Sekitar Perpu.vlukuulI BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL ACTIVITIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA* u\ DAIILl.\ 1,\1,\\1. " ABSTRAK Aktiviti kowalan bibliogr aji di Asia Tenggara lelah bermula sejak awed kunm ke J 7 di Indonesia dan kurul1 ke 19 di Thailand, wa/aupun di negara-negara lain hanya bermula se/epas larikh lersebut. Peperangan dan fasa pe rkemhangcm negara ya ng berheza adalah punco lel:iadinyajul'ong perbe::aan da/om perkembcmgan perpllsrakaal1 di negara-negara Asia Tenggara. NATIONAL LIBRARIES ESTABLISHMENT m y 1964, on ly s ix o ut o f the twe lve co untries of Southeast Asia had fo rma ll y estab lished thei r national libraries. These cou ntries were Burma, Khmer Republic , Tha il and, No rth Vietnam , South Vietnam and Singapore. The ot her remaining co un- tries had libraries designated to function partially as national libraries. By 1974, nati ona l libraries had been estab li shed in a ll sove rei g n Southeast Asian states except Indonesia. I To date , Brunei st ill does not have a national Iibrary though Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka is currently act in g as a National Library and carry- ing out a few of its functions. The National Library of the Phi Iippines, Nat ional Library of Singapore and the Nat ional Library of Laos function both as a na- ti onal and a pub li c library. According to the data from the Database on Legisla- tion Relating 10 National Libraries Ihrot/ghoul Ih e World! undel1aken by the Lenin State Library for I FLA there were six Asian countries without relevant legislation. Th ey are Afghanistan, Bhutan, Ca mbo- dia, Laos, Mya nmar (then Burma ) and Nepa \. All the Southea st Asian co untri es except Myanmar, Cambo'- dia and Laos, had their na ti onal libraries esta blished through their respec tive le gislation. The funct ions of th ese national libraries are si milar to those fun ct ions set out by I fLN except for nat ional Iibraries of Laos and Sin gapore. In many Southeast Asian countrics, national library act iv iti es are r egu l ated by a specific law or a govern - mental decree w hi ch state the objectivcs and func- tions of the national librar y. As f or Malaysia , its na- ti onal library was establ ished through the National Lib/'CiryAcI 1973 (AcI8 0) which was later ame nel ed in 1987 (A667) to e nh ance its o bj ec ti ves and fu nc- tio ns. The I'residenlial Decree No. II was pa ssed in 1989 fo r the establ is hment of th e Nat io nal Libraryof Ind ones ia . The Na ti onal Library incorporated four librari es within the Ministry of Education and Cul- ture, one of w hi ch. the Ce ntral Muse um Library. Such a fo rm of legislative regulation of national library activities is also used in cases where the nat ion a l li- brary is part of another in stitutions as the Nat ional >I< Paper distr ibuted at th e International Conference on National Bibliographic Serv ices. Copenh agen. 25-27 November 1998 . .. Li brarian. Tec hnica l Services Division, P erpusttlkaan Ncgara Malaysia. I Anuar, Il edwig. The plann ing of nat ional libraries in Southeast Asia. In : Iss lies in SOlllileasl Asian Iibrarial1ship. Gower: Infornultion Pub., \985 , p. 3-22. 2 Bagrova, L. Y. Database on legislation rela ting to national libraries throughout the world. IFLA Journal 16(3), p. 336-342. 3Syl ves ter , Gu y. Gu idel ines for national libra ri es. Paris: Unesco, 1 987. ( PG 1-87/ wsJ 17) G=====================================-= Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia



Sekitar Perpu.vlukuulI


u\ DAIILl.\ 1,\1,\\1."


Aktiviti kowalan bibliograji di Asia Tenggara lelah bermula sejak awed kunm ke J 7 di Indonesia dan kurul1 ke 19 di Thailand, wa/aupun di negara-negara lain hanya bermula se/epas larikh lersebut. Peperangan dan fasa perkemhangcm negara yang berheza adalah punco lel:iadinyajul'ong perbe::aan da/om perkembcmgan

perpllsrakaal1 di negara-negara Asia Tenggara.



my 1964, on ly s ix o ut o f the twe lve countries • o f Southeast Asia had forma lly estab lished

thei r national libraries. These countries were Burma, Khmer Republic, Tha iland, North Vietnam, South Vietnam and Singapore. The other remaining coun­tries had libraries designated to function partiall y as national libraries. By 1974, nationa l libraries had been estab li shed in a ll soverei gn Southeast Asian states except Ind onesia. ITo date, Brunei st ill does not have a national I ibrary though Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka is currently act in g as a National Library and carry­ing out a few of its functions. The National Library of the Phi I ippines, Nat ional Library o f Si ngapore and the Nat ional Library of Laos function both as a na­tional and a publi c library.

According to the data from the Database on Legisla­tion Relating 10 National Libraries Ihrot/ghoul Ihe World! undel1aken by the Lenin State Library for I FLA there were six Asian countries without re levant

legis lation. They a re Afghanistan , Bhutan, Ca mbo­dia, Laos, Myanmar (then Burma) and Nepa \. All the Southeast Asian countries except Myanmar, Cambo'­dia and Laos, had the ir nati onal libraries establi shed through their respective leg islatio n. The funct ions of these national libraries are similar to those funct ions set out by I fLN except for nat ional I ibrari es o f Laos and Singapore.

In many Southeast Asian cou ntrics, nati o nal library act iviti es are regu lated by a specific law or a govern­mental decree whi ch state the objectivcs and func­tions of the national library. As for Malaysia, its na­ti onal library was establ ished throu gh the National Lib/'CiryAcI 1973 (AcI80) wh ich was later ameneled in 1987 (A667) to enh ance its obj ecti ves and fu nc­tio ns. The I'residenlial Decree No. II was passed in 1989 fo r the estab l ishment of th e Nat ional Libraryof Indones ia. The Nati ona l Library incorporated four libraries within the Mini stry of Education and C ul­ture, one of which. the Central Museum Library. Such a fo rm of legis lative regulati on of natio nal library activities is also used in cases where the nat ional li­brary is part of another in stitution s as th e Nat ional

>I< Paper distributed at the International Conference on National Bibliographic Services. Copenhagen. 25-27 November 1998 . .. Librarian. Technical Services Division, Perpusttlkaan Ncgara Malaysia.

I Anuar, Iledwig. The plann ing of national libraries in Southeast Asia. In : Iss lies in SOlllileasl Asian Iibrarial1ship. Gower: Infornultion Pub., \985, p. 3-22.

2Bagrova, L. Y. Database on legislation relating to national libraries throughout the world. IFLA Journal 16(3), p. 336-342.

3Sylvester, Guy. Gu idel ines for national librari es. Paris: Unesco, 1987. (PG 1-87/wsJ 17)


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Library of Cam bodi a whi ch func tion s w ithin the Ministry of Culture, Cambodia. As for Singapore, the establi shment of Singapore National Library Board whi ch is a part of the National Library Services was through the Nat ional Library Board Act J995.


The nati onal library s ituatio n in Southeast Asia var­ies from country to country . The more deve lop coun­tries have their nati o na l libraries belte r cquipped and financially ca pab lc to ca rry out their devel opment. The National Library of Vietnam whi ch was started in 19 17, known then as the Bibliotheque Centrale of I ndoch i na su ffered because ofthe war and the I 8 years of total trade embargo imposed by the United States. The US Trading with the Enemy Act empowered the pres id ent to ban "buying, se llin g, trading to other­wise co nducting business with the enemy or any al­lay o f the enemy".' This made programmcs of book and information exchanges especially from the Un ited States d iffic ult and expens ive as these mate ri als had to be channe led through a third party which o lien took more than a year before arriving in Vietnam.

The Nat ional Library o f Cambodia also suffered badly undcr the Khmer reg im e and a complcte trade em­bargo imposed by the United States. Much of its na­t iona l heritage was lost and destroyed during the war. Major libra ri es and a rchives were closed ; their ho ld­ings partially destroyed with the other part of their co ll ect ions he ld in in stitutions outside the co untry.s T he Nationa l Library of Laos a lso rcceived insuffi­cient budget fro m the governm ent and has to depend on donati ons fro m foreign governm ents and interna­tional organisations. Apart from the national librar­ies mentioned above the national librari es o f Malay­sia, S in gapo re, Indones ia, Philippines and Thailand are better developed wi th well o rgan ised library programmes .

Sel&illlr PerplI'iltllt.lIllll


The national libraries of Malays ia, Singapore, Indo­nes ia, Vietnam, and the Philippines act as lega l de­pos itory cente rs of all I ibrary materials publ ished in the ir own respective countries, w ith the pass ing of thci r own legal deposit act. Only Cambodia has not passed any lega l deposit act depri v ing its own Na­tional Library o f a comprehensive natIOnal co llec­tion.

Malays ia seemed to be more fort unate than some of its neighbours excluding Singapore and Indones ia, in te rms of the legal provisions for the depos ito ry of library materials to the national li brary. The Preser­vatioll of Books Act which was passed in 1966 but was late r repea led by the Deposit of Library Mate­rial Act. 1986 (Act 331) designated Perpustak aan Negara Malays ia as the so le Legal Depository Cen­tre for the nati on. Under th e Act, publi shers are re­quired to depos it 5 copies of printed material s and 2 cop ies of non-printed library material s to the Nationa l Depos itory Centre.

Und e r the National Library Board Act 1995 of Sin gapore, Si ngapore National Bibliography acts as a cente r for lega l depos it whi ch makes it compulsory fo r two copies o f library mater ial s published in S ingapore to be deposited with the Board.' In Indo­nesia, as ea rl y as the 17th century, there was an Act imposcd on publ ishers of the Neth erlands East Indies to submit a copy of their latest publications to the li brary to th e National Museum Library. ' During the World War II , the Japanese Co lo nia l Government (1942-1 945) sent their publications to the Museum Library. They consisted mostly of Indonesian mate­rials , in add iti on to several newspapers and j o urnals printcd in Japanese. However, it was only in 1990 that the Deposit Act No. 411990 for Printed and Re­corded Material s came into being which made com-

• 1 Gould. Sara and Judy Watkins. From palm kavcs to pes : library dcvclop11lt:nt in Southeast Asia. Boston Spa : IFLA Pub., 1995. ' Eng. Po. "The si tuation or lile library field in Cambodia: a coulltry report" paper presented at the IFLNUI3C IM Seminar on Bibliographic

COl1trol. Kuala Lumpur, 9· 12 March 1998 . I. Filu:t.iah Ibrahim. SILAS fhe national bihliograpJJlc database and l1e/work of Sillgapore : cowlfry report. Paper presented at the lFLAI

UIlClM St:minar on J3ibliographic Control. Kuala Lumpur. 9-12 March.199R. 1 Rachmananta. Dady. IJibliographic cOl1lro/lhrollgh fhe Illdonesian Ala/iOllal Library Sy.ffcm . country report . Paper prc~cntcd at the JFLA!

UDCIM Seminar on Bihliographic Control, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March. 1998.

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. SeM/ar Perpus/akaun

pulsory that two copies of every new title produced by the national publishing in dustry andlor bearing a nationa l imprint should be submitted to and depos­ited at the Nat ional Library.

In Brunei, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar the s itua­tions are rather different. In Brunei, which still have no national I ibrary of its own, the Preservalion of Books Act, 1967 empowers the Brunei Museums in­stead of the Dewan Bahasa and Pustaka Brunei , to collect and preserve three cop ies of all local publica­tions published in Brunei. In Laos, Thailand and Myanmar, the national libraries are not the deposi­tory centres of library materials and have not been designated the lega l deposit laws. The National Li­brary of Laos whose major function is to comp ile and publish the nati ona l bibliography has no direct access to the deposited publications. The Department of State Publi shing, Di stribution, Library and Sign, which is responsible for publishing, printing and book d istribution has also been designated as the govern­ment depository house. It has been issued a tempo­rary legal depository regulati on requestin g all pub­lishers to send their publications to the Nat ional Li­brary. Prior to thi s, between 1975-85, a ll rules and regulations establi shed for contro lling printing ma­teri als inc luding depos it law, were abolished. The Natio nal Library of Thailand acquires library mate­rials through the provisions of the Press Act BE 2484 (A.D. 1941) and the Cabinet Resolution urgin g all government offi ces and state enterprises to send cop­ies of all their publications to the nati ona l library. In Myanmar, the Printers and Publishers Registration Act, promulgated in 1962, empowered the National Library of Myanmar to receive one copy of any printed material published in the country. Every pub­li sher has to present a copy of each publication to the Press Security and Registration Division and the of­fice has to forward this copy to the national library. The authorities concerned will also enforce th e act. The Copyright ACI, enacted in 191 I, accorded to the National Library of Myanmar the privilege of access­ing one lega l depos it copy of every publication in Myanmar, but since its promulgat ion there has been I ittle enforcement.

Cambodia is the only country of Southeast Asia that have no lega l depos it Act. The Legal Deposit and

Copyrighl ACI is sti ll being drafted by the lega l au­thori ties with the assistance of the Nat iona l Library of Cambodia .


Through the co ll ection of national im prints and en­actment oflegal deposit laws, nat iona l bib l iographies are to be compi led and publi shed. However, not all national li brar ies of Southeast Asia publi sh nationa l bibliographies. Some published national bibliogra­phies are also not current and not comprehensive in

its coverage. Most nat ional libraries, exc luding na­tionall ibraries of Ma laysia, Indonesia, Singapore and the Phi lipp ines only cover books in their national bib­liographies.

ational Library of Myanmar, Cambodia and Viet­nam do not publi sh their nat ional bibliographies due to the lack offunds and difficul ties in the implemen­tation of the legal deposit laws. The compi lation of the Myanmar National B ibliography for the post-in­dependence period (1948-1996) is still in its plan­ning stage. However, some retrospective dissertations

and bibliographies on bibliography of books pub­li shed in Myanmar fro m 1920-1955 have been com­piled.

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, pub li shes the Malay­sian National Bibliography which li sts al l mater ial s publi shed in Malays ia, deposited at the National Li­brary of Malaysia under the Deposit of Library Ma­terial Act 1986. The last printed ed iti on is 4th quarter 1990. Since then retrospect ive compilation of Ma­lays ian Nat ional Bibliography 1967-1988 in C D­ROM for mat has a lso been produced. Bibliographic records for materi als publi shed from 1989 onwards is access ibl e fro m ou r database.

In In donesia, the task of coll ecti ng a ll printed mate­ria ls publi shed in the country was carried out by the Nati onal Museum Library as early as during the Dutch co lon ial period from the 17th century to j ust before the sta rt of 2nd World War. It was taken over by the Nationa l Bibliography Centre in earl y 1950s. It col­lected and li sted the imprints in Monthly News from 1953 to 1962 with an annual cumul at ive ed iti on. The


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Monthly News changed its name to Bibliografi Nas iona llndo nesia in 1963 and its frequency from month Iy to quarterly. The three qualterly issues o f one year were then cumulated with the fourth quarter editi on to for m the annual edition. This cumulative ed iti on was late r abando ned due to budget constraint leav ing the publication to be published quarterl y.

Bibli og rap hi c co ntro l activities in Thailand was started as ea rl y as 1882. The first bibliography pro­duced by the Nat iona l Library of Thailand was the Catalogue of the Books of the Roya l Vaj iranana Li­brary publ ished in 1882. The bibl iography contained 6,564 foreign book entri es. However, the first Na­tional Bibliography of Thailand was on ly publi shed in 1958. In 1967. the first retrospective bibliography for the period 1962- 1967 was published followed by the seco nd retrospective bibliography of 1968-1973 in 1981. In 1987, with the cooperation of 16 maj or I ibrari es in Thailand, the computeri sed National Bib­liography was publishcd covering publications up to 1975.

The Nat iona l Lib rary o f Lao PDR has published its first national bibliography covering books published from 1967-1974. Another projectto compile and print the Nationa l Bibliography of Laos fro m 1975-1990 has not been carri ed out due to lack of fund.

In Brunei, although the Preservation of Books Act was passed in 1967, the Brunei Museum's Library was o nl y ab le to publi sh a retrospective national bib­I iography covering 1967-1991, in 1996.


Presently, on ly Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and the Nati onal Library Board of Singapore have pub­li shed Nati ona l Bibl iographi es on C D-ROM whil e Indonesia n National Library is st ill preparing theirs. However, as have been mentioned earlier in thi s pa­per, the National Bibliography on CD- ROM pub­li shed by Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia is a repro­duction from print format of records covering th e years 1966- 1988 and perhaps later records from 1989-1993. As for Singapore. its national bibliography was first produced on CD-ROM since 1993 which superseded the

SeAilar PerplI.'t/lIkatlll

print versions. Since 1993, the Singapore National Bibliography is produced in CD-ROM format. The production of the CD-ROM is cumulative and up­dated se mi-annually.


The most common reSOllrce sharing of information of I ibraries in Southeast Asia is the inter-I ibrary loan o f library materials. It allows participating libraries to share library resources irrespective of their loca­ti ons w ithin the country. National libraries in South­east Asia carry out thi s function and act as liai son centre to other l,ibraries in their own respective coun­tries.

To encourage free flow of information, libraries in Southeast Asia carry o ut resource sharing of infor­mati on in the form of library consoltia, inter-library loan or networking. Library consortia involve coop­erating cataloguing projects between libraries. The nati o nal libraries of the Philippines, Malaysia, S ingapore, Indonesia and Thailand have carried o ut these projects.

In the Philippines, the DOST-ES EP library network was set up to prov ide member libraries an integrated library system that they can be use and at the same time accessed through their networks. The Natio na l Library of Philippines has also set up its own Public Li brary Network (PUBLlN) which is the automation program of the Nati onal Library which include the National Bibliographic services program and the co llecti on program.

Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia together with five university libraries and the Nanyang Technicallnsti­tute in S in gapore carried out a shared computeri zed cataloguing project in an effort to develop a central­ized union cata logue system in 1978. This project resulted in the creation of a Union Catalogue Data­base of consortium libraries, the National Union List of Serials and the Malaysian National Bibliography. Thi s MALMARC project ended in 1990 when mem­ber librari es decided to have their own integrated li­brary system. However each library had downloaded their record s from MALMARC databases to their own database wh ich in turn enable libraries to share their


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_ SeAila, Pe,puslak(l(lI/

catalogue databases via Internet o r Te lnet facilities. The Perpustakaan Negara Malays ia also, together with Malaysian Inst itute of Microelectronics system (M I MOS) jointl y undertake an R &D project ca lled JARlNGAN ILMU to estab li sh a national infonna­tion network system. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia a lso acts as the main body and coordi nator. In fo rma­tion available consists of bibliography, fulltext and multimedia, access to e-mail , electronic file transfer,

remote access and on- li ne Docu mcnt Delivery Sys­tem.

A network of bibl iographic database was estab li shed with the sett ing up of the Singapore Integrated Na­tiona l Library System (SI LAS). S I LAS was conceptuali sed out ofa proposal from the Sub-Com­mittee on Lib ra ry Automati on (SCOLA) which worked under the wings of the Jo int Stand ing Com­mittee of the Library Association of Singapore (LAS) and the Persatuan Perpustakaan Ma lays ia (Library Assoc iation of Malaysia). One of the projects ident i­fied was the National Bibliographic Database Project. Among the major objectives ofSI LAS are to deve lop the national bib liograp hi c database, prov ide co-op­erative onl ine shared cataloguing services and faci l i­tate co-operative acq uisition and interlibrary loan serv ices. SILAS makes avai labl e a database conta in­ing the cata loguing records of over 7.8 milli on tit les of monographs, audio-visual materia ls, computer files etc. Through its network, SILAS links most major public, academic , special a nd commcrc ia l organisation libraries as well as book vendors in Singapore. Its 44 loca l member li bra ri es use the Na­tional Bibliographic Database for online reference searches, bibliographic verificat ions and copy cata­loguing.

In Indones ia, an informal nationa l in formation net­work compri s ing of libraries special ising in certa in su bject areas, started to emerge in the early 1970s.ln addition, an integrated nat ional library system was set up for the development of libraries, compris ing of the nati ona l librari es, regional li braries, pub lic li­brari es, schoo l libraries, university libraries and spe­c iallibraries. To date, there are about 23 library net­work systems available w ith the nationa l library as the coordinator and secretariat of the network .

Laos and Myanmar are us ing CDS/IS IS for its computeri sation project. There is no library network­ing as yet. However, in Myanmar, the Central Bio­medica l Library, Depattment of Medica l Research (CBLl DMR) in the field of medicinc, ha s a lready formed a cooperative network among med ical librar­ies i.e HELLIS (Health Literature Library and Infor­mation Services) assisted by World Health Orga ni sati on (W HO). Indexes of arti cles frommedi­ca l journa ls and literature and union li sts ofa llmedi­ca l librar ies· ho ldi ngs are being comp iled and dis­sem inated to other li braries.

The Natio na l Library of Vietnam, has established databases to facilitate the sharing of information. Database SACH (BOOKS) includes all V ietnamese books received through Legal deposit from 1986 on ­wa rds. Database SVI IC (Retrospective conversion books) of all Vietnamese books published before computerizat ion of National L ibrary of Vietnam in

1986. Thc national Library is a lso working on the "Cont ro ll ed vocabu lary" and Vietnam MARC specification as a standa rd to be imp lement ed by other libraries in Vietnam.

In Thai land, Thai Natio na l Information System (THAI NAT IS), a national bibl iographic database network was also created consist ing of six member

libraries specia li si ng in specific fields such as agri­cu lture, medical science and humanities, to fac ilitate exchange of informat ion and resources. The National Library of Thai land acts as the Secretarial of THAI NATIS.



In suffic ient funds and resources are the important factors whi eh causes disparity between natio nal li ­braries of Lao PDR, Myanmar and Cambodia to na­t ional l ibraries of Malays ia, Singapore, Tha il and and Philippincs. These countries received very litt le bud­get from the govern ment and have to depend on do­nation from foreign government and international

orga ni sati on. For this reason, library cooperat ion and resou rce shari ng in the form of networking cannot be

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carried o ut even tho ugh there are plans to implement this programme.


Not al l nati ona l lib ra ri es are able to ca rry o ut comp ute ri satio n of thcir b ibliographica l records as budget allocations a rc onl y spent o n purchasing of li bra ry materials. Even if th e donations rcceived were in the fonn of PCs and equ ipment. there would not be enough budget for maintainencc. National librar­ies of Lao PDR. Cam bodia and Myanmar a re unable to create databases peliaining to their col lections.


As have bcenmcnt ioned above, there are st itlnational libraries witho ut legal deposit law. For th is reason, comprehens ive nat ional bibliographies have not been com pi led. Nat iona I and cu ltural heritage of a particu­lar cou ntry cannot bc docu mented and preserved for future generati ons. In Laos, between 1975-85, the government abo li shcd the deposit law and prevented the Il atio llal li brary from publishing the national bib­liography as it was bclieved that those materia ls might contain con fid cnt ia l info rmat io n. Enforc in g and imp lementing the act is another hassle that nat ional libraries have to enco unter. Some publishers are un­awares on th e ex istence of legal deposit laws. Pub­li shers too are often reluctant to dcpos it their publi­cations to the na ti onal li brari es free of charge.


There is little uniformity in bibliographic description of data especially in countri es which have many dia­lects. In Laos for example, although Engli sh, French and V ietnamese a re spoken, there are another 60 dia­lects being spoken by the minority groups. The com­puter software uscd in the nati ona l libra ry cannot ac­co mll1 odate Laos font and has to be transliterated into Roman scripts before being input into the computer.

In M yanll1 ar, the non- sta ndard isation of trans litera­tion rules of Myan mar scripts fo r b ibliographi c work

SeMlar PerplISla"lIIl11

made it d iffi cult for the national library to compi le nati ona l bibliography. At present, computer software use for bib liographic records is not able to index and retrieve materials in M yanmar language.

In Ma laysia , Perpustakaan Negara Malays ia is expe­riencing difficulties in doclimenti ng materials in Jawi

scripts using computers as there is no computer soft­ware that accommodate this script s. Bibliographic data in .Iawi scri pts has to be tran sliterated into Ro­man scrip ts before inputting into the database.


The deve lopment of nati onal libraries in Southeast Asia varies between the more developed and the less developed countri es. Nationa l li brari es, espec ia lly in cou ntri es which were suffer ing from the aftermath of war or oppress ive political system are still strug­gli ng to plan and implement library programmes. Gencrall y, nati onal libraries do not receive the same priority as that given to other serv ices especially edu­cation, health and public work . Insuffi cient funds and resources and the lack of enforcement of Legal Depos it laws a re some of the problems whi ch hin ­dered national I ibrary development. Despite various setbacks, these national li bra ri es are making consid­erab le efforts to recover, conserve, compile and guard its nat ional heritage and at the same time, making it accessible to their users. In v iew of thi s, there is a need to increase cooperat ion and resource shar ing of

information between the national li braries of South­east i\sia. National libraries in Southeast Asia wh ich are more advanced in technology and resources

sho uld , together with IFLA, pl ay the lead ing role in organi s in g cooperati ve proj ects espec iall y on biblio­graphi c contro l activities. It is hoped that with the " Plan of Action" (A ppendi x) agreed upon at the end of the IFLA/ UBCIM Regional Seminar o n Biblio­graphic Contro l held in Kuala Lumpuron 9-12 March 1998, bibliographic control acti v ities in Southeast Asia will be ab le to move forward and improve fur­ther.

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Abd. Ta lip Haji Tassim. Bibliographic cOl'llrol in Brunei Darussalam: a brief survey ~fpublished materials. Paper presented at the I FLAJUBCIM Seminar on Bibliographic Contro l, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March , 1998.

Abu Bakar Haji la ina !. Brunei libraries in national development. In : Papers and proceedings oflhe Tenth Congress of Southeast As ian Librarians, Kuala Lumpur, May 1996. Kuala Lumpur: CONSA L X, 1996, p. 17-25.

Anuar, Hedwig. Issues in Southeast Asian librarianship. Hampsh ire: Gower Publi shing, 1985.

Anuar, Hedwig. The National Lib/'Gly ~f Singapore 1958- /983. In: Proceedings of a Conference on Na­tional and Academi c librari es in Malaysia and Singapore. Penang, March 19 74. Penang : Persatuan Perpustakaan Malaysia and Library Association of Singapore 1975.

Chan, Fook Weng. Lib/'Gly development in Singapore: counlly report. In : Papers and proceedings of the Tenth Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians, Kuala Lumpur, May 1996. Kuala Lumpur: CONSAL X, 1996, p. 71-82.

Da Tominez, Leonila. Bibliographic activities in the Philippines: a counlly /'eporl . Paper presented at the IFLA/UBCIM Seminar on Bibliographic Contro l, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March, 1998.

Dahlia laina l and Far idah la inal Abiddin. Bibliographie control activities in Malaysia. Paper pre­sented at the I FLA/UBCIM Sem inar on Bib li ographic Control, Kuala Lumpur, 9- 12 March, 1998.

Detmahinh Souphanh. Bibliographic control in Lao PDR: a cOllntry report. Paper presented at the IFLA/ U BCIM Sem inar on Bibliographic Control, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March, 1998.

Eng Po. The sitllation olthe IibrGlyfleld in Cambodia : a counlly report. Paper presented at the IFLAI UBCIM Sem inar on Bibl iographic Contro l, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March , 1998.

Fauziah Ibrah im . SILAS the national bibliographic da/abase and network of Singapore: a country report. Paper presented at the I FLA/U BCI M Seminar on Bibliograph ic Control, Kuala Lum pur, 9-12 March, 1998.

Gould , Sara and Judy Watkins, eds . From palm leaves to PCs : library deve lopment in Southeast Asia. Boston Spa: I FLA Pub. , 1995

Hardj oprakoso, Mastini. Library development in Indonesia a cou ntry rep0l1. In: Libraries in nationa l deve l­opment. Papers and proceedings of the Tenth Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians, Kuala Lumpur, May 1996. Kuala Lum pur : CONSAL X, 1996.

Horton, Warren. Cooperation in the Asia/Pacific region. ALEXANDRIA 5(3), p.159-160, 1993.

Malaysia. Deposit of Library Materials Act, 1986

Ma lays ia. National Library (A mendment) Act 1987 (Act A 667)

Malaysia. National Library Act 1972.


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Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia


SeAittlf PerplistuliUlIII

Mandoza-Bolos, Adaracion. Philippine libraries in national development: a coulltry report. In : Papers and proceedings of the Tenth Congress of Southeast Asian Librar ians, Kuala Lumpur, May 1996. Kuala Lumpur : CONSAL X, 1996. p. 57-70.

Mya 00, Daw. Nat ional bibliographic control activities ill Myanmar : a country report. Paper presented at the I FLA/UBC I M Sem inar on Bib liographi c Contro l. Kuala Lumpur, 9- 12 March , 1998.

Nguyen, Thi Kim Loan. Bibliographic control in Viefl1am: computerization, cooperation and network: a county report. Paper presented at the IFLA/UBC IM Seminar on Bibl iograp hi c Contro l, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March, 1998.

ali Mohamad. cd. Form ulating a Nationa l Po licy for Library and Information Services: the Ma laysian experien ce. Petaling Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 1988.

i'erpustakaan Negara Malays ia. Profi Ie of National Libraries in Southeast As ia. Kuala Lumpur: Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, 1997

Rachmananta. Dady. Bibliographic cOlltrol through the Indollesian National LibrOlY System. Paper pre­sented at the IFLA/UBC IM Semi nar on Bibliograph ic Control, Kuala Lumpur, 9-12 March, 1998.

Rothman. F. K. Trad in g wi th the enemy: Vietnamese libraries and the U.S. embargo. American Libraries 24( 1), p. 86-87,1993.

Salimah Abdu l Rahman and Ad ibah Ahm ad Rafae. Cataloguing and tre({(ment oj materials wriften m Jawi : experiences oj Malaysia. Paper presented at the I FLA/UBC IM Seminar on B ibliographic Contro l, Kua la Lu mpur, 9-12 March , 1998.

Sin gapore. Library 2000 Review Co mm ittee. Library 2000 : investing in a learn ing nation , Singapore: SNP Pub. , 1994.

Supanee Ouyporn . Nat ional bibliographic control activities in Thailand a country report. Paper presented at the I FLA/UBC IM Seminar on Bibliographic Control, Kuala Lumpur, 9- 12 March, 1998.

Tairas, J .N. B. Bibliographic control di Indonesia. Ill : Moc htar. Kustiniyati. Sosok pribadi unik Mastini Hardjoprakoso. Jakalta : Yayasan Kawedri , 1994. p. 162-174.

Thara Ka naka man i & Prachark Wattannusi!. LibrOlY and injormation in Thailand: a country report. In : Papers and proceedi ngs of the Tenth Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians, Kuala Lumpur, May 1996. Kuala Lumpur: CON SAL X, 1996, p. 83-89.

Thara Kanakamani . National Library Services in Thailand. In: Conference papers on National Library of Thailand. Bangkok: National Library, 1992. p. 103-109.

Thara Kanakamani . The National LibrCilY oj Thailand 's role in the library cooperation . Ill : Conference papers on Nati ona l Library of Thailand. Bangkok: Nationa l Library, 1992. p. 85- 102.

Voogt, Leo. Va luab le connect ion-mutua l benefits: IFLA and the network ing of library and information professionals. [PLA Journal 25(2), p. 54-64, 1994.

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Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia


I FLAfUBClM Regional Seminar On Bibliographic Control

9 -12 March 1998

Plan of Action

Sekltar Perpustakaall


Sem inar delegates and participants from a lithe countries in the Southeast Asian reg ion strongl y urge that the fo llowin g Plan of Action be undertaken :

J. Legal Deposit

I. All governin g bodies for National LibrarieslNational Bibliographic Agencies of Southeast Asia must take steps to ensure th ere is a legal deposit prov ision in the country;

II. Countries with Legal Depos it prov isions must ensure that the National LibrarieslNational Biblio­graphic Agencies take concrete and effective steps to cnforce the Act, espec iall y in acquiring gov­ernm ent publications.

2. National Bibliographies

I . Countrics whi ch have not publi shed or have stopped pu bli shing their nati onal bibliography need to make financial provisions and set priorities to publi sh current national bibliographies or a ll their nati onal imprints;

II. National LibrarieslNational Bibliographic Agencies which have publi shed their national bibliogra­phies must ensure that they are current in the ir publicati on and that they cover all the national publi shing output regardless of form s;

III. The publication of retrospective national bibliography not covered by th e lega l depos it should bc considered; and

IV . Each National Library/National Bibliographic Agcncy should ensure that co pies of their nati onal bibliograph y are made available to all count ries in the Southeast Asian region through th e exchange of publications programme.

3. Cataloguing Standards

National Libraries/National Bibliographi c Agencies in Southeast Asia must play a leadin g role in setting up a National Catalogu ing Comm ittee to look into the formulation and adoption of va ri o liS national and interna­tional bibliographic standards.

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Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia


SeMltlf Perp'UI"Ratlll

4. Non-Roman, Multilingual and Multiscript Materials

IFLA Division on Bibliographic Contro l Section on Cata loguing and Division on Information Technology together with National LibrarieslNat ional Bibliographic Agencies in Southeast As ia must make a concerted effolt to study the problems of documenting non-Roman, multilingual and multi script materials faced by the South East Asian region and provide the necessary guidelines on it.

5. Malay Language Materials

Malays ia, Brunei , Indonesia and Singapore shou ld establish the foll owing cooperative projects due to the common usagc of Bahasa Melayu:

I. Uni on catal og of Malay language materials

II. Authority files on personal names


Nat ional Librariesl ational Bibliographic Agencies sho uld look into the possibility of usi ng UNIMARC for purposes of exchan gi ng records with other countries.

7. Training

I FLA to continue co ndu ct ing re levant tra in ing/worksho ps/con ferences and consu Itancy peltai n ing to bibl io­graph ic co ntrol in the Southeast Asian region especially to countri es less advanced in their bibliographic activities.

Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

Hakcipta Terpelihara © 1998 - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia