
Anugerah slam adalah anugerah Allah SWT yang tidak ternilai. Islam adalah cahaya yang menerangi hidup manusia untuk keluar dari kegelapan hidup tidak beriman. Islam adalah pembimbing jiwa menuju kebahagiaan sebenar. Islam juga adalah pemandu hidup bermasyarakat untuk keluar dari kesempitan dan keresahan jiwa ketika berdepan dengan berbagai ujian. Malangnya kejahilan dalam mengenali Islam menjadikan kita tertahan untuk melihat Islam sebagai nikmat dan anugerah yang berharga. Ibnu Taimiyah menegaskan: “Keahaman yang shahih dan niat yang baik adalah sebesar!besar nikmat Allah s.w.t ke atas hamba"ya. #ahkan tidak ada anugerah yang lebih baik dan mulia selepas Islam melainkan kedua!duanya. Kedua! duanya merupakan betis kepada Islam. Islam tertegak di atasnya dan dengannya se$rang hamba terselamat dari jalan!jalan $rang!$rang sesat yang mempunyai keahaman yang r$sak. #eliau termasuk dikalangan $rang!$rang yang diberi nikmat ke atas mereka% mempunyai keahaman dan niat yang baik. Mereka berada pada jalan yang lurus yang diperintahkan agar kita mem$h$n dari Allah s.w.t agar &ia menunjuki kita jalan yang lurus dalam setiap s$lat. Keahaman yang shahih merupakan cahaya yang dicampakkan $leh Allah s.w.t kedalam hati hamba"ya menyebabkan beliau b$leh membe'akan di antara yang shahih dan asid% hak dan bathil% petunjuk dan kesesatan% penyelewengan dan kebenaran dan(..) . I *


Koleksi artikel Islami berkaitan Islam sebagai Nikmat

Transcript of Anugerah


Islam adalah anugerah Allah SWT yang tidak ternilai. Islam adalah cahaya yang menerangi hidup manusia untuk keluar dari kegelapan hidup tidak beriman. Islam adalah pembimbing jiwa menuju kebahagiaan sebenar. Islam juga adalah pemandu hidup bermasyarakat untuk keluar dari kesempitan dan keresahan jiwa ketika berdepan dengan berbagai ujian. Malangnya kejahilan dalam mengenali Islam menjadikan kita tertahan untuk melihat Islam sebagai nikmat dan anugerah yang berharga. Ibnu Taimiyah menegaskan:

Kefahaman yang shahih dan niat yang baik adalah sebesar-besar nikmat Allah s.w.t ke atas hambaNya. Bahkan tidak ada anugerah yang lebih baik dan mulia selepas Islam melainkan kedua-duanya. Kedua-duanya merupakan betis kepada Islam. Islam tertegak di atasnya dan dengannya seorang hamba terselamat dari jalan-jalan orang-orang sesat yang mempunyai kefahaman yang rosak. Beliau termasuk dikalangan orang-orang yang diberi nikmat ke atas mereka, mempunyai kefahaman dan niat yang baik. Mereka berada pada jalan yang lurus yang diperintahkan agar kita memohon dari Allah s.w.t agar Dia menunjuki kita jalan yang lurus dalam setiap solat. Kefahaman yang shahih merupakan cahaya yang dicampakkan oleh Allah s.w.t kedalam hati hambaNya menyebabkan beliau boleh membezakan di antara yang shahih dan fasid, hak dan bathil, petunjuk dan kesesatan, penyelewengan dan kebenaran dan.. .


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CONTENTSPengenalan Page 1

Kesempurnaan Nikmat Allah SWTMukasurat Islam Sebagai Ad DeenMukasuratIslam Sebagai PenyelesaianMukasurat

Kesempurnaan Nikmat Allah SWT


If you have a scanned photo of your family, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

Nikmat Allah S.W.T. yang sebenarnya diberikan kepada hamba-hambaNya yang taat patuh kepada-Nya semata-mata, di setiap masa dan tempat.

Dasar kita adalah satu sahaja. Dasar inilah yang perlu kita bawa dan hayatinya di mana-mana sahaja, iaitu: Kita Tidak akan mengabdikan diri kepada Ilah-Ilah (tuhan-tuhan) yang lain selain Allah S.W.T..

Hal ini sebenarnya telah kabur di dalam masyarakat kita seluruhnya. Oleh yang demikian dasar tersebut perlulah diproses lain bagi melahirkan pengabdian yang sebenarnya. Oleh yang demikian kita perlu membentuk diri kita sebagai manusia yang berjiwa bersih yang benar-benar menghayati Islam sebagai satu nikmat dan anugerah dari Allah SWT. Untuk itu kita perlu melalui satu proses yang berterusan dan betul. Kita perlu mencarii Murabbi (pendidik) yang benar dan ikhlas yang boleh mendidik kita dengan satu didikan yang benar dan syumul serta menjadikan dirinya sebagai contoh amali kepada Islam itu sendiri. Kita juga perlu mencari persekitaran yang benar-benar akan member kita kekuatan untuk istiqomah (berterusan) di atas kebenaran Islam.

Dengan cara ini barulah kesempurnaan nikmat Allah S.W.T. kepada kita itu dapat dirasai. Barulah disedari bahawa nikmat Allah S.W.T. tidak terkira. Ketahuilah bahawa Allah S.W.T. sebesar-besar punca kenikmatan.

Bagi mereka yang mengetahui persaudaraan mu'min, mereka akan berusaha untuk menghayati Islam, di tengah masyarakat yang leka dengan cara hidup kebaratan dan bebas ini. Menghayati Islam dalam setiap tingkah laku kita akan melahirkan satu keperibadian Islam contoh yang menjadi bahan binaan bagi tertegaknya satu ummat Islam sebenar.

Untuk itu kita perlu kepada kesabaran. Kita perlu sabar ketika berdepan dengan ujian dan tekanan yang menghalang kita untuk menghayati Islam sebagai satu cara hidup.

Sikap sabar yang melahirkan natijah yang sebenarnya, hanya akan lahir melalui Tarbiyyah (pendidikan) Imaniyyah yang jelas. Bila ini kita hendak lakukan, kita perlu melihat dan merujuk kepada rangka perjuangan Islam yang pertama dahulu.

Hal ini telah dijelaskan oleh asy-Syahid Sayyid Qutb dalam kitabnya, Mu'alim Fi at-Tariq. Tidak lain contoh bagi kita yang ingin menghayati Islam selain dari Ummah yang telah dibentuk oleh Rasulullah S.A.W..

Dalam rangka kita mengejar nikmat Allah S.W.T. ini, sikap kasihan perlu ada. Kita kasihan terhadap mereka yang terikut-terikut melakukan munkar. Kasihan melihat manusia yang masih mendewa-dewakan makhluk ciptaan Allah S.W.T.. Mereka yang masih melakukan apa yang Allah S.W.T. larang dan meninggalkan apa yang Allah S.W.T. perintahkan itu, patut kita kasihani.

Atas dasar kasihan inilah kita perlu bertindak merubah, menolong serta membantu mereka agar tidak meninggalkan kemungkaran lagi. Punca kemungkaran itulah perlulah kita hancurkan.

Bagi mereka yang mendewa-dewakan makhluk itu kita jelaskan tentang pengertian (konsep) makhluk itu. Bahawa makhluk itu bukan untuk didewa-dewakan, perlulah dijelaskan kepada mereka. Inilah pengakhiran kasihan kita kepada mereka.

Tiada kerehatan bagi kita dalam memperkatakan Islam ini. Kita mesti terus mengenengahkan perintah Allah S.W.T. dan meninggalkan laranganNya.

Sekiranya kita ditentang oleh pendokong kemungkaran, kita perlu menghadapinya dengan penuh persediaan. Rintangan yang dicipta oleh mereka perlulah kita pecahkan. Di sinilah perlu kita mamahami mereka dengan sebenar-benarnya. Kita juga perlu menilai kekuatan yang ada pada kita, iaitu kekuatan Iman.

Iman yang kuat lagi padu ini tidak boleh kita dapati melalui ceramah yang bersemangat semata-mata. Ini juga tidak lahir melalui ilmu yang banyak tanpa amal. Iman yang berfungsi ini hanya akan lahir melalui satu program Tarbiyyah Islamiyyah yang tulen.

Untuk melalui Tarbiyyah Imaniyyah yang tulen, perlulah kita merujuk kepada al-Quran dan as-Sunnah serta sejarah para sahabat dalam seluruh perkara dan ketika.

Bahan-bahan rujukan ini sangat perlu kita tetapkan. Jika lari dari bahan-bahan rujukan ini ketulinan tidak akan deperolehi. Pun begita jika campurkan bahan-bahan Tarbiyyah dalam peringkat pembentukan natijahnya akan kabur.

Setelah kita dapat melatih diri kita dalam program Tarbiyyah Islamiyyah yang tulen ini, dengan bahan-bahan yang jelas barulah dapat kita mengenali yang mana patut dikasihani dan yang mana pula pendokong kemungkaran. Ketika ini barulah kita boleh mengatur langkah penyeruan Islam.

Di sini jelaslah Tarbiyyah Islamiyyah Sohihah itulah yang akan menentukan kita dapat atau tidak kenikamatan yang telah Allah S.W.T. sempurnakan untuk kita. Pernyataan ini telah berlalu 14 abad yang lalu dan akan terus tetap hingga hari qiamah. ia tidak akan berubah. Kitalah perlu merubah apa yang ada pada diri kita untuk memenuhi kehendakNya bagi memperolehi kenikatan yang hakiki.

Renungilah Firman-Firman Allah S.W.T. yang berikut sebagai panduan untuk kita dalam hal ini:

1. Terjemahannya:-

Bagi manusia ada malaikat-malaikat yang selalu mengikutinya bergiliran, di muka dan di belakangnya, mereka menjaganya atas perintah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum itu sehinggalah mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka. Dan apabila Allah menghendaki keburukan terhadap sesuatu kaum, maka tidak ada yang dapat menolaknya, dan sekali-kali tidak ada pelindung bagi mereka selain Dia. "(Surah ar-Ra'd: ayat 11.)



" Dan kamu tidak membalas dendam dengan menyiksa kami, melainkan kerana kami telah beriman kepada ayat-ayat Tuhan kami ketika ayat-ayat itu datang kepada kami. (Mereka berdoa) : Ya Tuhan kami! Limpahlah kesabaran kepada kami dan wafatlah kami dalam keadaan kami menyerah diri (kepada-Mu). "(Surah al-'Araf: ayat 126.)



" Tatkala Jalut dan tenteranya telah nampak oleh mereka, merekapun berdoa : Ya Tuhan kami! Limpahlah kesabaran kepada kami dan kukuhlah pendirian kami serta tolonglah kami terhadap orang-orang kafir. "(Surah al-Baqarah: ayat 250.)



" Hai anak-anakku, pergilah kamu, maka carilah berita tentang Yusuf dan saudaranya dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Bahawa sesungguhnya ia tidak berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, melainkan kamu yang kafir. "(Surah Yusuf: ayat 87.)



" Ibrahim berkata : Tidak yang berputus asa dari rahmat Tuhannya, kecuali orang-orang yang sesat."(Surah al-Hijr: ayat 56.)

Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Page Subhead 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Page Subhead 1 style. Use the Page Text style for paragraphs like this. If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

FATHERS STORYIf you have a scanned photo of your father, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

H E A D I N GIf your father has written his life story, type or copy it here. A lot of what makes you who you are comes from your parents, so their story is also your story.Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Page Subhead 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Page Subhead 1 style. Use the Page Text style for paragraphs like this.If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

MOTHERS STORYIf you have a scanned photo of your mother, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

H E A D I N GIf your mother has written her life story, type or copy it here. A lot of what makes you who you are comes from your parents, so their story is also your story.Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Page Subhead 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Page Subhead 1 style. Use the Page Text style for paragraphs like this.If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

MY PARENTS COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGEIf you have a scanned photo of your parents as bride and groom, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

H E A D I N GWhats more fun than learning about how your parents met, courted, and married? Get them to tell the story with all of the little details, and then include it in this section.Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Page Subhead 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Page Subhead 1 style. Use the Page Text style for paragraphs like this. If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

MY BROTHERS AND SISTERSIf you have a scanned photo of yourself and your brothers and sisters, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

H E A D I N GAh, those childhood days, when you fought with your siblings one moment, then vigorously defended their honor the next. Use this section to describe each of them, the fun times you had, the nice things they did, and maybe even the fights.Insert headings as needed. The heading above uses the Page Subhead 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Page Subhead 1 style. Use the Page Text style for paragraphs like this. If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

MEDICAL HISTORYThe more you know about the medical history of your ancestors, the easier it is for doctors to diagnose health problems that you might have. Also, keeping records of immunization is essential for school transfers, traveling abroad, and some jobs. Use the table below to record such information as major illnesses, vaccinations, surgery, and family deaths.To add new headings to the table, select and copy the entire rows of existing headings, then paste them into the table at the location you want.If you would like to clarify any of the information contained in the table, use these paragraphs to do so. Otherwise, delete them.



First illness, surgery, immunization, etc.Date of eventName the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

First illness, surgery, immunization, etc.Date of eventName the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.



First illness, surgery, immunization, etc.Date of eventName the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

Second illness, surgery, immunization, etc.Date of eventName the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.



First illness, surgery, immunization, etc.Date of eventName the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

Second illness, surgery, immunization, etc.Date of eventName the illness, type of surgery, or type of immunization.

FAMILY TRADITIONSIf you have a scanned photo that shows you enjoying one of your family traditions, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

H E A D I N GMost families create traditions over time. Some traditions are handed down from generation to generation, others are chosen because they seem like good ideas, and others just happen that at first you might not even realize that you've started one.Traditions can include special holiday activities, trips you take regularly, yearly visits to relatives, religious ceremonies, and so on. Use this section to write about the things that your family does regularly that are important to you.Type a heading for each tradition. Write about the tradition and why it is important, how it got started, and any other information you would like to include. The heading above uses the Page Subhead 2 style. For subsequent headings, use the Page Subhead 1 style. Use the Page Text style for paragraphs like this.If you have pictures to go with your stories, insert them as appropriate.

MILITARY SERVICEIf you have a scanned photo of a member of your family or of an ancestor in uniform, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with information about when and where the picture was taken, and anything else that is interesting or important.

N A M EService number:Type here.Rank:Type here.Fill in the information for each person. Use this paragraph as an introduction, or delete it. Most governments create and maintain extensive records and documents that you can access for the information you need. Also, talk to other members of your family.DATEINDUCTEDBRANCH OFSERVICE




Type any stories or additional information here. To add more individuals, select the headings, paragraphs, and table above, then copy and paste them on the page below.

HEIRLOOMSDoes your family have special objects that have been passed down through generations? Are you collecting special objects that you want to give to your family members someday? Describe each item, where it came from, and who it is going to. Replace this paragraph with an introduction for the section, or delete it.I T E MIf you have a scanned photo of the item, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. To add other items, select the item heading and this table, copy them, and paste them on the page below.

SPECIAL EVENTSThe Complete Story


his part of the book is designed to give you a place to fill in all of the details of family gatherings, weddings, vacations, and any other event you want to describe.

Use these paragraphs to write an introduction for this section, or delete them if you want.

FAMILY GATHERINGS AND REUNIONSIs your family one that gets together often? Do people come from across the nation or from other countries for reunions? Or do you just have quiet get-togethers now and then? Whatever the case, these gatherings can be important events and great places to learn more about your family.


L o c a t I o n

D a t e

If you have scanned pictures of the event in question, insert them into the cells above. Or you can paste photos on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with a description of the event and anything interesting that happened.Describe the pictures you have inserted, note the date and place they were taken and any other information. To add other events, select the event headings and this table, copy them, then paste them below.

VACATIONSWhere do you go when you want to get away? Do you head for the hills and solitude, or are you attracted by the bright lights of the big city? Wherever you go, the stories will make interesting reading for your descendants. In this paragraph, describe your vacations in general, what you liked to do the most, and how you planned them.


D a t e

If you have scanned pictures of your vacation, insert them into the cells above. Or you can paste photos on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with a description of the vacation where you went and what you did. Include any interesting events. Describe the pictures you have inserted, note the date and place they were taken and any other information. To add other vacations, select the headings and table, copy them, and then paste them below.

WEDDINGSYouve already recorded your parents wedding now think of how great it would be to read about your grandparents or even your great grandparents wedding. As you write about the other weddings that are important in your life, you will be providing just such an opportunity for your descendants.


L o c a t I o n o f w e d d I n g

D a t e

If you have scanned from the wedding, insert them into the cells above. Or you can paste photos on the page after printing. In this paragraph, describe the pictures you have inserted, note the date and place they were taken, or any other information.

H E A D I N GAs you write about the wedding, insert headings to highlight and organize your information. Describe the service, who officiated, who attended, and what the bride wore. List the gifts, record the toasts, and so on. To add other weddings, select the headings, table, and paragraphs, copy them, and then paste them below. If you want to start each wedding on a new page, position the insertion point in the paragraph below and press CTRL+ENTER.

RELIGIOUS EVENTSIf you have an active religious affiliation, then you probably take part in events that you will want to record. Describe individual events, the program, who participated, your special memories and feelings.


P e r s o n o r p e r s o n s p a r t I c I p a t I n g

D a t e

If you have a scanned photo of the item, insert it into the cell to the left. Or you can paste a photo on the page after printing. Replace this paragraph with a description of the picture, the date it was taken, the place, or any other information about it. To add other events, select the event headings and this table, copy them, then paste them in the paragraph below.


f you have scanned pictures, insert them into the following pages. You can also paste photographs on the pages after printing. If the boxes on the pages are not the size you want, use the Table menu commands to resize, merge, or delete them. To create additional pages in any section, select the contents of an entire page, insert a new page, and then paste the copied text and tables into the new page. You can insert a new page at any place in the document by pressing CTRL+ENTER.Use these paragraphs to write an introduction for this section, or delete them if you want.


Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

If you have scanned pictures of yourself, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page after printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click Merge). To create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below. PHOTOS OF MY FAMILY

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc..Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

If you have scanned pictures of your family, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page after printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click Merge). To create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below. PHOTOS OF MY ANCESTORS

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, vDescribe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

If you have scanned pictures of your ancestors, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page after printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click Merge). To create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below. OTHER PHOTOS

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.Describe the picture, who is in it, where and when it was taken, etc.

If you have scanned miscellaneous pictures you want to include in your book, insert them in the cells above, or paste pictures on this page after printing. For wider pictures, merge two or more cells (select the cells and, on the Table menu, click Merge). To create additional pages, select this page, copy it, and then paste it below.