DIREKTORI LATIHAN 2016 (Success Excellence Center Sdn Bhd).pdf

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Transcript of DIREKTORI LATIHAN 2016 (Success Excellence Center Sdn Bhd).pdf

15B, 8th Floor, Menara MAA, Lorong Api-api, 88800 Kota Kinabalu Sabah | Tel:

088245399 | Fax: 088245377 Email: sec.sdn.bhd@gmail.com

Direktori Latihan 2016

M/S 1

M/S 2

Kandungan Direktori Latihan 2016

1. Pengenalan m/s 2

2. Senarai Kursus m/s 4

3. Senarai Jurulatih m/s 31

1. Pengenalan

Mengenai Success Excellence Center

Success Excellence Center Sdn Bhd ditubuhkan pada tahun 2006 oleh Hj Nicholas Sylvester.

Beliau selaku pengasas SEC telah berkecimpung di dalam arena konsultansi dan bina insan

sejak tahun 1990 lagi.

SEC telah berkembang menjadi syarikat pilihan di dalam melaksanakan bina insan di banyak

agensi kerajaan, seperti kementerian, jabatan-jabatan, termasuk university, istitusi lain dan

swasta seperti syaraikat multinasional GLc dan SME.

Di antara bidang kepakaran SEC adalah:

Transformasi (Transformation) Tadbir Urus Cemerlang (Good Corporate Governance) Kepimpinan (Leadership) Pengurusan (Management) Penetapan Minda (Mindsetting) Keseimbangan Kehidupan (Life Balance) Pembinaan Pasukan (Team Building) Kecemerlangan Kerja Berpasukan (Teamwork Excellence) Membangun Mukmin Professional (Developing Professional Mukmin) Strategi Lautan Biru (Blue Ocean Strategy) Metodologi Balanced Scorecard (Balanced Scorecard Methodology) Perancangan Strategik (Strategic Planning) Pengurusan Strategik (Strategic Management) Pemasaran Strategik (Strategic Marketing) Pengurusan Perubahan (Change Management) Pemikiran Kreatif (Creative Thinking) Penyelesaian Masalah Secara Kreatif (Creative Problem Solving) Kursus Penyeliaan Cemerlang (Supervisory Excellence Courses) Pengurusan Insan (Human Capital Management) Pengurusan Komunikasi (Communications Management) Kemahiran Pemasaran (Marketing skills) Meningkatkan Motivasi Diri (Enhancing Self-Motivation) Khidmat Pelanggan Cemerlang (Excellent Customer Service)

M/S 3

Senarai Pelanggan SEC

M/S 4

2. Senarai Kursus

Success Excellence Center menawarkan kursus-kursus berikut dan kursus lain yang organisasi

anda perlukan:

1. Kursus Kaedah Pemikiran Kreatif m/s 5

2. Kursus Kecerdasan Emosi m/s 6

3. Kursus Pengurusan Pekerja Cemerlang m/s 7

4. Kursus Intellectual Critical Thinking m/s 8

5. Kursus Transformasi m/s 10

6. Sinopsis Kursus Tadbir Urus Cemerlang m/s 12

7. Synopsis of Strategic Planning Course m/s 14

8. Sinopsis Kursus Menangani Konflik m/s 15

9. Synopsis of Mindsetting Course m/s 16

10. Synopsis of Blue Ocean Strategy Course m/s 17

11. Sinopsis Kursus Pemikiran Positif m/s 18

12. Sinopsis Kursus Bina Pasukan m/s 19

13. Synopsis Customer Service Course m/s 20

14. Synopsis of Enhancing Ethics & Accountability at The Workplace m/s 21

15. Sinopsis Kursus Mindmapping m/s 22

16. Synopsis of Leadership Course m/s 23

17. Synopsis of Change Management Course m/s 24

18. Sinopsis Kursus Kemahiran Berfikir & Penyelesaian Masalah m/s 25

19. Synopsis of Supervisory Development Program m/s 26

20. Synopsis of Time Management Course m/s 27

21. Synopsis of Essential Life Intelligences m/s 28

22. Synopsis of Interpersonal Communication Course m/s 30

M/S 5


Kursus Kaedah Pemikiran Kreatif direka bentuk untuk membantu peserta lebih kreatif setiap hari. Peserta akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan kaedah dan alat menjana kreativiti secara praktikal. Kursus in menekankan aspek perlaksanaan kaedah kreatif yang praktikal, memperkenalkan lebih sepuluh teknik kreativiti yang terkenal di dunia. Ia akan menguja, mencabar dan menyeronokkan! Kursus dua hari oleh SEC ini dibentuk untuk membantu memberi manfaat kepada peningkatan organisasi serta individu secara keseluruhan. Modifikasi kepada kandungan kursus boleh dilakukan setelah mengetahui kehendak pihak penganjur.

2) Kaedah Pembelajaran Method Pembelajaran Dewasa Kaedah Multisensory Perbincangan Demonstrasi Ceramah Kes Senario Aplikasi Simulasi Experimental

3) Objektif

1. Mendapat latihan berfikir secara kreatif untuk membuat keputusan dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan bijak.

2. Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan, pengalaman dan kemahiran berfikir secara lebih praktikal.

3. Mengetahui proses menghasilkan idea atau ciptaan yang kreatif dan inovatif.

4. Mempelajari teknik-teknik pemikiran kreatif 5. Meningkatkan kemahiran menyumbang kepada pasukan dan organisasi di

tempat kerja

4) Kandungan Kursus 1. Definisi Kreatif dan Kepentingan Pemikiran Kreatif 2. Proses Pemikiran Kreatif 3. Teknik-Teknik Menjana Curahan Ide 4. Teknik Mempertimbangkan dan Memilih Ide 5. Kreatif Menangani Perubahan 6. Kreatif Membangun Pasukan 7. Kreatif Menghadapi Cabaran 8. Kreatif Membina Keyakinan Diri 9. Memacu Kerjaya Anda Dengan Kreativiti

M/S 6


Pekerja yang cemerlang adalah individu yang mampu menangani apa jua situasi dengan profesional. Kursus ini akan membantu peserta meningkatkan kebolehan kecerdasan emosi mereka dengan mengetahui teknik membuat keputusan secara sedar dan berhati-hati, mengendalikan tidak balas kepada situasi yang sukar, meningkatkan kebolehan menangani konflik dan meningkatkan kemahiran komunikasi berkesan.

Kursus dua hari oleh SEC ini dibentuk untuk membantu memberi manfaat kepada peningkatan organisasi serta individu secara keseluruhan.

2) Kaedah Pembelajaran

Method Pembelajaran Dewasa Kaedah Multisensory Perbincangan Demonstrasi Ceramah Kes Senario Aplikasi Simulasi Experimental

3) Objektif

1. Memahami kecerdasan emosi dan persoalan mengenainya 2. Mengetahui dan memahami kaedah pengendalian emosi dan

mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan 3. Mengetahui penyebab emosi negatif, kesan emosi yang tidak terkawal dan

bagaimana memperbaiki keadaan. 4. Mampu mengaplikasikan emosi dan motivasi yang sihat dalam pekerjaan

dan kehidupan 5. Bagaimana membina hubungan dan mengenali emosi orang lain. 6. Memahami kepelbagaian situasi di pejabat dan persekitaran serta peranan

emosi. 4) Kandungan Kursus

1. Konsep Kecerdasan Emosi 2. Kecerdasan Emosi di Tempa Kerja

o Lima Kompetensi Kecerdasan Emosi ; Kesedaran Diri; Kawalan Diri; Motivasi Diri; Empati; Hubungan Berkesan

3. Melaksanakan Kompetensi 4. Berfikiran Menentukan Kesan 5. Bagaimana Menghadapi Cabaran 6. Pelan Tindakan Diri

M/S 7


1. Pengenalan Kursus ini direka bentuk untuk peserta pelbagai latarbelakang memiliki ilmu, kemahiran, sikap dan keyakinan yang bakal merubah diri mereka menjadi pekerja yang cemerlang. Kursus ini membina, mengingatkan atau memberikan suntikan baru buat pekerja untuk melonjakkan potensi diri dan organisasi. Pendekatan kursus menguja, menginspirasikan, mencabar dan menyeronokkan peserta. 2. Kaedah Pembelajaran

Method Pembelajaran Dewasa Kaedah Multisensory Perbincangan Demonstrasi Ceramah Kes Senario Aplikasi Simulasi Experimental

3. Objektif Para peserta akan mempelajari, mengetahui dan memahami

1. Kesedaran diri sendiri yang tinggi akan peranan dan tanggung jawab serta harapan yang diamanahkan.

2. Bagaimana mendorong dan memotivasikan diri sendiri. 3. Bagaimana mengurus diri dengan baik dan membuat keputusan yang

terbaik 4. Bagaimana menangani dan mengurus konflik 5. Bagaimana menangani bebanan kerja yang pelbagai dan stres di tempat

kerja. 6. Bagaimana membina keseronokan bekerja

4. Kandungan Kursus 1. Mengurus Diri Untuk Keberkesanan & Kecemerlangan 2. Membina Mindset dan Anjakan Paradigma 3. Memupuk Sikap Positif dan Proaktif 4. Komunikasi Berkesan 5. Etika Kerja & Disiplin 6. Mengurus dan Menangani Konflik 7. Melonjak Motivasi dan Kepimpinan Diri 8. Mengurus Stres

M/S 8


1.Introduction Intellectual critical thinking is the manner in which people think about, assess, view, and create the future for the organization, themselves and others.

Intellectual, critical and strategic thinking is extremely important, effective and valuable. One can apply them to arrive at decisions that can be related to work or personal life. It involves developing an entire set of critical skills. What are those critical skills? Study of the good to great and most successful organizations in the world, as done by Jim Collins and co, showed that they had level 5 leaders who would think ahead and ensure the correct capabilities are there for the members to ensure effective implementation of their plans. We have also searched for these skills in the works of Kaplan, Norton, Kim, Renee, Stephen Covey, John Maxwell, John Adair, Tareq Suwaidan as well as other leading management and

2. Objectives 1. To provide opportunity for the participants to review their organisations

Strategic Plan 2. To impart to participants the strategic steps in implementing their

organisation’s Strategic plan 3. To impart on the leaders in the organisation’s important competencies 4. To instill a sense of togetherness, team work eliminate “working in silos” 5. To motivate leaders to have pride in working at their organisations

3. Course Content 1. Introduction 2. Implementing the Strategic Plan

Step 1 Review Strategic Plan

Step 2 Create a Vision for Implementation

Step 3 Establish Team

Step 4 Breakdown Tasks and Set Timelines for Accomplishments

Step 5 Communication Plan with Stakeholders

3. Important Competency #1: Confront Facts. 4. Important Competency #2: Think carefully. 5. Important Competency #3: Be critical and creative.

6. Important Competency #4: Develop a strategic action plan.

7. Important Competency #5: Be strategic and consistent in the long term.

Important Competency #6: Choose the right team members.

8. Important Competency # 7: Develop your people.

9. Important Competency # 8: Be open to ideas.

10. Important Competency # 9: Be disciplined and use helpful technologies.

11. Important Competency # 10: Continuously learn.

12. Conclusion

M/S 9

4. Methodolgy

SEC approach in training will be as follows:

1. Utilising the best latest approach in adult training from the Western and

Eastern perspectives of training

2. Learner’s centred

3. Multisensory approach to ensure all participants are engaged in learning

4. Intensive use of audio and video multimedia

5. Lots of activities and management games

6. Creativity and group work

7. Role plays and case studies

M/S 10


1. Pengenalan

Pekerja yang cemerlang memerlukan ilmu, kemahiran, keyakinan dan sikap yang

baik untuk memastikan kejayaan, mereka yang belum memiliki ilmu, kemahiran,

keyakinan dan sikap yang seharusnya dimiliki perlu diberikan peluang untuk


Pekerja yang sudah memiliki ilmu, kemahiran, keyakinan dan sikap memerlukan

sentiasa diperingati supaya sentiasa boleh mengamalkan ilmu, kemahiran,

keyakinan dan sikap tersebut, kerana diantara cabaran seorang pekerja

cemerlang ialah kelupaan, kelalaian atau kemerosotan perkara tersebut dengan

masa yang berlalu dan jika tidak sentiasa diperingatkan dan diperbaharui tekad

dan komitmen mereka.

2. Objektif Kursus

Objektif kursus ini adalah seperti berikut:

1. Memastikan semua staf jabatan memiliki ilmu, kemahiran, keyakinan dan

sikap untuk menjadi pekerja yang cemerlang

2. Memastikan pekerja diperbaharui tekad dan komitmen mereka kepada


3. Memastikan pekerja diberikan suntikan motivasi dan galakan bekerja secara


4. Membina kerjasama berpasukan yang mantap untuk menghadapi cabaran

perlaksanaan Pelan Strategik organisasi

5. Memastikan semua pekerja memberikan sokongan kepada kepimpinan untuk

melaksanakan Pelan Strategik organisasi.

3. Perlaksanaan Program

Tiga langkah

Untuk memastikan kesediaan pekerja untuk melaksanakan Pelan Strategik

organisasi mereka, adalah dicadangkan mereka melalui tiga langkah bersama

untuk membina kekuatan dan kecemerlangan diri. Langkah-langkah tersebut

adalah seperi berikut:

M/S 11

1. Berkehendak 2. Mempercayai 3. Melaksanakan

4. Kaedah Pembelajaran

Method Pembelajaran Dewasa

Kaedah Multisensory




Kes Senario





M/S 12

6. Sinopsis Kursus Tadbir Urus Cemerlang 1. Pengenalan Kursus ini bertujuan mencapai impaknya iaitu kemakmuran negara & kesejahteraan rakyat melalui dua bidang pencapaian utama di dalam Pelan Strategik JPA iaitu: 1. Pengukuhan Perkhidmatan Awam Peningkatan Keupayaan & 2. Peningkatan Kompetensi Perkhidmatan Awam 2. Objektif 1. Menetapkan Hala Tuju yang Dinamik 2. Membangunkan Organisasi yang Mantap 3. Mengurus Modal Insan Terbaik 4. Membangunkan Modal Insan yang Berdaya Saing 5. Mendorong Prestasi Unggul 6. Membentuk Budaya Kerja Berprestasi Tinggi Aset utama yang menentukan kecemerlangan sesebuah organisasi ialah manusia, manusia yang cemerlang menjadi teras kepada kecemerlangan organisasi. Kecemerlangan seorang manusia pula bergantung kepada ilmu, kemahiran dan sikap yang dimiliki. Menurut kajian yang pernah dilakukan oleh Harvard Business School, sumbangan sikap kepada kecemerlangan seorang pekerja adalah 93% berbanding 7% sahaja factor yang lain. 3. Kandungan Kursus Pengenalan Urus Tadbir 1. definasi dan kefahaman 2. Peranan Pekerja Urus tadbir yang cemerlang 1. Memahami visi, misi dan nilai organisasi 2. Urustadbir yang cemerlang - perbandingan 3. Pelaksanaan tugas dengan efektif dan efisien 4. Mengenal pasti amalan-amalan negatif dan strategi pencegahannya 5. Membina amalan kerja berpasukan yang cemerlang 6. Bagaimana menikmati kerja Pengamalan Urus Tadbir Terbaik 1. Menyelaraskan misi organisasi dan misi peribadi

M/S 13

2. Kepentingan dan menentukan visi masa depan dan matlamat yang terancang 3. Kaedah membuat keputusan yang terbaik 4. Menghadapi cabaran-cabaran 4. Kaedah Pembelajaran

Method Pembelajaran Dewasa Kaedah Multisensory Perbincangan Demonstrasi Ceramah Kes Senario Aplikasi Simulasi Experimental

M/S 14

7. Synopsis of Strategic Planning Course

1. Overview

Most strategic planning processes work from today forward not from the future back -

implicitly assuming, whatever the evidence to the contrary, that the future will be more or

less like the present. Only a tiny percentage of the industry conventions are ever

challenged, rendering strategy-making largely extrapolative.

2. Learning Outcome At the end of this course the participant will be able to:

1. Experience a practical guide to installing a Simple Planning process;

2. Use the specific tools in the preparation of a Plan

3. Align the Strategic Plan with the Mission, Vision and Values

4. Focus on the critical few from the trivial many issues

5. Total alignment with the Baldridge criteria

3. Contents 1. Strategy Development Process

2. Key steps

3. Key participants

4. Data collection and analysis

5. Mission, Vision, Values

6. Key Business Drivers, Key Performance Indicators

7. The Balanced Scorecard

8. SWOT Analysis

9. Portfolio Analysis

10. Strategic Objectives Defined

11. Brainstorming

12. Weighted Voting

13. Pareto Analysis

14. Accountability

15. Scheduling Review

16. Action Plan Development & Deployment

17. Simple Plan - Ability to drill down, Bottom up - Top Down, Measurement , Short

Term - Long range Strategic capacity, Resource allocation, Organizational alignment

18. Performance Projection

4. Methodologies

1. Interactive Lectures

2. Case Studies

3. Group Dynamics

4. Presentations

5. Quizzes

6. Experiential Learning

7. Simulations

8. Learner’s Centred

M/S 15

8.Sinopsis Kursus Menangani Konflik

1. Pengenalan Konflik amat mudah berlaku dan mungkin akan menganggu perjalanan tugas dan

penyempurnaan tanggung jawab setiap yang mengalami konflik tersebut. Konflik boleh

berlaku di dalam diri, dengan ahli keluarga, rakan dan masyarakat serta diantara dua

orang lain yang boleh mengesani atau menganggu seseorang.

Mengetahui punca konflik, menyedari akibat konflik dan mengetahui cara-cara

menangani konflik adalah sangat penting kepada para peserta. Kursus ini akan membantu

para peserta memperolehi beberapa manfaat dan mencapai objektif berikut

2. Objektif Diantara objektif kursus ini ialah :

1. Memahami apa itu konflik dan mengapa ia berlaku;

2. Mampu bekerjasama dengan orang-orang bermasalah dalam situasi kerja yang


3. Memastikan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan konflik ditempat kerja;

4. Memahami tingkahlaku seseorang dan bagaimana ianya memberi kesan kepada

orang lain;dan

5. Menggunakan kemahiran komunikasi spesifik yang boleh mengawal keadaan.

3. Kandungan

Diantara intisari pelajaran yang didedahkan kepada peserta dalam kursus ini ialah :

1. Definasi, kesan negatif dan jenis-jenis konflik;

2. Peringkat/tahaf konflik,faktor dalaman dan luaran yang menyumbang kepada adanya


3. Cara menangani konflik melalui keikhlasan dan kemufakatan dan mengubah

pertengkaran menjadi perbincangan;

4. Mencari jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah dan teknik untuk mengurangkan konflik;

5. Peranan komunikasi dalam mencari penyelesaian,penggunaaan empati , dan

6. Mendengar dengan aktif dan memberi timbal-balas serta penggunaan ”body


4. Metodologi

1. Interaktif

2. Kajian kes

3. Dinamika kumpulan

4. Penyampaian

5. Kuiz

6. Pembelajaran Experiential

7. Simulasi

8. Fokus pelajar

M/S 16

9. Synopsis of Mindsetting Course

1. Introduction

This training program is designed for delivery to participants who are facing the

challenges to become a professional.

This program is designed to introduce some of the key concepts and skills to prepare the

participants to be more professional at work. This program highlight many important

areas of application of the concepts, principles and skills to help to refine and reinforce

participants’ practice.

2. Objectives

At the end of this module, participants should be able to:

1. Believe strongly and convincingly the self-confidence of achieving personal success.

2. Explain the expectations of most employers from professionals

3. Identify and describe the self-efficacy attributes and the need to develop them to be

more professional;

4. Identify and internalize the profiles, attributes and core values of professionals;

5. Conduct Self- Evaluation and assess own self-efficacy in the context of the Core

Values of a professional;

6. Prepare own Individual Personal Development Plan to be implemented to


3. Contents

1. Introduction

2. How to Be Professional at Work

3. The Need to Develop Your Self-Efficacy

3. Core Values of a Professional

4. Achieving Excellence

5. Self-Discipline

6. Be an Active Learner

7. Be More Innovative

8. Work Better As A Team

9. Developing Personal Integrity

4. Methodologies

0. Interactive Lectures

1. Case Studies

2. Group Dynamics

3. Presentations

4. Quizzes

5. Experiential Learning

6. Simulations

7. Learner’s Centred

M/S 17

10. Synopsis of Blue Ocean Strategy Course

1. Introduction

Blue ocean strategy challenges companies to break out of the red ocean of bloody

competition by creating uncontested market space that makes the competition irrelevant.

Instead of dividing up existing—and often shrinking—demand and benchmarking

competitors, blue ocean strategy is about growing demand and breaking away from the

competition. This course not only challenges companies but also shows them how to

achieve this.

2. Objectives

1. Introducing a set of analytical tools and frameworks.

2. Elaborate the principles that define and separate blue ocean strategy from


3. based strategic thought.

4. Learn how to apply BOS tools, framework and principles in your organization

5. Work on real cases for strategic improvements

3. Contents

1. Introduction BOS What is BOS, Differences between BOS vs ROS, the simultaneous

pursuit of differentiation and low cost, Integrated approach to strategy at the system level

2. The three key conceptual building blocks value innovation, tipping point leadership,

and , fair process.

3. BOS frameworks and tools Strategy canvas, value curve, four actions framework, six

paths, buyer experience cycle, buyer utility map, and blue ocean idea index

4. Developing and aligning the three strategy propositions Value proposition, profit

proposition and people proposition

5. Workshop

6. Presentations

7. Closing

4. Methodology:

1. Adult learning methodologies

2. Multisensory learners approach

3. Lecturette

4. Case studies

5. Applications

6. Simulations

7. Experiential

M/S 18

11. Sinopsis Kursus Pemikiran Positif

1. Pengenalan

Kursus ini merupakan satu program Motivasi dan Penjelajahan Diri untuk meningkatkan

pemikiran dan sikap kerja positif bagi membina semangat individu.

Kursus ini direka khas terutamanya untuk menambah kesedaran supaya bersedia untuk

memberi perkhidmatan yang terbaik sebagai imej pendahuluan dan untuk membantu

para pekerja mencapai piawaian dan piagam perkhidmatan di tempat kerja amnya dan

khususnya organisasi/jabatan itu sendiri

2. Objektif

Di akhir kursus ini peserta-peserta akan dapat:

1. Mengenali ,menyedari dan memahami diri dan organisasi;

2. Menambahkan kesedaran dan kefahaman mengenai teknik menggerakkan diri ke arah


3. Memahami dan menghayati etika dan nilai-nilai murni dalam bekerja;

4. Memperbaiki sikap , amalan dan mempertingkatkan disiplin dan dedikasi ke arah

bekerja yang cemerlang; dan

5. Memahami dan mengamalkan teknik berkomunikasi dan hubungan kemanusiaan

yang cemerlang

3. Kandungan

1. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kecemerlangan diri dan minda yang positif

2. Pengurusan minda diri dan minda yang cemerlang

3. Teknik mengikis kesombongan dan komunikasi yang efektif

4. Teknik pengurusan emosi , persepsi dan komunikasi

5. Teknik pengurusan konflik dan bagaimana untuk membuat penyelesaian

6. Menguji personaliti diri dan mengubah diri sendiri kapada yang lebih positif

7. Membentuk pasukan kerja cemerlang

4. Metodologi

1. Ceramah interaktif

2. Perbincangan

3. Demonstrasi

4. Kajian-Kes

5. Kuiz

6. Tumpuan Peserta

M/S 19

12. Sinopsis Kursus Bina Pasukan

1. Pengenalan Kursus ini bermatlamat mewujudkan ahli pasukan yang mempunyai nilai jati diri yang

tinggi, berakhlak mulia serta penyayang, penerapan nilai-nilai murni dan pengurusan diri

amat perlu bagi melahirkan individu yang bermoral dan beretika serta mampu berdikari.

Peranan individu yang bermotivasi tinggi di dalam sesebuah pasukan memainkan peranan

yang penting dalam sesebuah organisasi / syarikat. Ini adalah kerana pasukan mempunyai

banyak kelebihan daripada individu secara perseorangan. Kelebihan begitu ketara dari

segi pengalaman, kemahiran, perolehan maklumat, pembahagian kerja dan

pengembelingan kerja.

2. Objektif

1. Meningkatkan ketahanan diri dari segi mental, kerohanian, fizikal dan emosi

2. Menghayati nilai-nilai jati diri dan membangunkan potensi diri

3. Bekerja di dalam pasukan yang kuat dan mantap serta dapat mengatur strategi untuk

berjaya di dalam kerja.

4. Menjelaskan ciri kerja berpasukan yang berjaya

5. Memahami proses motivasi dan bimbingan secara berkesan.

6. Mengetahui kepentingan motivasi pekerja melalui prestasi dan pembangunan kerjaya

3. Kandungan 1. Taaruf dan satu entiti

2. Komunikasi berkesan

3. Penilaian diri dan pasukan

4. Kualiti kerja berpasukan

5. Transformasi diri dan pasukan

6. Budaya Kerja Berpasukan Cemerlang

7. Pengukuhan Pasukan

8. Motivasi Kumpulan Terhebat

4. Metodologi

1. Method Pembelajaran Dewasa

2. Kaedah Multisensori

3. Perbincangan

4. Demonstrasi

5. Ceramah

6. Kes Senario

7. Pertandingan Aplikasi

8. Simulasi

9. Experimental

M/S 20

13. Synopsis Customer Service Course

1. Introduction

Customer service is very important to all organisations, an organisation exist to serve

customers, customers are the life line on an organisation.

Your frontline will face customers in many moments of truth situations, it is imperative

that they have the knowledge, skills and attitude required to effectively and efficiently

serve your customers.

2. Objectives

To enhance the participants understanding towards the importance of customer service to

achieve customer needs.

3. Contents

1. Professional values in customer service

2. The importance of communication in customer service

3. Interpersonal skills

4. Listening skills

5. Professional presentations

6. Attitude in customer service

4. Methodology

1. Interactive lecture

2. Experiential learning

3. Case studies

4. Games

5. Workshop

6. Video

7. Group discussion

M/S 21

14. Synopsis of Enhancing Ethics & Accountability at The Workplace

1. Overview

Increasing demands for public accountability ensures this course, which addresses ethics

and accountability issues from a government perspective, will be highly relevant to the

modern manager. The course will help to develop key competencies in applying public

service values and ethnics to personal work practices.

2. Objectives

As a result of this program, participants should be able to:

1. Apply appropriate ethical standards in a range of situations and relationships

2. Successfully deal with and resolve ethical problems at work

3. Contents

1. Personal work practices and public sector ethics standards and policy.

2. Integrity.

3. Verbal and written reporting in compliance with public sector standards.

4. Resource use and ethical standards.

5. Conflict of interest.

6. Business relationships and dealing with the public.

7. Decision making and organizational policy and procedures.

8. Prevention and reporting of unethical behavior and conduct

4. Methodology

1. Lecture

2. Discussion

3. Workshop

4. Case Study

5. Role Play

6. Demonstration

7. Group Work

8. Interaction

M/S 22

15. Sinopsis Kursus Mindmapping

1. Pengenalan

Program ini adalah untuk memberi peluang kepada peserta untuk meningkatkan

produktiviti dan teknik untuk berfikir dengan lebih cepat, dan memproses maklumat

dalam masa yang singkat dan dengan kurang tekanan.

Program ini juga dapat menambahkan pengetahuan peserta mengenai keadah

menghasilkan peta minda yang efektif sepanjang pekerjaan mereka

Impak daripada program ini adalah untuk membantu peserta dalam proses pekikiran

kreatif lebih cepat dan mantap serta meningkatkan kemahiran ingatan.

2. Objektif

Terdapat 3 objektif aktiviti ini :-

1. Meningkatkan pemikiran peserta, perancangan, dan kemahiran menyelesaikan


2. Meningkatkan keupayaan peserta untuk menjana idea dan menyusun idea dengan

lebih efektif menggunakan peta minda

3. Memberi cara yang baru untuk mengambil dan membuat nota, membuat persembahan

yang lebih baik dan mewujudkan sessi penyampaian yang lebih berkesan.

3. Kandungan

1. Why Mindmap

2. Seven Steps of Mindmapping

3. Practise and mastery

4. Mindmapping using softwares

5. Conclusion

4. Metodologi

1. Ceramah interaktif

2. Latihan

3. Perbincangan kumpulan

4. Penyampaian

5. Simulasi

M/S 23

16. Synopsis of Leadership Course

1. Introduction

There are many definitions of leadership as well as many proponents of different

leadership models. We believe that leadership is more than just a set of behaviors,

leadership is made up of the right belief system of values leading to a set of mindsets.

Leadership therefore is attainable by identification, adoption and implementation of the

behaviors resulting from these system of beliefs and mindsets.

2. Objectives

1. To assit participants identify correct leadership attributes

2. To identify leadership belief systems, mindsets and values

3. To assist participants identify leadership behaiours and implement them at the work


4. To assit participants acquire role models, to help develop internalization of leadership


3. Contents

1. Identifying belief systems, mindsets and values of leaders

2. Types of leaders

3. Acquiring leadership behaviours

4. Implementing leadership

5. Emulating leaders

6. Conclusion

4. Methodologies

1. Lecture

2. Discussion

3. Workshop

4. Case Study

5. Role Play

6. Demonstration

7. Group Work

8. Interaction

M/S 24

17. Synopsis of Change Management Course

1. Introduction

Organisations today is forced to always change due to the ever changing competitive

forces of its environment.

Leaders are forced to continuously adapt and trickle down strategies to its people on the

ground. It is imperative that organisations prepare its managers, executives and

supervisors to effectively change when it is required. This course provide the knowledge,

skills and attitude reuired for effective change to happen within an organization when it is

required to change.

2. Objectives

The course is designed to prepare managers, executives and supervisors:

1. Manage change when it is required

2. Understand the change process within the organization to better prepare them to

manage when it happens

3. To understand the scale, magnitude, duration and strategic importance of a particular


3. Contents

1. Being human and systematic

2. Start with the management

3. Involving all within the organisation

4. Official and formal change

5. Internalizing change

6. Communicating the change

7. Understanding and handling cultural impact

9. Being ready for contingencies

10. Being personal

4. Methodologies

1. Lecture

2. Discussion

3. Workshop

4. Case Study

5. Role Play

6. Demonstration

7. Group Work

8. Interaction

M/S 25

18. Sinopsis Kursus Kemahiran Berfikir & Penyelesaian Masalah

1. Pengenalan

Kemahiran berfikir dan menyelesaikan masalah merupakan perkara yang diperlukan oleh

pekerja yang sentiasa berhadapan dengan pebagai cabaran dan sumber yang terhad di

dalam menjalankan tugas mereka.

Kursus ini membantu peserta untuk mengetahui cara, kemahiran berfikir dan

menyelesaikan masalah serta sikap yang diperlukan walaupun sumber terhad dan terdapat

pelbagai cabaran yang dihadapi.

2. Objektif

Program in bertujuan mencapai matlamat berikut:

1. Meningkatkan pengetahuan pegawai dengan pelbagai jenis kemahiran berfikir

2. Mendedahkan pegawai kepada kaedah/teknik pemikiran kreatif, kritikal, analitikal,

deduktif, strategik dan lateral

3. Mendedahkan pegawai kepada pelbagai kaedah/teknik penyelesaian masalah agar

pegawai lebih cekap dan berkesan dalam menangani pelbagai isu dan cabaran yang


3. Kandungan

1. Taaruf, Pembentukan Pasukan dan Pengenalan Kursus

2. Pelbagai jenis kemahiran berfikir

3. Kaedah Pemikiran Kreatif dan Lateral

4. Kaedah Pemikiran Kritikal

5. Kaedah Pemikiran Analitikal

6. Kaedah Pemikiran Deduktif

7. Kaedah Pemikiran Strategik

8. Menangani Isu dan Cabaran

9. Kaedah Penyelesaian Masalah

10. Pelan Tindakan, Evaluasi dan Penutup

4. Metodologi

ENGAGE Model yang “melibatkan”, elemen “menarik minat’ dan “menyegarkan”

1. Ceramah interaktif yang padat, berkesan dan melibatkan multimedia

2. Perbincangan kumpulan

3. Menimbulkan semangat kerjasama dan kerja berpasukan

4. Role Play

5. Melakonkan untuk memudahkan dilaksanakan di tempat kerja

6. Experiential Learning dan latihan permainan pengurusan

7. Pembelajaran intensif melalui pengalaman dan contoh

8. Aktiviti senaman menghasilkan badan yang sihat untuk minda yang sihat

M/S 26

19. Synopsis of Supervisory Development Program

1. Introduction

A supervisor requires knowledge, skills and attitude that will help them in the effective

execution of their responsibilities.

This course will help participants acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude

that an effective supervisor must have.

2. Objectives

1. Participants will learn management roles ; understanding yourself as a Supervisory

and your organization

2. Participants will learn managing subordinate ; teamwork for peak performance

3. Participants will be aware and plan for performance management ; managing difficult

people and poor performance

4. Participants will learn and be able to apply time management in daily work and life

5. Participants will be reminded and learn about effective communication & delegation


6. Participants will learn effective leadership styles and apply situational leadership


7. Participants will be learn how to effectively manage stress in the work environment

8. Participants will be reminded of importance to undertake continuous self-


3. Contents

1. Management Roles; understanding yourself as a Supervisory and your organization

2. Managing Subordinate; teamwork for peak performance

3. Performance Management; managing difficult people and poor performance

4. Time Management; managing time, prioritizing and effective time management tips

5. Effective Communication & Delegation Skill; communicating up, down and across

6. Introduction to Leadership; leadership styles, situational leadership

7. Stress management; Coping with stress at the workplace and in life

8. Continuous self-development; Continuous learning importance and tips

4. Methodologies

1. Lecture

2. Discussion

3. Workshop

4. Case Study

5. Role Play

6. Demonstration

7. Group Work

8. Interaction

M/S 27

20. Synopsis of Time Management Course

1. Introduction

Time management is among the most important of all knowledge, skill and attitude. Time

is not only “gold” but also “life”. It is very important that the participants be able to

understand the importance of and value time.

This course will provide participants with the skills and tools to organise their life and be

more resourceful and productive.

2. Objectives

Participants will be able to:

1. Understand importance & value of time.

2. Define and identify important issues and goals.

3. Establish priorities of the goals and have the will to carry them out.

4. Review & assess utilization of time.

5. Organize yourself and plan your time.

6. Recognize that not all things can be controlled and completed.

7. However a number of issues can be controlled and successfully completed.

8. Work on the items / issues that can be done and do not run around the impossible


9. Make your life meaningful and controllable rather than just go by the wind.

10. Control your own time & eliminate the time waster activities.

11. Develop the habits and approaches to utilize the time in a better way.

12. Teach others how to utilize their time efficiently. This activity is important because

other people will then not waste your time.

3. Contents

1. Value of time and importance of time management

2. Identifying own issues and goals.

3. Prioritization

4. Time utilization assessment

5. Organizing life

6. Being realistic

7. Making your life meaningful

8. Controlling time & eliminating time wasters

9. Develop good time habits

10. Teaching others time management

4. Methodologies

1. Interactive lecture

2. Experiential learning

3. Case studies

4. Games

5. Workshop

6. Video

7. Group discussion

M/S 28

21. Synopsis of Essential Life Intelligences

1. Introduction

This workshop advances very powerful ideas. The knowledge you will gain and the skills

you obtain may transform you. How do you improve your intelligences to move ahead in

life? Learn life intelligences that are pivotal to individual and collective survival and

success, and to prosperity. The intelligences covered holds implications for you and for

the world around you.

We have delved into wisdom from our own experiences, major works of gurus in the

business world, astounding thoughts of philosophers, vision of leaders, wit of politicians,

profound insights of religions in our quest to bring you the best for Essential Life

Intelligences. More than a hundred sources of references were used in preparing the

materials. What is more important is that we have contextualized the works to make them

relevant to our unique Sabah environment.

2. Objectives

At the end of this module, the participants should be able to:

1. Know and understand the intelligences necessary to be successful in this era;

2. Identify and explain the self-efficacy attributes and how to develop them;

3. Identify and internalize the important core values in life;

4. Understand how to develop capability to innovate, achieve Alignment,

continuously learn, have integrity, have self discipline and work in teams;

5. Develop own Development Plan to be implemented in life;

6. Develop new networks of friends across other departments

3. Contents

20 Stories of efficacious leaders

20 Essential attitudes of professionalism and excellence

20 Ways to boost your productivity

22 Types of thinking

16 habits of the mind

15 Ways a winner is different from a loser

10 Most effective mindsets

8 Ways for developing emotional maturity

8 Ways to physical success

8 Ways for developing spiritual intelligence

20 Life changing questions

10 Areas of innovation

10 Ways to Innovativeness

6 steps of continuous learning ACTIVE acronym

4 Essential areas of integrity

5 Steps to Self Discipline BUILD Acronym

4 Major areas for effective team work TEAM Acronym

4. Methodologies

Our sessions may include but are not limited to:

M/S 29

1. Slide Presentations

2. Audio video Presentations

3. Group Discussions

4. Management and Leadership Games

5. Case studies

6. Role plays

7. Experiential learning

8. Quizzes, questions creations

9. Multisensory multi intelligences

10. And others

M/S 30

22. Synopsis of Interpersonal Communication Course

1. Introduction

Skills in interpersonal communication is very important to successfully perform one’s


This course will enable participants to understand important aspects of interpersonal

communications that will help in building positive relationships with co workers and

people important in one’s life.

2. Objectives

At the end of this module, participants should be able to:

1. Identify and recognize factors that affect the effectiveness of communication.

2. Prevent communication from breaking down by achievement of the first objective.

3. Identify and recognize the different levels of the person/people with whom the

communication is taking place so as to adopt the correct mode of communication.

4. Apply assertive communication skills – differentiating assertiveness from aggression

5. Express their inner-selves more honestly and openly to enable others to better

understand them.

6. Resolve conflicts through proper communication skills.

3. Contents

1. Introduction and expectation check

2. Communication definition, importance and barriers

3. Factors affecting communication effectiveness

4. Assertive communication and resolving conflicts

5. Human psychology

6. Communication principles/process/rules

7. Non-verbal communications and body language

8. Building relationships

9. Johari window

10. Level of relationships

4. Methodologies

Our sessions may include but are not limited to:

1. Slide Presentations

2. Audio video Presentations

3. Group Discussions

4. Management and Leadership Games

5. Case studies

6. Role plays

7. Experiential learning

8. Quizzes, questions creations

9. Multisensory multi intelligences

10. And others

M/S 31

3. Senarai Jurulatih

M/S 32


Email: nsma88@gmail.com Tel/Whatsapp/Telegram/Wechat: +60193335549 and +60199300458 Recipient of Tokoh Maulid Rasul Award for State of Sabah 2009 1430H Recipient of Tokoh Maal Hijrah Award for State of Wilayah Persekutuan 2013 1435H


1. Post Graduate Diploma, Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) 2. Masters in Business Administration, University of Hull (UK) 3. Member of Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) 4. Certified Professional Trainer JPSM (Malaysia) 5. Certified Professional Trainer IPA (Brunei) 6. Certified Mediator Accord Group (Australia) 7. Certificate in Organisational Behaviour, Herriot Watt (UK) 8. Certificate in Islamic Banking and Finance CERT (Malaysia) 9. Labuan Offshore Centre Seminars – Labuan 10. Labuan Offshore Centre Seminars - Hong Kong 11. Labuan Offshore Centre Seminars – Dubai 12. Labuan Offshore Centre Seminars - Bahrain 13. Tax Minimization Through Offshore Centers (Mentor, Kuala Lumpur) 14. Entrepreneurship Development Course (Permodalan National Berhad, Malaysia) 15. Contract Procedures Course (Institut Usahawan Bumiputera, Malaysia) 16. Training The Trainers Course (TPSM, Kuala Lumpur) 17. Training The Trainers Course (Irshad Consulting, Kuala Lumpur) 18. Coaching Power Tools Seminar (Business Coach, Kuala Lumpur) 19. ESQ 165 Seminar (ESQ Leadership Training, Kuala Lumpur)

M/S 33

Other Involvement

1. Adjunct Lecturer for Universiti Technology Petronas 2. Information Panel Member for Amanah Raya Berhad 3. Panel Member of JK Mempromosi Keharmonian Antara Penganut Agama Malaysia, under the Prime Ministers Department 4. Delivered motivational talks on “Thought for the Day” TV2, 9 series 5. Host for the programme “Tell Me More: Moral and Manners in Islam” at IKIM.fm 6. Panel for a series on "Forum Dialog Harmoni" TV Hijrah 7. Panel for "Anjakan Paradigma" slot on Astro Oasis 8. Interviewed on the TV1 program “Hikmah” 9. Interviewed and featured on the program “Akademi Al Quran” TV3 10. Interviewed and featured on the program "Hidayah" on TV2 11. Featured and interviewed in mainstream media such as Berita Harian, Utusan Malaysia, Sinar etc.


1. 10 Years in Corporate Sector in the USA, Labuan IOFC and Kuala Lumpur 2. Positions held: From front line non executive to junior, middle and senior management positions 3. Sectors involvement: ICT, Financial, F&B, O&G, Construction, Properties, Telecommunications, Trading 4. Directorship in 9 companies 5. Board of Trustees Chairman of a Welfare Foundation in Malaysia 6. 25 Years in HR Training and Development

Corporate Training Track Record

1. Owner of a training, consulting and event management company, Success Excellence Center Sdn Bhd 2. Consulted, Trained and developed course materials for Digital Consulting Sdn Bhd, a management consultancy company engaged by government and other organisations. Specialized in the areas of Balanced Scorecard methodology, Strategic Planning, Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, Change Managament, Creative Thinking, Problem Solving and other areas. 3. Trained and developed course materials for Bright Future Training, a training company engaged by PERMATA and other organisations. Trained in the areas of Mind-set Change, Strategic Planning, Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, Supervisory courses, Resource Management, Human Capital Management, Communications Management, Marketing skills, Customer

M/S 34

Satisfaction, Resource Management, HRM/HRD, Effective Supervision, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving and other areas. 4. Trained more than 2600 staff of Petronas between 2003-2008 from all over the world including Sudan, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Vietnam etc 5. Conducted more than 30 strategic planning sessions for organisations 6. Developed and implemented the training module “Coaching for Success” for executives with INSTEP a training provider subsidiary of Petronas 7. Delivered around 20 motivation sessions in the “Soaring the Eagle Programme” for over1000 Petronas scholars 8. Delivered around 20 motivation sessions in the “Petronas Executive Induction programme” for over 1000 young new Petronas staff from Sudan, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Vietnam etc 9. Conducted the “Pre retirement programme” for PERMATA 10. Delivered motivational talks at Petronas Methanol Labuan 11. Delivered trainings to more than 5000 participants in “Employability programs” to reskill graduates for employment in the areas of Mind-set Change, Leadership, Teamwork, Time Management, Presentation skills, Problem Solving and Decision Making skills, Attitude Change, Life Balance etc. all across the country. 12. Annually deliver up to 200 motivational and other talks from the year 2000 up till today 13. Deliver trainings and talks at government departments, ’GLC’ and organisations such as Petronas, PNMB, UEM, UMW, CCM, Technip, Sapura, Kumpulan Utusan, Interior Ministry and etc 14. Delivered talks for the Chief Minister of Sabah, TYT of Sabah and Sultan of Kelantan.

M/S 35

Trainer’s Profile

M. Eddy Limbang B.Sc. in Geology minor in Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Contact Details

Address : Z-2, Tmn Ganang Villa, Jln Lintas, Kepayan, Kota Kinabalu, 88200, Sabah.

Mobile No. : 0178100127

Email : eddylimbang@yahoo.com

Personal Particulars

Age : 43 years

Date of Birth : 2 June 1968

Nationality : Malaysia

Gender : Male

Marital Status : Married

M/S 36

IC No. : 680602-12-6025


Qualification : B.Sc. in Geology minor in Mathematics

Institute/University : University of Texas at Arlington, United States

CGPA : 2.68/4

Graduation Date : 1990

Qualification : Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Institute/University : College of Preparatory Studies(TIEC/ITM), Malaysia

CGPA : 3.22/4

Graduation Date : 1987


Experience Level : Total 20 Year(s) of working experience

Employment History

1. Company Name : Kraft (M) S/B

Position Title : Head Of Sales – East Malaysia Brunei

Duration : 2008 - Present

Work Description :

- Manages a team of Kraft SEs/SMs in Sabah, Sarawak & Brunei, who in turn manages distributors, and reports directly to the

Sales Director.

- Develop short and long-term business and organization strategies to deliver sustainable top and bottom line numbers.

- Ensure implementation of the strategies through directing/coaching/supporting/delegation as appropriate.

- Accelerated business growth to achieve national highs of +30% growth 2 years consecutively, via step-change

improvements in trade availability and visibility.

M/S 37

- Successfully led two distributor consolidation exercise (Danone/Kraft & Kraft/Cadbury).

- Developed a strong and dynamic team to ensure a sustainable business.

2. Company Name : Maxis Mobile Sdn Bhd

Position Title : Head of Sales - Sabah

Duration : May 2007 - March 2008

Work Description :

- Head of Sales dept. Develop the company's prepaid and postpaid business in Sabah, via trade development, as well as

direct to users sales ground activities.

- Achieved highest growth in prepaid market share in Malaysia.

3. Company Name : Procter & Gamble (M) S/B

Position Title : Key Account Manager - East Malaysia

Duration : Aug 2004 - May 2007


- Take the lead role in selling P&G's products in East Malaysia. - Responsibility for the sales process from initial point of contact (lead generation), presentations, proposals, through

contract negotiations and execution. Meet/exceed minimum quarterly and annual sales objectives. - Facilitate distributors partners' resources to assist in the sales process. - Engage, equip, and lead all sales channels (including distribution partners) with appropriate training, tools, and strategy

development. ACCOMPLISHMENT:

- Received special award for extraordinary effort and contribution in East Malaysia network consolidation. Lead EM to the highest regional growth in Malaysia for FY0405.

- Quadrupled Sabah's volume in 2 years, through improvements in organization structure/processes, in-market sales fundamentals and integrations.

4. Company Name : Harrisons Trading (S) S/B

Position Title : Area Sales & Marketing Executive - Sabah

Duration : July 2002 - Aug 2004


- Managed overall sales/marketing and related activities of Reckitt Benckiser's house-hold products, and other smaller

agencies in Sabah/Labuan; reporting to the sales director.

- Main key performance indicators would be principal's sales targets, company's budgets, and other subjective criterias, such

as PR with principal's management and trade.

- Team consist of exclusive sales execs in KK/TWU/SDK/LDU and non-exclusive business managers in LBN/KGU/BFT/KDT.

They in turn collectively handle 7 exclusive , 5 specialized and 8 general salespersons for the agencies in my portfolio. Also

M/S 38

included in the team are 11 promoters and other support personnel.

5. Company Name : Cyberville

Position Title : Manager

Duration : Apr 2001 - June 2002


- Managed overall operations of internet access outlet, and PC sales and services.

6. Company Name : Sara Lee (M) Sdn Bhd

Position Title : Area Sales Executive - Sabah

Duration : Feb 2000 - March 2001


- Managed overall sales/marketing and all related operations for Sabah. Products handled includes Brylcreem, Ridsect, Kiwi household products, Kiwi shoeshine, Ambipure etc.


- Managed to hit sales target consistently.

7. Company Name : Harrisons Trading (S) S/B

Position Title : Product Group Executive – Kota Kinabalu

Duration : 1997 - Feb 2000


- Managed overall sales and marketing of Nestle products for Kota Kinabalu and Beaufort branches. Accomplishment:

- Consistently achieved sales budget, and the only branch in Malaysia to be awarded Nestle's Grand Award (Europe Tour) for 1998.

8. Company Name : SM La Salle

Position Title : Temporary Teacher

Duration : 1993 - Dec 1996

Work Description :

- Subjects taught are science, physics, mathematics and physical education for form I to V. Also a form and discipline teacher.


M/S 39

- Managed to increase percentage of passes in PMR and SPM of subjects taught.

9. Company Name : Petronas Carigali S/B

Position Title : Exploration Geologist/A. Drilling Supervisor

Duration : March 1991 - May 1992

Work Description :

- 1st six months - Exploration Geologist with Petronas Carigali Overseas S/B; Analysis of geological data for exploration of Vietnam offshore areas.

- After six months - Seconded to Shell as Assistant Drilling Supervisor (based in Miri); management of well-site exploration drilling operations.

M/S 40


Marsus Bin Jabar MSc. Computer Science Western Illinois Univ, USA, BSc. Computer Science, Western

Illinois Univ, USA

Marsus Jabar House phone: 088-438327

No. 9 Lorong Raja Udang 17 Mobile phone: 019-8622914

Taman Kingfisher 2

88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

EDUCATION Obtained a MSc. in Computer Science from Western


University at Macomb, Illinois, USA in 1988 and a BSc. in


same field from the same university in 1986.


2004 – PRESENT Coordinator, iLQaM, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)


Develop training plan for academic staff based on training needs analysis and identification.

M/S 41

Manage and monitor the execution of training for academic staff based on annual training calendar.

Manage and supervise the operation and maintenance of audio visual equipments.

1998 – 2004 Head, School of Computing and IT, INTI College Sabah

Lead the planning and execution of academic programmes in computing and IT for the college branch.

1992 – 1998 Head, IT, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, Sabah Operations

Manage and supervise the operation, maintenance, and support of the branch computing, telecommunication, and network facilities.

Local liaison for the design and development of company wide information systems.

1989 – 1992 Lecturer, Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM), Sabah Branch

Member of academic staff.


Institut Tadbir Awam Negara (INTAN) Sabah. Conduct training modules on creative thinking, thinking

skills, and conflict management.

Pusat Latihan Kecemerlangan Koperasi (PULAKOP) Sabah. Conduct training modules on creative thinking.

Hospital Ranau Conduct training modules on creative thinking.

UiTM Sabah

M/S 42

Conduct training modules on student development

which include critical thinking, public speaking, group

dynamics, and team building.