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Transcript of HB261

  • 7/25/2019 HB261


    SPONSOR: Rep. Ramone & Sen. Simpson;

    Reps. D. Short, Wilson, M. Smith; Sens. Hocker, Richardson

    HOUS O! RPRSN"#"$%S

    '(th )NR#* #SSM+*

    HOUS +$** NO. -

    #N #/" "O #MND "$"* ' O! "H D*#W#R /OD R*#"$N) "O S"UDN" R/ORDS #NDNRO**MN".

    + $" N#/"D + "H )NR#* #SSM+* O! "H S"#" O! D*#W#R:

    Section . #mend 0 '12, "itle ' o3 the Dela4are /ode 56 makin7 deletions as sho4n 56 strike thro87h and

    insertions as sho4n 56 8nderline as 3ollo4s:

    0 '12 9p8lsion o3 st8dents; reenrollment; loss o3 drier $n an6 case 4here a p85lic school st8dent is either e9pelled 3rom a school district or a charter school, or is

    s85?ect to placement in an alternatie school 3or discipline 4itho8t e9p8lsion, the e9pelled or placed st8dent shall not 5e

    permitted to reenroll in an6 other school district or charter school in this State 8ntil a3ter the 38ll period and terms o3 the

    e9p8lsion or placement 3rom the school district or charter school 4here the st8dent 4as e9pelled shall hae e9pired or 5een


    =5> Prior to enrollin7 an6 st8dent 4ho attempts to trans3er to a school district or charter school in this State, the

    s8perintendent o3 that school district, or the s8perintendent

  • 7/25/2019 HB261


    =c> #n6 st8dent 4ho has 5een e9pelled 3rom a p85lic school or 4ho is s85?ect to a placement in an alternatie

    school 3or discipline 4itho8t e9p8lsion in this State or in an6 other state shall, prior to enrollment in an6 p85lic school in

    this State, completel6 38l3ill the terms o3 that e9p8lsion or placement order.

    =d> "he proisions o3 s85sections =a>, =5> and =c> o3 this section shall not appl6 to an6 case in 4hich a st8dent is

    seekin7 to enroll in the Aames H. )roe Hi7h School or in an6 alternatie ed8cational or other related pro7ram deeloped to

    proide ed8cational serices to children 4ho hae discipline pro5lems.

    Pa7e - o3 1

    HR : AW# : #!A2(2'(21'

    Released: 2B-(B-2 -:( P









  • 7/25/2019 HB261



    Under e9istin7 la4, 4hen a child applies to enter a charter school, the 58rden is placed 8pon that charter school to

    contact the preio8s school district o3 the child to determine i3 the child 4as s85?ect to e9p8lsion. "here are also children4ho are placed in alternatie schools pro7rams 3or discipline reasons 4ho 4ere not e9pelled. $t has 5ecome more

    common 3or parents o3 these children to appl6 3or enrollment in charter schools in order to circ8ment the e9p8lsion or

    discipline pro7ram. "his has 5een made possi5le 5eca8se some school districts hae not responded to the re@8ests made

    56 charter schools 3or these discipline or e9p8lsion records. $3 the /harter school enrolls the st8dent and later discoers

    this iss8e, the /harter school is not permitted to disenroll the st8dent and is therea3ter responsi5le 3or that childFs cost. "hepreio8s school district th8s 5ene3its 3inanciall6 3rom its 3ail8re to respond as it is no lon7er responsi5le 3or the cost o3 that

    child. "he chan7es in this 5ill close this loophole 3or parents and remoe the disincentie 3or school districts to respond to

    these re@8ests. $3 the preio8s school district 3ails to respond to a re@8est, the6 4ill no4 hae to res8me responsi5ilit6 3orthe costs o3 the child. "he loophole sho8ld 5e closed 3or man6 o3 these parents as the charter schools 4ill hae this

    in3ormation aaila5le to it 4hen decidin7 4hether to enroll a child, and the6 are re@8ired to disenroll the st8dent 8pon

    discoer6 o3 this in3ormation.

