asynchronous forums give students the opportunity to reflect on the discussion and plan their input, making for a more reasoned and in-depth contribution. For the student using dial-in access this enables them to compose a message off-line and upload it to the forum when online, so saving in connection time for which there is often a time-based charge. 4. Methodology 4.1 Research Design

This study adopted a case study approach as it provides the researchers the opportunity to have an in-depth understanding of the situation and meaning of those involved (Merriam, 1998). The decision to focus on a qualitative case study is mainly due to the researchers’ interest in gaining insight, discovery, and interpretation rather than hypothesis testing. The interest is the process rather than outcomes of the implementation in the context of implementing online discussion using an online discussion board. 4.2 Population and Sampling

Convenience sampling procedure was used for selecting the participants. According to Fraenkel & Wallen (1993: 87), a convenient sample is a group of individuals who (conveniently) are available for study.

In this study, two classes (N = 73) of Diploma in Business Management and Accounting students at Politeknik Kota Kinabalu who were following the course on English for Commercial Purposes taught by the second author, participated in this study. The authors chose this group of students as they were the direct beneficiary of this pilot study and their experiences in the process and procedures involved in the implementation of this mode of learning would be relevant. All the students were required to participate in the online discussion in order to earn marks for their online contribution. 4.3 Instrument

Two main instruments were used for data collection; questionnaire and interview. Students’ online responses (postings) were documented and analyzed to inductively establish relevant sub-headings for further discussion. The open-ended questionnaire which essentially was an elicitation instrument probed into the opportunities and hindrances surrounding the use of the prototype online discussion board. Besides eliciting demographic information, questions probing students’ online learning experience; the opportunities (advantages) and hindrances (disadvantages) of using the online discussion board versus the conventional face-to-face tutorial discussion, the limitations of the prototype model; and their perceptions of their online learning experiences were asked.

The interview allows the researcher to probe deeper into the events and processes involved in the online discussion board. Structured interviews were conducted with a few participants. The purpose of interviewing the selected individuals was to seek richer and deeper insights pertaining to their opinions and feelings towards online conferencing. The topics and issues asked during the interview were mainly based on the following outline: (1) To what extent do you think the online discussion board has helped you in learning about your course A5004 English for Commercial Purposes 5? (2) What are some of the advantages you can derive from using this channel/medium of communication? (3) What are some of the problems (disadvantages) you faced during the course of using the online discussion board? (4) Do you like online tutorial to be a permanent feature in your course? (5). Do you think it is fair to evaluate you on your online participation? Give reasons. (6) Give suggestions how we can improve online tutorial discussion.

Document analysis was carried out to examine the students’ responses on the fortnightly held online discussions. The purpose was to inductively establish a categorical system for organizing open-ended

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information into manageable proportion looking specifically into the effects of the online discussion on the students’ learning, social and emotional development.

5. Results and Discussion 5.1. The opportunities afforded and the

challenges faced in implementing an online discussion board in the ESP course

Outlined below are the experiences and observation

of the researchers pertaining to the process of implementing the online discussion board. 5.2. Researchers’ perspectives of the

implementation of the discussion board. 5.2.1. Strengths and Weaknesses of Discussion Board. The strengths of the online discussion board are as follows:

i. Evidence from the board (after students’ participations) showed that cooperative and collaborative learning occurred because the participants formed discussion groups to discuss and exchange ideas prior to their engagement to the online board after each topic was assigned to them.

ii. The discussion board was able to attract increased participation from students. This is evident in the increased number of times they posted their comments and ideas to the board. The board recorded overwhelming support from course participants.

iii. Another noticeable strength of Nicenet was the frequent use of the e-mail tool (an interface on the board) by students to make direct contact with course lecturer when they face difficulties in understanding difficult or undefined terms. The evidence from the case study showed that the number of e-mails received from the participants were as many as messages/comments posted to the board. This demonstrated a positive sign of learning because the prompt responses from the lecturer for students’ queries helped in improving the quality of ideas inputted to the board subsequently.

The weaknesses of the discussion board are as follows: i. The case study revealed that there were some

cases where students failed to log on to the discussion board due to the difficulty to get access to wifi hotspot in the campus. There are only a few wifi hotspots available around the

campus, and even if participants got to those hotspots, they often found limited seating for them to log on to the internet.

ii. Evidence from the case study also showed that the course lecturer was unable to cope with overwhelming responses from students who participated in the online discussion board especially in dealing with extra e-mails consisting questions and issues from them. The lecturer could only be selective in dealing with personal e-mails and conducted group face-to-face discussion on selected issues only. This nevertheless also contributed to good quality discussions posted to the board but rendered unnecessary workloads and stress to the lecturer.

5.3 Students’ perception of the discussion board. The following results are derived from analysis of

students’ comments in response to the open ended questionnaire and content analysis of the students’ postings. The responses are mostly quoted in verbatim under inductively derived sub-headings pertinent to second research question of identifying the opportunities and hindrances in implementing online tutorial strategies, specifically on the use of an online discussion board, in an academic course. Responses deemed as opportunities are listed under positive comments while hindrances are listed under negative comments. Shown below are some of the more pertinent responses.

5.3 1.Positive comments

i. Intellectual benefits. The online tasks and tutorial were new to me but I found them interesting, learnable, time saving and challenging. I have learned something new which I have never learnt before. I learned much more from online tutorials as I can read the different views and experiences from my coursemates compared to the conservative technique of sending in written work and with the lecturer the only person reading all the responses.

ii. Social benefits. Conferencing online is a good way to share ideas with friends. We can also contribute our ideas as not all people like to talk in front of the class. In this way other students can also share their points of view.Online conferencing is one of the most sophisticated ways in conveying knowledge and contributing ideas without a feeling of shyness and hesitation. Everyone has a fair chance to

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contribute ideas and opinions to be shared among the members in the class.

iii. Emotional benefits Through this online conferencing too has made me feel at ‘home’ and comfortable with my coursemates especially with all the open and mature ways of sharing ideas concerning the course and its contents. I like online tutorial very much as I can participate freely without shyness and it really helps when I can learn from others and can share at the same time. Online tutorial is a completely new experience to me. Even though I always grumble to myself about the online tasks, it’s a wonderful experience. I do hope this online tutorial will be used in other subjects as well.

iv. Intellectual, Social & Emotional benefits. I personally enjoyed doing the online tasks plus reading the comments, sharing ideas given by my coursemates. Having read the constructive reflections by others have truly helped me improve my way of thinking and learning as a whole. I have to admit the online tasks were annoyingly inconvenient initially but I progressively began to like them. I just have to ‘log on and go’.I think we learnt a lot from reading one another’s opinions.

Source: Finding 2009 5.3 2. Negative

i. Absence of immediate feedback The online tutorial is something new but face-to-face tutorial is still needed because some questions or vagueness would require immediate response or feedback from either the lecturer or fellow coursemates. Online tutorials are very much welcomed but I still prefer the traditional ‘face-to-face’ tutorial. Discussions can be done on the spot and any questions about certain topics can be posed and explored together with the lecturer and friends.

ii. Logistical problems. The online tutorial is something new and it gave us quite a run for our money as not everyone has a computer to log on immediately as required. Some of us need to queue up at the library to wait for our turn to use the computer. Even the tasks and questions given needed to be digested carefully and sometimes we just don’t have enough time to answer the tasks appropriately.

iii. Lack of prior training. I tried posting my messages many times but I always failed to do so successfully. My coursemates told me that I

have done the wrong thing and said that I should have done this and that. The lecturer should familiarize us on the use of the discussion board first before assigning us tasks straightaway.

iv. Lack of proper moderations. My only criticism of the online tutorial is that the home menu topic can get a bit confusing. It is not clear, which topics are assignments given by the lecturer and which are private discussions (sub-threads) started by some of our friends. Some of us cannot participate in all the discussions, but we all have to response to the lecturer’s tasks by a given deadline.

Source: Finding 2009

It is obvious that there are both pros and cons to the use the online discussion board. A point worth noting is that all the 73 participants responded with a resounding yes when quizzed if they like to continue with this mode of tutorial in their future course of study. The majority of the students felt they enjoyed learning through the online mode. Cognitively, almost all the students acknowledged that the asynchronous forums gave them the opportunity to reflect on the discussion and plan their input hence making for a more reasoned and in-depth contribution. Online discussion also seemed to have an effect on them socially and emotionally. Quite a number of students mentioned that they were bolder to give their opinions as the aura of anonymity gave them the courage ‘to speak out’ and ‘to be heard’. By masking behind their pseudonyms , even the weaker students were able to contribute their opinions using a mixed of Bahasa Malaysia and English, which they typically would not do in a conventional face-to-face lesson. A number of students also mentioned that emotionally they felt ‘comfortable’ and ‘at ease’ using this forum because they could all learn to share, comment and improve on one another’s understanding of the course content. A few students specifically stressed that they like the ease of use and flexibility of the online discussion board as they can ‘log on and go’ minus all the encumbrances that go with the traditional face-to-face tutorial such as meeting at a fixed time, in a fixed place and at a fixed set-up, at a time most convenient to them. Perhaps the most mentioned point by all is the chance to read and share one another’s opinion in the forum and the following words from one of the interviewees succinctly summed up the feelings of most of the participants, “Everybody can read everybody’s work! The best part is everybody is a somebody and nobody feels alienated in this forum.”

Besides the plus points, some of the problems (weaknesses) mentioned ought to be taken into

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consideration. Among the problems mentioned were those related to immediate feedback, logistical problems, improper moderation and absence of pre-training. Further probing in the interview revealed that most students had anticipated the lecturer to provide immediate feedback and assessment marks to them after every deadline. The participants also felt that the lecturer ought to empathize more with their problems, especially their inability to log online from their respective hall of residence or homes. They felt the two–week deadline for submission for each online forum was too short as many of them were busy and had real difficulties in securing internet-linked computers in the campus. One student mentioned that the lecturer ought to better moderate the discussion board to prevent over cluttering of topics on the main menu page.

Taking cognizance of the aforementioned comments and discussion, the authors have come up with a set of tips to further enhance teaching and learning via an online discussion board. The next section on recommendation outlines these tips.

6. Recommendations

Based on lessons learned in this study, there are some tips for any teacher or course developer interested to explore online discussion board. These recommendations could be usefully employed to avoid potential problems working with this mode of teaching and learning. 6.1. Things to consider when deciding to use

online discussions:

i. Set expectations in your syllabus about the use of electronic communication and your availability to respond to messages.

ii. Train learners to use the discussion board before using it as an assessment mode for online contribution.

iii. Schedule time to introduce and train students to access and properly use the discussion board features.

iv. Set up one forum for learning how to use the discussion board. Start by having each student post something about themselves and reply to at least one other student before actually setting any tutorial task.

v. Provide guidelines and expectations for students, such as if or when they are required to post, whether they are to read all posts, how many of the posts you intend to read, how posts will be graded, and issues of style and netiquette.

vi. Define the relationship between electronic and class discussion. For example, will students need to have made a post or read or replied to other students before a specific class period?

vii. Organize forums around key topics of the course. Inform that only the instructor can create conference topics (forums) and must be participated by all. However, students are encourage to create threads of their own if and when desired but they are not compulsory to participate and will not be assessed.

viii. Students should use the discussion board wherever possible so that contribution from all quarters can be publicly viewed by all.

ix. Make it clear that e-mail, while being very efficient for direct communication of time-sensitive issues related to the course, is reserved for something of a confidential nature or needs a specific response from the instructor.

x. Inform the learners that using the discussion board is not only in accordance with the premise of the collaborative, cognitive learning model, but is also efficient because learners are likely to get faster answers from their peers, since everyone in the class can read every posting.

7. Conclusion

This study of using a freely available online discussion board (Nicenet) and the process of investigating the effects of using it as a supplement and/or alternative to the conventional face-to-face tutorial in college teaching has been an interesting revelation to us. No doubt there were some teething problems we had to endure but all in all it had been a satisfying experience for us. Traditional classroom-based tutorial still is and will continue to be an important feature in college teaching, as demonstrated in some of the responses shown earlier. But in an era where ICT is gaining momentum and gaining prominence, it is timely to consider alternative tutorial discussion such as using the online discussion board. The conventional procedure of holding tutorials across a broader spectrum of the day or having extended tutorial hours does not offer any new hope of a long term solution to our busy schedules. Online tutorial seems to be a viable alternative. It may not be a panacea to all our problems but certainly it appears to offer a broader range of flexible learning strategies, particularly in terms of student interaction with both the teaching materials and with each other. It is certainly possible to strengthen the intellectual community of the topic of study by extending tutorials from the classroom to cyberspace.

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Pressures Prompting Language Shift in Kadazandusun Families in Sabah

Esther Jawing Department of General Studies

Politeknik Kota Kinabalu [email protected]

Dr Ting Su Hie

Centre for Language Studies Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

[email protected]


Language shift tends to happen in smaller speech communities but the shift in allegiance away from the ethnic language is also evident in relatively large ethnic groups. The societal factors at work could be so compelling that population size and the symbolic value of the ethnic language become inconsequential in language maintenance. This study examines the macro and micro factors that influence the language use across different generations in Kadazandusun families. The case study involved 52 participants from five Kadazandusun families living in urban and rural areas around Sabah. The analysis of data from interviews and participant observation showed that only the first and second generation members speak Kadazandusun as their mother tongue whereas almost all of the third and fourth generation members speak Sabah Local Malay and/or English as their first language. The choice of dominant language for family communication was found to be influenced by societal and individual factors such as education, intermarriage, prestige of language, geographical location and language contact. The relative importance of these factors in determining intergenerational transmission of the ethnic language in urban and rural Kadazandusun families will be discussed in the context of language shift and maintenance. 1. Introduction

Displacement of minority languages by majority

language has been an area drawing much research interest. When the majority language is standardised and instituted as the national language, the majority

group members may even shift towards the standardised variety as in the case of Brunei Malay (see Alias & Poedjosoedarmo, 1996 on Kampong Ayer Malay). When the official language is a neutral language not derived from any ethnic group in the country, it has even greater drawing power which cuts across ethnic boundaries. For example, in Singapore the shift towards English is evident in Chinese (Gupta & Yeok, 1995; Li, Saravanan & Ng, 1995), Malay (Kassim, 2008) and Tamil families (Schiffman, 1996). Even though English is no longer the official language in Malaysia, it is also gaining ground in the linguistic repertoire of Malay children but not displacing their ethnic language (see Mahadhir, 2006). Malay is not threatened by the possibility of language shift to the same extent other communities are (see Gopinathan, Pakir, Kam & Saravanan, 1998). However, English is pushing the ethnic language out of the repertoire of the younger generation in other speech communities (e.g. Foochows in Kuching; see Ting, 2006). In the Malaysian context, Malay is the majority language posing competition to the intergenerational transmission of the ethnic language in groups such as the (Ting & Campbell, 2007), Javanese (Yasin, 1998), Malayalees (David & Norahim, 2006), Tamil (Naji & David, 2000; 2003) and Telugu (David & Dealwis, 2006). What are the pressures forcing the ethnic language out of the family domain in speech communities which are sizable in the local region although not on the national scale? 1.1. Purpose of the Study

The case study examined the macro and micro factors that influence language use across different generations in Kadazandusun families in Sabah to

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Muka surat | 107 Telah dibentangkan di 9th International Borneo Research Council (BRC) Conference, pada 29 – 31 Julai 2008 bertempat di Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia.

language for family communication and traces the point of change to the political change in Sabah. 3. Method 3.1. Participants

The language use data were provided by 52 participants from five Kadazandusun families spanning three or four generations. The families were from Kota Kinabalu, Tuaran, Apin-apin, Keningau and Tambunan. These families had at least one parent who was Kadazandusun and spoke the ethnic language. See Appendix for demographic characteristics of the participants of this study. The classification of the urban, semi-urban and rural areas was based on the Kota Kinabalu City Hall specifications.

The family members’ age ranged from one to 82. Altogether 15 children took part in the study, and most of them were in primary school while some were not of school-going age yet. Although there is literature stating the inability of younger children to provide good data, children’s self-reported data, albeit simplistic, were included to show the contrast with their grandparents or even their greatgrandparents’ language use patterns. 3.2. Data Collection

The language use data were provided by 52 participants from five Kadazandusun families spanning three or four generations. The families were from Kota Kinabalu, Tuaran, Apin-apin, Keningau and Tambunan. These families had at least one parent who was Kadazandusun and spoke the ethnic language. See Appendix for demographic characteristics of the participants of this study. The classification of the urban, semi-urban and rural areas was based on the Kota Kinabalu City Hall specifications.

The family members’ age ranged from one to 82. Altogether 15 children took part in the study, and most of them were in primary school while some were not of school-going age yet. Although there is literature stating the inability of younger children to provide good data, children’s self-reported data, albeit simplistic, were included to show the contrast with their grandparents or even their greatgrandparents’ language use patterns. 3.3. Data Collection

Semi-structured interviews and observations were

conducted to obtain data on the participants’ language behaviour in 2005. The observations provided a glimpse of the actual language behaviour of the

participants in interactions with their family during family gatherings for co-triangulation with language use patterns reported during the interviews. Each family was observed for five days for five hours per day, giving rise to 125 hours of observation over a period of five weeks.

The interviews enabled the language use phenomenon to be understood from the participants’ perspective, and this is important in unraveling the factors perceived as crucial and not so crucial in influencing their language choices. During the interviews, participants were asked questions on the language used with other family members in various generations, the purposes for those language choices, as well as their views of the value of the Kadazandusun language for symbolizing their ethnic identity. The questions were modified based on the reply of the participants to ensure a more natural conversation. Care was taken not to lead participants in the questioning and the use of linguistic terms was minimised so as not to jeopardise participants’ comprehension.

One of the researchers conducted the interviews in Sabah BM with some code-switching to English, particularly with the second and third generations as they were not proficient in English. With the first generation, Sabah BM was the main language used for the interviews as the researcher was not fluent in either the Kadazan or Dusun dialects.

Each interview took about 15 to 35 minutes. Some participants were interviewed in the presence of other family members because it was difficult to arrange for separate appointments with each member as the interviews had to fit into their schedule. This method of interviewing has the danger of participants echoing the views of other participants but care was taken to probe to check that they were reporting their own language use and views.

The interviews were not translated to English during the transcription to retain the originality in terms of the meanings and authenticity of the participants’ views as exact equivalents in English words were difficult to find for some words. The interview transcript consisted of 23,700 words. 4. Results

The language use in the five Kadazandusun families is presented by family in order to identify the factors that move the families towards certain languages in later generations. The main language is indicated in bold in the tables. G1, G2, G3 and G4 are alternatively referred to as greatgrandparents, grandparents, parents and children.

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4.1. Family 1 from urban Putatan, Kota Kinabalu

Family 1 originated from Terawi, Penampang. The

great grandparents (G1) had three children (G2). Their son had moved to an urban area in Putatan, Kota Kinabalu but his two sisters still lived in Penampang. The great grandparents were both Penampang Kadazan and could only speak this language as they did not have proper formal education. However, they worked hard as farmers and ensured that their children went to school. As a result, the G2 in Family 1 were able to speak Sabah BM and English. They selectively used their own language with their siblings and Sabah BM with their children. This led to their children (G3) using Sabah BM as the main language with each other, with occasional code-switching to English as they were used to speaking Sabah BM since childhood.

Four out of seven members of G3 were married. For two of the families with spouses who were Tambunan Dusun and Papar Kadazan, Sabah BM reigned. For the two who were single and another two with Sino-Kadazan and Kadazan spouses from Penampang, the main language used with G4 was Penampang Kadazan. It seems that the spouses’ lack of fluency in Penampang Kadazan was the factor that determined whether they used their ethnic language or Sabah BM with their children.

Table 1. Emergence of Sabah BM alongside Penampang Kadazan in Family 1, urban Putatan,

Kota Kinabalu

Generation (with age)

Ethnicity of spouse Main language

G1: Great grandmother (82)

Spouse was also Penampang Kadazan

Penampang Kadazan

G2: Grandparents (62-63)

Kadazan and Dusun spouses

Penampang Kadazan Sabah BM English

G3: Parents (23-40)

Kadazan and Dusun spouses

Sabah BM Some English BM Penampang Kadazan

G4: Children (1-11) Sabah BM or

Penampang Kadazan

The switch to Sabah BM started in G2 for the sake of their children’s education. This changed the main language in Family 1 unequivocally – indicating the concern for their children’s future as the most important factor for the family to move away from

Penampang Kadazan. They had the resources to do so because education and interethnic exposure gave them the opportunity to learn BM and the Sabah Malay variety. In G3, Penampang Kadazan was revived with marriage to Kadazan spouses who were used to speaking Penampang Kadazan suggesting that spouses can change the language use pattern in the family but this factor has restricted effect. Next we proceed to the language use patterns in Family 2. 4.2. Family 2 from rural Topokon, Tuaran

The great grandmother (G1) in Family 2 originated

from Tamparuli and learnt Bundu Dusun (Central Dusun Dialect) when she was a child, used it with her late husband and children, and they moved to Topokon in Tuaran. Bundu Dusun was her home and village language but in later years she learnt some Sabah BM from grandchildren. Only one out of her seven children (G2) lived with her in Kampong Wangkod Rombituon, Topokon but others had moved to Kampong Loputung, Tuaran town, Tamparuli and even Brunei and Penang for work. However, the rural or urban locality did not affect their language use in the family. Table 2. Maintenance of Bundu Dusun in Family 2,

rural Topokon, Tuaran

Generation (with age)

Ethnicity of spouse Main language

G1: Great grandmother (78)

Spouse was a Dusun from Tamparuli

Bundu Dusun

G2: Grandparents, (46-48)

5 married to Dusun spouses, 2 to Iban and Acheh spouses

Bundu Dusun Bajau Mandarin Sabah BM Brunei Malay

G3: Parents (17-33)

Only 1 married to a Dusun spouse from Topokon, 4 not.

Sabah BM mixed with some Bundu Dusun BM Brunei Malay English

G4: Children

(2-7) Bundu Dusun

Bundu Dusun was the main language of G2 except

when their spouse was non-Dusun and that was when

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Malay languages became the common means of communication. However, regardless of the ethnicity of the spouse, Sabah BM was used with the children (G3) as they were afraid that their children could not speak BM. Sarawak BM and Indonesian BM were used by the Iban and Acheh G2 mothers respectively. Some started speaking Bundu Dusun with their toddlers but when their children entered school, they changed to Sabah BM.

As only one member of G3 was married, the focus was on this family. They changed from Sabah BM (with some Bundu Dusun) to Bundu Dusun because her husband felt that a Dusun must be able to speak his or her own mother tongue because that was their root and a part of their customs. This returned Bundu Dusun to its place of importance in Family 2 although there was an interim generation (G3) when Bundu Dusun was in danger of being replaced by Sabah BM, but this is the scenario in one family. We do not know the situation with four other G3 members who were not married at the time of the study.

In Family 2, G2’s decision to speak Sabah BM with the children changed the pattern of language use in the family although they were living in a rural area and spoke Bundu Dusun with their spouse. Educational concern was the number one reason. Marriage to non-Bundu Dusun spouses was secondary as the switch to Sabah BM had already begun. The revival of Bundu Dusun use in this family originated with G3’s strong belief in the value of the ethnic language. 4.3. Family 3 from rural Apin-apin

Family 3 originated from Kampung Kirokot,

Tambunan but migrated to Kampung Kirokot Baru, Apin- apin many years ago (the family migrated from Tambunan to Keningau in 1963). Grandmother (G1) learnt Tambunan Dusun when she was a child, used it with her farmer husband and their children. Their move to Apin-apin did not affect their language use as it was also a Dusun-dominant community. Four G2 members of Family 3 still lived in Apin-apin and used Tambunan Dusun with the spouse and Sabah BM with their children. They claimed that their children came back from school speaking BM, thereby causing them to use BM. However, others said that they intentionally spoke BM with their children to familiarise them with BM.

The only one in G2 who married outside the Dusun community had a Hokkien Chinese from Labuan and moved to Keningau Town. This particular family used Sabah BM and English in the family, and the youngest daughter had even learnt Mandarin from school and some Hokkien from her mother. There is a total loss of Tambunan Dusun from this family as their daughter

(G3) who is married to a Kenyah said that Sabah BM was her first language and she would use it with her children (G4) in future. She reported that it was odd to speak Tambunan Dusun at home when others did not understand the language. Regardless of locality or ethnicity of spouse, Sabah BM has emerged as the chosen language for communication with the children in G3 and Tambunan Dusun was lost from the family. Table 3. Loss of Tambunan Dusun from Family 3,

rural Apin-apin

Generation (with age)

Ethnicity of spouse Main language

G1: Grandmother (75)

Spouse was Tambunan Dusun

Tambunan Dusun

G2: Parents (43-54)

Spouses are Dusun except 1 married Hokkien wife

Tambunan Dusun Sabah BM English

G3: Children


1 married



Sabah BM


English, Hokkien,


In Family 3, G2’s enthusiasm to make their

children speak Sabah BM so that they could blend in with the others was the most important trigger for the gradual loss of Tambunan Dusun from Family 3. This started a trend that wiped out Tambunan Dusun from the generation in their teens and twenties because of the awkwardness of their parents in transmitting the language to them despite most having Tambunan Dusun spouses. 4.4. Family 4 from semi-urban Keningau

The head of Family 4 was living in a semi-urban area of Keningau at the time of the study but he originated from Papar and learnt Papar Kadazan. His wife (Grandmother, G2) originated from Tambunan. In addition to Tambunan Dusun learnt from her mother, she also spoke Mandarin which she had learnt from school, not from her Chinese father. She spoke Mandarin with siblings, and learnt Malay and English from school and friends. When they married each other, they had to use Sabah BM with each other as they could not speak each other’s ethnic languages. Grandfather had learnt Sabah BM from schoolmates

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and friends. Sabah BM is also a widely used language in the part of Keningau where they lived.

Table 4. Sabah BM as the common language in Family 4, semi-urban Keningau

Generation (with age)

Ethnicity of spouse Main language

G1, Great grandparents (81)

Spouse was Chinese

Tambunan Dusun Mandarin

G2: Grandparents (53- 56)

Papar Kadazan grandfather, Sino-Dusun grandmother

Sabah BM Papar Kadazan Mandarin Tambunan Dusun English

G3: Parents (26-33)

2 married with Kadazan and Dusun spouses. 2 single

Sabah BM BM English

G4: Children (1-3) Sabah BM


In the following generation (G3), two of them were married to Dusun and Kadazan spouses but the other two were not married. They used Sabah BM with their children (G4) because they did not know any other language. Grandmother attempted to make her first son learn Mandarin by sending him to a Chinese primary school but he found Mandarin too difficult, so after three years, she sent him to a mission school. The continued use of Sabah BM was a natural course of events started by the grandparents out of necessity.

The incomprehensibility of Tambunan Dusun and Papar Kadazan resulted in Sabah BM emerging as common language between grandparents – this was the most important factor that displaced ethnic languages from the family. Kadazandusun had vanished from the family within two generations of using Sabah BM as language for family communication. 4.5. Family 5 from rural Tambunan

Family 5 lived in a rural area in Tambunan. Both grandparents spoke Tambunan Dusun and were also fluent in Sabah BM unlike the great grandparents of Family 1 and 2 as they had received BM medium education. Grandfather learnt Sabah BM in school and through friendship with people from different language groups. He worked as a surveyor in Keningau and Tambunan but moved back to the latter after he retired. With the three children (G3) born in Tambunan, they spoke Tambunan Dusun but with the three younger

children born in Keningau, they opted for Sabah BM as this was a non-Dusun dominant community. Apparently the grandparents in Family 5 were very much influenced by the language of wider community in their town and adopted that language for family communication as well. To quote the grandfather, “we seldom hear Dusun, we have to use Sabah BM”. The situation of three and three actually resulted in Sabah BM dominating in the sibling communication. Grandparents had six children, of which four were married. Regardless of whether their spouses were Penampang Kadazan, Dusun-Kenyah or Tambunan Dusun, Sabah BM was used for family communication except for one family living in Australia. They did not share ethnic languages, so there was no question of these languages being used between spouses. By G4, Tambunan Dusun was completely lost and they were more comfortable with Sabah BM. 4.6. Discussion

The results show that locality does not seem to

have a bearing on the language choice dynamics in the family. Families in both rural and semi-urban areas felt the need to use Sabah BM for communicative efficiency (Families 3, 4 and 5 respectively). Both urban and rural families were concerned for the educational benefits of getting their children to learn Sabah BM (Families 1 and 2 respectively). The opening up of educational opportunities in Sabah in both urban and rural areas made the parents keenly aware of the importance of their children being proficient in the language of instruction. Although it was standard BM, the national language, which was used in school, Sabah BM was considered a close enough means for the children to be familiar with the school language.

Table 6. Average age of different generations and their dominant language


-tion 1963 1975 2005 Dominant language

G1 42

years old

54 80 Kadazandusun

G2 11 + 10

23 + 10

53 + 10

Kadazan dusun, Sabah BM

G3 Not born yet

Just born

28 + 11

Sabah BM, BM, (Kadazan dusun)

G4 Not born yet

Not born yet

Below 12

Sabah BM (or Kadazan dusun)

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The fear of their children not knowing BM was shared by G2 in the families under study and they were the ones who made the decision to speak Sabah BM with their children. At the time of the study (2005), G2 was in their forties and fifties (see Table 6) but at the time Sabah joined the Federation of Malaya in 1963, they were in various stages of formal education (below 21 years old). BM was implemented as the official language in Sabah in 1973 (Salleh, 1981, p. 29) but in 1968 some schools had already begun using BM as the medium of instruction in five subjects, namely, Bahasa Melayu in Primary 1- 3, Physical Education, ‘Ilmu Kesihatan’, Arts and Carpentry (Onn et al, 1981, p. 92). All the schools switched to BM as the medium of instruction in 1975 (Onn et al, 1981, p. 92). At the point of the switch in medium of instruction, the age range of G2 was between 13 and 33 (see Table 6). In other words, the younger members of G2 were in secondary school while others had been working for several years and were married with children. The prevailing sociopolitical situation in Sabah was more likely to impact upon the language decisions of G2 than other generations as they were in the children producing stage of their life and had to choose a language to speak with their children, whether it was a deliberate choice or not. The results of this study show that they chose Sabah BM.

The societal and family influences on their choice of Sabah BM warrant some deliberation. Since their parents (G1) did not have the opportunity for formal education and were proficient in only Kadazandusunic languages, G1 spoke only their ethnic languages to their children. However, G2 learnt Sabah BM from schoolmates and it was probable that they felt the limitations of not being proficient in BM as a pass in the language at secondary school level was a pre-requisite for government jobs. In general, proficiency in BM was necessary for them to do well in school. Having experienced these constraints, G2 made the choice to speak Sabah BM with their children, as a step away from the standard BM. The language choice was deliberate because communication between the spouses and their siblings often takes place in their ethnic language but they made it a point to use Sabah BM with their children to prepare them for school. Kadazandusun languages were recognised as fulfilling informal functions but not useful in formal domains such as education and employment. Because of this, there is still a role for the ethnic language in the family and could re-emerge in the family as a language of communication in the case of Families 1 and 2.

On the other hand, when Sabah BM was chosen over Kadazandusunic languages for communicative efficiency with spouses from other ethnic groups (Family 3) or with other members of the speech

community (Family 5), this led to a loss of the ethnic language from the family. Under such circumstances, both Sabah BM and Kadazandusunic languages are competing for the same role in the family domain, ruling out functional differentiation for the two languages. In such cross-ethnic encounters, closer rapport is built through using a shared language and playing down ethnic differences. In the families under study, it is not either of the parents’ language which is used to communicate with the children but Sabah BM. “When marriage partners use different languages, the majority group language almost always displaces the minority language” (Holmes, 1992, p. 68). In Sabah, the Kadazandusun language has the status of a minority language although the Kadazandusun is the largest ethnic group (18.4%) followed by Bajau (17.3%) and Malays (15.3%) (Malaysia Department of Statistics, 2008). In the larger context of Malaysia, Malay is the majority group language. Lasimbang (1997) stated that promoting BM for “one nation, one language” forces parents to shift to speaking a more “prestigious language” and not to speak their mother tongue anymore.

Taking the results as a whole, the reasons prompting the five families to shift away from Kadazandusunic languages to Sabah BM are their children’s education (2 families) and communicative efficiency within and outside the family (3 families). Although it is a case study of only five families, the results have indicated that when the shift to Sabah BM is for the sake of their children’s education, there is a chance for Kadazandusun to make a comeback into the family especially when the conditions are right, and these include having Kadazandusun spouses in the younger generations (Family 1) and a strong belief in the value of the ethnic language to their ethnicity (Family 2) – partly because the Kadazandusun language is still in the repertoire of G3 although relegated to a position of lower importance compared to Sabah BM. However, when the need to use Sabah BM within the family and with members of the community is out of necessity, the language is usually no longer in the repertoire of younger generation as it has no practical value. In fact, even if Tambunan Dusun and Penampang Dusun were still in the repertoire of G3 as in the case of Family 5, it is not transmitted to the subsequent generation.

Relocation to a Malay-dominant part of Keningau was the most important factor that introduced Sabah BM as the main language for the younger children. The portion of children entrenched in Sabah BM moved the whole family away from ethnic language although they had Kadazandusun spouses who could speak Kadazandusun. Having spouses of the same ethnicity did not automatically help to revive the language due

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to dialectal differences. Tambunan Dusun was lost within two generations of Sabah BM coming into the family. Table 5. Shifting from Tambunan Dusun to Sabah

BM in Family 5, rural Tambunan

Generation (with age)

Ethnicity of spouse Main language

G1: Great grandparents (78)

Both Tambunan Dusun

Tambunan Dusun

G2: Grandparents, (55)

Tambunan Dusun spouse

Tambunan Dusun Sabah BM

G3: Parents (26-40)

4 out of 6 married. Dusun and Kenyah spouses

Tambunan Dusun Penampang Kadazan Sabah BM BM English (for family living in Australia)

G4: Children (1-12)

Sabah BM BM English

5. Conclusion

The case study of five Kadazandusun families

showed that the factors that prompted the choice of Sabah BM over Kadazandusun with the children were the perceived educational advantage associated with knowing Sabah BM and communicative efficiency. These factors were in response to an important societal factor which is the strength of Malay as an ethnic group and a national and official language. It is not the numerical strength of the ethnic group in the immediate vicinity but the institutional support for the language as well as the perceived socio-economic status associated with knowing the language which are more important. In fact, the perceived benefits of acquiring BM are so great that there is a spillover effect on dialects of the language, Sabah BM. While these conclusions are not new, this study has indicated that the ethnic language has a chance of making a comeback to the family in later generations when Sabah BM is chosen for their perceived educational advantage for their children rather than communicative efficiency. However, larger scale studies in other districts in Sabah are needed to investigate the conditions for the reversibility of the shift and why the shift towards Sabah BM is so rapid among the Kadazandusuns.

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Appendix: Demographic characteristics of participants

Family Location Ethnic language Members

interviewed with


Number of



1 Urban area,

Putatan, Kota




G1 (f), 82

G2 (m), 63

G2 (f), 62

G3, 23-40

G4, 1-11






2 Rural area,





Bundu Dusun G1 (f), 78

G2 (m), 48

G2 (f), 46

G3, 17-33

G4, 2






3 Rural area,

Kampung Kirokot

Baru, Apin-apin,


Tambunan Dusun G1 (f), 75

G2, 43-54

G3, 10-29





4 Semi-urban area,

Keningau Town

Papar Kadazan and



G1 (f), 81

G2 (m), 53

G2 (f), 56

G3, 26-33

G4, 0.5-3






5 Semi-urban area,



Tambunan Dusun G1, 78

G2 (m), 55

G2 (f), 55

G3, 26-40

G4, 1-12






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Hasnim Harun et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 115 Telah dibentangkan di International Seminar on Technology, Education and Knowledge Building, pada 7 Mac 2008 bertempat di Coimbatore, India.

Remote Lab Generator: A Software Tool to Develop a Remote Lab

Hasnim B. Harun Politeknik Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

[email protected]

M. Z. Abdullah

Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Recent Remote Lab development shows that there are many implementation models and architectures which can be used to develop a remote lab. A technique which aims at generating and automating processes and tasks can simplify this development. A new software prototype named Remote Lab Generator (RLGen) uses this technique to demonstrate how the development process of a remote lab can be made easier for lab instructors.

1. Introduction

Remote lab by definition is the experiment/lab which is conducted and controlled remotely through the Internet and the experiments use the real components or instrumentation at a different location from where it is controlled or conducted. It must be distinguished from Virtual lab which uses Virtual Reality, Flash, Java Applet or other software to simulate the lab environment.

Engineering courses normally include the laboratory components. Although hands-on lab is essential, the use of technology in the form of remote lab facility could assist the learning process. Remote lab uses a real lab component and instrumentation and is conducted by students from scattered remote locations through internet medium. It is suitable for engineering courses offered within distance learning and e-learning environment. It differs from simulation approach which employs programming code to simulate the result of the lab experiment. Examples of remote labs which have been successfully developed those such as by Basher et. al.(2004) which used Labview, Dixon et. al.(2002) and Casini et. al.(2003)

which used Matlab and Das et. Al (2006) which used Visual Basic 6.0 with Measurement Studio 6.0.

With the advancement of Internet, control and measurement technologies, and networking technologies, there are a number of implementation models that can be used in order to implement a remote lab such as the one written by Hasnim & Abdullah (2006) and Mergl (2006).

There is no intention to replace the traditional hands-on lab but it can be as a supportive tool that can be used before or after a lab session to enhance the learning/lab concept and theory. By combining it with simulation tools such as Pspice or Electronic Work Bench, students will benefit more. By using remote lab as a new tool and a part of an e-learning engineering program, the offering of engineering courses in distance learning will be nearly completed.

Normally lecturers use a multi-purpose software such as Labview which is specifically made for measurement and control in engineering field. To develop a remote lab that can be used by student, lecturers need to do certain task such as computer interfacing programming, creating client side connection, preparing a web page for lab experiment information, a booking or a que system for a remote lab because only one experiment can be done at one time. Based on a requirement study conducted previously, there are certain needs from lab instructor for an easier lab documents preparation, student management features, lab report pass-up and marking system and less preparation on creating student websites. Because of this, a software tool which can have great features in measurement and control such as Labview and packaging it together with the requirement of lab instructors will minimize work load to develop a remote lab. National Instruments provide Measurement Studio 6.0 which is a set of activeX for measurement and control equivalent in its features with Labview.

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Telah dibepada 7 Ma

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Seminar on Tecbatore, India.

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Hasnim Harun et al. Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011

Muka surat | 118 Telah dibentangkan di International Seminar on Technology, Education and Knowledge Building, pada 7 Mac 2008 bertempat di Coimbatore, India.

References Basher,H.A, Isa,S.A & Henini,M,A, “Virtual

Laboratory for Electrical Circuit Course”, Proceedings of IEEE, 2004.

Dixon, W.E., Dawson, D.M., Costic, B.T., de Queiroz, M.S., “A Matlab-based control systems laboratory experience for undergraduate student, standardization and shared resources”.

Education, IEEE Transactions on Volume 45, Issue 3, Aug. 2002. p218-226.Casini, M., Prattichizzo, D., Vicino, A.. The Automatic Control Telelab: A User-Friendly Interface for Distance Learning. Journal of IEEE Transactions On Education, Vol. 46, No. 2, May. 2003.

Das, S., Sharma, L.N., Gogoi, A.K. Remote Communication Engineering Experiments Through Internet. iJOE International Journal on Online Engineering. February 4. 2006.

Hasnim, H. & Abdullah, M.Z, “Remote Laboratory Implementation Model: A Comparative Study”, Proceedings of National Convention in Education Technology, Langkawi, Malaysia, September 9-11, 2006.

Mergl,C., “Comparison of Remote Labs in Different Technologies”, International Journal of Online Engineering(iJOE), Vol. 2, No.4, 2006.

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Diges PKK Edisi 1, 2011