Jsu Ujian Pra Upsr sains 2012

Post on 29-Oct-2015

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JSU Sains Pra-UPSR

Transcript of Jsu Ujian Pra Upsr sains 2012

BAH.AJADUAL SPESIFIKASI UJIAN (JSU) PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN UPSR SAINS 2012BAHAGIAN AQUESTIONCONSTRUCTYRKNOWLEDGEUNDERSTANDINGAPPLICATIONTOTALCATATANNOFactTeminologyMethodSequenceClassifyConceptTranslationInterpretationExtrapolationIntelectLAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAH1Being aware that certain behaviour can disturb life process411*2Understanding that animal protect themselves from danger411*3Understanding the basic need of animals511*4Understanding that some microoraganism harmful and useful511*5Animal have different ways of ensuring their survival of their species511*6Understanding that some animal live in group and solitary611*7Knowing the impact of human activities on environment6118Understanding how to measure volume411*9Renewable and non renewable energy511*10Understanding temperature is an indicator of degree of hotness51111Understanding the effect of heat on matter511*12Analysing friction611*13Understanding speed611*14Applying the knowledge of properties of material in everyday life411*15Understanding that some material can rust and can be prevented41116Understanding matter exist in solid,liquid and gas511*17Understanding water cycle511*18Understanding the properties of acidic, alkaline and neutral51119Realizing the importance of food preservation61120Understanding some waste can decay61121Understanding the solar system411*22Understanding the constellation511*23Understanding the occurance of day and night511*24Understanding the phases of the moon511*25Understanding the eclipse of the moon611*26Understanding the eclipse of the Sun611*27Understanding the importance of technology411*28Understanding the strength and the stability of a structure511*29Understanding simple machine611*30Analysing the complex machines611*TOTAL52001001202104103111101001101030LEVEL OF DIFFICULTYBil%LOW630AVERAGE1750HIGH720TOTAL30100

BAH.BJADUAL SPESIFIKASI UJIAN (JSU) PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN PRA UPSR SAINS 2012(BAHAGIAN B)KONSTRUKINFERENSMERAMALMENTAFSIR DATAMENGAWALMEMBUATJUMLAHKONTEKSPEMBOLEH UBAHHIPOTESISK1K2K3K4K5K6K7K8K9K10K11K12K13K14K151Investigating Living thingsT.41a1b1c3Plant respones to stimuliPicture2Investigating force and energyT62d2a2c2e2b5SpeedGraph : WC( time) WM (distance)3Investigating MaterialT.43a3d3b3c4Synthesising materialPicture & Table WC( Material) WM (Temp)4Investigating earth and the universeT54a4c4b(i)4b(ii)4Occurance of day and nightPicture and table WC( Places)WM(time)5Investigating TechnologyT65a5c5b(i)5b(ii)4Simple machinePicture and table WC( Size)WM(number of turn)3286120K-1=Menyatakan satu penerangan yang munasabah tentang pemerhatianK-2=Menyatakan penerangan lain yang munasabah tentang pemerhatianK-3=Menyatakan pemerhatian tambahan untuk mengkaji kejituan inferensK-4=Menyatakan apa yang akan berlaku dengan mengekstrapolasi dataK-5=Menyatakan apa yang akan berlaku dengan mengkstrapolasiK-6=Membuat pernyataan tentang maksud data atau maklumat yang dikumpul (aim)K-7=Menyatakan pola atau corak daripada maklumat yang dikumpulK-8=Menyatakan hubungan antara pemboleh ubahK-9=Membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan data yang dikumpulK-10=Menyatakan pembolehubah yang perlu digunakan dalam penyiasatanK-11=Menyatakan pembolehubah dimanipulasiK-12=Menyatakan pembolehubah bergerak balasK-13=Menyatakan pembolehubah dimalarkanK-14=Mencadangkan penerangan tentang hubungan antara pembolehubahK-15=Menyatakan penerangan berdasarkan prinsip sains atau pengetahuan yang lepas
