Autism and Immunology

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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  • 7/28/2019 Autism and Immunology


    Autism And Immunology

    Tony Hermawan

  • 7/28/2019 Autism and Immunology



    Autisme adalah salah satu bentuk penyakit yanng

    tergolong dalam gangguan pervasif.

    Berasal dari autos diri sendiri

    menunjukkan gejala hidup dalam dunia sendiri

    Autisme adalah gangguan perkembangan pervasif

    pada anak yang ditandai dengan adanya

    gangguan dan keterlambatan dalam bidangkognitif, bahasa, perilaku, komunikasi dan

    interaksi sosial.

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    Autism is a complex, developmental disability

    that is evident within the first 3 years of life.

    It is a behaviorally defined syndrome that is

    recognized by difficulties in communication,

    social interaction and perceptual organization

    (pattern of behavior) .

    Symptoms vary in degree of severity, from

    mild to severe impairments.

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  • 7/28/2019 Autism and Immunology



    Evironmental factor :

    congenital rubella infection

    anticonvulsants and antiemetics takenduring pregnancy,

    perinatal hypoxia

    postnatal infections such as encephalitis Genetic ?

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    Sistim Neuromunologi

    Kelainan sistim imun pada autisme

    dihubungkan dengan adanya antibodi reaktif

    pada SSP yang mengakibatkan terjadinya

    kerusakan jaringan neuron

    Paparan sistim imun pada periode kritikal

    perkembangan sist imun menyebabkan

    terjadinya autisme

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    Sistem imun dan sistem Saraf

    Keduanya merupakan suatu sistem yang

    bekerja menyampaikan sinyal melalui

    pelepasan mediator kimiawi seperti

    neuropeptida, neurothropin dan sitokinin.

    Banyak peptida yang sama berperan dalam

    kedua sistim tersebut.

  • 7/28/2019 Autism and Immunology


    Traditional view of Autism

    Autism is a group of behaviors caused by

    some defective gene or genes which cause

    structural changes in the brain.

    We cant fix brain abnormalities that you are

    born with, so other than behavioral therapies,

    there isnt anything that will improve the

    childs level of functioning.

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    Immune and Nervous systems

    Communicate with chemical messages

    Interact with each other

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    The Ideal Immune System

    Recognize all foreign organisms.

    Bacteria, viruses, parasites (fungi,worms)

    Efficiently and rapidly destroy invaders.

    Prevent a second infection with the samemicrobe (have a memory).

    Never cause damage to self.

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    the Language of the Immune System

    Chemical messages that are the main communication

    system between cells of the immune system

    (and other systems

    especially the nervous system).

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    Can be divided several ways:

    Th1 (adaptive/memory, cell mediated): IL-2, IFN-

    Th2 (adaptive/memory, antibodies):IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-


    Innate: TNF-, IL-1, IL-6, IL-12

    Pro-inflammatory: TNF-, IL-1, IL-6

    Anti-inflammatory: TGF-, IL-10 Regulatory: IL-10, IL-12,TGF-


    the Language of the Immune System

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    Immunopathology in autism

    Dysregulation of immunityin autistic children leads to all fourproblems:

    Deficiency / dysfunction

    Hypersensitivity / allergy



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    Immune Abnormalities in Autism

    Abnormal immune systems have been found in about 20-70% ofpatients with autism in a wide variety of studies, depending onwhich part of the immune system is examined.

    Studies are generally small with not-well-characterized children orare limited to a single subgroup so it is hard to draw firmconclusions.

    Nearly every study finds that some children have poor T regulatoryfunction

    Many studies find that ASD children have low-normal

    immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) and/or low T cell numbers and/orlow-normal functioning and/or low and poorly functional NaturalKiller cells ; a subset of children have true immunodeficiency.

    Some children have low serum IgA, predisposing them torespiratory and GI infections.

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    Blood (serum) findings in ASD

    Some children have allergy (atopy)with high levels ofIgE.

    Traditional IgE allergies can be

    measured either by blood testing(RAST) or by skin prick testing.

    It is well documented that in neuro-

    typical children, untreated allergiescause poor memory andconcentration as well as poor sleep.

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    Blood (serum) findings in ASD

    A child on the autism spectrum with

    recurrent infections deserves an immune

    evaluation for immunodeficiency

    A child on the autism spectrum with eczema,

    chronic nasal symptoms, asthma, significant

    GI symptoms, or recurrent respiratory

    infections deserves an allergyevaluation forIgE inhalant and food allergies.

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    There is a tendency towards a positive familyhistory of autoimmunity in familiesRheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroiditis - with an ASD

    child, and a genetic tendency towardsautoimmune disorders as well.

    Many, many types ofautoantibodies (againstself tissues) have been found in ASDchildren but the significance of the manytypes of anti-brain antibodies is not clear.

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    GI Tract - Mucosal findings

    Gut inflammation insome children

    Abnormal lymphocyteprofiles: lots of

    T cells present wherenone should be.

    Abnormal cytokineprofiles: pro-inflammatory withlots of TNF- and toolittle regulatory IL-10

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    Immune Reactions to Food

    Immune cells from autistic children with GI symptomsshowed strong pro-inflammatory response and areduced ability to switch off the immune responsecompared to normal children.

    Immune reactivity to milk and wheat common with or

    without GI symptoms. Soy and corn next mostcommon.

    Still no test or good predictors (although a fewchildren did have IgE antibodies which can bemeasured) - elimination and challenge best.

    Yeast (Candida albicans) overgrowthalso found in thestools of some children

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    Autism spectrum disorders and allergy: observation from a pediatric allergy/immunology clinic

    Harumi Jyonouchi

    Pediatrics, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)

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    prenatal viral infections might damage the

    immature immune system and induce viral

    tolerance (Stubbs & Crawford, 1977)

    decreased production of immunoglobulins or

    B and T-cell dysfunction (Warren et al.,1986)

    Immunity, neuroglia and

    neuroinflammation in autism (vargas et al)

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    Immunity, neuroglia and

    neuroinflammation in autism (vargas et al)

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