LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw ....

LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR By PONG SlEW SEONG "'" fS -::;J V.tv '!'esis Dikemukakan Kepada Fakulti K('.Il1rnt.eraan, Univorsiti Malaysia Sarawak Sebagai M(mwnuhi Sebabagian Daripada Syarat P(mganug('rahan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan 1 )ongan }\.PpujIall (I\(,jurut.oraan Elekt.ronik Dan Tp}ekomunikasi) 2000 IV LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR By PONG SlEW SEONG "'" 0' fS -::;J '!'esis Dikemukakan Kepada Fakulti K('.Il1rnt.eraan, Univorsiti Malaysia Sarawak Mprrwnuhi Sebahugian Daripada Syarat P(mganug('rahan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan 1 )(mgan }\.PpujIall (I\('jurut.oraan Elekt.ronik Dan Tp}ekomunikasi) 2000 IV

Transcript of LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw ....

Page 1: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

bull bull





~ fS ~

~ ~ ~ -J ~

Vtv Mp~ esis Dikemukakan Kepada

Fakulti K(Il1rnteraan Univorsiti Malaysia Sarawak Sebagai M(mwnuhi Sebabagian Daripada Syarat

P(mganug(rahan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan 1 )ongan PpujIall (I(jurutoraan Elektronik Dan Tpekomunikasi)






0 ~ fS ~ ~ ~ -J ~ bull bull vJvJMp~

esis Dikemukakan Kepada Fakulti K(Il1rnteraan Univorsiti Malaysia Sarawak S(bll~ai Mprrwnuhi Sebahugian Daripada Syarat

P(mganug(rahan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan 1 )(mgan PpujIall (I(jurutoraan Elektronik Dan Tpekomunikasi)



Dedicated to

My beloved people



Dedicated to

My beloved people



[irst of all I would like to dedicate this thesis projeet to my family mnmhcm

(spnciaHy ()r giving me support encouragement and eoncern during the pnriod

of my study Also to my girl friend Lee Gaik Fong for giving me motivation and

morale support

I would aJso like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr Ng Liang Yew

ror giving any soft of guidance and advise to make this thesis project a success

Moreovt~r thanks to Lam Hon Kit a senior and good friend of mine for providing

important materials on the thesis report writing

Not forgotten thanks to my thesis project partner Goh Beng Huat who

dpv(gt]ops the Loeal Area Network (LAN) Simulation program with me

Finally J would like to thanks the Faculty of Engineering under the leadership

Ill Dr Moham(J(1 Kadim as Dean for allowing me to usp all kind of n~sourees





[irst of all I would like to dedicate this thesis projeet to my family mnmhcm

(spnciaHy ()r giving me support encouragement and eoncern during the pnriod

of my study Also to my girl friend Lee Gaik Fong for giving me motivation and

morale support

I would aJso like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr Ng Liang Yew

ror giving any soft of guidance and advise to make this thesis project a success

Moreovt~r thanks to Lam Hon Kit a senior and good friend of mine for providing

important materials on the thesis report writing

Not forgotten thanks to my thesis project partner Goh Beng Huat who

dpv(gt]ops the Loeal Area Network (LAN) Simulation program with me

Finally J would like to thanks the Faculty of Engineering under the leadership

Ill Dr Moham(J(1 Kadim as Dean for allowing me to usp all kind of n~sourees




Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

Jn order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if the program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

J n order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if IIw program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisis keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN



Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisi8 keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN

V 111



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form

Approval II

j)mlaratioll III

J)(~dication v

Aeknowledgment VI

Abstract vii

Abstrak Vlll

Table of Contents IX

List of Figures xiv


1 ] Jn trod uetiOJl

1t Ohjpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application 4

~1i LOlal Arpa N(twork j(~quirmnents 4



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form







Table of Contents

List of Figures



1 ] J n trod uetiOJl

1 t Objpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application

~1i LOlal ArPil N(twork j(~quirmnents














~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 2: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

Dedicated to

My beloved people



Dedicated to

My beloved people



[irst of all I would like to dedicate this thesis projeet to my family mnmhcm

(spnciaHy ()r giving me support encouragement and eoncern during the pnriod

of my study Also to my girl friend Lee Gaik Fong for giving me motivation and

morale support

I would aJso like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr Ng Liang Yew

ror giving any soft of guidance and advise to make this thesis project a success

Moreovt~r thanks to Lam Hon Kit a senior and good friend of mine for providing

important materials on the thesis report writing

Not forgotten thanks to my thesis project partner Goh Beng Huat who

dpv(gt]ops the Loeal Area Network (LAN) Simulation program with me

Finally J would like to thanks the Faculty of Engineering under the leadership

Ill Dr Moham(J(1 Kadim as Dean for allowing me to usp all kind of n~sourees





[irst of all I would like to dedicate this thesis projeet to my family mnmhcm

(spnciaHy ()r giving me support encouragement and eoncern during the pnriod

of my study Also to my girl friend Lee Gaik Fong for giving me motivation and

morale support

I would aJso like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr Ng Liang Yew

ror giving any soft of guidance and advise to make this thesis project a success

Moreovt~r thanks to Lam Hon Kit a senior and good friend of mine for providing

important materials on the thesis report writing

Not forgotten thanks to my thesis project partner Goh Beng Huat who

dpv(gt]ops the Loeal Area Network (LAN) Simulation program with me

Finally J would like to thanks the Faculty of Engineering under the leadership

Ill Dr Moham(J(1 Kadim as Dean for allowing me to usp all kind of n~sourees




Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

Jn order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if the program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

J n order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if IIw program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisis keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN



Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisi8 keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN

V 111



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form

Approval II

j)mlaratioll III

J)(~dication v

Aeknowledgment VI

Abstract vii

Abstrak Vlll

Table of Contents IX

List of Figures xiv


1 ] Jn trod uetiOJl

1t Ohjpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application 4

~1i LOlal Arpa N(twork j(~quirmnents 4



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form







Table of Contents

List of Figures



1 ] J n trod uetiOJl

1 t Objpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application

~1i LOlal ArPil N(twork j(~quirmnents














~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 3: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study


[irst of all I would like to dedicate this thesis projeet to my family mnmhcm

(spnciaHy ()r giving me support encouragement and eoncern during the pnriod

of my study Also to my girl friend Lee Gaik Fong for giving me motivation and

morale support

I would aJso like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr Ng Liang Yew

ror giving any soft of guidance and advise to make this thesis project a success

Moreovt~r thanks to Lam Hon Kit a senior and good friend of mine for providing

important materials on the thesis report writing

Not forgotten thanks to my thesis project partner Goh Beng Huat who

dpv(gt]ops the Loeal Area Network (LAN) Simulation program with me

Finally J would like to thanks the Faculty of Engineering under the leadership

Ill Dr Moham(J(1 Kadim as Dean for allowing me to usp all kind of n~sourees





[irst of all I would like to dedicate this thesis projeet to my family mnmhcm

(spnciaHy ()r giving me support encouragement and eoncern during the pnriod

of my study Also to my girl friend Lee Gaik Fong for giving me motivation and

morale support

I would aJso like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr Ng Liang Yew

ror giving any soft of guidance and advise to make this thesis project a success

Moreovt~r thanks to Lam Hon Kit a senior and good friend of mine for providing

important materials on the thesis report writing

Not forgotten thanks to my thesis project partner Goh Beng Huat who

dpv(gt]ops the Loeal Area Network (LAN) Simulation program with me

Finally J would like to thanks the Faculty of Engineering under the leadership

Ill Dr Moham(J(1 Kadim as Dean for allowing me to usp all kind of n~sourees




Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

Jn order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if the program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

J n order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if IIw program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisis keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN



Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisi8 keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN

V 111



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form

Approval II

j)mlaratioll III

J)(~dication v

Aeknowledgment VI

Abstract vii

Abstrak Vlll

Table of Contents IX

List of Figures xiv


1 ] Jn trod uetiOJl

1t Ohjpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application 4

~1i LOlal Arpa N(twork j(~quirmnents 4



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form







Table of Contents

List of Figures



1 ] J n trod uetiOJl

1 t Objpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application

~1i LOlal ArPil N(twork j(~quirmnents














~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 4: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study


Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

Jn order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if the program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Tlw cone(~pt of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(- a m(~an~ to

study the dynamic behavior of local an~a network system without building the

real prototype which is time and cost consuming

J n order to develop the simulator it is important to understand the

functionality and operation of each topology For different type of LAN there

arc~ differ(mt parameters events and assumptions to be considered These will

determine the level of detail with which the simulation program will do Next

the seJected variables as well as other parameters required are related to the


At this point the next step is to determine if the computer program executes

tlH simulatIon as intended Typically this phase requires analysis of stop

outputs aud ov(~rall results to see if the proper actions are oCGurring as


Tlw final portion of implementation is composed of running the simulation and

sP(~ing if IIw program capable of meeting th(~ performanee f(~quif(lnwnts of tlw





Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisis keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN



Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisi8 keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN

V 111



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form

Approval II

j)mlaratioll III

J)(~dication v

Aeknowledgment VI

Abstract vii

Abstrak Vlll

Table of Contents IX

List of Figures xiv


1 ] Jn trod uetiOJl

1t Ohjpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application 4

~1i LOlal Arpa N(twork j(~quirmnents 4



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form







Table of Contents

List of Figures



1 ] J n trod uetiOJl

1 t Objpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application

~1i LOlal ArPil N(twork j(~quirmnents














~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 5: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study



Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisis keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN



Konsop Loeal Area Nf)twork (LAN) Simulator mpmiJeri sumhangan knpada

pembelajaran tingkahlaku dinamik mengenai sisLem local area network tan]lltJ

melihatkan pemhinaan prototaip eli samping pembaziran masa dan kewangan

Pemahaman kepada setiap fungsi dan operasi adaJah penting untuk

menghasilkan simulator ini Pelbagai jenis LAN memerlukan pertimhangan

dalam peJbagai jenis parameter perkara dan tanggapan Dengan itu ia dapa1

memastikan tahap kejituan program yang beroperasi tersebut berLanding

dengan sistem sebenar Sehubungan dengan itu pemilihan pembolehubah

parameter yang lain yang berhubungkait dengan sistem tersebut juga


Langkah spterusnya adalah untuk memastikan pengoperasian program

komputer tprseLut Penganahsisan untuk setiap keputusan yang sebenarnya

adalah diperlukan dalam jleringkat tersebut

Poringkat terakhir implltgtmfmtasi terdiri daripada perIaksanaan serta

mpnganalisi8 keupayaan program dalam menghasilkan tugm~an yung

dlj)Crlukan oJ(h LAN

V 111



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form

Approval II

j)mlaratioll III

J)(~dication v

Aeknowledgment VI

Abstract vii

Abstrak Vlll

Table of Contents IX

List of Figures xiv


1 ] Jn trod uetiOJl

1t Ohjpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application 4

~1i LOlal Arpa N(twork j(~quirmnents 4



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form







Table of Contents

List of Figures



1 ] J n trod uetiOJl

1 t Objpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application

~1i LOlal ArPil N(twork j(~quirmnents














~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 6: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form

Approval II

j)mlaratioll III

J)(~dication v

Aeknowledgment VI

Abstract vii

Abstrak Vlll

Table of Contents IX

List of Figures xiv


1 ] Jn trod uetiOJl

1t Ohjpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application 4

~1i LOlal Arpa N(twork j(~quirmnents 4



Tlwsis Submis8ion Form







Table of Contents

List of Figures



1 ] J n trod uetiOJl

1 t Objpehves

11 lntroduetion to LAN Simulator (LanSim)


t] Local Arpa Nptwork (LAN) Concepts

tll Local Ana Nptwork Definitioll

~ 1~ Local Arta Ndwork Application

~1i LOlal ArPil N(twork j(~quirmnents














~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 7: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study


~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ IAHal Jrc~a Network Toehnology

~~ J Opon Systnm lntereonnndion (OS) Modol H

~~~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMACD Opf)ration ] ]

~222 CSMJICD Function 12

2228 CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management JG

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

~228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

22212 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Baseband Media Access Unit

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe



~ J t1 Local rnll N(~tw()rk Charadorislie

~~ I AHal Jrc~a Network Tochnology 7

~~ J Opon Systmll lntnreonnndion (OS) Model H

~2~ Carrt(~r Snns(~ MultipJ8 AecBSs with Collision Dntflction (CSMACD) 1 1

~2~] CSMJCD Opf)ration ] ]

2222 CSMJICD Function 12

~22a CSMACD Transmission Frame ]4

2224 CSMAlCD MBdia Access Management ]6

2225 Collimiddotion Detection

2226 Backoff After Collision 17

2227 CSMACD Physical Layer Standards 18

2228 Physical Signaling Functions 20

2229 Physical Signaling Interface 2]

22210 Thr MACPLS Interface 21

22211 The PLSPMA Interface 22

~2~12 Attachment Unit Interface

222] 8 Baseband Medium Attachment Unit

222J 4 Basfband Media Access Unit 2fi

2221 G Nonpersistent and pmiddotPersistent CSMACD 2G

228 Star Tupology 2G

2211 Star Op(ration 2(i

22iL2 Star Limitatioll

221~ Star P(r(lflnanCe





L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 8: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study




L I 1 nLrorludion 2

i] 1 LAN Il(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations 2

B] 1] Communication Capacity iiO

81] B Network Stability ii]

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability 32

8115 Component Limitations 32

8116 BouJeneck Analysis 32

31] 7 Fault Tolerance 33

82 Analytical Models 33

33 Simulation Models 33

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models 34

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models 34

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models 34

B313 TimeEvent Based Models 3G

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1n troductioll H)

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll Hl

43 Generation of Random Number8





L I 1 nLrorludion

i] 1 LAN I l(~rJ()rm anC8 Considerations

B] 1] Communication Capacity

ii] 1~ Protocol Efficiency

81] B Network Stability

8 ] 14 N(~twork Reliability

8115 Component Limitations

8116 BouJeneck Analysis

31] 7 Fault Tolerance

82 Analytical Models

33 Simulation Models

331 Characteristics of Simulation Models

3311 ContinuouslDiscrete Models

3312 Deterministic Stochastic Models

B313 TimeEvent Based Models

3middott 14 l-lardwareSoftware Models



41 1 n troductioll

42 Poisson Dislrihutioll

43 Generation of Random Number8





















ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 9: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study



ri 1 Introdudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction G8

G2 Assumptions 70

63 Input and Output Variables 71

GA Description of lhe Simulation Program 73



7] Introduction Sri

72 Program Interface 85

71 Program Documentation HH

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy





ri 1 I ntrodudion

ri~ Assumptiomi

ria Input and Output Variables

riA D(~seription of the Simulation Program



GI lntroduction

G2 Assumptions

63 Input and Output Variables

GA Description of l he Simulation Program



7] Introduction

72 Program Interface

71 Program Documentation

7a] Testlnput Function

7middot~2 rr~stlllt(~gerlilput FunctioIl

7Ll Network Topology Layout Frame

7BmiddotLl Ring Topology

7t32 Bus Topulogy









7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 10: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

7333 Star Topology J7

7334 Open Saved Form 100

74 Program Implementation 110

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus ]]0

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring ]11

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD 112

744 Simulation Results For Star 110

75 Performance Comparison 114


81 Recommendation 116

82 Conclusion 117

Bibliography and References 118



7333 Star Topology

7334 Open Saved Form

74 Program Implementation

741 Simulation Results For Token Passing Bus

742 Simulation Results For Token Passing Ring

743 Simulation Results For CSMAJCD

744 Simulation Results For Star

75 Performance Comparison


81 Recommendation

82 Conclusion

Bibliography and References













Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 11: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

Fijiur8 Numher

Fijiurn ]

Figurp 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fijiure G

Figure 7

Figure 8

Fig-urp 9



CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Star Simulation Flowchart 69

LanSim Interface 86

Simulation Example 87

Progresses Bar 88

Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Open Records Form 100




Fijiur8 Numher Pajip

Fijiurn ] CSMNCD Simulation Flowchart 4 ]

Figurp 2 Star Simulation Flowchart 69

Figure 3 LanSim Interface 86

Figure 4 Simulation Example 87

Figure 5 Progresses Bar 88

Fijiure G Ring Topology Layout Frame 91

Figure 7 Bus Topology Layout Frame H5

Figure 8 Star Topology Layout Frame 98

Fig-urp 9 Open Records Form 100




11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 12: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study



11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH






11 Introduction

Over the past the way of information transmitting has changed

dramatically The developments of powerful and high-speed computer and

its peripherals such as modem and network interface card have made the

globalization of information sharing a reality In the newer personal

computer and workstation world data distribution no longer a

time-consuming inconvenient and human factor dependent process The

increasing of interconnection between personal computers workstations and

other digital devices are making it possible for communication links to carry

more and faster signals As a result internetworking particularly via local

area networks (LANs) has become a trend in business industry SCience

education merucine and entertainment

12 Objectives

The overa]] objeetive of this thesis project is to develop eomputpound~r software

that is capable of simulating a local area nt~twork before installing tlH



The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 13: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


The objectiV(~R of this thesis include

bull To study (literately) local area network especially Token Hing

Token Bus Star and CSMACD modeling and Rimulation

methodology and Microsoft Visual Basic 60

bull To develop the simulation program uRing MicrOloft Visual Hasie


bull To fine-tune the simulation program by comparing it to otber

similar simulation program

bull To debug the program by repeating testing it

13 Introduction to Local Area Network Simulation Program (LanSim)

LanSim is a computer program written in Microsoft Visual Basic 60 that

runs on Microsoft Windows 9598 or any operating systems that able to run

Microsoft Visual Basic 60 LanSim is intended for local area network

designers who want to analyze the performance of their designs using

simulation LanSim able to simulate four types local area network which

are Token Bus Token Ring Star and CSMAlCD The average delay

collision rate throughput and utilization will be calculated based on various

parameters specified in the program such as cable types station number

and queue size

LanSim is implementing the concept of software models that are diserele

stochastic and event based


pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 14: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

pa ZNiJ



21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively close together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolved ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlctwllIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL




21 Local Area Network (LAN) Concepts

211 Local Area Network Definition

The IEEE] defines a LAN as follows

A data communication system allowing a number of independent devices

to communicate directly with wch other within a moderately sized

geographic area over a physical communications channel of moderate

data rates

According to the definition above

bull LAN allows a number of independent devices to communicate

directly with each other usmg peer-to-peer communieati(ln~

where all communication devices have similar status in the


bull The communication takes place within a moderated sized

geographic area such as single building or to a group of buildings

that are relatively dose together

I Inslitull of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional enginLocring group lllvolvcd ill developing standards for computing communication electrical eBllIleeriJlI mid dlcIWIlIlS

~ COllul1unicatioll between two equullayers in the OS1 modeL


~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 15: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

~------------------------shybull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

3(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 to 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

11bps or higher)

bull Cpogra)lhie distances spanning at most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtanccs are spanned by one LAN mci often by intermiddot LAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


bull Communieation takeR place OVN a phYRical eommunieationH


bull LAN RupportR a moderate data rat(~

212 Local Area Network Application

LAN can be used for many different applications Ruch al

bull Shared access to data any computer on the network able to

a(cess or URe data that is stored on another compu ter

bull Printer sharing - print jobs created on one computer can be sent

to computer that attaches a printer

bull Cooperative processing - able to allow an application runs partly

on a local machine and partly on a mainframe taking the

advantage of the best features of each

213 Local Area Network Requirements

LAN requirements as originally stated by the developers of Ethernet are

as follow

bull DatH rates of 1 10 10 Mbps8 (Joday extend up to speeds of 100

Ilbps or higher)

bull Cpographie distances spanning al most 1 Km (Today longPI

diRtances are spanned by one LAN mei often by inlermiddotLAN

eon nection)

bull bi1iI~ 10 support severa] hundred independent devi(es

Abbrciatioll l() mc~abils pcr sccond


------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 16: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

------------------------------shybull Simplieity or use of the sjmph~st posHibk TTweilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeterifticf-

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d eomponent or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

mtwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Easy infltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

flyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

rs th( physical path thai is used to earry inHlrmation in an

eleetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twislndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlS( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxi1l1


bull Simplicity or use of the sjmph~llt pollHibk TTwcilanism thal hHV(

HlP n~qujred functionality and pnrf(lrmanee

bull Hdiahility Hnd good error ehnraeteriflicll

bull Minimal dependence on any e(mtra)jtA~d component or control

bull Irriei(ml use of hared fesourees particularly th(~ communication

olttwork itself

bull Stability under high load

bull Pair access to the system by all devices

bull Eally inlltallation of a small system with graceful growth as the

fyslem evolves

bull Ease of reconfiguration and maintenance

bull Low cost

214 Local Area Network Characteristics

There are four important characteristics in describing the architecture of

11 particular local area network implementation These characteristics

can be wed to compare one type of local area network wi th another

There are

bull Transmission Medium

r ll th( physical path thai ill used to earry inHlrmation in an

eieetromag-netie form between transmitter to the re(eiv(~r

Commonly used media are twisted-wire-pair wir( coaxial (~lbl(

11( optieal fiber

Twilllndpair cable IS used for analog- signals transmission

l)(~(mlll( of its limitation In the speed of trHnllmiRsioll (mxial


en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 17: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

en hIe provideH 11 iiuhHtnntial performance improvemenl over

twiHtt~d pair 1t haH higher capacity can HUPllOrt a larg(~r numher

of devic()H and can Hpan gnmter diHtanecH Optical fjh(~r

demonHtrateH the biggeHt capacity hy using light or infrared rays

imLead of electrical signalH I t is not Rusceptible to noise) or

eleetrieal iJuctuations which makeH optical fiber the bCHt choiee

of future network medium

bull Transmission Technique

Determines how the physical medium is used for communication

common techniques are baseband and broadband transmiHsion

Baseband signaling means that the signal is not modulated for

transmission The entire frequency spectrum is used to form the

signal which is transmitted bidirectionaDy on broadcast systems

such as bus Baseband networks are limited in transmission

distance due to signal attenuation

Broadband signaling means information is frequency modulated

onto analog carrier waves This allows information from multiple

sources to be transmitted simultaneously

bull NNwork Topology identifies the shape the cabling takes when il

is used to interconneet the network devices common jopolo~ies

are bus ring mesh and star

bull AccesR Control Method - deseribes the method hy which

communicating stations eontrol their aeeCHH to the IransmiHsion

medium commonly used methods are token passing CSllA1CD

and eireuit switching

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 18: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

--------------------22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(veJop(~d and reported

J n fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) l-persistent pshy

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Aeceff with ollision Detection


bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CD-ltP)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo StlV( U- DCR)


22 Local Areu Network Technology

Simf II7() rlt~k(~ardl(~k on LAN technol()~y hav(~ Hpurred hy incrnasin~

rfquirNnnntk fhr mHOUf(lt~ Hharing in multiple flr()((~SHOr environments

Jsp(~ciall)- arh~r tile introduetion of Ethernet by Xerox Corporationk Palo

li~J HI~s(~arlth Center networks using a numb(~r of tOJlologies and prototoJs

have been d(velop(~d and reported

In fogtJli h~ of the prolifera tion of LAN prod uets the vast majori ty of LANs

conform to one of three topologies and one of a handful of medium-ac(css

control protocols summarized as follow

1 Ring Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Slotted

bull Bufferffiegister Insertion

2 Bus Topology

Controlled Access

bull Token

bull Multilevel Multiple Access (rvILM)

Handom Aecesf

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

lWrsiftent nonpersistent

l-persistent p-

bull Carrier Sense Multiple Acceff with ollision Detection

laquo SJ1AJ( D)

bull CSMAJCD with Dynamic Priori tie (CSJlA1CDmiddot(P)

bull CSJv1lCD with Determinifogttic Contention JpsoJutioll

laquo SrlV( U-DCR)


11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 19: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull rin~ - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topoloy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

11 11~llrid Topolo)

bull [in - Star

bull Hin~ Hm

bull Hus - StJlr

bull CSMACD - Token Hing

bull CSMACD - Token Bus

This report (~mJlhasi7e on Star Topology and Carrier Sense Multiple Access

with ColliHion Detection (CSMAJCD) meanwhile fe)r Token Ring and Token

HUH please refer to report prepared by Goh Beng Huat (00] 756)

221 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model

OSI iH a set of protocols defined by International Standard Organization

(lSO) that allowH any two different systems to communicate regardless

of their architecture

The OSI model comprise of seven ordered layers physical (layer 1) data

lInk (Iay(r 2) network (layer 8) transport (layer 4) Hession (layer fi)

preHentalion (layer G) and application (layer 7)

I Physical Layer

The ph~si(al layer is responsible for the transmission of lgtil

strpam aCTOHS a particular physieal transmission medium It

involves a connection between two machineH thai allow electrical

Hlgnals 10 be exchanged between them SpeeifiC responsibilities

iud ude Jill( configuration data transmission mode topo loy

ngnals encoding interface and medium

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 20: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisgion

medium H is concerned with error free trangmission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rcgponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( servJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if jl lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~ssage delivery HerV1C(shy

t I )ata Link Layer

The lt1al link layer IH n~HJlonHihlc fClr providing reliable clal

tranHmiHHion from one nodc to another and filr RhieJding higher

layerH from any concernR about the physical transmisHion

medium H is concerned with error free tramimission of frames of

data Specific responsibilities of the data link layer include Nodeshy

to-node delivery addressing access control flow control error

handling and synchronization

1 Network Layer

The network layer IS concerned with routing data from one

network node to another It is responsible for establishing

maintaining and terminating the network connection between

two users and for transferring data along that connection There

can be only one network connection between two given users

although there can be many possible routes from which to choose

when the particular connection is established Specific

rCHponsibilities include source-to-destination delivery logical

addressing routing address transformation and multiplexing

4 Transport Layer

The transport layer IS responsible for providing data transfer

between two users at an agreed on level of quality When a

connection is established betweell two users the transport lavet

if rCRponsible for selecting a partieular da8s of servicc to be u8pd

for monitoring transmission to ensure the appropria ( scrvJ(c

quality i8 maintained and for notifying the users if it lS not

Specifie responsible include endow-end m~~Hsage delivery HerV1C(-

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 21: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


point addreHsing R(~gmentati()n and reaHHemhly and mnnection

con trol

fl S(~Hsi()n llycr

The s(ssion layer focuHcs on providing Hervic(~s UHed to organize

and H~nehronize the dialog that takes place between URers md t~

manage the data exchange A primary concern of the session

layer is controlling when users can send and receive based on

whether they can send and receive concurrently or aJternately

Specific reHponsibilities of the layer include session management

synchronization dialog control and graceful close

(- PreHentalion Layer

The presentation layer is responsible for the presentation of

information in a way that is meaningful to network users This

may include character code translation data conversion or data

compression and expansion

7 Application Layer

The application layer provides a means for application proceHses

to access the system interconnection facilities in order to

exchang-e information This includes services used to establish

and terminate the connections between users and to monitor and

manage the systems being interconnected and the various

resource I hey employ


222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 22: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork



222 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection


A Ilwdia mcess control (MAC) suhlaYI~r operaU~s below he level or the

log-iell I link eon trol sublayer and provides Herviee wit At the MAC levld

thrl~p sl~mdards have been dcfinl~d by IEEE Project 802 ThpH(~

standards luldrcsFJ three different approaehel to controlling aeeClH i~) the

phYRical transmission medium CSMAJCD token bus and token ring AlJ

these interface to the same LLC4 standard

2221 CSMAlCD Operation

CSMACD is the most commonly used access method for local area

network that employs a bus or tree topology It is used as the IviAC

method in Ethernet

With CSMAlCD a transmitting station fIrst listens to the transmission

medium to determine whether or not another station is currently

transmitting a message If the transmission medium is Quiet the

station transmits When two or more stations all have message tn send

the may a11 listen at exactly the same time and then send their messaw

sim ultaneously resulting in a collision Receiving stations ignore the

garbled transmission and the transmitting stations immediately stop

transmitting as soon as they detect the collision Fo1lowing 11 collision

ewh transmitting station waits for a random period of time and thml

atJempts t) transmit again

The logiu link control (LLC) sublayer ofthe IEEE 802 architeclure provides scrvices II till laver lll il ill thl same manlier thaI a conventional data link protocol proide~ in II wide area mtwork


2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 23: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study

2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallcl functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1clc passing the frame up to the LL(




2222 CSMAlCD Function

Ttw IEEE CSMACD ftmdard derinr~s a mCH]cd thilf eompfls(s SIX

funr~ti()nr- thrc~c of funct1om are aSHocialA)d with transmittin~ data and

tllr pnrallel functions m) eoncernmJ with reeeivin~ datH The data

c)ncapsulationdc)eapsulation mltl mc~dia aeeer-s management functions

am peric)rmed by the media access control sublayer itself 1hp data

cmeodin~decoding function if performed by the physical layer which

opcmtes below the MAC layer

bull Data EncapsulationlDecapsulation

Data encapsulation apices too sending station and provides for

adding information lo the beginning and end of the data unit to

be transmitted after the transmission frame is received from

logical link control This information is used to perform the

following tasks

o Synchronize the receiving station with the signal

o Delimit the start and end of the frame

o Identify the addresses of the sending and f(~CelVmg


o Detect transmission errors

When frame is received A data decapsulation function in the

receiving station is respomible for recognizing the ctestinatioll

address delermining if il matches the station- addn)ss

per10rming error ehecking and then removing til(- control

information that waH added by the dHa encapsulation function in

the Hending Htation be1cHc passing the frame up to the LL(




bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf
Page 24: LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SIMULATOR - ir.unimas.my area network (LAN) simulator.pdfABSTRACT . Tlw . cone(~pt. of Local Area Network (LAN) Simulator is to provid(-\ a . m(~an~ to study


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

In a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


bull M(dia JCC(~SS Mnnllgemcnt

I n a s(mding station th(~ media aee(~ss mnnagpm()nt funetion IS

responsihl(~ liJr determining whethnr the transmisfolion medium IS

availahle for use and for initiating trammission when it if This

fundion also determinr)f the aetions W be taken when a col1ision

is detect~~d and when to attempt r()tnmfolmifolfoljon In a r(~eeiving

station media access management performl-i vaJidi ty chech on a

frame before passing it on to data decapsulation function

bull Data Encoding

Data encoding performed in the physicaJ layer is responsible for

translating the bits being transmitted into the proper electrical

signals to be sent across the transmission medium For

CSMAlCD Manchester phase encoding is used to translate the

bit I-itream into electrical signals When the signal is received

da ta decoding translates it back from the electrical signal into the

bit Htream those signals represent The data encoding function is

also responsible for listening to the transmission medium and for

notifying media access management whether the carrier is free or

bUHY and whether a collision has been detected

In addition to datn encodingdecoding the physical layer includes

functions related to attaching a station to ltI particular ph~skal

trammiRsion medium These functions are generally performed in

11 ph~sicaUy separHte device called a medium attachment ulli

that lS lIspd to connect a network station to th( physieaJ

transmiHsioll eable


  • fong siew seongpdf