Final Exam BI 2015

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  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015





    Puan Norzian binti Mohamed &

    Madam Yamuna SaundariSubramaniam


    Puan Aishah binti Shafie

    !uru Kanan "ahasa SMK #un$uSu%on'


    Puan Norzian binti Mohamed

    Peno%on Kanan Petan SMK#un$u Su%on'

    SMK #(NK( S(LON!



    1. Buka kertas soalan ini apabila diberitahu.

    2. Tulis namadan angka gilirananda pada ruangyang disediakan.

    3. Tulis jawapan anda pada ruang jawapan yangdisediakandalam kertas soalan ini.

    4. Serahkankertas soalan ini kepada pengawaspeperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan.

    Untuk Kegunaan PemeriksaNama Pemeriksa:

    Soalan arkah



    1 1"2 1"3 2"4 1#5 #6 3"7 1"

    umlah 1!!

    NAMA) ****************************



  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015



    (30 marks)

    (Time suggested : 40 minutes)

    uesti!n 2

    +ead the fo%%o,in te-t. #hen/ ans,er 0uestions a' 1 2'.

    T"e #ami$% Carni&a$

    I re3ei4ed a bro3hure from #he 5e%%ness !rou6 and Perdana 7on4ention Ha%% this mornin. After

    readin it 3arefu%%8 2ust no,/ I rea%ised that the famous indoor 9ami%8 7arni4a% is ba3$: #he

    3arni4a% is he%d annua%%8 at the Perdana 7on4ention Ha%% and this time it ,i%% be from ; to .>> a.m. to ?.>> 6.m.

    A33ordin to the bro3hure/ a3ti4ities %i$e a 3o%ourin 3ontest and a denta% 3he3$@u6 ,i%% be

    he%d on the se3ond da8 of the 3arni4a%. #hen/ there ,i%% be a ta%$ for 6arents and a fire safet8

    ,or$sho6 for 3hi%dren on the %ast da8. Other than that/ a3ti4ities su3h as a 6iano re3ita% and fun

    ames ,i%% be he%d at s3hedu%ed times throuhout the 3arni4a%.

    I am 4er8 interested to o to the 3arni4a%. #here are s6e3ia% door ifts for the first >> 4isitors

    as ,e%% as attra3ti4e 6romotions from the 3om6anies in4o%4ed in the 3arni4a%. "esides that/ there

    are no admission 3hares to the e4ent. I thin$ I ,i%% as$ m8 6arents to o there ,ith me. It is a

    fami%8 3arni4a%/ after a%%:

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    uesti!ns (a) ' ()

    (sin the information from the te-t/ 3om6%ete the fo%%o,in ra6hi3 oraniser.

    => mar$s'



    b' _____________________

    Ati&ities "e$d e&er% da%:

    (i) _____________________

    2' _____________________

    T"e #ami$%Carni&a$

    Ati&ities "e$d !n *




    -ate and time:

    () _____________________

    d' _____________________

    Ati&ities "e$d !n . Se+tem,er:

    (e) _______________________

    f' _______________________

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    uesti!n 3

    +ead the bro3hure be%o,. #hen/ ans,er 0uestions a' 1 2'.


    AN-1AK IN

    KAA1You ,i%% not miss the

    most outstandin

    to,er in the 3it8.



    um+ur :

    #he most


    attra3tion in

    the 3it8 for

    %o3a% and



    Kua%a Lum6ur #o,er

    or Menara Kua%a


    3onstru3tion bean in

    =??= and ,as3om6%eted in =??;. It

    ,as offi3ia%%8 o6ened

    b8 the former Prime

    Minister #un Dr

    Mahathir on =

    O3tober =??C.



    !et #5O ti3$ets for

    the 6ri3e of ONE

    Lo3ated in the heart

    of the 3it8

    Heiht) = meters

    on to6 of "u$it




    3ation to,er

    in South@East


    9ifth ta%%est in

    the ,or%d

    O6enin Hours)

    Monda8 to

    9rida8)? a.m. to ?.>



    and 6ub%i3


    ? a.m. to =>



    Pedestrian ma%% Sou4enir sho6s

    Mini theatre


    Am6%e 6ar$in

    Entrane 6ee:




    @= 8ears o%d'

    Senior 7itizen)

    ;; 8ears o%d and abo4e'





    @= 8ears o%d'

    Senior 7itizen)

    ;; 8ears o%d and abo4e'

    9or further en0uires

    3a%% the to,er hot%ine


    FC> >>

    GShutt%e bus ser4i3e

    from the main ate is

    a4ai%ab%e for 4isitors.

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    #o im6ro4e

    the 0ua%it8 of



    #o im6ro4e



    5at3h 3o%ourfu% 3u%tura% 6erforman3es

    from #hursda8 to Sunda8s at ==.>

    a.m. and 6.m.

    isitors 3an et ti3$ets at the ti3$et

    3ounter %o3ated at the entran3e.

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    uesti!ns (a) ' (d)) "ased on the bro3hure/ state ,hether the fo%%o,in statements are

    TE or #ASE.

    (a) Kua%a Lum6ur #o,er is %o3ated at the 3entre of Kua%a


    _______________ = mar$'

    (,) On%8 forein tourists 4isit Menara Kua%a Lum6ur. _______________ = mar$'

    () Menara Kua%a Lum6ur is o6ened for %oner on Sunda8s. _______________ = mar$'

    (d) A 6erson interested to et more information about Menara

    Kua%a Lum6ur 3an te%e6hone the to,er hot%ine.

    _______________ = mar$'

    uesti!ns (e) ' (i): +ead the bro3hure 3arefu%%8 and ans,er the 0uestions be%o,.

    (e) State one fun3tion of Menara Kua%a Lum6ur as stated in the bro3hure.


    = mar$'

    (6) 5here 3an 8ou ha4e a mea% at the Menara Kua%a Lum6ur


    = mar$'

    (g) 9i%% in the tab%e ,ith an a66ro6riate 6hrase from the bro3hure.

    1eaning "rase

    i. P%a3e ,here 8ou 3an e-3hane 3urren38 ________________________________


    = mar$'

    ii. 9irst time 6romotion ________________________________


    = mar$'

    (") 5h8 do 8ou thin$ the ,ord Ji3oni3B is used to des3ribe Kua%a Lum6ur #o,er


    = mar$'

    (i) "ased on the bro3hure/ ,hat shou%d 8ou do if 8ou ,ant to ,at3h the 3u%tura% 6erforman3es


    = mar$'

    => mar$s'

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    () 5rite a 6ost3ard to 8our friend to in4ite himher to 4isit Menara Kua%a Lum6ur.

    In a,!ut 80 9!rds,rite a note to 8our friend.

    In 8our 6ost@3ard)

    persuadehim her to 2oin 8ou

    i4e at %east 3 reasons

    use information from the bro3hure

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    $1"marks%S"#$%&' #

    (2! marks)($ime suggested * 2! minutes)

    uesti!n 4

    +ead the arti3%e about ,a8s to he%6 a 4i3tim ,ho fee%s faint.

    9aintin 3an be a frihtenin thin/ es6e3ia%%8 ,hen 8ou do not $no, ,h8 it is ha66enin or

    ,hat to do. It is more frihtenin than serious/ but do ta$e 6re3autions. Here are ,a8s 8ou 3an

    ta$e 3are of 8ourse%f or someone e%se it o33urs.

    #o a4oid in2uries/ tr8 to sto6 the 4i3tim from fa%%in to the round. If the 6erson is

    standin u6riht/ %a8 him do,n on the round or sit him do,n on a 3ou3h. Ma$e sure it is

    not a 3hair ,ithout armrests. #his ,i%% sti%% a%%o, the 4i3tim to fa%% off it and 3ause in2ur8.

    Ne-t/ o6en the ,indo, or door to a%%o, more air into the room. Another ,a8 to he%6 a

    6erson ,ho fee%s faint is to et a 3o%d 3om6ress and 6%a3e it on the forehead. 5ra6 the3om6ress in a 3%oth before a66%8in it.

    5hen the 4i3tim re3o4ers from the faintin s6e%%/ et the 6erson ba3$ into an u6riht sittin

    6osition s%o,%8. 7ontinue to i4e the 4i3tim su66ort/ e4en after the8 are sittin u6riht. DonBt

    a%%o, him to ,a%$ immediate%8. If the 6erson is 3ons3ious/ then i4e him some ,ater. DonBt %et

    him u%6 a mouthfu% of ,ater. Ma$e sure he ta$es sma%% si6s at a time to 6re4ent 3ho$in.

    If 8ou fee% faint/ 8ou ma8 be ab%e to ta$e these ste6s. If 6ossib%e/ %ie do,n. #his 3an he%6

    6re4ent faintin as it a%%o,s b%ood to 3ir3u%ate to the brain. DonBt %et 8ourse%f et deh8drated.

    Drin$ enouh f%uids/ es6e3ia%%8 ,hen 8our bod8 is %osin more ,ater due to s,eatin or bein

    in a ,arm en4ironment.

    9ina%%8/ ensure there is ood b%ood 3ir3u%ation. If 8ou ha4e to stand or sit for a %on time/

    6eriodi3a%%8 stret3h 8our %e mus3%es. A%so/ 3ross 8our %es to he%6 im6ro4e b%ood f%o, to theheart and brain. #r8 to a4oid o4erheated or 3ram6ed areas. 7a%% ??? for he%6 if someone ,ho

    has fainted for about a minute sti%% does not reain 3ons3iousness or is ha4in diffi3u%t8


  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    +ead the arti3%e 3arefu%%8 and ans,er 0uestions a' 1 i'.

    (a) 5hat ,i%% ha66en if a 6erson ,ho fee%s faint fa%%s to the round


    = mar$'

    (,) 5here shou%d 8ou 6%a3e the 3o%d 3om6ress


    = mar$'

    () List t9!6re4enti4e ste6s to ta$e if 8ou thin$ that 8ou are oin to faint.

    i. ______________________________________________________________________

    = mar$'

    ii. ______________________________________________________________________

    = mar$'

    (d) 5hat ,i%% ha66en if a 4i3tim ,ho fee%s faint u%6s a mouthfu% of ,ater


    = mar$'

    (e) 9i%% in the tab%e ,ith an a66ro6riate ,ord6hrase from the arti3%e.

    1eaning !rd;"rase

    i. safet8 measure

    ii. a short 6eriod of time

    iii. ab%e to use the senses to understand ,hat is


    i4. %osin a %are amount of ,ater mar$s'

    (6) 5h8 is it ne3essar8 to ma$e a 6erson ,ho fee%s faint %ie do,n


    = mar$'

    (g) State t9! other ,a8s to im6ro4e b%ood 3ir3u%ation to the brain.

    i. ______________________________________________________________________

    = mar$'

    ii. ______________________________________________________________________

    = mar$'

    (") 5h8 do 8ou thin$ that a 6erson ,ho fee%s faint shou%d a4oid o4erheated and 3ram6edareas


    = mar$'

    (i) State t9! !t"er,a8s to he%6 a 6erson ,ho has fainted.

    i. ______________________________________________________________________

    = mar$'

    ii. ______________________________________________________________________

    = mar$'

    =; mar$s'

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    uesti!n 8

    +ead the 6oem be%o, 3arefu%%8. #hen/ ans,er the 0uestions a' 1 d'

    /eir C!nditi!ning

    !rand dad did 8ou breathe

    before air 3ons ,ere in4ented

    ,as it hard sta8in

    a%i4e ,ithout modern in4entions

    !randma ,erenBt 8ou f%ustered

    as 8ou f%uttered ,ith 6a6er fans

    7ou%d 8ou 3ommuni3ate before

    fa-es and %on distan3e 3a%%s

    be3ame basi3 ne3essities

    !rand3hi%d ,e %i4ed

    before 8our ae. "e3ause

    of our inoran3e/

    ,e did not $no,

    6o%%ution/ stress/ traffi3 2ams

    destru3tion of forests/ streams and hi%%s

    ,e feared !od and nature

    no, nature fears youand

    mone8 is 8our ne, !od.

    M SHANmughalingam

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    (a) 5hat is the 6oem about


    = mar$'

    (,) 5ho is s6ea$in in stanza one


    = mar$'

    () 5h8 do 8ou thin$ the rand6arent sa8s the nature fears the rand3hi%dren


    = mar$'


    Do 8ou aree ,ith this statement 5h8






    ; mar$s'

    #he rand6arent 6oints out that there ,as no

    destru3tion of forests ,hen he ,as 8oun.

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    SECTION -(40 marks)

    (Time suggested: 48 minutes)

    uesti!n .

    You shou%d s6end 30 minutes on this 0uestion.

    Youn 6eo6%e toda8 fa3e a %ot of 3ha%%enes .You are as$ed to ,rite a s+ee" on J -ea$ing it" i6e

    C"a$$engesB. (se the notes i4en to he%6 8ou ,rite out the s6ee3h.

    dis3uss 6rob%ems ,ith fami%8/ friends/ tea3hers

    @ fee% better @ he%6 redu3e stress

    as$ he%6 from friends

    @ J A friend in need is a friend indeed B

    mi- ,ith the riht 6eers or friends

    manae time effe3ti4e%8

    5hen ,ritin 8our s6ee3h )

    @ use a$$the i4en notes.

    @ e%aborate on notes.

    @ 8ou ma8 add an8 other re%e4ant information.

    @ ma$e sure 8our s6ee3h is,et9een

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015






























  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015

























    > mar$s

    uesti!n *

    'ou should spend 15 minuteson this (uestion.

  • 7/23/2019 Final Exam BI 2015


    #he fo%%o,in are the 3om6onents studied in the Literature 7om6onent in En%ish Lanuae.

    "ased on !ne of the 3om6onents abo4e/ ,rite about the 3hara3ter 8ou %i$edis%i$e the most.

    Pro4ide e4iden3e from the te-t to su66ort 8our res6onse.


    >in n!t $ess t"an 80 9!rds

    >in !ntinu!us 9ritingnot in note form'

















    => mar$s'

    1. One is One and All Alone- Short Story

    . Rumplestiltskin - Drama