Download - Soalan Pemilihan Nilam PKG 2013 (I)


SM INDIVIDUAL ENGLISH QUESTIONS.THEME 1:SOCIALTOPIC:Foreign WorkersSITUATIONForeign workers play an important role in meeting the demands of our labour shortage faced by the nation. Yet, at the same time, their presence in our country has also created many problems. It is now a growing problem for the government.Discuss about this issue in detail.

THEME 2:YOUTHTOPIC:Being YoungSITUATIONYouth is wasted on the young.That would be the words of wisdom by George Bernard Shaw. Basically he meant that youths waste their youth doing youthful things of little use, and those who are mature enough to do useful things have little youth remaining to do them.Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of being young.

THEME 3:HUMAN RIGHTSTOPIC:National IntegrationSITUATION1Malaysia is an on-going campaign announced by our Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibTunRazak on September 16, 2008. In other words 1Malaysia is a concept to foster unity in Malaysians of all races.You are a member of a group discussing how we can promote national integration and harmony among Malaysians?

THEME 4:TOURISMTOPIC:Promoting TourismSITUATIONTo know Malaysia is to love Malaysia. Malaysia is a beautiful country with multi-racial nations and therefore tourism industry has become one of the main industries to generate the countrys capital. There are a lot of issues being discussed regarding tourism industry in Malaysia.Discuss ways to promote tourism in our country.

SR INDIVIDUAL ENGLISH QUESTIONS.THEME 1:LIFESTYLETOPIC:Promoting Reading HabitSITUATIONIn 1982, the National Literacy Survey carried out by the National Libraryreported that Malaysians only read an average of one to two pagesa year. Fortunately, the reading habit among Malaysians improved to two books per year when the National Literacy Survey was repeated in 1996. Nonetheless, the last National Literacy Survey carried out in 2005 reported that Malaysians still read an average of two books a year. In short, there had been no improvement.This proved that reading is not a popular activity.What are the benefits of reading and as a student, how can you develop reading habit?

THEME 2:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYTOPIC:InternetSITUATIONIn this modern world, the Internet is revolutionizing our society, our economy and our technological systems. No one knows for certain how far, or in what direction, the Internet will evolve. But no one should underestimate its importance.What are the advantages and the disadvantages of using Internet?

THEME 3:ENVIRONMENTTOPIC:PollutionSITUATIONImagine this. One day you come out from your house and all you see is big puffs of black smoke andnotrees! All you hear are cars andnobirds! All you smell is gasoline andnoflowers! What kind of life is that?There have been a lot of concerns regarding the environment today and how it affects our lives.Imagine yourself as an environmentalist. As an environmentalist, what are some of your concern regarding pollution?

THEME 4:PEOPLETOPIC:Creative ThinkingSITUATIONEveryone has a wish. You can wish to be a Prime Minister or you can even be like Justin Bieber, etc.What is your wish?


TEMA 1 : PATRIOTISME Isu : Peranan remaja dalam pembangunan negara

Pemuda harapan bangsa , pemudi tiang negara

Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, huraikan persediaan-persediaan yang perlu dilakukan oleh remaja untuk merealisasikan cabaran tersebut.

Definisi : Golongan remaja (pemuda dan pemudi) merupakan tonggak dalam pembangunan sesebuah negara.

Nyatakan langkah-langkah untuk menjadikan kenyataan ini sebagai satu realiti.

TEMA 2 : BAHASA DAN SASTERATAJUK: Buku-buku kesusasteraan Melayu adalah untuk perkembangan budaya ilmu bagi sesebuah negara, tetapi di negara kita buku-buku seperti itu kurang mendapat sambutan di pasaran.


Isu : Sastera Membentuk Nilai Kemanusiaan

Karya sastera membentuk nilai kemanusiaan.

Bagaimana karya sastera membentuk nilai-nilai kemanusiaan

Tema 3: 1MURID 1SUKAN ( 1M1S )Definisi, Matlamat, Konsep, Pendekatan Perlaksanaan, Prinsip Perlaksanaan, Kepentingan, Kemudahan dan Pencapaian 1M1S.


TEMA 1: BUDAYATAJUK: Budaya rumah terbuka menyemarakkan perpaduan masyarakat pelbagai kaum.1. Sejauh manakah perpaduan nasional dapat diwujudkan melalui budaya rumah terbuka? 2. Selain daripada budaya rumah terbuka apakah cara lain untuk menyemarakkan perpaduan nasional ?

TEMA 2: KEMASUKAN PENDATANG ASING TANPA IZINDefinisi, punca, kesan dan cara mengatasi.

TEMA 3: PENCEMARAN ALAM SEKITARDefinisi, punca, kesan dan cara mengatasi.

TEMA 4 : PATRIOTISMEPatriotisme menjamin keharmonian bangsaSemangat cinta akan negara/sanggup berkorban untuk negara