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Kajian kualitatif

Want to take in-depth look at a certain fenomena. Misalnya pengkaji ingin mengetahui bagaimana things are done, bagaimana orang react kepada satu-satu situasi dan sbg. Misalnya dia nak tahu mengenai apa yang berlaku dalam bilik darjah. Misalnya kita nak kaji mengenai penerapan nilai murni dalam pengajaran.Kita nak tahu apay sebenarnya sedang yang dilakuakn oleh guru semasa pengajaran. Kita mungkin memfokuskan kajian kita kepada satu kelompok kecil sahaja misalnya satu bilik darjah . penyelidik akan membuat cerapan sekerap mungkin dan cuba menceriakan dengan detail mengenai even yang berlaku semasa pengajaran dalam bilik darjah berkenaan. You are interested in the quality of the activties rathe than how frequent it occurs.> guna kaeadh lain yang dikategorikan kaedah kualitatif

Ciri kajian kualitatif:

1. Sumber data ialah keadaan sebenar dan penyelidik ialah orang utama dalam proses pemungutan data.

Apa penyedilik buat?

1. data kualititaif dikumpul dalam bentuk tulisan atau gambaran bukannya dalam bentuk nomborjenis data yang dikutip termasukalh interview transkript, field nots, foto, audio recording, video, diaries, personal comments, memos, official records, textbook passage. Nothing is ignored that might lend insight into situationApa sahaya yang terdapat misalnya dalam classroom di pakai(jokes, decoration). To them everything mempunyai kepentingan

2. concerned with process as well as productwant to know how things occur. So they they observe misalnya interaksi, bagaimana soalan dijawab, makna yang diberikan untuksesuatu perkataan, gesture then they translate

3. analisis data secara induktif


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no formulation of hypothesiscollect data then decide what important question to considerof course yu should have some general questions which will then be narrowed downdata collection and analysis take palce simulteneouslydo reflection and confirm the reflection in subsequent interview etc.

4. How people make sence out of their lives is a major concern of kualitatife research

They want to know what the participants are thinking and why they think that wayAndaian, goals, motives, reason may dominate the researches’ question

5. Establish thruswortinessCheck the crdibility of data. How? Prolonged engagement and persistent obervation to provide sufficient scope and depthUse of triangulation – multiple methods of data gatheringPeriodic debriefing with peers and members checkTo enhance dependebility (reliability: Ary and Jacobs)-do auditing about the proses. Semua kena simpan (makluamt yang dikumpul)Third party auditor will examine the stydu to attest the procedure employed and examine the confirmability of the findings

Penyelidik mungkin menunjukkan kepada participant notes yang diambil to check the accuracy of interpretasi penyelidik. Nak report as accurate as possible


Heavily narrative .often present the anecdote of participants

Three common forms of kualitative research

1. Participant observation2. Nonparticipants observation3. enthnographic

Participants observation


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Secara overt > boleh diketahui, then what will be the behavior of the participantsCovert > you are one of the participants in a group. Or you are one of the teacher in a school. Tiada siapa yang tahu yang anda sedang menajalankan kajian. More likely to produce valid results

What is the best procedure? Overrt or covert? Try to relate with establishing thrustworthiness

Non-participants obervation

Do no participate in the activitiJust sit and watch

How do they collect data?

Naturalistic observationObserve in the natural setting. No manipulation of variables or control activties of he subjects. Observe and record

SimulationCreat a situation and asked the participants to act out-tell what to do but not how to do.Ask to teach but no how to teachKelemahan: keadaan tiruan. Jadi mungkin apa yang dilihat hanyalah apa yang dikehendaki oleh penyelidik bukan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dlam dunia nyata

Kajian kes

Hanya satu kes saja> misalnya ada pelajar memang bijak dalam mathematiks. Observe him or her on regular basis. Get as much information as possible (study style, attitudes towards mathematics, aspiration etc.). You can talk with anybody related to him or her (paraents, friends, teachers, counselors). An in-depth study of a particular kes of interest

Content analysis

Penganalisisan kandungan dokumen


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Kandungan > words, makna, pictures, symbols, ideas, themes

What you need to do is kenalpasti apa yang nak di analisis. Misalnya visuals dalam teks (saiznya, kesesuaain dengan teks, warnanya, jenis visual dan lain-lain)Apa yang nak lihat. Identify cirinya develop pertinent categories dan kemudian bandingkan categori ini dengan beberapa buah buku lain.How to conduct content analysis

Formulate question

Apabila kita melibatkan pemboleh dalam bentuk kat-kata atau simbol, kaedah ini adalah sesuai sekali

Katakan anda ingin mengakji liputan akhbar mengenai pilihanraya di ******Konctruct saya ialah coverage (liputan) yang merangkumi misalnya: the amount of liputan, prominence of coverrage, whether it favors one candidate over another

Unit of analysis:

Kenalpasti unit analysisnya samada setiap naskah, Melayu ke BI


Define the population: could be all words, pictures, sentenses or all articles over a specified period of time. Misalnya saya nak tahu bagaimana kempen pilihanraya di jalankan. My population may include all reports related to political parties published by major newspaper in malaysia within specified time frame.

Kira berapa banyak related reports and it becomes the sampling frem.Then decide on sampel size and design.Then draw a random sampel

Intercoder reliabilityCheck on the reliability of coding by many codersCheck on stability relaibility if the coding streches over a few months period


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Content analysis opnly decsribe what is in the textCannot reveal the intention of those who created the text nor can it determine the effect of the message upon those who read the text. To make an inference we have to do a saperate reserch project probably experiment.

Sampling in obeservational studies

Apa yang kita lihat ialanya sampel of classes atau masa.Umumnya kita akan mengambil sampel bermatlamat. Kita pilih sampel yang memungkinkan kita memperolehi hasil yang kita kehendaki.Persoalaannya ialah: sejauhmana situasi yang dicerap mewakili keseluruhan situasi?

Adalah kelas yang kita cerap mewakili kesemua kelas berkaitan?

Adakah kita cerap tingkahlaku pelajar menggunakan representative sampel?Penting supaya kita tidak memperolhi gambaran yang tidak tepat mengenai hasil kajian kita.


A combination of participants obervationa and the nonparticipants observations in an attemt to obtain a wholistic picture of …..Emphasinya ialah documenting pengalaman seharian dengan cerapan dan temubual serta menggunakan lain-lain dokumen

It is an in-depth interviewing and continual and on-going participants observation of the situationTry to capture as much of what is going on “whole picture”Here we may have a generla research question. Observe, then make initial conclusion that may suggest you to gather more data that may lead you to revise the initial conclusionExample: what is life like in an inner-city school’So you kaji very aspek (experience of students, teachers, administrators)


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The goal is to produce a detail picture of certain thing (a classroom, an inner-city school.


Generalizibility no samplingResearcher biasThe variables investigated remain unclear since no specifi hypothesis formulated The good thing: A comprehensive perspective.. a get a much deeper and richer understandingGood when there are things that cannot be quantified or difficult to quantifyGood when the particular behavior can best be understood by observing in natural setting

Validity and reliability of ethnographic research

Use a variety of instrument or procedure (triangulation)Check for data discrepencies (compare notes of the same things but described by diff. Subjects)Learn to understand the group and speak their languageWrute down the questions askedRecord your own thought while observing or interviewingDokumen the sourse of remarksDokumen the bases of ineference tey makeDescribe the konteks in which questionas are asked and situations are observedUse audio-video tapesDarw conclusion based on your understandingInterview the person moe than once. Look for inconsistencies

Look at your filed notes; the kualiti of the notes bantu dari segi validiy and reliability of your observation

Two types of field notes

Descriptive and reflectiveDescriptive:Potarit of the subjectsReconstruction of dialogDescription of physical settingDescription of observer behavior


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ReflectionOn analysis: Methods;Attitudes of the reseacher: