kuliah satu upm

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  • 8/9/2019 kuliah satu upm


  • 8/9/2019 kuliah satu upm


    c- The character of a community is that induced by the founding morality of

    its understanding.

    d- A community reinforces itself by recording its wisdom through

    Tradition Custom



    e- A community exists in one of two modes; it is eitherwaxing (gains

    wisdom ) when the majority are unselfish orwaning(loses wisdom )

    when the majority are selfish. The mode of a community is a result of

    the majority mode of their citizens, who themselves exist in one of two

    separate modes. A citizen is either

    i. unselfish and prepared to sacrifice private interest for the common

    good.ii. selfish and prepared to sacrifice the common good for private interest.

    f- The majority persecute the minority mode . The majority will always

    treat the minority as outcasts, forcing them to become isolated and alienated.

    In the vital mode the immoral win social stigma, in the dissolute mode the

    moral are viewed as simpletons.

    g- A community fails when its citizens no longer imbue the founding

    morality into their off-spring (see the law of reverse civilization). This is

    because the majority of parents are either

    isitilah lain yg berkaitan dengan civilization

    a-culture: i- the total of inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledges

    which constitute the shared bases of social action. Ii-. The toal range of

    activities and ideas of a people iii-a particular civilizationat a particular

    period. Iv- tea artistic and social pursuits, expression, and tastedd valued by a

    society or class. V- the enlightenment or refinement resulting from these

    pursuit. Vi- th ecultivation of plants to improve stock or to produce new ones.Vii- the rearing and breeding of animal viii- the act or practice of tilling or

    cultivating the soil.

    b-modernism: i- modern tnedencies, thoughts, etc., or the support of

    these. Ii- something typical of contemporary life or thought iii- belonging or

    relating to the period in history from the end of the middle ages to the present.

    in sociology, the transformation from a traditional, rural, agrarian society to a

    secular, urban, industrial society.

    c- western- i- of or characteristic of the americas and the parts of

    europe not under communist rule. Ii- as opposed to the orient.

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    d- urbanisation: the process by which large numbers of people become

    permanently concentrated in relatively small areas, forming cities.

    e-city: a relatively permanent and highly organized centre of

    population, of greater size or importance than a town or village.

    Peradaban Barat:

    Sejarah yg lama, The idea of Europe as an entitity or even a quality has a rather long

    history in Europe.

    Christianity became the core value of "Europe".

    The growing rationalisation of the European states influenced the meaning of

    "Europe". The 16th century witnessed a growing use of the concept of Europe in aninternational political context. A state discourse replaced the religious discourse.

    States began to "speak" to each other on a formalised scene which was referred to as

    "Europe". "Europe" was less a religious value and more a system of criss-crossing

    relations (military, economic ,diplomatic and even legal relations - hat were contained

    within ideas of international law). The Europe-as-a-system concept focused on state

    rationalism (raison d'tat). But this value was accompanied by an idea of Europe as a

    cultural value. Instead of Christianity the concept of "Europe" was combined with

    "civilization". This concept can be seen as a secularised parallel to Christianity. It

    took form in - what we might broadly call - an imperialist discourse used in the

    encounters with the New World. In their representations of the Indians (as they werenamed) the Europeans placed themselves and their continent in a superior, position

    which was related to civilization.

    meanings of civilization developed in Europe from the 18th century. These are:

    - civilization as a cultural entity (based on religion)

    - civilization as a universal process and a final aim (history)

    - civilization as a space in time (from this follows the potential existence of several


    - the existence of a European/Western civilization

    These qualifications for civilised people: are all attached to people ( consists of

    manners (moeurs), politesse (politeness or polished), civility or urbanity (urbanit)..

    Civilization is only the last phase in the development ofcultures

    Civilization became the structuring principle of world history, both its driving forceand its end result - i.e., civil society

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    There are three fundamental respects in which Western culture is objectively the

    best. These are the core values or core achievements of Western civilization, and what

    made America great.

    1.Reason. The Greeks were the first to identify philosophically that knowledge is

    gained through reason and logic as opposed to mysticism (faith, revelation, dogma). Itwould take two millennia, including a Dark Ages and a Renaissance, before the full

    implications of Greek thought would be realized. The rule of reason reached its zenith

    in the West in the 18th century the Age of Enlightenment. For the first time in

    modern history, writes one philosopher, an authentic respect for reason became the

    mark of an entire culture. America is a product of the Enlightenment.

    2.Individual Rights. An indispensable achievement leading to the Enlightenment

    was the recognition of the concept of individual rights. John Locke demonstrated that

    individuals do not exist to serve governments, but rather that governments exist to

    protect individuals. The individual, said Locke, has an inalienable right to life, liberty,

    and the pursuit of his own happiness. The result was the United States of America.(Disastrous errors were made in the West for example, slavery, which originated

    elsewhere, and Nazism but these were too incongruent with Western values to last

    and were corrected, by the West, in the name of its core principles of reason and


    3. Science and Technology. The triumph of reason and rights made possible the

    full development and application of science and technology and ultimately modern

    industrial society. Reason and rights freed mans mind from the tyranny of religious

    dogma and freed mans productive capacity from the tyranny of state control.

    Scientific and technological progress followed in several interdependent steps. Men

    began to understand the laws of nature. They invented an endless succession of new

    products. And they engaged in large-scale production, that is, the creation of wealth,

    which in turn financed and motivated further invention and production. As a result,

    horse-and-buggies were replaced by automobiles, wagon tracks by steel rails, candles

    by electricity. At last, after millennia of struggle, man became the master of his


    The result of the core achievements of Western civilization has been an

    increase in freedom, wealth, health, comfort, and life expectancy unprecedented

    in the history of the world.

    Samuel Hungtington: A civilization is the highest cultural grouping of people and the

    broadest level of cultural identity people which distinguishes humans from other


    Ada identiti tersendiri: Western civilization is thus formed by Western Christianity

    (which, conveniently, seals it off from Eastern Christianity). Unik, sesuai dengan

    masyarakat Barat sahaja, dynamic, homogenus, have a cultural identity

    Keruntuhan tamadun

  • 8/9/2019 kuliah satu upm


    When A Community Fails it enters into an irreversible decline where: It Becomes

    Progressively Sillier And Weaker This is revealed by:

    1. The Retreat From Reason the ability to think clearly is being


    2. The Disappearance Of Plain expressions

    3. The Suppression Of Truth

    4. Growth Of Incompetence

    5. The Embracing Of Delusion (percaya kepada sesuatu yg salah, idea,


    6. The Shrinking From Resolute Action

    7. Communities Attempt To Dominate Each Other.









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