trial perak spm kimia 2009

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[Lihat sebelahS[]LIT


What is the use of phosphorus-32?Apalrah lre gunaan fo sforus - 3 2 ?

A Treafuent of cancerRawatan cancer

B Desftoy bacteria in foodMemusnahkan baheria dalam malmnan

C Estimate the age of fossilsMenganggarlmn umur fosil

D Study the metabolism of fertilisers in plantMenglmji metabolisma baja dalam tumbuhan

Diagram I shows the sfructure of fluorine atom.Rajah 1 menunjukkon struhur bagi atom fluorin

Diagram 1Rajah I

Which of the following is true about fluorine atom?Antara berilafi, yang manakah benar tentang atom fluorin?

Number of electonsBilangan elektron


A Sodium sulphateNatrium sulfat

B lvlagnesium nitateMagnesium nitrat

C Zinc chlorideZink klorida

D Aft:nrinir.nn carbonateAluminium knrbonat

Nucleon nunrberNombor nukleon



pihat sebelahST]LIT


Which of the following zubstance and its chemical formula is tue?Antara bahan dan formula kimia berihtt yang manakah benar?

Chemical formulaFormula kimia






SULIT 3 414ttl

4 Which of the following scientists was the fint to classifi elements into differerf groups?Antara ahli sains berikut yang manakah mula-mula mengelaskan unsur-unsur dalamhtmpulan yang berlainan?

A Antoine IavoisierB John NewlandsC H.J.G MoseleyD Dmiti Mendeleev

Which of the following statements show the changes in the chemical properties of Group 17elenrents when going down the group?Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan perubahan sifat kimia unsurKumpulan 17 apabila menuruni htmpulan?

I Nu:rber of shell increasesBilangan petala bertambah

II Reactivity of the elemen8 increasesKereahifan unsur bertambah

m The tendency to gain electon decreasesKecenderungan untuk menerima electron berkurang

IV The oxidation number decreasesNombor pengoksidaan berhtrang

A I and III onlyB II and IV onlyC I, II and III onlyD I, II, ilI and IV

6 Two or more atoms are bonded chemically by sharing electons.What type of bond formed?Dua atau lebih atom membentuk ikntan kimia melalui perkongsian elehron.Apalrah jenis ikntan yang terbentuk?

A Ionic bond.Ikatan ionik.

B Covalent bond.Ikntan kovalen.

C Metallic bond.Ilmtan logam.

D Van der Waals force.Daya Van der Waals.

7 Which of the following substances is an ionic compound?Antara bahan berihtt yang manakah merupakan sebatian ion?

A SugarGula

B Sodium chlorideNatrium klorida

C Carbon dioxideKarbon dioksida

D Orygen gasGas oksigen

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What is an electolyte?Apalrah elehrolit?

A Substances that conduct electicity in molten state and aqueous solution.Bahan yang mengalirlmn elehrik dalam keadaan leburan dan larutan ahtes

B Ionic compound that conduct electicity in all physical states.Sebatian ionik mengalirkan elektrik dalam semua keadaan fizik

C Substances ttrat cannot conduct electicity.Bahan yang tidak boleh mengalirkan elektrilc

D Non metal that can conduct electicity.Bulran logam yang boleh mengalirkan elektrik.

Which of the following chemical equations represent nzutalization?Antara persamaan kimia berihtt yang manakah mewakili peneutralan?

A Zn + 4SOo -+ ZnSO4 + H2B AgNO, + HCI -+ AgCl + HNO3C 2NaOH + HrSOo + NqSOo + 2HrOD CaCO, + H2SO4 + CaSOo + H2O + CO,

Substance X + Sulphuric acid -) Salt Y + Water + Carbon dioxideWhat is substance X?

Bahan X + asid sulfurik +Apalrah bahan X?

A Copper(Il) oxideKuprurn (II) oksida

B lvlagnesium metalLogarn magnesium

C Zinc carbonateZink karbonat

D Sodium hydroxideNatrium hidroksida

GaramY + air + karbondioksida

11 Which of the following salts are prepared by precipitation reaction?Antara garam-garam berihtt yang manakah disedialmn melalui tindak balas pemendalcan?

I Silver chlorideArgentum klorida

tr lvlagnesium nitateMagnesium nitrat

m Barfun zulphateBarium sulfat

ry Zinc carbonateZink knrbonat

A I and III onlyB II and IV onlyC I, II and trI onlyD I, III and IV only

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12 What is the product of Haber Process?Apalrah hasil daripada Proses Haber?

A FertilizersBaja

B AmmoniaAmmonia

C Nitic acidAsid nitrik

D Sulphuric acidAsid sulfurik

13 How does temperature increase the rate of reaction?Bagaimanalmh suhu dapat meningkntkan kndar tindak balas?

A Increase the activation enerry of the reactionMeningkatkan tenagq pengaktifan tindak balas

B Increase the energy of particles involved in the reaction.Meningkatkan tenaga zarah-zarah yang terlibat dalam tindak balas

C Declease the effective collision of particles involvedMengurangkan perlanggaran berkesan bagi zarah-zarah yang terlibat.

D Decrease the rate of collision among the panicles involvedMengurangkan kadar perlanggaran antara zarah-zarah yang terlibat

14 What is tlre meaning of the effective collision?Apakah maksud perlanggaran berkesan?

A The collision which takes place before reactionPerlanggaran yang berlaku sebelum tindak balas

B The collision that has the highest ener5/Perlanggzran yang mempunyai tenaga yang paling tinggi

C The collision that can causes reaction.Perlanggaran yang akan menyebabkan tindak balas

D The collision where its energy is less than the activation eneryy.Perlanggaran di mana tenaganya adalah htrang daripada tenaga pengahifan.

Coconut oil + Sodium hydroxide ----+ A + SoapMinyak kelapa + Natrium hidroksida + A + Sabun

What is A?Apakah A?

A EthaneEtana

B EthanolEtanol

C GlycaolGliserol

D Sodium ethanoateNatrium etanoat




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16 Which of the following statements is tue?Antara pernyataan berikut yang monakah benar?

A The density of heptane is higher tlran ttrat of decane.Ketumpatan heptana adalah lebih tinggi daripada dekana.

B The boiling point of hexane is higher ttran that of octane.Talmt didih helrsana adalah lebih tinggi daripada oktana.

C The viscosity of nonane is higher ttran that of pentane.Kelilwtan nonana adalah lebih tinggi daripada pentana

D Both butane and octane are liquids at room temperature.Kedua-dua butana dan ohana adolah cecair pada suhu bilik

17 Which of the following metals act as the sacrificial metal to protect iron from rusting?Antara logam berilafi, yang manakah bertindak sebagai logam porban untuk ieltndungi besidaripada berkaratT

A AhrniniurnAluminium

B SilverArgentum

C TtoiStanum

D CopperKuprum

18 Which of the following chemical reactions is an endothermic reaction?Antara tindak balas kimia berihtt, manalcah tindak balas endotermik?

A Combustion of firelPembakoran bahan api

B Bunirg of metalPembaknran logam

C NeutalisationPeneutralan

D PhotosynthesisFotosintesis

19 The formulae of nitate ion and carbonate ion is shown belowFormula bagi ion nitrat dan ion karbonat ditunjukkan di banah.

Nitate ion : NOr-Ion Nitrat : NOr-

Carbonate ion : CO.2-Ion Karbonat : C(i"2-

If the formtrla of nitate of M is M(NO3 ), What is the formula of carbonate of M?Jilraformula M nitrat ialah M(No3), Apaknhformula M karbonat?

A MCO3B M(CO3)2c M2co3D M2(C03)3

454lll [Lihat sebetahSI]LIT


20 The following thermochemical equation represents the formation of ammonia gas.Persamaan termokimia berihtt mewahili pembentukan gas ammonio.

\ + :H,t' 2NH3 AH : - 45'kJ

Which of the following diagrarns shows the correct energy level diagmm for the thermochemicalequation?Antara rajah berihtt, yang manakah menunjukkan gambar rajah aras tenaga yang betulbagi persamaon termokimia itu?

A Energy lTanga

Energr /Tenaga

Enerry /Ternga

Enerry lTenaga

[Lihat sebelahSULIT

N, + 3H,

AH: -45 kJ

AH = -45 kJ

Nr* 14

AH = -45 kJ


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2l Wh* is the wage of penicillin?Apalrah lre gunaan penicillin?

A Reducing painMengur angknn ke s akit an

B Reducing andetyMengur angkan lcemur ungan

C Contolling the level of glucose in bloodMengawal aras gula dalam darah

D Destolng or prevelrting the growth of bacteriaMemusnahknn atau menghalong pertumbuhan baheria

Diagram 2 shows the heating curve of solid X.Rajah 2 menunjukkan lengkuk pemanasan pepejal X

Temperature / oC

Suhu / "C

Time /minMasa /min

D@nrn2Rajah 2

Which of the following statements can be deduced fiom Diagram 2?Antara pernyataan berihtt, yang manalmh boleh disimpullcan daripada Rajah 2?A The melting point of X is I

Takat lebur X ialah T,B Substance X is a liquid at t, to !

Bahan X adalah cecair pada t, hingga t,C Heat energy is absorbed from 0 to t

Tenaga haba diserap daripada 0 ie t,D Kinetic enerry of particles decreases from ! to t,

Tenaga kinetik zarah berhtrang daripada trke t,





$ruT 9 As4rtr

23 Atom of element X consists of 19 protons, 20 neufrons and 19 electrons.Which of the fo[owing stateme,nts slrows the chemical properties of element X?Atom bagi unsur x mempunyai 19 proton, 20 neutron dan 19 elektron.Antara pernyataan berihtt, yang rnanakah menunjukkon sifat kimia bagi unsur X?A X r€acts with $ater to form alkali solution

X bertindak balas dengan air untuk menghasilkan larutan altutiB Atom X form ion )G*

Atom X membentuk ion X*C X is chemically inert

X lengai secara kimiaD X react with oxygen to form covalent compound

X bertindakbalas dengan oksigen membentuk sebatian kovalen

24 Table I shows the elecfion arrangement of atom of elements K and L.Jadual I menunjuklwn.susunan eleWron bagi atom K dan L.

Atom of elementAtom bagi unsur

Electon ArrangementSusunan Eleknon

K 2.8.2L 2.8.7

Table 1Jadual I

Which of the following chemical formulae and tlpes of bonding formed when element K reactswith elemelrt L?Antara formula kimia dan jenis ikatan berikut, yang manalmh terbentuk apabila unsur Kbertindak balas dengan unsur L?

Chemical formula Type of bondingForrnula kimia Jenis lkatan

A KLz IonicIon

B IqL IonicIon

C KL, CovalentKovalen

D KrL, CovalentKovalen

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25 Diagram 3 shows the set up of apparatus of an electolysis process.Rajah j menunjukJran susunan radas bagi suatu proses elelctrolisis.


0.1 mol dm-3 Copper(Il) sulphate solutionLarutan fuprum(Il) sulfat 0.1 mol dm-3

Dagram 3Rajah 3

Which ion that will be discharged at the anode?Ion manalrah yang akan dinyahcaskan di anod?

A Copper (tr) ion.Ion htprum (II).

B Sulphate ion.Ion sulfat

C Hydroxide ionIon hidroksida.

D Hydrogen ion.Ion hidrogen.

Which of the fo[owing acids has the lowest pH value?Antara asid-asid berihtt yang manakah mempunyai nilai pH paling rendah?

A 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dma hydrochloric acid.50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dma.

B 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm{ ethanoic acid.50 cm3 asid etanoik 0.1 mol dma.

C 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dma sulphwic acid.50 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.1 mol dm3.

D 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dmi nitic acid50 cm3 asid nitrik 0.1 mol dm3.

A student poured 25.0 cm3 of 2.0 mol dmi of sodium hydroxide solution into a conical flask.Then 25.0 cm3 of distilled water was added into tlre same conical flask.What is the final concentation of tlre sodium hydroxide solution in the conical flask?Seorang pelajar telah memasukkon 25.0 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida berkepekatan 2.0mol dma lre dalam sebuah kelalang lan. Selepas itu 25.0 cm3 air suling ditambahkan kedalam lrclalang lcon yang sama.Apalrah lrcpekatan akhir larutan natrium hidroksida dalam kelalang kon ituT

A 0.5 mol dmiB 1.0 mol dmrC 2.5 mol dmiD 4.0 mol dm{

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28 The followings are the properties of a glass:-o No resistance to heato Malleable

Berihtt ialah sifat-stfat bagi lraca:-o Tidak tahan habao Boleh ditempa

Which of the following glass has the above characteristics?Antara ienis lwca berihtt yang manakah mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti di atas?A Lead glass

Kaca plumbumB Soda-lime glass

Kaca soda-kapurC Borosilicate glass

Kaca borosilikntD Fused silica glass

Kaca silica terlahtr

Sodium hydroxideNatrium hidroksida Green precipitate

Mendakan hijau


[Lihat sebelahSI,]LIT

29 Diagram 4 shows the results of a series of test which is canied out on solution yRaiah 4 menuniukkan keputusan bagi satu siri ujian yang dijalantran ke atas larutan y

Dilute nitic acid followed by barium chloride solutionAsid nitrik cair diikuti dengan larutan barium klorida

Dagram 4Rajah 4

Identify the solution YKenal pasti larutan Y

A hon@ sulphateFerum(II) sulfat

B Lead@ sulphatePlumbum(Il) sulfat

C kon(Itr) nitateFerum(Ill nitrat

D Zinc nitateZink nitrat

30 Which of the following half equations represents an oxidation reaction?Antara persamaan setengah berikut, yang manaknh mewakili tindak balas pengoksidaan?ABCD


CrrO.,2 '+ 14H* +6e-) 2Cf.+ 7H2OSfi)Sna*+2e-MnO4- + 8H* + 5e' ) Mn2* + 4H,OCl"+2e')2Cl-

SULIT 454lll

31 Diagmm 5 strows curve T obtained from the decomposition of 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dmi hydrogen

peroxide solution by using 5 g of manganese(IV) oxide powder as a catalyst at 300C.

Rajah 5 menunjuLfan tengtang T yang diperolehi daripada penguraian 50 cm3 larutan

hidrogen peropsida I.o mit dmi menggunakan 5 g serbuk mangan (IV) oksida sebagai

mangkin Pada suhu 3UC

Volume of gas / cnf

Time / sMasa / s

DiagrafiI 5Rajah 5

Which of the following changes of reacting conditions must be done to obtain curve S?

Antara perubahan keadaan tindak balas berikut yang manakah mesti dilalatkan untuk

menghasilkan lenghtng S ?

A Increase the temperature up to 600CTinglmtkan suhu kePada 6UC

B Use 3 g manganeso(It/) oxide powderGunakan 3 g serbuk mangan(IV) oksida

c use 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3hydrogen peroxide solution.

Gunakan 100 cm3 larutan hidrogen peroksida 1.0 mol dm3

D Add 50 cm3 of distilled water into the solutionTambahlcan 50 cm3 air suling ke dalam larutan

32 The following statements refer to tlre properties of compound J.

Pernyataan berihtt meruiuk kepada sifat sebatian J

* reacts with magnesiumbertindak balas dengan magnesiurn

* can be PrePared from ethanolboleh disediakan daripada etanol

What is the name of comPound J?Apaluh nama sebatian J?

A Methanoic acidAsid metanoik

B Etlranoic acidAsid etanoik

C Propanoic acidAsid ProPanoik

D MethYl etlmnoateMetil etanoat

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ST]LIT 454U1

33 A student found that an iron nail left in a beaker of geldin" rusts after a few days. How the rateofrusting can be reduced?Seorang pelajar mendapati paht besi berkarat, selepas dibiarkan di dalam bikar yangmengandungi gelatin selama beberapa hari. Bagoimanakah kadar pengaratan dapatdihtrangkan?

A A few drops of phenolphthalein is addedBeberapa titis fenolphtalein dimasukkon

B The beaker is kept away from the sunlightBilrar diletaklwn jauh daripada cahaya matahari

C The beaker of gelatin is covered with a pehi dishBilrnr yang tnengandungi gelatin ditutup dengan piring petri.

D Zinc powder is added to the gelatin belore the experiment.Serbuk ferum dimasukkan kepada gelatin sebelum elaperimen..

What is the name of the process to prepare soap?Apalrah nama proses bagi penyediaan sabun?

A OstwaldOstwald

B NeunalisationPeneutralan

C EsterificationPengesteran

D SaponificationSaponifikasi

What is the common taditional medicine used to teat malaria?Apalrah ubat tradisional yang digunakan untuk merawat malaria.



A Aloe veraAloe vera

B GingoHalia

36 The following information is about atom WMaklumat berikut adalah tentang atom W


The number of neutons is 20Bilangan neutron ialah 20

The number of electons is 19Bilangan elehron ialah 19

Which of the following symbols represent an atom W ?Antara simbol berihtt, yang manakah mewakili atom W ?









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what is the percentage composition by rnass of nitogen in ammonium nitate, NH4Nq?

I Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; N, 14 ; O, 16 ]Berapalwh peratus twmpoirsf

'mengilwt iisim bagi nitrogen dalam ammoniwn nitrat NHJ'tOs?

I Jisim atom relatif : H, 7 ; N, 14 ; O, 16 lA r7.5 %B 22.5 %c 35.0 %D 60.0 %

The chemical equation below represents the combustion reaction of hexene, COHIz'

Persamaan kimia di bm,vah mewakili tindak balas pembalmran helcsena, CF,,

CuH,, +9Or 46CO2 + 6H2O

What is the volume of carbon dioxide formed when 8.4 g of hexene bumt in excess oxygen?

Berapaknh isipadu gas knrbon diottsida terbentuk apabila 8.4 s heksena terbakar dalam

olaigen berlebihan?

[Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; C,at room conditions]

I Jisim atom relatrf : H, ] ; C,24 dm3 pada keadaan bilik J

A 10.80 dm3B 14.40 dm3c 26.40 d#D 28.88 dm3

39 X, y and Z are elements in the same period in the Periodic Table of Elements'

The properties of their oxide compound is shown below'

* the oxide of X is amPhoteric,* the oxide of Y is acidic* the oxide of Z is basic.

(Jnsur-unsur x, Y dan z terletak pada knla yqng sama dalam Jadual Berlmla unsur'

sifat-sifat bagi olaida sebatian itu adalah sep€fti di bawah'

* ol<sida bagi X bersifat amfoterik'* oksida bagi Y bersifat asid'* oksida bagi Z bersifut bes'

Arrange the elements X Y and Z nthe order of increasing proton number'

Susunkan unsur-unsur X, Y dan Z berdasarknn susunan nombor proton menaik.




12 ; 0,16 ; and 1 mol of gas occupies the volume of 24 dm3

12 ; O, 16 ; dan I mol gas menempati isipadu sebanyak

A X,Y, ZB z,Y,xc Y,X, ZD Z,X,y

[Lihat sebelahSULIT454llr


40 Diagram 6 shows the elecfron anangement of atoms R and S.Rajah 6 menunjukkan susunan elehron bagi atom R dan S.



Diagram 6Rajah 6

Which of the following diagnms shows the electon anangement for tlre compound formed benveenatoms R and S?Antara raiah berikut yang manakah menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi sebatian yongterbentuk antara atom R dan S?

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT


ol' ) -

l -t lt tilt tt t



CI o


o Qo454u1


4l which of the following diagrams shows the correct set-up of apparatus to electoplate an iron

key with silver?Yang manakah antara raiah berikut menunjukkan susunon radas yang betul untuk

menyadurkan palat besi dengan argentum?




Iron keyKunci besi

Silver nitate solutionLarutan argentum nitrat



Iron keyKunci besi

Iron keyKunci besi

Iron keyKunci besi


Silver nitate solutionLarutan argentum nitrat


Silver nitate solutionLarutan argentum nitrat


Silver nitrate solutionLarutan argentum nitrat


454Lll SI]LIT

SULIT t7 4l4ttl

42 Table 2 shows the pair of electrodes in chemical cell, cell voltages and the negative terminals ofthree different chemical cells.Jadual 2 menunjuk)ran pasangan elehrod dalam sel Hmia, voltan sel dan terminal negatifbagi tiga sel kimia berlainan..

Pair of ElectodesPasangan elelarod

Voltaga (V)Voltan (V)

Negative terminalTbrminal negatif


3.0 w


1.1 X

Y andZY andZ

0.5 Y

Table 2Jadual 2

What is the cell voltage if X and Z are used as the electodes in the chemical cell?Berapakah voltan sel sekiranya X dan Z digunakan sebagai elektrod dalam sel kimia itu?

A 0.6VB 1.6Vc 3.5VD 4.6V

43 The chemical equation for the reaction between sulphuric acid and potassium hydroxide solutionis shown below:

2KOH + H2SO4 ) LSO4 +2H2O

Persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara asid sulfurik dan larutan kalium hidroksidaditunjukkan seperti di bawah:

2KOH + HfOo ) KlSO4 + 2H2O

What is the volume of 0.1 mol dmi of sulphwic acid needed to neutralize 25.0 cm3 of 0.5 moldmi of potassium hydroxide solution.Apalmh isipadu asid sulfurik berkepekatan 0.1 mol dma yang diperlukan untuk meneutrallan25.0 cm3 larutan lmlium hidroksida. 0.5 mol dma.

A 15.5 cm3B 25.0 cm3C 50.0 cm3D 625 cm3

44 What is the oxidation number for nitogen in nitate ion, NOr- ?Apalrah nombor pengoksidaan bagi nitrogen dalam ion nitrat, NO,'?

A - lB -3c +5D +7

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What is the mass of zinc sulphate that can be prepared by adding excess zinc with 50 cm3 of 1.0mol dma sulphuric acidApalrah jisim zink sulfat yang boleh disediaknn apabila zink berlebihan ditambahkan kepada50 cm3 asid sulfurih L0 mol dm-3

[Relative atomic mass : O, 16 ;5,32 ; Zn, 65]

[Jisim atom relattf : O, 16 ; S, 32 ; Zn, 65J

A 6.50 gB 8.05 gC 11.45 gD 16.10 g

Which of the following are the uses of photochromic glass?Antara berihtt kegunaan kaca fotol+romik?

I Optical lenses.Kanta cermin mata

U Windows glassKaca tingkap pejabat

III Car windshieldsCermin penghadang angin kereta

rV Volumetic flaskKelalang volumetrik

A I and II onlyB III and IV onlyC I, II and III onlyD II, III and IV only

Table 3 shows the volume of hydrogen gas liberated when excess magnesium powder reacts with25 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acidJadttal 3 menunjukkan isipadu gas hidrogen yang dibebaskan apabila serbuk magnesiumberlebihan bertindak balas dengan 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm-3.

Time / minMasa / min

0 I 2 aJ 4 5

Volume of hydrogen gas / cmj

hipadu gas hidrogen/ cm3

0.0 15.0 25.0 30.0 33.0 33.0

Table 3Jadual 3

What is the average rate of reaction in the third minute?Berapakah kadar tindak balas purata dalam minit ketiga?

A 0.067 cm3 s -r

B 0.083 cm3 s -l

C 0.110 cm3 s -1

D 0.167 cm3 s -r

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48 Propanol reacts with ethanoic acid in the presence of concentatedsulphtnic acid to form compowd Z.Propanol bertindak balas dengan asid etanoik dalam kehadiran asidsulfurik pelmt bagi menghasilknn sebatian Z.

What is the name of compound Z.Apaluh namq sebatian Z

A Ethanoic acidAsid etanoik

B Potassium propanoateKalium propanoat

C Propyl propanoatePropil propanoat

D Propyl ethanoatePropil etanoat

2.8 g of iron reacts completely with copper (II) sulphate solution to displace copper. 7.5 kJ ofenerry is given out.2.8 S ferum bertindak balas lenglmp dengan larutan lruprum (II) sulfat bagi menyesarknnhtprum. 7.5 hI tenaga dibebasknn.

What is the value of heat of displacement of copper?Berapalrnh nilai haba penyesaran bagi hryrum?

I Relative atomic nurss; Fe, 56; Cu 6a ]I Jisim atom relatrt Fe, 56; Cu, 64 J

A + 150.0 kJ moflB + 171.4 kJ mof'C - 150.0 kJ mofrD - 171.4 kJ motl

The heat of combustion of ethanol is -1376 kJ mol-r.Haba pembaknran etanol ialah -1376 kJ mol'|.

What is the mass of ethanol used to heat 150 cm3 of water, by increasing the temperature of30.0 0c.

Berapalrah jisim etanol yang digunakan untuk memanaskan 150 cm3 air dengan lrcnaiknnsuhu sebanyak 30.0 oC.

I Relative molecular mass ; ethanol ; 46, specific heat capacity of water : 4.2 Jgtoc-tf

I Jisim molehtl relatif ; etanol; 46 , muatan haba tentu bagi air : 4.2 Jg'r"g-t ,

A 0.318 gB 0.632 gC 6.920 sD 10.615 g


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I. This question paper consists of 50 questions.Kertas soalan ini mengandungt 50 soalan.

2. Answer all questions.Jawab semua soalan,

3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet.Jawab dengan menghitamlmn ruangan yang betul pada kertas jmvapan.

4. Blacken only one space for each question.Hitamlwn satu ruangan sahaja bagi setiap soalan.

5. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made.Then blacken the space for the new answer.SeHranya anda hendak menulmrkan jowapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.Kemudian hitamlwn jowapan yang baru.

6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.Raiah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukislmn mengihtt slwla kecuali dinyatalwn.

7. You may use a non-progammable scientific calculator.Anda dibenarlan menggunalwn knlkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.




454u2PercubaanSPMChemistry2009Paper 2ZYz houts







Paper 2

Two hours and thirtv minutes


l. Ttrliskan Nama dan Angl€ Gilirananda pada nxmgan yang disediakan.

2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.

3. Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris mendahuluisoalan yang sepadan dalam Bahasa Melayu.

4. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keselurulran atausebahagian soalan samada dalam BahasaInggeris atau Batrasa Melayu.

5. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat dihalaman belakang kertas soalan ini.

Untuk Kegunaan PemeriksaanKod Pemeriksa :

Bahagian SoalanMarkahPenrtr



I 9

2 9

3 9

4 10

J t2

6 l1

B7 20

8 20

C9 20

t0 20


This question paper consist of 19 printed pages and I unprinted page

[Lihat sebelahSI]LIT


SI.]LIT 4s4rn

Section ABahagian A

[60 marks][60 markah]

ao*.. all questions in ttris section.Jautab semaa soalan dalam balwgian ini.

Diagram 1.1 shows the soap anion which consist of trvo parts, part A and part B.Rajah I.I menunjuklan anion bagi sabun yang mempunyai dua bahagian, bahagian A danbalngian B

ot l

i_lq"- " ' " " " \ - 'c . - . " ,A

Dagram l.lRajah 1.1

(a) G) State the name of parts :Nyatalwn nama bagi bahagian :



B:12 marksl

[2 marlwhJ

G)Which part is soluble in water?Bahagian manalcah yang larut dalam air?

ll marklll marlwhl

GD A soap anion is not effective in had water.Sabun tidak berkesan di dalam air liat.State the name of ion presents in hard water?Namalwn ion yang hadir dalam air liat?

I marlclfl marlwhl

[Lihat sebelahST'LIT





Diagram 1.2 shows the label of margarine which is on sale in Ahmad slrop.Gambarajah 1.2 di bawah menunjukkan label pada marjerin yang dijuat di kcdaiAhmad.

Diagram 1.2Rajah 1.2

Based on the information in Diagram 1.2,Name the food additive used in the margarine.Berdasarkan maklumat dalam rajah 1.2,Namalcan bahan tambah malwnan dalam marjerin tersebut.



IhI(3REDIEhITS : PalrnOiI , Palrrr l(ernel Oil,

Lechitinhoductby, Lb€st Cmpng

ExpiryDate l0l0?010

I marlflll markahl

G) State the tunction of food additive in (bxt.Nyatakan fungsi bahan tambah malwnan dalam (b)(r.

ll markl[l marlwhl

GDGive another example of food additives wtrich has the same function as in (b)(ii).Berilrnn satu contoh lain bahan tambah makanan yang sama fungsinya seperti di@(ii).

ll marklll marlwhl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT


SULIT 454tn

(c) Ali takes tanquilizers under doctor's prescription.Ali mengambil trankuiliser dengan presltipsi doWor.

C) Psychotherapeutic medicines are divided into ttree categories based on the symptoms.State the category of fianquilizers in psychotherapeutic medicines?Wat psikoteraputik terbahagi kepada tiga kntegori berdasarkan gejala tertentu.Nyatalwn kate gor i ub at p sikoter aputik b agi tr anlcuili s er ?

ll marklI markahl

G) What happens if Ali takes tanquilizers in excess?Apalrah yang terjadi jilu Ali mengambil tranlatilizer secara berlebihan?

Table 2 shows the number of subatomic particles of atoms P andof the same elementJaduol 2 menunjukknn bilangan zarah sub atom bagi atom Padalah isotop bagi unsur yang sama.

ll marklI marlmhl

Q. Both P and Q ue isotopes

dan Q. Kedua-dua P dan Q

Atom Number of ProtonsBilangan proton

Number of NeutronsBilangan neutron

Number of ElectronsBilangan elektron

P 6 8 6

a 6 6 6

Table 2Jadual 2

(a) C) What is the meaning of isotopes?Apalah yang dimaksudkan dengan isotop?

ll marklll marlwhl

CDState one usage of P.Nyatalrnn satu kegunaan P

ll marklll markahl

[Lihat sebelahSTIIJT


STLIT 5 414tn

(b) What is the name of the positively charged subatomic particle found in the nucleus of anafiom?Apakah nama zarah subatom yang bercas positif yang terdapat dalam nukleus suatuatom?

fi marklft markahl

(c) State ttre number of valence electons of atom P.Nyatalrnn bilangan elektron valens bagi atom P

fi marklll marknhl

@ Write the standard representation of one of the isotopes above in the form of i X .

Tuliskan perwakilan piawai bagi salah satu isotop di atas dalam befiuk t X

l l

(e) Magnesium reacts with oxygen to form a compourd.Magnesium bertindakbalas dengan oksigen untuk membentuk suatu sebatian.

0) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindakbalas tersebut

ll marklmarkahl

[2 marks]12 markahl

Draw the electon arrangement for the formation of the compound.I Proton number Mg:12 ; O:8 ]LuHslran susunan elehron bagi pembentuknn sebatian itu.I Nombor proton Mg:12 ; O:8 J

[2 marlcs]12 morkahl

[Lihat sebelahSIJLIT



SLILIT 6 4|.4tn

3 Table 3 slrows the pH value of four solutions W, & Y and Z wrthconcentation of 0.1 mol dmrJadual 3 menuniukknn nilai pH bagi empat larutan W, X, Y clan Z yang berkepepatan0.1 mol dm;.


pH valtreNilai oH

w IX 5Y 7Z t4

Table 3Jadual 3

(a) Based on the information in Table 3,Berdasarlwn maklumat dalam jadual 3,

G) Which solution tums a blue litnus paper to red?Larutan manalcah dapat menukarkan kertas litmus biru kepada merah?

ll mark)ll markahl

(i) Wthout uslng an indicator, describe a chemical test to verify the answer in (aXr).Tanpa menggunakan suatu penunjulc, huraikan satu ujian kimia untuk mengesahkan

jawapan dalam (a)(t).

12 marlal12 markahl

(if Which solution is a stong acid?Larutan manakah merupakan suatu asid kuat?

ll marklll markahl

(b) z reacts with sulphuric acid to form sodium sulphate and water.Z bertindak balas dengan asid sulfurik untuk menghasilknn natrium sulfat dan ain() State ttre ttane of Z.

Nyatalmn nama bagi Z.

ll marlQll markahl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT



(i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.Tulislran persamaan kimia seimbang bagi tindak balas itu.


[3 marks][3 marlmh]

(c) By referring to Table 3, which solution possibly can be sodium sulphate?Dengan meruiuk Jadual 3, larutan manakah berkemungkinan natrium sulfat?

ll marklfi marknhl

Diagram 4 shows a simple cell using zinc and copper as the electodes and blue solution of X asthe elecftolyte. The reading of the voltneter is 1.8V.Raiah 4 menuniukkan satu sel ringkas menggunakan zink dan kuprum sebagai eleknod danlarutan biru X sebagai elektrolit. Bacaan voltmeter ialah I.8V

Copper rodRod Kuprum

Znc rcdRod Zink

Blue solution of XLarutan biru X

Diagrarn 4Rajah 4

(a) h Diagmm 4, show the direction of the flow of electons.Dalam Rajah 4, tandalran arah aliran eleloron.

(b) Which metal reacts as the negative ternrinal?Logam yang manalmh bertindak sebagai terminal negatiJ?

ll marklll narkahl


ll markl} marlmhJ

(c) What is the enerry change in the cell above?Apalrah perubahan tenaga di dalam sel di atas?

ll marklll markahl

[Lihat sebelahSULIT





Name the ion that gives the blue colour of solution X.Namakan ion yang memberikan warna biru larutan X.


ll marklll markahl

(e) G) After a few minutes, the copper rod becomes thicker. Give a reason.Selepas beberapa minit, rod laryrum menjadi tebal. Berikan satu sebab.

ll nark)fl marlcahl

Write a half equation for yotr answer in (exl).Tulislran setengah persamaan bagi jowapan anda di (e)(i).

ll markl$ narkahl

(/) G) State the change in the reading of the volfineter if zinc rod is reptaced by magnesiumrod.Nyatalcan perubahan yang berlaht kepada bacaan voltmeter jilca rod zink digantidengan rod magnesium?

ll marklI markahl

(i) Explain your answer in (r(t.Jelaslran jawapan anda di (fl(i).


12 marksl12 markahl

@) Write the over:all ionic equation for the cell.Tttlislran persarnaan ion lceseluruhan bagi sel

II marklll marlwhl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT


sulrr g 4541n5' Two sets of experiment are carried out to study the effect of catalyst on the rate of reaction

between zinc and sulphuric acid.Dua set eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaii lcesan mangkin terhadap pndar tindak balasantara zink dan qsid sulfurik

Table 5Jadual 5

(a) What is the meaning of catalyst?Apalrah yang dimaksudlmn dengan mangkin?

ReactantsBahan tindak balas

Total volume of gascollected in 3 min$es /cm3Jumlah isipadu gas yang

dilatmpullran dalam 3 minit /cm3


Suhu fC

25.0 cnf of 0.1 mol dmrsulphuric acid * excessgradafed zinc.

25.0 cm3 asid sulfurikberlrepekatan 0.1 mol dma +Iretulan ztnk berlebihan.

25.0 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3sulphuric acid + excessgrarulated zinc +5 cm3 of 1 mol dmi copper(Il)sulphate solution as a catalyst.

25.0 cms asid sulfurikberlrepelratan 0.1 mol dmr +lretulan zink berlebihan +5 cm3 larutan fuprum(Il)sulfat berkepelcatan I mol dm-3sebagai mangkin.

s2.0 I ro.o

fl marklll markahl

[Lihat sebelahSTJLIT


SULIT 10 414ln

(b) Draw a labelled diagram to slrow the set-up of apparatrs for the experiment.Lukis raiah berlabel untuk menunjukknn susunan radas bagi eksperimen itu.

12 marksl12 marlmhl

(c) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between zinc and sulphuric acid.Tttlislran persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara zink dengan asid sulfurik

12 marksl12 markahl

@ Calculate the ma,rimum volune of gas produced in e4periment I.Hitunglan istpadu maksimum gas yqng dihasillwn dalam eksperimen I.I I mol of gas occupies 24 dm3 at room condition ]I I mol gas menempati 24 dm3 pada keadaan bilik J

12 marks]12 markahl

[Lihat sebelahSI.'LIT


SULIT 11 454rn

(e) By rcferring to the dala n llable 5, calculate the average rate of reaction for the first tl'eeminrtes for ocperiment I and orperiment II.Dengan meruiuk kepada data dalom jadual 5, hitung kadar tindak balas purata bagitiga minit pertama untuk eksperimen I dan eksperimen IL

O gryerlment IEksperimen I

ff Experiment IIEksperimen II

12 marlcslp. narkahl

(i| Compare the average rate of reaction for the first three minutes of Experiment I andExperiment II.Explain how catalyst affece the rate of reaction by using the collision theory.Bandingltan Imdar tindak balas purata bagi tiga minit pertama untuk EpsperimenI dan Eksperimen II.Tbranglmn bagaimana mangkin mempengaruhi kadar tindbk balas menggunapanteori perlanggaron.

13 marlal13 markahl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT



ST'LIT t2 4541n

Diagnm 6 shows the flow chart for the chemical reactions of CrI{.Rajah 6 menunjuklcan carta alir tindak balas kimia bagi CtH,

Catalyst P3000C, 60 atn

Manskin PHro 3oucl 6o atm

+ CI,

Reaction ITindak balas l

Diagram 6Rajah 6

Based on diagram 6,Berdasarlran Rajah 6,

(a) State ttre name of reaction 1.Nyataknn nama bagi tindak balas L

Ethyl propanoateEtil propanoat


II marlclll markahl

(6) State the name of catalyst P.Nyatalran nama bagi mangkin P.

ll marklll narkahl

(c) State the name of the compourd X when CrHu reacts with chlorine.Nyatakan nama sebatian X apabila Cflo bertindak balas dengan klorin.

, ll markffl marlwhl

[Lihat sebelahSI'LIT




13 45412

compound z is an {cohol and can be produced from fermentation process.Sebatian Z merupalmn suatu alkohol dan boleh dihasilkan melalui proses penapaian.write the chemical equation for a complete combustion of compound Z.rblislran persamaan ki.mia bagi pembakaran lenglap sebatian Z,

12 marksl12 markahl

(e) G) haw the sfirch'al formtrlae of two isomers of compound yState the name of the isomers.Lukislwn formula struktur bagi dua isomer sebatian yNyatakan nama bagi isomer-isomer itu.

14 marksl[4 markah]

(i) Compound Y undergoes oxidation reaction by using acidified potassium manganate (Vtr),Klvftrq solution.State ttre observation for the reaction.Sebatian Y menialani tindak balas pengoksidaan dengan menggunalcan larutanlulium manganat (VII), KMnOo berasid.Nyatalcan pemerhatian bagi tindak balas itu.

ll marklll narlwhl

State the homologous series for ethyl propanoate.Nyatalrnn siri homolog bagi etil propanoat.


ll marlclll marlwhl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT


ST]LIT 14 4541D

Section BBahagian B

120 marksl120 marlcahl

Answer any one question from this section.Jowab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

(a) Describe the mechanism of rusting.Your description should include the followings:

Huraikan melmnisma Pengaratan'Hur aian anda hendakl ah mengandungi p erlrar a-p erkar a b erikut

o a labelled diagramrajah berlabel

o half equations that take place at the positive terminal(the edge of water droplet) and the negative terminal

setengah persamaan yang berlaku pada terminal positif

(pada hujung titisan air) dan terminal negatif'l7 marksl

[7 marknh]

(D) Explain three methods to prevent rusting.Teranglmn tiga kaedah mencegah pengaratan.

13 marksl13 marlmhl

(c) Three clean iron nails were coiled with different metals, P, Q and R. They were placed in

thrce separate test tubes as shown in the Diagram 7.Tiga paht besi yang bersih telah dililit dengan logam P, Q dan R . Ketiga-tiga paht

besi telah dimasukkan ke dalam tiga tabung uji yang berasingan seperti yang

ditunjukkan dalam Raiah 7.

Iron nail Iron nailPaku besi Paku besi

Metal P Metal QLogam P Logam Q

Jelly solution * potassium hexacyanofenate (trI) solution + phenolphthalein

Larutan jeli + larutan potassium hel<sasianofeftat(Ill + fenolftalein

Diagram 7Rajah 7

pihat sebelahST]LIT



r ' 15

Table 7 shows the observations obtained after a few days.Jadual 7 menunjukknn pemerhatian yang diperoleh selepas beberapa hari.


Test tubeTabung uji



More blue andpink colourationssurrounded theiron nail.Banyak warnabiru dan merahjambu kelihatandi sekelilingpalat besi.

Pink colourationsurrounded theiron nail.

Warna merahjambu kelihatandi sekeliling palatbesi.

A few blue andpink spotssunounded theiron nail.Sedikit tompokbiru dan merahjambu kelihatandi sekelilingpaku besi.

(t) Explain why there is a difference in observations for every test tube A, B and C.Terangkan mengapa terdapat perbezaan dalam pemerhatian bagi setiap tabung ujiA, B dan C.

(ii) Arrange in ascending order the electropositivity of metals P, Q, R and iron.Susun secara menaik keelehropositifan logam n Q, R dan besi.

ll0 marlcsl|0 marlmhl

[Lihat sebelahSI]LIT


t : - -r : l

ST]LIT L6 4541n

R.Table 8 shows the proton number and nucleon nunrber of atom of elements Q and R

Jadual 8 menunjuklmn nombor proton don nombor nukleon bagi atom unsur Q dan

Atom proton ntrmbernombor proton

nucleon nunbernombor nukleon

0 9 l9

R 6 L2Tiable 8

Jadual 8

(a) G) Write the electron arrangement of atoms Q and R.

Tuliskan susunan electron bagi atom Q dan R.

f2 marlal

12 markahl

G) State the ntrmber of neutons and number of electons in atom Q.

Nyatalwn bilangan neutron dan bilangan elehron bagi atom Q'[2 marks]

12 markahl

(b) The reaction between Q and R forms a compound.

Describe the formation of the compound .

Tindak balas di antara Q dan R menghasilkan satu sebatian.

Hurailran pembentulan sebatian itu'18 marlal

18 narkahl

(c) State tlre change of the reactivity of Group 1 and Group 17 elements in the Periodic Ti$le

wtren going down the grouP.Explain yorrr answer.Nyatakan perubahan kereahifan unsur-unsur kumpulan

Jadual Berkala (Jnsur apabila menuruni kumpulan.Teranglcan j aw apan anda.

I dan lrumpulan 17 dalam

l8 marlnl[8 marlwhl

[Lihat sebelahST'LIT4541n

SIJLIT l7 4'4tn

Section CBahagian C

120 marksl120 markahl

Answer any one question from this section.Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

9 (a) Sals are widely used in various fields.Name one exttmple of salt and state its uses in each of the following fields:Garam digunakan secara meluas dalam pelbagai bidang.Berikan satu contoh garam dan nyatakan kegunaannya dalam bidang berihtt:


(ii) food preparationpenyediaan makanan

(if medicineperubatan

16 marksl16 markahl

(b) Describe how to prepare salt from copper @ sulphate solution.Terangkan bagaimana menyediakan gara.m daripada larutan hryrum(Il) sulfat.

14 marksl14 markahl

(c) You are required to prepare dry zinc sulphate salt.The chemical substances tlrat are provided:Anda dikehendaki menyedialcan garam zink sulfat yang kering.Bahan-bahan kimia yang dibeknlkan:

zinc nitrate solutionlarutan zink nitrat

sodium carbonate solutionI arut an natr ium kar b o nat

Dilute sulphuric acidAsid sulfurik cair

necessary apparatusradas yang sesuai

By choosing the correct substances and apparatus, describe a laboratory experiment toprepaxe dry zinc sulphate salt.In your description, include chemical equations involved.

Dengan memilih bahan-bahan dan alat radas yang betul, huraiknn satu el$perimenmakmal untuk menyediakan garam zink sulfat yang kering.Dalam huraian anda, nyatakan persomaan-persamaan kimia yang terlibat.

|0 marlal|0 markah|

[Lihat sebelahSI]LIT


SI,]LIT 4541n

10 (a) What is the meaning of

0 exothermic reaction(i) endothermic reaction?State the energy content of the reactants and products for both reaction.

Apakah Yang dimalaudknn dengan(i) tindak balas eksotermik(ii) tindak balas endotermik?Iiyatapnn lcandungan tenaga bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas bagi kedua-

dua tindak balas.14 marksl

14 marlmhl

(b) Diagram 10 shows an ener5r level diagram for a chqnical reaction.

Rajah I0 menunjukknn gambar rajah aras tenaga bagi satu tindak balas kimia.


State four informations that can be obtained from the enersf level diagram.

Nyatalwn empat maklumat yang dapat diperoleh daripada gambar raiah aras tenaga

itu.14 narksl

14 marlwhi

(c) Describe a laboratory experiment to determine the heat of combustion of a named alcohol.

Your explanation strould include tlre followings:Huraipan satu el<sperimen makrnal untuk menentukan haba pembakaran suatu alkohol

yang dinamaknn.Penerangan anda perlu mengandungi perkara berihtt:

o of exPerimentProsedur el<sPerimen

o ResultKeputusan

o CalculationPengiraan

ll2 narkslll2 narlwhl


[Lihat sebelahSI]LIT


AH=+xkJmol ' r

Diagram 10Rajah I0


SULIT 19 4541n


l. This question paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.Kertas soalan ini menganduytsi tiga bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B dan Bahagian C

2. Answer all questiozs in Section A. Iil'rite your answers for Section A in the spaces providedin the question paperJa'wab setnua soalan dalam Bahagian A. Tulis jawapan bagi Bahagian A dalam ruang yangdisediakan dalam kertas soalan ini.

3. fuiswer one question from Section B and one question from Section C. Write your answers forSection B and Sectioin C on the lined pages at the end of the question paper. Ansner questionsin Section B and Section C in detail. You may use questions, diagrams, tables, gfaphs and othersuitable methods to explain your answer.Jawab satu soalan daripada Bahagian B dan satu soalan dari Bahagian C. Tulis jnvapanbagi Bahagian B dan Bahagian C pada helaian tambahan yang dibekalkan oleh pengcMaspeperiksaan. Javtab soalan dalam Bahagian B dan Bahagian C dengan terperinci. Andaboleh menggunaknn persamaan, rajah, jadual, graf dan cara lain yang sesuai untukmenjelaskan jawapan anda.

4. Show your working. It may help you to get marks.Tunjulrlran kerja mengira. Ini membantu anda mendapatkan rnarkah.

5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer.Sekiranya anda hendak menular jm'vapan, batalkan dengan kcmas jmtapan yang telahdibuat. Kemudian tulis jawapan yang baru.

6. The diagrams in the question are not drawn to scale unless stated.Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengihtt skala kpcuali dinyatakan.

7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets.Marlrah yang diperuntuklcan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalamhtrungan.

8. The time zuggested to answer Section A is 90 minutes, Section B is 30 minutes and Section Cis 30 minutesMasa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab Bahagian A ialah 90 minit, Bahagian B ialah30 minit dan Bahagian C ialah 30 minit.

9. You may use a non-progarnmable scientific calculator.Anda dibenarlwn menggunakan kalhtlatur sainti/ik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examinationSerahlran kertas jawapan anda diaWtir peperiluaan.




454u3ChemisfiKertas 3PeperiksaanPercubaan20091% hours









One hour and thiny minutesSatu jam tiga puluh minit


1. Tuliskan NAMA dan AITIGKA GILIRANanda pada ruang yang disediakan.

2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa

3. Soalan di bahagian atas adalah dalambahasa Inggeris dan di bahagian bawahadalah dalam bahasa Melavu.

4. Calon dibenarlmn menjow-ab keseluruhanatau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalambahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Melayu.

J. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat dihalaman belalwng kertas soalan ini.

Kegunaan Pemeriksa



Markah Diperolehi

I 33

2 t7



Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 8 halaman bercetak

[Lihat sebelahSTJLIT

SI]LIT 4541/3

A shrdent has canied out an experiment to compare the hardness of bronze wittr its pure metal,copper.The experiment was canied out according to the following steps:

Seorang pelajar telah menjalanlmn satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan kekprasan gangsadengan logam tulennya, htprum.Eluperirnen itu dijalankan rnengihtt langkah-langkah berihtt:

Step ILangkah I

Step 2

Langkah 2

Step 3Langkah 3

Step 4

Langkah 4

Step 5

Langkah 5

Step 6

Langkah 6

Cellophane tape was used to stick a steel ball bearing onto the copper block.Pita selofen digunakan untuk melekatkan bebola keluli di atas bongkahkuprum.

A one-kilogramme weight was hanged at a height of 50 cm above the ball bearingas shown in Diagram 1.1Pemberat satu kilogram digantung pada.ketinggian 50 cm di atas bebolalreluli itu seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.1

The weight was dropped so that it hit the ball bearing.Pemberat itu dijatuhlcan supaya menghentam bebola keluli tersebut.

The diameter of dent made on the copper block was measured and the readingwas recorded.Diameter lekuk yang terbentuk pada bongknh kuprum diukur dan bacaanrryadirelndkan.

Step I to step 4 was repeated twice on the other parts of the same copper blockin order to obtain the average diameter.Langkah I hingga 4 diulang sebanyak dua kali lagi atas bahagian lainbonglmh htprum yang sama untuk mendapatkan purata diameten

Step I to step 5 was repeated by replacing the copper block with the bronzeblock.Langlmh t hingga 5 diulang dengan menggantikan bongkah htprum denganbonglrah gangsa.



Steel ball bearingBebola keluli

Copper block

Diagram 1.1Rajah 1.1

[Lihat sebelahSI]LIT


Blok kuprum


Dent ILetuk I

Dent ILetuk I


Diagmm 1.2 shows the shape of dents formed for theRajah L2 menunjukkan bentuk lelruk yang terbentuk bagi eksperimen itu.

Steel ball bearingBebola keluli

Cross section viewPandangan sisi

Copper blockBonglrah htprum

Top viewPandangan daripada atas

Diagnm 1.2Rajah 1.2

Diagram 1.2(a) shows the top view of dents for the tluee results on the copper block.Rajah 1.2(a) menunjuklan pandangan atas lefuk bagi tiga keputusan yang terhasil di atasbonglah htprum.

Dent IIILetuk III

Dent IIILetuk III

Diameter : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm


Dent IILetuk II

Diameter : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm Diameter : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm Diameter : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm

Diagram 1.2 (a)Rajah L2 (a)

Diagnm 1.2(b) shows the top view of dents for the three results on the bronze block.Rajah 1.2(b) menunjuklmn pandangan atas lelatk bagi tiga keputusan yang terhasil di atasbonglrah gangsa.

Dent IILelatk II

nDiameter : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm Diameter : . . . . . . . . . . . . . cm

Diagram 1.2 (b)Rajah L2 (b)

By using a rulel measure the diameter of dents and record in the spaces provided.Dengan menggunakan pembaris, uhtr diameter lelwk dan catatkan pada ruang yangdisediakan.

13 marksl13 narkahl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT



(D) Construct a table to record the diameter of dents formed on copper block and bronze blockBina satu jadual untuk merelad diameter lefuk-lefuk yang terbentuk pada bonglahhtprum dan bongkah gangsa.

[3 marlcsl[3 markahl

(c) Calculate the average diameter of dents or\Hitungknn nilai purata diameter lefuk pada,

G) Copper blockBonglcah htprum

(i) Bronze blockBongkah gangsct

[3 marksl13 markahl

(d) G) State one obsenration that can be obtained from this experiment .Nyatakan satu pemerhatian yang dapat diperoleh daripada eksperimen ini

13 marksl13 marlcahl

G) What is your inference based on yow answer in (d) (i) .Apalwh inferens anda berdasarkan javvapan anda dalam (d)(i).

13 narksl[3 marlwh]

pihat sebelah$ruT


$ruT 4541/6

(if Explain your drswer in d(ii) according to the arrangement of particles in the mdedals.Teranglcan jawapan anda dalam d(ii) berdasarkan susunon zarah-zarah dolambahan-bahan itut.

13 marksl[3 markahl

For this experiment, strate :Bagi elrsperimen ini, nyatalwn :

0) The manipulafed variableP embol e hub ah dimanipul as i lan


(ii) The variableP embolehubah bergerak balas

(iii) ltrc fixed variableP embolehubah dimalarlmn

13 marlcsl13 markahj

(l) (D State one hypothesis for this experiment .Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.


13 marksl13 narkahl

Based on Diagmm 1.2, state the operational definition for this experimentBerdasarlran Rajah 1.2, nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi eksperimen ini.

13 marksl13 narlahl

[Lihat sebelahST]LIT


sutlT 6 454u3

G) The following,is a list of substances: ,Berihtt ialah serarai beberapa bahan :

Classify these substances into alloy and pure metal.Kelaslwn bahan-bahan ini lcepada aloi dan logam tulen.

[3 marksl13 marlwhl

(h) The experiment is repeated by using 500 g weight to replace one-kilogram weight .Predict the average diameter of dent on copper block.Elaperimen diulang dengan menggunakan pemberat 500 g bagi menggantikan pemberatsatu kilogram.Ramallwn purata diameter lefuk di atas blok htprum.

[3 marlal13 marlwhl







4s4tB ll,ihat sebelahSI]LIT

ST]LIT 7 454u3

Concentation of ions in tlre electolyes affect the product ofelectrrolysis of an aqueous solution.

Kepelratan ion dalam eleltrolit mempengaruhi hasil dalamelelctrolisis suatu larutan ahteus

Plan a laboratory experiment to investigate ttre effwt of concentation of chloride ion on the selectivedischarge at the anode.

Rancang satu eksperimen makrnal untuk mengkaji kesan kepekatan ion klorida dalampemilihan nyahcas pada anod.

Your plaming should include ttre following aspects :Perancangan anda hendaklah nengandungi aspek-aspek' berilafi:'

(a) Statement of the problemPernyataan masalah

(6) All the variablesSemua pembolehubah

(c) Statement of the hlpothesisPernyataan hipotesis

(ra) List of substances and apparatusSenarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure of the experimentProsedur eksperimen

(fl Tabulation of dataPenjadualan data

ll7 markslll7 narlwhl


[Lihat sebelahSIJLIT


t .




This question paper consists of two questions : Question 1 and Question 2.Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua soalan : Soalan I dan Soalan 2.

Answer all questions. V/rite your answers for Question I in the spaces provided in this questionpaper.Javtapan semua soalan. Tulis jawapan anda bagi Soalan I pada ruang yang disedialundalam lrertas soalan ini.

Write your answer for Question 2 on the 'helaian tambatran'provided by the invigilaton. Youmay use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answers.Tulis jmtapan anda bagi Soalan 2 dalam helaian tambahan yang dibelcallcan oleh pengawaspeperilrsaan. Anda boleh menggunakan persamaan, rajah, jadual, graf dan cara lain yangsesuai untuk menjelaslwn ianapan anda.

Shows your working, it may help you to get ma*s.Tunjulrlran lrerja mengira, ini membantu anda mendapatlan markah.

The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated.Rajoh yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengilafi slrala kBcuali dinyataknn.

The marla allocated for each question or sub-part of a question are shown in brackets.Marlrah yang diperuntuklran bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan dituniuklan dalamkurungan.

If you wish to change your answer, cross out the answer that you have done. Then wite downthe new answer.Jila anda hendak menular javtapan, batallan jawapan yang telah dibuat. Kernudian tulisjawapan yang baru.

You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.Anda dibenarknn menggunalwn kalhtlator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

You are advised to spend 45 minutes to answer Question I and 45 minutes for Question 2.Anda dinasihati supaya mengambil masa 45 minit untuk meniavtab Soalan I dan 45 minituntuk Soalan 2.

Hand in your answer sheets at ttre end of the exammination.Serahlan kprtas jawapan anda di akhir peperiksaan.









SULIT 4s4It3





4541/3 SULIT


SOALAN JAWABAN26 c27 B28 A29 A30 B31 A32 B33 D34 D35 C36 D37 C38 B39 D40 A4l c42 B43 D44 C45 B46 C47 B48 D49 C50 B

SOALAN JAWABAN1 D2 B3 A4 A5 A6 B7 B8 A9 C10 C11 Dt2 B13 Bt4 C15 Cl6 ct7 A.18 Dt9 D20 A2l D22 C23 A24 A25 C



No Answer MarkI (a) (i) A


hydrophobic // hydrocarbon

an anionic // hydrophilic



(ii) B // hydrophilic I

(iii) Calcium / calcium ion llmagnesium / magnesium ion I

(b) (D Lechitin I

(ii) prevent an emulsion from separating out llmixwater and oil I

(iiD Mono-glycerides // di-glycerides, I

(c) (i) Antidepressant I

(ii) Respiratory diffi culties, sleeplessness, coma, death I

Total 9

(i) Atoms of the same element which contain same proton number butdifferent nucleon number // Atoms of the same element which containsame number ofproton but different number of neutrons

(ii) Estimate the age of fossils

t2 14cl l c

662Mg + Oz

- 2MgO

-correct formulae of reactants and products - I



-coffect number of shells and number of electrons for Me andO-1mark-correct charges for Me and O - I mark


Total 9

aJ (a) (i) wllx I

(ii) - W is added into sodium carbonate/any metal carbonate statedin a test tube,

- Gas released turns lime water cloudy// - magnesiumlzinc is added into W in a test tube,- gas released gives a'pop' sound with a liehted splinter

l+ l

(iii) w I(b) (i) Sodium hydroxide I

(ii) 2NaOH + HzSO+ --+ Na2SO4 + 2H2O- Correct formulae of reactants- correct formulae of products- Balanced equation

l+ l+1

(iii Y 1Total 9

4 (a) ldraw an affow from zinc to copper through wirel I(b) zinc ll Zn 1(c) Chemical ) electrical I(d) Copper(Il) ion 1(e) (i) copper is deposited on the cathode// positive terminal

1(ii) Cu'*+2e)Cu I

(f) (i) The reading increases.// accept any suitable figure more than 1.8 I

(ii) In electrochemical series, magnesium is located higher thanzinc.The distance between magnesium and copper is further compareto the distance between zinc and copper, so the voltage increases.


(e) Zn+gu" t Zn" +Cu- Correct formulae of reactants and products


Total l0

) (a) A substancawhich alters the rate of chemical reaction I

(b) 1. Functional di2.Label



I tt-P

(c) 7-n + HzSO+ ZnSO+ +- Correct formulae of reactants- correct formulae of products

rh l+1

(d)1. Correct number of mol of sulphuric acid

0.1 x 25.0 ll 0.00251000

2. Conectthe ma:rimum volume

0.0025 x24 ll 0.06 dm3 ll0.0025 x24000 ll 60 cm3



(e) (D Experiment I.

40.0 ll 0.2222 cm's-r180

- Conect answer with unitI

(ii) Experiment II

52.0 ll 0.2889 cm3 s-r180

- Correct answer with unitI

(iii) The average rate of reaction for experiment II is higherthan experiment I.Catalyst reduce the activation energy.More colliding particles are able to achieve the loweractivation energy to increase the frequency of effectivecollision.



Total t2


6 (a) Addition reaction / hydration i'eaction I

(b) Phosphoric acid I

(c) 1,2 - dichloropropane // dichloropropane I

(d) CzHsOH + 5Oz) 2COz + 3HzO2

or2C2HsOH+5Oz) 4COz + 6HzO

- Correct formulae of reactants- correct formulae of products

l+ l

(i) Propanol / propan-l-ol

HH Ht t l

Fl-c-c-c-oHt l lHH H



'l J' ,l





(iD purple to colourless. I

(0 Ester I

Total 11



7 (a)

Negative terminal/lanode : Fe ) Fe2* + 2ePositiveterminaVlcathode: 02 *2HzO +4e ) 4OH-iron(I[) ions produced combined with the hydroxide ionsto form Fe(OH)z / iron(Il) hydroxideFe(OH)z is oxidized by oxygen to form rust / Fe2O3 x.H2O




(b) (D usingprotective coating : oil/ paintlplastics I galvanizingltin plating

(iD Alloying : stainless steel - carbon * chromium + nickel(iii) Sacrificial protection. - iron is attached to the sacrificial metal

which is more electropositive than iron

-Correct method with example aJ



7 (c) (i) Potassium hexacyanofenate(Ilf solution - detect the presenceof iron(Il) ions by giving the blue colour

Phenolphthalein - detect the presence of OH' ions by giving thepink colour.A : - Iron (II) ions are formed and OH- ions are formed

- Iron is oxidized to iron(Il) ions.- Metal P is less electropositive than iron

B : - No Iron(II) is formed / and OH' ions are formed- Iron does not rust. Metal Q is oxidized thus metal Q ismore electropositive than iron

C : A liule Irons (II) are formed I and OFf ions are formed.Iron is oxidized. Metal R is less electropositive than iron

(ii) P< Iron < R < Q // P, Iron, R, Q







Total 20


8 (a) (i) l.The electron arrangement of atom Q:2.7112,72.The electron arrangement of atom R:2.4112.4


(ii) l.The number of neutrons in atom R is 62.The number of electrons in atom O is 9


o) 1.Q and R form covalent bond.2.Atom Q has an electron arrangement of 2.7112,73.Atom R has an electron arrangement of 2.4112,44.To achieve the stable electron arrangement, [atom] R

shares electrons with [atom] Q.5.One [atom] R contributes 4 electrons.6. Each [atom] R contributes one electron.7. [Atom] R shares four of its valence electrons each with 4

atoms of Q8. molecule with the formula RQa.


6@ [c):E

Notes : points 4,7 and 8 can be obtained from the diagram





(c) For group I elements.1. Going down the group ,atomic size increases//the

valence electron becomes further away from thenucleus

2. Forces of attraction between the protons / nucleus andthe valence electron becomes weaker.

3. It is easier for the atom to donate / release the valenceelectrons.

4. The reactivity increases down the group //

Reactivity increaseslN4ore reactive

Lithium, S odium,Potassium,Rubidium,Caesium,Francium//Li , Na, K, Rb , Cs , Fr

For Group 17 elements.l.Atomic size increases when descending the group //thevalence electrons become further away from nucleus.2. Forces of attraction between the protons / nucleus and thevalence electrons become weaker3.It is more difficult for the atom to accept lgainheceiveelectrons.4.The reactivity decreases down the Group //










Reactivity increases/\4ore reactive


max 8Total 20

No. Answer Markse (a) (D CuSOe // FeSO+ llHgCl - used as pesticides to destroy pests l+1

2(ii) Sodium chloride - to add flavour to food // .

Sodium hydrogen carbonate - used in baking cakes and breadsl+1

2(iii) calcium sulphate sesquihydrate - used to make cernent casts to

encase fractured bones.Barium sulphate - used on X-ray plates to identify tumours inthe intestines.(Accept other relevant answers)


(b) - heat the solution until a saturated solution is produced.- cool it to the room temperature- filter the crystal formed- dry the crystal by pressing it with the filter paper.


4(c) Pour [20-100]cmi of zinc nitrate solution@

beakerAdd [20-100]cm3 of sodium carbonate solution [0.1-1.0]mol dm-3Filter the mixturePour [20-100]cm3 dilute/[0.]-1.0]mol dm-3 sulphuric acid into a beakerAdd the residue/precipitate into the acid until in excessStir and filter the mixtureHeat the filtrate until saturated I ll3 of original volumeCool the saturated solutionFilter and dry the crystalZn(NO3)2 + Na2CO3 + ZnCOt + 2NaNOrZnCOt + HzSO+ + ZnSO+ + HzO + COz

max 10

Total 20



No. Markine Scheme Mark

l0 (a) (i) l.Exothermic reaction is a reaction that releases heat to thesurroundings.

Z.The energy content of the products is lower than the energycontent of the reactants.

(ii) l.Endothermic reaction is a reaction that absorbs heat from thesurroundings.

2.The energy content of the products is higher than the energycontent of the reactants.

(b) 1. P reacts with Q to form R and S.2. P and Q are the reactants while R and S are the products.3. . Heat energy is absorbed llThe reaction is endothermic.4. Total energy content ofproducts/ R and S is higher than total

energy content of reactants / P and Q.5. l molof Preactswith I molQto from l molRand l mol S,

x kJ energy is absorbed


Max(c) Procedure:

l. I name of alcohol ] eg: methanol/ethanol/propanol/butanol.2. [50 - 250 cm']of water is measured by using a measuring

cylinder and is poured into a copper container.3. The copper container is placed on a tripod stand.4. The initial temperature of the water is measured and recorded.5. A spirit lamp containing I alcohol ] is weighed and recorded.6. The spirit lamp is placed directly below the copper container.7. The wick of the spirit lamp is lighted.8. The water is stirred using thermometer.9. When the temperature of water increases by about [30 "C ], the

flame is put off and the highest temperature reached is recorded.10. The spirit lamp is weighed again.

Result :10. Initial temperature of water = tr oC

Highest temperature of water: t2 oC

Increase in temperature : ( tr -tz) oC: T oC

11. Mass of lamp and [alcohol] before combustion : firr gMass of lamp and [alcohol] after combustion : trrz EMass of [alcohol] burnt = (mr - mz) g

Calculation:12. Number of moles of [alcohol] = (mr-JItt = n

molar mass of [alcohol]

13. Heat change =250x4.2x T = Q J

14.Heatofcombust ion=- Q Jmol-r l l -Q kJmol- ln nx 1000 t2

Total 20



0.9,0.8,0.9 aJ

l(b)Diameter of dent / cm

I ll lllCopper t .4 1.5 1.3Bronze 0.9 0.8 0.8


1(c) Average diameter

(i) Copper : 1.4 + 1.5 + 1.3 : 1.4 cmJ

(ii) Bronze 0.9 + 0.8 + 0.8 = 0.8 cmJ


1(d) (i) The size / diameter of dents on bronze block are smaller thanthe size / diameter of dents on copper block llThe size Idiameter of dents on copper block are bigger than the size /diameter of dents on bronze block.

(ii) Bronze is harder than copper ll Copper is less harder thanBronze

(iii) The orderly arrangement of atoms in copper enables thelayers of atoms to slide on one another when force isapplied.llIn bronze, the presence of atoms of other metals that are ofdifferent sizes disturb the orderly arrangement of atoms inthe metal and its reduce the layer of atoms from sliding.




1(e) (i) Different types of materials (copper and bronze)(ii) Size / diameter of dent(iii) Size / diameter and mass of steel ball bearing // height of the

weight // mass of the weightaJ

l(0 (i) Bronze is harder than copper ll Copper is less harder thanbronze

(ii) When the size / diameter of dent is smaller. the materialharder




l(e)Pure metal Alloy

Iron, Chromium, Tin Steel, Brass, Pewter


lft) Less than 1.4 cm aJ


OUESTION SAMPLE AI\SWER SCORE2 (a) How does the concentration of chloride ion/solution. affect the

product at the anode / electrode? aJ

2(b) Manipulated variable : Concentration of chloride ion / solutionResponding variable : Ion discharged / product ( at the anode )Fixed variable : Type of electrolyte lltype of electrode //

duration of electrolysis


2(c) When the concentration of chloride ion is higher, then thechloride ion will be dischareed a


2(d) Substances : 1.0 mol dm-'of chloride solution.0.001 mol dm'3 of chloride solution

(Any chloride solution : eg, Hydrochloric acid , Potassiumchloride, Sodium chloride )

Apparatus : Batteries, carbon electrodes, connecting wires withcrocodile clips, electrolytic cell, test tubes,litmus paper and wooden splinter.


2(e) Procedures :

(1) An electrolytic cell is filled with 1.0 mol dm-3 of chloridesolution until it is half full.

(2) The carbon electrodes is connected to the batteries by usingconnecting wires.

(3) Two test tubes is filled with chloride solution and inverted toboth of the electrodes.

(a) Gas produced at the anode is collected and the gas is testedwith moist litmus paper and glowing splinter.

(5) The observations are recorded in the table.

(6) Steps I to 5 are repeated by using 0.001 mol dm-3 chloridesolution to replace 1.0 mol dm-' chloride solution 3


1.0 mol dm'' ofchloride solution

0.001 mol dm-'ofchloride solution
