Coaching Skillsl

Coaching Skills


Coaching Skillsl

Transcript of Coaching Skillsl

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Coaching Skills

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Temubual KonteksSTO

Pendengaran aktif Penyoalan reflektif

Penetapan matlamatPenilaian -kendiri,

Penentuan KPI

Pemerhatian praktis/kerjae.g. job shadowing

Maklum balas Deskriptif

e.g. memerihalkan praktis, cermin

(Coachee mendengar)

Maklum balas Evaluatif

(Coach mendengar)

Maklum balas evaluatif

(Coachee mendengar)

Perbincangan/Idea/ Perbualan

ReflektifPenetapan matlamatApakah seterusnya?

Kerangka Coaching

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– Perihalkan situasi (situation (S)

– Apakah tingkah laku mereka (tingkah laku (T)

– Apakah outcomenya (O)

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Pendengaran Aktif?

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Pendengaran Aktif• Memberi sepenuh perhatian pada seseorang

dengan perhatian secara fizikal seperti melihat pada orang berkenaan, mengangguk, senyum dan sebagainya.

• Mendengar apa yang tersirat dan tersurat• Jangan mencelah• Jangan memberikan nasihat• Jangan berkongsi cerita anda sendiri• Tangguh membuat penilaian/ pengadilan

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Pendengaran Aktif• Jangan bertanyakan soalan, kecuali

memberi jawapan yang ringkas• Mengambil nota ringkas jika perlu• Menjelaskan maksud mereka dengan

membuat parafrasa pada masa yang sesuai

• Membuat ringkasan/ membuat rumusan

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PENYOALAN REFLEKTIFTahap 1: Soalan Memperjelas

Tahap 2: Memperjelaskan tujuan, sebab-musabab, kesan yang dirancang

Tahap 3: Mendalami platform dan falsafah pendidikan

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PENYOALAN REFLEKTIFTahap 1 – Soalan Memperjelas• Memperjelaskan peristiwa, situasi, tindakan, dan


• Sering bermula dengan “Beritahu saya ... apa .... bila ... jika ... adakah .. siapa ... bagaimana ... kenapa...“

• Contoh-contoh yang mungkin: Berapa kerapkah anda mengadakan mesyuarat ini?Siapakah yang menentukan agenda? Berapa ramaikah ahli yang menghadiri mesyuarat


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PENYOALAN REFLEKTIFTahap 2 – Memperjelaskan tujuan, alasan, kesan

yang dirancang • Menjelaskan tujuan, sebab-musabab, dan kesan yang


• Biasa bermula dengan “Bagaimana ... kenapa ... siapa ... yang mana" dan lebih kepada menyiasat sebab-sebab dan hasil yang diingini oleh guru atas tindakan yang diambil.

• Contoh-contoh yang mungkin: Apakah tujuan mesyuarat –mesyuarat ini?Apakah yang anda harap akan berkembang

daripadanya?Bagaimanakah kesannya ke atas P&P?

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PENYOALAN REFLEKTIFTahap 3 – Mendalami platform dan falsafah pendidikan• Gerakkan guru ke bidang mendalami asas atau hasil

tindakannya. Ini dinamakan soalan hubung kait ... Biasa disebut soalan “Jadi…”.

• Contoh-contoh yang mungkin: Jadi apa akan berlaku seterusnya?Jadi apakah yang boleh anda lakukan secara berbeza?Jadi apakah kesan perkara ini terhadap budaya institusi ini? Bagaimanalah hal ini dapat dikaitkan dengan matlamat anda dalam membuat keputusan bersama?Bagaimanakah hal ini menyokong perancangan peningkatan anda?

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• Analisis SWOT (Penilaian Kendiri)

• Penetapan KPI

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Pemerhatian and Memperihal Amalan Pengajaran


• Mengumpul maklumat tentang amalan guru.

• Memberikan laporan atas apa yang dilaksanakan oleh guru

• Tidak ada penilaian dalam ulasan anda.

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(Tindakan):(Tindakan):Coach menerangkan perkara yang guru Coach menerangkan perkara yang guru itu sedang lakukan dalam bidang yang di itu sedang lakukan dalam bidang yang di semak semula (contoh KPI).semak semula (contoh KPI).


(Impak):(Impak):Coach menerangkan kesan daripada Coach menerangkan kesan daripada tindakan yang diambil.tindakan yang diambil.

DDesired esired outcomeoutcome

(Hasil (Hasil diingini):diingini):

Coach mencadangkan bagaimana guru Coach mencadangkan bagaimana guru itu boleh membuat sesuatu perkara itu boleh membuat sesuatu perkara dengan lebih berkesan.dengan lebih berkesan.


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Balasandran A. Ramiah D.B.AKetua Jabatan Dokumentasi & Sumber Pendidikan

Institut Aminuddin Baki Cawangan UtaraKementerian Pelajaran Malaysia

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Skills Skills LearnedLearned

Transfer into theTransfer into theClassroom/SchoolClassroom/School

Study of TheoryStudy of Theory


Practice withPractice withFeedbackFeedback

Peer CoachingPeer Coaching

10% 5% 0%

30% 20% 0%

60% 60% 5%

95% 95% 95%

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Studies about coaching in Chicago, Boston, and Sacramento Public Schools in literacy, in South Carolina in math and science,

improved student performance when coaches work directly with teachers in their schools. (Neufeld & Roper, 2003).

Continued technical assistance, whether provided by an outside expert

or by peer experts, resulted in much greater classroom implementation than was achieved by teachers who shared initial training but did not have long-term support of coaching. (Joyce & Showers, 1982, 2002).

Implementation rates of new instructional methods

increase from 10% (with traditional professional development) to 85% (with instructional coaching). (Knight, 2004).

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Focusin the


Planning Lessons


Coaching Cycle

Teaching Model


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In the pre-conference the mentor/coach asks the learning partner to clarify goals

describe the content of the session

explain activities and methods

specify success indicators

extrapolate problems

articulate the focus for the observation

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Topic: What is your topic?

Goal: What are your goals?

Focus: What do you want me to look for?

Data Collection: How do you want me to collect data?

Summarize: So in summary

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During the observation the mentor/coach:

takes notes

draws pictures

describes the classroom environment

records teacher questions and actions

details student actions and activities

Notes should be descriptive, specific, and related to the agreed upon focus of the observation(curriculum, instructional skills and strategies, learning activities, classroom environment, and student behaviors)

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Charts or Tables

Pictures and Visuals

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Ask presenter to self-evaluate. (How did you feel about the lesson?

Restate focus areas (You asked me to focus on )

Share the data and comment on what you saw and heard.

Make suggestions – Ask if you can make suggestions.

Ask what would you do differently next time.



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Invite self-evaluation to begin

Be specific and descriptive – avoid judgment and evaluation

Focus on behavior, not personality

Be sincere and direct

Share data and notes

Check for understanding

Offer suggestions and constructive comments

Give feedback in a timely manner (as close as possible to the event, observation, or experience)

Giving Feedback

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A.Clarifying The Teaching and Learning

The focus of my lesson is…

I want the students to learn or understand…

I plan to use these instructional strategies…

I expect the students will…

If , then I will adapt my teaching by…

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B.Structuring the Observation

I want you to focus your attention on how I

I want you to focus on how the students

I need feedback on

How will you record your observations to help facilitate a learning conversation in the post conference?

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Teaching The Lesson

The coach teaches the lesson

The teacher watches the classroom lesson and

records the information discussed in the pre-conference.

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Post Conference

*The coach facilitates the post conference conversation

What did you observe?

How did the lesson play out as we expected?

Where did you see me adapt my instruction?

Were there any surprises?

If you were to teach this lesson, what would you change?

What did you learn from watching me teach this lesson?

Do you have any questions?

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Pre-lesson ConferenceThe teacher explains the goals of the lesson and how she or he plans to teach it.

The coach explores the teacher’s thinking, their knowledge of the curriculum and how the lesson will foster student learning.

The teacher and coach then work together to designor redesign the lesson or a component of the lesson. They also negotiate who is playing what role during the classroom teaching.

The coach and teacher also discuss and clarify the knowledge, understanding, concepts and skills (specific content) they want students to learn during the lesson. During this discussion the teacher and coach also connect the lesson with curriculum standards.

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Guiding Questions for the Coach:What are your goals for the lesson?

How do you plan to teach the lesson?

What is the specific content (knowledge, understanding, concepts, skills) that you want the students to learn?

Where would you like some assistance?

Where does this lesson fall in the unit and why?

What materials are needed?

Which standard does this lesson address?

What prior knowledge are students bringing to this lesson? (i.e. previous teaching related to the lesson)

How do you see the lesson unfolding and where do you anticipate difficulties?

How will we know if we achieved the goals of the lesson? (How will students demonstrate their learning?)

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Co-Teaching The LessonDuring the teaching process, the coach’s role can vary considerably, depending on the agreements reached in the pre-lesson conference.

The coach can:Lead different parts of the lesson in collaboration with the teacher.

Model a part of the lesson while the teacher observes.

Serve as an observer during agreed upon activities in the lesson.

Step in periodically to reinforce the learning (Ex. Asking a question, presenting a real life problem…)

During the co-teaching process, it is important to remember that the coach is a partner, not a judge, critic or rescuer.

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Post-lesson Conference

After the lesson the teacher and coach engage in a conversation about how the lesson went.

It is important to begin this post lesson conference with authentic dialogue to help one another understand how each viewed the lesson. Resist the temptation to move too quickly to critiquing, evaluating and problem solving around the lesson.

When the teacher and coach have developed a mutual understanding of how each viewed the lesson, then move to a discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson and where improvements are needed.

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Guiding Questions for the Coach:

What did you observe during the lesson?

Where did our assumptions prove to be true?

Where did our assumptions prove incorrect?

How do you feel about the lesson?

How successful were we in implementing the lesson?

What problems arose?

Did the students learn what they were supposed to?

Was the lesson appropriate for the goals?

Were the goals appropriate?

If we were to teach this lesson again, what improvements are needed?

Do we know that the students learned what we intended?

Where do we go from here? What’s next?