In Tete Gu Me Ntary System

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Transcript of In Tete Gu Me Ntary System

  • 7/27/2019 In Tete Gu Me Ntary System





    Selepas mempelajari tajuk ini, diharapkan anda dapat,

    a. Mengkelaskan dan menyenaraikan jenis dan fungsi membran badan.

    b. Menyenarai dan menjelaskan beberapa fungsi penting sistem integumentari

    c. menamakan lapisan dan menjelaskan ciri-ciri lapisan epidermis.

    d. menjelaskan tentang fungsi terbitan epidermal kelenjar sebum, kelejar peluh

    dan rerambut..


    Body membrane covers surfaces, line body cavities and form protective (and

    lubricating) sheet organs.

    2 groups = Epithelial membrane and Connective tissue membrane

    Epithelial membrane = cutaneous, mucus, and serous membranes

    Connective tissue membrane = synovial membrane.


    1. Epithelial membranes

    Cutaneous superficial epidermis composed of keritininizing stratified squamos


    - Exposed to air, is a dry membrane.

    Mucus lines all body cavities that open to the exterior, e.g. hollow organs of

    the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts.

    - They are wet or moist, continuously bathed in secretion.

    - Adapted for absorption or secretion.

    - Many mucosae secrete mucus, e.g. respiratory and digestive, for protectiveand lubrication, except urinary tract.

  • 7/27/2019 In Tete Gu Me Ntary System


    Sereous line body cavities that are closed to the exterior.

    - Occurs in pairs, parietal (outer) and visceral (inner) walls, seperated by

    sucrous fluid, lie very close to each other.

    - Allows organs to slide easily without friction.

    2. Connective Tissue

    Synovial membrane soft aveolar connective tissue

    - Line the fibrous capsules surrounding joints.

    - Provide a smooth surface and secrete a lubricating fluid

    - Cushion organs moving against each other, e.g. movement of tendon across

    the bone surface.


    Skin coat of waterproof, stretchable, washable and permanent press, invisibilyrepairs small cuts, rips, and burns and guranteed to last a lifetime, with

    reasonable care.


    - Protective, insulates and cushions the deeper body organs.

    - Regulating heat loss e.g. capillary network and sweat glands.

    - Excretory system salts, urea and water loss.

    - Immunity and synthesize vitamin D.

    - Sensory receptors for touch, pressure, temperature and pain.

    Structure of Skin

    2 kinds of tissue = epidermis and dermis.

  • 7/27/2019 In Tete Gu Me Ntary System



    - Has 4 or 5 layers or strata.

    - Has no blood supply of its own.

    - Replacement of new cell layer every 25 45 days.

    - Melanin pigment of skin range from yellow to brown to black.


    - Papillary = upper dermal, reticular = deeper skin

    - Strong, stretchy envelope that helps to hold the body together.

    - Leather goods treated dermis of animals.

    - Papillary layer furnish nutrients to the epidermis.

    - Reticular layer contains blood vassels, sweat and oil glands and deep

    pressure receptors.

    - Phagocytes to prevent bacteria from penetrating into deeper body.

    - Collagen fibre for toughness, elastic for elasticity.

    - Abundantly supplied with blood vessels, to maintain body temperature


    Appendages of the Skin

    - Include cutaneous glands, hair and hair follicles and nails.

    - Cutaneous glands has sebaceous (oil) glands and sweat glands.

    - Sebaceous glands oil glands except on palms and soles of feet.

    - Excrete sebum, a lubricant to keep skin soft and moist and kill bacteria.

    - Sweat glands = 2.5 million pores/person.

    - Eccrine glands produce sweat, apocrine glands secrete fatty acids and


    - Eccrine glands secrete water, salts, vitamin C, matabolic wastes, lactic


    - Sweat, pH = 4 6, acidic inhibit growth of bacteria.

  • 7/27/2019 In Tete Gu Me Ntary System


    - Hair and hair follicles. What kinds of protection do they provide?

    a. Guard head against bumps

    b. Sheilding eyes via eye-lashes

    c. To keep foreign particles out of respiratory tract via nose hairs

    - Fastest growing tissues in the body. Human hair grows about 15 cm per year.

    - Hair pigment is made by melanocytes in the hair bulbs. (yellow, rust, brown,


    - Hairs come in a variety of size and shapes

    a. Eyebrow short and stiff

    b. Head long and flexible

    c. Wavy hair shaft is oval, hair is smooth and silky

    d. Curly or kinky shaft is flat and ribbon like

    e. Straight hair shaft is round, hair is course

    - Hair is found all over the body except palm, sole, nipple and lips.

    - Nails scale like modification of the epidermis corresponds to the hoof or


    - About 65% of the fingerprints are of the loop type, whilst 25% are whorls

    type. Others are of composite types of arch, loop, whorl.

    - The study of fingerprints by the police started around 1900, but it was not

    until 1948, that they were accepted as evidence in court.