2. AI dan SBP

Post on 20-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 2. AI dan SBP

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SISTEMBERBASIS PENGETAHUANProgram Studi Teknik InformatikaUniversitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Kecerdasan Buatan??COMPUTER COMPUTINGPada awalnya komputer digunakan sebagai alat untuk menghitungDengan perkembangan waktu, komputer semakin luas kegunaannya, digunakan hampir dalam segala bidang untuk dapat mengerjakan segala sesuatu yang dapat dikerjakan manusiaAgar dapat bertindak sebaik manusia maka komputer harus memiliki kecerdasan

Kecerdasan ??Kemampuan untuk memahami, mengerti dan mengambil pelajaran dari pengalamanKemampuan untuk belajar, mengerti dan berhubungan dengan dengan situasi baruKemampuan sistem untuk mengadaptasikan kelakuannya untuk memenuhi tujuan di lingkungannya

Kecerdasan manusiaManusia memiliki kecerdasan karena memiliki pengetahuan dan dapat belajar dari pengalamanManusia memiliki kemampuan melakukan penalaran untuk mengambil kesimpulan berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang dimilikiAgar dapat bertindak sebaik manusia, komputer diberi bekal pengetahuan dan kemampuan menalar.

Kecerdasan Buatan?bagian dari ilmu komputer yang mempelajari bagaimana membuat mesin (komputer) dapat melakukan pekerjaaan seperti dan sebaik yang dilakukan oleh manusia bahkan lebih baikMengetahui dan memodelkan proses-proses berpikir manusia dan mendesign mesin agar dapat menirukan perilaku manusia Membuat MESIN yang CERDAShttps://class.coursera.org/bigdata-003/lecture/13

CERDAS ?Memiliki pengetahuan, pengalaman, dapat melakukan penalaran Bagian utama yang dibutuhkan aplikasi AI :1. Basis pengetahuan (knowledge base)2. Motor inferensi ( Inference engine)

A system that draws upon the knowledge of human experts captured in a knowledge-base to solve problems that normally require human expertise.

A computerized system that uses knowledge about some domain to arrive at a solution to a problem from that domain. This solution is essentially the same as that concluded by a person knowledgeable about the domain of the problem when confronted with the same problem (Gonzalez dan Dankel)

a computer program that reasons and uses knowledge to solve complex problems

Knowledge-based Systems

Knowledge Base SystemsKnowledge Base systems are intended to perform tasks which require some specialized knowledge and reasoning. Medical diagnosis, geological analysis, and chemical compound identification are examples of tasks to which knowledge base systems have been applied.

Expert SystemsKnowledge Base systems are often called expert systems because the problems in their application domain are usually solved by human experts. An Expert System is a system that employs human knowledge captured in a computer to solve problems that ordinarily require human expertiseES imitate the experts reasoning processes to solve specific problemsFor example medical diagnosis is usually performed by a doctor.

Data, Information, and KnowledgeData: Unorganized and unprocessed facts - sekumpulan fakta, statistik

Information: Aggregation of data that makes decision making easier - data yang diorganisasi atau diproses

Knowledge is derived from information in the same way information is derived from data; it is a persons range of information- informasi yang kontekstual, relevan dan actionable1-12

12Note the level becomes more abstract as we go from data, to information, and to knowledge.

It is the knowledge that we have that enables us to make decisions.


13How do we make sense of this pyramid?

Can someone give it a try?

What do we mean by algorithmic and non-algorithmic?

How comes data are much easier to program than for information, knowledge and even wisdom?


Data Pyramid and Computer-Based Systems

Basic transactions by operational staff using data processing Middle management uses reports/info. generated though analysis and acts accordingly Higher management generates knowledge by synthesizing information Strategy makers apply morals, principles, and experience to generate policies Wisdom (experience)Knowledge (synthesis)Information (analysis)Data (processing of raw observations )


Sophistication and complexityTPSDSS, MISKBSWBSIS

Figure: Data pyramid: Managerial perspectives


Data Pyramid and Computer Based Systems Data







Researching Absorbing Doing Interacting Reflecting

Raw data through fact finding



Heuristics and models

Figure : Convergence from data to intelligence


Components of KBS

Knowledge base

Inference engine

User interface

Explanation and reasoning


Figure : General structure of KBS

Enriches the system with self-learning capabilities

Provides explanation and reasoning facilities

Knowledge base is a repository of domain knowledge and metaknowledge.

Inference engine is a software program that infers the knowledge available in the knowledge base.

Friendly interface to users working in their native language

KBS Architecture


ExplanationConclusionsExpertiseRecommendationsfor actionQueriesFacts Heuristics, etc.Knowledge-representationschema

Knowledge base: * a set of sentences expressed in some knowledge representation language * the collection of knowledge related to a problem (or opportunity) used in an AI system * Typically limited in some specific, usually narrow, subject area or domain

Inference/reasoning mechanisms to query what is known and to derive new information or make decisions. Key components of KBS

(1) Knowledge-base



(2) Knowledge representation & Inference KRInference* Logic Resolution principle* Production rules backward (top-down, goal directed), forward (bottom-up, data-driven)* Semantic nets & Frames Inheritance & advanced reasoning* Case-based ReasoningSimilarity based

BEBERAPA CONTOH KBS- Pioneering work developed in 1965 for NASA at Stanford University by Buchanan & Feigenbaum- which recognizes the structures of chemical compounds1. DENDRAL2. MYCIN - developed in 1970 at Stanford by Shortcliffe- Assist internists in diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases: meningitis & bacterial septicemia- -- a rule-based deduction system, has about 500 rules- capable of recognizing about 100 causes- a backward chaining system

3. XCON/RI (computer)- Configures DECs VAX, PDP11 and VAX DEC offers the customer a wide choice of components when purchasing computer equipment, so that client achieves a custom- made system

Aplikasi KBS1. Diagnosis - To identify a problem given a set of symptoms or malfunctions. e.g. diagnose reasons for engine failureInterpretation - To provide an understanding of a situation from available information. e.g. DENDRALPrediction - To predict a future state from a set of data or observations. e.g. Drilling Advisor Design - To develop configurations that satisfy constraints of a design problem. e.g. XCONPlanning - Both short term & long term in areas like project management, product development or financial planning.

6. Monitoring - To check performance & flag exceptions. e.g., KBS monitors radar data and estimates the position of the space shuttle7. Control - To collect and evaluate evidence and form opinions on that evidence. e.g. control patients treatment8. Instruction - To train students and correct their performance. e.g. give medical students experience diagnosing illness 9. Debugging - To identify and prescribe remedies for malfunctions. e.g. identify errors in an automated teller machine network and ways to correct the errors Aplikasi KBS

Kelebihan KBS- Increase availability of expert knowledge- Efficient and cost effective- Consistency of answers- Explanation of solution- Deal with uncertainty

KELEMAHAN KBS Lack of common sense Inflexible, Difficult to modify- Restricted domain of expertise- Lack of learning ability- Not always reliable


Apa itu knowledge engineering Apa tahap-tahap dalam knowledge engineering

From Data Processing to Knowledge-based Systems