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EXERCISE 1 Name : __________________

Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

Tingkatan : ____________

Tarikh : _____________

Bahagian A

1. Antara berikut yang manakah penyataan terbaik mengenai jirim?

A. Jirim mempunyai isipaduB. Benda hidup adalah jirim C. Jirim boleh disukat D. Jirim ialah bahan yang mempunyai jisim dan memenuhi ruang.

2. Antara berikut penyataan manakah tidak benar mengenai Jirim

A. Jirim mempunyai isipadu yang tetap B. Udara adalah contoh Jirim C. Jirim wujud dalam 3 keadaanD. Jirim terbentuk daripada zarah-zarah yang besar dan boleh dipisahkan

3. Antara beikut yang manakah bukan jirim

A. UdaraB. Burung C. Cahaya D. Air hujan

5. Jirim

Pepejal X

Diagram 2


Diagram 2 menunjukkan pengelasan jirim. Antara betikut yang manakah mewakili x?

A. Ais B. Udara C. Stim D. Minyak masak

6. Antara berikut yang manakah ciri-ciri terbaik jirim yang membentuk benda hidup dan benda bukan hidup?

A. Bentuk yang tidak berubah B. Mempunyai jisim dan bentuk tetapC. Mempunyai isipadu D. Mempunyai jisim dan memenuhi ruang

7. 50cm 3 cecair X ditambahkan ke dalam 50cm 3 cecair Y. Apakah kesimpulan akhir apabila ke dua-dua cecair tersebut ditambahkan?

A. Tepat 100 cm 3

B. Kurang daripada than 100 cm C. Lebih daripada 100 cm 3


Diagram 1

4. Apakah kesimpulan daripada eksperimen di atas?

A. Udara mempunyai jisim B. Udara tidak mempunyai jisim C. Udara tidak memenuhi ruangD. Udara terbentuk daripada zarah-zarah

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Page 2: Tambahan Bab 3

Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

8. Diagram 3 shows an experiment. 12. What are the characteristics of a gas? A. Gas a fixed shape and volume B. Gas has a variable shape and

a fixed volume. C. Gas has no fixed shape and a

variable volume D. Gas has a fixed shape and a

variable volume Diagram 3

13. Diagram 4 shows three states of matter X, Y and Z.

What can you infer from this experiment? A. Air diffuses through the wall of

beaker B. Air occupies space C. Air has mass D. The density of air is low

9. Which of the following has a fixed shape? A. Solids B. Liquids C. Gases D. Fluids

10. Which of the following substances move the fastest? A. Zinc B. Water vapor C. Mercury D. Alcohol

11. What is the difference between matter in the liquid and gaseous states? A. The particles in a liquid are

heavier B. The particles in a liquid are

closer C. The particles in a liquid are

lighter D. The particles in a liquid are


Diagram 4

Which of the following is paired correctly?


X Gas Solid Liquid Gas

Y Liquid Liquid Solid Solid

Z Solid Gas Gas Liquid

14. Which of the following describes the arrangement of particles in the liquid state? A. Close together in orderly

Arrangement B. Close together but not in

orderly arrangement. C. Far apart and in a random

Arrangement D. A lot of space among the



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Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

Bahagian B

1. Isi tempat kosong di bawah dengan menggunakan perkataan yang diberikan.

pepejal cecair

bentuk isipadu

jisim ruang

bekas gas


(a) Jirim ialah sebarang bahan yang mempunyai ____________ dan memenuhi _____________. (b) Jirim terbahagi kepada 3 keadaan iaitu : ____________, _____________ dan ____________. (c) Pepejal mempunyai ______________ dan _______________ tetap. (d) Cecair mengikut bentuk _______________ yang diisi. (e) Jirim terbentuk daripada _______________ yang kecil, terpisah dan sentiasa bergerak rawak.

2. Diagram 1 menunjukkan 3 keadaan jirim bagi 3 bahan

Diagram 1

(a) Labelkan keadaan jirim bagi bahan berikut menggunakan perkataan yang disediakan

Cecair Pepejal Gas

(b) Berdasarkan daripada gambar di atas, lukiskan struktur susunan zarah bagi 3 keadaan jirim berikut.

Gambar 1 Gambar 2 Gambar 3

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Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

3. Garikan jawapan yang betul .

(a) Cahaya adalah ( jirim, bukan jirim ) (b) Contoh bukan Jirim (haba,udara ) (c) Jirim ialah zarah-zarah ( kecil , besar ) (d) Pepejal terbentuk daripada zarah –zarah yang kecil yang (rapat,jauh )(e) Cecair mempunyai ( isipadu , bentuk ) yang tetap. (f) Ruang kosong antara zarah gas ( kecil, besar) dan ruang kosong antara zarah pepejal

( kecil , besar ) (g) Bunyi ialah ( jirim,bukan jirim ) (h) Jisim per unit isipadu ialah ( berat , ketumpatan ) (i) Zarah dalam pepejal ( boleh , tidak boleh ) bergerak bebas.

4. Tuliskan B untuk penyataan benar dan S untuk penyataan salah. (a) Semua benda hidup adalah jirim . ________ (b) Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah kecil yang sentiasa bergerak __________ (c) Haba ialah contoh Jirim __________ (d) Sesetengah benda bukan hidup adalah bukan jirim __________ (e) Jirim terdiri daripada pepejal, cecair dan gas. ___________ (f) Ruang antara zarah pepejal adalah besar. ________ (g) Zarah-zarah dalam gas adalah sentiasa bergerak dan berlanggar antara satu sama


(h) Zarah-zarah dalam gas hanya boleh bergetar dan berpusing pada tempat asalnya sahaja _________ (i) Semua gas adalah kurang tumpat daripada udara. _________ (j) Daya tarikan antara zarah pepejal adalah sangat lemah. _________

Prepared by : Abiana Binti Ja'afar (GCSC) 3 Email : [email protected].

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Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

EXERCISE 2 Name : __________________ Form : ____________

Date : _____________

Section A

1. Which of the following is true about matter? A. Matter is a substance that has

a definite shape B. Matter is a substance that

exists in gaseous, liquid and solid states

C. Matter is a substance that is high in density

D. Matter is a substance that has mass and occupies space

2. Which of the following is not matter?

A. Stone B. Oil C. Oxygen D. Light

A balloon inflate bigger as you blow air into it.

4. What inference can you make from the above observation? A. Air is a gas B. Air is matter C. Air has mass D. Air occupies space

5. Which of the following is not matter? A. Air B. Soil C. Water D. Sound

6. What is matter made up of? A. Air B. Cells C. Solids D. Particles

Diagram 1

3. Diagram 1 shows a balloon before and after is pumped into it. What conclusion can you make from this experiment?

A. Air has mass B. Air can be compressed C. Air occupies space D. Balloon has mass

Diagram 2

2 shows 7. Diagram the arrangement of particles of a substance. Which of the following substances has such arrangement of particles? A. Ice B. Water C. Steam D. Iron rod

Prepared by: Abiana Binti Ja'afar (GCSC) 5 Email : [email protected].

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Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

8. Which of the following statements is true about a solid? A. It has a fixed volume . B. Its particles move freely. C. Its particles glide over one

another. D. The attractive forces between

its particles are very weak.

9. Which of the following defines densities correctly? A. The density of a substance is

its volume in a unit mass. B. The density of a substance is

its mass in a unit volume. C. The density of a substance is

its weight in a unit volume. D. The density of a substance is

its volume in a unit weight.

10.Which of the following shows the states of the substances under room temperature correctly?

Solid Liquid Alcohol Mercury Mercury Alcohol

Iron Steam

Mercury Water

C. The volume of gas particles is bigger than the volume of the liquid particles.

D. The spaces between the gas particles are bigger than the spaces between the liquid particles.

Questions 12 and 13 are based on Diagram 3.


Gas Ice

Steam Air Air

12.In Diagram 3, solid P, Q and R are put into a measuring cylinder containing liquids X and Y. Liquids X and Y do not mix. Which of the following statements is true? A. Q is denser than Y. B. X is denser than Q. C. P is less dense than Y. D. R is less dense than X.

13.Which of the following could be the density of P, X and R?

It is easier to compress a gas than to compress a liquid.


P 2.1g/cm

0.9g/cm 1.0g/cm 0.4g/cm





X 1.8g/cm 1.0g/cm 0.9g/cm




R 1.2g/cm 2.1g/cm 2.1g/cm




13.4g/cm 3

11.8g/cm 3

11.Which of the following explains the above information? A. The size of gas particles is

bigger than the size of the liquid particles.

B. The mass of gas particles is bigger than the mass of the liquid particles.

14.20 g of an iron has a volume of 3

2.5 cm . What is the density of the iron rod? A. 8.0 g/cm 3

B. 50.0 g/cm C. 1.25 g/cm



D. 0.125 g/cm 3

Prepared by: Abiana Binti Ja'afar (GCSC) Email : [email protected].

Page 7: Tambahan Bab 3

Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

Section B

1. Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat berdasarkan Diagram 1?

Diagram 1

Conclusion : ________________________________________________

2. What conclusion can be made from activity in Diagram 2?

Diagram 2

Conclusion : ________________________________________________

3. Complete Diagram 3 to show the arrangement of particles in matter.

Solid Liquid Gas

Prepared by: Abiana Binti Ja'afar (GCSC) 7 Email : [email protected].

Page 8: Tambahan Bab 3

Science Module Form 1 - Chapter 3

1. Lengkapkan 3 keadaan jirim berikut

Perbezaan Susunan zarah

Daya tarikan


Pepejal Cecair Gas

5. (a) Apakah formula ketumpatan?


(b) Hitungkan ketumpatan alkohol apabila isipadu alkohol ialah 60 cm dan jisimnya ialah 20 g

6. Lukis dan labelkan permerhatian anda apabila petrol,merkuri dan air dimasukkan ke dalam silinder penyukat


Petrol MerkuriAir


0.75 g/cm 13.6 g/cm

1.0 g/cm 3



Disediakan oleh : Pn Nurul Haini binti Sutiman 4